On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Ninety-Seven

One Hundred And Ninety-Seven

The shrine grounds were again filled with girls and boys (and a few adults) of all backgrounds, shrine maidens, nobles, commoners and more all lined up in the training halls. Everyone was in shrine priest and maiden garb, as we had done a rush-order for those that didn’t have it. Uniforms are essential for schools after all, and that is what this is…

Work on the training school had almost completely finished now, just a few problem areas to be addressed, a few floors to be laid, so some of the students had even claimed a room on the upper floors, as intended. Under our watchful eyes, the trainees continued, Shaeula offering guidance on their techniques, while I used my new Eye to observe the flows of aether within each trainee, trying to master the new power I had obtained.

The one that caught my eye was Hikawa Ren, the cheeky son of Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine. The area around his third eye chakra was slowly pooling an elemental energy I had little experience with, a deep indigo, yet streaked with the colour of natural sunlight. The rest of his network was decently well-formed, we had only needed to do a little work on him with Chirurgery, but compared to what I remembered of my own from the painting, there were definitely areas of inefficiency.

All right, here we go. Narrowing my gaze, I focussed on him, trying to glean what information I could. Initially all I could get was his name, and the usual question-marks, just in amber, but as I strained further, focusing in on his third eye chakra, I was able to pull up useful information.

Third Eye Chakra Of Sunlight Rank 1: (Mutated Element)

This third eye chakra has recently stabilised due to a completed network, and generates sunlight energy at a slow rate. It allows the user to handle variant and unique light elements.

Mutated element? That sounded like something I need to know about, and luckily my Eye seemed to have the answers. Again, I felt on the verge of tearing up at finally being able to check information on what I needed to. Though I couldn’t yet see the Class and Type for skills of people who wouldn’t be affected by my Examination skills at my current rank.

A mutated element is a rare variant of the standard, universal elements. Unlike unique elements, which only serve a single purpose, mutated elements are a version of the foundational, universal element, and can draw on the powers of such, but in addition have extra, often powerful properties. Sunlight element is able to draw on the energy of the sun, being inimical to undead and creatures of darkness.

Well now, that is cool. I guess Ren-san really has a reason to be arrogant, not that he could draw on much of it until we sorted his network. Seeing my gaze, he looked at me quizzically. Fine, this is as good a time as any.

“All right, time to take a break!” I said, and a lot of people sighed in relief, their minds fogged from difficult meditation and visualisation exercises, especially the girls from Kana’s school. “Ren-san, can I borrow you for a bit?”

“Me?” he asked, and I nodded. “Yeah, I’ve noticed you have great skill, so was hoping you could help me with something. It might well be to your benefit.” As I said that, I noticed that Hinata-san was watching me intently, as if eager to say something. When she first arrived with Motoko-san and the other girls, she had pressed me on keeping my promise to see her grandfather later, and looked like she wanted to say more, but with a glance at her companions, she kept her silence.

“I also need assistance.” Shaeula declared. “It will need-need to be someone with a stable chakra network, so Kana, or the twins.”

Before the twins could speak, Kana stuck up her hand brightly. “I can help. What do you need?”

Shaeula looked at me sideways, before grinning. “Well, we shall let Akio finish his business first. Why do we not-not have some sweets?” she gestured to the large hamper of nice snacks we had prepared for the training, figuring making it as pleasant as possible would increase their motivation, and thus performance. We aren’t running a black company after all.

Taking Ren to a room on the upper floor that Shaeula and I had dubbed the portrait room, I retrieved some of the canvas I left there earlier, as well as an assortment of coloured pens. I’m not going to waste my time painting, it’ll be quicker to use pens. Ren-san seemed to have no idea what was going on, merely staring at me pensively.

“Don’t worry.” I laughed. “I’m just making a record of your entire chakra network. You must be curious, right? You have a really great talent, which should be maximised.”

“I know, right?” He boasted proudly, unable to stop himself. “I’ve had talent ever since I was young. It’s only to be expected of someone of my superior bloodline. My sisters too.”

“Yeah, Chiaki-san and Chiasa-san have great gifts too, we’ll probably want to record their networks as well. The more we have the easier it’ll be to get the best results. Our initial Chirurgery worked fine, but if we can improve it…”

“Hey, your eye is glowing just like hers does.” He said, flushing, and I held in a grin. Yeah, you like Shaeula, right? Well, too bad, she’s already chosen me! The guilt towards Eri from thinking that sort of thing had largely faded now, though that wasn’t above causing me a slight twinge guilt in of itself, on occasion.

“Yeah, I’ve improved my own skills.” I grinned, sketching him out at an incredible, impossible rate. My fine motor control and thought processing speed was incredible now, so it only took a few minutes. “Hmm, it’s hard to get all the details through your clothes, I can see the energy signatures of the chakras and capillaries, but the view of your internal structure is blocked. Can you take off your hakama?”

“Wait, what?” his flush deepened, and he backed off, unnerved. Seriously, such a kid.

“Don’t be a baby.” I smirked. “You can leave your underwear on. Besides, we are all guys here. I was thinking we’d go on a hot springs trip in the new year, all the trainees, to celebrate our successes and keep morale high, so all us guys will see each other naked then.”

“Hot springs huh? With Shaeula, and…”

“It won’t be mixed bathing!”! I warned, stamping on his dreams, and he scowled, embarrassed at being caught out again.

“Of course not! No way I want you ogling my sisters!” he launched back, but at least he was doing what I said and disrobing.

“Nah, your sisters sure are cute, but I’m not into little girls, I’m an adult.”

“Says you.” Ren-san complained, looking nervous in his underwear. “Is this fine?”

“Yeah, that helps.” I quickly made adjustments. “Take a look.” I turned the canvas and Ren-san gasped at the beautiful piece which looked like some strange modern art.

“That’s me… my chakra network?” he asked, and I nodded, pointing to his third eye, which was surrounded by a pretty halo of light.

