On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Forty-Seven

One Hundred And Forty-Seven

“Well, my little Eri seemed to be in a great mood when she came back last night.” Auntie Mori said jovially, uncle nodding along beside her. “And that dress was beautiful. Are you sure you should be spending so recklessly? I can understand why you’d like to see my baby girl all dressed up, but you are going to be the provider, so you need to be prudent.”

“Indeed.” My father agreed. “Still, Junpei and I did discuss this with him. I trust my son is not such a fool that he would squander this rare opportunity he has gained.”

Well, thanks for supporting me father, but as always, the way you say it leaves me feeling kind of bad…

“Yes, father and uncle gave me quite the grilling on my future plans and prospects. But trust me, I’ve got everything in hand. Besides, Eri can use the dress for graduation too, so it’s hardly a waste.”

“Oh, I can see it now.” My mom grinned, exchanging a look with auntie. “She’ll be the prettiest girl there.”

“Oh thanks mom. What am I, some troll?” Aiko pouted. She was leading Eri and Shaeula to the other room I had rented for them, but was still in earshot and protested, half-joking.

“Don’t be like that, Ai.” Mom giggled, playing along. “You know you are a beauty too, just like your mom. But you have to admit, Eri did look very pretty in that dress. Sadly you can’t expect your brother to buy you one. After all, he may love you a lot, Ai, but there’s a big difference between a sister and a lover, isn’t there?”

“Hmph.” Aiko pouted. “I guess so. But…” she looked my way, blue eyes bright. “… big bro, if I succeed in that training, you’ll treat me to a dress too, right? As a reward? I don’t feel good losing to Eri…”

“Training?” Mom cocked her head, and father looked interested. Seriously, not in public. Sometimes you can be a bit of an airhead…

“It’s just something for the future. You know Aiko is interested in a sports Uni, right? Well, I asked around a bit with some contacts and got some ideas on what she can do to improve her chances of getting into a decent one. Anyway, little sis, why don’t you go chat with Eri and Shaeula, leave the boring talk to us grownups?” Yeah, that should help us dodge the bullet there…

Aiko rewarded my quick wit with a teehee-pero, winking at me while sticking out her tongue and knocking her head. It was cute, but something that girls only did in anime, so it came across as rather mocking. Still, she grabbed Eri and Shaeula by their arms, ushering them into the other room. “Come on you two. I need to hear all about just what…” she shut the door, cutting the sound, but if I concentrated my ears were good enough to still pick up their words. “… happened. I can’t believe that my bro is a two-timer. Even if it’s for the best, I think, I still can’t believe it. Wow, now you’ll both be my sisters. That’s pretty hot…”

Damn, I’m feeling embarrassed just listening to her gibberish. Sometimes I worry for my sisters’ future…

“So, anyway…” Auntie was asking me. “A woman can tell. You and little Eri, you had fun, right?” as she smirked, I looked away blushing.

“I don’t think that’s the sort of thing we should be talking about right now.” I tried to change the subject, embarrassed.

“Oh. Don’t worry. Eri is on that medication now, so there’s no worry about the future. Though I’m really looking forwards to our grandchildren. Aren’t you, Emi?”

“Oh yes, definitely. And at least we know with Aki and Eri as parents, the kids will definitely be cute! I hope it’s a girl, girls are so adorable. But then… hmm, Taichi, I know you’d like a grandson, wouldn’t you…?”

As my parents and Eri’s family subjected me to the torment of this extremely embarrassing conversation, I shoved my embarrassment deep down inside and nodded along, making appropriate noises, while listening to the conversation in the other room as a distraction.

“Wow wow wowowowowowowow! My mind is blown!” Aiko was gibbering. “Both of you together? Seriously. Wow. Just… wow. I was dying of embarrassment just listening to your time Eri. I can’t imagine how you managed to do it together…”

“It was embarrassing. It was.” Eri said, and though I couldn’t see her right now, I had to imagine she was flaming red. “But… I guess it’s okay. I’ll get used to it.”

“Really? I found it most-most fun.” Shaeula disagreed. “After all, we both love the same worthy male, so we shall be together long. Such activities are best shared, to form bonds. Besides, you were very cute as Akio showed you his love, Eri.”

“Shaeula, don’t… I’m shy…” Eri yelped, and my sisters’ laughter drowned them out. When she calmed down, she asked a question.

“Oh yeah, Shaeula, show me your ring. You weren’t wearing it, but I bet you have it.”

“Of course. I shall go nowhere without it-it.” Shaeula answered.

“… so, what are your plans for now then?” Uncle was asking as my mother and auntie were still going on about grandchildren.

“Well, I’ve got a very important job right now, which Shaeula and I will be getting stuck into as soon as we see you all off. If it succeeds, well, it’ll open up a lot more doors to us, which means my future is more secure. And make no mistake I have every intention of succeeding. Anyway, I aim to have it wrapped up before Eri’s birthday, so I can visit in peace.”

“To think we could hardly ever get you to visit. I guess we aren’t as enticing as your fiancée.” Mom smirked. I made more small talk, dying a little inside at their gentle mockery, when something Shaeula said really perked up my interest.

“… have grown far more skilled after adjusting Eri, so I believe I can-can improve your chakra network, making it easier for you to train.”

“If you can, that’s great. When Eri told me you and Akio managed to fix her so she can finally stand on her own, I was so jealous. Damn, why isn’t life fair? I mean, I’m making progress, but still…”

“There is-is always the easy way…” Shaeula began, only to yelp.

“That joke is very old now, Shaeula. I’m pulling rank and forbidding it.” Eri warned.

