Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 214: New Skills: Damage Curse, Bone Fangs, Summon Lich General

Chapter 214: New Skills: Damage Curse, Bone Fangs, Summon Lich General

[Acquired Skill: Damage Curse]

[Damage Curse (level 1): curses enemies within a range of 1 meter and increases the damage they receive by 1%; lasts for 1 minute.]

When he saw the skill, Lin Moyu's lips curved up. This skill was very powerful.

Although it was currently only level 1, both its range and boost pitifully low. And even with Lin Moyu's talent, it wasn't particularly powerful. It could at most merely cancel out Prophet's defensive status buffs. But once the skill's level rose, the effect would be entirely different.

Lin Moyu felt a surge of anticipation, eager to rush into the Tyrant Desert and search for Desert Fruit to max out the Damage Curse skill.

When the red light faded, the first thing Lin Moyu saw were three pairs of eyes.

"This time it's Damage Curse, a skill that increases the damage enemies take."

When they heard it, the three people instantly understood that it stood in contrast to defensive enhancement provided by supports.

While Prophet's status buffs enhanced defense and reduced damage to allies, Lin Moyu's curse weakened the enemy's defense and increased the damage they took.

Both Slowing Curse and Damage Curse had their uses and were very powerful skills.

Bai Yiyuan had already noticed that the Necromancer class seemed to have no useless skills, "Continue! 100 scrolls at a time!"

There were still 600 skill scrolls left.

Lin Moyu nodded and carried on, activating a batch of 100 skill scrolls each time, releasing blinding light.

First batch: failure; second batch: failure; third batch; fourth batch...

Four consecutive attempts ended in failure.

Bai Yiyuan frowned, "Go with 200 at once."

There were now 200 Elementary Skill Scrolls left.

Lin Moyu activated the skill scrolls without hesitation. Anyway, if they ran out, he could just buy more. If he had spent all his money, he could just earn more.

200 skill scrolls erupted with dazzling light that enveloped Lin Moyu. The light quickly dimmed.

"Failed again!" Lin Moyu sighed inwardly.

It wasn't just him. Bai Yiyuan was also disappointed.

All of a sudden, he that something was wrong.

Lin Moyu quickly raised his head, "Something's off!"

The light dimmed but didn't disappear. Instead, it turned black.

Subsequently, Lin Moyu saw a beam of pure white light burst from the darkness. Like the first beam of light breaking through the darkness of the world, it burst forth and exploded, scattering countless specks of light.

[Acquired Skill: Bone Fangs]

[Bone Fangs (level 1): releases Bone Fangs to attack enemies. The amount and power of Bone Fangs depends on the skill's level and the host's spirit force]

A darkness-type offensive skill. No. Lin Moyu immediately dismissed the idea.

Given his class's current state, the skill should belong to bone-type, not unlike Bone Armor.

His current skills could be divided into soul-type, summon-type, curse-type, and bone-type.

Completely different from Mage's elemental-type. Necromancer, though also a Mage class, was fundamentally different. It had four types of skills, none of which was weak.

Lin Moyu believed that Bone Fangs was definitely formidable as well. Moreover, the amount of fangs changed according to the level, indicating that Bone Fangs was a group offensive skill.

Lin Moyu explained the skill.

Bai Yiyuan pointed to the sky, "Try it out!"

Lin Moyu nodded and released Bone Fangs.

Hum! A low sound rang out as a row of Bone Fangs ejected out from Lin Moyu's hand, whizzed through the air, and pierced at the sky, before exploding in the air and releasing pure white light.

There were 40 Bone Fangs in total, and they possessed seemingly impressive power.

Bai Yiyuan looked at Meng Anwen, "What do you think?"

Meng Anwen said, "It has decent offensive power."

"What do you mean by decent?"

Meng Anwen rolled his eyes at him, "The power of each fang is comparable to that of a level-30 maxed out state Mage's Fireball."

Bai Yiyuan's eyes widened, "That powerful? And it's still just level 1."

To Meng Anwen, maxed out state meant not only having a complete set of buffs, but also satisfactory equipment, at least a full set of gold rank equipment, as well as having the skill maxed out to level 30.

Meng Anwen shook his head, "It's not the skill's power that's impressive, but Young Lin's talent's amplification."

"Same difference!" Bai Yiyuan waved his hand, "That being said, if the skill is maxed out to level 30, its power will increase manyfold."

"In theory, yes." Meng Anwen confirmed.

Lin Moyu was aware that Bone Fangs, combined with his talent's amplification, had its power increased 40-fold.

Not only did the power increase 40-fold, but the amount of fangs did also increase 40-fold. Otherwise, level 1 Bone Fangs would never have produced as many as 40 fangs.

Lin Moyu was looking forward to seeing what it would become when its level increased.

At least he now had an active group offensive skill and was no longer limited to the single-target Soul Blaze. For a Mage, having a variety of attack methods had many benefits.

With the skill scrolls used up, Lin Moyu asked, "Teacher, should I buy more Elementary Skill Scrolls?"

Bai Yiyuan shook his head, "No rush. Let's have Old Meng check how many skills you have left to learn."

