No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 161 Encounter?

Chapter 161  Encounter?

[Ren Hilton's POV.]

"And that concludes our first class, dear students. Once again, I extend a warm welcome to all of you as you embark on your journey at the academy. If you have any questions, feel free to ask during these last few minutes," Professor Devereux announced, her gaze sweeping across the room.

A boy in the class raised his hand, and the professor motioned for him to stand.

The boy stood up, his hand still raised, and he cleared his throat before speaking. "Um, Professor Devereux, I have a question regarding the advanced spellcasting techniques you mentioned earlier. Are those techniques covered in any specific course or module?"

The professor nodded in acknowledgment. "An excellent question. The advanced spellcasting techniques are indeed covered in a specialized course that you will have the opportunity to take in your third year. It's a more comprehensive exploration of the intricacies we briefly touched upon today."

The boy seemed satisfied with the response and nodded in return before sitting down. As the professor's gaze shifted around the room, I contemplated asking a question myself. There was something that had been bothering me ever since I arrived at the academy.

Raising my hand, I caught her attention. "Yes, Mr. Hilton?" she prompted.

"I have a question about the curses that might affect a student's life here," I began cautiously. "Are there any regulations or support systems in place to help people dealing with such situations?"

Professor Devereux's expression grew thoughtful, and she nodded. "A pertinent query, Mr. Hilton. While curses aren't a common occurrence, the academy does have a support system in place to assist students facing such challenges. We have a dedicated team of counselors and magical experts who can provide guidance and assistance. Additionally, the academy offers courses that delve into the study and management of curses."


As the bell signaling the end of the class rang, I gathered my belongings, my mind still processing the things I learned in the class today.

'Still, you don't seem that upset about the demotion,' Blaze remarked as I lifted him off the desk.

I never viewed the demotion as a negative thing. I had made a promise to my parents to join the academy, even though I didn't fully understand their reasons. I agreed to honor my word.

Thankfully, they didn't insist on me being in Class A. It allowed me to avoid interactions with the A class.

'-but you're already in different years - oh, that Helga girl,' Blaze interrupted himself, understanding dawning upon him mid-sentence.

If I were placed in Class A, I'd have to engage with Helga due to her connection with Adam and his group. That would indirectly bring me into contact with them, which I preferred to avoid.

'You managed to keep your anger in check; I'm impressed,' Blaze "Hey!" I turned around, realizing I had been standing by my desk for quite a while, staring at the wall while someone was calling me from complimented.

Adam wasn't seeking confrontation, and neither was I. But it's undeniable that I can't be overly friendly with him for clear reasons.

"Hey!" I turned around, realizing I had been standing by my desk for quite a while, staring at the wall while someone was calling me from behind.

"Hey!~~~" the voice called out again, more insistently. I turned around to find a girl standing there, looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

She had black hair that framed her face, and her dark pupils reflected a sense of warmth and curiosity. Her petite features gave her a small and approachable appearance. While not conventionally stunning, her unassuming beauty was quite refreshing. She stood at a height that was roughly around my shoulders.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to space out like that," I said, offering an apologetic smile.

"It's alright, I was just wondering if you're okay," she replied, her tone friendly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost in thought," I explained, hoping my response was casual enough.

"I'm Mia, by the way. Mia Larkspur," she introduced herself, extending a hand.

"Ren Hilton," I said, shaking her hand briefly.

"You're in Class B, right? I saw you in the morning. First day jitters? I was the same too." Mia asked with a chuckle.

I couldn't help but smile in return. "Yeah, something like that."

"Well, don't worry too much. You'll get the hang of things. If you ever need help or have questions, feel free to ask," she offered warmly.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," I said genuinely.

Mia's words were reassuring, and she looked back slightly before stepping forward, lowering her voice.

"Hey, look over there," she pointed discreetly toward a group of girls who were glancing at me from the first row.

I turned my gaze in the direction she indicated. "Hmm?" Just as I looked, they all averted their eyes, as if caught red-handed.

'Whoa! Getting hit on, are we?' Blaze was laughing while maintaining his composure in his cat form.

"That girl in the center," Mia continued, "she was wondering if you'd like to join us in the canteen."

It suddenly clicked. Mia was acting as a mediator for that girl.

"Why not? It would be a bit awkward to sit alone in the canteen, wouldn't it?" I responded with a light-hearted tone. Mia chuckled in response, giving a thumbs-up to the girl. Their reaction was far from subtle – they practically erupted in excitement.

'Perks of being handsome, I guess,' Blaze quipped, seemingly reading my thoughts. It wasn't all that different in my past life either; people kept their distance due to Jasmine, who would fiercely confront any girl showing romantic interest in me.

