On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Eighty-Three

One Hundred And Eighty-Three

As we were getting ready in a hurry, Shaeula’s phone rang. Apparently it was Konoe-san. As I looked into the bathroom mirror, lightly styling my hair and making sure I had shaved properly, I listened in to half the conversation.

“… I see-see.” Shaeula was saying, sounding concerned. “That is indeed troubling. Do you require any assistance?”

I guess this is about the reason she was texting Shaeula yesterday? Finishing with my shave I started brushing my teeth. Taking a look at my watch, I noticed we were cutting things pretty damn close.

“No, it is not-not a problem.” Shaeula continued. “I did have plans, but Akio can manage without me. So… yes, I shall find it. Remain calm and I shall be there-there soon.” With that Shaeula hung up and came into the bathroom, still only half-dressed, as she had been interrupted while changing.

“So, I guess you won’t be coming with me then?” I asked, and she nodded.

“Indeed. I would have found it most interesting to meet your old friends and hear some-some stories of your old self, but Ichika is having some troubles. I could not-not get much out of her, but I shall. Many apologies, but you shall have to go alone.”

“Well, it was a bit cheeky me bringing you along to a gathering like this, not that anyone would have complained.” I shrugged. “Fine. We need to look after our friends. You take care and be… ah, who am I kidding? If anyone messes with you, it’ll be them that needs to worry about danger. Can you find her home address?”

Shaeula grinned, pushing out her modest chest as she took an imperious pose, which was interesting as she was only in her underwear. Still, I was getting used to it by now so could take it calmly. “Of course. I have used the metro and subway before, have I not-not? Besides, I am quite the genius. Such simple matters are nothing to me. Besides…” she showed me her phone. “I can use-use the mapping app, should I need to!” she declared proudly.

“Yeah, I guess you can!” I could only laugh. Here I am, a Faerie princess explaining to me not to worry about her, as she can use Google Maps. It’s funny how life can go, sometimes…




“Hey there, Akio-kun, cutting it a bit fine… whoa… that really you man?”

As I made it to Bar Sekirei with barely a few minutes to spare, I could see a few of the gang had already arrived, the table they were at already piled with our usual drinks. The one who called out to me was Yasu-san, and while his name could be read as peaceful with his kanji, he was always the nosiest and most boisterous of us all. His hair was now bleached blonde since last time I had seen him, but other than that he was still the same loudmouth as ever, it seemed.

“Yeah, still me.” I replied. “Hi, Yasu-san. I see you are here as well, Shugo-san, Hayato-san. You as well Hina-chan. You are looking rather close to Hayato-san tonight.” I greeted the others who were there, striding over and taking an open seat, before taking a gulp of whiskey. After all, if you come to Bar Sekirei, you have to have whiskey, no question. That or cocktails anyway. I noticed the tall glass of brightly-coloured drink in front of Hina-chan.

At that, Hina-chan blushed, looking down. It was true though, she was pretty much pressed against Hayato-san, only a fingers’ width of distance between them. She was looking more prettily dressed than normal as well, in a blue dress, though it had a long hem and sleeves. Her haircut is different too, her bangs trimmed back, revealing her glasses-covered eyes for once. I think the frames are more fashionable too. That’s kind of sweet…


Turning to Hayato-san, I grinned. “So, anything you want to tell us?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Since when did you get so sharp?” Hayato-san laughed, running a hand through his blonde-brown hair. Unlike Yasu-san’s it was natural, and he had put up with a lot of trouble at school for his hair colour, which had probably contributed to his outgoing personality. He was also dressed to impress, with an open-necked black shirt and designer jeans. “Still, let’s leave the news until everyone is here. I wouldn’t want to steal your thunder…”


I glanced around, seeing that some of our friends weren’t here yet, and Shugo-san, looking dapper in a dark jumper and black jeans, nodded, pushing up his glasses with one finger as he peered at me. “Well, you know someone has to fetch Shiro, right? If we let her get here herself she’ll collapse somewhere. By the way… you really have changed.”

I have, I have indeed. “Well, we can’t stay the same forever.” I conceded, taking another sip of whiskey. The only problem was, despite the flavour, it was nigh-impossible for me to get drunk now. In stories they voluntarily drop their resistances, I wonder if I can do that? Otherwise it’s a waste of good booze, and an insult to the master of the Bar. “I admit I’ve been working out, eating better and taking care of myself more.”

