On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Forty-One – Mori Eri

Side Forty-One – Mori Eri

“Wow, gym class first thing on a Monday is brutal. Whoever organised this schedule is a sadist.” Aiko complained, doing her warm-up stretches in her gym clothes. In her white t-shirt and shorts with blue piping and the school crest on the chest, she looked very sporty.

Gym class

“Seriously.” I had to hold in a giggle. “You love gym class, Aiko. Other than English it’s your best subject by far!” I was doing my own stretches, along with all the other girls around us. Over on the other side of the track, the boys were doing likewise. At least gym class was separated by gender in our school, or I’d have really struggled.

“Yeah, that’s right!” Rika-san piped up in support. “You are one of the top athletes in class, complaining about it seems rather unfair.”

Yae-san and several other girls nodded agreement. Aiko had the grace to look embarrassed, but even so she continued stretching, her lean muscles working in her arms and legs. “Yeah sure, I like moving my body, but first thing on a Monday morning? Come on… Besides, we had a pretty busy weekend, didn’t we Eri?”

Please tell me I’m not blushing. My face feels hot. Around me some of the girls started giggling, and I wilted a little under their scrutiny, before steeling myself and forcing a smile. Or was I forcing it? You know, this attention is nothing, compared to the look Shaeula’s brother gave me, an arrow pointed at me, the clash of battle, seeing Akio and Shaeula hurt. Next to that, the stares of a few classmates is easy to bear. Besides, what do I have to fear?

“It was very eventful.” I said proudly, puffing out my chest. “In more ways than one. Still, I’m now more full of energy than ever!” I did a cute fist-pump, and the laughter which seemed a little mocking before to my ears turned brighter, more cheerful.

“I saw some of the pictures.” Yae-san pouted, and I got a brief thrill at the look of jealousy that crossed her face. “That restaurant looked super fancy. And who were the girls you met there? They looked rich, little Ri-Ri.”

“Oh you wouldn’t believe it, but I don’t think I should tell you just who she was. when you are with Akio, who knows who you’ll run into? Every day is just magical.”

“Speaking of magical, it’s your birthday in a few weeks, right Eri?” Aiko butted in. “I know Akio and Shaeula will be coming to celebrate, but just what are you going to do? I mean, it’d be nice to have a party right?”

I had thought a bit about it, but I had other concerns, such as what I was going to do tonight… before I could speak the gym teacher, an older woman, came over and broke up our chatting.

“All right you lot, less chatter, more effort. Five laps today.” At that groans echoed. Five? It’s normally three… “All right, all right. hurry it up, the boys will be going after you all so don’t keep them waiting.”

“Great, I hope that they aren’t just sitting there watching us…” one girl complained and I knew how she felt. Still, again, the eyes of some annoying boys meant nothing, just like they meant nothing. From an early age I realised Akio was the only one who was worth anything. Besides, now…

“I know you hate this, Mori-san, but at least do your best.” The teacher interrupted my thoughts, a kind expression on her face, “At least manage three laps, all right? When everyone else has finished you can stop.”

Oh yeah. I am almost always last, aren’t I? Exercise had never really been my thing, I left that to Aiko. I was always happier with a book in hand, or quietly watching. Just like Akio. Still, as he has changed, so have I… Even so, her consideration, while normally welcome, now only served to embarrass me. I could do better. I would do better…

Nodding my thanks, the teacher grinned wryly, knowing I was a girl of few words, unless alone with Akio or Aiko. Or Shaeula now too, I guess. Though really, I was even talking to other girls in class a lot more these past few weeks… we all lined up on the start-line, and as the teacher clapped everyone started running, keeping up a quick but steady pace, Aiko and her fellow members of the sports clubs leading.

All right then. Might as well get this over with. Working my slim legs I pushed through the crowd, approaching the front. Some of the girls shot me surprised looks as I passed them, but soon I was next to Aiko, who wasn’t even breathing hard yet.

“Oh hey Eri. Don’t burn yourself out, teacher will be annoyed if you don’t even finish three laps.”

“I think I’ll manage.” I replied, a small smile on my face. “I’ve felt great since … well, you know.”

