On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Ninety-Five

One Hundred And Ninety-Five

“That’s a good question.” In my arms Shaeula nodded at me after exchanging a glance, so I took the lead. Makes sense. Shaeula isn’t supposed to be in the Seelie Court right now… “Caeladaera, was it?” I asked, and the pretty yet stern blonde elf scowled.

“That would be Way-Captain Caeladaera to you, stranger.” She looked around. “This grove is ruined. An atrocity…”

So, not in a good mood. I suppose not, if the Way-Wardens have been running all over the place to deal with Wild Hunt raids… “My apologies, Way-Captain.” I bowed smoothly, trying to exude as much Majesty and Charm as possible, and her steely blue gaze softened just a touch. It always unnerves me when blue-eyed girls look at me that way, reminds me too much of my sis and mom…

“Please excuse our poor manners, we have had to fight for our lives against the Wild Hunt, so we are not at our best. As for the damage… a great shame indeed, but…” What with the felled trees by Shaeula, the massive patches of burned ground I had caused, glittering tongues of Foehn still burning brightly in various places, and the long furrows of ripped earth Hyacinth had created as a side effect of her vines and roots, we had actually caused quite a bit of damage to the forest bordering the Fae Stones. “… unfortunately, the Wild Hunt were tenacious. To stop them we had to make hard choices. I could not allow my mistress to come to harm, as even she stepped up to defeat the foul forces of the Hunt.”

“There’s a Barghest dead here!” one of the horsemen called, although was it really a horseman if the rider was a sort of hedgehog Beastkin, an array of spines jutting out of their armour like a thicket of trees. I pity the poor horse… “A Red Cap too!”

The Way-Wardens quickly split up, only Caeladaera and a female foxkin remaining with us. As they inspected the many bodies of hounds and Black Caps, they were reeling in shock. “So, you mean to tell me that you six…” she eyed us all, unconvinced. “… defeated a full Wild Hunt raid? I can see you’ve fought, as you are wounded…” she could see the injuries and torn clothing of Hyacinth and Shaeula. “… but this seems… improbable. Just who are you, strangers? This area should be largely uninhabited but for a few old mansions dotted about where noble Seelie from the court might spend a few pleasant evenings.”

Shaeula was trembling a little in my arms, so I put on my most dignified and affronted expression. “That is simple. We are honoured guests of Shaeraggo Gul Shae Dannan, noble prince of the Seelie!” I declared grandly, inwardly laughing. Seriously, good job I remember his name… I wonder what face he’d make if he could see me praising him like this. Not sure it’d be a pleased one… “I am a humble guard of my mistress, who has Prince Shaeraggo’s favour and was invited to this mansion. This is our maid, who fought bravely too.”

At my words of praise, Hyacinth blushed and started drooling a little, but luckily she was too exhausted to do much else.

“I see.” The foxkin sniffed. “I did wonder why you smelt so familiar. You must be weaselkin, right?” the foxkin spat. “If you can both take mortalform you can’t be that weak.” The fox shrugged. “Guess that fool Shaeraggo is in the market for a third wife… well, if you can fight the Wild Hunt and make it out alive, you can’t be that useless…” shaking her long red bushy tail derisorily, the foxkin lost interest.

In my arms Shaeula stiffened, probably annoyed (or even nauseated) at the thought of being one of her brothers’ conquests, but I patted her back and head reassuringly, calming her down. Caeladaera was about to continue her questioning when the hedgehog came galloping back, excited, the mangled lantern in its hands. “Way-Captain! This Red Cap was a lantern-bearer!”

Her azure eyes went wide with shock. I followed her gaze, and as I looked at the broken lantern my new Eye activated.

Lantern of the Violet Void (Broken) – Item Class: [Destroyed], Item Type: [Principle]

A lantern that traps a portion of spatial element, using the Principle of Space to warp the area around the bearer, forming both a shield and sword of impenetrable distortions. It has been destroyed and is no longer able to operate.

Finally! A truly useful appraisal cheat! Now I finally feel like a proper protagonist! Thank you… wait, who am I thanking… my mind is a bit fuzzy… oh yeah, Exposition-san! You came through for me… eventually! Still, this was the first I had heard of a spatial element in actuality, though some of the chakra systems I had studied online in the early days had it as an element for the crown or throat chakras. Though the throat seems to be darkness element, right?

