Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 17: Sudden Despair

Chapter 17: Sudden Despair

One whole hour after the incident, everyone was still dazed.

When the driver and guards finally woke up, they even treated it as a dream.

Inside the carriage, no one spoke, they were even trying to keep their breathing as quiet as possible.

Tian Yi had his eyes closed and was back to his usual calm looking face.

It was as if what had just happened never existed in the first place.

But the people around him are currently trying to digest the Winds and Waves they just had tasted.

* * * * *

Lao Bai was thinking to himself.

My god! To think that not only did he fake his name, he even faked his appearance!

And what kind of family does he have? Protect the innocents? That sounds like something an Emperor would say to his own people..

Is his father an Emperor in one of the higher Realms?

Next time, I must act before he gets angry like that again. This time I was too shocked to even do anything

But still, what the fuck is that face of his? Is he trying to make all the males in the world die from envy?

Damn! Even Im jealous, and Im a Magic Beast!

A Magic Beast is a Beast with very high intelligence that Cultivates.

* * * * *

Xiao Chen was crying on the inside.

Fuck! To think that he can kill all these bandits as easy as turning over a hand, as expected of a Spirit King!

To think I can call a Spirit King my Big Brother! Damn, Im freaking lucky!

I wonder if he is willing to help me Cultivate

No, forget about Cultivating! What the fuck is with that handsome face?!

I dont care if my Cultivation is lower, but really!? Even his looks is a whole Realm above mine!

Maybe two

Okay, maybe three.

Fuck me

He didnt really feel down when his Cultivation was lower, at least he was way more handsome than him.

But now, not only was his Cultivation lower, even his proud face was surpassed!

* * * * *

Xiao Fang was thinking about the future of his Xiao Family.

He dealt with the Red Wolf Bandits, known as one of the most dangerous organizations like Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood

Spirit King No, maybe even the Sky Realm?

18 Years Old Is he really 18 Years Old?

If I can get him to join my family, forget about him touching my wifes ass, Ill even let him touch all of the butts he wants from my Xiao Province!

Damn, Yinger! This daddy will forgive you even if you do shameful things to get him! Codes? Morals? Forget what we taught you and listen to your instincts!

Fuck, with a face like his, Ill kill myself if my daughter doesnt attack him like a wolf!

Fuck, if my wife tells me she doesnt feel like running to him, even I wont believe it!

Who are his parents?! They created such a thing, and theyre letting him walk around like its nothing?!

Are they trying to ruin my marriage?! How are they going to take responsibility if he smites every female on earth?!

Are they really trying to reduce the birthrate?! Because it looks like it!

Thank God I was born earlier and Im already married with kids! My job as a man is already done!

If I had to live in his era, Ill probably lose all hope in finding a decent girl

He started to feel sorry for these young males in the current era

* * * * *

Xiao Hai felt like she lost something valuable.

Mother, this daughter is unfaithful and shameless

I actually fell in love with another man other than my husband! And a younger one at that!

But you cant blame me! If you were there to see him in person, even you would have your soul taken away!

That gaze he had, even without looking at me, it felt like I was being sucked into it!

That aura he had, it gave me the feeling that if he asked me to do something, I wouldve done it with no questions asked!

I was born into the wrong time! If I No, this is disrespectful to my dear... No, screw that! If it's with someone like him, it will be justifiable!

Since it'll be hard for me to make a move first, Ill make sure that Yinger attack him first! Maybe I'll be able to join in on the fun later...

Wait, do I even need to do anything? If she does not attack him with everything she got after seeing all that, is she even my daughter. No, is she even a female?!

Aiya, what are his parents thinking? To let loose this kind of jewelry that every woman wants?! Are you trying to play with our maidens heart to death?!

She felt wronged as a female.

To let a married woman like her watch a peerless pearl from far way knowing she will never reach it. What kind of torture is this?

* * * * *

Xiao Ying was currently like an animal in heat. Her whole body felt hot, and she was fidgeting around.

That face! That Aura! That Gaze! That figure!

I cant stop thinking about it!!!

Aaaaahhhh, I want to eat him up so bad!

She took a peek at him again.

She couldnt even count the number of times she did this in the last minute.

Although all she can see is an ordinary boy right now, her imaginative mind did all the work.

She is currently using her Cultivation at the Initial Profound True Qi Realm as a tool to make it easier for her to create images in her mind.

If her admirers were to find out that shes using her hard worked Cultivation to do such shameless acts, they'd definitely die from envy and anger.

She has a city destroying face along with a big background, so it wouldnt be weird for her to have countless admirers.

If she were to have an arranged marriage gathering, there would be enough males to make a bridge across the sea!

But to think the fairy many males admired was doing such a shameless act!

If they were to hear this rumor, they would rather be beaten to death than to believe it!

Mother and Father, forgive this shameless daughter for having such impure thoughts!

Although we might be in two different Realms, Ill still have to try!

Even as a servant is good enough. If mother and father have a problem with that, Ill just throw away the Xiao in my name!

She started to plan for the future.

* * * * *

After another few hours of silence, someone finally spoke up.

Uhh, Big Brother Yi, I have something I want to consult with you about. It was actually Xiao Chen who spoke up.

Everybody looked at him with aa approved face. They can finally start talking again!

Tian Yi finally opened his eyes and smiled, Sure, what is it?

How should I Cultivate to become strong like you?

