Naruto: The Template System

Chapter 31: Conspiracy

Chapter 31: Conspiracy


The Chunin Exam finally ended as Konoha was the biggest winner.

The reputation of Konoha geniuses spread throughout the Ninja World.

But most of the great nations also put them in there hit list.

Every village had Kozuki's name on the top as his swordsmanship subverted their world view.

A slash comparable to an S-Rank Jutsu, in the battlefield it could easily be the game changer.

After the exam, Kozuki was personally handed the Konoha Chunin outfit by Sarutobi.


Yakiniku Restaurant

"Kozuki why didn't you wear your Chunin outfit"

It's been a day since the end of Chunin Exam and all the Ninja's from other villages have left as well including the terrified Kisame who was the fastest.

Today, as a celebration for his successful promotion, Shinku arranged a party for his team.

"I feel more comfortable in this"

Kozuki replied to Kurenai's question as he wore his usual purple samurai outfit as it was more comfortable for him.

"Kozuki now that you are Chunin you have a bigger responsibility on your shoulders, whether it is to protect the village or to protect your teammates"

Shinku who unlike before had a rare smile on his face satisfied by his student but didn't forget to educate him.

"I know Sensei..."

Kozuki knew that the war was near and he had to protect his comrades as well as the village.

But his way was a bit different, he not only wanted to protect the village from outside but also from inner ghosts like Danzo and Sarutobi.

"Eat as much as you want since I can also be a bit generous sometimes"

Shinku let his hands loose today as the four of them had a happy time together.

"Only juice for kids..."

Shinku reprimanded Kozuki who wanted to drink soju and handed him a glass of Orange juice.


"It's tough to be a kid"

Kozuki was a big drunkard in his previous life and maybe because of Shanks Template his love towards it became even more.

But sadly even in Ninja world minors weren't allowed to drink.


Both Kurenai and Shizune laughed at Kozuki who had a sad expression causing Kozuki to get angry as he fiercely ravaged the head of two girls, as laughter echoed in the restaurant making a warm atmosphere.


Hokage Office.

"Hiruzen what do you plan to do with that kid"

In the Hokage Office Sarutobi sat at his seat as Danzo sat in front a little to the right on the sofa conversing about Kozuki.

"What do you mean he's the future of Konoha of course I'll cherish him"

Sarutobi put on the hypocrite mask again like he really cared for Kozuki.

"Don't put that face in front of me, you should know it already that the spy who was killed four years ago died from a sword and with that kid strength there's no doubt that he did it"

Danzo spoke with his unique tone that made the atmosphere in the room a bit cold.

"What do you mean..."

Sarutobi still feigned ignorance like he really didn't understand the meaning of his words.

"Stop playing dumb he killed the spy but he didn't report it, with that strength he never showed it even once and kept staying at the academy don't you think it's suspicious"

Danzo fully believed that Kozuki had a hidden motive that's why he hides his strength.

"Danzo, the war may erupt anytime we need every ounce of strength we can get we'll deal with this matter after the war"

Sarutobi never wanted the strength of village to reduce especially during these turbulent times.

"Hiruzen, haven't you seen his strength already if we give him more time he'll grow even more, let me deal with him, I'll plant a curse seal on him making him completely obedient"

Danzo had greed in his eyes as he couldn't wait to catch and make Kozuki his own subordinate.

"Even if he is strong, can he fight against both you, me and all root ninjas don't touch him now at least wait till a proper time"

Sarutobi finally decided to act with Danzo's thoughts as he couldn't let an unstable factor remain free but before that he wanted Kozuki to help him win the war.


Danzo snorted as he stood up and left the room but he had a smile on his face as he knew he only needed to wait a few years to get a powerful subordinate.

As for Kozuki's retaliation, he didn't care much as like Sarutobi said even if he was strong can he fight both him and Sarutobi and even his whole organization.

"What I did is for Konoha..."

Sarutobi looked at the great stone faces and the prosperous village below and believed what he did even if it was wrong it was all for the best in Konoha's affairs.

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