On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Seventy-Nine – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

Side Seventy-Nine – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

Back in the Material, Shiro cried out, pain surging through her, far more intense than in the Boundary. The groan that came from her lips was piteous, and as she whimpered she realised Aki was there, scooping her up into his arms, and suddenly a warming surge flooded into her, reducing the pain from unbearable agony to merely savagely painful. As she gasped hoarsely, she realised her clothes, the clothes Aki had bought her, were soaked with blood. So much blood. Damn, I’m in bad shape. After all that, am I still going to die?

“Sorry, Aki. Guess I ruined the clothes you bought me…” she managed, before having to clamp her teeth shut to hold in another cry. Half her vision was dark, and it was confusing her senses, and her arm dangled limply, completely dead. “… sorry for… making such stupid noises too. Not much of a princess now, am… I?”

“No, but… you don’t need to be. Just be Shiro.” Aki said, and she could feel his arms around her, and still feel the bond they shared. Lovers’ Link, huh? Seems a weird power, but… I guess it’s pretty much like Aki. Stupid, but kind… “As for the clothes, when you are better, I’ll buy you as many as you want. There’s so much I’d like to see you wearing. So many places to go. So many battles we’ll have to fight together. So hold on, please!”

He sounded on the verge of tears, which was stupid, as they had just been through this same situation moments ago in that strange land called the Boundary. Even so, it left her heart feeling warm, matching the pain that surged through her torn flesh. He had his phone out and had called someone, asking for a helicopter for transport to a military hospital. I guess Aki really is connected. I mean, he’s not a liar so I didn’t doubt him, but… deals with the Prime Minister? Shit, Aki’s hit the big time.

“… yeah, I’m doing field first-aid, but her condition is terrible.” Aki was saying. “We’ll need a blood transfusion, probably. Which blood type? I’ll check… Shiro, what’s your blood type?”

She managed a rusty grin. “Of course it’s B! I’m passionate and creative, but I’m also selfish. Just…” she groaned, teeth clenched, taking a long breath before she could finish. “… like a princess.”

“She’s B.” he declared. “Great. We are at…” he rattled off the address. “… I’ll send up a flare when you are closer. There’s no time to waste.”

A flare? “So… guess I’m no prettier here now…” she croaked. “I can’t really process it right now, but…”

“It doesn’t matter!” he declared firmly. “Whatever you look like, however you feel, we’re engaged. And we’ll be married. I refuse to allow anything else. Besides…” he spoke gently. “I don’t want to give false hope. It must be hard on you, and…” he trailed off, and her remaining dark eye could see the pained emotions in his steel grey ones, unshed tears glimmering. I’ve always thought his eyes looked kind of cool, but now I’m seeing them up close, they look kind of hot too. Or is that just because I see Aki that way now? “… the world is full of abilities we are only just scratching the surface of. I’ll move heaven, earth, hell, outer space, anything and everything until I find a way to heal you. Shaeula and the others will help too. They’ll welcome you as a sister, I promise! You’ll like them all!”

“I see.” She rattled. “Guess you really want my gorgeous looks back. I can’t say I blame you. Looking at me right now must be turning your…” her words were sealed with a kiss, surprising her. As his tongue entered her mouth, despite her wounds, Shiro responded, desperately seeking reassurance. I want to believe Aki doesn’t care, and I know he loves me for more than my looks, but… not loving someone just for their looks, and not caring when I’m a disgusting, mutilated cyclops is very different. But in this moment, I…

Pulling apart, allowing her to breathe, for a moment Shiro forgot the terrible pain assailing her. His eyes looked so kind. “Look, Shiro.” He said seriously. “I don’t approve of your attempt to kill yourself. I’m only fighting for a world without sacrifices. If you die, why am I even bothering? But… how can I not love you for that? How can I look down on the fruits of your noble effort? Sure, it’s a regret that you suffered wounds, but… to me, those are badges of honour. Stupid honour.” He joked, eyes sorrowful. “But honour nonetheless.” He kissed her on the lips, a fleeting touch. “So don’t think I won’t still find you attractive, or not want to make love to you.” He winked, and Shiro felt her heart race, even now. “I can’t believe you’d go to this this extent to protect your chastity! Are all princesses so determined?”

