On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Fifty-Seven

One Hundred And Fifty-Seven

I had been taken in a police car to a station in Yokohama, some ten kilometres away. The trip had taken nearly half an hour in the back, and I did not enjoy my first experience of being a felon, even if the Inspector had said I wasn’t under arrest.

Fortunately the journey proceeded mostly in silence, which gave me time to think. The situation was pretty disastrous, but I counted it a small blessing that the worst-case of someone being seriously hurt or worse had been avoided. Money isn’t only necessary to gather Territory for the strengthening effect, no, it is required to protect the Material world as well… I wasn’t sure how much it would cost to cover the damages, but I could afford it, yet even so, my money was starting to run down. I’ll need to make more money soon, think about hiring security to protect my Territory… everything needs cold hard cash, even the higher realms… I never would have thought that when this all started…

Of course, right now that was not the most pressing issue. That was how the hell is was going to explain this? Obviously the easiest way would be to show off my impossible strength, but that came with problems of its own. As I was pondering this, we arrived, and a few minutes later I was sitting in an interview room, a bowl of steaming katsudon in front of me. Well isn’t this just a stereotypical classic? Still I was pretty damn hungry after all my fighting. One thing I noticed about the natural effect of Ether Healing on my Material body was that in addition to drawing on my aether, it also made me ravenous. Which makes sense. The regenerated tissue and blood has to come from something, right?

Breaking the provided egg over the pork cutlet and rice, I picked up the provided chopsticks, gave my thanks for the food, and started eating. Hmm, not bad. I quickly wolfed it all down, the egg yolk a perfect compliment to the well-cooked rice. The pork was nice as well. Once I pushed aside the empty bowl with a satisfied sigh, I once more marvelled at the ingenuity of the Japanese police. There may be a lot wrong with the system, but they realise a well-fed prisoner is more likely to be compliant. Wait, I’m not a prisoner, I’m just… helping with enquiries.

There was something about being in a police station that made one feel guilty, even if one hadn’t done anything. There was no way I was going to let some yakuza hurt my allies or Shaeula, but legally speaking… the amount of force I had used, while I felt it was totally proportional, the police would likely view it differently.

The door to the interview room opened, and Inspector Sato entered, followed by another officer who was there to take notes. On seeing I had finished my food, he took a seat across from me, the other officer sitting beside him, shooting me a glare.

Ugh, looks like they really think I’m a criminal. If the police did their jobs and cracked down on yakuza, this wouldn’t have happened, so really it’s their fault, but… It wasn’t as if saying that would do me any good.

“So, Oshiro-san, I hope you enjoyed your meal. I’d feel bad bringing you all this way to assist us without feeding you.” Inspector Sato said briskly.

“Yeah, thanks it was good, and I had worked up a bit of an appetite back there…” even as I made a quip I winced, knowing being flippant wouldn’t go down well. The Inspector merely cracked a brief smile, but the gaze of the other officer was painful in its hostility.

“Well, we wanted to talk about that, in private as it were. We wouldn’t want to upset the people who went through such a frightening experience would we? Officer, the file.”

The scowling policeman handed Inspector Sato a file, and he made a knowing murmur as he inspected the contents. Yeah, like you haven’t already read it, before coming in, right? The show has already started I guess…

“So, Oshiro Moonstone Akio. Unusual name, but a true one it seems. Half Japanese, half British, just as you confirmed. No criminal record or any run-ins with the police listed. Isn’t that something?”

“It’s just like I said, Inspector. I’m a law-abiding citizen, I’m not involved with gangs or yakuza. I was simply defending my girlfriend and those of the shrine. Surely you can understand that.”

The officer snorted sarcastically, and I had to struggle to keep my face calm. Seriously, I don’t get why you dislike me so…

“Your girlfriend huh? You are a lucky guy, Oshiro-san, she was very pretty. Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan. An extremely strange name and appearance for a Japanese citizen, right? Still, seems she was a half as well, but her parents died in an accident a while back. No criminal record or past. Pretty much no past at all, really. Records lost in some sort of fire I believe. Interesting.”

I started to sweat, hoping it wasn’t showing on my face. Obviously the fire didn’t exist, and the passport and koseki we had set up wouldn’t survive a detailed investigation. “Of course she doesn’t have a criminal record. I keep telling you, we aren’t yakuza. We are the victims here.”

