On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Sixty-Five – Watanabe Karen

Side Sixty-Five – Watanabe Karen

“I’ve pulled the requested data, I’ve summarised it as best I can.” Tanaka-san said, dropping the printouts on her desk. Karen skimmed it briefly, nodding.

“Yeah, that looks good. I’m sure Akio-kun will be pleased.” She glanced at the clock. It was getting on for six in the evening, nearly time to finish. It’s good to be able to leave on time without endless overtime. Still, there are other concerns… It had been quite the week. First that rich girl, Fukumoto-san, who despite being only a high-schooler had quite the intensity, had brought several very intimidating lawyers to the shrine, gathering all the attendees at the strange school Akio-kun was running, and making them sign some legal papers. She hadn’t thought much of it, but then Fukumoto-san had swept into her office, shocking her co-workers.

Damn, its hard to believe she’s still so young. Karen idly remembered. Still wearing the red and white hakama of a shrine maiden, Fukumoto-san had sat down in front of them, her expression prideful. She had another girl behind her, alert and ready for anything, her bodyguard, seemingly, and in addition to that there were her corporate lawyers and their secretary. I remember thinking she was a real secretary, not like me. It shook my confidence. Still, Akio-kun believed in me…

“Just how much do you know about Akio and what he is really doing?” She had asked, and Tanaka-san and Hashimoto-san looked confused. On seeing that, Fukumoto-san frowned, and advised that anything discussed here was incredibly confidential, and if we were to leak anything, she wouldn’t hesitate to crush us. Even so, the two men had stayed, and Karen understood why. After all, Akio-kun reached out a hand to us when we were at rock bottom. Even so, I have… other reasons.

“Akio-kun hasn’t talked about it too much, but I’m not a fool. I was there when we met with that guy who has been on the news, the killer Kondou Kazuo. I know of the yakuza attack on the shrine. There’s been more from what I hear from Izumi-chan. Nothing makes sense, unless you assume Akio-kun is mixed up in some very serious stuff. After all, you and some of the other girls here are from Hanafubuki Private Academy, right? Normally we wouldn’t even be able to breathe the same air.” Taking a breath Karen had grinned, putting up a strong front. “But I’m also not stupid. The requests Akio-kun makes of us, they aren’t normal. Well, some are.” She amended. “I doubt University information in Tokyo is anything strange. But the others… Tyr and Valkyries. Sudden success stories in Tokyo. Death and missing person rates. Land ownership loopholes. I don’t get how it all fits together, but I do know this!” she had taken a deep breath, cursing herself for feeling like she was about to cry in front of such a young girl and her impressive-looking secretary. “When I was at rock bottom, when I thought it was over, when even… even death was starting to seem preferable to living on, it was Akio-kun who was there, offering me a hand. So I don’t care what he is doing. I promised him I’d work for him, and I will!”

I can’t believe I got so emotional. Karen shook her head at the memory, but that wasn’t the end of her shocks. The young girl in front of her had smiled and one of her lawyers popped down a laptop and started setting something up. As he was doing so, Fukumoto-san spoke once more. “I see. I had considered paying you a severance package and replacing you with staff handpicked from Nichibotsu, but I don’t want to come across as an overbearing wife, or have Akio disappointed in me. Besides, I like your guts.”

“Wait, what? Wife?” she had said, mind going blank. Sure, I had noticed she was calling him Akio pretty intimately, but that was a massive surprise!

“Why yes. The last few details have pretty much been worked out. Official announcements will follow, but I am to be wed to Akio. I can hardly wait to get started on our plans!” She gushed, looking her age all of a sudden, her face red and embarrassed, yet her smile was achingly cute.

“But, well… congratulations, but you know, Akio, he…” Karen had stammered, unsure of what she could say without making a mess of a complicated situation. Behind her Tanaka-san and Hashimoto-san looked on in shock. After all, they were watching one of the heirs to the massive Nichibotsu Technology declaring her engagement to their boss and poor ex-neighbour!

“Oh, you mean Eri and Shaeula?” Hinata tossed her head, dismissing it as a problem. “I have their consent, the matter is settled. As for the legalities of who is married on paper, that is for our lawyers to sort. Speaking of lawyers, here.” She took out three contracts, passing them over. Karen had taken hers with shaking hands. As she scanned it, realising it was an updated contract of employment, with slightly better terms but very draconian secrecy and loyalty clauses, she had raised the question that was on her mind.

“So, Akio-kun… he’ll really be your husband then? Damn, he’s finally made it big. First those hotels, and now this. So he’ll be a tech billionaire then.”

