On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Seventy-One

One Hundred And Seventy-One

The doors revealed a large open-plan area, richly decorated and illuminated by hanging crystal and gold chandeliers, which cast a brilliant warm glow over the proceedings. Around the sides of the room a dozen Fujiwara Security personnel were lurking unobtrusively, the men and women dressed smartly in expensive suits, looking like servants if one wasn’t able to see the trained readiness they carried themselves with.

The actual servants were moving to and fro, with silver trays stacked high with glasses of expensive champagne, whiskey and more, or wheeling carts containing plates of richly-appointed food such as wagyu beef, bluefin tuna and more.

Impressive. I’m starting to feel a little nervous… beside me, Shaeula still had my arm, and with a gentle tug she drew my gaze away from the crowd as we stepped out into the festivities. Behind us the lift doors slid shut, no doubt descending to bring more guests up to this event. There must be over a hundred… no, maybe even two hundred guests…

“Stand tall and proud, my Akio.” Shaeula spoke quietly. “You are as worthy as any-any to be here today. The chosen of Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, princess of the Seelie is as noble as any-any mortal!”

“You’re right.” I smiled back, resisting the urge to stroke her head, as we were in public. “Well, since we are here, we might as well mingle, right?” Looking around at the crowd I spotted a couple of familiar faces that I recognised from the TV or newspaper articles.

“Indeed.” Shaeula said, reaching out her free arm to snag a couple of glasses of champagne from a passing server. Normally, grabbing two glasses one-handed would lead to a catastrophic spillage and the server paled, but Shaeula’s dexterous and strong fingers, boosted by her obscene stats, meant that she handed me one with ease, while retaining the other for herself, taking a sip with a satisfied sigh.

As we walked away from the confused server, who quickly remembered her place and dashed off, still carrying her tray of drinks, I also took a sip. The champagne was sharp, but not unpleasant, it was definitely an expensive flavour. Fujiwara-san is sparing no expense tonight it seems.

As we walked around the room, savouring the fine alcohol and exchanging casual nods with other guests, I noticed we were drawing the gaze of many of the attendees. It was actually becoming a little uncomfortable the way that the women were looking at me, but what was even worse was the way that the male guests looked at Shaeula. I could see the lustful stares and barely hidden intentions a mile away, and my grip on her arm tightened, causing her to snicker, amused.

Yeah, I’m such a shitty hypocrite, since I have Shaeula and Eri, but I still hate it when people ogle them. But I have to admit, Shaeula is beautiful, even before you take her stupid-high Charm stat into effect.

“You shall need to become used to this-this.” Shaeula muttered. “A handsome male or beautiful female always draws attention, and the partner of such much envy. Still-still…” she seemed satisfied at my transparent jealousy. “… you should be proud-proud to have claimed me for your own. The stares of these other males are meaningless to me.”

“Proud? I am indeed.” I agreed, taking another sip. Looking around the room again I noticed one oddity. There were a handful of people, five of them that I noticed anyway, that seemed ill at ease and out of place. Three men and two women. Following my lead, Shaeula used her Mystic Eyes, the glow dazzling for a moment, looking at the nearest man.

“I see. Yes, your instincts are correct. His chakra network is an abomination, I do not-not know how it even functions, but the density of aether he contains is only a little less-less than that filthy monster Kazuo Kondou possessed.”

“Makes sense. After all we found out from the Fukumoto’s that the noble houses are looking for Candidates, right? It seems impossible that with their resources we’d be the only ones they’d find.”

Shaeula agreed. “So, do you wish to talk to him?”

I shook my head in denial. “No, not yet. Until I have a firm grasp on what Fujiwara-san wants, it’s best to keep our own counsel. I wonder if… ahh, over there.” Thinking of the Fukumoto’s I wondered if they were in attendance, so I scanned the room and noticed them, the three we had met in that restaurant lurking in one corner. “Looks like we’ve found some people we are acquainted with.”

Strolling over towards them with Shaeula, I admired the daring purple dress Fukumoto-san was wearing, with a slit up her legs and a deep neckline, showing off her slender body. Beside her, the other girl, her bodyguard… Onoue-san, I think it was, right? … was wearing slim-fit trousers and a tight top, giving her ease of movement. Besides them was her older brother Hiroto-san, who brightened up as he saw us coming. Well, as he sees Shaeula coming anyway… don’t think I can’t see you ogling her.

Hinata at the party in purple

As I approached, I noticed that a servant had called one of the men I suspected to be an Astral Emperor-candidates over, and he was taken to a back room, behind a wall of Fujiwara Security. Putting that aside for now, I waved a greeting at the Fukumoto’s. “Well, it’s only been a week, but fancy meeting you all here.”

The girls looked wary, Onoue-san making sure she was between me and her mistress, which made me feel a little hurt, but then I remembered her reaction when I met at the restaurant in that hotel. I guess noble-raised girls are supposed to stay away from unfamiliar men. Fukumoto-san was bolder though, and responded jovially.