“Here’s your gift, a mutated element, sunlight. Now I think you want to be maximising that, I don’t think it’s something just anyone can have.”

“Right, so how do I do that?” he asked, suddenly motivated.

“Well, here’s mine.” I produced a portrait, putting it side-by-side. “As you can see, my set-up is more perfect, especially around the lunar chakra and these areas, down by the root chakra and silver cord. I think we want to try and make yours closer to mine, it should show results.”

“I see.” He agreed. “Well, how will you do that?”

“Well, like you noticed, I have a vision skill now, my Eye is able to see your network like Shaeula can. So I figure we’ll start from the root chakra. Take a seat and we’ll begin.”

What followed was rather traumatic, and we didn’t get very far at all. I managed to open some dormant sub-chakras around the root, in addition to cleaning and rerouting some capillaries, and boring several sub-chakras into existence where there were none. Ren-san barely stopped whimpering though, as apparently some of the things I had done hurt a lot. We weren’t even close to finishing, and he was lying on the bed as I sketched up a duplicate portrait with the new changes.

“Sorry about that.” I said as I finished up, though I wasn’t that sorry, as it was for his own good, and the welcome message of my Aetheric Chirurgery reaching Rank 3 had popped up towards the end, it being far easier to train and improve with my Eye and these complicated measures. “Can you pull in some ether and convert it? I want to check everything is still working right.”

He nodded, and soon, due to the higher ether density here, aether was entering his renewed lower network. “Looks fine.” I sighed in relief, worried the half-finished nature might cause problems.

“It still hurts a bit…” he whined, pulling on his hakama.

“Yeah, the new areas need to absorb aether to strengthen, so it might ache like unused muscles. Still, I think your overall efficiency has gone up. My eye still identified it as an Unstable Eight Moons Chakra Network, but the additional information said the foundation was improved.

“Akio, are you done?” Shaeula asked from outside, knocking the door, and Ren-san took the opportunity to rush past her and out, fleeing the pain of my Chirurgery. He still took time to gawk at her though. Well, kids will be kids.

Shaeula raised one eyebrow at me, and Kana followed her in, also perplexed by his behaviour. Seeing the pair of portraits I had drawn, Shaeula nodded, understanding dawning on her face. “I thought so. So, did-did the Chirurgery help?”

“I couldn’t get too far, but yes, apparently so.”

“Excuse me, Shaeula, Akio. What’s going on?” Kana asked. “I volunteered to help out, but what are we doing?”

“I think I’ll step out for this one.” I said, not willing to be here for what happened next, but Kana looked at me with upturned eyes, asking me to stay. “No, don’t. I’d feel more comfortable with you here, Akio!”

No you won’t. Shaeula turned around her portrait, the beautiful design eye-catching. “This is an image of my chakra network Akio painted. Since mine is perfection, but we are not-not sure it is entirely a mortal female one, we need a volunteer. So, Kana, please take-take off all your clothes.”

“Wait, what?” Kana froze.

“I’ll just step out, also… you can do it in underwear, that should be fine.” I said, reaching for the door, only for Kana to grab the back of my shirt. Turning to see her looking down and blushing, I struggled to understand her intent.

“I want to be helpful, Akio.” She said, using my name. “If… if it’s just underwear…” her face was scarlet, and Shaeula was snickering loudly, not helping matters.

“Seriously, Shaeula’s eyes are good enough, and her Chirurgery is still better than mine. You don’t have to force yourself.”

She took a deep breath, and one-handed, the other still clutching my clothes, she began to disrobe. As more and more of her skin came into view, her ample chest visible wrapped in her white bra, her skin pink, I swallowed my saliva, nervous. This is work, this is definitely work. I’m not doing this for lewd reasons, I can totally tell Eri about this without feeling guilty. More cloth fell to the floor, and she released me, stepping out of her red hakama pants.

“Can… can we hurry up?” she blushed, and I nodded, grabbing a canvas. “Shaeula, you fix any mistakes I make.” It only took a few minutes to sketch her, but it was incredible just how long that felt. Finally I announced we were done, and Kana grabbed a sheet from the bed, wrapping it around herself. It took her a minute to calm down, but when she did she asked a question.

“So, did it help you, Akio?” her voice was trembling with embarrassment.

“It sure did.” I agreed, and Shaeula nodded, giving her a cute thumbs-up gesture. “I think I’ve noticed a pattern, looking at mine and Shaeula’s, compared to yours and Ren-san’s. Give me a minute…” I ended up drawing two more pictures of Kana. “See the difference? I think this is the structure of a perfect female subtle body. Shaeula has all these bits, and yours isn’t too far off…”

“…So this one must be the lunar chakra and the supporting network.” Shaeula observed. “No wonder I nearly killed you that first-first time.” Shaeula mused. “It is not-not just the lunar chakra and surrounds, but an entire secondary network, rooted into but overlaying the mortal one…”

Kana looked between the three pictures of her. “I see. Well… I’m glad it was worth it.” She smiled, back to her old self again. “Though you are the first boy to see my like that, Akio. Be glad I’m not asking you to take responsibility! It must have been your lucky day…” she smiled impishly, though her skin was still flushed.

“Lucky, huh?” I mused. “Nerve-wracking, I’d say…” only to be hit in the face by a thrown pillow. I could have dodged but it didn’t seem the right thing to do.

“Be grateful!” she complained. “So, what’s next?”

“Well, if you can handle pain… we copy the parts of Shaeula’s network you don’t have into you. Ren-san said it hurt a lot though.”

“I don’t like pain, but…” Kana stepped out of the blanket, showing me her underwear-clad body again. “… I want to be strong. Do it. I’ll endure!” she declared bravely. That bravery lasted for a few minutes, until she finally succumbed, crying and letting out yelps of pain. Even so, she never asked to stop, and twenty minutes later Shaeula and I were using Ether Healing on her, soothing her pain as she lay face down on the bed, too exhausted to care she was still in her underwear and I could see more than I needed to.

