On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Act One Finale – Part 1 – The Chaos Begins

Act One Finale – Part 1 – The Chaos Begins

Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan

On leaving the small hotel room, Shaeula spotted a passing maid. Though those clothes are not cute at all. Hyacinth would be most disappointed. She let out a gentle snort of amusement, having learned enough about the mortal world in these last few months to understand that maids such as Hyacinth were relics of the wealthy, or novelties such as in maid cafes in Japan. Raising one hand, she let the befuddling winds flow, and the woman stopped, eyes glazing over a little. “Give-give me the key to your supply cupboard.” Shaeula demanded. “Then cordon it off. You are not-not to use it until tomorrow.”

The woman fumbled out her key slowly, nodding, and Shaeula watched her go for a moment, before opening the door to the room and tossing the key to Grulgor. “I shall be off. I will contact you with information when I have it, and then you can-can relay it to Akio and the others. Move them to the new location. It will be uncomfortable, but I fear-fear…”

“Grulgor gets it, do not worry, little princess.” He said, lifting Shiro and Hyacinth gently over his shoulders. “Nobody knows we are here, but Grul thinks extra caution is wise.” He carried the girls out into the corridor, and placed their sleeping bodies inside the cupboard, using spare bedding from the storeroom to make them comfortable. Heading back for Akio and the Chinese girl, Chen Na, he winked.

“Yes, well, I am quite-quite sure that Duke Formor would be as shocked as I am about your growth. To think-think you would consider matters other than battle. Well, I shall be going. Time-time is precious.” Grulgor is right. For now he can guard them, but perhaps later his strength will be needed. Therefore, take precautions. They are needless, but it is still a good habit. Scurrying through the halls, she grinned at the thought of a team of enemies breaking into the hotel, only to find their room empty. There is no issue. No, what is a problem is… her eyes shone amber as she eyed the Tower of London, a little over three miles distant. Pulling the white sunhat down over her face, her grin was wicked. “It seems that the truth is out-out.” She could see the streets thronged with panicking people, watching overhead as helicopters flew towards the Tower and the Palace, all discussing the Queen’s conference with a mixture of excitement, trepidation, panic and dread. “So it seems…” I have no reason to hold back any longer…

Her legs flexing, she ran, moving at a speed an order of magnitude faster than the best marathon runner had ever achieved. Her speed was equivalent to a sportscar, and as she raced towards the Tower, her surroundings a blur, her hat held on with one hand, her dress flapping in the breeze her movement created, she could see people exclaiming in panic, leaping out of her way, filming her with their phones and taking pictures.

Silly mortals. I have great control, I will not strike you. All her physical stats were closing in on a thousand, and she laughed to think of how feeble she truly was when Akio first battled her, weak, weighed down by the many kin her Kin Restoration was shouldering. But not now… Under a minute had passed and she was closing in on the Tower. I am just here to gather information, but if it comes to battle… I will not lose. She clenched her fist, slowing down to a halt in front of the police and military cordon of the Tower, smirking at the shocked faces of BBC journalists and also some reporters from international news sites who had gathered amusing her. They were professionals though, and even with jaws agape and eyes starting, they had her on camera, spreading her image to the world. I shall have to boast to Eri on my return. I believe this will cause Akio some trouble, but now is a good time to make ourselves known. That way, this Queen of the United Kingdom will be unable to renege on her promises of reward…

“Halt! You can not pass, this area is a crime scene!” the lead soldier commanded, and Shaeula found dozens of guns pointed at her, which she dismissed with a wry snort. With my stats and League now, they will merely hurt a little. Although… her keen eyes detected some danger as they shone powerfully, drawing gasps from everyone around. Several snipers. A direct hit from these would be problematic, though I have dealt with such before. And also… Her grin was pleased. So that is what she is doing. Most clever. Great minds think alike. Though Hyacinth would no doubt disagree, loathing the woman. Though if she showed Akio proper respect, Hyacinth would soon come around…

As her thoughts raced, thinking through the situation in an instant, her Mystic Eyes could see her target, the aether he was giving off surprisingly impressive, and a little familiar. This one is not useless, though of course Akio stands superior. The soldiers shouted out more commands, raising their weapons, and she sighed. “Do not-not point your weapons at me, foolish male. I am in quite-quite the hurry. I am aid that your Queen has requested, to deal with this situation. Stand-stand aside.”

