On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Fifty-Four

One Hundred And Fifty-Four

“Hey Eri, what’s up?” I answered my phone, stopping our walk to the main shrine. I feel a little bad keeping everyone waiting, but we are already late, and I don’t like ignoring Eri. I’ll only be a couple of minutes…

“Oh good, I wasn’t sure if you’d be back yet.” Eri replied cheerfully. “So, how’d it go? I was pretty worried. Aiko too, but she doesn’t really get what it means to be in that place, so…”

Well, how to answer that one? I don’t want to worry her, but I’m not going to start lying to her either. It was hard enough when I had to keep everything a secret before…

As I pondered, Kana-chan came closer with an impish gleam in her eyes. I raised an eyebrow at her questioningly. but she merely shook her head, laughing quietly. When she was by my phone she spoke loudly. “I’ve got bad news, Mori-senpai. Looks like your man is cheating on you! He admitted to banging her only a few minutes ago!”

“Wait, what… who is that… I recognise that voice. Oh, it’s you.” After a moment Eri worked out it was Kana-chan, the girl she had met that one time yesterday. “Hah. Very. Funny. Indeed.” Eri’s voice was monotone, expressing her disapproval of the joke. “Seriously, why are you even there with Akio anyway?”

“We have an important meeting with the shrine, she was sent to come and get me.” I explained, and Eri hummed to herself, thinking.

“Can you put Shaeula on for a minute?” she asked finally, and as I handed over the phone Kana-chan smiled at me, happy she had got back some of the initiative she had lost with our earlier display of affection and Shaeula’s teasing.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” Kana-chan apologised, fluttering her eyelashes and arranging her pose artfully to make her look pretty. Yeah, the more I see her, the more obvious it is she’s doing it on purpose. Still, I can see why all the boys are hitting on her, even older guys. In a few years she’ll be a real knockout. Not that I care. I have my own stunning wives. Ugh, wives. It’s amazing how quickly one can adapt to any absurdity…

“Yes, I did-did indeed say there would be little time for lovemaking. And I would not-not lie to you, Eri.” Shaeula was saying bashfully. “But the battle was harsh, and we needed to clear our minds.” Her voice turned serious. “It was actually rather awful.”

At that I could hear Eri’s voice despite not having the handset, as she called out, worried. “Is… are you both all right then? I hope you aren’t injured, like before…I couldn’t bear that again, it was so painful…”

Shaeula held the phone up to me and I spoke reassuringly. “No, well… we did take a beating, but you know I heal fast now, right? When you see me next I’ll be right as rain, I promise. Shaeula wasn’t so badly hurt, but… yeah, the experience was mentally draining. I won’t go into details though, we do have company after all.” I glanced at Kana-chan, who was trying not to look interested but was failing.

“I see. Well I’m relieved, even if I’m upset you let Shaeula get hurt again, Akio. So… did you win?”

Shaeula smiled at Eri’s warm words, so different from last week in Las Vegas. “We did not-not win, but we did not-not lose, either.” Shaeula answered, and I followed up.

“Yeah, it was a draw in the end, I’d say. But not fifty-fifty. I’d say we took it sixty-forty. There are still issues to solve, and sure I’d have liked a clean victory, but we are still very much in this fight.” There were indeed problems, not least the alarm bells of Foresight that were ringing loudly. Hmm, now might be a good time… “So, are you at home then?” I asked.

“Yes, I thought I’d spend some time with my parents since I spent most of the Tokyo trip with you. Aiko is doing the same with uncle and… no, with father-in-law and mother-in-law.” She giggled. “So don’t worry, no-one can hear what we are talking about, I’m in my room.”

“Okay then, good. But I just wanted to say… be careful, all right? And tell Aiko for me too. I have a bad feeling something is going to happen soon. It’d put my mind at ease if the two of you were alert to danger. You’ve been strengthened a bit, so I’m relying on you, okay?”

