No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 149 Finnally Hestia Empire

[Three Days Later]

The sound of the crashing waves welcomed me as I stepped onto the wooden plank that bridged the ship to the bustling harbor. The salty sea breeze filled the air, carrying with it the scent of adventure and opportunity. After three long days of travel, I finally set foot in the Hestia Empire.

The harbor was a lively hub of activity, with merchants hawking their wares, sailors unloading cargo, and travelers bustling about. The sight was overwhelming, and for a moment, I stood there taking it all in. This was a whole new world, a land of mystery and wonder, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through my veins.

"Haa, finally," I sighed with a mixture of relief and anticipation. The journey had been long, but it was worth it to be here now, in the heart of the Hestia Empire.

After I killed Tiga, there was a big commotion on the ship as one of the passengers was nowhere to be found. However, since no evidence was found, no one was held under suspicion, including the prostitute who had witnessed the incident.

"I am not eating humans," Blaze informed me.

"Weren't you accustomed to it as a dragon, though?" I asked, knowing that dragons have been known to consume humans.

"Yeah, I was, and it was easier then because of my size. But this, haaa, this is not it. The clothes and the hairs, it's all too much to digest and feels gross in my mouth," Blaze replied.

Suddenly, a voice called out from behind, "Lily!" I turned around to see a small girl running along the wooden board, dangerously close to falling into the sea.

With a swift motion, I reached out and caught her just in time. "You should stick with your mother, girl," I advised as I gently placed her back on the ground.

The little girl said nothing, but she stared at me with wide eyes as her mother rushed over to take her hand and thanked me with a relieved smile. They then continued on their way ahead.

Currently I am at the Thistlemere harbour which is the only harbour that does the transport between Grav Kingdom and Hestia Empire and is one of the biggest  ports in the world so yeah the size is quite large compared to Prowlers'cove harbour And it's bustling with people.

This is also the place where the second war between the Elishia Forest and Hestia Empire will happen in the future according to the storyline.

'Hey it's late to say but you are quite a good actor huh,like I remained silent and observed you while you were talking to Tiga,it didn't feel like you were acting.' Blaze complimented.

'Well thank you for the compliment,even the art of lies is an important part,' I replied as I left the harbour.

The reason that Hestia Empire is important is not only because the imperial academy is here but also because most of the game cast resides currently in this kingdom and a lot of initial to final plots are also in this kingdom.

As I made my way through the bustling Thistlemere harbor, I marveled at its sheer size and activity. This was undoubtedly one of the largest ports in the world, and its significance in the storyline was not to be underestimated. It was here that the second war between the Elishia Forest and the Hestia Empire would take place in the future, according to the unfolding events of the game.

I walked, taking in the sights and sounds of the busy harbor, Blaze complimented me on my acting skills. "Hey, it's late to say, but you are quite a good actor, huh? I remained silent and observed you while you were talking to Tiga, and it didn't feel like you were acting."

"Well, thank you for the compliment," I responded, grateful for the acknowledgement. "Even the art of lies is an important part of survival and navigating through this world."

Leaving the bustling harbor behind, I set my sights on the greater purpose of my journey. The Hestia Empire held significant importance not just because of the imperial academy but also because it was the current residence of most of the game's cast, and many pivotal plots were unfolding within the kingdom's borders.

The place that would supposedly be my doom in the game, I couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. I knew I didn't plan on following the same fate as Ren Hilton, and I was ready to do whatever it took to ensure my survival.

The Imperial Academy was an intriguing location. It wasn't situated in the bustling capital of the Hestia Empire, as one might expect. Instead, it resided in a city called Solstice, which was oddly isolated and sparsely populated. Few questioned why the academy was placed so far away from the capital, but for me, it provided an opportunity to stay away from the prying eyes of the empire's authorities.

Leaving the harbor behind, I reached the city and decided to take a day's rest before continuing my journey to Solstice. The long travel ahead was going to be tiring, but I was prepared for whatever challenges awaited me.

To expedite the journey, I opted to take a personal carriage, which required a considerable sum of two gold coins. It was a hefty amount, but I didn't hesitate to spend it, considering the coins had been obtained from the bandits I had dealt with before heading to Sephra. Their ill intentions had led to their own demise, and I felt no remorse for using their ill-gotten gains to aid my mission.

As I rode in the carriage, Blaze couldn't help but comment on the irony of the situation. "The dead must be cursing you," he sighed, reminding me of the unfortunate fate of the bandits.

"Well, they brought it upon themselves," I replied calmly.


"Hey kid!" The carriage driver, an old man, called out to me as I turned to look at him.

"Yes?" I responded, curious about what he wanted to say.

"Are you a student? For the Imperial Academy?" he asked, beginning to pull on the reins of the horses.

"Yeah, I am," I answered, confirming his suspicion.

"But isn't it too soon for the academy? It won't open until a month from now," the driver said, voicing his confusion.

"Well, the admissions test has started early this year," I explained, hoping to clear his confusion.

The carriage driver seemed taken aback by the revelation that the Imperial Academy's admissions test would be starting earlier than usual this year. "Huh! Really?" he wondered, clearly surprised by the news.

"Yes, that's right," I confirmed. 

The admissions process is being conducted early this year due to a suggestion from the new Vice President of the student council, Adam Stales. The principal agreed to his proposal, praising him for his intelligence and foresight."

The information was not yet public knowledge, and it would be announced in a few days. The decision to start the admissions test early would have significant implications for the students coming from other kingdoms. As a result, the number of students from diverse races in the first year of the Imperial Academy had been low.

"It's quite interesting how these decisions are made hastily," he mused. "I hope this change benefits the students in some way."

"It remains to be seen," I replied, trying not to reveal too much of my own knowledge about the situation.

The journey to Solstice had indeed been a lengthy one, and I must admit, I had grown weary of constantly gazing at the passing scenery. The initial excitement of embarking on a new adventure had slowly faded away, replaced by the monotony of the long travel days. However, as the days passed, I found myself getting lost in my thoughts, contemplating the path that lay ahead and the challenges I would encounter at the Imperial Academy.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of winding roads and bumpy rides, the driver's words pulled me back to the present. "We are here," he announced with a hint of relief in his voice. I peered through the window, and my eyes fell upon the bustling city of Solstice, gradually coming into view as the carriage approached its destination.

The streets of Solstice were alive with activity, bustling with merchants displaying their colorful wares, and pedestrians going about their daily routines. It was a sight to behold, with the vibrant energy of the city infusing new life into my tired spirit. As the carriage made its way through the busy streets, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness building up inside me.

But what made me even happier was the sight of the teenagers in their uniforms.

"Ayoo, that's sus," Blaze said, his vocabulary seemingly influenced by my memories.

I clarified that I meant the teenagers wearing the uniforms of the Imperial Academy students.

"That's sus too," Blaze retorted, not missing a beat.

I quickly grew tired of his antics and grabbed him by the neck, tossing him out of my coat as he hissed in annoyance.

"Did you have a cat with you? I didn't see it," the driver laughed as I began unloading my baggage, which was quite a lot.

"You sure you'll be able to carry all this stuff by yourself?" the driver asked, seeing me holding onto a whole heap of belongings.

"Yeah, I'll manage just fine," I replied with a smile, watching him depart with the carriage.

"That's why I call you the princess," Blaze sighed, clearly amused by the amount of stuff I was carrying.

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