“It’s destroyed…” Caeladaera marvelled. “A shame we can’t study it.” Her piercing gaze turned back to us. “Which of you did this?”

“That would be me.” I replied. “The goblin scum was threatening my mistress, so of course I could not let it slide!” I was embellishing and adapting the tale for all it was worth. “My attacks were useless, seemingly pulled around the Red Cap as if by magic. But I noticed that at a point they moved in different directions, so when I aimed right in-between… the lantern was destroyed.”

“Really? You must have the good fortune of the Queen herself.” Caeladaera mused. “It is a miracle you escaped with your life if they had a lantern bearer. The Red Caps have always been trouble, but since this early Hunting Season has started, they are showing up with these damn lanterns. We’ve lost Way-Wardens…” at that she made a strange gesture with her hands, and the other Way-Wardens in sight echoed her. It must be a gesture of respect or something similar.

“I’ve always been pretty happy with my luck.” I agreed. “But more importantly… the Barghest… well, like all villains, it really loved the sound if its own voice. I guess it hadn’t realised bragging about its plans always leads to defeat.” At that wry comment, Shaeula started giggling, burying her bloody face in my chest so as not to embarrass herself.

“Oh, and did you learn anything of note…?” Caeladaera leaned in, eager, perhaps thoughts of her fallen Way-Wardens inciting her need to strike back at the foes. “It was quite the feat, slaying a Barghest. Was it you who did?”

I nodded. “If anything threatens the safety of my mistress, be it Barghest, Demon or even a Dragon, I shall show it no mercy!” Playing up my act, which was not entirely one, I couldn’t help but notice that Shaeula’s ears and neck were flushed. Cute! “But that aside, the Barghest told me the other Hunts were distractions, and it wanted to capture the forest and mansion here and use it as a staging point for deeper raids. Our presence disrupted that plan though, and well… I guess he won’t be Hunting ever again…” I then remembered something important. “Wait… he said his scouts reported that this area was sparsely populated and weakly defended, so either they’ve been getting through the Fae Stones unnoticed, or there are traitors here…”

“Traitors, huh?” the foxkin spat again, before Caeladaera could react. She had been looking at us strangely for a while. “Speaking of traitors… isn’t that an Unseelie in your arms?” Her mouth split, revealing jagged teeth. At her pronouncement, Caeladaera urged her horse backwards, silver lance levelled at us. Her eyes went wide, as she realised that under the mess of blood and wounds, Hyacinth looked like no normal brownie.

“Just what is the meaning of this?” the Way-Captain cried. “Yes, she gives off a menacing dark aura! Is this an Unseelie trap? Wardens, fan out! Prepare for battle! We have been lured into an ambush!” She glared at us coldly. “I don’t know if you are working with the Wild Hunt, or you betrayed them, but if we are to die, then you Unseelie will perish under our lances and blades first!”

“Oh do-do be silent, fool!” Shaeula shouted, wind amplifying her voice. “She is but our maid, not-not some Unseelie monster.” At her words, Hyacinth started sniffling, touched.

“That’s right.” I said, projecting my anger masterfully with my tone, my increased Majesty helping. “I demand your apology for this insult, Way-Captain Caeladaera. You too, fox.” I fixed them with my steely grey glare. “Poor Hyacinth has suffered much at the hands of the Unseelie, and so she is at times a bit… damaged. But she is a good and honest brownie, who tends to our hearth and home, makes the beds, cooks meals, sweeps and cleans… and she fights too. She held the Barghest at bay, at great cost to herself, while I dealt with the Red Cap and other foes. So… don’t you dare treat her as a monster! She’s not! If you want to try us, then feel free… but know that before you lay a finger on either my mistress or my maid, I’ll be dead, and I’m pretty sure I can take most of you with me…”

“Masteeer! Sooo cool, you have stolen Hyacinth’s heart all ooover again!” she wailed, tears and snot soaking my arm where I held her. In my other arm Shaeula also agreed, rubbing her head against me, flames of lust igniting in her eyes.