“Thankfully, I don’t know.” Aiko pouted. “And I’m not going to listen to any details, I was traumatised enough that time in Las Vegas. La-la-la, I can’t hear you!” Aiko put her hands over her ears as she was running, and I started to laugh uncontrollably.

“Careful little Ri-Ri.” Rika-san said from behind me. I had never really thought about it, but for such a flashy girl, she was actually pretty sporty. “Got to keep your breathing steady else you’ll burn out. Why don’t you drop back a bit? No point trying too hard and hurting yourself.”

“And that’s why Akio never looked at you or Yae-san.” I scoffed. “Akio is all about going past his limits and trying harder than anyone.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you then.” Rika-san shrugged, a touch annoyed, which amused me, though I kept my face impassive.

As we passed the first lap I was still feeling fine. Normally, even at a steady pace I’d be feeling weak and short of breath, my leg muscles burning, but now… The fruits of my love with Akio. But it is a little hollow. I regret nothing, of course, but Akio earned his strength, and gave me mine... I want to earn mine too, so that he can be proud of me, hold me close and tell me I’ve done well, and that he’s pleased. Otherwise I’ll never match up to Shaeula.

Throughout the second lap I exchanged small talk with Aiko and the surrounding girls, while pondering my plan for later tonight. I wasn’t jealous of Shaeula and Akio, not… well, maybe a little, but what I was jealous of was that she had the drive to succeed, to grow stronger and stand at his side. I wouldn’t be a woman, wouldn’t be me, if I just let that slide…

Halfway through lap three my muscles were starting to tighten a bit, the first signs of strain in my lungs. Still, I felt I could go on. As we passed the end of the third lap the teacher jogged alongside us, fixing me with a surprised, yet concerned look.

“Mori-san, you’ve done three laps, you can take a break if you want.” She was worried, and it touched me a little, even if it was annoying. “You’ve really outdone yourself, don’t throw it away now by causing yourself an injury.”

“I thank you for your concern.” I said amidst deep breaths. “But don’t worry. You were watching the baseball game, right teacher? Well, I’ve been doing a little training with my fiancée and just like him I’m improving all the time!” Oh gods, even now, saying Akio is my fiancée makes me feel all warm inside…

“I see. Well, still, just don’t overdo it, all right? You wouldn’t want him to worry about you, would you?” the teacher sighed. “Seriously though, I think Oshiro-san has a great future as a sports coach if he can whip you into shape this quickly, Mori-san.”

“No way, that’s my dream, big bro can’t steal it too!” Aiko protested, and everyone laughed.

Well, one thing is true. I promised I’d be careful. So tonight… no mistakes. By my own hand, I’ll prove I’m fit to stand with him…




“Who would have thought you had it in you?” Yae-san slapped me on the back, and I scowled a little, only for everyone, girls and boys alike, to start laughing. There always seemed to be an abundance of laughter around me nowadays. It was still hard to get used to, but… I do like it. more than I thought I would. Even those two idiots don’t annoy me like they used to. Maybe I’ve grown up? Well, I am a woman, not a girl now, I suppose.

“Shit, Mori-san, your time was actually decent.” one of the boys said. It turned out that while they were doing long jump and high jump they were watching all us girls run. Of course they were. Boys love looking at girls. Even Akio… he has a bit of a wandering eye. I trust him of course, but Shaeula… her I have to watch. I’ve no idea why she seems so keen on forcing women on him. Still, I guess I trust her too… she won’t jeopardise what we have.

“Yeah, but you still suck at other sports, right?” Rika-san interjected, to more laugher. “It was a relief to see you bomb at high jump so bad. Still, your long jump was way better than normal too. Seriously, does getting laid really improve your…”

This time I know I’m turning scarlet. I reached out a hand to block her mouth, and after some struggles she tapped on my arm, admitting defeat.

“I give, I give. Sorry Ri-Ri! But you know you love bragging about it, don’t you?”

Well, I don’t want to be immodest but… sometimes I want to shout from the rooftops that I’m in love, that I’m loved, that life is perfect… oh, speaking of…

The perverted duo was listening in, disgusting looks on their faces. That reminded me, I had promised Akio to pass on a message. They seemed surprised as I strolled over to their desks, everyone watching me, waiting to see what I would do. One of them tried to hide the magazine he was reading, and I caught a brief glance of it. It was degenerate stuff, to be sure.