“Really? The thirty or so yakuza in hospital, some of them in critical condition, would beg to differ.” Sato disagreed. “I think most people would see that as a crime.”

“Oh really?” I kept my voice level, but it was an effort, a great effort. I don’t have time for this. We need to deal with Kondou Kazuo as soon as possible. It’ll take him a while to realise that his plan has failed, but if he decides to try again when I’m not there… Shaeula might be able to handle it, but I can’t take that chance. “So if a gang bursts into your home with bats, swords and even a gun, while your girlfriend or other family is sleeping there, you’d step aside and just say ‘oh hello good intruders, feel free to do terrible things to my loved ones!’ would you? Well sorry, but I am more than prepared to fight for those I love.”

“Now, now, Oshiro-san. No need to get angry.” Sato was speaking calmly, as if to soothe me, but I was sure it was an act to get me to lower my guard. “But surely you could have done something else, like go out a back window? A citizen’s duty is to escape danger and call for the appropriate authorities. Only when there is absolutely no other way is self-defence permitted, and even then, minimum force should be applied.”

“Minimum force? Yeah, and while I was gently wrestling with one thug to disarm them, the other might be putting a bullet in Shaeula. We are the victims here, you’ve already admitted they were known criminals, a named yakuza family.”

“You should watch your tone with Inspector Sato, you…” the angry officer snarled, but Sato raised a hand to silence him.

“I see, I see. I think we should talk about something else, Oshiro-san.”

As I braced myself for what he was going to say next, he surprised me with his question. “So, putting aside whether your use of force was justified or legal, I would like to say, you know why the yakuza attacked the shrine, don’t you?

Well yes, of course I do. But I can’t prove or explain any of it. Not without revealing that I have supernatural powers, which right now seems a terrible idea… It was tempting to give Kondou Kazuo’s name to them as the instigator, maybe getting him arrested, but I had absolutely zero tangible proof. They would probe me for how I knew, which would just dig me in deeper. Playing dumb seemed smarter.

“Uhh, well we have started developing the shrine, a lot of money is involved, so maybe the yakuza were hoping to take over? This and future deals are likely to be worth hundreds of millions or even billions of yen. I’m no expert on criminals, but that strikes me as something they would be interested in, right?”

“No expert on criminals, huh?” the inspector mused. “Strange, as your thoughts align with mine. Let me tell you what I think, Oshiro-san…” he leaned in close, conspiratorially, whispering loudly, putting on a show. “You are a front-man for another yakuza family, moving into Tokyo. They needed a clean man to move their money, and from what I can dig up on you, you are only just getting by. Tempted by the offer, you are their middleman on the shrine land deals. But like you said, the level of money involved drew attention, and thus… well, gang warfare. You might have beaten up a few yakuza, very impressive work, but most of the carnage was by members of your new employer’s clan. They then scarpered, leaving you to take the fall for them. Probably for money. You need quite a lot of cash to satisfy a cutie like that Shaeula-chan, right? Though if you go to prison, she won’t be waiting for you when you come out, she’ll be the wife of some lieutenant or boss in the gang.”

My fists clenched at his nonsense. “I believe I’ve been clear I’m not involved in any criminal activity.” After all, no laws govern the Boundary… “… and I would appreciate it if you didn’t badmouth Shaeula. She’s a good girl, and I won’t let anyone say such things about her.”

“Why, you…” again the other officer was halted by Inspector Sato. First katsudon, and now a ‘good cop and bad cop’ routine. Am I in a police drama? Ugh, seriously I am so done with this crap. I’m all for respecting authority, but this is bullshit.

“You know what, I think I’d like to go home now.” I declared. “I’ve explained what happened, and I’d like to see my girlfriend.”

“Oh I see. Well, thank you for your assistance, and we’ll be in touch…” Sato began, before shaking his head, putting on a sorrowful expression on his grizzled face. “… is what I would like to say, but nothing about your story adds up. If you aren’t a yakuza front, where did all the money come from? Besides… if there were no yakuza on your side, then I’m afraid we’ll need to hold you while we investigate whether your violence was unlawful.”

“So, all this about co-operation and not being under arrest was a lie then?” I sighed.

