On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Thirty-One

One Hundred And Thirty-One

Well, here we go then. Steeling myself for what was to come as I heard the voices of my family and the Mori’s approaching, I once more cast my gaze around the room. Yeah, everything is in order. Karen-chan and Izumi-san are available for when I need them… I can do this.

Opening the door to my new home I smiled brightly. “So you found the place all right then? Come in, I’ve got some snacks and drinks ready.”

“That sounds great, Akio. The trains here are really tiring.” Eri said, rushing over to give me a hug. As she pressed against me, her face pink with embarrassment over showing such affection in front of her parents, she gave me a little kiss, just a peck on the lips. “I know it’s only been a few days, but I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” I replied. “But absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?”

“Wow, I’m feeling a little sick now. So much sugar.” My sister shuddered theatrically. “You two lovebirds can surely manage to go five minutes without flirting, right, right? Seriously though…” she looked around at the repainted and repaired building. “This place is way better than that tiny room you were living in before. I like it, I know I’ll enjoy it here.”

I know I said she could move here if she needed too, but still…

“Yes, it’s nice.” Eri agreed sweetly. “Our home.”

Before I could answer that one, my father cleared his throat. “I understand you are happy to see my son again, Eri-san, but we should continue this inside.”

Ignoring the smiles of her parents and my mother, Eri nodded, letting me go, though she still clung to my hand. “I’m sorry, father-in-law. But like I’ve said before, you should call me Eri, there’s no need for formality between us, after all, I’ll soon be your daughter.”

“Hmm.” My father nodded slowly. “My son and I have much to discuss regarding that matter, but for now…” he turned his gaze to the young girl who was hiding behind everyone else, looking extremely nervous. Seeing all our gazes go to her, she bowed low, her pigtails bouncing.

“Akio-sama, thank you for looking after me. I shall work as hard as I can to serve both you and the needs of Chairoakitara shrine and our noble kami.” She spoke very seriously, her determination to be mature forcing a smile from me. Aww, she’s so serious. It’s pretty cute. But I don’t like being called Akio-sama, it does not suit me.

“Well, I made promises to your mother and grandfather that I’d make sure you were well taken care of. Besides, I think you’ll like it here. The big city is a far-cry from Nishimorioka, and even if Shirohebizumi shrine is a little… rustic… we are also doing business with Hikawa Kawagoe shrine, so I daresay we can visit. There’s a couple of shrine maidens there, twins, only a bit older than you. I dare say you can be friends.”

“Hikawa Kawagoe?” Uncle Mori said, surprised. “Even I have heard of them, it’s one of the shrines you think about when you talk Tokyo. See, Taichi, I told you there was nothing to worry about. Son-in-law is a smart boy, he can handle things just fine.”

“Err, excuse me, but perhaps I should not be listening to matters of family, your private business?” Marika-san asked, still nervous.

Poor girl, I bet she had to listen to no end of talk on the journey. Sparing her an understanding grin I patted her on the head, causing her to blink in surprise. Eri’s hand tightened on mine a little painfully, but I squeezed her back reassuringly. You don’t have to be jealous of her, she’s just a kid…

“Don’t worry about it. If anything, we should be apologising to you for making you uncomfortable. I’ll take you to the room you’ll be living in later, it’s in the main shrine. It’s furnished, but if you need anything else, anything at all, let either me or someone from the shrine know, and I’ll make sure you get it. My secretary Karen-chan is available if you have any problems. But for now…” I wanted to make sure she was relaxed. I still felt bad bringing Marika-san away from home at such a young age, even if the experience benefitted me and should be a memorable one for her. “… I have tasty treats ready, so you might as well enjoy some with us.”

“If you are sure, Akio-sama…” she began, but I cut her off.

“Please, I know you were raised very politely, but I’m no-one so special as to be a -sama. I’d really appreciate it if you could use a more… informal… way of speaking.”

She looked doubtful, but then Auntie Mori chimed in, cackling heartily. “You see that, Daichi, Emi, little Aki will make a wonderful father, he’s so understanding of younger children, especially girls. I suppose that’s only natural, considering he looked after little Ai and my Eri all these years.”

Auntie Mori looking happy

“Mom, so embarrassing!” Eri protested while Aiko giggled at the scene. Eri snuggled in against me, trying to hide her flushed face.

“You see Marika-san?” I grinned, a bit shamefaced. “I’m just like anyone else, at the mercy of teasing from his family. Anyway, everyone should come in, no point standing around outside.”

“Yeah, if it’s a nice inside as out, I can hardly wait.” My sis exclaimed.

It sure should be, considering the scandalous fees I spent getting a rush job on the repairs and refits. On the brighter side though, I had nothing to do but drink and wait for them to arrive, but after a few to steady my nerves I realised meeting my father drunk would be stupid, so I distracted myself by gambling, and even without the fortunate winds I won a decent amount.