A laugh burst from her throat at that, until tears ran down her cheek, and her chest ached from something other than her wounds. “Damn, Aki. You can laugh… even at a time like this? You’ve… grown strong.”

“I have.” He agreed. “And I have to laugh, or else I’ll scream, shout and rage. But that won’t help you right now.” He shook his head, pained. “Besides. I meant it. This… this is only temporary. If it takes me a hundred years, I’ll find a way to heal you. And in the meantime, you’ll marry me. Natsumi will be excited, it’ll be more dresses for her family to make.”

Natsumi, huh? He mentioned her before…

“Hey, Tan. Can you take over for a bit? Shiro’s hurting badly…” Aki said, and Shiro felt herself shunted back a bit, her eye turning red, though she could still feel everything, though now at least it was once-removed from her, significantly duller in intensity.

“Fine. Though her body is in dire condition. If I try to exert my abilities, she will shatter.” Tan declared. In the distance Shiro could hear the thrumming of blades, something noisily approaching.

“Yeah, just numb the edge for her. You can do that, right? It’s lucky she gained those levels and is benefitting from Lovers’ Link. Her Fortitude is actually decent now, otherwise she’d have died.”

“Indeed. Fate smiled on her.” Tan agreed.

As Aki and Tan chatted, Shiro watched as a military helicopter approached. Aki raised his hand and a ball of fire shot into the sky. Some passers by were watching the approaching helicopter, surprised, and as it arrived it started hovering above, lowering down a ladder. “All right then.” Aki said, cradling her gently. “It won’t be long until we get you to a hospital. Up we go!”

As Aki hopped up the ladder at speed, while still keeping Shiro safe in his grasp, she turned her thoughts inwards. Hey, Tan? Are you there?

I am. Of course. Can you not hear me talking to him?

Damn, I know that. She would have puffed her cheeks in a pout if she was in control. Is it me or have you got a little cheeky over the last few hours? Anyway… I was just thinking. Turns out I’m not the protagonist I thought I was, am I? I’m not special after all. Looks like Aki was the one…

How foolish. You are surely special indeed. Perhaps more now than ever. Besides…

Besides…? As she was bundled into the helicopter, a medical team on standby, aghast at her injuries, Shiro waited for Tan to speak.

If he is the protagonist, then you are part of his story now. As you wished. Why else would you have defied me so, stopped me from eating him and claiming inevitable victory, forced yourself to die for him?

I wasn’t going to let you eat Aki… she was starting to lose consciousness, an army medic injecting her with anaesthetic, linking her up to IV and blood packs, Aki still holding her hand, pumping in healing warmth. I… that… was too… cruel a fate. Eating bad people, fine, but… Aki…

Sleep now, princess. I shall take care of the rest…


So, Tan… you made a deal with Aki, right? What… what did he offer? You know I won’t let you…

Again, you are being foolish. We have reached an agreement. I shall not seek to devour him, or any of those under his protection. Here. Let me show you my memory. It is easier now, for we are more closely intertwined than I had expected or wished for…

The memory flowed into her, as vivid as if she was there. Aki was standing over her shattered body, looking deadly serious, and her heart clenched as he demonstrated his care for her.

“Because Shiro’s life is above everything else. Now listen, and if you agree I think we can work together. You want to save the world, right, and help your Pantheon? Well, I’m not beholden to any. I have some gratitude for Ortlinde, sure, and I don’t repay favour with ingratitude, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go along with everything they ask. I can consider helping you out. And there’s room for more than one Astral Emperor, right?” he had said, and Tan had protested.

“Did I not say that is a recipe for disaster? Resources are finite, and one stronger is more useful than two weaker…”

“I heard you before. But I don’t believe that.” He denied her. “After all, didn’t you say your presence here is a miracle, and I have these Seeds, which is also unusual. Besides… what are your options? Don’t support me and you fail. Shiro will die…” his breath caught at that. “And I’ll try and kill you. You gain nothing.”