“Do you enjoy bullying me?” Kana sniffed. “You make me strip, ogle my beautiful body unmercifully, then torment me! I’m seriously reconsidering making you take responsibility now. I think I’m ruined as a girl.”

“I didn’t ogle.” I muttered defensively, as Shaeula was making an image of her newly drilled entire network. “Can you pull in some ether and convert it for us? I think everything is perfect, but…”

“Fine. But I know you liked looking at me.” She complained. “Ouch, everything burns and itches.”

Considering that my Aetheric Chirurgery skill has gone up an astonishing two more levels to Rank 5, meaning I had earned a full three levels in it over this day alone, catching up with Shaeula, I was confident it was fine, but my Eye confirmed it. “It’s worked!” I reached down and patted Kana on the head in glee. “Your chakra network is a full Eight Moons Chakra Network! My Eye says it’s a perfectly adapted one, but since it is fresh, you’ll suffer discomfort for a while until the last impurities and debris are flushed out.”

“So, what does that mean?” She asked, leaning into my hand.

“I think that if you go to physical education class tomorrow, you’ll find yourself significantly stronger and faster. Your memory too. My sis got a boost of around 10% of human maximums, maybe a bit more, just from mastering her network properly, and I doubt it’s a perfectly adapted one. We’ll have to check her and Eri out again.”

“Indeed. Well, I have the comparison.” Shaeula declared. “We are done here. You can stop-stop fondling her now, Akio.”

Huh? I looked down, realising I was still stroking her hair unconsciously, and pulled my hand away, apologising. Kana merely stood, smiled and started pulling on her hakama…


The rest of the session passed without incident, although Kana waved off queries from her friends about what she had been doing, only saying they’d get their chance in time. Ren-san was looking at me sourly, and I could guess what he was thinking. There’s nothing to be jealous of, I was a perfect gentleman as always!

Progress was made, even some of Kana’s classmates starting to get the prickling in their lower bodies that indicated the first small steps to success. The higher ether density here really did make quite the difference. It was then, when we were all done, when Hinata-san approached me gingerly. “So, will you be coming with me, like you promised?” she asked, diffidently, as if scared of rejection, and I nodded. “Sure, I’ll look at your grandfather. Family is important, and you’re a good girl for thinking of him.”

At hr sudden bright smile I was a bit confused why she was so happy, but what followed was a trip to the Nichibotsu tower in central Tokyo. Shaeula of course came along, and when we arrived, landing on the helipad on the roof, Motoko-san and Natsumi-san said their farewells, taking the lift down to the ground where their driver awaited to take them home.

As Shaeula looked around happily, taking in the beautiful night skyline of central Tokyo, Hinata-san spoke nervously. “So, Akio-kun, don’t be mad, but before we meet grandfather, can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” Her hair was blowing in the night breeze as she looked at me, still in shrine maiden attire we had provided, which was a fresh view of her. “Fire away.”

“So, I was hoping you would meet my parents too. I know it isn’t why you came, but… well, it ties in to why I’ve asked you here. I do love my grandfather and wish he was well again, but that isn’t the only reason I’ve asked you here. I… I had a bad day today. I humiliated myself in school, in front of everyone, my cousin, Motoko-san, … and Mayumi-sama.” Her face fell, and she looked at the floor, her voice shrinking in on itself. “Reality isn’t kind. I thought I was the clever one, the only one who was friends with Mayumi-sama, someone she relied on. Turns out what friendship means is very different to the true nobles.” A trickle of tears seeped out from the corner of her eyes. She then looked at me, her brown eyes full of a mixture of pain, determination and ambition. “But I’m not a girl who stays down! Akio-kun… no, can I call you Akio? Because…” she took a deep breath. “I want to be a part of everything you do. I want to know more about the other world you control, the powers you have, the implications of that. I think… no, I know that if I do that, join with you, I can finally prove myself, show that the nobility is more that just history. Please, I beg you! I now know why Motoko-san humbled herself!” and with that she tried to get down on her knees, but I stopped her, grabbing her arm and shaking my head.

“Don’t.” I said, uncomfortable at the younger girl and her emotional outburst. She stiffened at my touch, the unusual feeling shocking her, before she relaxed, seemingly frozen.

“So, I trust you are resolved for what you must give in return?” Shaeula asked, her tone tender. “Such knowledge and influence you seek is quite-quite dangerous in other hands. We have learned our lessons painfully.”

“I get it.” She nodded, letting me pull her up. Wiping away her tears, she looked at me once more. “I know if I want to take part, I have to prove you can trust me. Hence… why I asked you here tonight. So… uh…” her face went red. “Can you let me go now?”

“Oh sorry, I just didn’t want you bowing to me.” I said, releasing her. I turned around, suddenly remembering Onoue-san, surprised she hadn’t tried to stop me, only to find her standing there, looking a touch troubled but resigned.

“Okay, well, grandfather will be in the penthouse. We can see him first.” Hinata-san said, and we followed the path Motoko-san and Natsumi-san had taken, only instead of taking the main lift, we took a small, glass-fronted lift down a floor. Once those doors opened we were in quite the impressive penthouse, and seated there was a white-haired old man, who was wearing casual clothes that were plain but likely expensive. In front of him was set an antique table, upon which were some glasses and a bottle of champagne.

“Hinata, Kazumi-san.” He said, his voice and eyes still full of vigour despite his advanced age. “Welcome home. I see you’ve brought them then?” he said, and I could feel his appraising gaze, seeming to evaluate every aspect of me. I just hope I measure up.

“Yes, grandfather. These are Akio and Shaeula.” She didn’t use the honorific for me and I realised I had never denied her the request she made up on the roof. “Now, I have to go get my parents, so …” she turned to me, and clasped her hands in an appeal. “Please. Heal my grandfather. I know you can do it.” With that she turned and left, Onoue-san following her.

