On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Thirty-Three

One Hundred And Thirty-Three

“Brother Shaeraggo?” Shaeula’s uncertain words were quiet, yet somehow echoed across the Territory. On the palanquin the black-furred weaselkin perked up, his gaze searching.

“Little sister, thank the King and Queen! Your brother has come to see you! Will you come and greet me?”

“So… not an invasion then?” I asked Shaeula, whose face was running through a rapid gamut of expressions, from worry, to uncertainty, to resignation.

“You know I was banished here, with few retainers and less-less safety.” She said quietly, ignoring the cries of her brother as he sought her out. “My siblings tried to persuade my father to refuse, but I now understand why he could not-not. Still…” she bit her lip nervously. “… if my brother is here because things have changed back at the Seelie Court, or if he has come in secret, disobeying our-our father over the need to protect me…” she sighed bitterly. “… either way, it is not-not good for us.”

“But why?” Eri asked. The vast host trampling across our Territory no longer terrified her as much, now she realised they were led by Shaeula’s brother, but she was still wary, the unusual situation more than she could process quickly. “It sounds like he cares a lot for you.”

Shaeula conceded the point. “True, he and my sister are the most … oppressive… in their care-care. But remember but a few hours ago, you chastised Akio for not respecting your will-will and not allowing you to pursue what you must-must. Well compared to Akio here…” she rolled her amber eyes, annoyed. “… Brother Shaeraggo would keep me locked away with only my maids for company, and treat me as but-but a child for all eternity.”

“Well, can’t you talk to him? He might understand like Akio did.” Eri asked, “Maybe… I mean, I could… talk to him… for you if it would… help…” She stumbled over her words, clearly frightened at the prospect, yet willing to assist her friend.

She shook her head in response. “I could not ask you to do such for my sake, though I appreciate the gesture.” She reached out and placed her hand on Eri’s lower body, eyes gleaming as she recharged her aether.

“What are you doing? Eri should…” I began, before stopping myself. “No, wait, I get it. Eri can make the decision whether she wants to go herself, since as of yet, there is no danger. Sorry Eri.” I apologised, earning a brilliant smile that cut through her fears in return.

“See, if Akio can learn, maybe your brother can.” Eri laughed a little, feeling the spreading warmth all through her body. She winced as her half-formed network processed the energy, but she was unwilling to retreat, not and leave Shaeula and Akio alone to deal with Shaeraggo.

“Even so, when Shaeula or I tell you it’s time to return, you don’t hesitate.” I warned, and she nodded agreement.

“Little sister, why will you not show yourself? Shaeula, come forth!” Shaeraggo’s forces had reached the foot of the hill, where several weaselkin were waiting, nervous and unsure of how to handle the situation. His army formed up into glittering ranks of well-drilled soldiers, many hundreds strong, musicians on one side, mages on the other. The palanquin was lowered, and Shaeraggo descended. He was bigger than Shaeula, as tall as me in fact, and more muscular. He was followed by the white-furred… weasel? No, it’s similar, but not the same. Definitely a related type of Fae, but… the build was feminine, and the glittering orange and white robes she wore paired nicely with the long twisted staff she carried, topped by matching crystals of great size.

“You stand before Shaeraggo Gul Shae Dannan, true-blood royal of the Seelie. Show respect before your betters and kneel-kneel.” At his regal tone, the weaselkin dropped to the ground, heads bowed. At this he was satisfied, and he once more shouted. “Shaeula, my dear little sister, come forth and let me see you! Oh how I have missed you. It pained me to allow you to come to such-such a dangerous place, but have no fear, your steadfast brother will…”

Shaeula sighed again, strength leaving her. “We can-can delay this no longer.” She gestured to her Kamaitachi, as well as the White Snake kami, organising them into a welcoming committee. “We must deal with him. Eri, stay amidst our forces and do not-not draw his attention. Be vigilant and flee to the Material should you sense any danger. Now go and bring him to us-us.” She finished, sending one of the Kamaitachi down the stairs.

I grabbed Shaeula’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Eri looked away unhappily, but said nothing. “It’ll be all right. Together we’ve faced many tough foes. This is family. It might be annoying, but what is the worst that can happen? It’s not like he’s going to attack us.”