“I can still eat you…” Tan warned, and he had shaken his head in denial.

“You can try. And I may not be able to kill you, if you are as strong as you claim, but I bet I can damn well hurt you!” he roared. “We are wasting time. Every second is precious. If you don’t agree to help Shiro, I’m going to do my best to kill you. And if you beat me I’ll destroy myself rather than let you consume me. And if I somehow survive and you flee, I’ll track you and your Pantheon down, if it takes me an eternity! All I’m asking is you help me fix Shiro! I have skills, but her body is too fragile… dying.” Again, he bit down a sob. “You are partially bonded to her, using her as a host. Well, if we make that connection tighter, stronger…”

“It will not suffice.” Tan disagreed. “Her main chakra are on the brink of collapse. It would take skills far greater than yours to repair them.”

“Maybe so, but… what about that?” he pointed to something Shiro couldn’t see in the memory.

“My Divine Spark, just what do you…”

“All we’d need is a little. I think it would work…”

The memory faded, and Shiro was surprised. So, just what happened in the end?

In the end, he was right. It did work. I sacrificed some of my Divine Spark, and he injected it into your shattered chakras. He then, with my aid, tied my being more tightly into yours, using my network to replace the parts of yours that were untenable. Alas…


Even with that, we could not replace the damage the flames did to our arm. And the backlash from injecting the energy from my Divine Spark, all that adherence that was not attuned to you… it did damage. Hence your lost eye, the savage scarring. And being caused by divinity, it does not heal easily.

I see. Well, that makes sense. Still… you both went so far for me. Thanks, Tan.

Do not thank me. I have been promised compensation. To replace the lost divine favour of Sancus, as well as the diminishment of my very core, I am allowed to claim and drink deep of the divine favours of three suitably… evil… beings.

Shiro could hear the smirk in Tan’s voice, but she was surprised at that. “Aki is allowing that? But…”

Did he not tell you? He has killed before. At least I have the justification that I drink deep and grow stronger from their deaths. He is not as moral as you think. After all, did he not threaten my whole Pantheon, thousands of worlds, untold beings, just over you? Tan’s voice was incredulous. No, he knows to gain, you must give. And for you, he could concede on that. I am also to be offered a share in additional favours he obtains later that he can find no use for. In exchange, I am to continue to protect you, and aid him if you wish me to.

Of course I do! Aki… I’m part of his story now. You said it yourself. Still, yeah, Aki’s killed people. It still surprises me. Do you think… Kondou Kazuo was his doing as well?

It seems so. He found him unworthy of mercy. We considered enlisting him ourselves, did we not, as his ability was … useful. But more, I wished the being known as Kiku. She had developed a miraculous ability as well. This planet… for being so starved of spiritual power for so long, it is quite special indeed, many miracles. Alas, Kiku perished. It is for the best. Working with that man would have turned your stomach, and in the end we would have had to eat him, if he tried to abuse you, or Suzu or Arisu. Yes, this is for the best…

Damn, that reminds me. The Raven Knight. Well, the contract is gone, but… he hates Aki and Shaeula bad, right? I… don’t want to break faith if I can help it. After all, I want you to keep your word to Aki…

He is quite angry with the Raven, indeed. After all, it is his contract which drove you to this, as well as my thirst. But he understands that this was an unintended coincidence, bitter as it was. We talked, while you were unable to maintain your consciousness. There is room for negotiation over the Tree. But he must give up his hatred of Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan. If he is unwilling, your man is prepared to face the Raven in battle to prove his superiority. So very… manly. Tan snorted, amused. I did not need to allure that emotion for my purposes, but it seems he has quite the need to look good for girls he likes. So… unexpected.

It is, isn’t it? But… maybe that’s Aki after all. He always helped me, even when he was struggling for money, or snowed under with work. I thought he was just a pushover, but to think he was trying to appeal to me all this time, even if he didn’t know it himself. So stupid, so amusing. If we’d have both looked at ourselves honestly, we could have been together a long time ago. But I was too aloof, too proud, too unused to love, and he was too… well, an Aki.

