On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Fifty-Seven – Fukumoto Hinata

Side Fifty-Seven – Fukumoto Hinata

As Shaeula entered the Boundary, her form suddenly becoming still and lifeless, not even breathing, unlike the other three who were lying on the prepared futons, their breaths coming slowly and loud in the enclosed shrine annex, she turned to her senpai at school, the very popular and much higher-ranked Tsumura Motoko-senpai… No, I guess it is Motoko-san while we are studying under the same master… her eyes flickered back to Akio-kun at that thought, before she put her attention back on Motoko-san.

She looks motivated, Natsumi too. There was no need for honorifics with Natsumi, she was a bodyguard, even if she was actually from one of the Three-Hundred, albeit one of the lower branches. I think her family runs a traditional textile firm that makes yukata and other traditional outfits? No, that doesn’t matter now. What does matter is… “Motoko-san, why did you dol that?” she asked, actually scandalised. “No-one from nobility can humble themselves like that, least of all someone from a family as noble as yours! If anyone were to find out…”

Natsumi looked pensive, while Motoko-san merely smiled gently. “Yes, you are quite right. I would expect no less from a cousin of Takatsukasa Sakura-sama. It is unbecoming for a daughter of nobility to humble herself, as it reflects poorly on our family and our ancestors.”

“So then why…” Hinata began, only to stop at the strange, almost longing expression that crossed Motoko-san’s face.

“Because there is nothing more important to me than passing down my family arts to the next generation, to my children. But more than that… I love them, Hinata-san. I feel so much joy as I train, as I spar with Natsumi…”

“I feel the same way!” Natsumi declared, holding Motoko-san’s hands. “I was honoured to be chosen as your apprentice and bodyguard, but now… now it’s what I want to do! I want to master the Tsumura arts, recreate the old techniques within the records, and see the true path! I don’t just want to see it , I want to do it, by your side!”

“Even so, you shouldn’t have to humble yourself!” she declared. The pride of nobility… I hate to see it tossed aside. After all… it’s what I want for myself! I want to be beautiful, proud, respected, looked up to by the other girls at school, treated the same as Sakura. I want… I want Mayumi-sama to treat me as an equal. That was a pipedream of course. Mayumi-san was the only granddaughter of the Ichijou house, and only the two granddaughters of Fujiwara-sama could compare. Takatsukasa house is on the wane… even a great legacy can be squandered by poor decisions. “We are making a trade here, Akio-kun should be more than happy to agree to your demands in exchange for the support of our families.”

“Maybe so. But… are we only our family?” Motoko-san shook her head. “I thought you hated that, Hinata-san.”

It was like a bolt of lightning ripped through her, she was so stunned. She’s right. I hate only being judged on my family, not what I can do, who I am… and now I’m trying to use the same as a club, a bludgeon. “I see. Even so… there were better ways. He… Akio-kun… he doesn’t seem that unreasonable. I think he would help you anyway. He seems a bit of a pushover, really.” She snorted.

“Maybe so. I think in this strange world we cannot see, perhaps swords, bows and spears have a use. I could certainly find new trainees, pass on the arts. But… you know that grandfather has tried to find matches for me. I am quite the catch…” she smiled self-deprecatingly, with a touch of bitterness. “… ordinarily I would marry into one of the three great houses, or perhaps be betrothed to the heir of a house with similar standing to mine. There have been talks, and mother and father are pressuring me to accept a proposal. Yet… every single one expects me to be a perfect flower, to be seen, admired and then put away when not needed.” she sighed, clutching her carrying bag close, the weapon within comforting her. “I’ve met some of these gentlemen, and when they hear of my wish to continue with combat arts, it’s always the same. I’m sorry, but girls should avoid strenuous, dangerous acts, what if you were injured, or worse, scarred? Or why can’t you take up more respectable hobbies, such as flower arranging or tea ceremony. It’s always the same. And I can perform tea ceremony, and dance traditionally, if not as beautifully as the Fujiwara daughters. I have studied to be the perfect bride and mother. Is it too much to ask I be allowed to indulge myself as well? Apparently so… within the nobility at least.”

“But… you don’t have a choice. You have to marry within the…” I see. I’ll be honest, I’ve thought about it too, ever since we were elevated to the Fifty-Eight. Even with that, it’s only by decree and the other Fifty-Seven still look down on us, nothing has really changed. Yet.

“When I talked to Akio-sensei about my arts, he was interested, he praised me, he seemed genuinely impressed. His sister, Aiko-senpai, she is a practitioner of kyudo. When we were talking before, he told me about how he scrimped and saved to help her afford her bow, which she treasures to this day.” Motoko-san stroked her own weapon lovingly. “I can relate. These are the precious weapons of my family. My brother should be wielding them, or my father, but instead they let me have them, as they see no use for them in the modern world. I hate that. I hate always being the perfect daughter, hiding my pain.”

