Not Sure, Another World Reincarnation

Chapter 91: Teacher Ren's Honey Lesson

Chapter 91: Teacher Ren's Honey Lesson

Lets see. After I finished the preparations and chatted with the girls for a while, it looked like the idiots had arrived. They were walking towards us while talking about various things.

Hey, Cain. Should we really do this? Its better if you can read and write, right? You cant even read the request form.

Ehh? But Triela can read, right? So its fine, isnt it? Of course its not. This is an extreme example, but what if all of us die and only you survive?

Theres no way it will happen! Hey, Boman. You also agree with me, right? I dont really care. Can you say that the possibility is definitely zero? Not to mention, its not like were always going to be in the same party, okay? We had to punish you because you were tricked and received the wrong change when you went to buy supplies alone. If you study properly, something like that wont happen again.

Thats if Triela and that shrimp came with me, there wouldnt be any problem! Youre going to make them follow you everywhere just because you dont want to learn? Do you know that even Ricorice can do more than you now?

What!? How can I be more useless than that shrimp! Ricorice can read, write, calculate, and even use magic now. As far as what Triela heard from Ren, Ricorice has a talent in magic. You can neither read, write, nor use magic. Youre even the weakest among us physically, right? And its not like youll lose anything if you learn how to read and write.

Tsk Got it, I just have to do it, right? So troublesome.

Hey, I kinda lost my motivation already. Can I go home now? No?

Ryuu, the king of idiots, hadnt changed at all. How baffling Boman also still had that lazy face. Be more motivated.

Cain, youre slow! Sorry. But were not late, right? Its polite to come earlier than the person who were indebted to! Ren came with us, you know? Eh, really?

Ahh. Well, but Cain and the other boys came earlier than the expected time, so its fine.

Sorry, Ren. Have we kept you waiting? Good morning, Maricle. I didnt wait that long, dont worry. Ah, good morning. But you came before us, right? Sorry. I heard that you went to buy bread for everyone. You have a proper reason, so theres no problem. Hey, dwarf. Can you really teach us? You seriously can read and write now?

Ryuu interrupted when Maricle talked to me. Just who was he calling a dwarf, this idiot. Hes even shorter than me, how annoying! Norn, can you bite him a little?

You fool!



Ohh, the burst of Maricles iron first!

Do you understand your position!? Stop it already! Oww I got it! Sorry, dwarf!

Can I just go home? For real?

Dont open your mouth anymore!



Surprisingly, Cain smacked him as well.

As I got a little surprised at the unexpected development, Maricle and Cain started to beat Ryuu up. I didnt really have any reason to stop them, so let them hit him until they were satisfied. Its about time, so lets start the lesson.

Triela, were starting soon Ah, wait, Ren! Umm

Ah, Cain What? To be honest, I didnt want to talk to him more than I should. Rather than making a sound to reply to him, I turned back and stared at him with scornful eyes.

Umm, when we were in the orphanage, I Ah Err

Why was he stuttering so much? Okay, this was a waste of time. Lets start the class immediately.

Triela, Im starting the class now, so please sit down. Okay! Hey, you all have to sit down too! Cain, quick! You idiots, just sit down already!

Since they already got to their seats, I started the class. By the way, I was wearing my hood during the class. There were quite a few adventurers looking at us from a distance.

Well, Arle, Kuro, and Maricle had the motivation to learn, so their progress was quick. I didnt want to say this, but Cain was also quick to learn. Boman was normal? No, its hard to say what is normal. He was neither overly good nor bad?

What was unexpected was Ryuu. He was surprisingly serious while studying, even if he was groaning the entire time. Occasionally, he would scratch his head and throw a tantrum, but after that, he would take a deep breath and go back to his study. Somehow, even if he was complaining, he was more motivated than I expected. If he could stop freaking out and making noise, it would be a lot better.

After I taught the basics of reading and writing for around an hour, Ryuu and Boman had reached their limits, so I decided to take a short break. Arle and Kuro also started to lose their concentration.

Lets take a break for around fifteen minutes.


Hmm, seems like everyone was pretty exhausted? It cant be helped, Ill give them some juice. I took out some cups, poured orange juice, and gave it to everyone.

Drink this and take a break. Give me back your cup when youre done drinking. Yay! Delicious! What is this? Its so delicious, isnt it!?

Hmm, they looked like they liked it a lot? But I wouldnt do this service every time, okay. Its just a first bonus gift.

Cain looked like he wanted to speak to me, but I ignored him.

By the way, while I was teaching the kids, Norn and Bell were moving around to guard us. Thanks to them, no one came to bother us unnecessarily. Some people were looking at us from a distance, but they were a bit too far to snoop at the blackboard and listen to the lesson. They also wont come to approach us. As expected from Norn, shes the best.