Shaeula looked away, and I suddenly had a very bad feeling about what was to come. The Kamaitachi reached the bottom of the hill and bowed to Shaeraggo. “Welcome, noble brother of my mistress. If you-you could follow me, I shall take you to the princess.”

“Ahh, one of her mother’s kin.” Shaeraggo nodded excitedly. “Very well, I shall come-come. I expect my little sister is preparing a suitable welcome for me. No doubt her clear amber eyes are weeping crystal drops of joy at the thought of seeing her dear-dear brother again.” He turned to the white-furred mage. “You shall come with me of course. You must simply meet my little sister. As for who else…” his gaze strayed over his forces. “We must simply have music. Tillyae, bring several of your best.”

A female weaselkin with muddy brown fur nodded, gathering several to accompany her. As they formed up, Shaeraggo turned to the imposing leader of his armed forces, a massive two and a half metre tall humanoid badger, who was wearing a golden breastplate, greaves and armguards, as well as carrying many weapons, a spear, great sword, axe, mace and more… “Ulfuric, I expect no trouble, but…” he wrinkled his nose. “This place reeks of unclean and slithering things. Most-most disgusting.”

“Your will, my prince.” Ulfuric rumbled, his deep voice seeming to shake the very ground.

With the selection made, Shaeraggo and his retinue began to ascend the steps, and I could feel Shaeula’s hand trembling in mine as we watched their climb.

“Don’t worry. Akio is here with you.” Eri called reassuringly, and Shaeula nodded gratefully. Taking a deep breath she steeled herself as the party crested the summit.

“Ahh, you have come to greet me, my little sister!” Shaeraggo exclaimed, arms outstretched. His gaze roamed over us, and for a brief moment he froze, unable to reconcile the situation. Then his face twisted into an expression of anger. “Sister! Why are you in such-such a strange form? Aping mortals like that, when you are perfectly adorable the way you are-are!”

“I see no issue with it-it.” she complained. “After all, is it not a tradition of the Fae to assume mortal forms-forms and go amongst them? But if you insist…” her eyes flickered to me and I nodded, squeezing her reassuringly once more. She suddenly… shifted… and was once more the cute fairy weasel she was when I had first come across her, those weeks ago. Behind us Eri let out an involuntary squeal, quiet but heartfelt, and I understood.

Yep, Shaeula is really cute, even as a weasel. I get that it’s a shock. I’m not a furry though, her human form is cuter!

“Better, brother?” She said acerbically, causing his brows to raise in surprise.

“I do not understand why you seem so displeased to see-see me, do you not know how worried we have been-been about you, relegated to this backwater land where dangers lurk around every corner?” he was indignant, and was going to continue until he registered her full situation. His eyes went to me, piercing jade gaze flickering over me. They then dropped to where we were holding hands, before returning to Shaeula, who met his stare boldly.

“Who… who is this who dares touch my little sister?” he scowled. His eyes flared with emerald light, and his expression twisted into one of horror. It might just have been a trick of the strange light of the Boundary, but it seemed to me that even his facial fur paled. “Sister, what have you done? You’ve shared essence… mixed… ugh…” beside him the white-furred one grasped his paw, murmuring to him to calm down, but he shook her off, anger boiling.

“Was it you? I see the trace-trace of her wind energies lingering within you. How dare you take advantage of my little sister, forcing her to … to… I cannot speak of it!” he turned to the giant badgerkin and barked an order. “Ulfuric, break this mortal scum who dared to lay his hand on royalty. Make sure he suffers much before he dies!”

“As you command, my prince.” Ulfuric rumbled, unsheathing one of his many weapons, a spear. “You are a spearman too, it seems. I shall do you the courtesy of taking your life with my own piercing blade.”

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Eri, pale-faced and shaking, too scared even to scream or remember to return to the Material. Damn, she’s not used to such hostility… I was then dragged back to the action as the spear wielded expertly by Ulfuric scored a fiery line across my cheek.

“Better pay attention, mortal boy.” Ulfuric advised. “Only the supremely strong can spare attention in battle.”

“Thanks for the advice. But I don’t see why we need to fight at all.” My own spear met his, and the shock of his strength rocked me. Damn, he hits like Grulgor. Harder maybe.