“I think most of us are in pain.” Hinata realised. “Sakura… not only does she have to measure up to Mayumi-sama and the daughters of Fujiwara house, despite her house being near-bankrupt and living off charity and fading glories, but she can’t make friends with lesser houses, even mine, despite us being cousins. Mayumi-sama… no-one will talk to her honestly, only me. The other girls keep their distance, awed by her status. The other girls, those from the Three-Hundred, always told by their parents never upset the true nobility, or it’s over for us…”

“Oh Hinata-sama…” Kazumi went to the same school as they did, Hanafubuki, but unlike Natsumi, Kazumi wasn’t a noble. Strictly speaking, the Three-Hundred were not allowed bodyguards or attendants, being only proposed lines of new nobility for the future. Still, Hinata had forced it through using her mother’s bloodline, as a statement against the nobility, and as pure defiance. “… I know you’ve suffered scorn and disparagement. But now your future is opening up, as you wished. And I… I’ll stand by your side, since you saved me by making me your bodyguard.” She was choking up with sad emotions, and Hinata felt her own tears welling, but was determined not to show weakness in front of Motoko-san.

“Really, when you think about it, the nobility only really serves the men, doesn’t it?” Hinata complained. “They can play around, have hobbies, rule the household, while we… yes, you were right when you said we are just pretty little flowers to adorn the man and breed more beautiful and handsome heirs to carry on the family legacy. But even so… I want it. I want the respect, to be accepted by my peers. Even if I have to sacrifice… I see. You decided your pride was worth such a sacrifice.” She understood, and was thus surprised when Motoko-san shook her head.

“You think I gave up my pride to kneel to a man, a man who isn’t even a noble? Hardly. I gained pride, as a woman, and a martial artist.” She denied Hinata. “If all I have to offer is myself and my spear, sword and bow, then I simply have to present it humbly. As for why I had to plead… well, I must admit to feeling rather disconsolate.” She smiled wryly. “Akio-sensei… he finds us attractive, certainly. I see him looking at us sometimes. But… he does not desire us as partners or concubines. I find my pride as a woman shaken.”

“If I may, Motoko-sama.” Kazumi interrupted then, a rare surprise. She had a sour expression, as though she was pondering something unpleasant. “Ever since the first time we met him, in that restaurant,  I’ve felt wary of him. All my instincts have told me he is dangerous, and I have sworn to keep Hinata-sama safe, in body, spirit and reputation. So I’ve been watching him all this time.”

“Oh, good job Kazumi!” Hinata clapped. “So, what did you learn?”

“It is not that he does not desire you. It is merely that he feels guilty. Whenever he admires you, Hinata-sama, or looks at Motoko-sama, or even us bodyguards, I can see he finds us attractive.” She scowled. “Damn pervert. But… he then always looks back to Shaeula, or this Eri girl, a guilty gleam in his eyes. It is less that he doesn’t want you, rather, he simply has loyalty to his existing fiancées. I suppose that’s praiseworthy.” She crossed her arms under her chest defensively. “As for being a dangerous man… that proved true. Even if the numbers he gave us were lies, the way he moves, his grace… it’s very menacing indeed.”

“Yes, he has limited training in martial arts, his movements are unrefined, but his speed and precision are impossible to disguise.” Natsumi chimed in. “If it came to battle, he would kill me before I had the chance to react, despite my skills and training.”

“I think we are getting off-topic here.” Hinata sighed. Yes he’s… well, ever since I first saw him, I’ve been struck by how handsome he is, and the aura of mysterious power he gives off. He may claim to be an ordinary civilian, but… he has the same air as my father and grandfather, men who are used to commanding others, and are prepared to make decisions that could make or break many lives. I was drawn to that, though I expected nothing much to come of it. But now… “Honestly, are you set on accepting your grandfathers’ proposal and being Akio-kun’s concubine? If you do…” if you do, I’ll always be below you were I to follow suit. Not that I am planning to, of course. No, I’m simply here to satisfy my curiosity and to learn what I can. Yes, definitely. Nothing else. “… if you do, your life will change. Akio-kun may be a candidate for a new noble house, but he isn’t a noble. The other families will look down on him, and you.”

“Maybe so. For now.” Motoko-san said. “But I can live with that. Still, Fujiwara-sama believes in the value of Akio-sensei and so do we, right Natsumi?” as Natsumi agreed with her Motoko-san continued. “I believe any such disdain will be short-lived. And honestly, as well as being strong, he is rather handsome and charming. He even has a Charm statistic, whatever that entails, right?” Motoko-san was a little flushed, remembering. “He has wealth, easily equalling some of the Three-Hundred, and his manners, while unrefined, can be trained. His fiancées already, well… Shaeula-sensei will be no issue, she is royalty, even if of a kind we had never dreamed existed. Eri-senpai… well, she is the jealous type, but if we could win her over… besides… I believe I understand Fujiwara-sama’s intent, as presumptuous as that is to say.”

“Go on.” Hinata was interested. I have my thoughts on the subject too. It’s a cause for hesitation… still…

“Bringing this power into the hands of the nobility is vital, and we are the sacrifices.” She smiled. “Though is it truly a sacrifice if we get what we wanted? The three grandfathers have worried about finding a suitable marriage for me, and I am not the heir to Tsumura house, as my brother is, so I can be offered, and made happy at the same time, able to continue my family arts in a way that may even help the cause. As for you… you want status, right? To stand equal to Sakura-sama and Mayumi-sama? Well at first it may seem impossible, but… either Oshiro house will rise to prominence as the leader of this new world, or… more likely, he will marry one of the daughters of the three great houses too. If I had to guess, perhaps Sakura-sama, your cousin. After all, Takatsukasa house has legacy, but they are a bottomless pit of money and effort to stabilise. You know this well.”