“Huh, suspicious. Very suspicious.” Yasu-san complained. “Don’t tell me, you didn’t get a…”

“Come on guys, wait until Shiro and Aimi-chan get here.” Hayato-san said jovially. “We can all catch up properly then.”

“That’s right.” Hina-chan said, a little flushed, which I doubted was from her cocktail. “It’ll be nice to see everyone again…”

“Yeah, it’s been too long.” I agreed. For a few minutes we talked about nothing important, Yasu-san and Hayato-san making a few jokes, and then the door opened, and a pair of women came in, drawing all eyes on them.

“Hey guys, sorry we are late, but… well, you know how it is.” Aimi-chan giggled. She was a short girl, with a slightly sporty look, her short brown hair pulled into a bun. She was also wearing a daring denim mini-skirt and a top that showed off her cleavage. She had always dressed the least conservatively of all the girls in our group, and both Yasu-san and Shugo-san had a crush on her back in the day. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy looking at her either, but…


“Well damn, what the hell happened to you, Aki?” A familiar voice rang out as Shiro stepped out of Aimi-chan’s shadow, peering at me, a strange expression on her gorgeous face. “It’s like you are someone else entirely. Did you have plastic surgery? Nah, no way you’d have the cash for that.”

Shiro was… well, stunning was the only way to put it. My sister was very attractive, Shaeula and Eri also utterly gorgeous, but up against Shiro… well, she was pretty close to perfection, if you only looked at her outward appearance. A shame her personality is… quirky… that’s the most charitable I can be.

As Aimi-chan took an open seat, Shiro slowly strolled over and sat down beside me, a savage grin on her beautiful face. “What’s up Aki? Struck dumb at the sight of me? I can’t say I blame you, I am the gorgeous Shirohime after all!”

I guess she is. Her long silver hair cascaded down to the middle of her back, and it was genuinely silver, not white. It didn’t look like metal, but it was definitely silver. Obviously us guys all thought it was some clever dye-job, but Aimi-chan and Hina-chan said they had checked and it wasn’t. Anime hair in real life. Well, it does happen, on rare occasions. After all, people with albinism and some other rare conditions had unusual hair and eye colours. And violet eyes were a one in a few million mutation. So her hair was probably something similar. Besides, nothing was normal about Shiro.


Seeing me still thinking, she nudged me with one elbow. “Yep, definitely struck dumb. Well, we can’t have that, if you go dumb and lose your brains, you’ll have nothing left…” she giggled nastily, taking a glass of whiskey and taking a big gulp, a little spilling down the side of her beautiful face. “… or so I’d like to say.” With her free hand she grabbed at my arm, surprising me, and gave it a squeeze through my expensive shirt.

“What are you doing, Shiro?” Aimi-chan asked, also smiling.

“Just a performance check on these upgrades. And it’s Shirohime, girl, how many times do I have to tell you?”

Laughter went around the table. “Sure, Shiro. I get it.” Aimi-chan ignored her complaints as usual. “So, what’s the verdict?”

“I don’t like it. The feel of this shirt, it’s very expensive. Since when did you have money?” she pouted. As everyone looked at her, she shrugged, her ample chest moving under the white and blue patterned t-shirt she was wearing, and she crossed her slender, white skinny-jeans clad legs. Despite myself my gaze went to them, and she snickered, amused.

“Yeah, good muscle under there. I think he’d give you a decent run for your money now Hayato.” She finished, punching me in the arm, though of course with a blow from Shiro it was like a gentle breeze. “Ouch, are you forged from iron now? Jerk, hurting me is like smashing a priceless vase. You’ll be tried as an enemy of humanity!”

At that there was more good-humoured laughter, and I finally spoke. “It’s good to see you too, Shiro. It’s definitely been too long. You look very fetching tonight, the skinny jeans really suit your long legs, and the blue in your t-shirt stops your usual white from being overpowering. Good job. That skirt suits you too, Aimi-chan. The top is a bit daring though, I don’t  think Yasu-san knows where to look!” Yeah, I’ve learned how to appreciate fashion and give compliments. I’m not the man I used to be!