“Do help yourself to the champagne. It’s a fine vintage. For celebrations.” The old man said, snapping my focus back to him.

“I shall. My thanks.” Shaeula stepped forwards, pouring three glasses. She handed one to Hinata-san’s grandfather, before passing me a second. After taking a sip she grinned. “Yes, this is quite-quite fit for a princess. Akio, we must start a cellar of this-this. I hear this is a thing rich mortals do.”

“You are just as Hinata said. Curious.” He took a sip, before holding the glass delicately by the stem, his old injury clearly affecting him. “Anyway. I know your names. Oshiro Moonstone Akio. A common man, self-made, eking a living in Tokyo until you gained strange powers. You drew the attention of the nobility, and here we are.” He paused. “Shaeula Tu Shae Danna. Your fiancée. One of them, anyway. Supposedly a yokai princess of some kind. If this is all a prank, it’s a good one.”

Not sure how to answer, I let him continue. “I’m Fukumoto Kenji. The second son of a simple merchant. Second of four, though all the others died, the eldest in the war, the others to disease or misfortune. But me… I built up a business from nothing. This. Nichibotsu Technology. And now we are one of the top electronics manufacturers in the world.”

Kenji, huh? Ironically he has the same sort of arrogance as that prick, but I guess Fukumoto-san has earned it. Nichibotsu TV’s and computers are everywhere, and they lead the world in keyboards, amplifiers and other such electronic musical devices. “A great achievement.” I conceded. “Now that I have to manage a large enterprise, I’m finding out just how hard it is.”

“Flattery. I get enough of that.” He scoffed. “Don’t mince your words. I won’t.” he said bluntly. “My son always felt aggrieved the nobility looked down on us, despite our wealth being below only Fujiwara and Ichijou houses, and maybe a couple of others. So when he had the chance to marry a daughter of Takatsukasa, he jumped at the chance. All it costs us is money.” He snorted. “And in exchange… well, we didn’t get the respect or approval he wanted, that’s for sure. Still, they did have a decent son, and a good granddaughter. My Hinata.” His gaze was steely. “Now my son and daughter-in-law say they want to arrange her marriage. To you. Well, arranged marriage is what they do in the nobility, and it was common enough even for ordinary Japanese when I was young. So, I can’t really object. But obviously I’d like my granddaughter to be happy. You already have your fiancées, which is problematic enough, but…”

“I understand.” I hesitated to cut him off, but decided it was necessary. “But first, let me say I don’t need your granddaughter’s hand in marriage for my support. She’s a good girl, earnest and ambitious. Secondly, if we show what we can do, this will be much smoother.”

“I don’t hold out much hope, despite what those nobles say.” He sniffed. “Miracles don’t come without a price.”

“That’s true.” I agreed, my Eye starting to glow. Seeing that, he nearly dropped his glass. “But I’ve paid the price, and I’ll pay it again and again if I have to, to safeguard those I love. I see. Your left leg and hip hasn’t set properly after a bad break, the bones are old and largely fragmented in places.” I whistled. “That must hurt when moving. Hell, all the time!” I played my gaze over him some more, stepping in close and touching his stomach so I could start using Ether Healing. “I see. Your heart is labouring a bit too. I’m no expert, but one valve seems to be on the verge of failure, and your arteries are partially blocked.” Lucky I’ve spent a bit of time skimming through some medical books in my limited spare time recently. Maximising Ether Healing and Chirurgery are a priority for me… “Lastly, looks like your other knee has almost no cartilage left, and your left shoulder has frozen after some sort of heavy impact. Well, I can fix all that, but… I fear it might hurt.”

“Wait, but…” he cried, before actually crying out in pain.

“Nope, not waiting I’m afraid. I promised Hinata-san a favour, so a favour she gets. And she wanted you healed. Like I said, she’s a good girl.”

Shaeula merely watched me with her own Eyes as I worked, still sipping on champagne, cheekily refilling her glass. Nodding in approval, trying to boost her own Ether Healing skill by observation, she waited until I was done.

“There.” I sighed, feeling the sting of my depleted aether. “All better. I flushed a few other arteries too as a service, though they probably would have bene fine. Your body is going to have to expel a ton of crap though, so… sorry, but I think you’ll be living on the toilet over the next few days.”

“You bastard, that bloody well hurt, I should call my guards…” he panted, tears streaming down his face. The healing had been agonising, mainly fixing the heart valve, as to do so his heart had shut down for a minute, feeling like he was having a heart attack. Still, his words failed him as he realised something. “Wait, my leg, my arm… they move freely and don’t hurt!”

“Why would they? I fixed them, as promised.” I grinned, wiping my sweat. That was nerve-wracking. Maybe I should have left the heart alone, but it could have failed at any time, and I don’t want Hinata-san grieving. Still, it was way higher-level Ether Healing than before, normally I’m only healing battle wounds. If I didn’t have my Eye to guide me, I’d never have attempted it.

Fukumoto-san dragged himself upright, wiped his distress from his face with a towel, cleaning up the tears and snot, before walking about, his expression one I could only describe as complicated, a mixture of joy and chagrin. He then sat down opposite me again, his expression serious. “Perhaps my granddaughter and Fujiwara didn’t exaggerate after all. I can still barely believe this. But I am a  rational man. I’ll be checking this out with my personal physician tomorrow, so if you’ve lied I’ll know. Doesn’t feel like it though.” he admitted. “So… down to business.” His expression changed again, his eyes burning with intensity. “So, what does this miracle cost me? Money, I can do. Property? Well, I can spare some. Shares in the company? I have to protect my grandchildren and their inheritance, but I can sign you over some of mine.”

I must have looked confused, because Shaeula burst out laughing scornfully, attracting our attention. “Did you not-not listen to Akio? You are as hard-headed as the other Kenji.” She sneered. “Akio has told you for what-what he wishes. Only for Hinata to smile, to give her the favour she asked for. Nothing more.”