Eri exclaimed in delight that I was worried about her, though why she felt that way I had no idea, as I had always looked out for her. Shaeula took the reigns of the conversation once more, and we had a brief scuffle when Kana-chan dropped the bombshell that Shaeula had tried to entice her to fall for me too. Her anger was classic Eri, her voice went so cold I was surprised my phone didn’t freeze and shatter, and she scolded Shaeula saying things like “You promised me you would stop doing that! I don’t want to cut my time with Akio down even further!” and “… besides, that one is no good. I don’t approve of her.” which annoyed Kana-chan quite a lot. Yeah, Kana-chan and Eri seem like oil and water. They don’t mix well…

After several minutes of lectures, Shaeula looked like a whipped dog, her expression downcast, and I took the phone back, calming Eri down by promising I wasn’t even tempted, and that she and Shaeula were the only girls for me. I felt a sharp impact in my ankle, and when I looked all I saw was Shaeula having recovered her smile, and Kana-chan looking away innocently. I shrugged, turning my attention back to ending the call with Eri, only to catch Kana-chan hopping on one foot, face pained, out of the corner of my eye. Did she just… kick my shin? That isn’t going to work with my stats…

“Stay safe, okay?” I finished, and Eri returned my sentiments.

“You too. And Shaeula. And next time… you’ll win. I believe in you both!”

Hanging up the call, I turned back to the girls. “Sorry about that, now we are even later. Still, I’ll take the blame like I said.”

Following Kana-chan we entered Shirohebizumi shrine, and were led to the main chamber, where both Izumi-san’s and Nagi-san were waiting, along with Hikawa-san and surprisingly enough, Marika-san, who was wearing her shrine maiden attire and kneeling in seiza beside Nagi-san, looking quite nervous, glancing occasionally at the richly dressed Hikawa-san. Well, I guess his shrine is pretty famous.

On seeing us enter relief crossed the face of Marika-san, while the elder Izumi, Masaji-san, looked quite annoyed. He turned his hard gaze on his granddaughter. “We have been waiting, Kana. We have an important guest and…”

I held up my hand to stop him. Putting on my most business-like smile, I apologised. “Please don’t blame your daughter. Shaeula and I were the cause of the delay, we had a few… spiritual… matters to finish up.” I bowed deeply. “Please do forgive me. So, down to business. I hear we have the finalised list?”

“Indeed.” Masaji-san said, passing me over a sheet of parchment. Hmm, how old-fashioned. Paper would definitely be easier, but it must be some shrine tradition or something…

“So, there’s the three from Hikawa-Kawagoe, two shrine maidens from that shrine, a shrine maiden and priest from there… wait, isn’t there more than we expected?” scanning the list I could see sixteen names.

“Indeed, we have received favourable noises from Kiyomizu-dera, it seems the leader of our faction is more interested in you than I would have expected.” Hikawa-san exclaimed, clearly pleased. “I reached out to a few other shrines. One is even outside Tokyo. These are the ones that have come on board.”

“I see. Well…” I paused to think. With larger numbers than expected for training it would put quite the burden on us teaching them, especially Shaeula.

“Oh, do not-not worry so, Akio.” Shaeula interpreted my reluctance. “With my skills increasing, and the experimenting we have done with Aiko and with Eri, the extra burden would be small. Besides, I do not-not see your other shrine maidens on the list.” Shaeula looked at Masaji-san.

“We agreed two per shrine, did we not?” he answered.

We did, but… Shaeula has spent a little time with Keomi-san, so she naturally wants her to learn as well…

“I’m curious about this training. It still hasn’t been explained clearly. In fact, most things haven’t been.” Hikawa-san talked to me as Shaeula wheedled with Masaji-san to get Keomi-san and the sisters added to the training list. Making more work for us… and more girls. Luckily not everyone on the list is a shrine maiden or I’d go mad. Daichi-san is on the list himself. Makes sense as he does have some talents already, and he’d be wary of trusting his daughter to me unsupervised…

“I get why. Even in our faction, those in the know are sharing very little.” Hikawa-san continued. “But I’m entrusting my children to you, my treasures, so…”

“Very well then, if Hikawa-san has no objections, I shall allow them to take part.” Masaji-san conceded, and Hikawa-san airily waved his approval. At the pen scratched on parchment, adding names to the list, Hikawa-san looked me directly in the eyes, and I could feel his resolve.

