Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 290 High Intensity Mode

Chapter 290 High Intensity Mode

"GAHHH! WHAT TIME IS IT!!!!" Jin, who was slowly waking up from his peaceful sleep, grabbed the phone from his pocket and looked at the time. Only to shockingly realise that it was already 6am. Only half an hour left, before Ku Wai would show up in the shop.

"Oh my god! Why am I still asleep?! Why didn't anyone force me to wake up?! Arggghhh! No time! No time at all!!" Jin quickly got up from his bed even though his muscles were telling him to stay in bed for longer. There was nobody to blame but himself for falling into exhaustion.

However, Jin could not break the habit of basic hygiene and cleanliness for the morning, so he did his business in the toilet while brushing his teeth and talking to the System all at the same time. "System mmm how long can you uuuuu force the time dilation in the Dungeon Maker?"

"5 hours and at most 6 hours given your current grade." The System stated and Jin did the mental calculation in his brain of the average amount of time he needed to create the dungeon in time and still think that it was not enough time even if he barely made it for the 8am deadline.

Jin could technically give Yang Ling the Tiger Princess a substandard work since it was free. However, after further consideration, Jin felt that Yang Ling was pinning all her hopes on him to clinch this particular project. To be honest, it was not his problem whether she could win the hearts and minds of those military nutheads, but Yang Ling did help him with the police issue. If she had such power, it would be in his best interest to let her keep or improve her influence, especially when going against the Ruby Rats.

"System, any other way to increase the time dilation? I really need more time!" Jin splashed his face with water to rinse the soap and remnant toothpaste foam away.

"High Intensity Mode." The System spoke through his phone and Jin had no idea what was that at all.

"How much more time can I have with high intensity mode?" Jin did not probe the System further about the high intensity mode since he was running out of time. Thank goodness with the revamp of the Terrace House, he could teleport anytime into his shop.

"The duration depends on the User's ability to stay focused. You can go up to 50 hours. Exceeding 60 hours is highly inadvisable even you were able to hold on. Should the User experience too much of a backlash System may be forced to expel him for safety reasons." System replied, and Jin did not hesitate to accept it as he entered the Dungeon Maker.

"Turn it on!" Jin ordered and without further ado, the System immediately struck a lightning bolt out of nowhere on him. Not once. Not twice. But EIGHT times. Jin gritted his teeth as he handled each lightning bolt with maximum tolerance. The first strike wasn't so bad but the second and subsequent ones were getting so painful he nearly felt like puking and felt that he was slowly losing his mind.

When the lightning bolts stopped, Jin realised that his consciousness was a mess as if he was seeing multiple things at the same time. Only then he saw other copies of himself with Kraft coming forward from the side.

"This is the ability of high intensity mode. Each copy here is also part of you, and yet you can do separate things if you put your head to it." Kraft snapped his finger and Jin suddenly remembered the basic subconscious training that Kraft had induced into him. Jin imagined himself into the subconscious room, that empty black room with two chairs and a hanging lightbulb. With his own original self in his subconscious, he sat down and started to separate his orders on what to do.

The Dungeon Maker helped to facilitate the other eight copies of Jin and created the exact same interfaces which allowed all nine Jins to work simultaneously on the project. The original Jin had no time to give names or whatsoever so he just named his clones, Jin 2, Jin 3 and so on.

"Jin 2, start by creating the basic layout of the dungeon. Jin 3, check the prices of the materials in the Dungeon Maker resources. Jin 4, analyse the stats of the robots, but start with the ones that look as human as possible, I want to use them in the dungeons. Jin 5, check the net for basic obstacle courses, Olympic training regimes, military fitness test and so forth. Jin 6, contact Patsu and Bear Cub One, their task is going to be to keep Ku Wai busy and later reach out to the Three Headed Bear from the Panda Weapon Store. Jin 7, assist Jin 6 by processing the blueprints from Yang Ling's USB. Jin 8 prepare the production of the prototype that Yang Ling passed to me erm us...ah, whatever. Jin 9 keep track of our dungeon dollars. I want a full report of our costs and earnings, especially how much we can salvage and act accordingly. Same deal as last time, bargain the shit out with the System when it sells them to the black market." Original Jin commanded via the subconscious room. He himself decided to stay in the dungeon maker where he would assist Jin 2 in the creation of the dungeon.

But before that, Original Jin had decided to make matters simpler for his subconscious controlling and things to proceed faster by creating number tags for each Jin. Like soccer players, he placed a sticker tag behind every Jin and made things less complicated for his original subconscious.

As the work started, Original Jin felt his skull numbing away, the separate tasks that he needed to do with nine other Jins were probably utilising near to 100% of his brain power or so he thought.

"You are currently utilising only 34% of your total brain power. Cultivation Grade has an effect on how much User's brain can process as cultivation works similar to magic. With more Chi points opened, brain processing is higher but unfortunately proven that it is lesser than the way of magic." System stated, and Jin heard it as a passing remark since he was too busy adjusting the layout that Jin 2 created.

"System, how much have we received from the entire raid?" Jin 9 asked. Before he got an answer he got interrupted by Kraft holding on to a haversack filled with bags of holding from the interrogation room. Behind him was Itori carrying an even larger knapsack that was full of various weapon and armour sets. The bag of holdings were each stained with different amounts of blood. Yet those were no different from what the System had obtained when the Deep Ones came by to pass all the loot they found from the battlefield. The Goblins also passed the items they robbed from the adventurers to the System.

Nonetheless, it was not an issue since the contents of those bag of holdings were still intact. Kraft also stated that all the equipment would be sent to the Panda General store for cleaning and counting as the System provided a rough list of items brought back to Jin 9. They hauled everything they could steal and salvage before letting most of the adventurers die from their wounds.

Jin 9 could only bitterly laugh at the pitiful situation those humans had to go through. He could imagine those Deep Ones pulling boots, gloves and maybe tearing pieces of armour from those adventurers before killing them. Jin 9 initially thought that the Deep Ones were only going to critically wound the enemies and leave them be while parading themselves under the glory of their Lord Derpy. He was pleasantly surprised that Derpy ordered them to salvage all the equipment on them for him to sell.

"There should be more than enough in here for you to go wild with your creation. I wish you fun, as I have some other things to attend to." Kraft said as he waved goodbye to Jin 9. Just before he completely disappeared his head turned around: "I nearly forgot. Zeru expects you to fully finished creating the dungeon. Try not to get crazy in here ...and don't you go talking to strange voices."

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