“Uhh, Mori-chan, what…”

I glared at him as he called me Mori-chan, and he swallowed, rephrasing. “Mori-san, I mean, of course, of course. It isn’t like you to approach us…”

“Well, it wouldn’t be, would it. But, I just wanted to tell you two things. Firstly, you know, you were right. Men do like it. A lot. Akio sure did.”

“I… don’t get what you are saying?” the other of the duo stuttered.

“Sure you do. You all do as well, right?” I looked around at the surrounding girls, feeling a sweet rush as I had the two trembling beneath my gaze like I was a snake. “You went on at length several times, about how it was the dream of every man to have a cute schoolgirl… well…” I raised my hand to my mouth, stuck out my tongue and made a crude gesture. If Akio could see me now, I think he’d laugh…

You could hear a pin drop in the room, the silence was so absolute. The duo were frozen, mouths agape.

“O.M.G wowowowowowowow.” Aiko went scarlet, realising just what I had meant.

“Seriously, Mori-san, you’ve changed.” One of the other boys laughed, breaking the frozen moment, and suddenly everyone was chattering and joking. I flushed, but even so, I wasn’t done.

“The second thing I wanted to tell you two was… you do know It’s my birthday in a couple of weeks, right?”

“Yeah, I think I heard that.” One said, and the other suddenly perked up, looking hopeful.

Seriously, what a moron. You think I’d invite you anywhere? If I had to talk to any of the boys in class, you two would be dead last. Hell, you two would somehow manage to get below last on the list…

“Well, Akio is coming to celebrate with me, and he told me to tell you…” I lowered my voice, causing everyone to lean in. Damn, this is fun. I’m still a bit nervous, but… “… that you should be prepared for the consequences of polluting my ears with your filthy talk. Be ready.”

At that the two went white, and with the scraping of their chairs on the floor they bolted upright, fleeing the classroom, in haste knocking their disgusting comic book out onto the floor, pages spreading open. I gave it a glance and sneered. “Yeah, they have awful taste, don’t they? Real romance makes that garbage look like nothing.”

“I never thought I’d see the day.” Yae-san was laughing so hard I feared her make-up would crack. “Little Ri-Ri has turned into the class bully. Seriously, about before, you are having a party right? There’s nothing else fun to do around here…”

“Yeah, seriously, we should do something fun!” someone else agreed, and before long everyone was talking over each other.

Well I was hoping to spend all my time with Akio and Shaeula, but…

“Yeah, I think we should do something.” Aiko drew everyone’s attention. “I know Eri is desperate for more lovey-dovey time with my bro, but even so, we should have time to hang out with everyone, right?”

After much discussion we agreed to rent out the café for a few hours for a get-together, and somehow I had even agreed to a sleepover, though there would be no boys there of course. Only Akio was allowed to see me in my sleepwear!

“All right, all right, settle down!” the teacher walked in. “Time for English class to start. Wait, where are those two idiots? Not skipping class, I hope?”

Great, English class. I can practice my exercises. I glanced over at Aiko, and her eyes were closed. I bet she is doing it as well. Poor Aiko. It’s harder for you. but I believe in you. I can hardly wait until you can see the same world I saw… together with Akio, Shaeula, everyone else…



“You sure about this? There isn’t a rush, you know.” Aiko held my hand as I lay down comfortably inside the small bedroom of Chairoakitara shrine. “You can wait for big bro to come and help you…”

“I could. But I don’t want to.” I insisted. “You get that, right? We promised we wouldn’t rely on him for everything anymore.”

“I get it, but…” Aiko was in her archery gear. We didn’t have a lot of time before I had to be home, so we had come here straight after her practice. “… I’m worried, okay? I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Well, I don’t want to be hurt either.” I reassured her. “But I can’t compromise on this. I’ve told you about what happened, right? I want to be their strength. But you don’t have to be here, you know?”

“Oh, of course not.” Aiko shook her head. “I’m really going to leave you sleeping defencelessly here all alone. If something bad was to happen to you… you know how sad we’d be. I’d never be able to face my bro again, either…”

I squeezed her hand, tearing up a little. Aiko was such a good friend. My best friend. “Nothing will happen. But even so… it’s reassuring to have you here.”

