No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 164 Class Schedule.

Chapter 164  Class Schedule.

"Wow, that was something unexpected," Blaze commented as he settled on the desk's surface.

"System, show curse panel," I muttered, and the transparent slate appeared in front of me. I didn't think others could see it like I could.



System Notification [Muted]


The host has been ensnared by a Curse.

Curse: Fate

Caster: Nature

Current Impact: 1%

Cure: None



"Maybe that's the reason," I sighed, noticing that the impact of the curse had increased by 0.9% in just a single day.

"Do you think they're ignoring you because of the curse?" Blaze asked.

"Well, it's the only reason I can think of," I replied, adjusting my posture as I watched Professor Devereux enter the classroom with a pile of slimy books in her hands.

The chatter ceased as everyone's attention shifted to her. She began distributing the books to each desk, explaining as she went along.

"Listen up, the introduction period is over. Now you need to focus on your magical studies. Here are the timetables for the entire year, including all the scheduled events and class details." Her voice echoed in the room.


Placing the book on my desk, she paused for a moment, her gaze lingering on me briefly before she shook her head and moved on to the next student.

"What was that about?" Blaze inquired, to which I had no answer.

Regardless, I turned my attention back to Professor Devereux as she continued, "As first-years, you'll have quite a bit of freedom in what you choose to learn. There are 20 different categories of studies you can choose from, and you can switch between them whenever you want. However, you must pass in at least seven of these categories by the end of the year to graduate to the next year. Is that clear?"

The students all nodded in understanding.

"The book is imbued with magic. Use the quill to tick the names of the categories you want to attend, and it will show you the yearly schedule for those classes," Professor Devereux explained with a smile, settling back behind her desk and crossing her legs.

"She's got them thangs," Blaze commented, clearly distracted by something else.

"Let's see..." I opened the book and examined its contents.

Inside the book, there was a comprehensive list of available categories of studies. Beside each category, a small empty box awaited my tick mark to indicate my interest. Without hesitation, I quickly marked the ones I had in mind. The categories were as follows:

1. Elemental Magic

2. Potion Making

3. Enchantment

4. Divination

5. Runecrafting

6. Alchemy

7. Battle Magic

8. Illusion

9. Beast Mastery

10. Healing Arts

11. Transmutation

12. Elemental Manipulation

13. Ritual Magic

14. Necromancy

15. Spatial Manipulation

16. Elemental Fusion

17. Nature Magic

20. Defensive Wards

"Choose necromancy," Blaze suggested within my mind. I couldn't 18. Elemental Summoning

19. Arcane History

20. Defensive Wards

"Choose necromancy," Blaze suggested within my mind. I couldn't help but ask, "Why?" Given the stigma associated with necromancy, I had my reservations.

"Cause it's cool! Imagine building an army of skulls and the undead, and they obey your every command. Hahaha, it's awesome! So go for it!" Blaze seemed to be lost in some kind of fantastical daydream.

While his enthusiasm was infectious, I had to be practical. Necromancy might be fascinating, but investing time in it for mediocre results didn't seem wise. An army of undead could easily be dismantled by someone proficient in holy magic.


With decisive movements, I marked my choices. My selected categories were Potion Making, Beast Mastery, Arcane History, Enchantment, Runecrafting and Illusion.


A soft, luminous glow enveloped the book as its letters seemed to swirl and rearrange themselves. In mere moments, they reformed into a new configuration, presenting me with a complete schedule on the same pages.

"That was quick," the professor remarked with a hint of surprise in her tone. The book's radiant display drew the attention of those around me.

"What does he think he's doing?"

"Is he trying to show off that we're too slow to choose?"

"Why is he even in our class?"

I caught fragments of conversations and suspicious gazes directed my way, but they quickly averted when they met my eyes.

"Well, that's a ridiculously petty reason to be disliked," Blaze commented, his form appearing on the desk as he rolled over.

"Wow, that escalated quickly," I replied with a wry smile.

"Well, battle magic would've been practical, but no need for that category, right?" Blaze's suggestions seemed to fluctuate quite frequently.

"You've got a point," I admitted. The truth was, I was already familiar with most of the theories and concepts taught in the regular classes. Sitting through hours of explanation for something I already knew didn't appeal to me.

"Hey, but I have a question," I was reading the schedule when Blaze called out to me.