True. Money, shares, property. All would be helpful, but I can get that in other ways. I don’t put a price on my promises.

“But that can’t be right. especially for one such as yourself, who has had to struggle with poverty all your life!” he shook his head. “Have I misjudged you? I was sure from the reports on you I had you figured out, but then…” he trailed off.

“Look, don’t overthink it. Just enjoy your good fortune and be sure to thank Hinata-san, all right? I think if you smile and thank her with tears in your eyes, she’d be happy. After all, apparently she’s fallen out with her friend at school, so she needs it right now.”

“Really?” Fukumoto-san met my gaze, and I merely smiled back. After a long moment he looked away, moving to refill his glass, only to see Shaeula had already emptied the bottle. “Fine, I’ll have a servant bring some more.” he rang the bell, and as we waited he talked to us again, this time asking a bit about how we met, nodding along when Shaeula regaled him with the tale of when I defeated her and then made her my ally, friend and at last, my lover.

Finally, as we changed topics again, the door opened, and my jaw dropped!

“Well, is this not-not quite the spectacle.” Shaeula laughed, seeing Hinata-san entering, Onoue-san behind her, and two people who must have been her parents on either side. But what was shocking was Hinata-san herself. She was wearing a massively ornate kimono, her hair piled up and pinned exquisitely, and her face was made up traditionally, quite unlike her usual cheeky look. She looked… composed, elegant. Gorgeous.

kimono Hinata

“So, it’s come to this, has it?” Fukumoto-san said, getting to his feet and moving with spry grace. At that, his sons’ eyes widened. “Father, your stick…” he stammered.

“I don’t need it anymore, it seems, Minato. Stop fussing. Your father will not be joining his brothers yet.” He turned his gaze to his daughter-in-law then. “So, Kokoro-chan, are you sure you want to put your daughter through what you went through? All just for status they’ll never give her? I’ve always treated you right, tried to keep the nobility happy, and what do we have to show for it? The Three-Hundred, such a farce. We only exist to prop up the true nobles, despite what Fujiwara intends.”

“I know. But for Hinata… things will be different!” Hinata-san’s mother, Kokoro-san, declared. “I get it. Hiroto too. But… this is the path we chose. No, the path she chose. Besides, this time, I think it’ll be different.” She looked at me then, as Hinata-san looked down shyly. Oh god, this is totally going to be what I think it is, right? But I’ve already said no, that I don’t need or want this…

“Don’t look so troubled, Akio-kun.” She called out to me, cheerfully, and rather familiarly too. “I understand you aren’t a noble, in truth, so this might seem strange to you, but to us it’s normal. Besides… well, I’ll let Hinata speak for herself.”

Before she could, Fukumoto-san stood in front of her, a smile on his old face. “Hinata, dear. Thank you for thinking of me. As you can see, I feel marvellous.” With that he danced a quick jig, an unthinkable act before, that brought tears to her eyes once more.

“Grandfather, I’m so glad.” She then looked at me. “Akio. Thank you. I knew I could count on you. I… I hope you can count on me too!”

Oh, Hinata-san…

“So, you want this for yourself? I think it’ll be hard for you. Maybe your noble upbringing serves some use, conditioning you to accept the absurdity of… no, it’s not my place to say.” He looked at Shaeula, before turning back and patting her hair gently, careful not to disrupt the careful arrangement. “If this is what you have set your heart on, well, I only want my grandchildren to be happy, so, I’ll support you.”

Her beaming smile was her only answer, and she shuffled over to me, her steps slow and small in her richly-decorated kimono. She stopped in front of me, and shyly reached for my hand. On grabbing it, she looked up at me, eyes scared yet determined. “Akio, I, Fukumoto Hinata, wish to become your wife. I don’t expect to be treated any better than Shaeula or Eri-san… no, Eri. As long as you can spare me your affection, I can be happy. I’m not doing this because it’ll help my family with the nobility, though it will, I won’t lie. No, I’m doing it because… well, there’s a few reasons. Some of them are embarrassing, but, well, I wouldn’t mind if it was you. You’re kind, interesting… handsome.” Under her makeup I could see a faint blush. “With you, life would always be exciting, and I could fulfil my dream, to shine even brighter than the daughters of nobility, to be someone even Mayumi-sama, no, Mayumi will look at with envy. I have ideas, so many ideas. If you trust me, we’ll make you the greatest power in Japan.” She looked at Shaeula then. “And you’ll make him the ruler of over there, right?”

Shaeula’s only answer was a laugh, and Hinata-san continued. “I think you’ll find me a worthy partner. I’m your gateway to the nobility, though Motoko-san could also be that. But I’m cute, smart, ambitious, and I’ll strive to be a good wife. You’d be an idiot to say no.” Since I wasn’t speaking, she was getting more and more nervous. “So… well, I’m waiting!”

“I’m sorry.” I said slowly, feeling terribly sad for her. “You’re a nice girl, you really are. But what you want, you can have even without this. And what matters is… I don’t love you.” Ugh, it sucks having to hurt a girl like this, but I need to be firm.

“I know.” Hinata-san said, her voice small. “I don’t love you either, even if I think I really like you. But that’s the whole point of arranged marriages, right? We’d learn to love each other, just like you did with Shaeula. You haven’t known her long either, right?”

“I struggled at first.” Her mother said suddenly, looking at her daughter fondly. “I was sold by my father and brother. Even though I knew I would have an arranged marriage, as a Takatsukasa it should have been to someone of high status. But it wasn’t. I cried a lot at first, and was angry. But Minato was kind to me, and in time I grew closer to him. You two have an advantage. You know each other. And you find each other at least pleasant company, right?”

