On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight / Side Ninety-Six – Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight / Side Ninety-Six – Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan

“What… is this?” the closest Kijo screamed in utter torment as fungal growths began consuming flesh from both within and without, tendrils and fronds of malicious growths surging free, fibrous roots spreading down into the soil below, corrupting her and her nearby sisters. Even as they struggled, Hyacinth let out a harsh giggle, and vines ripped free from the ground, snaring the struggling victims and wringing the fading life from them, the snapping of bones echoing through the barrier, muted by the thick toxic smog of spores.

Ether scattered, most of it being drawn into Hyacinth, but there was enough spare for me to absorb, converting it to aether to accelerate my Ether Healing. I cut free the more corrupted, discoloured patches of my skin, slowing the growths, and was using air element to fill my lungs, meaning I didn’t have to breathe in the spores. Once my exposure increases my resistance I should be fine, but… I looked at the carnage around us, which was far worse than even I had expected and once more reaffirmed my decision to keep Hyacinth from using such biological terror wherever possible. But it was the only way to finish off this situation. The Kijo Matriarch was refusing to back down…

“Defences!” the Matriarch cried. “It is some sort of poison! Use detoxifying talismans and set up barriers!” she hacked and coughed, her hair a tangled knot of growing mushrooms and fungi, their caps vivid and virulent, reds and purples speckled with white and grey dots. Her own curse talismans flared out, and even though she was being consumed by the pestilence, she had the strength of will to cast her attacks. Streaks of dark light flew towards Hyacinth, energy fizzling and throwing off inky sparks, and I reacted instinctively, throwing up barriers of earth, wind and flame using a decent amount of my remaining elemental energies.

“Thank yooou!” Hyacinth declared as the soundless black explosions detonated against my conjured obstructions. “Hyacinth can tell, that wooould have been bad.” she sniffed, more nature element flickering around her, a brownish-red ochre halo surrounding her. “Nasty creatures, unwilling tooo accept the mercy you offered them!” More vines and more screams. One Kijo was hoisted up, her ribs showing as the flesh had been eaten away, only to be torn in two.

“My sisters…” the Matriarch half-screamed, half-sobbed. Several of her long, pointed teeth had fallen out of her now-mouldy gums, and she coughed blood and spores. “I shall see you all burn for eternity, your souls… guh, kah…” more coughing, her flesh starting to bubble. “… my toys for me to torment! I shall not fall so easily!” she withdrew another talisman, though her hand erupted into corrupted growth and disintegrated, dropping it. Even so, it burst into prismatic light, and through what I could see with my Eye, I was surprised… She’s become a being of pure spirit, a bit like Haru-san? With no flesh to cling to, the Matriarch was safe from the deadly spores, and other surviving Kijo were likewise shedding their fleshy forms, becoming flickering, pale ghosts, though their translucent visages remained warped and scarred by the savage damage wrought by Hyacinth.

“So many dead, so many within me!” the Matriarch declared. “When I kill you two, I shall then seek vengeance on the others. All will perish to assuage my guilt and grief!” she reached out with her remaining see-through hand, and the dark flames that remained of her attempts to curse Hyacinth formed a sea of twisting serpentine shapes, rearing up as if ready to crush us. A dozen flittering Kijo were moving to surround us, all that remained of those trapped within our elemental dome. So many died so quickly. No wonder that the Spring was considered impossible to retake. Ghostly balls of flame were appearing around them, flickering and burning, and talismans were clutched in pale hands, or even between the teeth of those whose bodies had already been thoroughly ravaged.

“Well, no point in suffering the spores if they can’t be hurt anymore.” I said, and Hyacinth nodded, another exhalation of mist leaving her, decomposing and inactivating her first wave of biological terror. I blinked away the amber letters that had crossed my vision, Split Thoughts running rapidly to work out how to counter the incoming wave of curses, and as the agonising pain diminished, mushrooms and fungi digging into my flesh withering and shrivelling up, Ether Healing repairing the damage swiftly, Hyacinth smirked, her violet eyes hard. “Yooou said you wanted them dead, Akio. I can dooo it. Their petty tricks will nooot…” even before she could finish her words, the serpents of dark flame crashed down towards us, forcing us to react quickly, evading their cursed maws…