“Nobody enters the Tower except authorised personnel!” the man barked, and Shaeula shrugged, her mood souring. I am in a great hurry. I wish to inform Grulgor of the situation with haste, so that I may re-join the others.

“You would bar-bar my way? Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, princess of the Seelie, Duchess of the Spring of Clear Reflections?” Winds gusted, the air shimmering green as though the aurora borealis had descended to earth. The press were filming and commentating in a number of languages, some she did not understand herself. Though one comment did annoy her a little.

“That speech impediment, how cute…”

What are they talking about? Such nonsense. Her fists clenched, and she was contemplating using the befuddling winds to enter, when a man in uniform ran out of one of the parked vehicles, and handed the leader a note. On reading it, his expression changed.

“Miss Dannan, your name is on the list we have just received. By all means, enter.” He stepped aside and the guns were lowered, so Shaeula strolled past imperiously, her gaze fixed on the figure in the Tower.

“Excuse me, I’m from the BBC!” One brave woman ran over to her. “You are obviously at the centre of today’s shocking, unprecedented events. Can we have an interview?”

Shaeula turned, and even with her face hidden by the deep brim of her hat, her charm took the reporter’s breath away.

Shaeula in her white dress and hat

Shaking her head, hair like shining gold drawing attention, she denied her. “I am clearly far-far too busy. But I think you will find, after today you will be seeing much-much more of us.” With that she spun on her heels and passed the barricades, entering the grounds of the Tower, immediately feeling the noticeably higher ether density. Behind her, the reporters and vast crowd of the public that had gathered could only watch as the army formed up again, blocking their access. It is time to find out just what is going on. I do not know this Eleanor, only that Hyacinth does not have fondness for her. But betrayal… that I can not stand. Her thoughts drifted back to Risha and her other traitorous maids. No, betrayers will be justly punished…


Princess Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor

“How did this happen?” Eleanor shouted in frustration, only to curse herself as a fool for making noise and drawing attention to herself. While she ran like a coward, David, Sir Arthur and Raidre were fighting for their lives, and Aditi might have already joined Mary-Jane in suffering whatever grave injury or perhaps even death that had led to her ejection from Avalon. In my heart, I know that retreat was the right choice. I have to protect the Tower, no matter what. But… the sting of betrayal, which should have paralysed her, still burned, but because in her heart of hearts she had accepted the possibility after the warnings Akio had given, she was able to force herself to move.

Sarah… you seem to believe in what you’re doing. You’ve broken poor David’s heart though, I think… After crossing the Thames near Bermondsey isle, passing by long enough to shout to the remaining selkie there to evacuate, she had reached the south shore and entered the maze-like alleyways and overhangs of this part of her Avalon. Trying to evade pursuit, buying time for a way to turn things around, she scurried like a mouse being pursued by a cat through a labyrinth. Donovan though… She shuddered at the madness in his eyes. Just how could he change so? Or did we simply not notice, his growing confidence masking other, more sinister changes?

Bolts of energy flashed, hammering into the rippling barrier around her Avalon. The light was fading, and she could feel the defences faltering. “I never thought I would have to defend from threats within.” She muttered, disconsolate. She had allowed all of her allies free access, and they to her, the Territories of Aditi, Sir Arthur, Sarah, David and Donovan forming a star-shaped ring around her initial, fumbling Avalon, offering unparalleled safety. Just like the six of us. Sarah and I took the brunt of the attacks, while David, Sir Arthur and Aditi defeated the foes, and Mary-Jane patched us up, and occasionally offered support or a few attacks. “That’s all shattered now, just like…” With the sound of breaking glass, the barrier collapsed, and now bolts of energy from the numerous defences Sarah had been erecting, an excessive number, really, were heading her way, exploding in the streets around her. David had mentioned it in passing, but…

In addition to that, the hosts of creatures that Sarah and Donovan controlled, a recent addition to their defences, were pouring out towards the river. Her eyesight was good, so from a vantage point on top of a small building, she saw the creatures attempt to swim, many swept away by the sluggish waters. White-clad followers of Mary soon took charge though, and structures nearby were demolished, crude rafts being constructed. Does that mean Sir Arthur and the others are already…?

