No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 168 Convergence Amulet....

Chapter 168  Convergence Amulet....

Allow me to present Aron Adiel Velcrow, the inaugural prince of the illustrious Hestia Empire. His complex character unfolds to position him as one of the central antagonists of this narrative, a figure both enigmatic and polarizing.

The disdain he attracts stems from the intricacies of his lineage and his undeniable personality. Within the hierarchy of princes, his stature remains unchallenged, but his genesis isn't the result of a regal bond. Rather, he emerges from an illicit liaison between the king and a concubine. Yet, despite the king's commanding authority, no one dared confront him. Nonetheless, the concubine, Aron's own mother, met a tragic fate by order of the queen herself.

Could such circumstances elicit sympathy? Alas, the answer is in the negative. Paradoxically, her demise serves as his salvation, as the concubine had harbored sinister intentions toward Aron during his tender infancy. Unbelievably, her mind had faltered into madness following childbirth.

Aron's personality takes a grim twist into sadism and malevolence. His enigmatic appearance coincides with the aftermath of the conflict between the Hestia Empire and Elishia Forest. Notably, he singles out the elven princess within the academy, subjecting her to a torment akin to bullying.

On the surface, he might resemble a typical teenage bully, yet delving deeper unveils a fragile psyche. His mental disarray becomes evident when he attempts rape on Elsa in the absence of Adam. It takes the swift intervention of his own knight guard, Cecelia, to thwart his despicable intentions. To quell tensions between the two nations, a public execution is ordered.

Ironically, it is King Adiel Velcrow himself who issues this decree, highlighting Aron's apparent insignificance compared to his other offspring.

'Spoiler! Did you just unravel a wealth of information in mere seconds? Was his influence truly potent enough to warrant his title as a major antagonist?' Blaze's skeptical voice breaks the silence.

Realizing that my previous exposition may have undermined Aron's gravity, I opt for a more elaborate depiction.

'He was the one responsible for the death of-' I begin, only to be abruptly halted by the professor's interjection.

"Learning... what? Beast Mastery? Yet, if my memory serves me right, the prince is in his third year, whereas this pertains to a class meant for first years," the professor's gaze sweeps across the room. "Wouldn't it be more appropriate for him to join the third-year class?"

"Fundamentals," Cecelia gazes at Aron with an expression akin to assessing a lost cause. "Your Highness seeks to establish a foundation," she elucidates.

"I cannot concur. You should approach the headmaster for -" the professor attempts to diplomatically rebuff.

"Done," she confirms, producing a letter from the recesses of her pocket.

Speaking of Cecelia... an aversion towards Aron is unmistakably etched across her demeanor. Intriguingly, she not only boasts noble lineage but also occupies a significant place in Adam's harem.

'It's almost as if he's collecting these chicks as if they were accessories,' Blaze interjects, injecting a note of commentary.

Importantly, they shared a bond of childhood camaraderie. However, as Aron matured and his persona took a darker turn, their relationship soured.

"It appears we are left without alternatives..." The professor's sigh echoes through the room, his gaze critically assessing Aron from head to toe. He then addresses Aron, "Prince, you're most welcome to partake in our class, and Miss..."

"No, I regret that I must decline as a result of prior commitments," Cecelia's smile radiates, indicating her apparent contentment with a reprieve from Aron's company.

With a respectful bow towards Aron, Cecelia turns to depart.

"Hey..." Aron's lips part slightly as his husky voice resounds in the room.

"Hmm?" Cecelia's frame pivots gracefully.

His attention isn't quite directed at her; instead, it hovers over the strings of his mask, which he's carefully adjusting. "Where might you be headed?" he inquires, a note of curiosity tingeing his voice.

After a pregnant pause, she responds, ".....To my class."

He strides towards the formidable Fenrir and crouches beside it.

"Fuck Off," his command is firm yet devoid of hostility.

"Why intervene if his intention was to let her go?" Blaze's query echoes my own, as I attentively observe Aron, who continues to pat the Fenrir.

The White Back Fenrir complies, rising from its resting position and moving a few paces away from Aron. Without further ado, Cecelia continues her exit from the greenhouse.

