No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 151 Arcane Emporium.


I thought to myself as I gazed at the impressive posters adorning every corner of Solstice, announcing the prestigious event.


** The Imperial Academy's Student Selection Begins in Two Days!** 


*Date: [Two days from now]

* Location: Imperial Academy, Solstice City

* Requirements: Open to all races and talents

* Test Categories: Elemental Magic, Combat Prowess, Intelligence Assessment

*Benefits: Exceptional candidates may receive scholarships and mentorships

*Prize: Admission to the esteemed Imperial Academy


The posters were not only eye-catching but also exuded an air of grandeur and importance. 

Sighing, I looked at the posters all around Solstice, announcing the imminent commencement of the Imperial Academy's student selection in the next two days. "I am not prepared!" someone shouted from behind, expressing their concern about being unprepared. It was quite a significant problem.

This was a disaster. The untimely notice had created a lot of confusion and chaos. It hadn't made its way out of Solstice yet, but soon it would cause an uproar among teenage mages throughout the entire continent. Looks like the education system doesn't care for the students in both worlds, not in my previous one, nor in this magical one.

Giving the poster one last look, I turned around and left for the city. As I walked, I noticed several second-year students wearing a navy blue uniform with white stripes. They were responsible for sticking the posters all around Solstice.

The second-year uniform consisted of a navy blue robe adorned with two white stripes on the right sleeve, signifying their progression to the second level of studies. 

I left Blaze at the tavern, remembering his tiredness and refusal to accompany me. The only reason I left the tavern was to get some supplies needed for the upcoming academic year. It was already known that I would be selected without a doubt.

As I strolled through the city, its architecture fascinated me. It had the grandeur of Roman city structures combined with a touch of Gothic influence, thanks to the presence of churches and aristocratic society in the Hestia Empire.

After an hour's walk, I found myself near the edge of the city.

"There," I muttered to myself as I spotted a dark alleyway behind a three-story building. It seemed like the perfect place to gather my thoughts and prepare for the upcoming selection.

I stepped into the narrow alleyway, the bustling sounds of the city instantly faded away, This hidden gem was known as the Bargain Alley, and it was a place filled with wonder and intrigue.

The dimly lit path was lined with peculiar shops, each one displaying a unique assortment of magical goods and artifacts. Glowing signs hung above the doorways, casting an ethereal light upon the cobbled ground. The air was thick with the scent of exotic potions and rare ingredients, enticing any passerby with their mystical allure.

The shops themselves were nothing short of extraordinary. One boasted shelves stacked with crystal balls, glowing orbs, and intricate rune stones that seemed to whisper ancient secrets to those who dared to listen. Next door, a quaint apothecary displayed rows of brightly colored vials containing ingredients that could cure any ailment or brew the most potent of concoctions.

Curiosities filled every nook and cranny, from spellbooks that shimmered with magical text to enchanted quills that wrote on their own accord. On the other side of the alley, a shopkeeper proudly showcased a wide array of magical creatures - small, harmless ones in cages, while larger, majestic beings paced gracefully in their enclosures.

The Bargain Alley was a treasure trove for those who sought the extraordinary. It was a place where one could find rare artifacts, exchange knowledge with seasoned wizards, and delve into the mysteries of the arcane arts. The atmosphere hummed with a sense of secrecy and camaraderie, where whispers of lost spells and hidden treasures were exchanged like precious gems.

As I explored further into the enchanting maze, I stumbled upon a shop adorned with intricate symbols and ancient runes. Its entrance was guarded by a large gargoyle statue, which seemed to watch over those who dared to enter. The shop's name was carved above the entrance in elegant script: "Arcane Emporium."

My curiosity piqued, I stepped inside, and the tinkling of a small bell above the door echoed through the shop. The interior was a treasure trove of magical wonders. Shelves lined with rare spell books, potions, and enchanted artifacts filled the room. A soft, mystical glow emanated from various objects, casting fascinating patterns on the walls.

Behind the counter stood an elderly wizard, his long white beard flowing down to his chest. His eyes sparkled with ancient wisdom as he greeted me with a warm smile.

"Welcome, young man," he said in a voice that carried the weight of countless years. "What brings you to the Arcane Emporium today?"

"These books, I want them."I happily handed out the chit to him.