Jumping down, she refused to consider that they were dead. For now she needed to think, consider her options. Not that thinking was ever the strong suit of our family. Henry, you idiot. Don’t go dying on me now… her only solace was that if he lived, grandmother would spare no expense in hiring the best healers for him, and one name came to mind. But getting Henry healed wouldn’t help her now.

She could hear the sounds of pursuit and explosions, her lead eroding as she had to constantly change directions and ambush her pursuers. Most of the enemies were soulless copies of foes they had slain, fishmen, goblins and hounds, but there were some with intelligence mixed in that she did not recognise, figures clad in white armour and red surcoats or tabards, moving unnaturally. Mary must have supplied them…

Eleanor knew she was trapped, but had to fight back. As a group of dull-witted goblins passed one intersection, she leapt out of the shadows, sword cleaving the head from one, before she kicked out, shattering the ribs of a second. Rusty knives were swung at her, but they struck sparks off her armour, and her blade flashed, carving down her assailants, turning them to a little ether to absorb, giving her a tiny burst of energy. Too slow. Akio was right, I lack offensive power… even as she finished them, a dozen hounds rushed at her, their eyes dead.

I’ll not fall here! Mary won’t get what she wants! I’ll not be the one to fail when for fifteen hundred years and more we’ve guarded this secret! Bone crunched under her fist as she slammed into the head of one hound, her knee killing a second. Her sword flashed, hewing them apart, and ignoring the scraping of fangs and claws on metal, she struck, punched, kicked and slashed until the hounds were dead, only taking a dozen seconds. Still too slow… David, Raidre or Donovan would have dispatched a group of sluggish, soulless copies like that in a second. I’m losing time…

Thinking of Donovan, she remembered the good times, his shy smile, the glances he stole at her when he thought she wasn’t looking. At first he had been terrified of battle, like her, or so she had thought, but his skills with a spear were surprising, and when he managed to master the power of his relic, wreathing it in lightning to both damage and subdue, he was a terror. His confidence had grown, meeting important people… and their daughters… her thoughts raced bitterly. Two of the white figures had cornered her, and she engaged them, their blows powerful, and as she struck back, they used shields to block her blows, sword ringing from metal. Her greater strength staggered them, but they righted themselves with strange, jerky movements, swinging their own swords.

Should I use the water element? It might have enough power to defeat them? She considered it briefly, but decided against it quickly, as that was her secret trump card. Letting out a cry, she rammed into one of the warriors, knocking it off balance. A sword slammed into her armour, but she barely felt it, and as she rose to her feet, she could see a white helm had come loose, revealing a skeletal skull underneath, teeth clicking, eye sockets gleaming with eerily flickering light. Disgusting… her fists slammed it again and again, until the skull was pulverised and her fists were striking the ground, bruising her flesh, though such small wounds healed almost instantaneously. She felt a pain in her back, a number of strands of hair cut free from her ponytail as the second foe had stabbed her, but she rose to her feet, eyes cold, and her sword danced, shattering her opponent. Bones and armour hit the ground, and for a moment she was elated, until a volley of energy blasts from Sarah’s Avalon streaked over, exploding all around her, one striking her leg. She groaned, shrugging it off, and several more rained down, forcing her deeper into the tenement maze.

Donovan’s love life was the butt of David’s jokes, but I think he was just jealous. Compared to Akio, he’s just a little puppy. Or is he…? She was finding it hard to keep focused, running into yet another group of soulless assailants, blade hewing them down until there were none remaining, heedless of the blows she was suffering in return. Now that I think about it, at least Akio is taking responsibility, even going so far as to pressure the Japanese Government. Whereas Donovan changed girls like changing a pair of shoes… Her hands were sweaty in her gauntlets, her breath coming fast. Another pair of skeletons attacked, and this time she could barely remember how she defeated them, only leaving behind their disintegrating bodies.