“Well, my brother will inherit Nichibotsu Technology. But I’ll definitely have my share of it, and speaking of…” the laptop screen was now displaying a strong-looing old man, his face stern. “My grandfather, the one who built Nichibotsu from the ground up, would like to say a few words. You’d better listen if you want to keep working for Akio.”

“Good evening. I am Fukumoto Kenji. You may have read about me or seen me on the news. Now, my beloved granddaughter asked me to talk to you, so that you make the right choice.”

Damn, speaking to a multi-billionaire like that, even over video, was nerve-wracking. “My granddaughter is offering you a choice. But I’ll make it clearer. What is going on here is the greatest endeavour in Japanese history. There is more to it than you know. Akio-kun obviously wished to help you, but working for us without knowing everything is a risk. So let me lay out your options. You can take a generous severance, as my Hinata suggested. Or you can be transferred to Nichibotsu, I can find you all jobs somewhere. Damn, he’s so soft-hearted. That’s why he needs a smart girl like Hinata to keep him in line, preventing problems.”

He looked so happy when speaking of Akio-kun. I know, recently, these last few months he’s changed, and it seems everyone around him feels warm, like the sun on a hard winter day, worries banished. But even a powerhouse businessman like Fukumoto Kenji-sama? “And the third option?” she had croaked. Behind her the other two had nodded, overwhelmed by the tense situation.

“Well, you sign this contract, keep our secrets, and enter the world beyond what you know.” The powerful old man grinned. “Your lives will change, but then, you’ll have the chance to truly be someone special. Of course, betray us then and you can’t handle the consequences, I promise you that.”

The consequences huh? She remembered scrawling her name on the contract in front of her without hesitation. Even now she was shocked she had done it so readily. Hashimoto-san had barely thought about it as well, muttering that he wanted his daughter to finally be proud of him. On seeing that, Tanaka-san had swallowed, before clasping his hands in prayer and signing. “I’m sure this is fate.” He had said, and Karen didn’t disagree. Though what came next amazed me and shocked me in equal measure. Finally seeing what they were actually doing at that facility was quite the shock, and to think that Fukumoto-san said that we too would have to learn if we were to work for Akio…

Of course, that wasn’t the end of the shocks. A message had been passed to her by Izumi-chan, the pretty daughter of the shrine, that Akio-kun had discovered some unknown danger. There were no details, but she was tasked with making sure that the security around the shrine was airtight, and that Akio-kun’s family was under guard at all times.

She had called up Eri-chan, Akio’s first fiancée. I still can’t get over that. Three! And from what Fukumoto-san said, there was a fourth in the frame at the least too. I’m not sure whether Akio-kun should be envied or pitied. Still, they are all young girls. Well, Shaeula is his age, but she doesn’t look it. I wonder if that’s his preferences? I remember him checking me out enough, so perhaps not…?

Eri-chan had been very polite on the phone and taken her warning well, but nothing had prepared her for the talk with his father. Yeah, Akio-kun wasn’t kidding when he said he was stern. “My son has caused you trouble it seems, Watanabe-san. I can only apologise.” He had declared, despite her protests. “Still, at least it seems he is learning to be more cautious. Rest assured, the security we have been assigned seems very competent. Even so, we will not relax our vigilance.” He had then questioned her for nearly half an hour as to whether Akio-kun was a decent boss, treating her right and looking after Shaeula. That was fine, but when she had mentioned Fukumoto-san in passing, she had almost dropped the phone as if it was suddenly so cold her skin was sticking to it.

“Oh yes, Fukumoto-san. I could hardly believe it when Eri broke the news to us. My philanderer of a son. He promised us he would make Eri and Shaeula happy, but he is already adding to his women. He…”

Shaking her head she blotted out the memory of that rant. Guess I’ll go for pity until he’s survived that thorny issue. Anyway, she had done as requested, and even their crummy run-down apartment block had security watching it until Akio-kun resolved whatever danger was brewing. Fukumoto-sama wasn’t kidding when he said our lives will change. Letting out a sigh, she turned her attention back to the present, finishing some of her work, this time for Fukumoto-san, no Hinata-san, as she said as one of Akio-kun’s fiancées I could be a bit less formal with her.

“Hey, what’s up Karen-chan? A big sigh like that, you’ll let out all your happiness.” A cheerful young voice said, and Karen turned to the freeloader that was sitting on the sofa in one corner of their office, kicking her tanned legs in the air, lying stomach-down on the couch, fiddling with her phone and eating snacks, getting crumbs everywhere.

“Sana, don’t be rude to Watanabe-san.” Her father warned, and she waved him off.

