On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Fifty-Six – Mori Eri

Side Fifty-Six – Mori Eri

I looked at the four girls who accompanied Akio out of the helicopter. Two of them I recognised a little, though I had only met them very briefly. The girl in a very pretty and stylish school uniform was that rich heiress. Fukumoto-san, right? Her bodyguard was there too, but I couldn’t remember her name. I suppose it isn’t out of the question for Akio and Shaeula to work with them, Akio did say he wanted to make alliances. But who are the other two?

They were wearing hakama, which was unusual for girls of their age, unless they were martial artists. They don’t look like that though, they are pretty and elegant. They give off a very high-class aura. Eri resisted the urge to look down and away from reality. To think only a few minutes ago I was planning this evening’s party with everyone, looking forward to seeing Akio and Shaeula again… no, I trust Akio. He promised me… Shaeula, she might act up, but even so, Akio will keep her in check. I’m not a little girl anymore, hiding from what I don’t want to see. I’m a woman, and a warrior. After all, in the Boundary, I’ve swung my axe again and again, I’ve been injured and pushed aside the pain… I’ve made my resolve to stand by his side no matter what.

“Hey, Ri-Ri?” Yae-san said, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Akio, the new girls and the helicopter, which was taking off, heading elsewhere. “So… what’s going on? Why has Aki come by helicopter and brought more beautiful girls? They look really rich and important.”

“Should you be worried?” Rika-san giggled. “Looks like your number of rivals keeps increasing. Shaeula is bad enough…”

I don’t have any rivals. I’m his first wife, and his childhood friend. This is just a trial I have to overcome, that’s all. Before Eri could answer the two annoying gals, Fukumoto-san and her bodyguard had approached her.

“So we meet again.” Fukumoto-san said, giving a polite and refined bow. “I do hope you haven’t forgotten me?”

“So you know this girl, huh?” one of the couple of boys that had come to Aiko’s house to help carry supplies for the party to the café said, approaching. As he did so, the bodyguard stepped between Fukumoto-san and the interloper, her expression cold.

“Back off. Hinata-sama does not speak to unknown men. Know your place!”

“Onoue-san, I appreciate you want to keep Hinata-san safe from trouble, and as a noble daughter she has her reputation to think of, but it’s going to be really hard this weekend if you are always so on edge.” Akio stepped up and interceded with a smile that made my heart skip a beat. Somehow he looks even more handsome and confident than ever. And tomorrow… I get to spend all day with him!

“Wow, you’re so pretty! And that unform is so cool, I wish ours was that stylish!” Aiko came barrelling in, derailing the conversation. Yeah, our school unfirms are rather boring. I wonder though… maybe I should wear it for Akio? I hear guys like that kind of thing…

“Yes, I am pretty.” Fukumoto-san agreed, giving Aiko a long look. After a moment she asked “Am I right in thinking you are Akio-kun’s sister?”

Akio-kun? That’s rather close when they only met a week ago…

Aiko was thinking the same. “Akio-kun, huh? So, are you good friends then? Just where did my bro pick you up from? I hope you know he already has a girlfriend…”

At the word girlfriend Fukumoto-san looked away, a touch red, which was very suspicious. “I know, I’m aware of… his girlfriends” Japanese wasn’t explicit with plurals, but the way her eyes took in Shaeula as well, I realised she knew more than most. Which was somewhat annoying, but I had resolved to be more trusting, so…

Before I could respond further, Aiko was accosted by the other two girls. They quickly approached and bowed deeply and respectfully in martial arts fashion. “Oshiro-senpai, our greetings. We are most grateful for the opportunity to study this weekend under our senior. Please do take care of us.”

“Wow, what? I’m confused, but… sure… well, please call me Aiko. Oshiro-senpai seems so wrong. Yuck.”

“So you do know her then.” Yae-san repeated, and Eri held in a sigh.

“Yes, this is Fukumoto-san. She’s the granddaughter of the owner of Nichibotsu Technology. She lives in Tokyo. We met her over dinner one time…”

“Wait, that Nichibotsu?” one of the boys asked. “Like… TV’s, Computers, Musical Instruments?”

“Indeed. My grandfather built up the company from nothing to one of the powerhouses of Japan, no, the world!” Fukumoto-san bragged, though she did it to the girls, not engaging with the boys, her bodyguard still keeping them at a distance.

“Shit…” the other boy swore. “… and are you coming to the party? Damn..”

“What party?” Fukumoto-san asked, puzzled.

“It’s Eri’s birthday party. Her birthday isn’t until tomorrow, but she’ll want to spend that day with Akio.” Aiko laughed. “I guess you are welcome if you want to come?”

The boys were texting away furiously, no doubt spreading the news of some gorgeous new girls having appeared, but that wasn’t the problem. I saw Akio wince, before smoothing his expression into a smile, and I then realised the big problem. Mom and mother-in-law Emily are here…

“Hi mom, auntie.” Akio said. “Sorry for the flashy entrance, it wasn’t planned.”

