Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 284 Team Mino/Jacks

Chapter 284 Team Mino/Jacks

Under the commands of Milk, the first to strike was Team Mino, who took the chance to jump onto the mountainous piece of metal and faced off against those humanoid crawling robots. Mer was the first to initiate the attack by summoning a large chunk of ice, that he had to control with his pair of hands.

As it grew larger, the humanoid robots detected that it was a threat, so they quickly moved to intercept Mer before he did serious damage to the robots themselves or the Titan Knight's blade. "Do not let our maid and saviour of our souls be interrupted!" One of the Fanatic Minotaurs shouted, and many of the fellow Fanatic Minotaurs smashed their chest as a sign of pride before charging towards the incoming crawler robots to block them.

The fanatic minotaurs were crazy strong on their own, due to their simple focus on just attacking without any regard for defense. And in this particular dungeon with faith, fear and belief being amplified, their strength increased by many folds. Those minotaurs easily grabbed the crawler robots and tore them into two as if they were opening a pack of potato ch.i.p.s... only in this case, computer ch.i.p.s popped out of those crawler robots.

With sufficient distraction, Mer conjured a harpoon of ice that was the size of a submarine, which terrified the Titan Knight as he aimed it towards the hand holding the immense metal blade. But instead of Mer shooting it, Sebastia dashed towards the bottom tip of the ice harpoon before leaping up and sending a flying kick at it.

Although it was just a sound of a soft thud from the flying kick, the kinetic power was more than sufficient to propel the ice harpoon towards the Titan Knight's hand as it speedily whizzed into it before the Titan Knight could retaliate.

With the assistance of Sebastia, the ice harpoon pierced through the hand as it continuously spun like a drill, causing it to penetrate into the circuits of the Titan Knight and making the titan blade to drop into abyssal darkness.

Meanwhile, the werejackals were fighting toe to toe against those remnant robot crawlers that fell out from the plummeting titan blade. They did not have crazy magic like Mer nor overwhelming one sided strength like Sebastia, but they had superb coordination and agility. Two werejackals could decimate the crawlers at twice the speed compared to two minotaurs, but what if you multiplied the werejackals by two? They could take down twenty of those crawlers in less than twenty seconds.

Not only that, the werejackals had been training with Grey and all of them learnt how to use a simple fireball attack. Through constant training, Grey realised that being in human form made them more attuned to magic as compared to their werejackal form. Hence, they added switching forms to their daily training regiment, becoming so proficient in it that they became able to do it on the fly. This particular ability was not demonstrated in dungeon instances because Jin did not script it that way. It was an ability they discovered on their own.

With such transformation ability, the Jacks regularly switched forms during this robot crawler fight, and if one presented to an audience, one would have thought that they were doing a theatrical performance as the fight looked like one huge choreographed dance.

Despite the internal conflict the werejackals and minotaurs were having, when it came down to a fight, differences were placed aside and they fought alongside each other. Sure, they were definitely some grudge killing like Yem counting how many humanoid robots he shot down out loud, but he was evenly matched by Yellow who was aggressively biting the metallic necks of those humanoid robots. After all, they knew it was just a friendly competition until the stakes got higher when the Titan Knight's eyes started to glow, and a low booming voice continued to echo throughout the entire 'room'.

Jin noticed something was off, especially when the glow got redder. "Shit! Do not tell me it is gonna shoot laser beams out of its eyes!" Jin had that terrible feeling as he could now sense magical energy being absorbed through that pair of eyes.

"EVERYONE RETREAT NOW!" Jin shouted as he used all his might to summon a monstrous wall of white ice in front of him.

"PEPPERS!" That one word was an acknowledgement for the great Fiery Demonic Queen Sage to support Jin, but he did not realise that Peppers' ability was over the top fantastic. Jin initially thought that Peppers would only be reinforcing his shield against the attack and he could maybe save a few of his monsters from annihilation from the laser eye beam of supposed death.

But what Peppers did, was cast a gravity well strong enough to pull everything except for the Titan Knight towards her, including the remaining robot crawlers. That being said, she did not care as her priority was only to save as many comrades as possible. Thankfully Peppers did what she needed to do and nobody complained. Aside from the weird pulling of the stomach, they all got out scot free. A little discomfort was a low price to cheat death.

The eyes released not just a beam of hot scorching ray of annihilation, but everything it hits explodes along the way, which made Peppers slightly...okay rather jealous. It was because the explosion was not just a kaboom in simple terms. It was a pa ta pa ta boooooom!

"HOW DOES HE SHOOT BEAMS THAT EXPLODES THAT WAY!?!?! JIN!!!! I WANT THAT!!! I want that explosion spell!!! I also want beams that can shoot explosions too!!!" Peppers' eyes turned starry as she was admiring the explosions. Although Jin and Milk knew that her priorities right now were somewhat wrong, but they could not fault her for that, since both were aware of her passion for explosions.

The barrier or "The Great White Ice Wall of China" as Jin now dubbed it casually, was being continuously bombarded by explosions as the Titan Knight focused all its energy at that particular direction. Jin used the source of belief to think that it could hold the energy beam, but there was doubt growing in his heart too which caused cracks to appear in the white ice wall. And in terms of strength, the eye energy beams were indeed stronger and deadlier than his wall of ice.

Milk tried to supplement Jin with chi as she converted her magical mana into chi energy for Jin to use, but it was not enough. Suddenly Milk remembered that Peppers had an inexhaustible supply of Mana which she was entitled to by the System. "OEI Peps! Quickly come here and help Jin out!" Milk shouted, but Peppers who understood what was going to happen was quite reluctant.

"Please, can't we do something else? I don't want to do that again... I might even vomit rainbows once more!" Peppers whined at such an inappropriate timing though truth be told, her vomiting of rainbows was a significant drawback to her. The overly excessive mana discharge strained her body's mana circuity extremely causing her to overload and momentarily experience multiple organ failures at once. If not for the fact that she was a Bellator, she would have died a long time ago.

"I have a plan, do not worry." Milk's eyes were determined and resolute, and Peppers decided to trust her on it. She quickly stepped forward and Milk grabbed onto Peppers. She then felt a feeling similar to an essence drain spell where she could feel her mana moving away from her. It was gradual, and subsequently, the drain was getting stronger and stronger. Yet at the same time, Peppers could also feel her body being restored too.

It was then that she understood that Milk was acting as a conduit. She absorbed Pepper's mana into her body and Milk converted it into chi energy for Jin to use. At the same time, Milk was also using part of that mana to cast healing spells on Peppers preventing the body from overloading. Peppers did not realise Milk was that capable, especially when acting as such a conduit brought forth a high level of strain to her own body too.

"Do not give me that look Peps. I am after all trained in the mind and body. Leave it to me." Milk winked at her as for the first time Peppers felt that Milk was like a reliable elder sister. "Master, use the excess mana I am transferring via Milk to stop those lasers! I refuse to believe that it can sustain such a large attack for very long." Peppers shouted as she hugged Milk tightly which made Jin smirk.

"It's rare that I get to see you this pumped up. I shall do as you bid Peppers." Jin gave a one sided grin, as he channelled his new found chi energy through the The Great White Ice Wall of China.

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