“Way-Captain, Way-Captain!” several of her forces galloped in on their brightly-burning steeds, followed by a welcome sight, which drove all the tension out of me. Ulfuric, Tillyae, and a nice host of weaselkin… reinforcements at last. Late for the battle, but still timely…

“Ulfuric, you made it. The battle is over, but… we are still having a few issues.” I glared at Caeladaera, who lowered her lance, conflicted.

“Master Ulfuric, well-met.” She called, dismounting and offering him a bow. I guess Ulfuric is a big-shot in a way, since he commands the armies of Prince Shaetanao. Sometimes I forget that, considering how often he’s beating me up…

“Way-Captain.” Ulfuric made the same hand gesture the Way-Wardens did earlier. “Well met indeed. The servants from the mansion returned, saying there was a Wild Hunt occurring. I have brought reinforcements but… it seems there is no need.” He saw the dead Barghest and rumbled approvingly. “The Hunt seems to have been dealt with appropriately, so… why the show of force?” He looked at the princess in my arms, who shook her head and bit her lip, motioning for him to keep his silence.

“They have an Unseelie with them!” the foxkin accused once more. “They say she was just a victim, but… I know an enemy when I see and smell one.”

“You know fuck all.” I spat, incensed. “I demand an apology. You not only insult Hyacinth, who shed blood doing your job, but you insult me, as her master, my mistress, and Prince Shaeraggo, who invited us here. All this after we killed a Barghest, a Red Cap lantern bearer, and numerous Silent Hounds, Black Caps and more… is this the pride of the vaunted Way-Wardens, to cast accusations against those that aid them? Well next time maybe we’ll just step aside and let the Hunt rampage, wave them on with a cheery oh, apparently we are all Unseelie, so go on, have a great time pillaging! By the Moon…” I made sure to swear in a Fae manner. “… you’re a sorry excuse for a fox. I thought foxkin were supposed to be cunning and intelligent, not some coward jumping at shadows of the Unseelie.”

Before the foxkin could respond, Caeladaera held up her hand to forestall her. “There is definitely something… unsettling about this… Hyacinth, you say…” at my nod she continued. “… but your words ring true. Your aid was most appreciated here. Your information also. Besides…” she sighed. “Master Ulfuric would not be collaborating with the Unseelie. Were such to happen, the very order of the Court would be on the brink of collapse. Wardens, lower your weapons.”

I held in a sigh of relief as the situation calmed. The foxkin was still glaring at me, yellow eyes angry and bitter, but I was in no mood to pay her any more mind. Instead, I decided to investigate the area, absorbing the remaining ether from the slain members of the Wild Hunt. It was a surpringly decent amount, which was good. I remember drawing a lot of ether from my Territory. I suspect I just emptied the coffers… oh well, we can always earn more…

On looking at the fallen and shattered Fae Stones I examined them as well, pleased to finally have the appraisal I’d always dreamed of.

Fae Warding Stone (Broken) – Item Class: [Destroyed], Item Type: [Artifice]

A stone made from moon-blessed rocks that are quarried from a number of sacred sites in the Seelie Court. The natural moonsilver and crystal flecks within the rock anchor the Artifice crafted into them by talented Faecrafters. They strengthen the effect of the Territory nearby, and are also attuned to sense hostile intruders and send out an alert to receiving Bells. It is broken and no longer functions, but the material can be reused, broken down into jewellery and smaller crafts.

Damn, I’m nearly crying. Fighting the urge to wipe away a tear at the glorious effects of the Eye I had now, I asked a question of Caeladaera. “I don’t suppose I can take away one of the broken monoliths? The one that is shattered the worst is fine.”

She looked doubtful, but eventually nodded. “I see no harm in it. The Stones will have to be replaced anyway, and since you did fight bravely… if there are any problems, I’ll take the blame. Consider it an apology for… before.” She nodded to Hyacinth, who brightened at receiving consideration from a Seelie.