“I see. It was quite the shock, seeing a helicopter drop down pretty much right next door. And who should come out of it but my son. Shaeula we know…” she waved at the clearly delighted Shaeula, who was revelling in the chaos. I’ll have to have more words with her later… “But these other girls… you shouldn’t be collecting girls when you have Eri-chan already, you bad boy. Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

“It isn’t like that, I promise.” Akio said, wilting under the fierce gaze of my mother. “This is to do with business, nothing more. Anyway, this is Fukumoto Hinata-san and her bodyguard Onoue Kazumi-san.” At that introduction they gave perfect greetings, clearly tickling auntie Emily’s fancy.

“And these two are Tsumura Motoko-san and her bodyguard, Hori Natsumi-san. They are young ladies, but they have a keen interest in traditional martial arts.”

“Indeed. I am honoured to meet the mother and sister of Oshiro-sensei. I am charmed to make your acquaintance.”

“So, you teach martial arts now?” my mom said to Akio, weighing the girls up. “I don’t quite know what to say…”

“Indeed. My grandfather, the honourable Tsumura Katsuro, Minister for Defence, was so impressed that he accepted my request to study under him. I am also excited to work with Mori Eri-senpai and … Aiko-senpai.”

Me? Now I’m even more confused, but at least Akio isn’t leaving me out. But what will mom think?

“Minister for Defence? Your father is a politician?” at the affirmation she received, my mom shrugged it off. “Wait, that isn’t important right now. You want to learn from my little Eri? Martial arts? My little girl? That makes no sense…”

“Look, this is all very messy. But… well, we have a lot to talk about.” Akio seemed resigned. “Mom, auntie. Can you let father and uncle know I want to talk to everyone? I’ll take us out to the pub, my treat.”

“I see.” Mom looked at me, then back at Akio. “That sounds… ominous. I do hope you aren’t going to tell me anything I don’t want to hear. Little Eri has been so happy, smiling every day… if you break her heart…”

“MOM!” I shouted, embarrassed. Rika-san and Yae-san were laughing at me, while Aiko looked sympathetic. Sure, life is wonderful right now, but… so embarrassing!

Akio was as embarrassed as me, but he bravely faced my mom head on. “Well, whether you want to hear it or not I don’t know… but I’m a little hurt. I love Eri. I’m not going to do something like cast her aside now. I do have some… difficulties… but Eri and I will face them together. On that note…” he changed the subject. “I was hoping I could stay over at your place this weekend, auntie. If so we can make enough room for the girls to stay at my house.”

“I see. Well, I’ll leave it at that for now.” mom said. “So, staying over? Yes, that’s fine. I’m sure my little girl will be happy too.” She smiled, though it was a bit hesitant and frosty.

Yes, I would be happy. Sharing a room with Akio again… I could feel a smile on my face.

“So, you want these girls to stay here?” Auntie Emily looked nervous. “I welcome cute girls, but… we can’t offer much hospitality I’m afraid. Rich girls like you might be uncomfortable…”

“We have resolved ourselves.” The martial arts girl, Tsumura-san said. “It will be educational as well, to see how the citizens of Japan live.”

Ugh, the way she says that hammers home how different they are in terms of money and status. But… I’m not ordinary anymore either.

Auntie Emily looked at Akio pleadingly, but he simply walked over and patted her on the shoulder, surprising her. “You’ll get used to these crazy happenings. I’ll explain a bit more when we go out, so for now… can you just go with it? They are all good girls, I promise.”

I didn’t enjoy him calling them good girls, but Shaeula was nodding, so I could trust her and Akio. And if they aren’t and are mean to me… well, Akio won’t let them, and I’m no cowardly pushover… no, I’m a warrior now!

“Sorry to be a pain.” Akio turned to Rika-san, Yae-san and the other few who had come to hep us prepare. “Can you leave Eri and Aiko with me for a little while? I know you are looking forward to the party, don’t worry, I’ll help make it worthwhile.”

Akio smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat. Blushing, I nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry, can you all handle taking care of the preparations?” I clapped my hands together in apology. The boys looked flustered, and I was pleased I was so charming, before I put them out of my mind. It’s nice to be appreciated, but I only care what our families and Shaeula thinks of me…

“Sure thing little Ri-Ri.” Yae-san said. “But we want all the details later, all right?”

“Thanks for being so understanding.” Akio said, and at that she looked happy. Annoying. She should find a boyfriend and stop flirting with Akio. He isn’t interested.

“All right, Aki.” Mother-in-law said, leading my mom away. “I’ll speak to Taichi and Junpei. We’ll see you later. I hope… no, never mind. I trust you.”

At that everyone else left, until remaining with me was Akio, Shaeula, Aiko and the four new girls.

“All right then.” Akio said. “We need a bit of privacy. And maybe something more… how about we head to the shrine?”

I nodded. Reaching out I took his hand, feeling Akio’s warmth. It’s fine. Everything’s fine. When I’m with him… nothing else matters. Besides… I found myself smiling again. I’ve done things he can be proud of. I can hardly wait to show him my progress!

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