New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 209 Gravity

"Hmm? Why are you two so baffled? It's only natural for the two of you to get married!" The High Priest looked at them with sternness in his eyes.

"T-this… The matter is much more complicated than it looks. Esteemed High Priest, we have reasons for this…" Leon and Eli tried their best to reply even under the embarrassment and nervousness they felt from the High Priest's questions.

To Leon and Eli, the High Priest sounded like He was scolding them for birthing a baby prior to getting married. They were not to be blamed for this thinking because the man in front of them was the highest ranked representative of the Temple.

However, little did they know that the High Priest was actually enjoying the expressions on their faces. 'Hahaha it's really a joy to tease the young ones!'

He raised his eyebrows and continued in a low, strict voice, "Do not tell me that you planned to stay like this even after having a child???"

"By no means, we do not intend to let ourselves stay unmarried for long, Esteemed High Priest." Eli explained patiently, "It was just that we have to get prepared prior to stepping inside the Imperial family."

"Indeed, Revered High Priest. We desire to enter there with a position that is stable and not easy to shake. We are working hard for that to happen. Besides, our son… also carried the deepest red of the Seirende's blood. " Leon also backed Eli up.

He reminded the High Priest of the Seirende's characteristics - the closer the red hair to the color of blood, the stronger the offspring's capability. This fact was the very reason why his childhood became more complicated and unhappy.

Their tone was sincere and patient, as they did not want to offend the High Priest, so much that they looked like a young couple who had just eloped and decided to stick with each other through thick or thin.

"Pftt!" The High Priest could no longer hold it up. He could see how serious and heartfelt their explanations were and felt a little bad for teasing them too much.

He let out an amused chuckle and waved his hands in a gesture to not bother anymore. "I know, I know, I have only been teasing you for that.. You too may calm down."

He repositioned himself to properly face them. Looking at their eyes with a serene expression, he continued without giving them enough time to react.

"But I called you here to tell you that your marriage is an important part of what we will be discussing from this point onwards."

The mood in the room immediately changed. If before it was as if they were children being reprimanded by an elder, now they were just three adults who were here to discuss business.

"We are listening, Revered High Priest." The two responded attentively.

Nodding softly, the High Priest started to state his case,

"Hearing your reasons earlier, I now understand why the two of you were really hesitant to let the rest of the Imperial family know about your son at this moment.

You two were very fortunate that the true reason for the ringing of bells was coincidentally concealed by an oracle.

Now... I'll ask the two of you, have you known the contents and the truth about the oracle?"

Leon and Eli froze upon hearing the High Priest's question. They have already stumbled upon this question during the time they consulted Emperor Valentin and Queen Tehila.

However, they wanted to deny Eli's connection to the oracle, for they were really afraid of the consequences of her being the person of the Oracle. Even though they have their own answers to their hearts, they still won't admit that it was really the case.

The High Priest saw the hesitation and fear on the young couple's eyes. He felt pity towards the two, for he completely understood what were the complex matters on their side.

He knew as much as the Emperor and the Grandmasters did.

Unbeknownst to many, there was a hidden qualification for a person to become a high priest - one must possess at least one of the 'Gifts of Heaven'.

In the case of Enoch, the 18th High Priest of the Seirende Temple, he possessed the gift of clairvoyance. He could use the power of the heavens to know what was actually happening to a person, but it was only for a short period of time.

Possessing the 'Gifts of Heaven' was not like magical power who could be freely used by the Prasinons to an extent where they are capable of.

For the people with the Gift of Heaven, they were only allowed to peek into heaven's secrets for a short period of time and never use it for their own purpose.

Should the possessor be selfish and use his or her power for personal gain, using the power would have a cost, or rather, punishment.

During the time where the High Priest was puzzled by the ringing of bells and the immediate arrival of an oracle, he decided to use his power to solve the mystery.

This was the time he knew about Eli's asani identity, as well as Little Han's birth. This was also the reason why he had known everything in advance even before Emperor Valentin talked to him about Eli's power.

"You do not need to hesitate about saying anything. I serve the Great Creator who has caused the very oracle we've been talking about." He tried to ease the complicated feelings that the two have been struggling with.

"Perhaps, talking about it would even make us see everything clearly. At least in this place and with me, whose life has been completely dedicated to the Creator, everything will be kept safe." The High Priest continued.

This statement completely dispelled Leon and Eli's worry. For the High Priest, declaring his loyalty to the Great One was tantamount to an oath to the heavens - the highest form of oath in Prasinos.

"Esteemed High Priest, as for the oracle… We actually suspect that Eli here was the subject. But we are hesitant to really claim this matter. For the contents of the oracle was such a heavy responsibility, we fear that we would be wrong about this matter." It was Leon who first responded.

"All I am sure about was as of this time, I managed to trigger the divine blessing three times. Still, this doesn't guarantee that I am the subject of the oracle." Eli explained.

"Hmmm.." The High Priest nodded and pondered on this matter, "Well, as far as I have verified, young Eli, you are the Subject of the Oracle."

Hiss! The two flinched upon hearing the heavy truth. It seems like they really can't escape this matter anymore.

"Have you not noticed why the temple has not been scrambling to sweep the Empire even after receiving such a clear oracle?" The High Priest explained everything to them calmly.

He looked at Eli and continued, "Because we do not need to, for you are already around and within our reach."

Eli did not respond immediately, she looked sternly on the floor, thinking deeply.

Leon tried to give her support by gently caressing her back. He had known that Eli had a tendency to break down when she succumbed to her habit of overthinking.

With Leon's support, she took a big gulp and gathered all the courage she could muster before looking at the High Priest calmly, "Esteemed High Priest, would mind to let us understand what this matter means to me and my family."

The High Priest had been waiting for this question. He looked at both Leon and Eli and slowly let them hear what he had to say.

"As you have all been fearing, because you are the Subject of the Oracle, you will need to spend time inside the temple to train yourself to carry out the task.."

Hearing this part made Leon and Eli feel dejected. Separation was indeed inevitable.

"Sigh.." Seeing the two's dejection the High Priest also couldn't help but lament, but he needed to bring them the news.

"I want you to understand that Eli being the Subject of the Oracle and your son triggering the ringing of bells, just like you, Leon back then, was a bigger matter than you two have perceived.

Just imagine, how would the two of you hold your ground when the enemies finally realize this matter? Are you two ready? Are you two fully equipped and trained? Have you already figured out how to counter the sinister curse magic?"

Hearing the High Priest's case, the two flinched yet again. The words of unwillingness and protest never came out of their lips.

The words of the High Priest hit them right on the spot.

"This is the very reason why you need to train inside the temple. Getting ready as early as you can may save you and even your child from a lot of trouble." The High Priest sternly reminded them.

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