There was silence as everyone digested this, before Shiro burst out laughing. “Wow, so smooth. I guess when you… no, never mind. That’s for later. Anyway, tell me something I don’t know! Of course I look fetching, I’m downright stunning at all times. But no matter how you flatter me, I’m not interested in going out with you. I told you, any guy I date will have to be fit, handsome and successful, with at least a billion in the bank. Let me say it again, as it’s important. A billion. After all, I need to be able to follow my dreams without having to worry about the day-to-day. So sorry, no joy for you. Thinking about it…” she grabbed my arm again, her other hand squeezing my thigh, which caused Hina-chan to look away, blushing. “… damn, you’ve got the fit part down now. A real shocker. I’d have said the world would have ended before your idle ass started working out. Hmm… odd. There’s something about you tonight. You are triggering my ‘hot guy’ radar. Most strange. Still. A billion, you hear me!”

“Loud and clear.” I smirked. I wonder what would happen if I put my phone on the table, opened the Midas Gold app and showed her I have more than a billion yen just sitting there? Honestly, when I first met Shiro and ever since, I’d imagined what it would be like to date her. It was impossible not to fantasise with someone so inhumanly pretty. She was unique, with that hair too. Still, it was never going to happen, and everyone that had hit on her over the years had been ruthlessly shot down by her. Oh god, I remember the time when Yasu-san was hammered in Shinjuku, and he accosted me in the toilet and lectured me for a good half-an-hour on all his fantasies for her. He tried to make me spill mine too… “I wouldn’t dream of hitting on you, even if I am now hot.” I smiled back impishly.

“Oh god, Akio-kun’s definitely been replaced, he’s an imposter!” Yasu-san declared grandly, and laughter spread around our table.


“So, who is your favourite Sekirei?” Yasu-san asked us, as we were on our third whiskey. The bar was filling up, so it would likely be time to move elsewhere soon. Hayato-san and Hina-chan were in a bit of a world of their own, and everyone, even Yasu-san, had noticed their vibe.

“For me, it’s got to be Tsukiumi.” He continued. “Got to love her! Blonde, big rack, dere-dere as hell when the tsun breaks. You get me, right guys?”

As the girls jeered him, I exchanged a look with Shugo-san. “I get you, I do.” Shugo-san agreed a bit. “But for me… got to be Musubi. So clumsy, cheerful and forthright, plus she doesn’t lose out in looks!”

“Well..” I pondered, seeing the girls looking at me, waiting. “For me, it’s Benitsubasa. Just something really cute about her. Sure, she’s on the side of the villains, but she’s got hidden depths. And did I say she was cute?” She reminds me a bit of Eri and Shaeula too, somehow…

“Really? Going for the smaller girl huh?” Aimi-chan laughed, and Shiro spoke, her face already red from the booze. Wow, she’s hitting it hard. That’s bad. If she carries on she’ll collapse. As Aimi-chan aired her own views I slid her glass away surreptitiously and filled it with some extra water to slow her down.

“I was sure you’d say Yukari, since you are such a siscon!” she said. “Although you have a thing for your childhood friend, right?”

“Yukari isn’t even a Sekirei…” I protested weakly. “As for Eri… well…”

“Eri, huh?” Aimi-chan noticed, being sharp as always when it came to romance. “You called her Eri-chan before, right?”

As I looked down, guilty, she cracked a smile, before moving on and saying her favourite Sekirei was in fact Homura, as the gender-changing thing and potential boys-love angle was hot. That surprised no-one, as during her limited spare time Aimi-chan was known to write a certain type of fan doujinshi.

“Seriously, if you don’t cut it with that BL crap, you’ll never land a man.” Yasu-san said, and for a moment she froze, before letting out a sigh. “Well, I suppose this is a good time then. Actually…” she took a deep breath. “I’m dating, guys. And I think he’s a keeper!”

I see. Looks like there’s going to be a lot of this tonight. Time to party. “Congratulations. Sounds worth celebrating. Where do we want to go next? I’ll book us in and pay, my treat!”

“Thanks.” she said, a little embarrassed, as Shiro hugged her, which was quite the picture. “You sure…?”

“Yeah.” I pulled out my phone, just as Shiro shouted “Maid café! If we are in Akihabara, we just have to!”