As for the others… we gathered them because we could find them with the Gaze of Ichnaea, and they were suitable allies. Though their… proclivities… vary. As for aiding them with their wants as we promised, there may be a few… issues, such as with Daizen, but… it is not impossible to combine our desires with those of Akio, if they are willing.

Yeah. Yeah. That’s right. I’ll need to see them all and talk this through. Honestly. It’s only fair. Hey, Tan. I seem to be thinking more clearly now. Before, I let you do most of the thinking, and wallowed in my guilt, so much like a tragic princess it hurt. I knew what we were doing wasn’t right. Not exactly evil… but definitely not good. But I let it all wash over me. Why don’t I feel that way now? Is that due to your allure?

No. You are simply sharing your burdens. After all, you are not alone now, are you? Our allies, they are not true friends. You hold some fondness for Arisu, though I deem her dangerous, but… compared to the man you desire, they cannot support you, not under a contract of mutual interest.

So that’s it, huh? Well, we’ll talk, and if… if we can work it out with them, maybe I’ll try to be true friends with them too, not just allies. But the guys will have to be content with being friend-zoned. I’m only for Aki now! Though with the way I look, I doubt they’d care now… she was depressed again.

Enough of your bitterness. Do you not believe him when he says he will seek to restore you to your former glory?

Of course I do, but let a girl grieve, Tan! Shit, I don’t want my first time with Aki to be me looking like this!

Such petty concerns. Is that not a sign in itself that you are fine? Now open your eyes. It has been too long, and I wish to slumber. You can handle matters from here…

As Tan fell silent, Shiro opened her eye, feeling numb. The first thing she was greeted with was the gentle beeping of medical machinery, numerous tubes and needles in her good arm. She was in a bare room filled with devices, and as she looked around a female orderly looked at her, smiling crisply.

“Oh, so you are awake, Shiratori-san. Can you speak? Do you recognise me? Or know where you are?”

“I’m… in a hospital. Military I guess…” her voice was rusty, as if she had not spoken for a while. “I remember Aki calling for a helicopter… I don’t know you, but you’re a nurse. A soldier too, by your bearing, maybe?”

“That’s good, you seem lucid.” The nurse said, running a few tests, looking at her eye with a penlight, asking questions, checking notes. After what seemed an age, she was done. “Great. Well… I’ll go get someone. Now you were very badly hurt, so you need to stay calm, all right. But we couldn’t save your arm or your eye, and… well, you have pretty bad scarring on your face, down your neck and body. Sorry.”

“Tell me something I don’t know. The price I pay for being alive, I guess.” She sighed bitterly. “Did you amputate?”

“No, we were told not to. There are risks of gangrene, but apparently it isn’t a concern. But you’ll have to monitor it constantly from now on. If it starts to swell, change colour or smells strange, please contact a hospital immediately.”

“Great. Just what I need. But thanks. I’ll do that.” Aki doesn’t want to give up on it. So I won’t either. No matter how it saddens me. “Oh shit, I never told my dorm-mates where I was. They’ll be worried.”

The nurse shook her head. “The man you came in with took care of all that. Now I’ll go get you somebody. Then you should eat something light. You must be starving.” With a professional smile she departed, and Shiro flushed as her stomach did indeed rumble noisily. A minute later the door opened, and she expected to see another doctor, or maybe Aki, but instead it was two girls, younger than her and dressed in blue and white hakama, carrying what looked like weapons, swords and spears.

“Uh, who are you?” she asked, puzzled.

“Many apologies for the late introduction.” The lead girl said, bowing gracefully. “I am Tsumura Motoko. My father runs this base. This is Mori Natsumi, my friend and bodyguard.”

“Motoko? Natsumi?” No way. “I might be way off base, but are you Aki’s girls?”

Motoko nodded and Natsumi grinned. “Yes, I have the honour of being one of Akio’s fiancées. It is nice to meet you, Shiro-san.”