“I’ll work harder too. I think I’m close, I really do…” Aiko pouted.

“I know you are.” I replied kindly. Closing my eyes I felt the bubbling energy within my body. Concentrating, trying to recapture the feeling of when I had entered before, I felt my consciousness shift… and opening my eyes I found myself in a strange, richly decorated space, the weight of chainmail armour and two swords pulling down at me. Looking around in glee I wanted to jump for joy. I did it!

As I marvelled at my success a door opened, and I turned, grabbing at my sword, as I saw quite the wonderous sight. Several large dogs were dragging an ornate brown cushion, tooled with silver and gold kanji, and upon it was sitting a brown dog, with golden eyes, wearing a strange cloth hat that dangled down with silver tassels on either side.

Ugh, dogs. I agree with Akio, they are scary. Still, this one isn’t a real dog, it’s a god, a kami, right?

“Grr, welcome, child of our shrine. One who was nearly wounded by my negligence in years gone by. I have been watching you, and awaiting your arrival, mate of the one who shall lead this shrine back to glory.”

Akio’s mate, huh? It sounds dirty, I prefer fiancée, no, wife is better! Still, that wasn’t important. Bowing slightly, still unable to shake her disgust of dogs, I spoke. “Good evening, great kami. I have come here to train, so that I might better stand at Akio’s side. But he said I couldn’t go alone. So he hoped you would send some of your attendants to aid me as I defeated suitable enemies.” This sounds just like a game, but I know it isn’t. My hand tightened on the hilt of my sword.

“I see. That we can do, for his support has aided us with our foes.” The dog let out a howl, and several pony-sized dogs loped in. Ugh, somehow now it’s worse…

“Grr, guard well this child of our shrine, and guide her to those she can defeat. Go now.”

Well, too late to back out now. I’m starting to feel a bit sick though…



“Ow, that hurts…” I struck out clumsily with the katana I was wielding, feeling a shock run through my arms as it cut into the strange flesh of the large deer-creature that had rushed at me. Still, the blow was not deep enough, and even as the dogs pinned it down under their burly paws, it managed to rake my arm with its antlers. Bruises sprang up on my flesh, and droplets of blood leaked free. Damn, that hurts…

“Still, if it is only of this level, Shaeula didn’t falter. Akio didn’t falter, even when he set himself on fire. Ungh!” I grunted ferociously, wrenching the blade free and striking once more. This time the deer let out a cry, before dissolving into a rainbow sea of orbs which drifted away. I need to top up…

Drawing in what I could with the methods Shaeula taught me, I felt the dwindling stock of energy, this aether, inside me start to grow once more. I think … I think I’m getting stronger. At least, it feels that way…

“I wonder how long I’ve been here. It seems like hours, but I remember Akio saying time is faster here, so… I probably still have a bit more time.” Turning to her guardian dogs, I asked them to take me to more enemies.

“As you wish.” One barked, and they led me up the mountains. The sky sure is strange, yet beautiful. The terrain too. I had been on this mountain with Akio and Aiko, stargazing, many a time. But now the forest was more.. alive… strange wispy creatures and warped animals everywhere. I engaged and defeated several more, before a strange noise started echoing out.

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Creak… Crunch.

Wait, is that…? Living in the wilderness, the sounds were familiar. It sounded a bit like someone chopping down a tree. But would beasts do that?

Cautiously I crept closer, through the tangled undergrowth, wincing a little as thorns pulled at my skin. The noises started up again, and soon I could see the source. It was… a zombie? Yuck, that is disgusting.

It was wearing a ragged logging uniform, dead flesh exposed by many rips within it, and the eyeless head was staring at a fallen tree. In its hands it clutched a long-handled axe, the head gleaming bright and silver under the dark aurorae of the Boundary skies. It looked wickedly sharp. Maybe I should go… if that hits me, I won’t just get a few bruises…

Gesturing to the dogs we started to retreat, only to have the zombie suddenly turn, eyeless head staring at me balefully, dark blue sparks within. Oh no…

The zombie let out a terrible cry, shaking the mountains, and began to rush at me, disturbingly fast. Damn, damn, damn! I panicked, backpedalling, the dogs on either side of me. Still, the zombie was faster, which seemed uncharacteristically unfair. In a panic I swung my katana, only for the axe to slash through it, sending metal shards everywhere. Blood ran down my leg where one sharp piece had skimmed me, and as a dog swung a paw to deflect the zombie, it was cut, blood splashing, and the hound staggered back, whimpering.