As I continued to pour spirit water into Eri, seeking to guide it to where the curse lingered within her with my Chirurgery, purging the hideous, dark remnants that oozed from her trembling body like filthy black slime, I shook my head in concern. I am of course pleased that Eri survived. When I saw that vile Kijo bitch cut off her limbs and tear the flesh from her, I thought I would die from grief. My rage was so blinding that I lost control of myself. I did feel somewhat guilty for the injuries I inflicted upon the nearby Yokai who tried to stop me interfering, though fortunately it seemed even though I had driven many to near-death, none would actually die, as those of the Parade that could heal would take care of them. Good. I do dislike needless killing. It is a terrible waste, Akio is right. Needful killing, however… my attention flickered over to the Emerald Wind Prison I had cast and Akio had strengthened. Well, we tried to end it without too much bloodshed, but leaving an enemy behind who has no sense of honour or fairness is folly…

“Shaeula, is… is it bad?” Eri asked me, picking up on my discomfort, and I cursed myself for worrying her, though I suppose I did need to talk about it.

“Fear not, Eri.” I reached out a hand and patted her head, as Akio did for us. “It is not-not good by any means, but compared to being dead, well, we can manage, can we not-not? However…”

“However?” She asked, wincing as her body quivered and more foul impurities were expelled. The strange state of her astral body and chakra network had reduced the effect of the Kijo’s curse on her, so it was likely I could soon break it, allowing Eri to return to the Material, but…

“While your body has healed here, even if it seems quite-quite unstable…” I began, unsure of how to say it. “… you are aware damage is transferred between bodies, are you not-not?”

Eri nodded weakly, and I saw the glimmer of understanding in her pretty, dark eyes. As well as resignation. I knew it. She has obviously considered it, she is no fool. “Well, I’ve seen Akio hurt, and I’ve been hurt myself. I know. My body… it probably isn’t in a good state at all.”

“I can tell.” I said, sighing. “Your body certainly did-did heal when you restored yourself through the power of that thieving cat. And I am using Ether Healing to repair what other damage I can-can, while trying to stabilise your ever-changing network via Chirurgery. However… your limbs…”

“I see. Well, it makes sense.” Tears glimmered in her eyes. “I thought… well, it isn’t like limbs grow back, do they? I’m not him.” She nodded at Grulgor, who was watching the shimmering dome of wind silently. The wind formed a perfect seal, so we couldn’t see or hear what was taking place within the jade expanse.

“There is no need to give up hope.” I promised her. “You know Akio will perform any feat, if it can-can restore you, just as he intends for this white princess of his.”

“Shiro, huh?” Eri managed to say, her tone flat and sorrowful. “Well, perhaps I should get to know her. Looks like we’ll be in the same boat. Oh well… I made the choice to come here, like an arrogant, selfish fool. I can’t blame Akio for the outcome. Or you.”

“Oh you can. Akio is in charge. Even though we pressured him, he could-could and should have denied us. Well, we have learned. I just hope…” I paused, worried for those left behind on the Material. “… well, I expect your parents and the others are in quite-quite the state of shock and terror now.”

“I know.” Eri looked down. “Aiko, mother and father, auntie and uncle. They must be so scared and sorrowful right now. I’m… I’m not sure how I can make it up to them.” She looked at Yamato then, who was hiding behind his gaudy soldiers, as if they could protect him. “At least I’m not dead like those others, I suppose. And I do have one arm… so I’m not totally helpless.” Her words faltered, and her grief was plain.

“I doubt-doubt you will be left limbless and broken. It seems the legacy of that cat is useful. If all else fails, we shall train and strengthen you until you can master it even upon the mortal world. So do take heart.” I tried to cheer her up. It was then my mother interrupted.

“Shaeula. Daughter.” It thrilled me to hear my name from my mother. She had left when I was so small, and I barely remembered her, but I had always longed for her. Longed for her approval. And now I have it. But at the cost of such injuries to Eri… it does make my heart burn with pain.

“Yes?” I asked her, and she let out a long sigh, gesturing to the dome of winds.

“That is quite the impressive-excellent working of wind. You truly are a Kamaitachi, my daughter. Well, your father had a gift for the wind-sky as well, so I should not be surprised. But… are you not fearful-worried? The two of them, alone against the Matriarch of the Kijo? She is very-much wrathful, and her strength grows as the more of her sisters die. He is a strong one, yes, killing that sly-vile Kitsune was proof of that, but even so, there is a difference between him and the Matriarch of all the Kijo.”

