No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 166 Beast Mastery -1

Chapter 166  Beast Mastery -1

The tension that had gripped the training ground slowly began to dissipate as the reality of the situation settled in. The griffin remained in its bowing stance, its head pressed against the ground, wings outstretched, and eyes still locked onto mine. It was as if the creature recognized a bond had been formed, a connection between two different worlds.

As I continued to stroke its feathers, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – wonder, amazement, and even a sense of responsibility. The griffin's unexpected behavior had taken everyone by surprise, and I found myself grappling with the realization that my presence had triggered such a response from this majestic creature.

Instructor Harris finally broke the spell of silence, his voice a mixture of astonishment and awe. "I've never seen anything like this before. It seems Buttercup has taken a liking to you, kid."

"Seems like it," I replied, my mind still trying to process the extraordinary scene that had just unfolded.

'Phoenix bloodline... you are no longer just a human, princess,' Blaze's voice chimed in as he hopped back onto my shoulder, reminding me of the profound connection I shared with magical creatures like the griffin.

'Griffins are highly intelligent magical beasts. Their intelligence often surpasses that of humans. This one must have recognized your noble lineage as a phoenix, and phoenixes are held in great reverence by these creatures,' Blaze explained, shedding light on the deep-seated respect that magical beasts held for beings like me.

"Yeah, the purebred phoenix isn't something to be taken lightly, I guess," I mused silently, appreciating the newfound understanding that came with my heritage.

"Now you can go back," I said to Buttercup, unsure if the griffin could understand my words or intentions.


As if responding to my words, Buttercup raised his head and turned around, gracefully striding back to Instructor Harris's side.

"Professor..." I called out to him, pulling him back from his trance.

"So, where was I?" he asked, as if picking up right where he left off, seemingly unaffected by the remarkable scene that had just played out.

"Something about bonding with magical beasts..." I reminded him, aware that the other students were still in a state of shock or wonderment, their attention firmly fixed on me.

Despite the extraordinary events that had unfolded, it wasn't lost on me that the composition of the students present was rather unusual. With only a couple of students from my class and the majority hailing from other classes, it appeared that not everyone shared the same enthusiasm for magical beasts and their bonds.

"Ah, yes. The bonding between magical beasts and humans is a complex concept to grasp. While you can acquire lower-grade magical beasts through summoning rituals or purchasing, forming a connection with higher-grade creatures like Buttercup requires mutual understanding and respect," Instructor Harris elaborated, his gaze briefly locking onto me.

"Now, most of you are probably aware that our academy offers a category in beast mastery. Some of you may have already formed bonds with magical beasts, and for those who haven't, you can find temporary companions at the greenhouse over there," he pointed towards the distant green house located at the edge of the academy grounds. "Keep in mind that the ones available there are of low-grade rank."

I glanced around and noticed that there were three other students besides me who had brought their magical beasts with them. As for the rest, it seemed they were relying on the academy's resources for their magical companions.

"In the meantime, let's head over there before I introduce you to something truly fascinating," he suggested, his gaze shifting towards Blaze, who perched on my shoulder, and then to the wind eagle belonging to the girl standing next to me.

He started walking, and the rest of us followed suit. As we moved, a fellow student approached me, bubbling with excitement.

"Hey, that was incredible! How did you manage that!?" The student was a nerdy guy, and he had a lizard-like familiar draped around his neck.

"I'm not sure, maybe I just have a nice scent that Buttercup likes," I replied with a casual shrug. The guy chuckled in response.

"Nevertheless, it was... pretty amazing," he said, a satisfied grin playing on his lips.

"Yeah, it was," I agreed, a small smile forming on my face too. The unexpected encounter with Buttercup had definitely left an impression on all.

We entered the greenhouse, a glass-domed structure adorned with vines. Though the maintenance might not have been perfect, the atmosphere it created was tranquil and soothing. Stepping inside, the ambiance immediately transformed, enveloping us in the presence of lush plants that seemed to breathe life into the surroundings.


