Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 190: Shenxia Military Personnel; World's No. 1

Chapter 190: Shenxia Military Personnel; World's No. 1

Different from ordinary class users, Hiros's temperament is harsh and sharp.

That is a temperament that can only be cultivated through multiple battles to the death.

It can't be cultivated by solely raiding dungeons. Only by facing abyssal demonic creatures and even Abyssal Demons on the Dimensional Battlefield, for a protracted period of time, only then can such a temperament be cultivated.

And he is only level 34, which isn't high.

Evidently, he has been leading a military life. He is a member of the military.

The level and combat power of this kind of person are often not proportional.

If the opponent were an ordinary person, he should have a chance to overcome the challenge.

Below level 40, there is still a chance to bridge a five level gap.

Everyone speculated on whether Hiros can overcome the challenge.

But when Lin Moyu saw his opponent, he instinctively felt that Hiros stands no chance.

The defender is a level 39 Sword and Shield Knight wearing equipment that others haven't seen before.

That is gold equipment unique to the military and is known as battlefield equipment.

Battlefield equipment stems from the military. When compared to gold equipment of the same level, it may not be as good for raiding dungeons, but it is very suitable for battles.

Its attribute boosts may not be high, but it will provide some special bonuses.

Moreover, battlefield equipment can be adjusted and customized according to the specific characteristics of each class.

This defender is from the military, from the Shenxia Empire's Dimensional Battlefield.

Hiros was originally full of confidence, thinking that with his ability, challenging an opponent five level above him wouldn't be a problem.

At least he should be able to get through one round.

But when he saw his opponent, his confidence collapsed in an instant.

The military personnel of the Shenxia Empire has solemn eyes and emits strong murderous intent.

The murderous intent was like a tide, completely overwhelming Hiros.

Tiny beads of perspiration appeared on Hiros's forehead. The match hasn't started yet, but he already felt like he had lost.

The other party's momentum grew stronger and stronger. Hiros finally couldn't take it and made a move.

Skill: Charge!

Hiros raised his shield and darted forward like lightning.

The defender also raised his shield and used the Charge skill.

At the moment when the two sides made contact, the shield of the defender suddenly emitted brilliant light.

Skill: Shield Bash!

He interrupted his Charge skill and, at the moment of collision, changed it to Shield Bash.

With a bang, Hiros was instantly knocked away.

The power of Shield Bash far exceeds that of Charge.

While he was in midair, Hiros's head was dizzy.

Shield Bash has a stun effect. Hiros has fallen into a stun state.

"It's over!" Lin Moyu muttered.

His level was lower to begin with, then he lost the initiative, and now he was restrained.

As long as the defender is not a rookie, Hiros is done for.

Sure enough, the defender charged forward again.

Although he didn't employ the Charge skill, but his speed wasn't slow at all.

Before Hiros could hit the ground, the opponent has already arrived below him.

Skill: Flash Slash!

The opponent's sword shone brightly, and a bright light soared into the sky.

Hiros unleashed a miserable cry and was set flying again.

The defender leaped high into the air and launched a second Shield Bash in midair, proceeding to restrain Hiros again.

From this moment on, Hiros never got the chance to reach the ground.

Merely 10 seconds later, after enduring a series of blows, Hiros appeared outside the arena.

Hiros recovered thanks to treatment. He had a horrified look on his face.

This wasn't a simple matter of a gap in levels.

From the beginning of the battle, he wasn't given any opportunities.

He couldn't even activate Extreme Defense.

"The Shenxia Empire's military personnel are really scary!"

A seed of fear was planted in Hiros's heart regarding the Shenxia Empire's military personnel.

Although the battle lasted for less than 10 seconds, the entire process was breathtaking.

Everyone held their breath, shocked by the dazzling display.

"Dang, that was marvelous."

"So this is our Shenxia military personnel, the world's No. 1 military."