Guiding everyone inside I gave them a brief tour, though I obviously skipped Shaeula’s room. My sis was very pleased with the room I had set aside for her should she choose to come to Tokyo in the future, and when everyone saw my room… well, didn’t think this through all the way…

“My, that’s quite the large bed there, isn’t it little Aki?” Auntie Mori was teasing me. “Whatever could you need it for?”

“Come now, don’t tease him too much, dear.” Uncle laughed heartily, slapping me on the back. “He’s a healthy young man, and our daughter is …”

“Mom, dad! Shut up!” Eri was purple with shame, while Marika-san was looking perplexed.

“Indeed, this is not a subject for in front of a guest who has been entrusted to my son.” My father stopped the conversation, and I let out a grateful sigh.

“Yeah, seriously. Not a talk for now, right? Sorry about that Marika-san. I’ve got some cake, I have it on good authority from the shrine maidens here that it’s really good.”

“Oho, that sounds interesting. I’m sure you want to hear all about these shrine maidens, right Eri?” my sister interjected, and as Eri nodded, her gaze on me, I bit down a sigh. Why do I feel guilty? I’ve done nothing wrong…



“You weren’t kidding bro, this cake is the best!” Aiko was digging into a strawberry shortcake, crumbs and cream all over her face.

Can’t you be more feminine? I mean, I guess there’s nothing wrong with being a tomboy, but a lot of guys like their girls more… well… girly, I guess… You should be a bit more like Eri…

As if she heard my thoughts Eri set down the fork she was using, dabbed gently at her own face, and then began to clean Aiko with a napkin, ignoring her protests. “We have a guest, so you should be less of a glutton.” She sighed.

“Rude!” my sis protested, but she conceded the point. “Still, yeah, don’t want to look a slob in front of Marika-chan here! This cake is too damn good though!”

Marika-san let out a quiet giggle, seeming more at ease now. As the girls (and my mom, luckily, as she was terrible with booze) made do with cake and juice, I was drinking with my father and the Mori’s. The beer was cold and refreshing, and not too strong.

“So, I saw the construction site.” My father remarked, having relaxed a little, beer in hand. Still, his gaze was piercing, trying to divine my true intentions.

“That reminds me…” my sis piped up, interrupting, which was welcome as it gave me a little more time to gather my thoughts. “Where’s Shaeula? I can’t believe she is missing out on these cakes.”

Good question. “She’s at work at the moment. Don’t worry though, I’m not subjecting her to brutal overtime, I’m not a black company.” I said lightly. “We are taking things in shifts until the initial steps are all complete.”

“I see.” Father pondered. “I am still… concerned. This business venture is way outside your area of expertise. I know you explained it to me over the phone, however… you can hardly blame me for being worried. I would not want my son to stray from the right path.” His gaze strayed over to Eri, who was still enjoying the snacks. “Especially not now.”

So it’s time then. “Well, I get it, I do. A few months ago, I wouldn’t have imagined I’d be in this position. I’d be a poor son if I didn’t set my father’s mind at ease. Uncle and Auntie too. After all, you have Eri’s future to think about.”

“I know she’s safe with you, little Aki!” Auntie Mori exclaimed.

“She is, but anyway… I’ll call over my secretary and the head of the shrine. We can then go over what I can tell you without breaking confidentially agreements, and you can be assured.”


“So, moving forwards, more and more shrines will be leveraging the special privileges that they have in terms of planning consent. Even overseas investment is possible. That concludes my presentation.” Karen-chan said, keeping composed, but with my perception I could see the minor trembling of her muscles and faint drops of sweat that signalled her extreme nervousness.

Seriously, good job though. you are definitely earning this bonus. Although… Karen-chan had put together a presentation in a hurry, justifying my role and the hefty fictional commissions I’d be earning, but that meant she knew it was all fake. Still, due to her circumstances before I took her on, she’d be loyal enough to keep her concerns to herself. Sooner or later I’ll have to tell her more of the truth, but how much and when… well, the later I can push this dilemma to, the better…

Giving her a thumbs-up from behind my father and Uncle Mori, I watched as my father checked the documents she had prepared. With my account with Midas Gold from Chase Bank, the air of legitimacy was strong. The fact that the master of the shrine, Izumi-san, was also corroborating my words and promising further shrines coming on board was enough to convince him. Like understands like, I guess. Kana-chan did say her grandfather was a stern, hard man. Him and my own father could be related…

“… such a fortunate series of coincidences. It all seems rather farfetched.” My father observed.

“Oh, come on Taichi, cut your boy some slack.” Uncle Mori interjected. “You really think he’d go to all this trouble and get so many people onside just to cover up some shady dealings? Even our own town is working with him. That Takeyabashi girl is proof, right?”