“Wow, that’s some serious lead wife power there. You’ve grown, Eri!”

“I shall-shall be serious.” Shaeula promised. “Aiko, lie on the bed and remove your shirt. I shall make adjustments and strengthen your pathways. The only issue is-is whether to construct around the lunar node…” Shaeula paused. “After observing Kana and others with my eyes, I am forced to admit the truth. Mortals do not-not have lunar nodes naturally. And forcing Akio nearly killed him.”

“But Eri has one, right?” Aiko asked. “And if I don’t have one, I’ll never be as strong as you both, right?”

“I can not-not say it is impossible you will surpass us, but the lunar node is linked to many powers, so you will face much hardship.”

“In that case…” I could hear tension in her voice. “… I’ll take the risk, and have faith in you, Shaeula. Work your magic, or whatever, and if… if I’m hurt, or even die… well…”

“No, Aiko, you can’t talk like that!” I heard a muffled thump, and guessed that Eri had hugged my sister. “No-one will be happy if you are hurt. You don’t have to risk…”

“I do have to risk it.” Aiko disagreed. “I’m not going to be left behind. Besides…” her voice dropped, and not even I could hear what she said next, but Eri and Shaeula gasped in surprise.

“If the worst happens… it would not be guaranteed, but…” Shaeula trailed off.

“Oh Aiko. You fool.” Eri sighed.

“In any case, I shall begin. This may feel… uncomfortable, but bear it-it.”

Ten minutes later the girls emerged, and Aiko was flushed, walking a bit unsteadily. Still, she flashed me a smile and a thumbs-up, before starting to talk to uncle and auntie.

“Do you not-not have something you need to do with Eri?” Shaeula asked, and I remembered. “I shall keep your parents company.”

“Yeah, Eri, can you come with me back into the room for a minute?” I asked, and she nodded.

“You don’t have time for that, Aki.” My mom teased me, and I stammered a response.

“No way, it isn’t that. I just wanted a quick private talk is all.”

“I do not think it’s appropriate to joke about such matters, even if they do have such a relationship.” My father disapproved, and mom apologised insincerely, winking at us. Shaeula struck up a conversation, and I led Eri into the room, closing the door once more.

“So, did Shaeula charge you up?” I asked, and Eri nodded, looking distracted. “Hey, what’s up? You seem out of sorts.”

“It’s nothing… it’s just… Aiko, she… never mind. She trusts Shaeula, and I do too. It’ll all work out. So, I’m ready.” Eri seemed eager to put into practice the method to enter the Boundary without aid that Shaeula had taught her.

“All right. Well, I don’t know how dangerous this place is in the Boundary, so I’ll go first. It’s just a quick handover anyway.” Lying on top of the bed I held Eri’s hand and quickly entered.

Once I was in the Boundary, I looked around. It wasn’t actually too bad, though in the dark corners of the room large rats were scuttling. Still, a quick sweep of wind blades dealt with those. A few minutes later Eri appeared, blinking in surprise. Her expression then broke, beaming broadly. Turning to me she raced over and clutched my hands, looking me in the eyes. “I did it! Akio, I did it!”

“You sure did.” I kissed her fiercely. When we separated I pulled her into a hug. “Still, Shaeula spared the aether, so until you gather it all yourself and enter, it isn’t a true success.”

“Meanie.” Eri joked, kissing me again.

“All right, we don’t have too long, or our parents’ll get suspicious.” I pulled out the chainmail dress I had made. “Pop this on.”

Eri tugged it over her clothes, the metal rings clinking musically. “Hmm, it’s a bit heavy, but I can manage.”

“You think that for now, but it’ll sap your strength quickly unless you get stronger.” I warned. “Still, you have to stay safe. Growing stronger is meaningless if you are hurt.”

“I will, I promise. I’m just glad you trust me, and are willing to let me make my own decisions.”

“I love you, so of course I want you to grow as a person. And to that end…” I produced the two swords, rapier and sabre. Handing them over to Eri I explained that she would need to hold onto these when she left the Boundary so they would travel with her to Nishimorioka.

“I feel so cool.” Eri marvelled, taking a few practice swings and thrusts. “Like a superhero.”

“One day, you will be.” I promised. “But until then, Safety first!”

With that we left the Boundary, and after we awoke we kissed again, our farewell kiss for now. Leaving the room we were greeted by auntie leering at us playfully.

“Here comes the two lovebirds. Finished your kissing and hugging?”

“How did you…” Eri began, surprised and blushing, but everyone merely laughed.

“We didn’t, but now we do, Eri dear.” My mom laughed. After the merriment died down, we finally set off for the station.

“I’m looking forward to seeing you soon, bro.” Aiko smiled. “You too Shaeula. I’ll be sure to train well, so that we never need to worry about that…”

“I believe you shall.” Shaeula agreed.

“Oh, be sure to tell those two what I said.” I reminded Eri, and she snorted, unable to control her laughter. Aiko looked puzzled and asked what that was about, but Eri merely answered “Oh, it’s a… personal… matter. You’ll see soon enough. I think you might enjoy it.”

“We’ll have a big party for Eri’s birthday. It’ll be a lot of fun. But the best gift she’ll have is you being there.” Uncle said, and I agreed. We exchanged further goodbyes, and as they departed on the train I turned to Shaeula.

“All right then. Time to settle our affairs. Ulfuric should have everyone ready, so it is time to deal with our enemy once and for all.”

Shaeula nodded. “Indeed. I can hardly wait-wait to have our revenge on that spectral witch. She may have driven me off last time, but this time I shall sow her no-no mercy!”

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