At the sound of the professor's whistle, a symphony of soft chirps and peculiar sounds resonated in the air. Magical beasts began appearing out of nowhere, emerging from their concealed spots as if in response to the summons.

"Choose any that catches your interest, and we'll begin today's lesson," the professor directed our attention to the small group of beasts before us – there were four in total.

An Aqua-Whisper Serpent, a Stoneback Tortoise, a Sylvan Squirrel, and a White Back Fenrir.

All of them were of D rank classification.

"Due to the limited number available, we'll have to take turns," he added, acknowledging the scarcity of creatures on hand.


"Today, I'm going to introduce you to a concept that you'll be delving into throughout this entire academic year," the instructor turned around and approached a small box placed on a table behind him. "This is the Convergence Amulet."

With a swift motion, he retrieved a chain from the box and hung it around his neck, then continued, "Beast Bonds are more than just companionship. They offer their own set of advantages."

And that is exactly why I'm so intrigued by Beast Mastery – the depth and complexity of these bonds have always fascinated me.

"Could you, the student with the Wind Eagle, step forward?" He pointed toward the confident girl, who walked up without hesitation.

"Please introduce yourself," he requested.

"My name is Lila," the girl with the Wind Eagle spoke confidently. Her familiar, the Wind Eagle, perched on her shoulder, its sharp eyes surveying the surroundings.

"Nice to meet you, Lila," the instructor acknowledged with a nod. "Now, I want you to focus on your bond with your Wind Eagle. Feel the connection between the two of you."

Lila closed her eyes briefly, taking a deep breath. As she did, a faint, shimmering aura enveloped both her and the Wind Eagle. The breeze seemed to respond, rustling the leaves of nearby plants.

"Excellent," the instructor commented. "Now, watch closely."

He removed the Convergence Amulet from around his neck and carefully placed it around Lila's, saying, "Channel your mana into it."

As Lila channeled her mana into the Convergence Amulet, a soft glow emanated from the pendant. The aura surrounding her and the Wind Eagle intensified, creating a visible connection between them. The Wind Eagle's feathers ruffled as if responding to the flow of energy.

"Now, focus on a specific aspect you want to enhance in your Wind Eagle," the instructor instructed. "Whether it's its speed, agility, or perception, channel your intention through the amulet."

He was using the technique in reverse for her to be able to do it the easy way, as it would be challenging for her to enhance herself.

stepped back slightly as the girl opened her eyes.

"I-I can... see far away," the girl was clearly baffled.

"It's not the eagle who's going to change," Smokeball pointed out, clarifying the process.

"Now, open your eyes and tell us what has changed," the instructor stepped back slightly as the girl opened her eyes.

"I-I can... see far away," the girl was clearly baffled.

"How far?" Professor Harris asked.

"A lot... like I can see a worm crawling under the plant in that pot over there," she said, her amazement evident.

"Now, stop channeling mana," he instructed, and after she followed his guidance, he took off the Amulet.

"This is skill sharing," he continued, "and..."

Suddenly, the greenhouse door swung open, revealing two familiar figures – the Masked Prince and the blue-haired female knight.

'They have names, dude,' Blaze added.

Yeah, for some reason, Prince Aron and Cecelia, a third-year student.

It was surprising to see two third-year students here, and their sudden appearance raised some concerns.

"What am I supposed to make of this behavior, Prince Aron?" The instructor's irritation was evident in his voice as he addressed Aron.

The lack of honorifics, such as "Your Highness," indicated the extent of dislike the instructor held for Aron, showcasing how much he was disliked throughout the Hestia Empire.

"I apologize for this intrusion, Professor," Cecelia interjected, her tone apologetic. She then turned her gaze towards Aron, her brows furrowing in confusion. "Your Highness... wants to learn Beast Mastery?"

The revelation was met with stunned silence, leaving everyone surprised by this unexpected turn of events.

[A/N: Here's what happened, I accidentally published the draft of 

my another work as the next chapter of NMPV, I'd like to apologise for the mistake and it'll be compensated with a mass release.

I am sworryyyy!!!]

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