Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 178: Endgame 1

Chapter 178: Endgame 1

The main courtyard, Duke Wu's mansion.

Madam Lu won't into the bedroom to check on Zhu Fengyin, the ascent of the poisonous incense had gradually diffused away but ther was still a faint scent in the air. She walked to the bed and looks down at the sleeping Zhu Fengyin, about from looking a little pale. She looked okay, Aunt He went in after madam Lu. She stood silently behind madam Lu, waiting to receive any orders from madam Lu.

"You are not to blame for this happening. Honestly, if I am to blame someone, I would blame myself. For underestimating Zhu Faye, you were right when you suggested, I nib it at the board last time. Maybe if I did, this wouldn't have happened," Madam Lu said without looking.

"I don't think you were wrong in deciding to let First young madam handle her family issues. Things are more delicate when it concerns family. I think that like you, first young madam hesitated considering her close relationship with him. It is not surprising. I have only stayed with the young madam for close to three months but I can already tell that she is not someone that would let these sort of things go" 

Madam Lu nodded, "I will let give her a few days if she doesn't act quickly. I will step in, I am curious about what she would do. She is now a duchess and the future head of this family. A position that comes with a lot of responsibilities, making difficult decisions is a must. You cannot shoot from that, the sooner she learns that the better for us all".

Aunt He glanced down at Zhu Fengyin and sighed, "she had gone through a lot, I honestly don't know what ti make of such a family like the Zhu family. It feels like it is harder to survive in such a family than at a war front".

Madam Lu laughed softly and looked back at her first ranked noble maid. "sadly that is the reality of most noble families since Zhu Fengyin and Zhu Faye had different birth mothers. Such rivalry is expected but to go to these extremes. Zhu Faye is an animal and like all deranged animals, he must be put down". She glanced at Aunt He and instructed "Keep watch and send word when she wakes"

"Yes, my lady" 

Madam Lu nodded and after patting her on the shoulder left and returned to her room. Two hours later Zhu Fengyin woke, she was a little disoriented, Aunt He careful helped her get settled before sending word to Physician Gu and madam Lu. Physician Gu gave her a clean bill of health after checking her pulse and instructed her ti stay on bed rest for some days until the wound on the Uterus caused by the miscarriage was healed.

Madam Lu visited her briefly before leaving her ti rest. Although no one said anything about the incident, Zhu Fengyin was a little curious. She asked a few questions, after trying to avoid each question. Aunt He finally told her everything two days later, Zhu Fengyin threw the ceramics cup ti the wall opposite the bad as soon as she heard everything.

Aunt He and the maids in the room jumped in shock as that happened, Zhu Fengyin wasn't known to cause such a scene when angry so they were taken aback at her response. Aunt, He tried as much as she could to lift Zhu Fengyin's mood for the next few days but gave up after a few days. As long as Lu Yaozhu didn't take it out on the maids and was only brooding. She kept to herself.


Zhu Faye's courtyard, at Minister Zhu's mansion 

Zhu Faye was sealed in his study, carefully going through the account books of the Zhu family stores with the steward in charge of the books when A'Bao walked into the room. He looked up from the spread-out records and smiled. He swiftly dismissed the steward, these records were the least of his problems. He was curious how the morning court sessions went. 

Zhu Faye was yet to be appointed to a notable ministry that reported directly ti the Emperor and as such didn't attend the morning court. Instead was forced to rely on his network of spies to find out what went on at court. As maddening as that was, it was the reality of his position.

Although he had come fourth in the Imperial exam and made a few accomplishments in his department. His father held him down behind the scenes, under the pretence that he wasn't ready but he knew better.

His father didn't want him to overshadow his legitimate born son, he lost all use to his father six years ago when that boy was born. It doesn't matter how hard he worked he would never be as relevant as Zhu Fengyin and that brat. Even that fool Zhu feifei was considered a better breed than he was. 

Zhu Faye gestures for A'Bao to wait beside the door shut the open records book and kept it aside. He gazed up at the plump older man and with a friendly smile said "I won't keep you anymore, you may leave. I will go through these records and get back to you".