“I don’t believe in love at first sight, such a thing is unthinkable for a noble daughter.” Hinata-san continued. “But when  saw you in that restaurant, my heart skipped a beat. Perhaps it was just your looks, or perhaps it was destiny even then. I sound so stupid, I hate it. But I genuinely think that. If I have to marry for my family, then I’d rather marry you that some stupid noble son who just cares about what money he’ll get out of it, not me! It’d be nice if you were only mine but at least I find Shaeula entertaining. Besides, sharing with a princess feels very noble. As for Eri, I’ll win her round. I can be very persuasive, and she’s not a bad girl, she just loves you too much. Both of them are probably better than the concubines I’d have to play nice with in whatever engagement we could get from the nobility.”

“I like you too-too.” Shaeula approved. “You will be a fitting bride for Akio. I welcome you as a sister!”

All right. I’ve had enough of this. “Shaeula, why do you keep pushing every nice girl we meet together with me? Usually I think you are joking, playing pranks, but… lately I think there’s more to it. Please, tell me. I don’t want to get angry with you, resent you. I promised you and Eri I would love only you two! You know how I want to keep my word. So talk to me!” Here isn’t the place for it, but… I can’t let this go on.

Hinata-san looked interested as well. Shaeula paused for a moment, before coming over and hugging me, trembling a little. “Very well-well. I suppose it is time. I have been putting it off, but… I have fears too-too. I first realised when we returned from Las Vegas. Eri, Aiko and I talked, and it was the first-first step to untangle the mess within our hearts. You were sleeping so adorably…” she tried to change the subject, but I called her name, halting her. “… you know I was a foolish, arrogant princess with few-few friends, and a strained relationship with my overbearing, overprotective family. Now I know the true joys of friendship. I started to change when I surrendered to you. It was as if your thoughts and behaviours began to influence me. It was nothing-nothing crude like brainwashing or enslavement, I could-could have resisted, but your feelings of friendship were warm. I quickly realised what a fool-fool I was before. So I crave friends. And what better friends than those who are my sisters, like Aiko and Eri?”

That still doesn’t make sense. She has other friends, like Ichika-san, Kana, and more. They don’t have to be my wives too. In fact, that’s more likely to make them competitors than friends…

When I said as much, Hinata-san nodded, agreeing.

“Fine. There is another reason. One I laughed off when Eri used it to beat-beat me for my insolence in wishing desperately for you to love me.” She looked a little scared, a look on her I didn’t like, so I returned her hug, squeezing her reassuringly. “We Fae live long, and you will-will too. What… what if love cools? Many in the Fae suffer such a fate. I promised myself my love for you shall never-never die, and I believe it, but the voice that whispers to me, it scares me. I will have to rule the Seelie Court one day, or if not-not, I will at least have many duties as a princess. You will also have your own tasks to fulfil, and Eri, though all she wishes for is to be by your side-side, will surely find that which she wishes to do as well, and you will surely support her. So I thought…” she was crying, her amber eyes bright. “… if there are more sisters, more lovers, then we can compete, not-not as rivals, but as friends who bring out the best in each other, who make us shine, so you will look on us with love-love forever, and our own love never cools, as we would never wish to lose-lose to our sisters!” she declared. “Besides, I hate-hate the idea you will be lonely when we are away from you, doing what we must.”

“That will never happen. My love for you and Eri will outlast the universe.” I promised, pulling her close. Seriously, how do I respond to this? It was easier when I thought she was just pulling pranks, having fun, not knowing she thought so deeply about this, feels so scared. She closed her eyes, breathing out in relief, and then Hinata-san spoke.

“I want that too.” Hinata-san said quietly, yet her voice was filled with conviction. “I look at what you have, your love, the way you’d do anything for Shaeula and Eri, and I’m so envious. Love, excitement, authority, power. And now it even seems a long life. You can give me everything, just like you helped my grandfather, and didn’t even ask anything in return. My confidence took a hit there…” she managed a wry smile. “… but no. I can give back. I don’t just want to take, I want a partnership that shows all the arrogant members of the Fifty-Eight they missed out and we won.” She turned to her grandfather, who was beaming proudly at her. “Grandfather, you’ve set aside an inheritance for me, right?”

He nodded. “Ten percent for you, ten percent for Hiroto. Your parents will leave you more in time I’m sure, but for now, that is what I have set aside for you.”

“Great. So, how much money will you give me for it?” she turned to me. “I want to invest in you. In my fiancée. I’m going to be a wife who does business, who makes us wealthy and strong, an equal, no, a superior to Fujiwara and Ichijou houses! I know that you grow stronger when you earn land in Tokyo, and can improve them somehow, like the shrine. Well, we’ll use my money to buy everything you need, and push the value skywards! Healing too! How many rich old Americans and Europeans will there be, who would pay anything for miracle cures? There has to be more we can do as well, so long as you share the truth of what you can do with me!” her impassioned speech was searing and honest. “Sure, you say I don’t need to do this to benefit, to work with you, and I know you mean it. But what I want, what I’m asking for… you can’t just trust anyone with it! I won’t let you be so naïve! Shaeula is too giving, you are too trusting, Eri too shy. You need me in your corner! I can cover your weaknesses!”

“I’m pretty sure I turned you down, didn’t I?” I managed. Damn, seeing a beautiful girl like Hinata-san pouring our her heart dressed like that. It’s pretty moving. But even if Shaeula is on board with it, Eri won’t be… or… will she? My traitorous mind went back to Eri’s birthday, when she roleplayed my kouhai at school lewdly, and confessed her secret feelings she was too scared to any other way.

‘If senpai has to have some other girls, some fancy rich girls that open doors for him… Eri will swallow her tears and smile. So long as Eri is not forgotten, and can spend many, many happy days with senpai.’ Her words came back to me, causing my chest to hurt. Eri, she, she must have known this was coming. Why am I constantly failing? I never meant to hurt anyone… but I don’t see a way out of this without hurting someone. It should be Hinata-san, as she’s not my girlfriend, but…

“Well, I would hate to break down the shares and properties I have for you into mere money.” Fukumoto-san broke the silence. “But I can certainly advance you a significant sum, and even invest myself. Though I’ll expect a decent return on that investment of course.” He winked. “Even my beloved granddaughters’ husband is not exempt from that.”