“Ah, Oshiro-san. I had a feeling you would be here. Looks like we struck gold with you.” he then turned his attention to Shaeula, reaching out his hand for a handshake, but with a sniff and a toss of her head she declined. For an awkward moment Fukumoto-san was left with his hand outstretched, before his sister burst into laughter, surprising us.

“That’s just pathetic, brother.” She said, still struggling to suppress her mirth. She moved past Onoue-san and held out her own hand to Shaeula, which she took, giving her a gentle squeeze. “Stop embarrassing us in public, especially here in Fujiwara house.” Her face seemed a little red under the lights as she looked at us. “See how this girl… Dannan-san… is arm-in-arm with him? Have some class and don’t flirt with taken girls.”

“I thought the other girl who isn’t here was your fiancée…” he muttered in his defence. “You said it was complicated, Oshiro-san, but seeing this, I suspect it’s actually quite simple…” he trailed off, before muttering “Lucky dog…” under his breath.

“I am delighted to see you well, Hinata. But do please call me Shaeula. I do not-not care for honorifics.” Shaeula said, prompting Onoue-san to snap back that she was “Hinata-sama, no, Fukumoto-sama!”

Hinata-san waved off her complaints. “Oh, do be quiet, Kazumi. After all, the reason we are here tonight has much to do with them. Besides, if there is any trouble tonight, Fujiwara Security Services will handle it. you know they are the best in Japan, right?”

Kazumi-san agreed reluctantly, stepping back. I shook Hiroto-san’s hand with my free one, after having finished my drink and placing it on an empty tray.

“So, from what I understand…” I began. “You spoke to… uh, Takatsukasa house, not that I’ve heard of them, I’m sorry, who then passed on the information to Fujiwara house? I guess I have to thank you, Fujiwara house managed to get me out of a sticky situation just the other day.” I nodded graciously, and Hinata-san looked away, her eyes watering, her face scarlet. Uh, okay… if I didn’t know better I’d say she’s embarrassed, but why would she be?

“Well, your trick with the coins was impressive. Kazumi here said she could do it with practice, but I find that hard to believe.” Hiroto-san said, and I couldn’t see the connection to what we were talking about until he continued. “Still, there must be more to it than that. Fujiwara-sama invited us here himself, our parents too. Mother and father seemed very happy. I’ve heard mutterings that we are going to be elevated into the Fifty-Seven. Mother was especially happy about that, since she’s from Takatsukasa house herself.”

“Brother, get to the point…” Hinata-san hissed, casting occasional glances at us, before looking away. Beside her Kazumi-san bit down on a sigh, only my superhuman perception picking up on her mood as she tried to remain professional.

“My point is… you two were obviously a big catch. You were praying for fortune to fall into our laps, Hinata dear, and it did! Now we need to take advantage!”

A little rude saying it to our faces that you want to take advantage of us. I guess that’s nobility for you. Still, I prefer a mutual win-win where both sides can gain, so it isn’t all bad.

Shaeula held out her hand with a grin, and I knew something troublesome was coming, due to the mischievous glint in her eyes. “I require some coins. As many-many as you wish to give.”

“A coin trick again, huh?” Hiroto-san looked interested, but Kazumi reached an arm across him and stopped him.

“You must be careful, Hiroto-sama. I shall handle this.” She pulled out ten coins of varying denominations and placed them in Shaeula’s palm. As she did so she looked interested despite herself, and I blurted out “Were you practising my trick?”

At that she looked away, clearly embarrassed, and Hinata-san covered her mouth with one hand, giggling regally. “I wasn’t aware you were so competitive, Kazumi. How… positively amusing.”

“Well, how about a wager then?” Shaeula asked. “To make this trick more… entertaining.”

I have a really bad feeling now. After last time with Aliyah… “I wouldn’t.” I broke in. “Last time an opponent wagered against her, it ended poorly for them. I wouldn’t want to see two lovely ladies such as yourselves in trouble.” As for Hiroto-san… well, I may be prejudiced, but if he wants to do something dumb, he’s a grown adult, isn’t he? He’s at University after all.

Kazumi-san frowned, but Hinata-san looked pleased by my compliment, breathing the word “Lovely…” to herself.

“Well I’ve seen you do it twice.” Hiroto-san looked at me. “So there’s no point in a bet, is there?”

I guess he’s smarter than I gave him credit for.

“Hah.” Shaeula scoffed. “Ten landing on their face is trivial. Akio, shall we aim-aim for twenty?”

Twenty? But there’s only ten coins… oh, I see. Flashy.

I wasn’t the only one to ponder this, as all three of them seemed puzzled and intrigued. “Very well then.” Shaeula finished. “I shall toss, and you shall catch, Akio.”

With that she flipped up the ten coins and drew a few fine threads of wind energy, slicing the ten coins in half effortlessly, which was a feat of control in itself. As the scattered shining halves dropped I caught them with my own wind, holding them motionless for a second, flipping those I needed to, before gently letting them fall to the floor.