“How could he change like that?” Her words were drowned out by a series of explosions, more blasts flying in, though luckily these hit the dwellings further away from her. “Charm, or…?” As another group of skeletons rounded the corner, their fleshless bones hidden behind thick armour and cloth, she found she was smiling. Well, I fear he is in for a surprise…


David Reckless

“Give it up, David, there is no way ye can win.” Sarah, that red-headed bitch said sadly, and David wished he had the strength to rise up and punch her in her damn face. Fucking traitor. You were our comrade, we went through life and death battles together!

“Get fucked, whore.” David spat at her, the bloody phlegm scattering off the invisible barrier she had conjured. “I’ll win, even if I have to drag myself up with my damn teeth, after all…”

“… you’re the King of the Octagon.” She finished for him. “Or is it bashing my skull in now? Nay be like this David, ye think I wanted this tae happen, tae go down this way? Ye know I didn’t.” Her eyes flickered over to the others. Raidre was down on his knees, his selkie slaughtered, and several spears were rammed through him, holding him in place. On the other side, Sir Arthur was kneeling, numerous bloody burns all over his body from the damn halos of energy those stupid singing bastards and bitches were conjuring, and his face was a ruin, one eye milky-white and blind.

“There is no talking to them, I am afraid, my dear Sarah.” Mary Stuart stepped forwards, running a gentle hand over her cheek tenderly. Sarah looked a bit put-off by her touch, but her sad smile barely faltered. “The whispers of the fools who can’t accept salvation mean nothing. But the Lord is compassionate, so since they are your friends, I will endeavour to explain.” She knelt down in front of David, heedless of the white and gold cloth she wore getting soiled with mud and blood, her crystal bells tinkling cheerfully, the sounds blending in with the droning of the Choir.

Shit, if only I could move… the bitch behind this all was in reach, and it would only take him one blow to snap her neck. But the damage he had suffered was too great, and even now the lightning from that shitty traitorous brat Donovan’s spear was still sparking inside him. The pain was rather unbearable, far worse than anything in the Octagon, and David knew he was finished, barring a miracle. Hawking up another gobbet of bloody spit, he coughed it out, and it landed on Mary’s robe. Small pleasures, small revenge. His feral, bloody smile did not scare Mary off, and she reached down, patting his head, surprising him.

“You are a strong man, David Reckless. A sinner yes, using false powers from false Gods. But you are also brave, and loyal. All characteristics the Lord values highly.”

“If so, why have you incited the redhead and the brat to betray us? You killed Mary-Jane and Aditi!” David raged, and Sir Arthur spoke up, his voice rasping from his burnt throat, silver and red foam seeping free, staining his lips.

“David is quite right. No good soul would countenance this. The Princess was good to you, Sarah. How could you do this?” As Sarah looked ashamed, Mary continued to speak. Behind her, Judges were peeling off, leading groups of strange, white armoured soldiers, as well as what remained of the forces belonging to the pair of traitors after they had cleaned out old man Arthur’s troops. Guess I should have spent more time focussing on my own damn Avalon, but once I’d laid down my banner, all I wanted to do was get stronger myself.

“We do not want to kill you.” Mary said, her eyes seeming kind yet determined. “Not needlessly. Even a sinner may repent. After all, we need to secure the Tower, and to do that, the Princess must be willing to open the way. No, if she does not force our hand, we will not need to resort to this, and after this is all over… reconciliation.” She laughed then, and David’s blood was boiling.

“You threw us aside for this fucking madwoman?” David said incredulously. “Is your brain made of rocks, redhead?”

Sarah shrugged, and David hated the way his eyes instinctively followed her movements. “Nae, I know what I’m doing. This was the only choice.” She reached into her armoured top, and David caught a glimpse of skin, as she pulled out a small rosary and clutched it. “I want the world tae endure, David. And the only way for that tae happen is tae follow the path the Ninth Heaven has laid out for us.”

“You talking that nonsense now as well?” David spat more blood onto Mary, in pitiful defiance.

“It’s not nonsense, ye ken?” She snapped, angry now. “I have read the Book of True Revelations. It is so old, yet it predicts all this, ye see? Avalon, though they call it hallowed ground. The truth of the descent of the Gods’ Chosen. The fate of us all, the Earth, if we don’t act now. I can nae let the fate of billions be decided just for our friendship. David, ye must see that!”