“That’s great. Well, in that case, my mistress is tired, I’d like to take her home…” Leaving Ulfuric and his troops to handle the necessary issues here, we returned to the mansion…


“I am most-most exhausted.” Shaeula lay with her head on my lap in her bedroom. She was cleaned up and washed, and wore her usual yukata, which was now undamaged again. “Still… my brother can make use of this. I will let him decide how much he shares, though by Price of Trial he can not-not say I am here…”

“Yeah. We can make good use of it too. But first… I’ve put it off while we dealt with the Way-Wardens, but now it’s the sweetest time of all. I get to check my upgrades!” As Hyacinth and the newly-returned servants bustled about outside, I looked down at myself, willing the Eye Of The Tree Of Knowledge to activate, and soon amber letters were written in my right eye.

That’s new. I finally know who my… huh, Ortlinde… is that… Exposition-san? Once more I scrambled for memories, but was unable to grasp them, it was as if they were buried under a heavy fog. No matter. Oh wow, there’s more…

Oshiro Moonstone Akio, [Chosen of Ortlinde, Valkyrie of He Who Sacrificed To Trap The Wolf, Tyr]

“Wow, wow. Just. Wow.” I echoed Aiko, speaking out loud in shock. As Shaeula looked at me quizzically, I explained. “I’ve discovered who my patron kami is… well, I guess God, since he’s not Japanese. Looks like it’s Tyr.”

“And who-who is this Tyr?” she asked, head cocked to one side questioningly, which was so cute I had to pat her head.

“Well, I’m no expert on Norse mythology, but I’ve played a fair few games that cover it. so if I get a few details wrong, don’t blame me… oh wait, Karen-chan is going to get a new project from me when we are back.” I grinned wickedly. “But yeah, he’s the Norse god of war and heroes. Hmm, considering the kanji in my name can be read as bright hero of the moon, maybe this was all meant to be?”

“Hero of the moon?” Shaeula grinned. “Yes, it seems-seems we were meant to be as well. After all, what Fae could turn down a hero of the moon?” the look she gave me was so seductive we took a quick break to tumble around a bit. After we settled back down, her head once more resting in my lap, me stroking her long amber hair, I continued. “He also tricked the great wolf Fenrir into imprisonment, at the cost of his hand. I guess he hates dogs as much as I do! After all, modern scientists say dogs and wolves are the same thing nowadays, as they can interbreed just fine. Damn, I bet if I called Fenrir a dog he’d go crazy…” I grinned at the idiotic thought. Okay… so… I’m not saying mythology has to be true, but… if Valkyries are real, and Tyr is real, and they mention trapping the wolf… I shuddered then, really hoping I hadn’t set up a flag for a meeting with Fenrir down the line.

“Oh well, time to check my stats… well damn. I’m feeling rather proud right now.” The numbers, they’ve… gone up!

As I read them out to Shaeula, she smiled, though she was a little jealous of my growth, especially since I had now surpassed her in terms of Aether.

“I would expect no-no less from you, my Akio. Still, I shall not-not be far behind you! If you can gain such strengths, so can-can I!”

Akio's status part 1

Akio's status part 2

Akio status final

The layout had changed significantly now the letters were in amber not silver, and the amount of information provided was significant indeed.

Now everything, in addition to Rank, had a Class and a Type. The details were as follows.

Rank was a measure of how effectively one could use that particular ability, so as one grew better practised and stronger with the skill, Rank would increase. Rank was a measure of power in terms of a standard that applied throughout the multiverse, yet it also conferred benefits to the user, in a weird Ouroboros-style snake-eating-tail way. There were apparently walls to growth. Going from Rank 5 to Rank 6 was very difficult, as was going from Rank 8 to Rank 9. Though I note my Aether Manipulation skill has breached this first wall… I couldn’t remember it going up, but I figured I must have done something involving a lot of powerful aether… putting that aside I examined the Class next.

Class was a fundamental measure of the power level and potential of the ability, and higher was obviously better. As skills evolved and Rank increased, it was possible for the Class to improve, though my Eye told me this was rare once the class was Noble or above. The Class Levels were:

Cantrip – The weakest level, abilities that possessed little strength.

Lesser – Better than Cantrip, but not significantly.

Sufficient – An average ability. Martial artists and warriors often had Sufficient-level combat skills.

