Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1926 Predetermined Defeat

In the end, Meng Chao did not express his stance on the matter. 

Oftentimes, the absence of an answer was the clearest answer of all.

From that day onward, the attitudes that the various factions under Meng Chao had toward his "orders and will" became more intense and unyielding. 

Countless people of insight had proved indisputably and irrefutably that a supreme leader was the only solution to rule the world of many races, cultures, and power systems.

In the distant north, the voices supporting Meng Chao became louder than ever. 

For example, the Undead Liches, the Abyssfolk, the Two-Headed Trolls, the Ice Barbarians, and other northern tribes of Chaos might still be relatively primitive and backward.

However, the leaders who were qualified to rule the entire tribes had been involved in schemes and plots since they were young.

Even the simple-minded barbarian chieftain, who seemed to have well-developed limbs, had unfathomable twists and turns under his skull that was as hard as iron.

The northern tribes of Chaos were very clear about the difference in civilization between them and the Earthlings.

He also knew that if they were to fight the Earthlings head-on, they wouldn't have much of a chance of winning. They were still in the Middle Ages and used cold weapons as their main means of war.

However, the northern tribes of Chaos were not willing to let tens of millions of Dragon City people ride on their necks.

They respected Meng Chao's absolute authority, and it seemed like they had gained another master for no reason. 

However, a master was better than tens of millions of masters.

Besides, both the "First Citizen" and the "Emperor of Chaos" were nothing more than vague honorific titles.

If the northern Chaos tribes were willing to give up their meaningless pride, they could at least get more substantial benefits from Meng Chao and his successor, Meng Xinghe, right? 

For a time, with the support of both internal and external allies, the calls to confer the title of First Citizen on Meng Chao and change the Survival Committee's current system became increasingly intense. It soon attracted the attention of the opposition. 

Hence, Meng Chao was right to be worried.

Within the Dragon City civilization, there were a large number of interest groups that tied their lives to the Survival Committee.

They would never just watch Meng Chao walk through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. He would take one step at a time and bypass the current rules of the game. 

As for Doomsday Wolf Kanus, he had an even stronger ambition than Meng Chao, and he had the will to turn his ambition into reality. 

If the Dragon City civilization and the traditional habitat of the northern tribes of Chaos were separated by thousands of miles, even if the latter submitted to Meng Chao in name and respected him as the Emperor of Chaos, it would be difficult for Meng Chao to rule the north directly. Instead, he could only strengthen his status as the leader of the northern tribes of Chaos as a duke and a warlord. 

If that happened, Picturesque Orchid Lake, which was close to Dragon City, would definitely become the most direct victim of Meng Chao's expanding power. 

Kanus immediately took action.

He swore a blood oath with the opposition in Dragon City.

They had displayed the banner of "resolutely defending the Republic system and resolutely defending the democratic freedom of all intelligent living creatures.

He took a clear stand against Meng Chao. 

With the Turan Army as their military backing, the conflict between the two sides quickly escalated from the war of words in parliament and the media to the deployment of troops on the front line.

Meng Chao's supporters and the Survival Committee's supporters were all sticking to their own opinions. They did not give in at all, and they continued to incite, persuade, divide, and rope in the elite battle groups on the front lines. 

The conflict between them was so irreconcilable that the military operations against the Holy Light faction were all forced to be put on hold. As such, they fell into a semi-paralyzed state.

Just as they were at daggers drawn and were on tenterhooks, there was an assassination attempt on Meng Chao that shocked the entire Other World. 

Even after a long time, there were still many different opinions about the inside story and the real mastermind.

Some people believed that the shocking assassination that killed Meng Chao's second son and buried more than two core members of Meng Chao's organization was all Meng Chao's doing. 

Their goal was to obtain a sufficient excuse so that their group could raise their butcher's knife against the supporters of the parliament system without any restraint. 

There were also people who believed that the assassination had indeed been planned by the supporters of the parliament system, but their goal had not been to kill Meng Chao. They had wanted to completely enrage Meng Chao and make him raise his butcher's knife. After that, they would unite all the opposition and he would be forced to retaliate. 

In any case, this tragic assassination meant that the Chaos faction's internal war had completely erupted.

Just like in the past few future deductions, the Chaos faction, which was forced to unite in the face of the threat of survival, did not last until the arrival of the final victory. Internal contradictions erupted like an awakened volcano.

Fortunately, they had the support of the Chaos forces in the north and Meng Xinghe, the legend who had the perfect fusion of the strongest human and monster genes. He was the vanguard who attacked the city and won every battle. Meng Chao's camp had the absolute advantage on the battlefield. 

No matter how much Doomsday Wolf Kanus tried, he could not stop Meng Xinghe's advance on the battlefield.

News of their series of defeats had shaken Picturesque Orchid Lake's heart. Countless orc warriors who had been taught that "the strong were respected" in their mothers' wombs were secretly bowing to Meng Xinghe.

The opposition in Dragon City civilization was also on the verge of falling apart. Many of the righteous people who had strong teeth in the early stages secretly sent Meng Chao confessions and even forms of persuasion. 

The defeat of the opposition was certain.

Therefore, Doomsday Wolf Kanus used his last move.

He brought in an unexpected power from outside the chaotic civil war.

That was the Holy Light Temple.

No one knew how Kanus managed to convince the Holy Light Temple's high priests to let go of their hatred that had lasted for thousands of years.

Perhaps it was because Meng Chao and Meng Xinghe's performance on the battlefield had been too dazzling that the priests of the Holy Light Temple believed that the Meng father and son were the most terrifying demons that could destroy the world. 

As long as these two demons were eradicated, the entire Chaos faction would collapse.

At the end of the day, Kanus represented the Chaos faction and opposed Meng Chao's power. He had reached a top-secret agreement with the Holy Light faction. 

Moreover, they worked together to dig a fatal trap for Meng Chao and his son. 

Kanus even went into battle personally. He used himself as bait to lure the father and son to lead the most elite soldiers of Meng Chao's group. They stepped into the predetermined position that the Holy Light Temple had locked onto. 

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