I exchanged a look with Eri, while not stopping my Healing, and I sighed. “Well, of course we are worried, are we not-not, Eri? Akio is strong, there is no question, and Hyacinth has proved herself many-many times. But to be trapped against so many powerful foes. What wives would we be if we did not-not fear for our husband's safety? Even so…” I considered the situation, knowing why the barrier was sealed from the outside. “… this was the only way.” Akio wished to keep Hyacinth’s powers a secret, and I understand why. But compared to protecting Eri, such concerns are secondary.

“That bitch should have let it go.” Eri cursed. “She lost one sister. Well, think how many of Akio’s students died. That Candidate girl too.”

“Well, ya know, ya were just unlucky.” The Blue Oni said, and I was once more aware of her great power. If I was to fight her, I would likely have to flee, as my chances of victory would be small. She reminded me of my father, as did the Red one, mother, and that cursed four-tailed fox who was constantly giving Akio sultry looks and flaring her Charm and League. Yes, I do approve of Akio having as many worthy females as he desires and can support, but… not such as she. There is much wicked about her.

“The Hyakki Yagyō isn’t a unified group, ya get me?” Blue continued. “We flock together, we parade, we follow the guidance of Lord Nurarihyon and the lowest numbers. But ya have to understand, mostly we just do what we want, having fun, ya get it? Would ya care if that nephew of yours was put down?” she asked my mother, who frowned.

“It would be annoying-irritating, but I would hardly strain myself seeking vengeance. Yokai die. It happens. It would be a different-changed story if it was part of a campaign against me or mine. But a fight over … such creatures…” she looked at Yamato, who quailed under her gaze, as well he might. My mother is as impressive as I had dreamed of! “… well, might makes right, the loser-failure is the one at fault.”

“Yeah.” Red agreed. “Sure I was angry. My bro, I was supposed to be looking out for him. But when I calmed down, I guess he got killed fair and square. As long as I get my booze, I’ll forget about him soon enough.”

“So ya, most of us don’t much care if some other Yokai die. But the Matriarch is different. Probably because she knows the pain and suffering of her slain sisters. She keeps the soul, ya know, creepy bitch that she is. So he’s right…” she nodded at the dome of emerald winds, which was starting to turn slightly brown from the other energies seeping into it. “… even if ya got out of here, she’d hunt ya all down, especially you.” She frowned at Eri. “… and one day she’d find ya, so better to finish it all now. Maybe you’ll be higher than Seventy-First, but more likely ya will be a widow.”

“Such a gloomy subject.” Urakaze said. “But if so, I shall comfort you, Shaeula. After all, you have returned in glory-triumph, which was most unexpected. I know the seer said that we should remain in Kyoto for a certain event to happen, lest the Parade suffer…” her adornments on her simple dress rattled as she stretched. “… but the Parade already has suffered. Not the deaths-slain. The Parade is numerous, and Yokai from all over Japan are eager to be invited, we can replenish well enough. But our honour-pride…”

“Yes, that is the issue.” The Kitsune drawled, knowing her presence annoyed me, so she came in too close, her breath hot on me and Eri, who also shrank back from her. “Assume that your dear husband, the slayer of my poor naïve young fox, triumphs… well, if he falls and is slain, you will all likely be next, so there is no issue. But if he were to… win…” she giggled, belying her advanced age. “… well then, we would have lost the Seventy-First, the Fortieth, and plenty more besides.”

Fortieth, I see. It was the first time I had heard the rank of the Matriarch. It was a bit lower than I had imagined, but it was still high enough to make me fear. “Well, he will surely-surely win.” I declared, mostly to reassure myself.

“I think perhaps he might.” She agreed, surprising me. “You clearly had a plan, and considering your maid and how those around her died… it isn’t impossible. But then, if that was to happen, how can we maintain our dignity? Why, the Parade is not the only force of Yokai within these sacred lands, and there are foreign groups too, such as the Unseelie Court. Why, we can’t simply lose all face. So… we would need a victory, something priceless…” and with that her gaze went to Yamato, who quivered, his whole body trembling. I could see his curse still lingered, even though it was starting to fade. Akio will not like that, but… is there another way? I do not think so… Putting that thought aside, ignoring the terrified Yamato, who to my mind would deserve any number of cruel fates, I continued to work on Eri, only for my mother to ask a question.