“This whole situation is very strange. Originally the conclave was set for September, but it keeps getting pushed back. If the situation is a serious as I have been told, the very fate of the Earth resting on it… and even if it isn’t, other countries will be getting the jump on us while we bicker, divided… I can’t believe that Tsukuyomi faction is supporting Amaterasu’s wish to delay our collective response. It makes no sense to me. I can accept spiritual abilities, even spiritual beings…” he nodded at the satisfied Shaeula. “… after all, we are a true shrine, with a lengthy history, and to not believe in kami, spiritual beings, well that would just be hypocrisy, right?” he grinned, but there was little warmth in it. “Even so, I am starting to get a bad feeling. I want to be sure that my shrine and my family is taking the right path. You understand, right?”

I’ve tried to be careful about sharing specifics, but… the alliance is firmer now, I’ve invested a ton of money into it, as well as time and knowledge. I think I can go further… if I’m careful…

“It all comes down to Territory in the end.” I answered, that being my best guess as to why there were so many delays. “Sure, working together is important, and for my own part, I’d rather make allies than enemies, working together for everyone’s benefit, but… from those I’ve met who have been chosen… everyone is trying to secure their power base in the Boundary… sorry, you’d call it the spiritual world.”

“I see.” Daichi-san spoke, interested. “So when you said that Shirohebizumi shrine had joined with you, you had made it part of your… Territory, was it? And so your request to own the shrine as well…”

“Look, I’ll be honest. I’ve met two… no, actually, three I guess…” can’t forget that poor priest… “… others in the spiritual world. They have abilities different to mine, though all are unexplainable by science. What is the same, largely, is that the spiritual world somewhat mirrors this material world we live in. And by securing areas of the spiritual world we can grow stronger and gain many benefits. And furthermore…” I gathered my thoughts, having another chance to persuade the Izumi’s. “… I have seen with my own eyes that if one controls both the spiritual and material Territory that overlaps, many boons can be applied, even here. And as time goes on, I can only see this growing ever greater…”

“I see.” Hikawa-san mused. “So you are saying the delays are so that the factions can claim as much of Kyoto for themselves as possible? Kyoto is second only to Mount Fuji in terms of spiritual legacy, it would be quite a prize…”

“Such foolishness.” Daichi-san grumbled. “Now more than ever we should not be squabbling over benefits, but… working together for everyone’s, for our country and our kami’s, benefit.” He repeated my words, before fixing me with his attention. “I now understand more of why you wish to take ownership of the shrine, no matter how nominally. I still have reservations, but… I shall consider it in light of your explanations.”

“There are other important reasons too for having a Territory. It is a place of safety, one we will need. You know Hisuikomushi shrine?” I asked, changing the subject suddenly.

“Of course.” Daichi-san nodded. “Being a true shrine, and rather close to us, we know them well, though they are Amaterasu faction, so politically we have little traffic with them. Their worshippers are also… unsavoury, mostly …” he eyed his granddaughter and Marika-san, before coughing a little and trailing off. Changing the subject away from such matters he continued. “It was terrible what happened to Kikuchi-san. He’s been in a coma for…. Wait, you don’t mean?” he realised why I was asking.

“Yes, I met him only a few hours ago, in the spiritual realm. He was a chosen, like me. Unfortunately…” as everyone waited for my words, I remembered his broken spirit, just wishing to apologise to his daughter for leaving her behind. “… he met another chosen, far less nice than I.” my face reflected bitterness and rage at that bastard Kondou, the rapist and murderer. “His Territory was only around his shrine and weak, so he was enslaved, forced to remain constantly in the spiritual realm and fight. His kami too.”

“Such blasphemy!” Daichi-san gasped, and Marika-san also looked horrified, no doubt worried for her own precious kami, far distant back in Nishimorioka.

