New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 227 Spirit Fragment

The reality told everyone that there was no longer room to react, so they could only helplessly watch Eli use herself as a shield against the black ball of fire.

But for Leon, no matter how late he was to notice everything, he still commanded his body to dash toward Eli's direction. He expended all the power in his body to move forward and reach Eli in time, regardless if he was a few seconds late.

Eli only had one thing in mind - to not let the ball of flames reach General Farauld or any of the people in the interrogation room. The ball of flame was a dangerous thing and no one in the room had the ability to resist its power.

However, it didn't also cross her mind how she would deal with the thing herself. She could only feel the inner confidence not to be afraid of the thing and face it head-on. That is why even without a plan, she felt that rushing toward this particular danger was not a reckless move for her.

Her two obsidian eyes looked straight at the ominous creature without any signs of fear, a still small voice sounded deep in her heart instructing her, "Do not fear, hold your hand out…"

She did as the still small voice instructed. Her right hand, which was wounded with little shards of mirror, was raised as if she was reaching out the ball of black flames.

The ball of black fire showed no signs of stopping. Instead, the flames looked more excited as there was someone who wanted to volunteer to be its food. The tongues extended towards Eli's hand which was stretched out defenselessly until it was only a few inches away from the surface of her skin.

"Eli!!" She heard everyone crying in alarm, the loudest one was the voice of her favorite person in the world - Leon.

His voice was full of desperation, anxiousness, and begging. Begging for her not to get hurt, begging for her not to perish.


Just as Eli braced herself for the impact of the evil creature reaching her, she felt that everything around came to a stop.

The tongues of flames remained frozen in the air exactly three inches away from her, not moving an inch.

She turned her head to see everyone's frantic expression, and a flash of guilt appeared in her heart from causing them to worry this much.

The most agonizing part of this was when she saw Leon's frozen figure. It was apparent that he ran with all his might just to reach her in time.

His hand was stretched to its limit. However, he was destined to reach her late as he was one inch farther than the ball of flames!

His expression will surely keep Eli haunted for days because she saw pure desperation, hopelessness, and panic on every part of his face in a futile attempt to keep her safe.

It made Eli so guilty that she promised herself not to bring Leon to this state of panic, for this is the kind of face she didn't want Leon to make ever again!

"Sigh… Eli chan.. Now you feel guilty huh? Do you realize now that you have been reckless?"

Eli came to her senses and looked around to see Wisey in her ethereal form. She was still in the shape of an owl however, compared to her glorious presence before when she could shine brightly like the purest of gold, her aura visibly weakened.

"Wisey.. I.." Eli realized what happened, Wisey used her mysterious power as a creature from the heavens to create this temporary pause.

"I get that you do not feel afraid because you now know that you have the power to resist the power of the curse. But what you did was utterly reckless. Did you know that that thing was not really a curse? It was a fragment of a spirit!"

"A fragment of a spirit?" Eli was shocked silly upon Wisey's revelation.

"Yes, this is a fragment of a malevolent spirit, it seemed that this was residing on that man's body that enabled him to somehow use curses. It is like a seed, birthing fruits of its own nature." Wisey's ethereal body hovered around the frozen spirit fragment while explaining the things to Eli.

"Now your plan a while ago was to use your body as a shield right?" She accusingly asked Eli with a stern tone.

"Yes… Because I feel like the curse would not damage me, like how Queen Tehila was protected by the blessings I gave…" Eli felt the weight of Wisey's admonishment.

The more she explained herself, the more she realized the problem with her attitude, she became full of herself upon learning that she had the ability to resist the curse!

"I… I'm sorry.." She mumbled full of shame and self-reproach.

Wisey felt helpless over Eli's actions. Now she finally understood why The Great One sent her here. It was not to see the beauty of the Great One's creations but to guide this child, Eli. "Now you realize.. Sigh.. anyways do you know what would happen when that thing reaches you now then?"

"If it was a spirit then. It may have the ability to possess one's body…" Eli finally realized the difference in the situation when the ball of flame was a cursed magic or a spirit fragment.

"Yes and as of now, sorry, you are not strong enough to resist this kind of spirit fragment," Wisey commented without restraint.

Eli looked at Wisey with confusion.

If it was only a spirit fragment then somehow it would be weaker compared to a full spirit. Even if she was not yet trained, with the power of the heavens, she may have a chance to resist the fragment. With her question in mind, she was seeing a disconnect between her reasoning and Wisey's worry.

"I know what you are thinking, but you are not absolutely wrong about that. However, this spirit fragment is not ordinary... I could feel that this fragment belonged to someone that was far stronger than me in its original state." Wisey patiently explained.

She reminded Eli that in the heavenly realm, there was an established hierarchy of heavenly beings, such as the seraphim, cherubims, archangels, and angels.

Wisey was a cherubim, assigned to guard a book of knowledge that was gifted to Eli. The five guardians of Prasinos bear the ranks of Archangels, which mainly have the responsibility to oversee the people of Prasinos.

The responsibility of the cherubim was much smaller compared with the angels and archangels.

However, contrary to most people's notion, cherubims were ranked higher than angels in the heavenly realm because they interact closer to the Great One while the angels and archangels interact more with The Great One's creation.

Thus, on earth, the angels and archangels had more power over the people of Prasinos, compared to cherubim like Wisey whose domain belonged to the heavenly realm.

Wisey said that the owner of the fragment was stronger herself, which meant that it must at least belong to a spiritual being with the rank of an angel, who had more power of influence here on mankind.

Eli immediately understood these things, she accepted that she really had made a mistake that could have caused her life and the people she cared about. She looked at Wisey, who clearly sacrificed a lot of spiritual power to buy her time and explain these things.

"Wisey.. How do I salvage this situation?" She asked humbly.

"Look at the palm of the hand you just stretched out…" Wisey was satisfied to see that Eli learned her lesson.

It was not that she would allow Eli and everyone to get hurt. She did not plan to be idle either whether Eli made a move or not. It was just that, she had to make Eli understand that they were now fighting against a being of another realm, not a man of flesh and blood.

Eli did as Wisey instructed, she looked at her palm and saw a pattern in it - it was the pattern that was printed on the cover of the book of knowledge.

She looked at Wisey with understanding, while the other said,

"Remember that the Great One sealed a fragment of His power in the book? Now exercise the authority that the Great One bestowed upon you and destroy that spirit. Just like how you prayed to the heavens and gave blessings."

"Alright.." Eli nodded and stretched out her hand again, this time she was facing the enemy with a clear mind and a purpose.

And with her voice that was full of authority and faith, she uttered the prayer that came forth from the depths of her soul.

"The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear?

The Lord giveth me power and strength, what burden shall I not bear?

No enemy would make me tremble,

They shall be the ones to flee when the Lord made me His temple!

Now with all the faith in me, I declare,

That this enemy will fall into the lake of despair!"


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