“See, twenty.” Shaeula crowed. The reaction she got wasn’t what she expected though, as seeing the coins split panicked Kasumi-san, who tried to put the fascinated Hinata-san behind her, glaring at us as if we were an enemy. On seeing this, the Fujiwara Security personnel near us responded, but Hinata-san quickly calmed them down.

“Oh, do stop worrying, Kasumi. You think that they would hurt us here? Honesty, you can be too overprotective at times.”

Seeing that the situation was nothing, the security relaxed. Shaeula then took the opportunity to speak. “Indeed. Besides, should we wish you any ill-ill, then you would already be slain. Akio and I have faced far-far more terrible threats than you, Kasumi, and emerged triumphant each time.”

“Fascinating. It seems there is far more to the two of you than I initially surmised.” Hinata-san looked at us again, this time with real curiosity, though she reddened every time she met my eyes.

“No kidding.” Hiroto-san had bent down and picked up some of the fallen coins. “They’ve been cut clean in half. Look!” he passed a handful over to his sister and Kasumi-san.

“The edges are smooth, like glass…” Kasumi-san noted. “How… how is this possible?”

“Magic, surely.” Hinata-san smiled, and it did make her look cute, her normally regal visage giving way to an age-appropriate look of wonder. “I don’t know who or what the others discovered, but we… we found the genuine article!”

After that we spent some time talking a little about our experiences so far, only information that wouldn’t give away too many of our secrets, but the three still found it interesting. One-by-one the guests who I suspected were Candidates were called to the back room, and I observed those that left, a mixture of expressions on their faces, some happy, others annoyed or angry. As I watched and drank, Shaeula chatting away happily with the Fukumoto’s, her regal charm having totally won them over, I noticed there was someone watching us rather intently, and had been ever since our display with the coins.

A girl, huh? She’s young. She seemed to be of middle school age, if I had to guess, and she was decently pretty, if a bit boyish, her hair cut somewhat short. The dress she was wearing was pink, and a little risqué for her age, with a daringly short skirt and bare shoulders. On seeing me noticing her, she winked at me and giggled, gesturing me over. Yeah, no, I think I’ll pass. I merely waved back a touch dismissively, and she shook her head, pouting a little. Still, her eyes never left us.

“Hey, do you know who that girl is?” I asked Hinata-san, jerking my head in the girls’ direction.

“Hmm, no, I don’t recognise her, and our school is pretty small, so we generally know everyone else, if only by sight.” She mused. “Probably not a noble daughter then. But if she’s here tonight she’s the daughter of someone important. Why, are you interested? I’d say she’s too young for you.” Hinata-san mocked, earning a scandalised gasp from Kazumi-san, who scolded her.

“Perish the thought. I’m more than happy with Shaeula…” I snaked my arm around her shoulders. “I just wondered why she’s been looking at us for the last hour or so…”

“Perhaps it’s because you are rather handsome…” Hinata-san let slip, before covering her mouth and looking away, mortified.

“Oh, Hinata.” Hiroto-san sighed, seeing her embarrassed. Turning to me, he apologised for her. “Please ignore that. My sister has a bad habit of saying what’s on her mind without caring about the time or the place. Her cousin Sakura-sama constantly warns her about it too. And to be fair, you are a pretty decent-looking guy. She didn’t mean anything by it though, I assure you, so no getting any strange ideas.”

Sure, I get it. “Consider it forgotten.” I waved it away graciously, ignoring more mean snickering from Shaeula. “so anyway…” I said, hoping to change the subject and banish the awkward air that had fallen like a blanket over the conversation.

“Speaking of fellow classmates…” Kasumi-san interjected, changing the subject to spare her mistress’ blushes.

“Oh, yes, that’s right!” the flushed Hinata-san jumped on the chance. “I’m told that Fujiwara Honoka-sama and Fujiwara Miyu-sama are both here tonight, though I’ve not seen them. It’s common knowledge Fujiwara-sama dotes on his granddaughters. Everyone at school wishes they could be friends with them. Though I’ve barely ever talked with them, unlike Mayumi-sama.” She spoke rapidly, leaving behind her previous slip-up. “But I have seen Motoko-senpai. She was here with her bodyguard earlier…”

As the talk devolved into gossip about the exclusive school for noble girls, I let Hiroto-san regale me with tales of his exploits at university, most of which involved womanising using his great wealth and family name, though from what I heard it was all just consensual fun, so I didn’t judge him too harshly. Sipping on more champagne I watched as another person was ushered past security and into the back room…


“Hiroto-sama, Hinata-sama, if you could come with me please?” An elegant woman from Fujiwara Security interrupted our conversation politely, yet firmly. The last hour had been fun, Hinata-san losing her wariness of me over time, though Kasumi-san always kept a close watch on me, as if afraid I’d try something with her mistress. Don’t get me wrong, she’s damn cute, but I’ve already got both hands full with women, and she’s a bit too young…

“Fujiwara-sama will see you now.” The woman finished, and at that Hinata-san and Hiroto-san excused themselves, Kasumi-san trailing behind them as they were escorted past Security.