“I see you’re an idiot. So they knew in advance? So fucking what?” he groaned, trying to rise. “That’s their truth, it doesn’t make it true! I could look up the next eclipse on damn Wikipedia, and that wouldn’t prove the world was ending if I said the eclipse was an omen, even if the eclipse happened as promised.”

“Logic. Always the refuge of the sinner. The Lord does not care for sweet-sounding words that make superficial sense. But then, temptation is always seductive.” Mary said. “The path to salvation is only through the Ninth Heaven. You may cry out against it, deny it, but the truth is evident. Now…” she leant in almost close enough to kiss him, her breath hot on his cheek. “… help us persuade the Princess, and all shall be forgiven. You can give up your false powers and useless trash…” she looked down at his mace, lying in the mud. “… and we will give you new strength, like Sarah here. Her path to Sainthood and eternal service to the Ninth Heaven is long, but the first steps begin today.”

Sarah looked a little guilty to his eyes, but she nodded. Sainthood? The fuck is that?

“What… what of the others? How can the dead forgive?” Old man Arthur enquired wearily, and Mary Stuart shrugged, her face lifting away from David.

“The first step to Sainthood is to take the hallowed ground from others… no, false hallowed grounds, false divinities. Sarah has taken two steps, though many more lie ahead. Fear not, the Lord is kind. Losing these false favours perhaps may not be fatal. It is possible to survive it, many do. They likely will not be the same again… but the True Revelation has the Sororibus Medendi, those of the healing hands. Persuade the Princess to relent, and they will know a comfortable life, praised for their role in this victory. When the false Grail is returned to us, the path to the Ninth Heaven will be smoothed like glass.”

“David, Sir Arthur… I pray, ye should make the right decision.” She pleaded. “Even ye, Raidre. There’s no reason for ye to die here.”

“You think?” Raidre spat, the cold iron of the spears supressing him and causing great pain. “My kinfolk died to honour their Pledged Oaths to the Princess. You are no better than an Unseelie.” He snarled, trying to move his body, the spears causing further deep wounds.

“I shall spare you, in deference to our new candidate for Sainthood.” Mary smiled benevolently. “I do hate you creatures, but again, all can serve the Lord. As for the two of you, do you not want to see eternity together with Sarah? The Princess could have it too, were she to concede willingly.”

She’s worse than mad. This bitch believes everything she is saying. Nothing more dangerous than an idiot that believes they are absolutely right. Anything is justified then. But one thing doesn’t fit… “What of Donovan, then? The little shit. He doesn’t seem like he’s on the path to Sainthood.” His tone was withering. “And you’re letting him… and the Princess… fuck, I can’t say it.” His fists clenched helplessly.

“Well, sometimes even the Devil works in ways that benefit God. That was mostly Max. He tricked me, but at least…” she smiled. “He has fled the Tower, it seems, and the false Grail remains unclaimed. No, Max is … very persuasive. He must be, to have even used me, though I used him too. But it seems that Donovan was especially receptive to his words. You’re a hero. The protagonist of the world. Women, money, power, it should all be yours. Really, all of that is dross. The Lord provides, wealth and temporal power are meaningless. As for women… yes, we should go forth and multiply, for the Ninth Heaven needs believers and warriors, new Saints born from the Earth. But such a base creature… he will never enter Heaven unless he repents. As for the Princess… suffering is holy.”

Sarah nodded slowly, though now David could see what he fancied was genuine remorse and torment in her eyes, her hand gripping her rosary so tightly blood was trickling down her wrist. I’ve no sympathy for your suffering. Think of Aditi, Mary-Jane, the Princess… well, if the cavalry was going to bust in and salvage this mess, now would be the time for it…

“Sorry David.” Sarah said suddenly, shuddering with self-loathing. “This nay does have a happy ending. The other teams, they’ve been clearing house, ye ken? Most of them are with us. Even now, they should be hunting down Eleanor. She’s tough, our Princess, but she nae has the firepower tae handle a half dozen or more of us.”