As I called up one we used to frequent that also catered for events, Hayato-san clapped his hands, drawing everyone’s attention. “Well, first, let me say congratulations Aimi-chan. You are quite the catch, so I’m surprised it’s taken you this long to be snapped up.” At that, Hina-chan pouted a little, which was adorable. “… but anyway, while we are all here to celebrate we have some other announcements. As you know…” he began, and all eyes were on him, the centre of our group. As I finished speaking to the staff at the maid café, confirming our booking with the full package, I smiled, reminiscing. Just like old times. I miss them in a way, they were simple, hard work but fun. Though… I wouldn’t change now for anything.

“… I’ve secured a decent job at an established gaming company. Hina-chan too. So there’s as much work as you want. And if anyone wants to be hired on… I think I can swing it.”

Shugo-san expressed some interest at that, but Shiro pouted. “Yeah, and now you don’t have time to help me anymore. Only Aki bothered recently. Speaking of, Aki…” she wheedled, leaning into me, dark eyes looking into mine pleadingly. “… want to take on some more? You can’t say no when I’m asking so nicely, can you?”

Damn, she’s so close. And she smells good… no, I won’t be disloyal to Eri and Shaeula! Besides, she’s only teasing anyway. Shiro has no interest in dating, I don’t think, or why else set such stupid standards? “Well I’m busy, but… maybe in a week or two I can do a little more. Now, stop clinging to me. After all, men are wild beasts, I might just eat you up.” I teased, though her chest on my arm was definitely a test of my reason. In the past I’d just have looked away and turned crimson, embarrassed, but I was a different, more experienced man now!

“Yay, I knew you’d be a loyal knight for your princess, Aki!” she grinned at my promise, vague as it was, then she let me go, frowning. “But… I don’t like this new confidence you have. You were touching me after all, I expect tears of gratitude and embarrassment!”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m soooooooooo grateful.” I said in monotone, and everyone laughed, except for Shiro, who stamped her feet, pouting, though she looked like a goddess even doing that.

“Anyway, ignoring Shiro and her endless requests for slave labour…” Hayato-san lightened the mood as always. “… that isn’t all. Hina, darling, show them.”

As everyone held their breath, she brought a box out of her bag and slipped on the ring contained within. “Hayato… and I, we are engaged.” She said, blushing a rosy pink.

“Damn, you sly dog!” Yasu-san grinned, hugging Hayato-san. “I always thought Hina-chan would fall for me!”

As we congratulated them, the girls with Hina-chan, us guys with Hayato-san, Shiro scoffed. “You? Yasu? With our treasure Hina, that shy little angel? Not even if Hell freezes over. Know your own level, and grind some stats like Aki obviously has! You need to get your attractiveness up ten levels, and your wealth at least twenty. Then girls might give you a second glance!”

“Ugh, you are killing me here, Shiro!” he complained back, but taking it with the humour it was hopefully intended.

“I told you… it’s Shirohime!” she retorted, and there was more laughter.

When we finally calmed down, Hayato-san looked at me and winked. “It looks like someone else has some good news too, right? Our Akio-kun here has a new job too, right?”

“No wonder you are paying for the next bar.” Shugo-san surmised. “’Gratz, man. Is it a good one?”

Beside me, Shiro was surprised, as she knew what my real news was. Still, I ignored her, nodding. “Yeah, it’s a bit high pressure, but the pay is great.” I smirked at Shiro. “Maybe you’ll regret missing out on my fat bank balance, but alas…”

“So, the wage is good?” Shiro was interested briefly, before scowling. “… no, don’t tempt me. It’s too late, anyway, right?”

“Sure is.” I grinned, enjoying having the upper-hand in the teasing for once. “I’m afraid I too… am also engaged!”

“No way, you too!” Yasu-san groaned. “So, who is it, anyone we know? Or…”

“Yeah, I knew.” Shiro grinned, a little lopsidedly. I had been topping her glass with water but she had still been throwing it back. “It’s the childhood friend he’s always banging on about. Got a picture?”

“Sure, here’s where I proposed.” I showed off the shot of us as we were in the Strat in Las Vegas. Yasu-san was chugging whiskey in frustration, while everyone else was congratulating me.

“I’m glad.” Hina-chan said, patting me gently on the shoulder, surprising me. “It’s  nice that you were childhood friends. That’s pretty romantic, and from what you used to tell us, I know she has loved you a long time. It’d be sad if that love never bloomed.”