Everyone nodded then, remembering just before this meeting, when we had taken Marika-san to her new dwelling. Kana-chan and Nagi-san had met us there, and the dignified yet beautiful Nagi-san had made a good impression with my father. Marika-san was satisfied with the newly refurbished room, and while reluctant to demand more, being a modest and proper young girl, Kana-chan talked her into asking for some things, which I immediately signed off on.

My father looked at me, and I met his gaze unwaveringly. I don’t feel guilty. I can’t explain it, but I’m doing good deeds. Besides, even if I was, with my high stats I could keep a decent poker-face, even against my father.

Akio's father, looking stern

“Very well then.” He said after seeing my resolute stance. “If you will excuse me, Izumi-san. I appreciate you humouring me with this.”

“Pay it no mind.” Izumi-san waved his thanks away. “I have a son of my own. I understand wanting to make sure he stays on the right path. But rest assured, your son is a vital asset to the prosperity of our shrine and is merely rewarded accordingly.”

Of course, the real reward I’d like is nominal ownership. There’s time for them to decide, but the benefits to us all would be great.

After exchanging promises to have a drink together with him, while I thanked Karen-chan for her efforts, leaving her to gratefully retreat with me allowing her to treat herself to any booze she wanted from the nearby supermarket, no matter the cost, we headed back to my outbuilding. My father and Uncle Mori were talking quietly, admiring the newly repainted shrine.

On returning we found Eri and Aiko sitting listening to my mom and Auntie Mori holding an animated discussion on… wedding plans.

“… you can’t beat traditional.” Auntie was saying, getting a nod from my mom. “But then, a Western-style white dress can’t be beat either, especially since little Aki is half-British, right? Besides…” she turned her bright gaze on Eri, who was smiling at the thought. “… you’d look so gorgeous in a bridal gown. It’s so hard to choose.”

“Why decide then? Just have both.” My sis said, still eating cake. Gods, just how much can you tuck away? You’d better keep exercising or you’ll get fat…

“Both?” Mom asked, and my sis nodded.

“Yeah, both. Just add in an extra bit of ceremony. Start traditional, then afterwards change into a Western gown. Big bro is a man of means now, and I’m sure he’ll do anything for Eri. Besides, you can’t tell me he won’t want to see her in both, right bro?” she winked at me, seeing we had returned.

“Well, it is a thing you only get to do once…” I pictured Eri in both outfits.

“Look, look!” my sis elbowed Eri. “He’s all red, thinking of you. Wow, such honesty. I’m touched at how my hopeless big brother moonstone has matured.”

“Yeah, well one of us had to.” I retorted. “Still, you do have a good idea now and again. Yeah, I think we’d be missing out if we didn’t go with both.”

“In that case…” mom said slyly. “… you would have to go with both a wedding kimono and a suit, right? Won’t that be a sight now that you’ve started taking care of yourself?”

Eri nodded fiercely, and Auntie Mori laughed at the sight. “The wedding will be the talk of our town for seasons to come!” she agreed. “Now we just need to set a date!”

Uncle and my father were letting the girls talk, but father was not pleased, his expression grim, yet in the festive atmosphere he was unable to scold me. Although it’s coming, it’s definitely coming. He did warn me not to do anything foolish, and Eri might even be pregnant… I’ll be in for it later…

“Eri-san… Eri…” my father changed his method of address at everyone’s gaze. “Eri should finish her education first, even if she is not intending to go on to further education. It would be shameful otherwise. I still recommend that she thinks of her future with more clarity, but…”

“I thank you for your concern, but I’ve made up my mind.” Eri stood up to him, though her hands were white and trembling a little with the effort. “But I agree. Now isn’t the time for our wedding. I should finish school, and Akio needs to make sure his work is going well.”

“Little Eri is all grown up.” Auntie Mori praised her, eyes bright with unshed tears. “A mother always waits for this day.” she glanced at my mom. “You’ll have it too, Emi dear, when little Ai finds love.”

My sister scoffed loudly, but before she could speak Eri continued.

“We… might have had to rush, since…” her voice shrank, but since Marika-san was with Kana-chan in the main shrine, it was just us family here, leaving her free to speak. “… since we were hasty, but since I’m not pregnant…”

Wait, you aren’t? I mean, I guess it’s a good thing, now isn’t a good time, but… I must have looked strange, as Eri started giggling, while my sis and mom were laughing openly.

“I’m sorry Akio, I only found out yesterday. I didn’t think I should talk about it until we were face-to-face. I should have picked a better time though…”

I shook my head, dismissing her apology. “No, that’s not important. So, you’re all right?” My words had a double meaning, as I was not only concerned about her physical health and state of mind, but the state of her chakra network also worried me.