Fuck. It’s worse than I thought. In that case…

“I wouldn’t do that, David.” Mary chided him gently, stroking a golden ring on her finger. “If you think the words I speak are all I can do, you are sadly mistaken. I have already taken steps towards Sainthood, and have inherited the fortune my late grandmother possessed. I am very lucky. This has taken far too long, but in the end, I will liberate the false Grail, just as the other Cardinals will succeed at their tasks.”

“Give it up.” Sarah said softly. “There’s nae one in England that can stop us now, ye know that. Just… help us David. I nae want Eleanor tae suffer. And I nae want to have to destroy your hallowed ground.” She raised a hand, and David knew she could command her array of defences to fire at will.

Maybe that would be for the best. At least then the princess wouldn’t be suffering her bombardment. Well, she’ll not die from that. He looked at Sir Arthur, who turned his half-blind head to meet his gaze. So, old man. What the fuck do we do?


Donovan Patterson

This is it, the moment I step out of the shadows, onto the stage! Donovan chuckled to himself as he skipped up the steps of the Tower unhurriedly, towards the room that Eleanor, his Princess, always occupied when she was entering the Boundary. Avalon, what a pretentious name for it. Max says that the true Avalon is far distant and far more beautiful, full of nymphs and faeries so gorgeous it would take my breath away.

There was no need to hurry, Mary Stuart was going to be busy trying to persuade Eleanor to surrender her hold on the Tower, and he knew Eleanor was incredibly stubborn and rarely wanted to change her mind on things. It’s endearing, it really is. She’s too good to waste on someone else. After all, I’m the protagonist, I’ve always thought so, and this only proves it! Max knows.

Going from a girlish nobody that got almost no attention from women, to the hero that was destined to save the world, slay the dragons and demons, and rescue all the Princesses and beautiful women in distress was his destiny. It all made so much sense. Those other women, Nicola, Marie, Suzanne, Sonia, they were all nice girls, girls he couldn’t have dreamed of attracting when he was just quiet, shy, girlish Donovan Patterson. But as Donovan, companion to the Princess, greatest spear-wielder in Britain, no, the world, it was amazing how quickly they would try and get close to him, flatter him.

Max was right. Those type of girls are fine for some fun, but as partners for the hero of the world, they are utterly lacking. Maybe I’ll show them mercy and when I’m King, I’ll let them be my maids, and play with them a bit when I’m bored. Not that I’ll have time to be bored… Hopping up to the area that wasn’t open to the public, he entered a code on the keypad there, activating the metal doors, which slid aside. On entering, he walked over to Eleanor’s room. The door was shut, and with a grin of anticipation, he grasped the handle.

Huh, locked? That’s unusual. The handle wouldn’t turn. That was a little annoying, but hardly a problem, as Donovan wrenched the handle to one side, snapping it, and the door opened. Donovan waited, anticipation building, for the moment when he would see the sleeping Princess and awaken her with a kiss. I suppose she won’t wake up, not until Mary Stuart gets what she wants. Her… I need her, but she’s not fit to stand beside the hero. The way Mary looked at him, as if he was filthy, it reminded him of being ignored, of lacking value, of looking down when anyone glared at him. She was definitely beautiful, but unlike Nicola and the others, he felt no desire for her. No, she’s just like everyone else. Judging, whispering. But she’s wrong! Max was right though, sometimes we have to deal with devils for the greater good. But we have to remember to put down the devils when their usefulness has passed.

The moment was upon him, and the door creaked open, revealing a small room with a comfortable bed, a small TV, and a mini-fridge stocked with drinks and snacks. But the bed… empty?