Each day consisted of around four classes, separated by half-hour breaks for various activities such as eating, refreshing, or anything else one might need. The lunch break was now approaching. I wasn't particularly hungry, but I decided to join the others. I couldn't bear the thought of sitting in a classroom where some were still casting judgmental glances my way.

My theory about the curse lingered in my mind. It seemed that the further a person was from the main storyline, the less the curse affected them. Perhaps girls like Mia, who weren't deeply entwined in the main narrative, would harbor less animosity as the curse's impact grew. Regardless, I wasn't too concerned. For now, I'd go with the flow.

The classroom rapidly emptied as I walked alongside Mia and a few other students who had kindly extended an invitation for me to join them in the canteen.

Then, out of nowhere, a voice rang out, commanding my attention.

"Stop!" I pivoted, and I soon regretted it.

'Bitch is here, huh? Too bad you can't kill,' Blaze repeated his dry observation like a broken record.

I held my silence and continued walking, but the other girls in the group came to a halt.

"Isn't that Senior Mary? Wow!" A girl with blonde hair from the group uttered.

"Is she talking about me?" I heard someone else mumble.

Mary Kleine, the silver-haired girl, stood right in front of me. Why had she run up here?

"Maybe we misunderstood. Let's just keep going," Mia suggested, and the others nodded in agreement. We resumed our stride, leaving behind the perplexing encounter with Mary.

Indeed, Mary's unexpected appearance caught me off guard. I never thought she would be here so soon.

'She came to meet you?' Blaze's disbelief was palpable. It was difficult to imagine that Mary would willingly seek out Ren Hilton, whom she despised so deeply.

As we reached the canteen, we took a seat at one of the tables. The atmosphere felt a bit more relaxed here, away from the scrutiny of the classroom.

We took our seats at the table, I observed the conversations and interactions taking place around us.

Mia stepped up to break the ice, introducing everyone at the table. "Ren, this is Lina," she indicated to a girl with short brown hair. "And this is Emilia," she pointed to another girl with long, black hair. "Lastly, we have Serena, the one who invited you here," Mia concluded, nodding toward a girl with wavy blonde hair.

Serena smiled at me, her eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and curiosity. "It's nice to finally meet you, Ren. We've heard quite a bit about you already."

I nodded in acknowledgment, appreciating her friendliness. "Likewise, Serena. Thanks for inviting me."

Emilia chimed in, her tone playful. "So, Ren, what do you think of the academy so far?"

I leaned back in my chair, contemplating my response. "It's been... eventful, to say the least. I didn't expect such a warm welcome from everyone."

Lina chuckled. "Well, not everyone is as welcoming. There's always a mix of personalities here."

I nodded in agreement, glancing around the canteen where different groups of students were chatting and enjoying their Serena's eyes held genuine curiosity as she posed the question.

meals. It was a diverse bunch, just as Lina had pointed out.

"So, Ren, what's your story? How did you end up in Class B?" Serena's eyes held genuine curiosity as she posed the question.

Pausing for a moment, I debated how much I should divulge. "Well, it's a bit of a...haa  Long story short, I ended up getting myself pretty plastered and spent a solid two days passed out in bed. The principal had to personally give me an earful," I replied nonchalantly, casually picking up a piece of bread from my plate.

A stunned silence gripped the table, interrupted only when Mia's hand covered her mouth.

"Feel free to laugh," I suggested, and the whole table erupted in laughter, even managing to turn a few heads from nearby tables.

As the chuckles subsided, Serena wiped away a tear. "Oh, that was unexpected. But you know, it's better to start with a memorable entrance."

The ice was officially broken, and as the conversation flowed but one thing I noticed was-

As the laughter died down, I could feel the eyes of others on me. Some looked intrigued, others resentful, and a few even seemed envious. The variety of reactions was oddly reminiscent of a typical school dynamic.

'Welcome to the school life of a psychotic murderer,' Blaze chimed in with his typical dark humor. Who was he addressing? My inner thoughts, I assumed.


The peaceful ambiance was suddenly disrupted by a familiar trio.

"Don't cling to Adam!"

"Muuu, who are you to tell me that?"

"Hey, d-don't! Your breasts are h-hitting him!!!!"

I couldn't forget that this canteen was a shared space for students of all years. It was inevitable that they'd be here.

I turned my gaze and there they were—

"Kya! Isn't that Senior Adam? He's so handsome!" Emilia squealed. As my eyes shifted, I noticed Mary approaching...... Me?

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