“Well, at least we had someone we knew to talk to, even if we only met them briefly before.” I observed, topping up our drinks and securing us some food, as I was starting to feel hungry.

“Indeed. Hinata is entertaining.” Shaeula agreed, eating elegantly but rapidly, taking advantage of the excellent repast on offer. “She says what is on her mind. A rare-rare trait indeed in nobility, who always have to keep their inner feelings masked.”

“I guess you would know.” I conceded, taking another look around the party again now we were alone. The young girl from earlier was gone, as were all of the suspected Candidates, but as I scanned the room I noticed a girl in shrine maiden clothes, and they were fancy, very fancy in fact, looking scandalously expensive. Next to her was a girl who seemed familiar, though I couldn’t place her. Though what I did notice was that despite her short frame, she had massive breasts. I mean, they are colossal!

Shaeula nudged me in the side as I stared, and I quickly pulled my eyes away, apologising. Seriously though, I’m not sure any man would have been able to ignore those… good job Eri isn’t here to see my shameful display.

“I see you only seem to notice the girls, Akio.” Shaeula snorted, still ferrying more fine beef and tuna to her mouth in-between words. “You remind me more-more of my father every day.”

“Is that a compliment or an insult?” I joked, and she merely grinned back, silent.

We continued to eat and drink our fill, exchanging casual nods and small-talk with a few of the guests, feeling each other out. Most of the people here were wealthy businessmen and women, with several generations of success. It was quite the high-rolling crowd. Still, when they discovered I was merely an owner of a few hotels, they seemed to lose interest. No way I’m telling them why I’m really here…

As Shaeula was finishing up yet another plate, a man walked over to us, in a sharp suit and clearly carrying hidden weapons, judging by the way he walked and the cut of his jacket. “Oshiro-sama, Dannan-sama, please come with me. Fujiwara-sama will see you now.”

Exchanging a loaded glance with Shaeula, I took a deep breath. Here we go then. After my discussion with Tsumura-san, and this… I can finally decide our course of action moving forwards… still, there’s a lot at stake here. “Very well, lead on.”


After passing through the ring of Fujiwara Security, we continued through a set of ornate double-doors, entering into a reception area. There was a table prepared, with servants on either side, as well as several more Fujiwara Security personal, these ones openly carrying automatic weapons. Not sure that’s legal in Japan, but I guess the rich make their own laws…

Standing at one wall, which was a thick, transparent glass, polymer or some similar material, was a man I recognised. It was Ueno Junichiro-san, the Head of Fujiwara Security Services, who I met after the US agents attacked. He gave me a stiff nod, his expression stern, which I returned. I also saw another familiar face. Tsumura-san, the Minister for Defence, was sitting at one of the seats at the table, looking rather downtrodden and exhausted. Seeing his weary visage, I had to ask.

“Err, are you sure you should be here? You took terrible, Tsumura-san.”

At my words that could be described as disrespectful, some of the Security tensed, but as Junichiro-san made no move, they quickly relaxed, especially as Tsumura-san let out a rusty chuckle. “And whose fault is that? You left me quite the mess, I’ve barely had a couple of hours of snatched sleep this whole time. Still, we have already reaped the benefits of your actions. I trust you approve of the donation?”

“I sure did, and I’ll consider it my due.” I said, forcing myself to act with majesty, hoping that my Majesty stat would help make it work. “Though I’d prefer other things, such as information.”

“Alas, our good friend and ally is rather stingy with knowledge. They like to smooth everything over with money. Still, I share your sentiments.”

We took our seats at the table, and a servant brought us more drinks. I took a champagne, while Shaeula took whiskey. Normally drinking before negotiations was folly, but we could tolerate it, so why not enjoy ourselves?

“You seem rather calm, considering.” Tsumura-san approved. “This meeting should be worthwhile after all.”

Before I could reply, the lights behind the clear wall went on, revealing four figures. Two were seated, and the first was a powerful-looking old man, who must have been in his seventies or eighties, at a guess. He was accompanied by a pair of massive, dark-skinned men, who were bulging out of their suits. Bodyguards, I guess? They look rather imposing…

The last man, who was also seated… as soon as I identified him I choked on my champagne, causing Shaeula to raise an eyebrow at me questioningly.

“That’s… that’s the damn Prime Minister of Japan!” I spluttered, genuinely surprised.

“Indeed.” A firm, yet amused voice came out from a set of speakers placed high on the wall. “I’m sure he’s gratified you recognise him. Young voters nowadays are so apathetic towards politics.”

Seriously, who doesn’t know the Prime Minister? Even if you are apathetic, surely there’s a limit to that… I knew better than to speak my thoughts, however.