“You’re right.” I agreed. “But I’m not too sharp, so for a long time I didn’t see it…”

“Yeah, you’ve always been hopeless. Though I guess you are one of life’s winners now, Aki. Though knowing me alone is proof of that.” Shiro snorted.

“So… ahh, I’m not engaged, but… I’m also dating.” Shugo-san piped up, and Yasu-san clutched his head, howling.

“No damn way! Am I the only loser here who can’t get a date?”

As we looked at a picture of his girl, who was a few years older and a schoolteacher, I poked fun at Yasu-san. “Well, Shiro is still single. Maybe you should hook up with her?”

Before he could even answer she shot him down. “No way. You fail on all my metrics. The only one of you that even looked slightly good enough for me was Hayato-san… well, I guess our new Romeo Aki qualifies now. Maybe you can pay a maid to be nice to you tonight. Oh wait, you are poor as well…”

As she mocked Yasu-san, we all joined in, and the party continued…


“Say Moe-Moe-Kyun!” the gaudily-dressed maid in front of us said in a high-pitched girly voice, as she held up the camera. We were all grouped up together, girls at the front, boys at the back. We all smiled, and the picture was taken. The maid then sent the picture to my phone, which I admired, before forwarding on to everyone else.

Sitting back down at our table, I noticed my parfait had vanished. Looking to my side, Shiro was eating it, a sly grin on her face. Reaching out, I rapped my knuckles on her forehead, surprising her.

“Uwah! You hit me!” she protested, tearing up, even though I had used pretty much zero force.

“You stole my pudding.” I retorted. “Be lucky I don’t turn you over my knee and spank you.”

There was silence around the table. Shiro looked away, and then Aimi-chan burst out laughing. “Damn, getting engaged has really changed you! To think you could say that to Shiro. Oh my god, it was worth coming out tonight just to see her so shocked!”

“So, is that your kink?” the very drunk Yasu-san asked me, and I shook my head.

“You just want to lay your hand on my perfect ass.” Shiro muttered, still making sure to shovel my pudding down her throat in-between words. “I bet you’d even get me to pull down my jeans. Pervert. What’s Eri-chan’s number? I need to let her know what you’ve been getting up to. If you don’t want me to do that, then do more work for me!”

As I gestured to one of the passing maids and asked for the bill, Hayato-san looked at me quizzically. “Hey, you sure you want to foot the bill for this, Akio-kun? We haven’t exactly been keeping it cheap.”

As considerate as ever I see. “No, seriously, don’t worry about it. It’s my treat, one engaged guy to another. We need to celebrate, and I didn’t exaggerate that my new job pays well. It’s in a new field for me, but even so… I moved into a bigger place recently, so I have cash to spare. And I want to treat you guys, we’ve been friends since Uni, we’ve worked together, played together, commiserated with each other when we failed… besides, you and Hina-chan look a great couple. I hope I get an invite to the wedding!”

At that Hina-chan looked down shyly, before smiling brightly. “Thanks Akio-kun. Really. It means a lot when our old friends support us. I hope… I hope we get an invite to your wedding too. I’d like to meet your fiancée and your sister. After all, we’ve heard so much about them!”

Wedding? Which one? “Sure, I dare say it’ll be a grand affair, everyone welcome.” The maid, who had waited patiently, accepted my payment, curtsying politely and telling me I was a ‘master who knew how to spend his money’ which was certainly true nowadays.

“So, onto Shinjuku!” Yasu-san drawled, and Shuta-san and Aimi-chan, who were both pretty drunk now, also agreed.

“What about you two?” I asked. Hina-chan looked at Hayato-san, who nodded kindly.

“Sure, this is a big night for us. It’s a shame to end it now. It’s been too long since we’ve all hung out. Still…” he looked pointedly at someone. “…there is one issue.”

There sure is. “Everyone else is having a good time, and I have to be up early tomorrow as I’m heading home to see Eri for her birthday, so I’ll do it and meet you later. Just text me the bar. I’ll get a taxi each way.”

“Ouch, that’ll cost you. Still… she won’t be able to take the tube.” Hayato-san observed Shino, who had just finished another cocktail.

“Yeah, she’s really putting it away tonight. I guess she’s been lonely.” I shrugged. “Normally it should be Aimi-chan who takes her back, but she’s having a lot of fun letting off steam. I can manage.”

“You’re always so accommodating.” Hina-chan giggled softly, leaning on Hayato-san contentedly. “I hope you won’t let Eri-chan walk all over you.”