“Now, daughter. About the Kamaitachi. You said they were weak-feeble. But I am quite sure-certain I sent some of my finest to aid you. I would not leave you alone in such a dangerous-troublesome land. So speak. Tell me… what happened.”


You have gained in strength. Your level has increased from One Hundred And One to One Hundred And Two. Your…

Another level. Great, but… I breathed out, my whole body shuddering, as the spectral Kijo I had just slain with a volley of light element, mixed with my remaining stock of moonlight spirit water, dissolved with a scream, heralding the amber letters. Even so, the situation was still problematic. I noticed when I killed that piece of shit Kitsune and reached level one hundred, I didn’t get the same sort of event that I did at level fifty. I can still feel the bracelet and the seeds growing stronger, but it seems I haven’t grown enough to trigger another boost… a shame. I could really have used it now.

“Die for my fallen sisters!” The Matriarch was yelling. She was surrounded by glittering orbs of light that flickered and faded, and it reminded me of Kin Restoration, though it seemed that there was no restoration to it, merely an absorption of strength. My Eye could see glowing strands connecting the dead Kijo to her throat and third eye chakras, and she was powering her baleful curses through that additional might. Seems like a lot of Yokai like curses. Which is fortunate for me…

I coughed, a mixture of blood, silvery mist and clumps of spores sodden with blackened impurities leaving my lungs. It seemed a Spiritually Pure Physique recognised the spores Hyacinth was creating as impurities, which made sense, so it was magnifying my Ether Healing. Without that, even I might have suffered far more damage…

Purple and black flames sprayed down once more, and I countered with my dregs of Foehn, yellow meeting inky and dark. They exploded, and droplets of fire that burned endlessly, and fire that inflicted damage directly to one’s spirit, began to rain down around us. Through it all bounded Hyacinth. Her dress, already torn and riddled with arrows, was now little more than rags, matching the Kijo, and her skin was covered by livid burns and she shimmered with the remnants of many curses, ones to cause pain, befuddle the mind and more. Even so, she’s beautiful. Beautiful and terrible.

“You should never have tried tooo harm mistress Eri or disobey Akiooo!” she cried, her violet-silver eyes hard. She was radiating strength, having rapidly grown stronger as her spores reaped a heavy toll of the Kijo, her levels increasing dramatically. She had mixed darkness element into the released second wave, and those spores could even attack beings that had no tangible body, such as the Kijo who had shed their flesh and donned ghostly forms. It had hardly gone all our own way, as the few surviving Kijo adapted, and we were discovering weaknesses to her deadly biological cargo, but even so, now only the Matriarch and another couple remained.

“Burn away!” one Kijo brandished talismans with old kanji for ‘flame’ upon them, and a torrent rushed down, detonating. The wind-dome surrounding us shook, as the ignited spores rapidly cooked off and blew up, in a phenomenon likely similar to a dust explosion. The searing wind drove into our bodies, but with our stats we pushed through, and beams of light pierced the Kijo who had woven such an art in multiple places, her wraith-form disintegrating. Two left. The Matriarch had surrounded herself with a glittering barrier, and though her form too was riddled with damage where she had been forced to cut away her flesh lest she be consumed, now her defences seemed able to keep out the spores and my attacks, whereas the initial barriers they had erected were vulnerable to the microscopic agents of ruin, perhaps not even realising they were within the thick mist.

“First Weal. Rapid Regrowth.” Hyacinth chortled, drawing on the Unseelie arts she possessed. The drifting fireflies that were smouldering spores raining down suddenly sprang back into life, floating back towards the surviving Kijo, and with a scream it began to corrode, translucent flesh blackening. The Matriarch roared as her last sister present was being killed, but with her barrier up, she could not be hurt, but could not interfere too.

Clever. Hyacinth really is a genius when it comes to this sort of thing. A Walking Plague indeed. The few dead spores that were within the barrier also sprang back to life, and the Matriarch screamed. Even so, she was not faltering, unwilling to go down into death.

“Vile wretches! I shall surely slay you all! Even should I die, I will send you to Yomi!” and with that ominous proclamation, she reached out and grabbed one of the souls of her dead sisters, before forcing it into her mouth and chomping down with ragged, broken teeth. There was a sickening slurping sound, and her spectral form shimmered, her fungus-ravaged flesh restoring itself. She reached for another, and another, and her power was growing, a darkness radiating from her that even the drifting spores seemed unable to easily penetrate.

Hyacinth and I exchanged a look. Well, I never thought this would be easy…

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