Everybody in the carriage sharpened their ears, afraid of missing a detail. Even Lao Bai listened with great attention.

Cultivation? I only Cultivate normally like everyone else. He said.

His answer surprised everyone.

Cultivate normally? If you Cultivate normally, then these people who Cultivate normally are doing it all wrong!

Haha Big Brother Yi, stop joking around. If you Cultivated normally, then what about me? Have I been Cultivating wrong my whole life?

Xiao Chen said what everybody had in their minds.

They gave him another admired look. He sure is a brave one!

You dont believe me? Fine, Ill Cultivate here for you to see. He said.

Eh? Here? Really?

They didnt dare to believe their ears. Such a genius was going to Cultivate in front of them?

When people Cultivated, they usually did not want to be around anybody as to not be disturbed by them.

Really?! I want to see it! Xiao Chen was excited.

To watch a Spirit King Cultivate? This was a fortune that can only be found by chance and not by searching!

Un, watch carefully.

He crossed his legs and sat in a lotus position.

He closed his eyes and the next second his breathing relaxed.

They stared at him with wide eyes, afraid of missing even a second.

But in the next moment, they didnt even need to watch with attention.

The shock they received was helping them keep them opened.

Although they could see him right in front of them, they couldnt sense his presence anymore!

It felt like he blended in with Nature itself, turning into the air they breath in.

It was as if he had disappeared from the world!

R-realm of Cultivating with Nature Xiao Chen accidentally voiced out his thoughts.

He didnt want to disturb him anymore, so he covered his mouth.

What is the Realm of Cultivating with Nature?

It was something only Sky Realm experts could do!

It would make it so that when you Cultivate, you will try to take in as much Spirit Power as you can, even from Nature itself.

Such as the Dirt, Heat, Wind and Water.

Cultivators below Sky Realm had to Cultivate with the Spirit Power already in the air around them and could not take any from Nature itself.

S-sky Realm As I thought! Xiao Fang felt smart.

But it was as if that wasnt surprising enough, the next thing that happened was enough to blow away their current knowledge about Cultivating and didnt know what they were watching.

Even Lao Bai could only stare with wide eyes.


It was as if he turned into a dark hole; he started sucking in all the Spirit Power around him like a hurricane.

The next second, even the carriage roof was blown away by force, and even more Spirit Power gathered.

And the second after that, they all had to jump out of the carriage because it was going to break.

Right when they jumped out, the entire carriage was blown apart, with the horse and driver, flying away.

Luckily the driver was also a Cultivator, so he landed safely with the horse under him.

Tian Yi forgot about his surroundings and sucked even more.

He literally became a dark hole, and all the Spirit Power within 100 miles were sucked in like a dragon taking in an extremely deep breath.

100 miles, 200 miles, 500 miles, 1,000 miles.

The speed he gathered Spirit Power was getting stronger and faster.

5,000 miles later.

He finally stopped, and as if nothing happened, he stood up and looked at them with a confused face.

Why are you all so far away? And what happened to the carriage? He asked.

They didnt know whether to laugh or cry in this situation.

This Young Master Yi has already shocked them enough for a lifetime, and yet he managed to do it again.

T-the carriage broke Xiao Chen said mindlessly.

Ah, sorry, I got into it and didnt pay attention to my surroundings.

Dont worry about it, that was not even a warm up.

He said with an innocent face.


Everybody turned stupid after hearing that.

Do you have to suck up the entire Mortals Realms Spirit Power in order to finish warming up?!

And you call this Cultivating normally?

"I bet you dont even see us as Cultivators! Now we also have to walk the rest of the way to Jin Long Continent because of the broken carriage!" They cried in their heart.

* * * * *

Inside the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect, the Sect Master was currently Cultivating in a private room.

But all of sudden he was shocked to find out that he couldnt take in anymore Spirit Power!

He stood up and looked around with a dumbfound face.


He became worried and hastily ran outside to find many other people just like him, who was just Cultivating but had to stop because the Spirit Power was all gone!

He used his Divine Sense to look around and was amazed to find out that there was no Spirit Power within at least a radius of 150 miles!

And he could only see 150 miles because thats the limit of his Divine Sense!

Divine Sense was something like the 6th Sense for Cultivators by using their Cultivation to not only look at places their eyes cant reach and can even send messages to other peoples mind.

This was one of the most important skill any Cultivator can have and their most focused area to train.

They can also be used in battles to find their opponents weak spot, and if its strong enough, it can even directly attack their mind and soul!

In many situations, the one that has the better Divine Sense will win the battle. While the other times are Cultivation Techniques and their own Cultivation by making Spirit Pressure.

Only Cultivators at the Profound True Qi Realm can start to use Divine Sense, but only starts with a range of 5 miles and will grow as their Cultivation grows.

The Sect Master started to look around frantically, trying to find out the cause, but he couldnt find anything at the end.

It was not until after another day did the Spirit Power start to restore itself.

That one day, people within the radius of that 5,000 miles were turning crazy because they couldnt Cultivate with no Spirit Power around!

And the worst part was that they didnt even know why!

They thought the Spirit Power was gone forever and can never Cultivate again!

Imagine walking around one day to find out the sun has not risen and didnt for another whole day!

This was basically torture for Cultivators, not being able to Cultivate and to live as a Mortal.

On that day, countless amount of Cultivators went crazy because of Tian Yi and his actions.

And the Culprit himself wasnt even aware of the chaos he had caused by accident.

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