No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 179 Two Dates!!!

179  Two Dates!!!

[Ren Hilton POV]

"Free tomorrow?" I echoed, needing a moment to process her surprising question. The subtle murmurs of my dorm mates observing our conversation added a touch of intrigue to the scene.

My mind raced, trying to make sense of Raven's unexpected request. She had no apparent reason to ask me to spend time together, and the soft twilight colors that enveloped us seemed to heighten the surreal nature of the moment.

'You think too much! She's clearly asking you out on a date!' Blaze chimed in, his excitement palpable.

"Why are you asking?" I finally voiced my curiosity.

Raven hesitated for a moment, glancing back at our dorm mates who were clearly invested in our conversation.

"Well," she began cautiously, "why don't we sit on that bench? It's..." Her voice trailed off, but I understood her intention. We could talk more privately there.

"Sure," I agreed, taking a few steps with her to the nearby bench. It provided a small measure of privacy away from the prying eyes of my dorm mates.

"So," I prompted, "what's this about?"

Raven took a deep breath, her expression a mix of determination and uncertainty. "I was wondering if you'd be free tomorrow. I need to pick up some supplies for our potion class... the one we'll be having next week."

I was slightly taken aback. Attending a first-year class as a second-year student was unusual, but it wasn't against the rules if the professor allowed it. However, I recalled that Raven had only attended the class once in the storyline before getting tired of it. Her request left me intrigued and somewhat puzzled.

"You're going to attend the first-year class again?" I asked, seeking clarification.

Raven nodded, her voice softening as she explained, "I talked to Professor Night, and she said it's... fine." Her gaze shifted to her hand, revealing a hint of uncertainty.

"Why not take one of your friends?" I suggested, genuinely curious about her motives.

But I knew that Adam, who was a central character in the storyline, had already left the academy. It seemed unlikely that she had developed close friendships with anyone else, especially since her interactions were mostly limited to the main cast.

Raven fell silent, her expression conflicted, and I couldn't help but wonder about her true personality. In the game, she had started as a bratty girl, wanting to keep a low profile after attending the academy for a single year. However, her character had undergone significant development after meeting Adam and being saved by him during a field test. That experience had led to her becoming more mellow and filled with self-doubt, drastically altering her original persona.

But later, it didn't take her much time to overcome it as she found her vigor after Adam came back from Elishia Forest. After that, she once again became bratty, competitive, and prideful, rivaling Mary herself.

"My f-friends aren't here," she said, her eyes meeting mine. She appeared genuinely sad, as if she wanted to go with her friends but had to follow her grandfather's orders.

"They aren't here? What do you mean?" I asked, wanting to hear her explain it, even though I already had an idea.

'Man, do you really want her to say it herself when you already know?' Blaze commented, and he had a point. I wanted to hear it directly from her, even though I knew the answer.

"They went... somewhere," she said, avoiding specifying their location. I decided not to press further on that topic.

"Hmm, but yeah, I am not your friend either, so I guess I can't come," I replied, as I already had plans with Cecelia for tomorrow.

"Huh!?" She exclaimed, her surprise evident.

"Yeah, well, maybe this is where I take my leave," I said as I got up from my seat, ready to turn away. However, I felt her grip tighten on my robe, stopping me in my tracks.

"Listen!" Her voice carried a sense of desperation.

'Dude, at least hear her out - wait, are you doing this on purpose?' Blaze was a bit slow on the uptake sometimes.

"Well, then tell me, why did you come to me for such a small task?" I asked, amusement lacing my tone. There was no way she had the courage to approach a stranger like this, especially for something so minor.

She looked up at me with her big, round, grey doe eyes. "I... Professor Night said that I should ask you," she confessed, and that provided the answer I was looking for.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her admission. "So, you're saying that Professor Night recommended me for this?" I asked, finding the situation rather amusing.

Raven nodded sheepishly, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "Yes, she thought you'd be... reliable."

"Well, I guess I can't argue with Professor Night," I mused, feeling a bit scrutinized.

'Paranoid?' Blaze was quick to name.

"So, will you help me?" Raven asked, her expression a mixture of hope and anxiety.

I leaned against the bench, considering her request. It was just a small favor, and it seemed like she genuinely needed assistance. Plus, it might be a chance to get to know her better, even if our first meeting had been a bit unusual.

"Sure," I finally agreed with a smile. "I'll help you with your potion ingredients shopping tomorrow."

Raven's face brightened, and she let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you so much! I really appreciate it."

