Not Sure, Another World Reincarnation

Chapter 68: It Isn't Finished Until You Return Home, Right?

Chapter 68: It Isn't Finished Until You Return Home, Right?

The next morning, I awoke feeling very refreshed. I felt refreshed in various ways.

Yesterday, everyone went to bed immediately after getting out of the bath. The other two instantly fell asleep due to eating their fill and the relaxing bath.

Me? I had towell do that.1 I did my daily routine for the first time in about a month. But as expected, I couldnt really enjoy it because there were other people in the house.

Well, it was fine since all the rooms were soundproof. The door also has a lock, Im rather prepared, right?

As such, I was in great shape right now. Lets do our best for today! Although, Im actually just heading back.

Ren, youre in a good mood. Somehow, your skins all shiny. We also feel rather energetic, but somehow, it feels different for Ren~?

The reason these two felt energetic was probably because of yesterdays food. Me? I guess it would be due to various other things.

I used cockatrice meat and eggs for dinner yesterday, so I guess that would be the reason?

I believe cockatrice eggs are really nutritious or something?

Cockatrice eggs!? Thats a high-class ingredient! Eh, yesterday? So it was what we ate?! Wouldnt you usually sell it?! How much would it even.

Even if you say that~

It would be quite problematic if an E rank like me were to bring a monster of that level in, and isnt it normal to want to try out such a high-class ingredient? It was really delicious after all. No, I get that, I really do understand, but. It really was delicious, but its a bit scary when you consider how expensive yesterdays food was, right~?

But it was already eaten, so there was nothing that could be done now that it was gone.

As such, we should do our best for what we ate! But were just going back Lets do our best~

In truth, there were still 5 eggs left. So most of the eggs are still hereand the eggs are really big too. I would have to use a pot just to beat the eggs

Cockatrice? Theres actually another one besides the first. Rather, even if minus what we ate yesterday, most of the first one still remained. I wonder what I should make with it? Herb chicken would be nice The cockatrice bones would be good for chicken soup? And then, the internal organs Ah, not good, not good, Im drooling.

Oh, right. Aside from food, I could make a feather quilt using the feathers. Lets do that.

And so we prepared to head back. After finishing preparations, we exited the house.

I was so surprised that I forgot, but the level of Rens Storage skill must be quite high. When you think about it, a house of this size, and then theres the carriage and horses too, right? Plus, theres also the cockatrice from yesterday inside, when you consider the storage size, wouldnt the skill be about level 10~?

During the trip, I had told the other two about my storage skill. Rather, it was already out of the bag when I took out my carriage.

Arisa, lets definitely keep this a secret. Right~.

Even though I didnt tell them to keep it a secret, they decided to do so themselves! What good kids! Come here, let me give you all a hug.

Fueeh. Ufufu. Lily, you have a gross look on your face~ Arisa, its because-

.I didnt expect this reaction. Oh, maybe these two are quite suited for each other? Hm~..I see~

Even back then, Lily was always like that, and Arisa was also the sameI see!

After that, we set off from the forest as if nothing had happened. We encountered three orcs along the way, but Lily and Arisa defeated them easily.

Theres exactly three, enough for each of us. I didnt do anything though? Its fine~

Then Ill gratefully accept it. Meat stock replenished. Speaking of which, Arisa was the one that noticed the orcs approaching..?

Arisa, you noticed the orcs coming, did you perhaps learn Alert? Thats right~ When I checked my status, I saw that I learned it. Nice going, Arisa! Yep, and I also learned Detection. Two at once!? Thats amazing, Arisa! Thanks~ But isnt Lilys magic somehow stronger too? Is that so? Hmmhuh? Whats wrong~? Somehowseveral of my skills leveled up

Even if you look at me like that..No, I really dont know how, so please stop.

Um, even if you look at me like that, I didnt do anything? ..You really didnt do anything? Anything~?

I really didnt do anything!

After that, we returned back to the royal capital without any incidents and went straight to the Adventurers Guild in the second division. It was just in the afternoon, so I thought that there wouldnt be that many people, but there were a lot of people as usual. The capital is really different huh..ah, cat ears. Beastfolk are cute.

Ren, please stop escaping reality. Were really being stared at~

Well, all I did was take out the gathered herbs, right? Ah, I did properly pretend to take it out from my bag, okay? Just that the amount was.

Ren, are you even aware of what youre doing? Im sorry

Incidentally, we didnt take out the orcs. Although the price for orc materials was known to be high. The three of us decided to take them home to eat.

If you dont want to stand out, please be a little more responsible.2 I completely agree~ Sorry.

No, but we just finished a rather tiring request, right? Wouldnt it be better to make as much money as possible? Isnt that the case?

Youre not reflecting, are you? Sorry, Ill reflect on it.

Sorry. But the angry Lily is also rather cute.


No, Im really sorry.3

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