Donovan stared at it for a moment, confused. The Princess always comes here to enter. She’s said many times she’s weaker if she doesn’t… no, wait… He quickly looked in the other rooms, growing more and more annoyed as he did so. “She can’t have stayed in the Palace? It’s possible…” he hammered his fist into the wall, feeling a sting. “If so…” she would be beyond my reach, at least for now. No, no need to panic. I’ve helped Mary and Sarah stage their betrayal. That surprised me… Sarah didn’t seem the sort. Though her teasing was annoying. I may have betrayed Eleanor, my Eleanor, but when all this is done, she’ll only have me to turn to, the shining hero who can save Britain from the wicked hands of Mary Stuart and her ilk…

Lost in his fantasy, he heard footsteps from below, and immediately perked up. Eleanor? Is it? No, she should be in the Boundary still. Unless Mary Stuart has failed somehow. If so… He grinned, his expression hidden behind his long bangs. “Eleanor, you came. Give me a moment to explain, I did it all for your sake, you might not believe me, but…” he paused, again confused, as the woman that stepped through the door wasn’t Eleanor, or anyone he had ever seen before. The woman was short and petite, wearing a long, pure white, summer dress and a matching hat. Taking the hat from her head, he paused, awestruck.

She’s beautiful. Perfect, doll-like features, amber eyes that seemed to be glowing like golden suns. Her lips were set in an impish smile, but Donovan, who would normally have shied away from such mocking expressions, found it suited her perfectly.

“Who.. who are you?” he asked. She’s perfect. I want her for my harem. She can stand beside Eleanor, if her personality is good.

“Me?” The woman tilted her head, long amber hair swaying. “I believe it is good-good manners to introduce oneself first, before asking such of others, is it not-not?”

Good-good? Not-not? So adorable. “My apologies.” He put on his most winning smile. “I am Donovan Patterson, personal bodyguard of the Princess, and greatest warrior in Britain.” There was no harm in exaggerating, and if anything, he was playing it down. Future husband of the Princess, and King of Britain. Hero of the world. “Now may I please have your name, beautiful maiden? What brings you here?” If she got into the Tower she can’t be ordinary. Is she with Mary Stuart, or one of Britain’s Gods’ Chosen I’ve not met? Though surely I’d have heard of her…

“Me? I am Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, princess of the Seelie.” She said, her voice melodic, and one word caught his attention. Princess? Excellent, she has suitable pedigree as well as beauty. Wait, Seelie? It was a day of surprises, and this was just one more.

“Are you a Fae, then? Do you know Raidre, the selkie of Bermondsey isle?” If so, has she come for me? No, I’ve never seen her anywhere before, and why would she be here?

“A selkie? Annoying skin-shifters. No, I do not-not know him. Now, a question for a question? Why-why would you be here, so-called bodyguard of this Princess, while she seemingly fights for her life-life? A poor bodyguard indeed.”

It’s none of your business! But… you’re elegant, so I’ll answer. “I was checking to make sure her body was safe. I’ll… be heading back shortly. If you are a Fae, you must be working for a Gods’ Chosen, right? He must be very lucky.” I’ll take you from him, have no fear. Only a King should have a Princess beside him.

Her eyes shone brilliantly, and she murmured a few words. “I see. Not-not charm, unless it is of great subtlety.” She sighed. “So, what-what did you do all for her sake, Donovan?”

Hearing her say his name pleased him, but the words, which he had uttered earlier, made him pause. He smiled, covering up his annoyance.

“Oh, a simple misunderstanding. Now, if you’ll…” He reached out and grabbed her arm, only to find his hand radiating pain, a shimmering green wind of needles surrounding her bare flesh where he tried to hold her.

“I do not-not like to be touched, not-not by your hands.” She sniffed coldly. “Treating a female so casually, I feel rather-rather sorry for this Princess, if you are her guard.”

Donovan twitched. You have a sharp tongue. I’m starting to reconsider your place by my side. No, I can retrain her, I’m sure. A hero needs Princesses… “My apologies.” He let go and brushed back his hair, giving her his most winning, charming smile. As he did so, a surge of green energy, like a million sparkling jade fireflies, filled the room, and he felt his mind fog a little.

“So, tell me true. Did-did you betray the Princess, and why?”

Her words echoed in his ears, and he smiled. “It wasn’t a betrayal, not really. Eleanor, she should be mine. I’m the greatest hero, the true one. Max says so. Even Mary Stuart acknowledges me, and needed me to pull off her plans. Don’t look at me like that, my precious. I’ll take care of you. I love Eleanor, but a great hero can love many women!”

“True. I do most-most certainly agree.” Shaeula nodded, and Donovan felt a surge of giddy excitement, which was soon dashed by her next words, stoking his anger. “But you are not-not any kind of hero. No female could ever love-love a male who betrays her and what she holds dear. Besides… I already have-have my hero, and he is not-not you.” She stepped back, and Donovan growled.