“They can do that?” Hikawa-san asked, worried. “Influence, enslave, even… kill… kami?”

“Of course they can.” Shaeula snorted, sitting down beside Marika-san and patting her head reassuringly. “It might be scary, but have no-no fear. Akio and I are not weak, we shall prevent misfortune from befalling those who are allies and friends with us.” Turning back to the adults she smiled, her eyes glittering amber. “I am similar to what you refer to as your kami, and I have no-no doubt I could be slain by a powerful foe. That is why we strive to grow stronger, to make our Territory unassailable. Have no-no fear, you are sheltering under a great tree, now that you have-have joined hands with us. And our enemies…” she nodded to me, and I continued.

“We managed to free the priest from his enslavement. Even now he might be out of the hospital. As for the kami…” well, how to break this one… “Shirohebizumi shrine has a second kami for the moment. The jade beetle is taking refuge here, until we can retake his shrine in the spiritual realm.” Best not say I ended up burning the whole thing down. When this is over and we’ve consolidated and the Anchor is done, I’ll get the kobolds to work on it…

“Seriously? You saved a kami?” Hikawa-san asked incredulously.

“It is not-not more surprising than the revelation they can be slain, is it?” Shaeula chortled. “If you wish, we could-could arrange an oracle, like before. It is very wasteful in terms of spiritual resources though, and right now, we are still-still at war with the vile mortal who perpetuates such atrocities. So I ask your trust in us.”

“Can I speak?” Kana-chan piped up, and when given permission, she addressed the group. “I don’t think big bro and Shaeula…” she winced at her grandfather’s glare as she slipped and called me big bro again. “… are liars. In fact my gift awakened for a moment as I was bringing them here. Their ‘abnormalities’ are far brighter and more massive than when we first met. They are definitely growing stronger, very quickly. And…” she shot me a wink, hiding it behind one hand. “… I met a girl, Eri, she too had a strange aura. She was one you said you trained, right?”

Wait, you didn’t see Eri with your sight, so why are you saying…

“You owe me one, big bro!” she mouthed at me, winking again.

“Indeed. Eri’s training was rather special, so it is not-not for the faint of heart.” Shaeula agreed. “Only those shrine maidens of… suitable talent and character can try it. We have other methods that work effectively to allow anyone, with much effort and will, to access the Boundary, and grow strong.”

No, no, NO! Shaeula, you really enjoy trying to force girls on me and annoying Eri, don’t you? It’s like you’ve poured all your tsundere energy into being a… what the hell is it, a goudere, I’d guess? That’s not a popular archetype… I miss the tsun…

As Shaeula explained the basic methods of her Chirurgery to the others, Kana sidled up to me, whispering in my ear. “Knowing Shaeula, that special training is something lewd, isn’t it? After all, you did it with one of your fiancées, right? Big bro, you really are a pervert, lecher and the true enemy of all women. I still think you are cool though!”

She snickered as I blushed at her whispered words. With that she walked over to Shaeula and joined in on the conversation, leaving me to talk to Marika-san, who was looking a bit overwhelmed by it all. Sitting down beside her, I smiled reassuringly, giving her a head pat.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. I won’t ask you to do anything dangerous.”

Marika-san shook her head, her hands white on her scarlet hakama. “No, Akio-sama, I am prepared to do whatever it takes for the gods. After all, I am a proud shrine maiden from a line who has served for centuries. I should be honoured it… has happened in my time.”

“Even so.” I rubbed her more firmly. “All you have to do is practise what Shaeula tells you, and carry out shrine maiden duties. Leave the fighting to us adults, all right?”

She nodded, still unsure, and I spent more time talking to her, making sure she had everything she needed to be comfortable, and she was settled in all right. Once we had wrapped up the meeting, Shaeula and I agreed to return to the Boundary, as it would be quicker to recharge our elemental essences there, and I had a ton of new equipment to make. Even as we left, I could still feel the oncoming feeling of doom circling us, coming closer with every breath…

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