Waving off that question, I tapped Shiro on the shoulder. She turned to me and giggled. “What’s up, Aki? You going to buy me a drink? I want champagne, champagne! I still won’t give you a kiss though!”

“I don’t want a kiss from you!” I responded instructively. Seriously, if she had a decent personality to match her looks and wasn’t so… constitutionally challenged, she’d be a goddess… “I know it’s been fun and all, but you don’t normally drink this much, and you’ve pushed yourself walking across Akihabara. You’ve normally collapsed by now, so it can’t be much longer. I’ll take you home.”

“Take me home? For a spanking? No way, I charge a billion for that!” she smirked, whacking me on the head with a fist, though her blows felt like feathers they were so powerless. “As for me collapsing, no way, I’ve been working out too, I’m as fit as…” at that moment she wobbled on her chair, nearly falling off, and I caught her in my arms. Of course there was no lucky accidents like in manga, as with my reflexes it was simplicity itself, but I did have one arm around her shoulder, so…

“Trying to cop a feel, eh Aki?” she chastised me. “Still didn’t have the courage to grab my chest though.” she snorted. “Still, I do feel a bit wobbly. Still, Aimi or Hina usually take me home…” she said doubtfully.

“Let them enjoy the party. It’s been too long since we’ve all got together. Next time… next time we shouldn’t wait too long.”

Shiro slowly got to her feet, nodding. I had my arm around her shoulder, still supporting her. “Fine. Fine. Sorry guys, I’m off home. The excitement was a bit too much for me I’m afraid. Aki will be back though, so I want pictures! Lots of them! Have all the fun I can’t!”

“I can take you home, us single people should stick together!” Yasu-san cried, but she shot him down, and Shiro said her farewells.


“Tonight was fun, wasn’t it?” I said, as I looked at Shiro, who was lying slumped in the back of the taxi, idly watching the neon lights of central Tokyo pass by. I could see the taxi driver looking at us in his rear-view mirror, or more precisely, watching Shiro. I guess being too attractive has its own problems…

“It was.” Shiro sighed after a while. Turning, her sliver hair cascaded over her face, hiding her dark eyes like a veil. “I don’t get out much. Finding people I can trust…” she paused, lost in thought, and I felt it would be wrong to interrupt her. “… well, life is hard when you are beautiful.” She said, not boasting like normal.

So, she echoed my thoughts, huh? “Well, yeah, you are beautiful, no question. But… not every guy is bad. We’ve always treated you right, haven’t we?”

I could barely see her face in the dimly lit taxi, her hair hiding her. Even so, I suspected she might have ben smiling, from the tilt of her head. “Yeah, Aki, Hayato, the other two troublemakers. And the girls. I’ve had fun. But… life moves on, doesn’t it? You and Hayato are getting married, the others are dating… she paused then, unable to resist a dig. “… Yasu will be single until the day he dies, but if he’s all I’ve got left… I choose death!”

“Don’t die!” I laughed, yet the atmosphere was strangely heavy. To be honest, it wasn’t often I was alone with Shiro, not as long as I could remember. “Seriously. You’ve done all right tonight. Sure, I had to pretty much carry you to the taxi, but in the past you might have fainted by now.”

“Yeah, and you couldn’t help but cop a feel, could you? You’ve already admitted to wanting to feel up my ass, and I know you’ve barely been able to take your eyes off my chest. Pervert. I’m telling your childhood friend and sister what a perv you are!”

“Yeah, false accusation much?” I scoffed. “I made sure to be very careful where I put my hands. Still, for a woman of your… dimensions… you’re very light.”

“Rude.” She pouted. “Are you saying I look fat? Have your eyes rotted away? I’m Shirohime, the worlds’ most beautiful princess.”

Maybe it’s a good job you didn’t meet Shaeula, she’d have fought you for that title… “Yeah, yeah. So, Shirohime…” she seemed surprised as I said her full name, or at least what she claimed was her name, anyway. “…seriously, we worry about you. I know it must be hard being so weak. That’s why, why not find someone who’ll protect you and take care of you? You’d have no shortage of takers, even with your personality and the fact you are the highest-maintenance woman I’ve ever seen.”

