Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 564: Should I train them?

Chapter 564: Should I train them?

As soon as Fujin stepped close to Takeshi, one flaming orb formed in his hand. He threw it at Fujin. Fujin immediately felt an intense heat. At the same time, Sayaka launched another round of Ice Petals and Yuji diverted the Lightning bolt towards Fujin once again.

Fujin nonchalantly observed the three attacks while analyzing, 'So the other two have Ice Kekkei Genkai. Can they perform Ice Release jutsus as well or can only that girl do so?'

Fujin's entire body suddenly became black as he used the Iron Skin jutsu. The flaming orb hit Fujin. He felt an intense heat from the orb. The grass and trees in the vicinity caught fire. Moments later, the Lightning bolt hit him. Having an advantage over the Earth Release, it pierced through the Iron Skin and hit him. A second later, a few Ice Darts hit his back and pierced into it as his Iron Skin jutsu was weakened due to the Lightning bolt.

The 5 kids were surprised. Takeshi, who was the closest, wondered, 'How did we manage to hit him? Also, why isn't he showing any pain on his face? Shouldn't he be getting burnt and frozen at the same time?'

He received the answer quickly as 'Fujin' disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Immediately, they thought, 'A Shadow Clone! When did he switch with a clone? Was it when he was moving rapidly?'

They immediately looked around but saw no sign of Fujin. Hiding among the trees, Fujin saw the 5 kids and analyzed, 'Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all. The Iron Skin jutsu isn't very effective against Kekkei Genkai. Though it can normally resist a Fire-Wind combination jutsu, my clone felt a burning sensation from inside his body. If it was my actual body, my insides would have probably been cooked.

Similarly, though it could've blocked the ice darts, it couldn't keep out the cold that my clone felt due to the ice. It would make movement difficult. Sigh, though their advantage isn't as broken as Naruto's, having a Kekkei Genkai is still a massive boost for any ninja. They'll have it much easier to become an Elite Jounin and will have an advantage over other Elite Jounins due to the Kekkei Genkai alone. That said, Rank S is a whole different game. It's tough to say whether they would reach that level.

Anyway, let me see whether they can do anything else.'

The 5 kids had gathered together since they couldn't find Fujin. Shoma was standing in the center with his eyes closed while the other 4 were standing with their backs to him and looking in every direction.

Shoma muttered, "I can't sense him at all. It's as if he isn't in this training ground at all!"

Yuji replied, "Why would he leave us here and escape? He might be hiding. Keep sensing. You might sense him when he makes a move."

Sayaka added, "He's right. Keep looking, Shoma. He might be staying just outside the range of your chakra field. Others be prepared to fight when he appea"

Before she could complete her sentence, all 5 felt something and looked towards the ground. Their eyes widened as they saw two hands popping out of the ground. They grabbed Yuji and Shoma's legs.

'Earth Release: Headhunter jutsu'

Both Yuji and Shoma were forcefully dragged inside the ground, leaving only their heads above the ground. The other 3 jumped away instinctively as Fujin appeared right between them. Shoma looked shocked as he questioned, 'How did he appear under me without me detecting him?'

Fujin said, "Not bad, but is this all you can do?"

Seeing him standing right in between them without any worry, Sayaka shouted, "Hikari, let's do it!"

Both Hikari and Sayaka weaved hand signs. Takeshi moved back while weaving hand signs as well. However, he was constrained as Fujin was standing next to Shoma and Yuji who were buried helplessly. He couldn't use Scorch release as they would be hit as well.

'Ice Release: Ice Mirror jutsu'

Two ice mirrors formed simultaneously, one in front of Sayaka and another in front of Hikari. Both jumped into the ice mirror, causing some of Fujin's memories to resurface. He looked at the mirrors and thought, 'Hmm, just one mirror each. Haku can create enough ice mirrors to form a dome to trap others. Still, this is a good start. There is no reason why they can't train to reach that level. Though they will need to think of a way to prevent their enemies from escaping underground.'

Sayaka and Hikari looked at each other and nodded. An ice sword appeared in their right hand. At the same time, they exited the ice mirrors. In fact, they were jumping into each other's ice mirrors. More importantly, their speed was phenomenal! The two girls intended to slice Fujin with their swords while they were in between the jumps.

Unfortunately for them, Fujin was quite aware of the capabilities of the Yuki clan. Right when the girls jumped from the mirrors, a massive amount of wind blasted from his back. It hit Hikari and slowed her before blasting her behind for a hundred meters.

At the same time, Fujin moved forward at a speed that was considerably superior to the two girls. Sayaka didn't even see him and directly felt a hand on her throat. She was grabbed mid-jump and slammed into the ground.

The poor girl didn't even understand what had happened. She blanked out for a few seconds while wondering, 'What the hell happened? Who grabbed me in between my jump and slammed me to the ground?'

Less than a quarter of a second after Sayaka was slammed into the ground, Takeshi heard a voice behind him, "Are you planning on doing something or will you just spectate?"

Takeshi was startled. He immediately tried moving away and turning back, but he felt two fingers jab into the back of his neck as Fujin said in a monotonous tone, "Too slow, you are already dead."

The way Fujin said it scared Takeshi. As he felt the pain in his neck, he thought for a moment that Fujin was trying to kill him and immediately held that spot. Only after a couple of seconds, he realized that Fujin only meant it figuratively.

Seeing his reaction, Fujin chuckled and said, "That's plenty for today. Help your friends out and come and see me together."

Takeshi nodded and went to help others. Sayaka and Hikari were fine and were just stunned due to the sudden change while Shoma and Yuji were stuck in the ground.

Fujin observed them while thinking, 'Their talents are definitely very high. Little wonder considering that all of them have awakened their respective Kekkei Genkai. They are already stronger than a typical Genin. They could be considered as Low Chunin level, though they could win against stronger Chunins if they can surprise them with their Kekkei Genkai.

Considering their age, this is very good. If I train them properly, most of them will reach the Elite Jounin level or at least close to it in three years. The only one doubtful is Shoma as he is much younger than the rest. Regardless, by the time of the Fourth Great Ninja War, there will be at least 4 Elite Jounins among them. Though very unlikely, even a rank S ninja can appear.

The important question is Should I train them?'

Fujin was in a dilemma. Accepting students was a huge task and needed a lot of time. It was one of the main reasons why he refused to become a Jounin sensei when Hiruzen asked him. He just didn't have the time to watch after Genins.

However, it was different with these kids. They weren't Genins. He didn't need to take them to do missions. Fujin could train them as he wished and could delegate the training to his clone while he continued his own training. In addition, he could make use of the Anbu Hiruzen had sent to take care of the boring or time-consuming training sessions. So, it wouldn't take a significant amount of his time. The only question was whether he would benefit by taking them under his wings and how much.

Fujin kept thinking while Takeshi and the rest dug out Yuji and Shoma. After a couple of minutes, he sighed and thought, 'I had decided against getting into political conflicts after getting a seat on the Council as there isn't much benefit to gain in a short time. However, I have a feeling that I will be dragged into some political battles irrespective of whether I want to or not'


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