Picking up on that, she smiled, reaching over and taking my hand. “I’m fine. We both know why we were so careless. I think this way is better. I want children, but not yet. I’ll… take care of things… in the future, until things have settled down and we are both ready. I’m sorry for being so insecure and immature. I’ll do better.”

Her hand was warm, and I could feel her pulse. Taking it with my other hand as well, I leaned over and kissed her gently. “Don’t worry about it. I am just as much at fault as you. I’ll be a man who always makes you feel safe and protected.”

With a wail of emotion my mom grabbed Eri in a hug, Auntie Mori following, her unshed tears finally breaking free. I excused myself while the three women clutched each other, full of emotion. My sis was making gagging motions, showing her displeasure, but I guessed it was fake, judging by the expression on her face.

“Oh, Eri, my little girl. I’m so happy for you!”

“Well, we can’t argue with that, can we Taichi?” Uncle Mori said, a wry expression on his face as he watched his wife and daughter, together with my mother. The floodgates had broken and they were all crying happily. “Your son is a man now, and my daughter is a woman. No point blaming them for growing up. Both of them are deadly serious about the future.”

My father sighed, but after a long draught of beer, he nodded. “It seems so. And there is no rewinding time. What they’ve done can’t be undone. At least the worst scenario was avoided, so…” he raised his half-empty can in a gesture to me. “… congratulations, my son. Still, do not let it go to your head. You’ll still need to support her, so work hard with this rare chance you’ve been given.”

Yeah, just like father. Even his prise comes with caveats. Still, I’m pleased we earned his acceptance. I’m even more pleased I might have avoided the brutal lecture…

Returning his toast, Uncle Mori joined in, my sister looking on enviously as we drank…

Seriously, haven’t you had enough hangovers? Oh well…




“… we can’t accept this. Seriously.” Uncle Mori was looking at me over a row of empty glasses. “I know you are marrying my little girl, but even so. We may be poor, and your parents have helped us out a lot in the past, but we still have our pride.”

So how am I going to convince them? My father was frowning as well, decidedly unimpressed with my proposal. After seeing the girls back to their hotel, father, Uncle Mori and I had all gone out to a nearby izakaya, a traditional Japanese pub. I had thought that the atmosphere was perfect, so I had broached the subject of providing them with money, for my peace of mind, but… damn, I forgot how stubborn they can be.

“You have already given the girls so much.” Uncle Mori continued. “Eri won’t tell me how much you gave her, but it’s enough to pay for… well, certain essential medicines. I remember when she would tell me anything… she’s all grown up.” He was maudlin, but still resolute in refusing me. “But even so. I may be your father-in-law, but I don’t need your charity. Just look after my little girl, make her happy. That’s all I need, and my wife would say the same.”

“Indeed.” My father agreed with him. “You will need to save money. With a wife to support, you need all the insurance against hard times you can gather. We know it well.” Beside him, Uncle Mori was nodding, wholeheartedly supporting him.

It would be so much easier if I could tell the truth. “I know, I do.” I said, choosing my words carefully. “This opportunity came to me out of the blue, and I’m extremely thankful for it. It might not last forever, and I could be back to my previous unstable lifestyle as a freelancer. Even so… I want to make sure I’ve provided for my family. And that family now includes you, uncle.”

“Even so, it’s too much. We don’t need…” he began again, but I was resolute.

“Seriously, I know what I’m doing. Eri and I can have peace of mind knowing that we’ve taken care of you all. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to keep throwing money at you.” I grinned to rob the words of any sting. “I intend to treat Eri to a better life. But when the next wave of projects is signed off, I’ll be making plenty of money. So at least let me do this. If you are really concerned, then don’t spend it all right away. It’s for emergencies and necessary expenses anyway. That way if it all goes wrong for me, you can give some of it back. Not that I’m expecting that.”

“Son, are you sure about this?” My father asked. “I respect that you are thinking of your family, that is what a good son should, but I don’t want your sudden good fortune to go to your head, ruining you and leaving you with nothing.”

Wise words, if not so much about the money as… other concerns. Like my enemy who threatens my Territory. “Don’t worry about me. I have everything under control. My secretary will arrange the transfers next week. I’m deadly serious about the future. After all, I have responsibilities. So believe in me!”

My father and Uncle Mori couldn’t stand against my intensity. I could tell they had reservations, but so long as they accepted my goodwill, I could rest assured that my family was looked after, whatever happens. I need to arrange a will too, to make sure they get any remaining money in case of… the worst case scenario. I have no intention of dying, but I can’t rule anything out… Surprised at how accepting I was of the danger, compared to my nervous fumblings of the early days, I ordered us another ground of drinks to celebrate.

Small victories. My father wasn’t as fierce as I expected. Perhaps I’m finally earning his respect? Taking a drink I was lost in thought, listening to the idle chatter that passed between my father and Uncle Mori…

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