“What’s wrong with my personality?” she snarked. “You love it, Aki, I know. Eri-chan will bully you and you’ll enjoy it, you masochist.” She let out a long sigh. “As for a boyfriend… of course I’ve thought about it. Are you offering, Aki? You’ll break your fiancée’s heart if she hears you. I have to admit… you’ve really changed and grown. Still not rich enough for me, but… looks-wise… well, you have an indescribable charm now. A dangerous one too.”

She’s perceptive. Always has been… To lighten the mood I cracked another joke. “When it comes to money, I might surprise you. Like I said, my new job is very lucrative.”

Another long pause. Then she spoke quietly. “Aki… you aren’t seriously hitting on me are you? I’m not joking here…”

“Of course I’m not.” I reassured her. “Just trying to cheer you up. You seem a little down all of a sudden.”

“Well, shit, of course I am.” She shrugged, and suddenly she was leaning on me, her head on my shoulder. “Just… don’t get the wrong idea, okay? I’m just talking. It’s hard enough being so weak. As a kid, I couldn’t play with other children, and my parents…”

Okay, I don’t think she’s ever talked about her parents before, or much about her days before Uni either. Sensing the mood, I merely listened silently. “… well, they gave up on my quickly. Too hard to care for, costs too much.” She scoffed. “… the doctors and specialists I went to constantly never could work out what was wrong with me. It’s probably genetic, my beautiful hair colour could be an indicator of that, but if so…” she took a deep breath. “… they’d probably have to call it Shirohime Syndrome, as it’s the first and only case anyone has ever heard of.”

Damn, this got heavy and dark fast. I placed a hand on her head and started rubbing it gently. Shiro let out a little yelp. “What the hell are you doing, Aki? Was grabbing my butt not enough for you?”

“That’s a false charge. I’m just… just… I want you to know we have your back, and everything isn’t all bad, okay?”

“Shit, when did you get so smooth, Aki? Even I felt my heart skip a beat there. I’m still out of your league though, unless you get… yes, twenty! Twenty percent hotter. Besides… you’re engaged anyway. Jerk!” she spat, then resumed her story. “My parents were well-off, if not rich, but my medical bills… well, they were pretty damn expensive. So they gave up. After all…” she said, self-deprecatingly. “… as long as I didn’t injure myself when I collapsed or ran out of energy, I could live a relatively normal life. Relatively.”

I knew that Shiro must have had a lot of troubles, but… this is worse than I imagined. Now I’m glad she met our group at Uni, even if we only overlapped for a year. If only she was a little older, we could have spent the whole time together… still, we’ve stayed her friends even now…

“I was home-schooled and rarely went out. I’m as smart as I am beautiful, so my grades are good.” She still had leisure to boast, so I silently continued to stroke her head, her hair amazingly silky and smooth, even more than Eri’s or Shaeula. “I enjoyed reading, manga, playing games. A world I could be anything I wanted, do anything I wanted. And when I finished school, I told my parents… I wanted to go to University. It might have been too much for me, but I needed to experience life. And then…”

“… and then, you joined our club.” I finished, and she agreed.

“… yeah. For the first few weeks it was hard. I got special dispensation as a disabled student…” she snorted, not liking the term. “… so I live right next to the University, and they set me up with some other girls who agreed to support me in exchange for favourable rooming status. Even so, when I went to lectures or tried to hang out, guys and even some girls hit on me constantly. Some even got grabby…” she shuddered.

“I didn’t know…” I said, saddened.

“Why would you? I hate talking about it. It isn’t something I wanted to waste all our happy time on. Besides, nothing terrible happened. This princess is still as white as snow. But the third time I collapsed from the stress of their overtures, I think word got around. A lot of girls at Uni look out for me now, I am famous after all.”

“Yeah, that you are.” I agreed, nodding.

“Anyway, meeting you all, and finding a group that would allow me to be me, it was a miracle, and very comfortable. And it helped me realise what I wanted. I’m going to create a world that I can enjoy, a world that serves me, that doesn’t hold me back. I think I’m owed that.”

“I see. Hence why you are so obsessed with building your game-world, right?”

There was a moment where Shiro froze, before she smiled. “You see right through me, Aki. It’s a bit uncomfortable, really. I find you easier to talk to when you were just shy, boring, considerate Aki, not this new attractive, confident Aki. It confuses the hell out of me!”