"Can that really be done?" Lin Moyu had never heard of it. He lacked knowledge in this area.

Bai Yiyuan smiled mysteriously, "Others can't, but Old Meng can. It's not 100% accurate. It's a rough estimate."

Lin Moyu nodded. The methods of godly rank class users were beyond the understanding of ordinary people, and they naturally could do things that others couldn't.

"I'll have to trouble you, Senior Meng." Lin Moyu bowed respectfully to Meng Anwen.

Meng Anwen smiled, and a cool breeze flew out from his fingertip. It looked like Detection.

Given Meng Anwen's level, he could see Lin Moyu's attributes directly, without needing to resort to Detection.

The cool breeze circled Lin Moyu, round and round. After a dozen-plus turns, it returned to Meng Anwen's hand.

Bai Yiyuan asked first, "How is it?"

Meng Anwen shook his head, "Strange, the detection isn’t clear. Seems like there are more left, but not many."

Bai Yiyuan frowned, "What do you mean by seems? Either there are or there are not."

Meng Anwen sensed carefully once more, "There should be one or two skills left."

The answer still wasn't definite.

Bai Yiyuan chose to trust Meng Anwen, "Use an Elementary Flash Skill Scroll."

Lin Moyu nodded and took out an Elementary Flash Skill Scroll.

The Elementary Flash Skill Scroll emitted bright golden light. The golden light sparkled outward like a fountain, looking very beautiful.

Unlike ordinary scrolls, the scroll floated in midair and rotated slowly.

Lin Moyu infused his spirit force and began to activate it. Huh? The scroll showed no signs of activity.

Bai Yiyuan said, "Use more spirit force. This thing isn't easy to activate."

Lin Moyu nodded and raised the amount of spirit force.

As a massive supply of spirit force surged, the scroll's golden light grew brighter, turning blinding. There was a light pop sound, and the skill scroll finally exploded.

Along with the explosion, the entire God Bai Courtyard was bathed in golden light. The Elementary Flash Skill Scroll made a big splash.

Within the golden light, Lin Moyu saw a peculiar scene. An orderly skeleton army marched ahead, Skeletal Warriors at the front, forming ranks. It was a grand spectacle.

Skeletal Mages followed next, elemental power pervading their hands, looking very imposing. Behind the skeleton army, there was an undead general, directing the skeleton army.

[Acquired Skill: Summon Lich General]

[Summon Lich General (level 1): summons a Lich General; gathers Skeletal Warriors and Skeletal Mages to form an undead legion]

[The undead legion's size depends on the Summon Lich General skill's level]

[The undead legion belongs to the Lich General and doesn't occupy the summon space]

[If the Lich General dies, the undead legion returns to the Summoner]

With the emergence of this skill, an additional entry appeared in Lin Moyu's basic data: undead legion (0/10).

After reading it several times, Lin Moyu started to understand the skill's specifics, and his body began to tremble.

Bai Yiyuan noticed that something was off, "What’s the matter?"

Lin Moyu said, "Teacher, it seems I have awakened a very powerful skill."

"Oh? Tell me about it!"

After he heard Lin Moyu's explanation, Bai Yiyuan exclaimed, nearly jumping into the air. He was even more excited than Lin Moyu.

Ning Tairan's mouth twitched. This skill was absolutely abnormal.

Meng Anwen sighed, "Truly an army of one! This class is incredibly powerful!"

Each Lich General could command a batch of Skeletal Warriors and Skeletal Mages, forming an undead legion, only occupying one undead legion slot.

Lin Moyu could summon 10 Lich Generals, which was equivalent to 10 undead legions.

As the skill's level rose, the number of summon slots for Lich Generals would grow.

A level 30 Lich General could command 300 skeletons. With 10 undead legions, the number of skeletons would soar to 3,000. This was ten times as much as before.

Bai Yiyuan couldn't wait any longer. "Hurry up and summon one so we can see."

Lin Moyu made a sound of assent and prepared to summon it.

All of a sudden, he shuddered and gave a bitter smile, "I can't summon it. I don't have enough spirit force."

He had consumed a lot of spirit force to activate the Elementary Flash Skill Scroll. At the moment, he only had 3,000 spirit force left, while summoning a Lich General required 4,000.

"Old Meng!" Bai Yiyuan barked lightly.

Meng Anwen pointed a finger at Lin Moyu, and a ray of light shot out and landed on him. Lin Moyu's spirit force was rapidly restored.

When his spirit force reached 4,000, Lin Moyu activated the skill.

Skill: Summon Lich General!

An eerie wind began to blow, growing stronger, until it finally began to howl. At the same time, clouds covered the sky, and the sky turned dark. The skill created a huge commotion.

Ning Tairan furrowed his brow, his expression solemn. "This skill can even affect the weather! It's like a forbidden spell!"

Bai Yiyuan and Meng Anwen were also startled by the skill's effect.

In their line of sight, a towering Lich General, standing over three meters tall and wielding a white bone stave, appeared next to Lin Moyu.

Despite being only level 1, the Lich General looked imposing and powerful.

It looked exactly the same as the undead general Lin Moyu saw when he awakened the skill.

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