“I apologise for not being present in the room with you.” the man, Fujiwara-san I presumed, continued. “However, after hearing reports of the battle at Shirohebizumi shrine from Junichiro here, there was no way my security would allow me to take the risk of being present with you without adequate barriers.” he rapped the clear wall in front of him with his knuckles. “I’m sure you understand.”

I nodded, glancing at Tsumura-san. He only shrugged in response. “I’ve already faced you in person. I see no need to take such precautions. I believe I’ve grasped your personality. Otherwise, I wouldn’t…” he trailed off, leaving something unsaid.

“Anyway, now that you are here.” Fujiwara-san continued. “Let me get straight to the point. We are all busy people, and present circumstances being what they are, we have much to do.”

Shaeula and I gave him our full attention, and nerves were starting to get the better of me, so I took a few long deep breaths. Shaeula slid her hand towards me and I grasped it under the table, feeling better that we could face this together.

“Japan is an old country, with a history going back unbroken for over two-thousand years.” Fujiwara-san began. “There have been wars, rebellions, annexations, terrible disasters… yet the land and its people endured. I intend for it to continue to endure. But not just the land and the people. Without the traditions, the soul, Japan is nothing but a hollow shell. The country is supported by three pillars.” He turned to the Prime Minister, smiling wryly. “Though our esteemed guest here wishes it was four. Still, Political Parties and their agendas come and go, but the pillars endure.”

Seeing the Prime Minister grimace, I was once again reminded about just how much power the great noble families held over the land, even now.

“The first pillar is the Imperial Family. Though the war cost us much of their grandeur, they still keep up many of the old ways. The second is nobility. Many families perished in the Great War and the occupation afterwards, but my father and the heads of the other great houses were wise. We saved what we could, and now seek new blood to adopt our cause, rebuilding the nobility of Japan, protecting all that is good.”

“A worthy pursuit indeed.” Shaeula broke in, fascinated by talk of nobility and royalty. “A wise ruler must preserve their domain against all foes, be it war-war or merely the dissolution of the ages.”

“Indeed.” Fujiwara-san agreed, amused at her approval and reactions. “The third pillar is… faith. The shrines and temples of ancient Japan, and the bloodlines they carry to this day. And to this conversation, they are the most relevant, are they not?”

Here it comes. Time to show a little of my own hand. “Right. I wasn’t aware of it, hell, I don’t think ninety-nine point nine percent of the world was aware, but it seems that magic, for want of a better word, has always existed. Even if for the last fifteen hundred years it has been but a few fleeting sparks, so feeble as to be kept secret.”

“You understand well.” His gaze strayed to Shaeula for a moment, a nuance I didn’t miss. “One could argue keeping it hidden was a mistake, after all, could not such things revitalise science, and lead to new discoveries and wonders? But it is hard to blame those who fear they would just be exploited, or even worse, experimented on, by fools with no piety, eager to discover such secrets. But I digress.” He paused to clear his throat. “The three pillars work together, yet we are not truly united. We each have our own spheres of influence, and each seek to preserve and restore the glory of the past, while taking the best the future has to offer. But recently, things have changed. Things like Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan here.”

At her name, Shaeula bowed politely. “Indeed. I now walk the mortal plane thanks to my Akio. And I am not-not alone in this.” Her expression darkened as she remembered Kiku.

“Quite.” Fujiwara-san agreed. Beside him the Prime Minister was listening with rapt fascination, information beyond his wildest dreams being exposed. “It seems that across Japan, and the wider world… the feeble sparks of this magic are starting to blossom, growing again to rival the time long past before the shrines lost most of their divinity. The temples and shrines are now determined to rekindle their old powers and dominate once more. I of course have many old friends in that sphere…” he continued. “… however it would not do for things to become unbalanced. The understanding is that each pillar would not unduly influence the other two, but if this continues…”

I see. But… “Well, there’s a bit of an issue then. I’m sure you are aware I have an agreement with various shrines, and they intend to offer me some support at their Conclave, whenever they manage to get around to holding it.”

“True. I am indeed aware.” Fujiwara-san agreed. “However, you may be working with them, but you are not of them. Thus I can offer you my support as well, in exchange for aid in making sure the situation does not become a troubling one. After all…” he smiled then, though there was little humour in it. “… other countries are moving as well. Those with no legacy of their own, young countries such as America, they will seek to plunder knowledge from wiser, older countries. And those who have their own heritage, such as our Asian neighbours of China, and others… well, they are dangerous in their own way.”

“I’ve read the reports.” The Prime Minster agreed. “Though I’ve kept them secret, only a few key ministers…” he nodded at his Minister of Defence who was sitting exhausted beside us. “… being aware of this. But seriously, the world will explode into chaos when this all gets out. And it will get out. You can’t tell me that it’ll stay secret much longer when we have people who can kill elite agents unarmed and shrug off gunfire. Too much power is a dangerous, terrible thing.”

I hardly ‘shrug it off’, it hurts like hell. Still, the sentiment is right.