“Yes, it’s a pleasure.” Natsumi also bowed.

“Well, aren’t you such cute girls? Shit, I’m jealous.” she gestured to her bandaged face and body with her good arm. “Sorry I’m such a shitty eyesore now. I’ll feel shamed to stand next to you. By the way, where’s Aki? I thought he would be here?” I mean, obviously he has stuff to do, but… he should be here!

“He’s sleeping next door. We’ll wake him in a minute. We wanted to talk first.” Natsumi smiled, and Shiro found it rather infectious. “He’s been here for three days, spending every spare minute healing you. He’s been putting off a ton of important matters, people were getting angry with him. So I’m glad you woke up, Shiro-san.”

“Just call me Shiro. I see. So he was here. Wait, three days?”

“Yes, you’ve been kept under in a medical coma.” Motoko took over.  “Your condition was tragic, apparently. But the worst has passed, so even though he does not need sleep so much, since Akio looked frightful, we forced him to rest.”

“I see. Typical Aki.” So he’s been that worried. Strangely, that makes me feel good. Poor bastard. Guess I’m going to be a demanding girlfriend… “Well, since he’s got girls like you, I guess I don’t feel so bad I’m not fit for wifely duties anymore now. Still, I’m jealous.” More tears squeezed their way out.

“No. I am jealous of you.” Motoko said, and Natsumi agreed, leaving Shiro incredulous and angry.

“Jealous of me? I thought I was the one who was blind.” she snapped. “I’m crippled and scarred, an ugly bitch indeed. Sure, I have faith that Aki might come up with a miracle, me just being alive is one, but… you young girls with your perfect skin and clean bodies can’t understand what I feel…”

“But you were the only one.” Natsumi said. Beside her, Motoko nodded.

“The only one what?” Shiro snapped, feeling deep bitterness at their thoughtless comments.

“The only girl Akio truly ever pursued on his own.” Natsumi sighed. “Even Eri ands Shaeula had to ask him, struggle. Hyacinth is close I suppose. But again I can’t help but feel that some of it was sympathy for her sorrows and compensation for her struggles. But you… he doesn’t pity you or want to repay you for anything, you were the one he asked for because he loved you and wanted you.”

At that, Shiro was stunned, and the words that Tan had left festering within her heart, one seventh of his love, simply melted away. She started to sob, vast heaving cries, and the girls hugged her, allowing her to cry it out. When she was done, starting to calm down, Motoko spoke.

”As for your scars. I shall not lie, they are quite grim. But honourable wounds. Akio told us how you were prepared to die for him, and that led to this state. We…” she looked at Natsumi, who nodded.

“We are warriors at heart.” Motoko continued. “But as daughters of nobility, we are not allowed to risk ourselves, for scars… for noble girls they are shameful. But for warriors… never. So seeing you, it makes us glad, selfish though that is.”

“Yes. Sorry Shiro.” Natsumi apologised. “I know we are insensitive. But we hope to fight at Akio’s side, and knowing that he sees scars as we do, as honourable injuries, and will not love us any less for them… it relieves us.”

These girls. They are… well, a bit crazy. Nobles huh? Shit. Aki’s blitzing those tropes hard. But they seem nice… though now I get why he found Negi Springfield so ironic. Well, at least these aren’t middle-schoolers! “Trust me. Try and avoid scars. It… it doesn’t feel as much of a mark of pride as you think it’ll be. If I could get rid of them and go back to being beautiful Shirohime, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Take care of your bodies. After all, they don’t just belong to you now, right?” she winked, though it was more a blink as it now completely obscured her vision.

“That is true. And take heart. If surgery is the answer, Akio will pay for it. But I suspect that Shaeula and Akio can find a way if they work together, given time. Akio was furious while you slept. Seeing you in that state made him vow to every god that would listen that he will make you beautiful again. Not because he finds you ugly now, but because he wants to heal your heart.”