"But... we have to be back before the lunch break," I added, confident that I could manage both tasks.

'Two-timing!' Blaze was... was he playing some kind of game.

Raven nodded enthusiastically, her eagerness shining through. "Of course, I'll make sure we're back in time for lunch."

With our plans in place, I bid Raven goodbye for the evening, leaving her to head back to her dorm. As I walked away, I couldn't help but think about the unusual turn of events.

A date with Cecelia tomorrow and now an unexpected outing with Raven. The academy life was taking an intriguing twist, and I was ready to embrace the changes it brought.

spreading your wings, princess.'


'Haha, Smokeball... do you think it's that easy?' I asked.

Blaze, on the other hand, was notably contemplative. 'Two dates in one day, huh? You're really spreading your wings, princess.'

'Haha, Smokeball... do you think it's that easy?' I asked.

'Nope, everything that happened today felt a bit off and natural at the same time, so it's quite hard to comprehend.' Behind the barrier of his carefree attitude, he seemed to know that there are a few things that don't happen without proper reasoning.

"Well... I want Cecelia so I can understand what's happening in the Hestia Empire Royal Palace, and as for Raven... I only accepted her request because she outright told me that Professor Night asked her." I walked towards my dorm.

It's not like Professor Night had said that without any reason.

'And what do you think that reason is?' Blaze questioned.

"Maybe my demotion," I stated.

Blaze let out a low whistle. 'That's an interesting theory, Princess. But is there any way we can confirm it?'

I shook my head. "Not really, but it's the most plausible explanation.....for now."

With thoughts swirling in my mind, I returned to my dorm room. The day had been filled with unexpected twists and turns, leaving me with more questions than answers. As I settled into bed, I couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring.

'You got a lot going on in that brain of yours... more than you show on the outside,' Blaze said.

Well... I am just an overthinker, I guess, but I'm sure that there is nothing that happens without reason. It was a trait I had developed over time, always seeking to uncover the hidden motives and connections behind every action.

With that lingering thought, I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to claim me.


[Third-Person View]

The carriage was as silent as it could get, the only sounds being the rhythmic clopping of horse hooves against the cobblestone road and the occasional creaking of the carriage itself. Nobody dared to disturb the uneasy peace that hung in the air, and there were two prominent reasons for this unusual silence.

Adam Stales, seated near the window, gazed out at the passing landscape. To his left sat Elsa, clutching the hem of her dress with anxious fingers, and to her right, was Amelia, trying to offer comforting words to the princess. Across from them, Helga sat beside Mary, who appeared preoccupied and distant today, her thoughts far away from the carriage.

The carriage itself was a fine specimen, its interior adorned with plush velvet seats, embroidered curtains that occasionally billowed with the wind, and lanterns hanging from the ceiling to provide a soft, flickering light. The windows framed the outside world like living portraits, offering glimpses of the passing scenery.

One reason for the prevailing silence was the collective worry about what might be happening in the Elishia Forest. Only a select few, including Adam and his close companions, knew of the civil war brewing within the dark recesses of the World Tree's shadow.

"Don't worry, Princess," Amelia said soothingly, her voice a gentle counterpoint to the carriage's rhythmic motion. She tried to coax Elsa into calming down, her hand resting reassuringly on Elsa's shoulder.

"Yeah, Elsa, we'll save your parents," Adam chimed in with a confident tone, his eyes never leaving the ever-changing panorama outside the window. He hoped his words would provide comfort to the anxious princess.

Elsa nodded, her eyes reflecting determination despite her underlying anxiety. "Thank you, Amelia, Adam. I know you'll do your best."

Mary, sitting in the corner, shifted in her seat. Her gaze remained fixed on the passing scenery, her thoughts an intricate tapestry of emotions—apprehension, guilt, and an indescribable longing—all swirling together.

The second reason for the carriage's awkward atmosphere was the encounter with Ren. His sudden appearance had left them, especially Mary, feeling uncomfortable. The unease lingered, each of them lost in their own thoughts as the carriage continued its journey, the wheels rolling beneath them, and the world outside ever-changing.

After an extended period of silence, Mary broke the quietude. Her face, kissed by the soft glow of the setting sun, turned away from the window, a few stray strands of hair gracefully framing her features.

Although her eyes wandered aimlessly, her words were intended for a specific recipient. She directed her inquiry towa

rd Amelia, her voice laced with curiosity and concern. "What did you mean... when you mentioned that Ren... was suspected of a crime?"

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