“They say there is no such thing as dangerous knowledge.” Tsumura-san spoke up. “But that’s wrong. Imagine if a simple way to turn water into cold-fusion fuel with common household chemicals was discovered. Scientists would say that it would solve all the worlds’ ills. Global warming, fuel poverty. Gone instantly. But when any child or disgruntled psychopath could turn the same water into a nuclear bomb, the world would end in fire within a few years…”

“This is the situation we find ourselves in. Oshiro-san, Dannan-san.” Fujiwara-san continued. “If you wished it, you could easily kill a lot of people, even important people. And it isn’t just the rising of those with such … frankly superhuman abilities that concerns me. Are you aware…” his gaze was intense now. “… that the shrines say the end of the world is coming, the return of old nightmares, and new threats beyond imagination?”

I nodded. “Yes, I am. And that means we can’t just get rid of everyone with these new abilities. Otherwise when the time comes… I don’t think science alone will be enough.” Of course, even if it was, I’d still deny it, as I hardly want to end up as a lab rat or purged as a dangerous abnormality.

“I don’t believe in the gods. I leave that to the shrines.” Fujiwara-san said. “Anyone who lived through World War Two, as I did as a child, would find their faith crushed. But I do believe what I see before my eyes, what I touch, taste, smell and feel.” He gestured, and Junichiro produced a remote control, turning on a projector which displayed a scene from the party mere hours ago, of Shaeula slicing the coins and me catching them, all with invisible wind. “I’ve asked the others our search has found to demonstrate their talents, and they were equally implausible, though none so impressive as yours.”

The Prime Minister was deep in thought. After a while of contemplation, he spoke. “So, you must have asked me here for my cooperation, Fujiwara-san. What do you need? I agree this is a national, no, even a world crisis!”

“It is Simple. We need to track down every person who has manifested these new abilities and bring them under our umbrella. Other countries will be doing the same, or worse, trying to snatch citizens from other lands.”

No shit. The good old USA is already on that one…

“Hopefully those who have received the blessing of the gods, as the shrines put it, will all be good, reasonable people. But I doubt it. after all…” Fujiwara-san bored into me with his intense, dark eyes. “… Kondou Kazuo, he is gifted too, is he not?”

“Don’t even think about trying to use him.” I said angrily. “He’s getting the death penalty. I’ve made promises and I hate being made a liar.” Shaeula squeezed my hand reassuringly as I got heated up.

“Terrible thing, that.” The Prime Minister said sympathetically. “Poor Suzuki-san, he doted on his daughter. He’s gone to pieces now he’s found out she’s gone.. and how she died.”

“Indeed, a tragedy.” Tsumura-san agreed, him no doubt knowing a fellow Minister in the Diet. “But I’m curious, Oshiro-san. To whom did you promise?”

Okay. Well… time to lay out one card. After all, they clearly know a lot, maybe even some things I don’t yet, through their temple and shrine connections. Besides, it has to be give and take. Both sides have their own advantages. I have knowledge they want, they have the ability to have us killed and disappear…

“I promised Suzuki Haru-san.” I declared confidently.

“Impossible.” The Prime Minister scoffed, but Fujiwara-san only looked intrigued.

“Hardly impossible. Do not-not doubt my Akio!” Shaeula piped up. “After all, I stand here amongst you, a Fae from the Seelie Court, proud in my strength. Your minds are closed, you must embrace this new-new world.”

“I don’t know if there is a Heaven, or a Hell, or Yomi, or whatever. I don’t claim to know where souls go when we die. But I do know this. Thanks to Kondou’s evil, he didn’t let Haru-san rest, even in death. And when Kondou was defeated, I gave her a place to shelter.” She’s still buzzing around my Territory with the other ghosts, unsure of how to live from now on, if you can call it living. She’s also bugging me to talk to her father for her. As if I could… but I do hate seeing her cry, considering I shared some of her pain. If there was a way…

“So… and this might sound crazy, but since Haru-san isn’t entirely gone… I believe she can, well, not live again, but walk the Earth once more, in a fashion similar to Shaeula. The only issue is the cost…” It’d be a slot in the Throne of Heroes, which is at a premium and I have tons of candidates… there are plusses to her, but a lot of negatives as well…

“Money? You intend to swindle cash out of a grieving father, mourning his daughter!” the Prime Minister leapt to his feet angrily. “You are base scum… urgwah!” he made a strangled noise and fell on his bottom as the transparent wall shuddered, a spiderweb of cracks spreading through it. Shaeula had her arm upraised and was glowing with emerald energies, her dress fluttering.

The Fujiwara Security raised their weapons, ready to engage, but at a look from Fujiwara-san, Junichiro-san ordered his men to stand down.

“Watch your tongue.” Shaeula warned. “I shall not-not tolerate such slanders against my Akio. His kindness is as deep as the very seas themselves.”

“Seeing that first-hand is quite fearful.” Tsumura-san muttered beside us, cold sweat on his tired brow.