“Stop this, foolish brother of mine-mine!” Shaeula said as she was forced to try and step between us. Ulfuric dropped back, careful not to injure her, but Shaeraggo was unmoved by her pleas.

“I do not-not know what threats this mortal has heaped on you, but I shall free you from his tainted hands!” he gestured to the white-furred kin. “Go and rescue my dear Shaeula. Then we can take her somewhere safe and hide her-her.”

“I’m not so sure we need too…” she began, but suddenly walls of rock erupted all around us, trying to separate our clashing forces. She reacted instinctively, waving her staff and suddenly the stony barricades were sliced apart by powerful jets of water, crumbling back to dust.

“An attack, these treacherous snakes. I shall have them all slaughtered.” Shaeraggo spat as he reached over his shoulder for the great silver bow that was tied there.

“ENOUGH! STOP ALL OF YOU RIGHT NOW-NOW!” Shaeula roared, her voice amplified massively with the power of her wind. The howling gale drove everyone back, and for a moment there was stunned silence. “Brother Shaeraggo…” She continued, now that she had everyone’s attention. “How dare you attack the one who is most precious to me-me. I have great respect for all my family, but this-this is one affront I will not tolerate. Order Master Ulfuric to stand down-down. Else you will have to face me-me, and I shall not stop until I die.”

“But little sister…” Shaeraggo began, before she cut him off ruthlessly, leaving Ulfuric and I standing across from each other, spears at the ready, at a bit of a loss.

“… but nothing, brother. Akio is the one I have chosen, and I shall live and die with him, as he shall with me-me. I am not the feeble little weakling you remember, only bleating about her importance and blood-blood. You would do well to reappraise me.” At her words Eri, who was still trembling in fright, looked over again but held her silence.

“But he is a mortal, and you are-are the true daughter of Prince Shaetanao of the Seven Royal Branches…”

“So?” Shaeula scoffed. “The Scotsman is but a mortal, and the Queen herself… well, you understand, do you not, brother mine?”

“So vulgar. I do not remember you being this way-way. This human has corrupted you. You are blinded by him. If I remove the problem, then you can go back to being my little sister we all adore. You are too weak to be all alone out here-here. We tried to stop father, but…”

“But you did not-not.” She snarled. “I do not-not blame you, the politics of the Seelie Court is poisonous, and I made myself an easy target for the enemies of our father. Still, my death was certain. Our enemies made their move. I was alone, with few allies, surrounded by those that would slay me-me. And then you dare… you have the sheer nerve… to come and threaten the one who saved me-me, who has shared Three Oaths and Three Boons… the one who has captured my heart… saying we tried to stop father… words-words are nothing, my heart sees only deeds.

Eri’s gaze was boring into Shaeula, and her hands were balled into fists, thin rivulets of blood trickling between her tightly clenched fingers. I understood what she must be feeling. That’s definitely a love confession. But… she knows I have Eri… but I know she loves me too, I’m not so dense to be able to ignore her words and actions up until now. Ugh… is there any way to resolve this without anyone getting hurt? But this isn’t the time…

“Akio is the only one who will stand at my side. I am a female, my brother, proud and resolute in the male of my-my choosing. I would hope that you can accept that. For when the etheric tides blow in, I shall choose him over you-you.”

Oh gods. That was pretty much the worst thing you could have said. I may joke about being a siscon at times, and sure, I’m closer to Aiko than many brothers are to their sisters, but I know she needs to live her own life, find love… but Shaeraggo… he’s… uh, well, damn, I’ve only seen such hardcore love for one’s sister in manga and anime…

There was silence, everyone waiting for his response. Beside him, the white-furred female was patting his shoulder, muttering reassuring words. I don’t think it’s going to be enough though…

“This will not stand!” he roared suddenly, snatching his bow free. “Little sister, you have been blinded, and only I can set you free from this … this mortal incubus who has toyed with your pure heart and soul!” he turned to his allies. “Tillyae, prepare Song of Woe. Ulfuric, take down this usurper. I shall slay all these others, including the worthless-worthless weasels who have failed my sister in her time of need. She does not-not require such useless retainers.” He smiled at Shaeula then, though the expression chilled me to the bone, as his smile was grim, and his jade eyes were filled with chaos. “Fear not, my little sister. One day you will thank me for this-this. I cannot take you back to the Seelie Court, you were right, I cannot show you that deed, but I shall hide you somewhere safe, until the storm in the Seelie Court passes.” He turned to the white-furred mage. “Selensha, my love. Use your waters to render my sister into merciful dreams. When she awakes, all this-this will be but a bad memory, to be forgotten.”