Yeah, I know that it's not like me to be this excited, but hey, who wouldn't be excited when they see and get to be at the first and most magical place that was introduced in the whole game?

This is also a reason why I didn't want to bring Blaze; he might've made a lot of fun of me.

"Umm, okay, these are the syllabi for this year's first-year students. But as I heard, wasn't it just made public this morning that the admissions are going to be done early this year?" the shopkeeper asked.

"Well, yes, but I am sure that I'll be getting selected, so it's better to buy them before it gets crowded with other students," I replied.

"Hoho, that's some confidence you have there. I like it, I like it," the shopkeeper said, turning from the counter and going inside the shop to retrieve the books that I had written on the chits. I waited patiently for him.

After a minute or so, he returned with three different thick books that had leather covers: "Magic Theory," "Art of Combat," and "Mythical Information."

"Do you need anything else? A magic robe, a pet to test potions on, or even a wand or staff? We have everything at a very fair price," the shopkeeper offered.

"Not now, but I'll definitely come here when I need anything else," I replied. I paid the amount of five silvers to the shopkeeper, then turned around to leave. As I was leaving, I noticed something on a shelf towards the back of the counter.

I walked towards the shelf that had caught my attention. It seemed to be filled with various small trinkets, magical items, and odds and ends that piqued my curiosity. One item, in particular, stood out among the rest.

It was a small crystal vial, its surface shimmering with an iridescent glow that shifted through various colors. Inside the vial, a liquid of deep blue hue seemed to swirl and pulse with an inner energy. A label next to it read "Elixir of Clarity."

"Ah, you've got your eye on the Elixir of Clarity, I see," the shopkeeper remarked, noticing my interest.

"What does it do?" I inquired, genuinely intrigued by the enchanting vial.

The shopkeeper smiled knowingly. "It's a potion that grants the drinker heightened mental clarity and focus. Perfect for intense study sessions or solving complex magical puzzles. It's a limited supply, and I've kept it hidden here for those who appreciate the finer magical craftsmanship."

"How much does it cost?" I asked, my curiosity growing stronger.

"For you, my confident friend, I can offer it at a special price of three silver coins," the shopkeeper replied with a glint in his eye.

I considered the offer. The idea of having such a potion intrigued me greatly. After a moment's thought, I decided to go for it. "Alright, I'll take it."

The shopkeeper's grin widened as he carefully took the vial from the shelf and handed it to me. "A wise choice, indeed. May the Elixir of Clarity serve you well in your academic pursuits."

I paid the shopkeeper the agreed price, securing the potion within my bag alongside the books. With a nod of thanks, I bid farewell and left the Arcane Emporium," feeling satisfied with my purchases.


[Ren's POV]

I left the Arcane Emporium with a sense of accomplishment, my bag laden with books and academic materials. Even the inscriptions material I might not immediately need seemed like treasures, a tangible manifestation of my eagerness to embrace my new magical journey. The smile on my face spoke volumes of the contentment I felt, as if fulfilling this educational pursuit was a vital step towards my integration into this fantastical world.

However, that contentment was abruptly disrupted by a sudden collision, the alleyway proving to be quite crowded. Without a second thought, I murmured a quick apology, not even bothering to glance at the person I had bumped into. Time was ticking, and the approaching sunset meant I had to return to the tavern before it got too late.

[Third Person View]

The girl with silver hair remained frozen in place, as if the world had paused around her. Her thoughts raced, pondering the possibility of that fleeting encounter. Was it really him? Could it be that the person she had yearned to see for so long had just brushed past her? The excitement and uncertainty warred within her, leaving her in a state of shock.

But her trance was broken by a friendly tap on her shoulder. Elsa, her companion, stood there with an infectious enthusiasm, reminding her of their task at hand. The two had a poster to hang before the sun dipped below the horizon, a simple task that held newfound significance for Mary, the silver-haired girl.

Shaking her head to dispel her thoughts, Mary forced herself to focus on the present. She muttered her excuse about being distracted and joined Elsa in their poster-hanging endeavor. As they worked, Mary's internal dialogue continued, her hope and skepticism intermingling.

"There's no way he'd be here," she whispered to herself, "It'll be impossible for him to make it in time this year because of Adam's decision, I guess."

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