NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 344: [Bonus Chapter] Gathering The Allies For The War

Chapter 344: [Bonus Chapter] Gathering The Allies For The War

***Special Note: Thanks for [[[[ CABAL_Nod]]]] for his exceptional support to the novel by gifting Golden Tickets to it. Also great thanks for [[[[ DragonFire1359]]]] for his great support by gifting Golden Tickets to the novel. I'm really excited to write more chapters now. This chapter is dedicated for the two of them***

The next moment Bloom reappeared inside the room he reserved before. The gears he took from before were scattered all around, making him feel some regret to not fulfill what he intended to do here.

"There is no time left," he checked the clock of his quest to find there was only three hours left for the war to start. "It's time to gather everyone."

He hurriedly gathered everything including his Pandora box before finally checking out from the hotel. He didn't need to waste anymore time before he took out a ticket for the Regatos town as he intended to pay its king a visit first.

Then he would head towards the Blossom town next before leading all towards the fort.

"Wow, this mayor knows how to show off!"

The moment he appeared in the grand plaza of the Regatos town, he found a large number of strong looking NPCs standing all over the place.

They were neatly organized, dressed in a single uniform that was made entirely of golden and silver gears.

They looked very eye-catching and they cleared the place from anyone.

So his appearance here attracted their attention instantly.

"This town is limited for selected personnel only," one of the NPCs walked slowly towards him, "may I presume you are Mr. Hannipal?"

Bloom raised an eyebrow for his surprise. He didn't imagine that the town mayor would lock up his town and limit its access only to him.

"Where is... the king?" he was about to ask casually about that mayor yet he paused before saying the name others say about him around here.

"I'm here," a strong voice came from one corner of the plaza. Bloom watched the mayor walking towards him with his long hair dancing right and left on the sides of his shoulders.

And he wasn't alone.

"Seven... Impressive!" As the mayor walked towards him, Bloom counted seven strong looking and very domineering men walking by his side.

"I thought to bring more aid to this quest," the mayor said with a sly smile that made Bloom doubt everything he said.

However Bloom wasn't in position to turn down such an offer.

"I won't pay more than we agreed upon," Bloom said it clearly so that the mayor wouldn't have any funny thoughts.

"Don't worry," the mayor stood in front of him while gazing around his mayors, "they are helping me for the same percent we agreed upon."

Bloom smiled faintly before he drove the next piece of news to them all.

"The fort... it isn't in the outer region," he said.

"What?'' The mayors all seemed surprised before a wave of whispers emerged between them. "We agreed upon a fort in the outer region," the Regatos town mayor said in a cold tone.

"I know," Bloom shrugged as if he wasn't fazed by their reactions, "it's in the inner zone."


This time the shocked expressions all over their faces were so funny to watch. Bloom couldn't help but grin while enjoying this brief moment with them.

"In... Inner zone?" the Regatos mayor seemed not to believe it, "are you sure?"

And Bloom only nodded. "I can understand if you all have second thoughts here... This war isn't going to be an easy one."

The mayors all exchanged silent glances with the one who summoned them before they all nodded.

"How long before this war starts?" one of the mayors asked.

"Why?" Bloom didn't give the answer at once.

"We... need to call up more arms," the Regatos mayor slowly said, "we can't fend off such an attack over the inner stronghold alone."

Bloom thought to tell them about the presence of allies, but he refrained from doing so. He wouldn't say no to more helpers.

"As long as I won't pay extra for this," Bloom nodded, "you got yourselves one hour."

"One hour?!!" the mayors all exclaimed in surprise before the Regatos mayor nodded in understanding. "We will be ready for you in one hour."

"Good," Bloom took a ticket to the Blossom town before adding, "send everyone to the Swor town. We all are going to regroup there."

"We?" the Regatos mayor wasn't stupid to not notice the way Bloom spoke about this.

"Yeah, you, me and other mayors you are bringing," yet Bloom didn't say anymore to him before he vanished from his eyesight.

"Damn this kid! He always gets on my nerves!" the mayor couldn't help but exclaim in frustration.

And other mayors around only laughed and said nothing.

As Bloom appeared in the next plaza, he found the reception there no much different than the one he saw at the other town.

This time, NPCs were all dressed in red uniforms. All gears looked red like they were covered entirely with blood.

And Tony was standing there alongside five of his own fellow town mayors waiting for him.

"You sealed the teleportation here?" Bloom couldn't help but ask.

"We can't risk anyone preying on what we are going to do, right?" Tony said with a smile before he warmly welcomed him, "come, we have many things to discuss."

"We have no time for that," Bloom shook his head before gazing around. The town seemed to be empty except for those armed NPCs who were ready for war. "You need to come with me to the fort."

Bloom decided to take them in first and leave things out there for them to handle until he brought back the others.

Tony seemed to be surprised a little before he asked: "What about the battle plan?"

"We can't have any without inspecting the fort, right?" Bloom said before opening his game interface. There he found the small icon of the player's territories before entering the long page of the fort.

He didn't hesitate to select the open portal icon there before a black ball appeared.

At first it was small in the size of a human head before it started to expand with blue and black electric arcs dancing around. When it stabilized, it was big enough to allow one of the dark monsters to enter.

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