Hey, dont you have extra? If you do, give me more!

I dont have anything to share with you!

I dont. You dont? How stingy.

Should I kill this little shit?

Eh, theres no more? I want to drink more There are extra servings for Rico and Kuro. Okay, here you go. Really!? Hooray!

Fufufu, theyre so cute!

Oi, wait! You just said that you dont have any more left, right!? Whats with that! I dont have anything for you. Oi, dont joke with

Whack! A deadly blow from Maricle! It was super effective! Ryuu was in agony!

Shut up.

Hmm. As expected from Maricle. Hes truly reliable.

Now then, lets do the second half of the battle since they had regained their motivation. But should I continue teaching them reading and writing or switch to calculation? Hmm

Everyone, how do you want to continue the study? Would you like to learn reading and writing? If youre fed up with that, we can also learn calculation.

In this kind of case, lets decide with the majority vote.

Hmm, Im okay with reading and writing, I guess? Its getting a bit boring for me, so Id like to try the calculation. Im fine with learning the same thing. I mean, I can switch my focus to another topic pretty easily too. Im fine with anything.

Hmm, Arle, Rico, Kuro, and Ryuu voted for reading and writing. Maricle and Cain voted for calculation. Triela and Boman were fine with either of them. Therefore, lets go with the majority vote.

Then well continue reading and writing.

There was some booing, but I completely ignored it. Besides, the idiot Ryuu was doing his best. Its not a bad idea to adjust with the fool here.

The second half of the battle ended without any problems.

Ryuu was doing his best even if he kept complaining. Its annoying when he opens his mouth.

When I was cleaning up, two girls approached us. One was big and one was small. Their faces were similar, so they were probably sisters? As I wondered why they would come here, it turned out that they seem to know Triela and started a conversation with her.

Umm, Triela? What are you doing in this kind of place? Ah, Sheryl and Melty. Well

Their names were Sheryl and Melty. Both of them were pink-haired beastfolks with white cat ears and tail. Sheryl had long hair and Melty had a short haircut. As I predicted, they were really sisters.

So youre studying reading, writing, and calculation Triela, is it that girl who taught you? I remember you talking about her before. Yes, shes my best friend. Umm, can she also teach us? Eh? Thats, er Um, Ren?

According to Trielas explanation, Sheryl seemed to be a good person who had been helping Triela since she came to the royal capital. Sheryl was thirteen years old and her sister Melty was ten years old.

Sheryl also came from an orphanage, and she moved to the capital with her sister. Thanks to Sheryls attentiveness, Triela could distinguish herbs to some extent. And even if their previous lodging was very cheap and narrow, they could sleep under a roof with her help. You could even say that Sheryl was Triela and her whole partys benefactor.

After that, they would collect herbs together when they met each other. But recently, Triela and the whole partys knowledge about herbs had suddenly increased together with their income, and they even changed their inn. Surprised at how Triela teams had suddenly become richer, Sheryl asked the reason, then she knew about me and the reference room.

But Sheryl, who didnt know how to read and write even after going to the reference room, seemed to be in trouble. She couldnt read what was written even though she had the information right in front of her. She had a younger sister, so she was troubled since she wanted to increase her income.

And then, she suddenly had a chance to study in front of her. Hmmm.

Ren, right? I beg you, please teach us how to read and write! Just like this!

She asked while bowing down that low I didnt know her, but she also came from an orphanage like us Hmm.

Umm, Ren, can I also request this? I know that Ren doesnt like talking to strangers, and this will be a burden for you, but Sheryl has really helped us a lot, so I want to help her! Sorry! Please help them!

Hmm. Haa. Since shes Trielas benefactor, it cant be helped.

Haa I understand. Fine, I will teach you. Really!? Seriously!? Thank you very much!! However, Im doing this study group just for teaching Trielas party. Once they have learned to some extent, Im going to stop teaching them. No matter if youre still in the middle of learning. If you understand that and still want to join, then sure. Also, the tuition fee is five copper coins per person per lesson. Okay, thats fine! Thank you very much, Ill do my best!

Hmm, Im getting caught up with their pace again Am I that easy This is no good.

Please ask Triela for the other details. I understand. Triela, please teach me lots!

Well, something slightly troublesome happened. But after that, we ate our own lunch before breaking up. Rico and Maricle looked at me wistfully, but I ignored them. Probably feeling guilty for pushing Sheryl and Melty into me, Triela acted awkwardly.

Since I had said that I would do it, she didnt have to worry about that. I decided this on my own anyway.

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