Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 32: Fire Manipulation Art

Chapter 32: Fire Manipulation Art

Damn lucky fatso.

Lei Yan was driving an off road car.

He left Du Fei at the foot of the mountain, made up some whimsical excuse about the kids wounds then sent his men to bring Du Fei to the hospital.

Lei Yan hadnt the slightest concern of Du Feis situation. He didnt put Du Fei in his eyes at all. 

Over the past few days, he knew Du Fei for what he was, a coward and a weakling, one who was willing to lose out if it helped keep the peace in the team. 

And that was the truth of it. Because of Du Feis cowardly character, he kept a tight lip on what happened, not telling Li Mo a word. To him, Lei Yan looked like a demon when he attacked with the fire fist. He didnt have the nerve to confront Lei Yan, least of all letting Li Mo in on this.

Goddamn lucky tub of lard! S***! Lei Yan was so pissed he cursed as he drove.

It got to a point he snatched the phone and dialed, Little Lin, Ill arrive shortly. Prepare a nice and soothing bath for me. Alright, no need to say it, I will shortly

Lei Yan was caught off-guard by a person standing in the middle of the road.

He was neither old nor tall, neither handsome nor ugly. But what stood out was his school uniform.

Middle-school student?

Lei Yan cursed in fright, S***, is he suicidal?


Lei Yan blared the horn but the kid showed no intention of moving.

Lei Yan veered left, and the student turned left. Lei Yan took right, and the student did the same.  

It was obvious he wanted to stop Lei Yan!

Had enough of life? Fine then, I will help you!

Lei Yan glanced around. It wasnt the suburbs and still a far way from the city. His face hardened and, pedal to the metal, raced straight for the ignorant student. 

Li Mo simply extended his hand and stopped the off road vehicle. Lei Yan hit the gas even harder, but the car didnt budge. 

Lei Yans face changed as he shifted gears in reverse.

Lei Yan had joined the testing since day one. He was far more knowledgeable than the noob Du Fei. He saw so many bizarre and baffling things that he recognized the danger Li Mo posed to him when the student stopped his car.

Lei Yan drove backwards so fast he traveled a dozen meters in a flash. But just then, Li Mos eyes blinked.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

The cars wheels blew up.

Lei Yan paled as he jumped out of the car. He looked up to run but found Li Mo standing before him.

Who are you? What are you trying to do? Why are you after me? Lei Yan blurted.

I am Li Mo, the friend of Du Fei who you beat up.

Lei Yan jerked, Y-youre no tester! Are you a natural genius?

Think what you want, but you hurt my friend and took his possession. Tell me, what would you do if you were me?

Lei Yans tone turned cold, Li Mo, I dont care who you are, but you must damn well know who I am. My father is Lei Tian, a natural genius like you. He is placed 9th in the world, an expert at peak Spirit Driving Stage. Do you know what that even means? My dad needs to twitch a finger and youd be toast!

He-he, forget about father, when not even your display is enough to best me! Get it through your head, I have the extremely rare Fire Physique. Dont think youll get the best of me!

Lei Yans hand ignited.

Li Mo blew on it and the fire died.

Lei Yan was stupefied. He gnashed his teeth and his hand burned again.

Li Mo beckoned with his hand and the ball of fire came willingly into his hand.

Lei Yan was floored.

For you to be so obstinate before the Fire races True Fire Sutra, the only outcome is death.

Lei Yan bolted.


Only allowed on

A flame towered and swallowed Lei Yan.

Lei Yan only took two steps in the inferno, his body slowly turning to ash and scattered to the four winds

On the ground, only the gems were left. Li Mo picked them and left.

Three hours later, at Thunderstruck Enterprises headquarters. 

Bare-chested, Lei Tian sat cross-legged in the quiet room in meditation. Red spiritual qi was visible to the naked eye as a tendril flitted from a scarlet jade and into his body.

He opened his eyes and spoke, Enter.

Manager Zhang entered with his head bowed, Master, we have found young master Lei Yans car on the road outside the citys outskirts. Its wheels blown up but there was no trace of any battle occurring in the surroundings, and we still couldnt find young master Lei Yan. He doesnt answer his phone either. I am afraid something must have happened and I rushed to report to you, sir.

Lei Tian frowned, The outskirts is out of our monitoring area, and also desolate. As there are no eyewitnesses, it will be hard to figure out what transpired.

Manager Zhang lowered his head.

Keep looking, but covert. If hes dead, I want to see a body. If hes alive, I want to see him here. Lei Yans life is of no significance, but the immortal gems are.

Lei Tians eyes landed on the coffee table, more specifically, on the immortals sword and robe.

When Lei Fei brought them over, he wanted to do the same with the gems, but Lei Yan refused wanting to get the credit himself, only leaving these two items in his care.

The sword and the robe are impervious to fire and water. And when I supplied them with my fire spiritual qi, they let out a rainbow light.

My strength must be insufficient to wield them, but this  alone is enough to show they are true immortal items.

For that fool to be missing can only mean two things. One, someone was plotting against him. Two, he ran with the gems and the car is a diversion.

Zhang Ding, which do you think its most probable?

Manager Zhang answered, With young master Lei Yans strength and disposition, the second possibility is the most plausible. 

I have already investigated the testers that have gone with young master Lei Yan. They all have an alibi for when this event happened. Young master Lei Yan is not an average man. Ever since he began cultivating as well as activating his bodys potential by entering Starscape, his power exceeded the common man.

In addition, there were no signs of fighting at the scene. Manager Zhang spoke, his head ever lowered.

Lei Tian smiled, Zhang Ding, how long have you been with the Lei clan, 20 years?

Replying to master, 20 years 3 months and 13 days.

Ha-ha-ha, your memory is as good as two decades ago.

Zhang Ding, youve handled this matter well. But there is one thing you overlooked natural genius.

Someone like you, sir? Zhang Ding rose his head in shock.

They may be a rarity, but not an impossibility. Just how our Thunderstruck Enterprise has three such people, meeting another cant be taken as strange.

A natural genius was also accompanied by the term natural spiritual root. Such people didnt need to take any spiritual root and could enter the God Realm from birth. 

Thunderstruck Enterprise was able to mass produce spiritual roots thanks to having the natural genius Lei Tian at the helm.

Lei Yan may be a fool, but not a total idiot. He didnt skip town with the gems, of that Im sure.

Master believes someone was aiming for him?

Lei Tian was silent.

Zhang Ding, Ill leave this investigation for you to handle. Bear in mind, Lei Yans fate is of no consequence, all that matters is the gems. Bring them back!

Understood! Zhang Ding rushed out of the room.

Lei Tian took a deep breath and his body ignited in flames. He struck twice with his fists and two fire tendrils akin to dragons rocketed into the wall.

Lei Tians control of fire was a hundred times better than Lei Yan.

Feng City Central Hospital.

Du Fei was unconscious in the ICU, with his girlfriend weeping at his bedside. When she heard the doctor mention medical expenses in the hundreds of thousand or even a million RMB, He Lili was crying her lungs out.

Before Li Mo got to arrive at the hospital, he received her call.

Li Mo, Du Fei is in the hospital and needs money for his treatment. I heard him say his money is now with you. Can you please transfer them? Sob~


Ill give you my card number. He Lili changed tunes in a blink.

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