“You wound me, Oshiro-san.” Sato shook his head. “As long as you stay here, you aren’t under arrest. But if you continue to tell us nothing, or try to leave… well, things will have to change.”

That’s just great. This is throwing everything off. But… working my mind rapidly, my thoughts running far faster than I would have thought possible a few months ago, I slid back in my chair, folding my arms across my chest.

“Well, if that’s the case, I think I need to speak to a lawyer before I proceed. I’m disappointed that after my freely given assistance you would do this to me. I’m clearly the victim here.”

“A lawyer huh? In that case do you need the state to provide one? It’s pretty late though, so I fear I’ll have to keep you here overnight if that’s the case. Don’t worry, our rooms are pretty comfortable, and we even offer breakfast.”

Yeah, it is after midnight now… damn, spending a night in the cells. Just for defending myself and others. I was about to agree to his request for a public Lawyer, before I had an idea. In my wallet I had a business card, and I bet they’d be able to arrange me something. “No need, in the morning I’ll make a call and get one.”

“I’m curious to see who it’ll be. We know all of the lawyers that cater to the yakuza here at Organised Crime Control. Oh, and we wouldn’t want you making calls to dispose of evidence, so can you hand over your phone?”

Seriously? “I thought I was still not under arrest. That seems to violate my rights?”

“I’m just thinking of you, Oshiro-san. If you are innocent, then having an arrest on your record could be damaging to your future. As it is now, you are merely a witness under our protection. You were attacked by yakuza, right?”

Semantics. But damn, he’s right in a way. I don’t want an arrest record… at least my phone has a pin code, so they can’t get inside it. “Fine.” I sighed, making my displeasure plain. “But I want to call my girlfriend first, to check everything is fine. And I want privacy for that.”

“Sure, sure.” Inspector Sato agreed. “But you can use our phone for that, so that we know it was her you dialled. Agreed?”

It isn’t like I have much choice, is it? I was led to another room, dialled Shaeula’s number on their hardphone, and gave over my own mobile phone, getting a receipt. The phone rang for a while, before Shaeula answered.

“Who-who is this?”

“It’s me.” I answered, and she quickly broke out into asking me how I was and what happened. I quickly recounted my unpleasant experience here, and that I wouldn’t be back tonight.

“I see. These police are truly fools. I shall not-not forgive them for this.”

“Yeah well, they have the power I’m afraid. How were they with you?”

“They merely asked us some questions. As I was sleeping through most of the chaos, I was largely left-left alone.”

All right then. “So, you are still in fighting shape?”

“Of course, who do you think I am?” Shaeula answered lightly, and I imagined her smacking her chest in pride.

“In that case… I think tonight is the night. I did want to leave it another day to gather the maximum energy, but he’s forced our hands with this. I’m in Yokohama, which isn’t that far away from the enemy Territory. It kind of forms a triangle with here, right? So I’ll meet you towards the Hisuikomushi shrine. We can settle it with our enemy tonight. I still have all the flame element I gathered, and while I’ve used a good chunk of my wind, I regenerate that a lot faster.” I made sure to cover my mouth with my hands and deployed a little more wind energy to swallow the words. I’m taking no chances that they are recording audio in this room…

“I see. Yes, letting our enemies run free leaves me nervous indeed-indeed. I would much rather crush them once and for all.”

“Right. If his Territory is going to fall, then surely he will have to defend it, even if badly injured, and if not… well, without his Territory and the wraith army, we would only have to find a way to deal with him personally.” Plus if we can somehow handle him, I’m in the cells. It’s a truly perfect alibi…

“Very well. I shall see-see you soon. I love you, Akio.”

“I love you too. Later.” Hanging up, I exited the room, to see the angry police officer waiting for me.

“Let me show you to your room.” He sneered.

“Lead on then. I hope it lives up to its billing.”

“Yeah, laugh, yakuza lackey.” He grated. “If I was you, I’d spend the night thinking about what you are going to tell us in the morning. The longer you drag this out, the worse it’ll be for you.”

I merely ignored him as he led me to the cell. It was closer to a hotel room, actually pretty nice. I guess I’m lucky this isn’t an American police station. That would really suck… Lying down on the adequate bed, I made my way to the Boundary…

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