Oh, Aki. Shit, I do love you! With that she burst into tears again, before talking further with the girls. ”Damn, you pair are nice. I hope the others are as easy to get along with as you…”

“Oh, they are very reasonable.” Motoko promised. “let me tell you about them…”


Motoko and Natsumi slipped out of the room with a smile as Akio entered. Shiro had spent an hour talking with them, and had eaten a small, light meal made of easily digestible soup, brought in by the nurse. It was good to talk, and hearing stories of Aki being both dashingly heroic and also clumsily clueless warmed her heart. Still, seeing Aki again made her chest ache, in a good way.

“Aki, you…” he cut her off with a hug.

“You woke up. I was worried you wouldn’t. Tan told me you were just recovering from all the shocks your subtle bodies had taken and the stress of integrating the Divine Spark, but… even so, I worried.”

“Well, I’m up now.” She whispered. “I wouldn’t say I’m in top form, but… I feel alive at least.”

“Good. Now, we have to talk.” He said seriously. “The Raven Knight, your allies… Tan said you don’t want to abandon them. I respect that. Although…”

“Yeah, the Raven Knight. I know. It’s his call. If he can make peace, I’d be happy to see it. If not… I’ll choose you over him, don’t worry.” She laughed. “I won’t NTR you, Aki! Oh, and thanks for notifying those girls, what did you say?”

“Uh… that you lied, and I actually was your boyfriend, and we went on a romantic holiday. I notified your Uni too. They are used to long absences from you, so it’s all cool.”

Shiro burst out laughing. “Seriously? That’s priceless. But shit, I wish I could see the looks on their faces, but I can’t go back like this. Guess I’ll have to drop out.”

“It’s too hasty to say that yet. For now though, yeah. You’ll have to stay away.”

“Oh well. I don’t need Uni. I guess I can quit if I have to. After all, I’m getting married, and one day you’ll help me make my game. Or hell, make reality into my game.”

“Yes, and speaking of… Tan, you might want to listen in to this.” Aki started healing her, pumping her full of aether, and Shiro felt her remaining pains die away, the anaesthetics and drugs in her system clearing. “I’m going to talk about Shiro’s current status.”

“I see. Just talking about your Eye makes me thirsty. If I had that…” Tan said, before Shiro protested.

“No, bad Tan! No eating Aki! That’s my job…” what was visible of her pale skin blushed at her crude joke. “I can do that at least…”

“Yeah, yeah.” Aki patted her head. “When you are discharged, we’ll see.” He winked. “Now seriously. Your injuries aside… we succeeded to an extent. With a proper network and nine levels, your physical stats are actually decent. I doubt you’ll collapse anymore.”

“Really?” Shiro asked, surprised. “I’m actually kind of excited. Appraisal cheats really make this feel like a game. So go on, lay it on me!”

Aki first went through her stats, and when Shiro realised she had superhuman mental stats now, she puffed up her chest proudly. Though when she saw his gaze on her, she blushed again.

“Uh, you can… touch them if you want to. I’m rightly proud of my tits. I mean, you saw them when Tan was dancing…” she whispered.

“Much as I’d love to, this is time for serious business. We’ll have ample time to enjoy ourselves in the future. Now, not to crush your dreams, but here’s my mental stats…”

That’s insane? And so not fair. Over a thousand? “You are seven times smarter than me? I call bull, Aki! That can’t be right. If so, why do you make so many damn mistakes?”

He shrugged, grinning. “I ask myself that a lot. I think it’s two factors. Firstly, it’s like a computer. Being able to factorise thirty digit numbers takes genius level brains, right, but a computer can do it near instantly. But then you ask it to identify a human face and it struggles. My calculative, learning and processing power is through the roof sure, but I can’t suddenly know how to do stuff I’ve never thought of or experienced. But as an example, I’m learning Chinese. Well, I was supposed to be, this week, but well, this happened.”

“Sorry Aki.” She apologised, and he laughed it off.

“No, I’m sorry. If I’d have killed the Raven Knight back then, none of this would have happened. Anyway… we’ll see how long it takes me to learn Chinese, ancient Chinese and the oldest Japanese language I can get a teacher for. I’d imagine not long. Mental stats are great at that.”