"Our Shenxia military personnel are second to none."

"The Eagle Kingdom's military personnel are considered strong. But compared to our Shenxia military personnel, he-he..."

The facts presented before everyone's eyes illustrate that the gap between the two sides can't be bridged by five levels alone.

Hiros failed the challenge.

The second challenger elegantly walked onto the arena.

She is a beautiful level 46 Elemental Mage, and she is wearing platinum equipment, her robe slit to the waist, revealing fair slender legs.

She immediately attracted a large amount of attention.

A level 51 Spren Archer was randomly selected as her opponent.

The Spren Archer is also from the Shenxia Empire's military. He is wearing battlefield equipment, and exudes intense murderous intent.

The female Mage furrowed her eyebrows. When faced against Archers, Mages are at an innate disadvantage.

The battle started, and the female Mage promptly applied a Magic Shield on herself.

The Magic Shield has just formed, when an arrow hit it.


The arrow exploded with a loud noise, and the Magic Shield shook violently.

Skill: Explosive Arrow!

The female Mage was startled. The Archer's attack speed is too fast.

Before the flames of the explosion could dissipate, there was another bang.

Another explosion rose on the Magic Shield.

This blocked her line of sight, making it impossible to see the opponent.

Subsequently, a rain of arrows fell.

The Magic Shield was suddenly subjected to violent impact.

After persisting for a few seconds, the Magic Shield was smashed.

At the moment when the Magic Shield collapsed, another arrow flew over and exploded next to the female Mage.

Skill: Silence Arrow!

The female Mage exclaimed in surprise. All her skills were sealed.

She was defeated!

She was defeated in a thorough and decisive manner.

She couldn't even fight back!

The Shenxia military personnel once again proved their strength, not giving their opponent any chance to counterattack.

As the crowd hooted and hollered, battles took place one after another.

Without exception, all challengers were defeated.

They weren't even able to pass the first round.

It's really difficult!

Lin Moyu also signed up, but his turn hasn't come yet.

Su Sheng stepped onto the arena.

After two consecutive losses yesterday, today he is no longer as snooty as before.

Deep down he is still proud and arrogant, but these traits of his have been restrained by a lot.

Level 29 Su Sheng, legendary class user, Sacred Light Mage.

His opponent is a level 34 Sword and Shield Knight, also from the Shenxia military.

As the battle began, the arena was shrouded in pure white light.

Skill: Sacred Light!

This is a pervasive spirit attack, constantly inflicting damage to the Sword and Shield Knight.

Suddenly, a blue light lit up in the middle of the white light.

The blue light darted toward Su Sheng like lightning.

Skill: Extreme Defense!

Skill: Charge!

The Sword and Shield Knight activated a defensive skill and shot toward Su Sheng.

Su Sheng's expression remained unchanged. He stood his ground.

When fighting against a Knight, you should never retreat.

Skill: Ring of Sacred Light.

A ring of light broke out and erupted with powerful knockback effect.

At this time, the Sword and Shield Knight used Shield Bash.

The two skills collided and produced a loud noise.

The Ring of Sacred Light shattered. The Sword and Shield Knight only took half a step back, and then swung his sword.

Skill: Flash Slash!

Faced with the attack of the Sword and Shield Knight, Su Sheng proceeded to use a skill -- Shield of Sacred Light.

A magic shield blocked the Sword and Shield Knight's attack, and then sacred light burst out and repelled the opponent.

The Sword and Shield Knight only took a few steps back and then forged forward again.

The two entered a stalemate, entered a contest of endurance.

If the Sword and Shield Knight can't defeat Su Sheng before Extreme Defense ends, then he'll be the one to lose.

Su Sheng, however, doesn't know how long the Shield of Sacred Light can last.

He can only strengthen the output of the Sacred Light skill with all his might and continue to attack the opponent.

He has to defeat the Sword and Shield Knight's Extreme Defense as soon as possible.

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