Wait, what…? I found myself having a moment of frozen clarity, my fear forgotten. In my hand was just the hilt of her katana, the blade destroyed. But… but Akio gifted me this…

The zombie was engaging the other dog, which had bit down hard on the axe-arm, halting its movements. I drew the thin-bladed stabbing sword Akio had also given me, and with a thrust plunged it into the zombie’s exposed back again and again. Still, it was the wrong sort of weapon for this foe.

“You bastard. That was mine!” I hissed, still stabbing, only for the zombie to break free from the dog and turn. The arm was ripped clean off in a welter of vile gore, but even so, it was still dangerous, jagged yellow teeth and cruel long nails easily lethal.

Tinkle. I was looking down at my second destroyed sword, the thin blade snapping, shards raining down musically. No way… that…



“Hah. Hah. Hah. Ugh… so… so tired.” I panted, coming back to myself. Sparks of blue light were circling me, gradually bring drawn into my body. In my hands was a heavy weight, and I looked down to see myself holding an axe, the silvery head slick with blood. Below her the zombie was dissolving, more and more blue energy leaving it.

“Grr, I think… it is dead. Are you well, girl?” one dog asked, and I remembered what had just happened. At the destruction of my second sword I had let out a bitter yell, ducking under the slashing claws and grabbing the fallen axe. I had then proceeded to hack away at the zombie recklessly until it collapsed, and even then my blows didn’t stop…

I saw red I guess… well, no, actually it seemed more kind of… blue? As the energy cycled me, being slowly absorbed, I remembered the jokes Shaeula had made about me being a woman of darkness. Looking around, I could see faint flecks of blue in the clearing, all drifting towards me. It was beautiful, but at the same time, rather frightening.

I’m still mad that the gifts Akio made for me got destroyed, but he did say they were only temporary… Ugh, I overreacted. I did. I don’t want to be that sort of woman. Maybe.. maybe it was all this darkness element? Maybe… I bit my lip, frustrated. If I’m going to be of use to Akio, I have to keep a cool head. But this is my first day… maybe it’s understandable I lost my cool?

Turning to the silent dogs, one of which was trembling a little, I hoisted the axe up onto my shoulder, feeling the comforting weight. “I think I’ve done enough for today. Thank you for your service…”


I opened my eyes, only to see a concerned Aiko looking down on me. As I moved I winced, skin stinging. Looking down, the arms under my uniform sleeves were covered in fading bruises and minor abrasions, droplets of blood staining my clothes.

“Are you all right? I was really worried.” Aiko asked, and I forced a smile.

“Yeah, though… there were a few issues. Before I try that again, I need to… well, I need to get my head right. Sorry if I worried you, Aiko.”

“Wow, damn right I was worried. Bruises and cuts kept appearing on your body, it was really scary!”

I pulled her down on top of me, and as she squealed in surprise, I gripped her in a hug, ignoring my throbbing body. “I’ll do better.” I whispered in her ear. “And when you are finally ready to join me, at least I can show you the ropes!”

“Cheeky!” Aiko protested, returning my hug. “Just… I hope you’ll try not to get hurt in future, all right!”

“Silly, I was hardly trying to get injured.”

“Well, so.. did you get stronger?” Aiko asked, eyes curious now that I had awoken safely.

“I’m not Akio, so I can’t say for sure, but… I think so!”

I’m sure of it in fact. I’ve defeated a lot of enemies, even with help, and at the end there I was swinging that heavy axe over and over again… I hate that what Akio gave me got broken, but that’ll just make me more determined to never lose a gift from him again. The engagement ring was still on my finger, though this was the plain band for school use. Raising it to my lips I kissed it gently, ignoring Aiko’s mocking giggles. I’m a step closer. Akio. Shaeula. Wait for me. I’ll be beside you soon!

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