“And the second factor?” Shiro asked, now very interested. Damn, this is like an RPG. So cool. It seems more real with numbers and skills. Sorry Tan, but Aki’s winning me over!

Tan snorted huffily in her head as Aki continued. “Resilience. It seems to do more than indicate mental strength. Sure, it does that, or I’d have shattered under the weight of killing long ago, or seeing you nearly die. But it also seems to help maintain personality and core traits. Otherwise with my enhancements, I’d be a completely different person, right? Sure, I’ve changed a lot, but it seems to moderate changes to personality, slow them down. That way I remain me. In a way I’m grateful. I don’t want to be someone else. But I think that stops me using a chunk of the brainpower I have now. Over time I imagine I’ll be able to access more and more as it won’t destabilise me, but for now…”

“Makes sense.” Shiro agreed. “Nobody can have such a change to their mental abilities without undergoing a metamorphosis. Oh well, now onto the good stuff. I have skills, right? Hit me with them. Sure, Tan will still be doing all my fighting for me, but having stuff of my own… shit, it’s awesome!”

“There’s my Shiro. That smile is genuine, the first I’ve seen since… then.” Aki reached out and patted her head, stroking her hair, and Shiro sighed, happy. “Anyway, here goes…”

Divine Moon And Star Chakra Network - A hybrid chakra network, made up of eight nodes, perfectly adapted to a mortal body, supported by a trunk pathway and numerous branches, as well as a Divine Spark, which has been connected, orbiting the lunar chakra, and linked to the other primary chakras. This network processes aether as well as adherence. Ether is drawn, converted to aether and circulated, while adherence is drawn in and circulated to the Divine Spark, as well as circulated to the damaged primary chakras. This network is fully functional, but is missing several branch sections, such as the left arm, an eye and some other minor branches. It is also connected via the seven primary chakras and Divine Spark to another being, which allows the damaged areas to be bypassed and the damaged chakras to be load-balanced, allowing slow recovery from their crippled state. This chakra network is a miracle and likely can never be replicated.

Divine Spark - The core of Divinity, comprised of concentrated adherence, removed willingly from another being and implanted, nourished by a connection to said being. A Divine Spark will take on the aspect of Divinity that the adherence embodies, offering positive benefits to all actions regarding said embodiment, and also dramatically increases the League and Fate of the bearer. [This Spark resides with the lunar chakra and embodies Fire, Hunger, Allure and Sacrifice]

Lovers’ Link – This ability links the subtle bodies and hearts of the Bonded together, allowing them to share in the strength each possesses. If nearby, the possessor and their Bonded one can freely share a small portion of their strengths with each other, and even when separated by great distance or strife, their linked hearts will allow one percent of the stronger partner’s statistics to be shared, up to a maximum of the partner’s maximum statistics. It also strengthens the potential of the Bonded pair, allowing their maximum level to increase by ten percent of the other’s current level. It also allows the Bonded pair to sense the emotions and feelings towards each other and as it strengthens all effects increase, and the Bonded pair will find their compatibility in romance strengthened.

Divine Possession, Taṇhā – As one who carries a being who contains Divinity, you may allow them to possess your body willingly. Their strength will be limited by your own, but this skill allows them to release more of their power than would otherwise be possible. In addition, Taṇhā can allow you to access some of her power, increasing all your statistics and skill Ranks related to her portfolio temporarily, though persisting in this state may cause backlash.

Flames Of Thirst And Famine - This unique fire of divine origin will consume what it burns, transferring a portion of the strength of the consumed being to the bearer, though this will deplete adherence to perform safely, and one cannot consume recklessly, lest the spirit of the wielder suffer damage from being overloaded.

Alluring The Buddha – This ability draws the hidden desires out of a target, allowing you to inflame and manipulate them. It has a stronger effect on men. You can see the desires of a target, though high Resilience will prevent this. Your Charm statistic is also noticeably more effective.