“I didn’t mean money as in yen or dollars or whatever.” I clarified. “Don’t get me wrong, I have a use for money too, but I meant… well, how to explain… spiritual resources. It isn’t like I can just do what I want. Things take time and effort.”

“Still, is it even possible? If so, the world truly has changed beyond all recognition.” Fujiwara-san mused. “If you wish to speak to Suzuki-san, then we can arrange it.”

Not something I am going to enjoy, but… “Fine. I’d appreciate it.” I nodded. “So to continue… you want to find all the Candidates in Japan? A tough ask, as there is going to be anywhere between a thousand and three thousand or so, I’d guess.”

“I see. And you know this how?” I was asked, and it was the obvious question. How much to reveal?

“Let’s just say I was told it by someone involved.” I equivocated. “I don’t know if its entirely accurate, but I think it probably is.”

The conversation continued after this, Fujiwara-san digging for information, me sharing what I felt safe to, and talk turned to my future plans involving the shrines, which naturally then turned to our plans to train up people in these new abilities.

“So, it can indeed be learned. I had wondered.” Fujiwara-san pondered. “That complicates things.”

“I still don’t know if people trained will ever be as good as those chosen as Candidates, or whether more Candidates can or will be chosen in time. But… we have one success story, so I know it’s definitely possible to an extent.” Eri. I’ve kept your name out of this for now, but it’s only a matter of time before they dig you up too…

“In that case, our next course of action is obvious. So, this is my request to you. I can see you are wary of sharing all you know. I understand, I would be dismissive of you, were you such a fool. So I propose…” some of Fujiwara Security Services pulled open a small side door, and five people came out.

“Well, we meet again.” Hiroto-san said. Beside him Hinata-san bobbed a greeting, and Kasumi-san watched me warily. There were two others though.  One was a tall girl, her long dark-brown hair cut straight across her forehead, in the classic hime-cut. She was also wearing tidy blue and white hakama, as was the second girl with her, a younger girl who was carrying several long bundles of cloth, though out of the end of one I could see what looked like an enamelled spearhead.


On seeing Tsumura-san, the older girls’ expression brightened, and she strode over, her long legs giving her a wide step. Even so, she moved gracefully, like a dancer or a warrior. “Grandfather. I’m pleased to see you again!” she gracefully bowed, more as a man would than a girl.

“Motoko, my dear. And Natsumi-san too I see.” At that greeting the younger girl also bowed, comical under her burdens. “We are just finalising the details, so be patient.”

“I will, grandfather.” She smiled, before turning to me, her dark eyes looking me over, as if weighing me up. Shaeula was then examined in the same manner. “So, are these the ones?”

The ones for what? I’m confused, although considering we were talking about training… no, surely not… beside me, Shaeula was smirking once more, clearly thinking the same as me.

“Allow me to explain. I have already sought out assistance from an old friend to call upon shrine maidens and priests to train the daughters and sons of nobility in the ways of faith.” Fujiwara-san elucidated me. “Now more than ever, that is important. But… faith alone is not enough. I wish for the nobility to grasp these new powers, to act as a balance to the shrines and temples. Only then can we all work together to safeguard Japan from whatever threats may come.”

Yeah, I was right. Oh wow, this is going to be such a pain. So much so I’m going to say it again. Oh wow.

“So, let me guess. You want me and Shaeula to train these five, right?”

At the word train, Motoko-san and Natsumi-san perked up, and judging by their hakama, I could see they were martial arts fanatics. Damn, if only I could drop them on Ulfuric, I could get some peace and quiet. No such luck though.


“You are not mistaken.” Fujiwara-san confirmed. “As a reward for discovering you, I felt it only fair to offer the Fukumoto’s the opportunity. It seems likely that they will become the Fifty-Eighth true Noble family. Their mother is a sister to the Takatsukasa boy, so they have the blood. And they also have the wealth required. Even so, succeeding in this could cement their place and silence any doubters.”

At that, Hinata-san looked proud and satisfied, until she met my eyes and looked away again. beside her, Hiroto-san let out a dry chuckle at her antics.

“As for my Motoko…” Tsumura-san said. “… well, to be honest, my son has been worried about her future. She is too wrapped up in the three combat arts our family has passed down for generations. Other noble families find it rather… off-putting.”

“Grandfather!” she scolded him, hands on her hips. “Traditions are important! I won’t let our arts die out in my generation. Our ancestors would curse us, ashamed!”

Yeah, she’s a fiery one, all right.

“See?” he sighed. “Well, one thing Motoko and her pupil and bodyguard Natsumi-san excel at is training. They are relentless in their pursuit of perfection, so if anyone can succeed, they can. Now normally, there would be no way I’d put my darling granddaughter at risk, but… I think I have a fair grasp of your character after meeting you and looking into your background.”

“I would be honoured to learn, sensei.” Motoko bowed to me, and it made me feel itchy, being called sensei, by a younger girl. “I believe you are also practising martial arts? I’d be fascinated to compare styles.” She added, hopeful.

“I’m just a beginner.” I tried to let her down gently, so she wouldn’t expect too much.

