Not Sure, Another World Reincarnation

Chapter 110: I'm Currying Favor? No, This is a Bribe Part 2

Chapter 110: I'm Currying Favor? No, This is a Bribe Part 2

Hmm. Judging from their facial expression, they seem to reflect on it properly? But I didnt think I would get absorbed in scolding them that even strangers noticed us Looking around, the caravan people had already finished their meal and prepared for departure. It would be bad if we didnt start preparing soon.

Thank you very much for calling us out. If you didnt, were going to be too late to prepare. Nah, dont worry about it. We have to help each other in this situation.

Oh? This uncle was a good uncle, huh? Lets return the favor to these kinds of people.

Its not much, but please have this.

I took out the small parcel from the bag and handed it to him.

Whats this? Candies. They are sweet. You can eat it on your journey, so please have some. Ohh, are you sure? I really can have this? Yes. I know this is too much, but please take care of these kids if you see them in trouble Hahaha, got it. Leave it to me. Its nothing much!

I didnt know if this was effective, but theres no loss in making connections. It would depend on Triela for how they used it. Just like that, we cut our conversation and prepared to move in a hurry. That being said, it didnt take long. We finished preparing and started moving.

By the way, everyone would ride the carriage starting today. Moving at yesterdays speed was too slow. We were too relaxed yesterday.

The carriage and the horse had become larger after I remodeled it during my royal capital stay. If we squeezed in, the carriage could accommodate five people inside and four people in the coachmans seat. It was narrow, though.

The width of the seat inside the carriage allowed three people to sit sideways, so we could still manage. As for the coachmans seat, one person had to sit in the backspace while hugging their knees, but it should be bearable? I guess they might be worried because they had to share a seat with Bell. If she got angry she would bite them, but they had to put up with it.

The girls sat inside, and the boys sat outside. There was no change. I didnt let them complain.

Everybody got on the carriage, and we increased the speed, starting to move at around the same speed as the surrounding carriages. Well, we could go a few times faster if we wanted to, but I wouldnt do it.

Its much safer to go along with multiple caravans than move alone. Above all, thieves wouldnt attack a big group of caravans. Only goblins and hungry wolves would appear once in a while.

Even though our safety was guaranteed, we took a quick break often, just like yesterday. Its not just us, but also the surrounding caravans. The road was covered with snow and mud, giving a heavy burden on the horses.

Now that we went on the same route as them, we inadvertently secured our safety without paying for escort fees. But to be honest, being a parasite like this was awkward. Thats why I gave out tea every time we took a short break.

Since I could generate a sizable amount of hot water with water magic, I could provide it quickly since I didnt have to trouble myself by boiling water or starting a fire. Snacks? Giving out food was a little too much They were supposed to pay for it themselves, okay?

Thanks to my steady bribery, the largest caravan merchant leader told me he would somewhat overlook our imprudence. Thats good.

Seeing my advances, Triela seemed to understand the importance of softening the heart of other people. They helped me with the tea. But they had to choose between the situation and the company, right?

On the way, around a dozen hungry flock of goblins attacked us, but the caravans escorts scattered the crowd.

From there on, Maricle with a shield and Ryuu with swords guarded our carriage. Cain and Boman were the coachmen, so they waited without getting off. No, they were just pretending. After all, Im the one controlling the horse golems.

The girls didnt get off. They didnt have any decent weapons other than Trielas short sword. However, I got down to guard as well. Or rather, I asked Norn to intercept the goblins and Bell to protect the carriage.

More than half of the goblins were kicked around by Norn alone. It shocked the escorts of the merchants and caravans to see her feat. As expected from my Goddess.

After that, the itinerary proceeded smoothly, and we arrived at the next campsite.

Since each caravan had prepared night camps and meals, we started preparing as well. It was basically the same as yesterday, even the arrangement of the tent. And I prepared the meal.

Hmm What should I make today I decided to make soup, but its troublesome to make side dishes. How about soup with various ingredients and bread or rice balls? Hmm Soup with pork and vegetables should be okay, right? Ill add a lot of vegetables.

Ah, maybe I could make flour dumplings boiled in soup. Since its simple and had meat, they wouldnt complain, would they?

Thats why I prepared two saucepans. Our surroundings were staring at us, but I ignored it. I kneaded the flour to make the dough, let it cool down, and chopped many ingredients, then I put it into the saucepan swiftly. Since it was troublesome, I sloppily removed the scums.

When the ingredients had boiled to a certain extent, I cut the dough into a suitable size and steamed it.

Well, maybe I made too much? But these kids eat a lot. They would eat everything, even if they had to overeat a little. Maybe.

That looks delicious, but were just eating this much? Ryuu asked, but he didnt sound unhappy. More like he just asked out of curiosity? This soup is using a lot of ingredients, so itll make you full. The white thing in the soup is the staple food. I made a lot so you guys can ask for second servings. Seriously? We can eat everything!? Rather, Ill be troubled if you dont. Wahh, yay!

I made them in two full saucepans Could these people eat them all? The size of the bowl was not too big. I feel like we would still have leftovers even if they asked for second servings

When I was thinking, the bearded uncle who approached us this morning called me out.

Hey, Miss Can you share that with me a little? It smells good and looks delicious Im curious about the taste. Ah, but Im not asking it for free. Well, if its only a bowl, then sure Thank you! Um, how about I pay you one copper coin? Thats a bit too much. Ill take five small copper coins. No way. Thats too cheap. Ill pay you eight small copper coins.

Why did he raise the price instead But arguing about something like this was too troublesome. I responded while handing him a bowl. Okay, then here you go.

Yay! Then Ill eat it now mmgh!?

After having a bite, he started eating with astonishing speed. To be honest, his eyes were a little scary.

Whats this!? This is the first time I ate such a delicious dish! Haa, thanks

Hmm, did he like it? Well, I got some money, so I didnt mind. But he couldnt ask for second servings, okay?

Excuse me, can I also have a bowl? I will pay you. Haa, I dont mind

My, the caravan leader merchant too? Well, Im okay with it in this situation, my image would improve and I had no loss.

Oh, its been a long time since Im acquainted with this guy, but its rare for him to eat that deliciously hmm!? This is delicious Is that so? Thank you very much. But this is camp food, so I was cutting corners in the preparations This is you cutting corners? Hmm, yet you could make such a delicious dish

He was looking at the saucepan with a thoughtful face, but I wouldnt sell it to all the caravans, okay? These kids ate a lot, so I could only hand over the leftovers.

After I told him so, he said he wanted to buy the leftovers. Did he like it that much? But if hes fine with that, then sure.

Eventually, around of one saucepan remained. I gave the soup to them. The price was he increased the price considerably.

Triela and the kids who ate until theyre full were happy. The caravan over there who ate the flour dumplings in pork soup also highly praised my dish.

Some other caravans that went on the same route with us were looking at us with envy.

Hey, stop looking at me with those eyes. Its not like I like you because I bribe you with tea. So I ignored them.

I wasnt sure about this, but the largest caravan merchant leader seemed to have the most influence. As long as he treated us favorably, there shouldnt be any problem. Norn was enough to be our escort, anyway.

And so, the second day passed like that.

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