Shiro was enraptured by finding out what she could do. Though she did have a few reservations. “Alluring the Buddha? No damn way I’m using that, ever. Or wait… no, I lied. I guess I can use it on you, Aki.” She laughed, her bitterness temporarily suppressed by the joy of this. “After all, our romantic compatibility is strengthened, right Aki? You perv!” she laughed harder, until she started coughing. “Damn, that’s the sort of skill I’d expect Yasu to bag.”

After more laughter and teasing over that, Aki pointed out the problems with her network. “I’m surprised the skill doesn’t call it a Crude network, like my sis and Eri used to have. But in any case, it’s far from settled yet. But in time Tan will be able to leave you, your body and network fully healed.”

“That reminds me…” Shiro said when she calmed down. “Aki… you don’t trust Tan, do you?”

“I do, when it comes to you. Other than that, no. And Tan doesn’t trust me. That’s fine. The way it should be. I do learn, even if slowly. Time may build trust, but until then, we are keeping a wary eye on each other and are preparing for betrayal.”

“But Tan won’t…”

“He is wise.” Tan disagreed. “Blind trust when we were just enemies is foolish, still, we are connected. By you.”

“Yeah. I trust you, Shiro. So you’ll tell me if she steps out of line, right?”

“Sure. So play nice, Tan.” She giggled, her heart feeling a little lighter. “So, anything else?”

“Just your classes.” Aki said, and at that there was another wave of excitement.

“Classes? Awesome! This really is starting to sound like my game!” she flailed her arm wildly, feeling brief regrets that she was unable to move her other arm. No. I’ll grieve later. Where Aki can’t see. I don’t want to spoil the mood…

“Yeah. One isn’t so special, all it does is strengthen the effect of your Divine Possession skill, and generates adherence for both you and Tan, as well as offering increased growth in Fate and League. I mean, it’s plain but damn good. But the other…

Mortal Spark is a class granted to those who possess the Flame of Divinity within them. Children of the Gods, Blessed Children and those who have stolen Divinity from the Gods, this class increases the power of one’s League, as well as strengthens subtle bodies. Adherence is easier to generate and manipulate, and the bearer of this class gains long life, and eventually transcends mortal rules altogether, becoming ageless, though not immortal. All Material and Intangible statistics increase as the class does.

“Uh, so I’m some sort of demigod. Like Achilles?” Shiro muttered, amazed.

“I wouldn’t go quite that far.” Aki disagreed, stroking her hair. “But it’s one of the best classes I’ve seen yet. If you can level it up, then yeah, who knows what is possible. And maybe, just maybe…” at the earnest look in his grey eyes, Shiro smiled.

“You think it might help with my injuries, right?”

“Yeah, it’s one option. Speaking of…” he said, serious, and Shiro realised it was time to stop joking. She listened intently, as he explained his reasoning.

“… I asked them to keep your arm, even though it’s risky. I’ll need you to see me or Shaeula regularly, so we can stop it turning bad or becoming infected. I think it'll be easier to save it than regrow you a new one. But I know it's inconvenient, so I’ve ordered a top-end military prosthetic. It’ll take a while, as they have to make it from scratch to go over your arm to allow movement, but… at least it’ll give you a little mobility back.”

Oh Aki, thinking of me as always. “Thanks. I mean it. I wish this hadn’t happened but… I guess it was meant to be. And speaking of…”

“Yeah, your allies. But shouldn’t you wait until you are better?”

“She will be in my hands. I shall take over.” Tan declared. “Best we sort this sooner rather than later. Tonight, we shall rest, then tomorrow…”

“Yeah, I can’t settle until I’ve spoken to them, Aki. Don’t worry, Tan will kick their asses if they cause trouble. We may be injured, but Tan is still powerful, right? I’ll not let anything bad happen to me. I don’t want you to worry. Now… I’m awake, so… stay with me for a while?”

Aki nodded, leaning in close. “Sure. I’d like that…”

I hope they can accept our change of direction, that the contracts are cancelled. If not… well, I’m sorry, but Aki and me, that’s non-negotiable!

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