'Which class is she in?' Blaze asked but I didn't respond as he got it himself,'.... same as that guy? Adam....the game developers were quite repeatetive with this shit I guess.' it looks like he has already given up on his common sense to understand this.

Leaving Helga and Isolde all other heroines are in Adam's class which..... I don't even care at this point.

Aron's gaze lingers on her for a fleeting moment, only to be redirected towards the captivating array of creatures within the greenhouse. He embarks on a slow circuit around them, his scrutiny bearing a detached air of intrigue. It's as though he gauges their value, meticulously assessing whether they merit his attention.

"An intriguing assembly of beasts," Aron's observation finally breaks the silence, his tone still underpinned by that characteristic nonchalance.

Instructor Harris nods in agreement. "Indeed. Each of these creatures boasts a unique set of abilities and traits."

Aron casually leans against a wooden beam, arms crossed in a display of calculated nonchalance. "I've heard whispers about a creature capable of weaving illusions. Do we possess such a specimen?"

The instructor's response carries a moment's hesitation before taking form, "Umm... regrettably, we don't have one. Our current collection comprises creatures of lower rank. If His Highness desires such a creature, he might need to provide his own."

" that the manner in which you shall address me? The first prince? Throughout the duration of this class?" Aron questions, his gaze shifting towards me, his eyes widening with recognition, "You!?"

Feigning ignorance, I cast my eyes around the room, a slight smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

However, Aron swiftly closes the gap between us. Just as his fingers reach for the collar of my shirt, a deft sidestep on my part leaves him grasping at thin air. A symphony of murmurs and gasps ripples through the class as they bear witness to this unexpected scene.

"Pray tell, what disturbance transpires here?" Instructor Harris interposes himself, effectively creating a barrier between Aron and me.

Regaining his balance, Aron's narrowed gaze remains fixed upon me. "This guy...."

"He was the one that day...." And all of a sudden, the prince fell silent.

"He what? Hilton, did you do something to the prince?" Professor Harris inquired.

"Nope," I replied nonchalantly.

'You shameless,' Blaze's laughter echoed in my thoughts; admittedly, it was humorous... I had to agree.

"What did I do to..." I leaned closer to the boy clutching the lizard, and in a hushed tone, I whispered, "Who is he?" ensuring he caught my words.

"F-first Prince," his voice quivered as he responded.

"Oh, I haven't done anything to the first prince. I believe he might have mistaken me for someone else," I said, offering a reassuring smile.

Yet, it seems he's not easily fooled.

A vein throbbed on his forehead as he began, "He's the one who..." Yet, it seems he's not easily fooled.

"Who?" I persisted, finding it amusing that he couldn't bring himself to confess that a random individual had landed a punch on him, leaving him unconscious at the academy entrance, only to leave without a trace.

And, of course, it's only logical that he wouldn't admit it. After all, his reputation would be at stake, wouldn't it?

"I might've mistaken you for someone else," he grumbled through clenched teeth, casting me a disdainful glare. I was taken aback by his ability to remember my face despite the situation—it was surprisingly realistic.

"So, I think you should return to your position," the professor instructed, and the prince complied.

With the commotion settled, the class regained its composure, and the lecture resumed, marking the current state of affairs.

"Hilton, you've certainly attracted quite the spotlight since morning. It seems you're up next," the professor stated, and I felt content with the prospect.

I began making my way towards the beasts.

"Hmm... you're selecting one of those?" Professor Harris inquired, directing his gaze at Blaze, who was perched on my shoulder. "Why not utilize that familiar... it is a familiar, right? If it weren't for the diminutive wings, it could easily pass for a regular black cat," he observed Blaze with keen interest.

"Him? Nah, he's useless - agh," I grumbled, my words cut short as Blaze's claws grazed my neck.

"Nyaa," Blaze chimed innocently outwardly, but I could practically hear his inner curses: 'I'm the one who rescued you from that cursed island, learn some respect, you brat!'

"Haha, it seems he's quite clever," the professor chuckled.

"As I was saying, I think I'll use him," I declared, though privately I was brimming with curiosity about what this feline companion of mine could truly do—or perhaps...

'Or perhaps?' Blaze inquired.

Perhaps I'll just replace you.

A minute later.

Now this has turned into a complete mess.

I thought to myself, never did I imagine that things would take such a twisted turn.

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