"Yes, then I will take my leave" the steward bowed at Zhu Faye and retreated. A'Bao waited a few minutes for the steward to be beyond hearing distance before walking forward.

Zhu Faye threw the record beside the table. "Please tell me you are here with good news," he said to A'Bao grinning.

"There is good news and bad news my lord" A'Bao said gently.

"Hmm let me hear the good news first before whatever bad news you are here to deliver ruin my mood"

"Our men up north reported that the Crown Prince of Chu state's boat dropped anchor at Duanyue two day earlier. He is en route to Ningzhuo with his army just passed through Duanyue and is headed straight to Ningzhuo" A'Bao said.

Hahaha, "that is truly a piece of good news, that should keep Lu Yaozhu and the Empress occupied. Empress Lu has is very smart, if I do not do this to keep her occupied. She might see through our plan if Empress Lu tried even a little bit to hide her affections for Lu Yaozhu. I never would have thought of using this plan against her. This is why one should never have any weakness". 

"His Majesty got a little suspicious of the sixth prince at today's court session, my lord. It might not be a good time for us to challenge the Crown Prince's position" A'Bao continued.

Zhu Faye sat back on the seat, " don't worry if everything goes as planned there will be no need for the Crown Prince to be dethroned. Just keep an eye on things in the north and inform me once Lu Yaozhu is trapped." When A'Bao didn't budge from his position, he looked up. "Anything else?" He asked.

"Yes, my lord. I just got word that her grace, the duchess of Wu nearly had a miscarriage"

Zhu Fengyin hit his hand on the table hard, "why is it so difficult to kill that child. I was trying hard to spare Fengyin from the coming pain but it seems like I can't. Let her be, we should let her enjoy her last days of freedom."


Four days later, at the Northern borders

"Report report!!!" A military scout dressed in full armour shouted as he ran towards the commanding tent in the camp. Lu Yaozhu stood with the other commanders mapping the route for their troupe when the flaps of the leather tent were pushed aside at a soldier fell on his knees.

"Report" the soldier shouted holding his hand forward. 

Lu Yaozhu looked up from the map and glanced at the soldier, "go on".

"Ningzhuo is under attack from both ends, my lord. Commander Han requests for reinforcement."

"What!" Lu Yaozhu dropped the map on the table, "how is that even possible. What about the soldiers stationed at Ningzhuo's borders?"

"They were outnumbered, the governor of Duanyue and Chuqain has deflected. They have turned against us, they gave Chu state's Silver army a free entrance into the north" 

Lu Yaozhu glanced at the bottle bitten Generals around him, they had been fighting non-stop for weeks to defend the borders. The once cheerful bunch was now more mellow, following the death of Commander Bai two days earlier. The men were tired after fighting for three days straight without much sleep. 

"Our borders have been compromised, brothers. Ningzhuo houses millions of citizens. Citizens that we have sworn to protect, we cannot let it fall into enemy hands" Lu Yaozhu said leaning forward and resting both hands on the table. 

General Zhang, a seasoned veteran and the most senior general after Lu Yaozhu cleared his throat. "Our numbers are smaller because of all the battles, we really cannot spare much. Even if we successfully defend Ningzhuo, if we lose this border. We would be back to square one, I volunteer to go there with a small team and offer some reinforcement until a new set is sent from the capital. We will hold on until our last breath".

"No! I appreciate your courage but I cannot send you down there" Lu Yaozhu looked down at General Zhang's injured hand. "You are injured and is needed here, I will lead a team of 10,000 men. That is the only number of men that can be spared, while you take guard of this border. I will write to his Majesty now to send more men".

"I cannot let you go alone, General," Another general said. "I will go with you as to the number of soldiers, I think that we can spare 3000 more soldiers."

Lu Yaozhu glanced at the General, "it might be dangerous?"

"And the battle here isn't?"

"Okay, then get ready. We leave in five minutes" Lu Yaozhu said.

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