My love? So… she’s with him huh? No, not the time for that. My gaze strayed to Eri once more, and I was ready to give her the order to return to the Material. This open warzone that was about to break out was no place for her. I’m not even sure Shaeula and I can get out of this. If we… if we are to fall here, I’ll be damned if Eri perishes with us… I took a ready stance opposite Ulfuric, though he made no move, merely watching me.

“I don’t think this is a good idea. We should talk things…” the mage began, when fighting also started down below. Horns were blown, drums were beaten and the clash of steel on steel could be heard.

“You see, my love, the treacherous scum are attacking our troops below as well. This mortal has no honour or pride-pride.” Shaeraggo gazed down at his bow with his bright eyes, and suddenly an arrow of sharp, swirling winds was nocked, ready to be unleashed. One of his weaselkin reached the top of the steps, winded, blood trailing down one side of his furred face. “Trolls are attacking. It’s Grulgor! Though he wears some powerful armour, our weapons are-are ineffective!”

“You see?” Shaeraggo spat. “Open your eyes my dear sister! This mortal is allied with the foul minions of Duke Formor! All that awaits you with him is misery and death. What are you waiting for? Ulfuric, Selensha, we must act now!” he pointed his bow at my forces, the arrow aimed at the White Snake kami and Eri, who was sheltering behind them. “Once these are dead, I shall engage Grulgor, and this time he will perish! My father will be most-most pleased!”

I don’t want to fight Shaeraggo, not just because it looks like a fight I’ll lose, but because he is Shaeula’s brother, and even though he seems to be a total moron, I can tell from previous times she has mentioned her siblings that she has fondness for them. Still… no way I’ll let Eri and the others suffer and die… I made ready to leap at him, to deflect the path of the arrow if nothing else, but as I did so something must have given me away, as Ulfuric took one step to the side, neatly cutting off my path of attack.

“I fear you shall not succeed. Prince Shaeraggo shall not be halted by you. Though I commend your bravery. I shall give you an honourable death.” Ulfuric raised his spear, the cruel point glittering green under the glow of the arrow.

Damn, damn, damn. Think. In only moments this whole place will go to hell, and even if we win we still lose…


Once more Shaeula’s voice exploded outwards, carried on waves of verdant wind. I stumbled backwards from the force of it, and Eri was down on her knees, covering her ears, tears streaming from her eyes. What’s a Trial of Three? It has to be something big…

Indeed, everyone had stopped moving, even Grulgor down below, the sounds of battle replaced by a loaded silence. The arrow of wind Shaeraggo was about to unleash had vanished, scattering to the skies, and his eyes were open wide, fixed on Shaeula and I. Slowly he stepped forwards, until he was standing right in front of us both.

“Is this truly what you want, little sister, vile human?” he asked, his tone shockingly cold. “Well, it-it is too late now, either way.” Behind him Selensha gulped nervously, and Ulfuric looked at the heavens. The musicians had ceased playing, and were waiting like everyone else. “Under the oldest of ways, when the tides of the Astral were deep and mortals were little more-more than primitive animals, I accept the Trial of Three you offer. Under the moon I so swear.”

Shaeula suddenly collapsed, as relief at the break in hostilities robbed her of strength. I caught her in my arms, marvelling at how light she was. She weighed less than her human form, so fragile. “I thank you, brother. For accepting our challenge.”

“Do not thank me yet-yet.” He said, his tone growing softer, a bitter sigh escaping his lips. “A Trial of Three is no simple matter. Both sides are duty bound to demand three things of the loser, and I fear you will regret the price you will pay-pay.”

She shook her head, then climbed back to her feet, standing proud, dignified. “We shall see, my dear brother. Akio and I may surprise you yet…”

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