“Well sorry for changing.” I snickered. “Still, if I knew how much your game meant to you… maybe I‘d have helped more.” Not that I had much leeway, when I was struggling to attract freelancing work…

“You should be sorry! So help me more!” she complained.

“I will, I swear. I’m busy over the next week or two, but after that I promise I’ll do more than you’ve ever dreamed of!”

“Great. I appreciate it. Although… you still need to get ten percent hotter and richer before I’ll even consider you!” she joked.

“Wow, so I’m improving in real time.” I had to retort, and she snorted in an unladylike fashion.

“Yeah, I guess so. Seriously, it just hits home. You are all moving on, and I’ll be left behind again. It sucks. But… I’m not going to let it. I can grow too. I don’t need anyone to protect and take care of me, I’ll change like you have, like Hina has, like Hayato. And then, you’ll all be jealous!”

I see. Yeah, it is pretty wrong of me to force my own viewpoint on her. I want to take care of Eri, and Shiro struck me as similar with the vulnerability she’s shown me here. But she isn’t Eri. Hell, even Eri isn’t the Eri I thought she was.

“I get it. And I’m rooting for you. Seriously, if I can help, let me know. After all, we are good friends. And it’s not like I’m going anywhere. Okay?”

“You need to be five percent hotter before such talk will win me over. And then you need to get a hundred percent less engaged.” She turned away from me then, her head leaving my shoulder.

“Seriously though, you’ve charmed all my weaknesses out of me. If this was some of those hentai I know you guys watch, you’d try and blackmail me into being your perverted slave. Ordinarily I’d say you’d never have the guts for that, but right now… yep, you have a dangerous air indeed. Girls love  a bad boy, you know.”

“Do you?” I couldn’t help but ask, but all she did was laugh in response. It doesn’t matter anyway. I have my hands full with Eri and Shaeula. “I’ll skip the blackmail, thanks. But I’ll let you blackmail me into helping you out some more.”

“Thanks Aki.” She yawned, stretching. “Well, it’d have been really nice to drink away the night with you guys. But one day… one day the world will bend to my will, and on that day the drinks are on you, right Aki?”

“Damn right. and it won’t be just us. I’ll bring Eri, my sister, my… colleague Shaeula. They’ll all like you, and you’ll love them, promise.”

“Well, we both need to work hard until then, huh? Oh well, here we are. I can walk from here, it’s not far.”

“No way.” I denied her. “After that heavy story, you think I could let you pass out here? It’s only a little more, then I’ll be back to drinking the night away. I’ll raise a glass for you.” I told the taxi driver to hang on a minute, and opened the door, lending Shiro my shoulder. As we moved across the courtyard to her small dorm house, the door popped open and a couple of fancily-dressed young girls stepped out, ready to hit the town no doubt. On seeing us, they paused.

“Oh hey, Shiro. Back already? I hope you had fun… oh wait, is that a guy?”

“Shit, he’s a hottie.” The second girl giggled. “He your boyfriend? You look good together!”

“Yeah, look at how kindly he’s helping you walk!”

“No way.” Shiro turned her head, though I could see her ears and neck reddening. “Aki is just a friend. He needs to be … two percent hotter before I would consider him.”

“Oh, you and your jokes.” The first girl laughed. Turning to me she bowed. “Thanks for taking care of our Shiro. We can take her in before we go out, I’m afraid you can’t come in here, much as you would want to. Uni rules, you know.” She winked, and her friend chuckled.

The two girls took her from me, and I thanked them. They snickered at that, seemingly pleased, and I said my farewells to Shiro. “I’ll send you the pictures later. And… let’s all do this again. No more drifting apart. Life’s too short, right? And you wanted a world that you could enjoy, that would be kind to you. I like that.”

“Fine, fine!” she shouted, very red now. “Just go, all right? Hayato and the others will be running wild without you. I feel sorry for Hina and Aimi! Shoo, shoo!” and with her final comments the girls took her inside while howling with laughter.

Damn, that was heavy stuff. Not what I was expecting when I agreed to take her home. I wonder if the girls know her past, or she was more forthcoming as she was really drunk? Oh well, I’ll keep it to myself, it’s not fair otherwise. And… Shiro, Hayato, Hina, the rest of the gang… they are people I have to protect too…

Checking my phone for the location everyone was at, I jumped back into the taxi and we set off, leaving my old Uni behind…

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