Powerful – These abilities were either at the peak of what mortal beings could do, lacking the augmentation of aether, or were the weaker aetheric abilities.

Noble – Excellent abilities, anyone possessing noble abilities was considered to have great potential.

Imperious – Few mortals possessed such powerful abilities.

Legendary – Heroes of myth and champions of the Gods sometimes possessed these abilities.

Mythic – A step below the divine, abilities that can shake the world and dominate in battle.

Divine – Abilities used by Divinity and other beings beyond mortal imagination.

Transcendent – These abilities, if they existed, would be beyond the scope of multiversal measurement and have powers that defied even reality…

Lastly, Type seemed to be not the power level or potential of a skill, but its fundamental nature. Again there were ten levels, each seeming to correspond to a Class. They were…

Simple – An ability of natural processes such as physical force, at the lowest level of power and understanding.

Complex – More effective abilities that exploit one or more natural processes.

Pinnacle – The strongest of abilities that use multiple natural processes.

Foundation – An ability powered by the lowest level of rules that govern reality.

Rule – An ability drawing on knowledge of reality. Unlike Laws and Principles, the Rule is imperfect and can often be suppressed by greater powers.

Artifice – An ability made up of a combination of rules. It lacks the certainty of higher-type abilities, but is still powerful.

Principle – An ability based on a portion of one or more immutable laws. It can be overpowered by a suitable Law-class ability.

Law – An ability based on manipulating one of the immutable Laws that govern multiversal reality.

Fate – An ability that draws on Fortune, Destiny and Fate to effect a result, often creating near-impossible successes, the province of the Divine.

Mystery – An ability that exceeds the knowledge the multiverse understands and can measure.

As I explained these to Shaeula she listened in rapt fascination, barely even noticing when Risha and Vilna brought us wine and snacks. “So… since my Eye is an Imperious-Law Rank 1 type…” (I decided to refer to them this way, it was easy to grasp and sounded cool) “…I guess it has a LOT of potential.”

“And it is thanks at least in part to me, is it not-not?” Shaeula was fishing for affection and compliments.

“Yeah, I guess so. Speaking of, Kin Bonding And Restoration is an Imperious-Principle type, so I wasn’t kidding when I said your skills would be considered broken if life was a game.” My heartfelt praise moved her, sparking her passion, so again we took a break to fool around, working off more steam from the battle. The door had creaked open a little, and I could see strands of black hair with purple and green highlights fluttering through, as well as a purplish-silver eye peering in, but I steadfastly ignored her and her heavy breathing.

“I’m interested in Fate too.” I mused, and the description was intriguing to say the least.

Fate- If Fortune is one’s luck made manifest, then Fate is the strength one has to avoid the strangling touch of inevitability, the cut strings of death, and the winding skeins of those who would seek to do you harm. The higher your Fate, the less likely you are to fall into circumstances where there is no victory. Fate does not aid you directly, but the swirling strands allow chances to be grasped to avoid even certain doom, should one have the wisdom and the will…

“Yeah, now that… is one cool ability. So, if the Material attributes are all that tangibly makes up a person, then the Intangible statistics seem to be everything that comprises not the body or the mind, but… existence… I guess?”

We had luck and destiny, as well as presence, willpower, force of personality, the calibre of one’s very spirit and even glimpses of the future. Put together, Fortune, Fate and Foresight controlled one’s fate, while Charm, Majesty and Determination was the strength of personality, while League was the level of one’s being, perhaps even the soul...

“Well, all this means is, higher numbers are better, so we need to grind stats, all the stats.” I grinned at Shaeula, who took that moment to throw an empty plate at the door, sending Hyacinth skittering away, muttering sadly to herself. When she saw my questioning look, she grinned a touch bashfully. “She was distracting me. I concede, she has proven herself here, so my stance on her has-has softened, but still… I am not-not ready yet to have her peep on our… fun.”

“Well, no time for fun yet. I have a few last things to look at.” On checking my Eight Moons Chakra Network, I discovered some additional information which was quite interesting… The network has been reinforced with power from Ortlinde’s Wolf-Hair Bracelet Of Silver Wisdom, one of the seeds of the Fruit of the World Tree within having melted down and been integrated through the lunar chakra. All chakras have been strengthened and work more efficiently. The network has now perfectly adapted to a once-mortal body, with all the changes that entails.