“Wait, did you bewitch me? I never meant to speak.” Shaking it off, circulating all the power inside, as Max had taught him, Donovan pulled out an old, rusted spear. Shaeula’s eyes went wide as she looked at it, and Donovan chuckled. “Really, I should give up on you. But instead, just like Eleanor, I’ll have to help you to make the right choice and be my obedient, loving wife. If I’m saving the world, that’s the least I deserve, right?”

“So Tsukiko was right.” Shaeula said, uttering an unfamiliar name to him. “Well then, if you think you can-can, by all means try. But this Mary Stuart you speak of, I know little of religion, but Akio has mentioned her…” I’ve heard that name. A foreign visitor who met my princess, right? I hate him already. “… I hardly think she would approve of your actions, no-no?”

“That’s where you are wrong…” Slowly, carefully. I don’t want to ruin her beauty, else she’s not fit to be one of my Queens. Max had also shown him how to awaken the spear here in the Material, and as his aether flowed into it, faint sparks of purple, green and yellow began to form on the rusted tip of the spear. “… King Solomon had a thousand wives and concubines. Why should I, the hero, be any different?”

“A thousand? I see-see. Well, Akio will have his work cut out for him then, if he is to better that-that.” She snorted, and as she laughed in amusement, Donovan struck.

“Don’t mention other men in front of me. I hate the way Eleanor is always laughing with David, or talks with Arthur. She should only be looking at me!” The spear slammed into her unprotected body, lightning discharging violently. It’s not as strong here, and I haven’t penetrated her body like I did with David, but I think even Raidre would be stunned by this.

“I’m sorry.” Donovan said, as he confirmed the lightning had run through her body. “You’re brave to bear the pain. I’m only doing it because I need to. Just like with Eleanor. Sarah is the same! We don’t enjoy betrayal, but we are right! We have to do this!” He justified himself, and reached out a hand to grasp her shoulder.

“I think not-not.” Shaeula said, and suddenly the lightning around her intensified, and Donovan staggered backwards, shocked as her hair was swaying, rising up, lightning more intense than he had conjured shimmering in the air around them, the scent of ozone cloying. “I told you, did I not-not, I only allow those I love to touch me. You, I do not-not like. And this lightning is pathetic.” There was a whining like a chainsaw and Donavan screamed, dropping the spear, along with his arm. Shaeula bent down and picked up his spear, his sacred relic. The pain was unbearable, the blood frightening him, but seeing someone else touch what was one of the proofs of his heroism somehow hurt worse.

“Hmm, I see…” she flourished it, eyes shining brilliantly. “Not-not terrible. But lightning…” Another whining sound and flash of jade, and his other arm came free. Then the spear crackled, and lightning struck his stumps, scorching the wounds shut. He screamed and howled, smoke rising.

“You… you bitch, what did you do to me?” Donovan ranted, vision going black.

“I would have thought it quite-quite obvious.” Shaeula snorted. “But you worry about losing some arms? Shameful. Can you not-not regrow them? Well…” He hit the ground as his legs flew off, and lightning and fire once more seared the stumps, followed by a cool, squirming feeling. “A little healing, I would not-not have you die. I suppose there is a slim chance that you are not-not at fault, but are a puppet. Consider this suffering a lesson. Do not-not seek to take females from others. Now… your resistance to my winds must surely be weaker now. So, time-time to talk…”

As Donovan writhed on the ground, limbless and helpless, he found words spilling from his mouth in a rapid stream. A few minutes later, when he was done, he heard a few beeps, and then Shaeula spoke again. “Grulgor, yes, I have the information. You should go-go aid Akio, the situation seems grave-grave. I will be there shortly. I will go and join the sleeping Princess. It seems she is rather-rather smarter than this fool.”

As he felt himself being dragged along by some sort of force, he lamented bitterly. No, I’m the hero, the King to surpass Solomon, the saviour! Why else did I get this power, if not to be the protagonist? Max… Max, you promised me. You proooooomised meeeeeeeeeee!

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