New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 232 Leaving Little Han

The mother and son slept peacefully like they have no cares in this world. This was the scene that Leon witnessed after having a good talk with the elders.

He smiled gently while he looked at the two people with his eyes full of love and affection.

He was about to decide that they would spend the night in the Farauld Estate because he didn't want to disturb the two of them, but Eli woke up and decided that they should still go to their own home.

Although the elders were reluctant to let them go, they respected their wish to go back to the cottage. For it might take them a long time to see each other again, with the indefinite time she has to train.

Back in the cottage, Leon and Eli started to prepare for the night and lingered for a little bit, watching the peacefully sleeping Little Han.

There were a lot of worries and cares that were invading their hearts and minds at the moment. But the heaviest of them all was their reluctance to part with their child.

Leon assured her that the elders would take care of the news about her while she is in seclusion. The only thing that they have to think of is to whom would they entrust Little Han.

"To whom shall we entrust Little Han then?" Leon asked Eli's opinion. While he could have decided on this matter as the father, he wanted to hear Eli's opinion first and foremost.

"I was thinking of letting him stay in the Silver Dew Village. That place is far from the chaos here in the Capital. Besides I've been keeping in touch with Azayn and they have no issues with allowing Little Han to stay there." Eli explained.

It is not that they do not trust the Forgeworns and Faraulds enough, but it was because she knew that the entire Silver Dew Village had directly taken the task to take care of Eli and Little Han from Guardian Sylvain himself.

She was also sure that if ever a problem would arise with Little Han's health, Azayn would be there to look after him. In addition, Azayn had become her best friend, since her descent into Prasinos.

Like real sisters, they regularly communicate with each other and share their struggles as a mother and women. With that, Eli was more at peace with leaving Little Han on her side.

"I see.." Leon contemplated for a little while before agreeing to Eli's idea. He carefully considered the pros and cons of letting Little Han stay in the Capital or in the Silver Dew forest.

In truth, Leon was more inclined on letting Little Han stay within the Capital with the Forgeworns and Faraulds.

That is because he can still somehow personally check Little Han from time to time. He would also no longer need to go through formalities compared to visiting the elven village.

Unlike Eli, he will just be occupied with the palace matters and not be completely out of the picture.

However, after listening to Eli's explanations Leon was convinced that letting Little Han stay in the Silver Dew Forest would be the safest and best option for their infant child.

A safe community with the Elves who were good with medicine. Because of Azayn and Eli's relationship as well as Guardian Sylvain's direct order, the innate apprehension the Elves had towards humans would not apply to Little Han.

"Alright, we'll be more at ease to leave him under their care." Leon nodded as he lovingly caressed Eli's cheeks. "I'll talk to the Elders tomorrow about our decision."

Her face was still full of reluctance and unwillingness. All he could do was comfort her with this warmth.

The family of three shared yet another night in the bed.

Leon and Eli covered Little Han warmly in their arms, making him comfortable and secured for the night.

It was as if Little Han felt his Mommy and Daddy's anxiousness, so he subconsciously stretched his little chubby paws to search for his parents' thumbs. After locating them he clenched them dearly and he drifted to sleep with a contented smile on his face.

The morning came so brightly as if bringing a new light of hope to every inhabitant of Prasinos. However, not even the warmth of the morning sun could thaw the sadness in Eli's heart.

While Leon was already communicating their decision for Little Han, Eli was packing Little Han's things with a heavy heart.

They were scheduled to teleport straight to Silver Dew after Leon settled everything on their side. By then, they would be personally entrusting Little Han to the Silver Dew Elves.

Because they were scrambling for time, Leon didn't take that long and immediately went back to the cottage, all with the elders, his Mother Queen, and Father Emperor's gifts for Little Han.

Seeing the gifts, Eli burst into crying again because she remembered that in just a few months, Little Han would celebrate his 1st birthday.

The idea of her not being there with her baby brought her suffocating pain. Leon also felt bad about this, he could only clench his fist and promise to himself to do his best and come back for Little Han as soon as possible.

"Don't cry… if there's a will there's a way. Let's not give up on Little Han's birthday this early." Leon also tried to ease Eli's thoughts and gave her hope.

Yes, they could still make it. They just have to do everything they can on their side.

With that, the couple silently teleported back to the Silver Dew Forrest. The relaxing and peaceful atmosphere of the elven village welcomed them, along with the sincere smiles of the elven officers and elders led by Chief Eirllon, Azayn, and her husband Koehthar.

"Eli!" Azayn warmly welcomed Eli who was holding the smiling Little Han.

His smile was so innocent, not knowing that his parents would be leaving him in the elven village.

"Azayn.." Eli gently smiled at Azayn and asked Little Han, "Baby greet your Tita.."

"Tita~~" Little Han obediently followed his Mommy's instruction. He flashed his milk teeth and smiled adorably towards his Auntie Azayn. He also lifted his chubby hands and gestured a flying kiss toward Azayn.

Azayn and the rest of the elves were immediately charmed by Little Han's actions. The entire elven village which was aloof towards humans immediately fell in love with Little Han, ignoring all barriers.

Perhaps it could also be because they have long been waiting to see Little Han who was still in Eli's tummy months ago during the renewal of the treaty.

Leon on the other hand courteously greeted the men of the elven village, to which Eli followed right after exchanging her greetings with Azayn.

"Grand Chief, thank you for granting us this huge favor. With this, we could be at ease while settling the matter on the Spectre and the traitors inside the Empire." Leon and Eli expressed their sincere gratitude towards Chief Eirllon and Azayn.

"Young ones, this is no problem. You are fighting not only for Little Han and the Empire's future. The success of your battles would also mean that the entire Prasinos would finally gain victory against the evil one. Whatever help that his little elven village of mine could give, we would freely offer to the two of you." Chief Eirllon did not put any airs on Leon and Eli, instead, he expressed his sincerest concern and support towards the couple.

The elven officers and elders also nodded in agreement. As peace-loving creatures, they fully support Leon and Eli's pursuit to destroy evil in the land.

"Azayn, Koehthar, Grand Chief, we entrust to you our child." Eli didn't talk much because she was still trying to hold back her emotions and stay strong.

She bowed in deep gratitude towards them and the rest of the elves, much to their helplessness.

"Aiyoo... Eli, you don't have to do this…" Azayn comforted Eli.

"Leave everything to us... Besides, Azayn and I had been feeling lonely since our son enrolled in the Green Wave Institute. Having the little angel with us would also make us feel better." Koehthar also comforted the couple.

"Thank you... thank you.." Eli tearfully looked at the couple with gratitude in her heart.

Hugging their child one last time, Leon and Eli gave the innocent Little Han to Azayn and Koehthar, along with his things and gifts from the elders in the capital.

Just as the two were about to say their parting words to Little Han, a deep loud sound of a horn trumpet suddenly sounded in the village.

"It's the summons!" Chief Eirllon whose face was relaxed and emotional earlier, suddenly changed. There was a traceable sense of nervousness and surprise on his face as he called the elders.

Their faces were full of fear and shock

"Come, let's go to the hall!" Instantly, all the officers and elders rushed towards the chief's hall, almost leaving Leon and Eli behind.


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