“I see-see. No wonder you seem more Fae-like than ever.” She grinned. “I would not-not be surprised if you were considered half-Fae at least now. This pleases me. We shall live long together. But Aiko, Eri, your family, our friends… I am now-now a greedy female, I wish to preserve them all as well!”

“And we will. I guess that strengthening is why all my chakras, including the lunar one, gained a Rank. That’s massively increased my elemental generation, I’m flush with power.” I then stopped, an idea coming to me like a bolt of lightning. “Hmm, if my Eight Moons Chakra Network has perfectly adapted, couldn’t we use me as a basis to adapt it for others too?”

As we discussed this, I tried to appraise the bracelet in my right wrist, but alas… I guess Rank 1 is still too low… all I got was Ortlinde’s Wolf-Hair Bracer Of Silver Wisdom – Item Class: [Legendary], Item Type: [Principle] - ??????????????

Now I feel guilty for bad-mouthing Exposition-san… no, Ortlinde… in my head all this time, to think I got a Legendary item right from the start! Even if the use-condition was that I had to gather a ton of levels, it’s still great… Sorry! I clapped my hands together in apology.

“Well, shall we return to the Boundary or the Material then?” Shaeula asked, a touch regretfully, perhaps enjoying her return to the Fae lands, even if it was far distant from her true home.

“Yeah, but first… I’m curious about one thing…”


“So, I had a question, and I guess you would be the one to talk to, Ulfuric.” I sat across the table from the giant badgerkin, who looked at me calmly.

“Very well, ask away. Your valour in battle and defence of the princess and the Seelie Court has impressed me. You have put my training to good use.”

“Okay, cool. So… why hasn’t the Seelie Court retaken some of the lost lands, like the Spring Of Clear Reflections? It sounds to me like these sites were important, and not just with what they offered in terms of physical benefits, but spiritually and emotionally as well. I mean… the hill is just there, what, ten or twenty miles away?”

“You think we did not try?” Ulfuric shook his head. “The Fae dwindle away, new kin birthed from the Astral and by those who choose to pair up and mate with each other not sufficient to replace our losses. The decline is slow, but in time…” his eyes were distant, thinking about something or someone precious. “.. still, expeditions were raised. Though the Spring Of Clear Reflections is lost for good. Any who set foot in the surrounding forest, they die quickly and painfully. They…. burst.” He grunted. “First one feels pain and can not speak, breath coming quick and agonisingly, unable to draw in ether. Then… the chest cavity explodes, mushrooms, toadstools and fungi growing rapidly, and then the body is consumed, joining the endless toxic forest of fungal death that surrounds the once-beautiful hill, with its clear spring of moonlight so beautiful…”

“I see. I think I saw that, a couple of goblins ran in when they fled and it happened just like you said. Did people try covering their mouths and nose?” After all, it sounds like Fae don’t really need to breathe, it just helps them gather ether another way…

“Of course, and it did delay matters, but only for a short time. The end was always the same…”

“I see. Well, I’m just nipping to the border, I want to take a look at something. Mind coming along while Shaeula is resting?”

He nodded his head and followed me. As we left the mansion I could see the remains of one Fae Stone piled up, ready for transport back to my Territory. At the border itself, Fae were lowering in new stones to replace the gap, but that didn’t interest me. What did was… I see it. Yes… makes sense…

With the power of my Eye, it was possible to get a description of what I had suspected. Myconid Death Spores – This is a collective name for these spores, pollens and seeds that blow endlessly in the wind through the forest. When entering through the mouth, nose, eyes or any open wound, they lead to rapid…

Before I had even finished reading, I knew I was right. Turning to Ulfuric, I grinned. “Great, I’ve seen enough. Looks like I need to have another talk with Ixitt and Bjarki.”

“You seem pleased. Just what did you see?” Ulfuric rumbled, and my only response was my smile growing even brighter, and…

“I see many levels in my future, and a lot of good ether. Levels and ether, and perhaps even… the chance Shaeula needs to re-join the Seelie Court, to go home, her head held high…”

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