Yes, that’s the only reason my mother married my father. The dowry and financial support from Nichibotsu has kept them afloat, but we can’t provide endless wealth ourselves. Mother is particularly worried for her brother and niece… but if he marries Sakura… “That would be even worse! I’ll be relegated to a mere concubine, a mistress. I will have no influence or respect at all!” Hinata declared angrily, not realising what she had revealed by her words. Everyone else noticed though, especially Kazumi, who looked pained but resigned.

“Hardly. You can know a person through their martial skills.” Motoko-san said, and Natsumi agreed brightly. “That’s right! There’s no darkness in his heart, I can tell!”

“Besides.” Motoko-san continued. “You’ve seen it. He treats a princess the same as a common girl. At least with Akio-sensei, I believe anyone he loves will be treated fairly, be they Sakura-sama, a daughter of Fujiwara house, a bodyguard, or you.”

Yes, I get that. I do. “Maybe. But it isn’t like I’m planning to marry him. It’s just something that Fujiwara-sama suggested to my father. He’s not convinced, and neither is mother. Grandfather doesn’t care so much about the nobility, he’d be happy so long as I was, and Hiroto… well, that idiot thinks with his lust. He likes Akio-kun because he has beautiful girlfriends. He thinks he’s a womaniser just like him!” she paused for breath, her brother’s annoying grin when marriage talks came up needling her. Just because I found Akio-kun handsome when we first met, and he’s got more attractive since… uh, never mind. “Mother has been trying to find me other matches, but other than the Three-Hundred, nothing of value has been proposed except for some Takatsukasa branch families, which defeats the whole point if we are just absorbed back into the main house…  so when this came up… I think they see it as a gamble that might pay off, and if it doesn’t it will earn us goodwill with Fujiwara-sama, so at least Hiroto should get a good match out of gratitude.” She snorted at that, bitter at the way women were treated as commodities. I envy that Eri girl and Shaeula for getting to marry who they love…

“You do understand then. I was worried for you.” Motoko-san smiled. “Your brother is wrong. Akio-sensei seems to be quite the loyal man. I do not believe he will marry us simply for political or financial gain. There are other things he can offer for the support of our families, and he is not used to the ways of nobility, sealing important alliances through marriage and shared bloodlines. Hence why we had to beg, right Natsumi?”

“Indeed, Motoko-san.” Natsumi said triumphantly. “We had to make it clear, that we intend to compete for his love and why. It may be because it is a chance for us to live happily, doing what we love, while still satisfying our commitments to family and the nobility, but… I think I like him well enough. So… I’d like to see if I can love him, and he me… no, us.” She blushed, looking at Motoko-san. “It may be rude of me, a mere bodyguard…”

“You are no mere bodyguard.” Motoko-san denied. “You are my friend, my pupil and I see you as a sister. So speak freely.”

“… Motoko-san,  I see you as a sister too!” she cried, emotional. “So… loving the same man, living together, raising our children to be warriors, sons and daughters both. It’s a dream I want to reach for!”

“Indeed, I feel the same. But it will not be easy. Unless we win his heart he will not consider us, and we also need to win over Eri-senpai. Shaeula-sensei is supporting us, it seems. As a princess, she understands the merits of concubines and secondary wives, no doubt. Still, Hinata-san, you are right. We have spent barely any time with him yet, nor with his women. But… that is merely an issue of time. As long as we have intent we can overcome that. I too, though I have known him for only moments, feel like he is someone that could become special to me. Perhaps it is just that I am so starved for praise, for anyone who will affirm my choices, but… I do not dislike him, not at all.”

“Indeed, we are going to a party, are we not? I wonder what a commoner gathering will be like?” Natsumi giggled. “In any case, we can spend time with Shaeula-sensei, Eri-senpai and their friends. That will show us more of who they are, and we can listen to tales of Akio-senpai. What better way to learn?”

Bodyguards as sisters, huh? How do I feel about Kazumi? With that as just one of the unanswered questions, Hinata noticed that the girls and Akio-kun were starting to stir. ”Looks like time is up. I wonder where they went, what this Boundary is like…” she sighed. “I still am not convinced, and think your desperation to carry on your family arts and avoid a marriage that ends that is making you reckless, but… I’ll admit Akio-kun has me curious. It can’t hurt to find out more. Nothing is set in stone yet…”

I mean, I could certainly do worse, I thought it possible I might end up a mistress to a high-ranking noble, or a wife of a lower one. Still, I want to make my own choices, get what I want. With that, I can agree with Motoko-san… Smiling reassuringly at Kazumi, who was showing a troubled expression after the frank conversation she felt she wasn’t qualified to hear, the girls waited for their teachers and seniors to awaken from their mysterious slumber. Besides, at least life would certainly never be boring…

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