"What?" I asked.

"How many days until you die?" He questioned.

"Huh?" I was confused about what he was trying to say.

"I mean Ren Hilton, the previous one, when did he die? Like, it's this year, right? So there has to be a date," Blaze explained his question.

Hmm, if I think about it, the previous Ren Hilton died on the 18th of Valeria. He challenged Adam Stales on the 3rd and died about fifteen days later, so around the 18th of Valeria would be correct.

"What!! That means you have to go through this curse for another seven months!??" Blaze's voice made it hard for me to think. Why was he shouting so much?

"What...are you worried?" I asked with an amused expression. It's rare for him to...

"Hell yeah, I'm worried! Didn't you see how those girls reacted while the effect of the curse is just 1%!! If it's another seven months and it keeps increasing!!" Blaze sounded genuinely worried.

"Haha," I chuckled as I said, "Don't worry, I don't think that curse can do anything to me." I'm sure that at most, it can make everyone hate me, which I'm used to.

"You're used to it?" Blaze asked.

"Somewhat, there was a time when even Jas used to hate me, not that I blame her. So, I'm used to being hated." I think I'll be fine.

"Well, if you say so. It's not like I'm not used to losing close ones too," Blaze shrugged off.

I looked at the class schedule again, and then, if I were to subtract holidays and all, it's around twenty lectures for each subject.

Attendance isn't compulsory for any year. You aren't forced to attend even a single class as long as you bring in the results. But if you were to fail, they'll kick you out without a second thought. It's merciless here.

Anyway, starting tomorrow, I can begin with the beast mastery class since I'm interested in it.

"So, is this all for today?" Blaze asked, stretching his feline form before lying down comfortably on the desk.

"Yeah, classes are over for the day. I guess I'll head back to the dorm," I said, closing the schedule book.

"Sounds like a plan," Blaze agreed. "Maybe you'll have more exciting encounters tomorrow."

"Who knows?" I shrugged, gathering my things and leaving the classroom. The journey back to the dormitory felt a bit shorter than usual, and as I walked through the hallway.

Amidst the bustling hallway, my attention was drawn to a figure sprinting towards me. The sound of rapid footsteps echoed off the walls, accompanied by heavy panting and the rhythmic slap of shoes against the polished floor. Sweat glistened on his forehead and trickled down his temple, leaving moist trails in its wake.

The stranger's disheveled appearance revealed the urgency of his mission. His hair clung damply to his forehead, and his shirt was sticking to his skin from exertion. Despite the obvious signs of distress, he didn't stop for a moment. He stumbled twice, his shoes screeching as they scraped against the floor, but he regained his balance each time without a second thought.

As he neared me, his wild eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for a sign or a guide. His chest heaved as he halted abruptly in front of me, and his voice trembled as he gasped, "W-where's the principal's office?"

I looked at him for a brief moment, taking in the chaotic scene before me. The rapid thud of in his eyes seemed to mirror the sense of urgency in the air as it hit me like...who he was.

"Um... go that way," I pointed in the direction he needed to go, my voice steady despite the chaos. "Ask someone. It's quite a distance."

He shot me a look that held a mix of frustration and gratitude, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within. Without wasting another moment, he sprinted off again, his footsteps fading as he vanished down the corridor.

"That was random," Blaze commented.

As I headed towards the dormitory, I began to speak. "Have I ever told you that Ren was nothing more than a third-rate villain?"

"You've said it a thousand times," he retorted.

"Yes, I have. And yet, he wasn't that unimportant. After all, he's the one who taught Adam Stales—the kind-hearted protagonist—that sometimes you have to be cold-hearted to serve justice," I added, my gaze wandering to the expanse of green grass that was meticulously maintained.

"-and what does that have to do with that man?" He questioned.

"Smokeball, today is the 3rd of Valeria, and on this very day, the second phase of this arc is set to begin. The flag has been raised," I chuckled slightly.

"..." He listened intently.

"The Hestia Empire versus Elishia Forest has commenced," I concluded, leaving the place.

The second year of the MC's life in the academy wasn't solely about romance and harem, was it? There must have been some kind of twist or excitement to add flavor to it.

"Are you suggesting a large-scale massacre of lives is a twist in the story?" He inquired.

"Maybe it is, but who cares? Certainly not me," I replied.

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