“Seriously, why do you hesitate, refuse?” Minato-san said, irritated. “Our Hinata has poured her heart out to you! One of your fiancées already agrees, and the other can be won around. So you don’t love her now, that’s irrelevant in this world. You will in time, just like I do her mother.”

“Right. The engagement will be long anyway, there is no rush for a wedding, until the time that the nobility finally acknowledge us.” Kokoro-san said. “There’s plenty of time for love to bloom. But we wish to announce it now, for our daughters’ sake. Take back your refusal, Akio-kun. Please don’t trample on my daughters dreams. Don’t let them die like ours has.” She bowed to me then, imploring, and I felt sick.

Really, what do I want? Shaeula’s reasons are beyond my understanding, but I do know she’s hurting, uncertain for the future. I’ve failed her. Eri too. Eri’s insecure, jealous, but always thinking of what’s best for me. Can I still give them what they need, Hinata too, if I accept her? Or will it only bring everyone pain? Am I even able to reach the right decision. But before that, Hinata has to be certain, as there’s no going back…

“Are you really sure? I know I’m important now, and I admit, I don’t think I’m a bad catch, but… having someone to love alone is a great thing. Something I’ve given up.”

“Nobility is like that. This is the best match she’ll get.” Kokoro-san said. “Trust us. Better you who she likes and has potential, than someone that wouldn’t cherish her, would waste her gifts.”

“I’m not afraid. I know you worry for Eri. Shaeula will be fine. I understand her, and…” she smiled. Living an extremely long, busy and satisfying life with you all seems delightful. As for Eri, I’ll put her fears at rest, make sure she’s happy. I’m a girl who is worth making this sacrifice for.” She puffed out her chest.

“I too wish for her to join us.” Shaeula said, disengaging from my arms. “Do not-not be a fool. Otherwise when Hinata is taken by some inferior male and suffers, it will be too-too late to regret. The path of a ruler is greedy. Will you not-not be an Emperor of the Astral? When she offers, you should snatch her up! I too will mollify and support Eri, though she is stronger than you think she is.”

“Time to be a man.” Minato-san said, and with that I buried my misgivings and hugged Hinata, who started crying, her emotions that she had bottled up from the struggle at lunch overspilling. “Fine. You win. I am such a shitty guy when it comes to faithfulness, but if you really want this, I can consent to an engagement. But until Eri, her family and mine all agree, we can’t go further.”

“So… this is what a man feels like.” Hinata-san shivered in my arms. “It’s very different than when Hiroto comforts me. I think I like it. Thanks, Akio, my fiancé.” She smiled. “Now that is out the way, my first advice is… take Motoko-san too.”

“Wait, what?” I protested, but she looked at me seriously, as she was already advocating I expanded my fiancées.

“It’s obvious. Motoko-san is already interested in you, she’s beautiful, refined, very popular, and her family is second only to the big three noble houses. Taking her would strengthen our position, and also win favour from her family and the upper nobility who ware struggling to deal with her desires. Besides…” Hinata was animated now, running through her ideas. “… you are looking for partners who can fight, right?” She shivered a little, but was resolute. “Even Eri is a warrior, your sister too. If I have to fight to grow stronger and live with you, I’ll do it, though I’m more interested in what we can command here on Earth.” She leaned into my chest. “But Motoko-san, she’s always dreamed of being able to fight, her family arts being useful. I don’t want to see her ground down, lose what she loves. I hate that part of the nobility and want to crush it. The first step is freeing Motoko-san from her chains.”

“I agree. Motoko and Natsumi are very motivated, and I believe we can-can trust them. Though Natsumi will be useless without Motoko.” Shaeula grinned. “I believe she has feelings for Motoko that go beyond  merely that-that of friends or student and teacher. To marry Motoko and abandon Natsumi to loneliness is beyond cruel.”

“Natsumi doesn’t offer huge benefits, but she is still from an old family. It wouldn’t be a detriment.” Hinata mused. At that my eyes flickered to Onoue-san reflexively, not that I had any designs on her, and she snorted, though she seemed happy. “Not me, I’m just a bodyguard. I was going to lose Hinata-sama when she got married anyway, so I am glad she’ll be happy with you. She better be, or else.”

“Why would you lose her? If I’m taking Hinata, I’ll have to do what makes her happy, just like I swore to Eri and Shaeula. She’s very fond of you, so it isn’t like I’m going to fire you. In fact I’ll probably have to take over paying your wages. Train hard, you’ll need to be far stronger to protect her in the world that’s coming.”

At that, Onoue-san looked shocked, mouth open.

“I don’t see why we have to follow the rules of the nobility that don’t suit us. We make our own way.” I chided her gently.

“See?” Hinata said smugly in my arms. “I told you he was the one, Kazumi. I felt my heart skip a beat then. We make our own way. Yes, I like that.”

“So, Motoko-san…” Shaeula began, but I put a stop to that.

“Seriously, stop , please! I have enough wrapping my head around Hinata, never mind others. A few moments ago I was hardening my heart to refuse her, despite knowing it would sadden her! Until Eri and our family agrees, nothing else is happening. I suppose…” Gods, I’ve broken my promise again. I guess my resistance weakened when I accepted Shaeula and now Hinata… “… while bringing Eri onside you can bring up the possibility with her, but if she says no, I’m not even going to consider it! And don’t forget, there’s only one of me, and I have no desire to have so many women I can’t care for each of you properly!” Even if we are often apart, as we do our own things we need to, that still doesn’t mean I want to let my women be lonely.

“Well said!” Fukumoto-san approved. “Where the hell is the maid with our champagne? This is a celebration. Besides…” he grinned, his predatory gleam back, all business. “Now, Akio-kun, since we are family, it’s time to tell us just what you need and how we can help, and reap the profits!”