“After having seen that trick with the coins, I’ve got to admit, I’m pretty hyped.” Hiroto-san chimed in, only for his sister to punch him in the arm, annoyed.

“So, just to clarify… you want… uh, these very important girls and Hiroto-san to train under us to learn how to use their subtle bodies?” I asked, and at mention of subtle bodies I could see a spark of interest in everyone’s eyes.

“Indeed I do. Now bear in mind, the girls all have school, and other commitments. I will arrange Fujiwara Security to protect the shrine as well as ferry them to-and-from lessons. In addition, I know you worry about the safety of your family so… I intend to continue placing agents on them, though it would be beneficial if you could find a way to explain it, as protecting from the shadows is far less certain and more fraught with the risk of failure. Perhaps you could use your new connection to the nobility to come up with a suitable explanation?”

Such a pain. But… to make sure my family remains safe, I’ll think of something. “All right then. So we can hammer out a schedule that works for everyone.” I expect that they will be seeking to gather information they can pass to Fujiwara-san as well as benefits from the training, so I’ll have to be careful what I disclose, still…

“I look forward to working with you, sensei!” Motoko-san and Natsumi-san chimed in together, and after a brief pause and shared looks of embarrassment, the other three did the same.

“I shall be instructing you as well.” Shaeula pouted. “My aetheric chirurgery will be important in helping you perform at your best.”

“I must apologise.” Motoko-san bowed to her too. “I look forward to working with you as well, sensei!”

“Sensei! I approve!” Shaeula cackled.

“In that case, now things are settled, you can leave us. We will make exact arrangements later.”

“Of course, Fujiwara-sama!” they all chorused, before the five of them were escorted out. As they left I bit down on another sigh. Things just keep escalating. Obviously I have no intention of letting anyone get hurt, but imagine if Hinata-san or Motoko-san was injured or worse… gods, thinking about it is enough to make me sick… the consequences would be terrible…

“I would like to remind you that Motoko-san and Hinata-san are daughters of nobility, and should be treated as such.” Fujiwara-san said when they had left.

“Got it. No funny business, since they probably have to get married to other nobles.” I imagined that would be the case, based on historical drams and so forth. “No need to worry about that, I have my hands full with the girls I have already.” Damn, why am I always so honest and saying girls… oh god, that reminds me. I need to warn Shaeula to keep our relationship hidden when we return to Nishimorioka. If uncle and auntie find out, or heaven forbid, my father…

Surprisingly, Fujiwara-san burst out laughing, a rich, deep laugh full of good humour. “A man of power should have lusty appetites. In my youth I had many mistresses, though I made sure to only have children with my wife, as is proper. But yes, daughters of nobility, even those of the Three Hundred, who attend the school for nobility, they are different to other girls. It seems you understand, so I shall say no more.” He paused then. “However, in this changing world, perhaps Oshiro house can take its place as the Fifty-Ninth. If you support us wholeheartedly, I can assure you we will spare no efforts to support you.”

Beside me, the Prime Minister, having recovered from his earlier fright, nodded. “I’ll also do what I can. This is definitely a national emergency.”

“I don’t know how long we can keep this matter secret. A year would be wonderful, but… I feel we have at best months. At worst, the world could be spiralling into chaos tomorrow.” Fujiwara-san contemplated. “I hope the fact that we are trusting you with daughters and sons of nobility impresses on you our desire to work together for our common benefit.”

“Well then, what about the others?” Shaeula asked. “There were those that-that came before us.”

“Ah, those.” Fujiwara-san sighed. “Most of them… well, they were gifted yes, but… uninspiring. One of them… well, he has been acting unwisely, so had to be… escorted out.”

The way he says that sounds… awfully final.

“Still, I would definitely be interested in speaking to them, sharing a bit of knowledge.” Otherwise if I run into them in the Boundary we might end up fighting. I’d rather have allies than enemies.

“I will see what I can arrange, but those willing to work for us have been assigned tasks, so it might take some time.”

“That’s fine. I’ll be busy myself it seems.”

“Well then, in that case. To our new alliance, and the future of Japan!” Fujiwara-san said, being handed a glass of rich whiskey by one of his towering bodyguards. The Prime Minister and Tsumura-san had a glass too, so Shaeula and I also grabbed our own.

“To Japan, and the future!” we raised our glasses and drank deeply. Damn, every day just gets crazier and crazier. Just wait until I tell my sis and Eri we met the Prime Minister…

As we sealed our alliance, discussing minor details such as financial support and how to deal with the aftermath of the attack by US agents, I considered our next move. There were three things I really needed to deal with. Firstly, as soon as the Anchor hits Rank 3 my Territory is going to need a significant overhaul… Secondly, I need to work on mastering more elements and getting stronger. Shaeula and Eri too. And thirdly, we are going to have to come up with a training plan that shows results and is totally safe… no messing up like with me and Eri, if Shaeula injures the noble girls, we are done!

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