“Fine. And that reminds me…” I spoke to Hinata, still in my arms, unwilling to let me go. “Shaeula and I are likely to be away for days, maybe longer, as we have business in the other world. I’m putting you in charge of the training school during that time. Liaise with Kana, she knows what to do. Keep everyone training as best you can. I guess… I guess Shaeula and I will do Chirurgery on your family as well. You can show them how to train their chakras too.”

“Fine, I’ll do it.” She pumped her fist cutely. “My first task as your official fiancée. But before that… how am I going to spend my money? Which land do we need to buy? Grandfather, get us a map! You are healthy again, so no slacking. Mother, father, get some laptops up here. Kazumi, get the maid to make dinner and bring us more champagne for everyone. This is a celebration! And…” she looked up at me impishly. “.. my declaration of war on Mayumi. So, Akio, fiancé dear. I want to win! Tell me how we can!”

Everything spiralled out of my control so quickly. It wasn’t as though the idea of engagement to Hinata wasn’t broached before, but… As a map was laid out on the table, Hinata started demanding to know where I needed. Shaking my head, cursing myself a little for being a weak-willed bastard, I explained where my Territory overlapped, but that I could potentially obtain anything within ten kilometres of the shrine. Yeah, it seems like I’m weak to strong-willed women. It’s hard, being a harem protagonist bastard. Sure, I won’t deny Hinata is very desirable, but it hurts that I’m clearly not the good, loyal man I thought I was. Still, if everyone agrees, I can only make amends by striving to make everyone even happier. If I was aiming for ten times before, now I need to be at least fifteen times better than any other man to balance it out, no, twenty times! And shit, I need to get Hinata a ring now… Stupid thoughts spinning through my head, I panicked. At least it’s going to be a long engagement. We’ll have time to grow closer, and maybe they are right, and love will bloom… Seeing Hinata in her finery, so eagerly debating with her father and grandfather about which land would be the best to procure, while her mother looked on fondly, I realised I had made the same mistake I made with Eri. I thought I should make Eri happy because she was my childhood friend and I loved her like a sister, so I wasn’t able to turn her down. In the end it was the right choice, as it turned out I did love her after all, and always had. It’s a bit different for Hinata, but her desires and pain reached me, and in the end I couldn’t bear to let her and her family down. I’m such a coward. Eri will cry… “Damn, Eri.” I sighed.

“May the fortunate winds blow around you, and keep you safe from her wrath.” Shaeula chuckled, surrounding me with a gale of green, causing the Fukumoto’s to exclaim in surprise. “I doubt it will help you, but I felt-felt compelled to offer.” She snickered at my sudden fear. “Though Eri may be more understanding than you think.”

“I hope so. If I was her I wouldn’t be.” I admitted. Opening up my phone I dialled Eri, and she picked up brightly.

“Akio, I’m so happy to hear from you! What’s up?”

“Um, well, I have some… bad news.” I hesitated, unsure of how to say it.

“So, which one? Hinata-san, or Motoko-san?” Eri sighed, a long exhalation full of exasperation and resignation.

“Huh, what?” I managed, nonplussed.

“I’m not stupid. In fact, you know my stats…” she boasted a little. “…I’ve talked with those girls, and they definitely want you. I don’t like it, I hate it, but Motoko-san was right. You weren’t there, but she told me I needed to have more value than simply wanting to be your girlfriend, your wife. And much as I hate to admit it, she was right. So instead, I’ll make you fall in love with me all over again, stand by your side, and make it so you’ll never want to ignore me for other women!” I could hear her pouting, but she seemed serious.

“Oh, I see. Well, I said unless my family, uncle and auntie are convinced, it’s a no go, but…”

“You never answered me. Who is it?”

Before I could answer, Hinata snagged my phone. “Eri, it is me.” She declared. “I proposed and he accepted. Eventually. But I understand. I don’t wish to steal your happiness. I just want my own. Blame yourself for falling in love with such a desirable man.”

“I do blame myself, but what other choice was there? Akio has always been the only one for me. So, not Motoko-san then, Hinata?”

“Not yet, but it is but a matter of time. She likes him well enough. Love may be asking a bit much for now, but our engagement will be leisurely in the noble way while I’m still at school, so it’ll come in time. I am very loveable. But we can discuss this in person. After all, Akio was very clear. Unless I win you all over, I’ll be left out in the cold, discarded. Surely you wouldn’t do that to me though, would you Eri? Just imagine if Shaeula stole Akio from you…”

“Don’t think I haven’t thought about that. But I don’t intend to lose to you! You may be rich and from a good family, but I fight every night to raise my level so I can stand by his side!”

God, this conversation is excruciating. I guess I deserve it though…

“That reminds me, do you know how I can get my levels raised too? Surely I need that if I’m going to be his wife.”

At that Eri snorted. “You’ll have to give him the most precious thing a girl can. That would work. But sorry, you’re still in school, having a long, chaste engagement…” at the venom dripping from Eri’s voice I had to protest.

“No, there is one other way, but that takes a slot of the Throne of Heroes. I was planning to use it on Aiko, but sadly I need the slots to bring more allies from the Boundary to here right now…”

As I panicked and argued with both of the girls, who were taking shots at each other over the phone, Shaeula’s laughter in my ears, my eyes met those of Fukumoto-san, who grinned. “Our Hinata is a firecracker, right? Now anyway, why not let the girls resolve this and get back to business…”

Fine. I do deserve this. Shit, I only just convinced father and uncle Junpei about Shaeula, and now this… I’m going to lose all the respect I earned! Shaeula, this is your fault too, if your fears hadn’t moved my heart… no, who am I kidding. I have to take responsibility for my own shitty actions. Twenty times better. Or thirty. I can do it and make everyone happy. I’ve made the bed anew, so once more I’ll lie in it, and own it. A shame it sometimes feels like a bed of nails of my own making…

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