“Oh dad, don’t worry, me and Karen-chan, we are totes pals now, right? Besides, shouldn’t ya be getting on with your work rather than scolding me? I was starting to get a slight feeling of respect for ya there, seeing you working away, and it confused me.”

“Look, this place isn’t a playground. I am working.” Hashimoto-san pinched at his nose, as if he was getting a headache. “Besides, what are you doing here again, does your mother know?”

“I didn’t skip school this time, she knows.” Sana-chan shrugged. “Mom is way too busy playing happy families with him to care what I do as long as I’m not causing trouble, ya feel me? Besides…” she said, irritated. ”I hate my step-sister! She acts like butter wouldn’t melt in her damn mouth, but she’s such a cow. I get tired of it, ya feel me? So I thought I’d stay with you until Monday, dad. It’s your chance to show me you’ve changed!”

“Well, I’m busy! Really, Watanabe-san is being very generous letting you hang around here. We do important, confidential work, not that you believe me.”

“Yeah, I saw. Videogame otaku stuff. El Oh El.” She declared. “Confidential, huh? Seriously, you’d be better asking around in Akihabara if you want to know that sort of crap, dad. But the boss pays so you do it, makes totes sense to me!” She looked over at him, humour dissipating to reveal a serious expression. “Still, there’s definitely something going on, no question. That helicopter and all those rich girls. My step-sis only wishes she had an ounce of that class. Bitch.”

“Mind your language, Sana!” her father declared, and Karen stifled a brief giggle. Seriously, we are handling secrets here though, so we could do with getting her out of here. Damn, Akio-kun’s softness must be rubbing off on me.

As the father and daughter bickered and the clock inched closer to the end of her work day, the phone rang, and Karen picked it up. “Hello, this is Karen, how can I help?”

“This is Fujiwara Security, squad two. As per high-alert protocols I am informing you we have detained a suspicious person at the shrine grounds. We are requesting clearance to interrogate them.”

Maybe Akio-kun was right? “Are we likely to be in any danger? If so we have a lot of important people here to protect.” Hinata-san, the other girls… if anything happened to them it would be the end of us.

“We are obviously taking all possible precautions. She seems harmless enough, but she knows information that should not be common knowledge, about Shaeula-sama, and is requesting a meeting.”

“Wait, she? And Shaeula?” I’m not saying a woman can’t be as dangerous as a man in the right circumstances, but against all these security it seems unlikely. “Does she have a name?”

“Yes, she identified herself as one Konoe Ichika. Her identification matches the name, and we ran a database search and the data seems legitimate.”

Konoe-san? That’s the girl Akio-kun saved that time. Why is she here? “I know her. I don’t think she’s a threat, but I don’t want to tell you your jobs. But if you can bring her to my office I can talk to her and find out for sure.”

“Roger that. We’ll keep a watch in case she is some sort of trap or diversion.”


 “… and so, even the money Shaeula gave me only stopped their demands for a few days.” Konoe-san blew her nose messily, looking a fright. “Their demands keep growing. I don’t… I don’t think they’ll leave me alone even if I pay them off.” Tears were streaming down her face as she recounted the ever-escalating harassment. “I don’t want to fall so far, give in. but I’m scared! They are very frightening.” she shuddered. “I thought the girls were my friends, but they set me up! Even in Uni I don’t think I’m safe. Some girls have dropped out recently, and they knew them. I just don’t know where to turn. But Shaeula gave me money and said they would help me. Then I remembered she had told me she had moved to Shirohebizumi shrine.” She continued to cry, looking a fright. “But then some big security guard picked me up! At first I thought it was those guys who had caught me. I don’t… I don’t want to…”

“Not in front of my daughter, please.” Hashimoto-san cut her off, before turning back to Sana-chan. “Seriously, go to my house! This is no place for a schoolgirl, nor something for you to hear!”

“Oh shut up, dad.” Sana-chan snapped, looking sympathetic. “I’m a high-schooler, you think I don’t know about this shit?”

“I warned you about your language!” He said again, but she rolled her eyes.

“Seriously dad, don’t blow it, I’m slowly starting to grow a little respect for ya. I’m a highschooler, we swear all the time, feel me? And I know all about compensated dating and crap like that. Not my thing, I’ve got more pride than that, right? Money’s fine and all, but playing nice with those old men, not for me. Still, you hear of girls who get in deep and it doesn’t end well.” She handed Konoe-san a can of soda, which she took in trembling hands. “Just relax okay? Karen-chan here is super nice, she looked after me before, so I’m sure she’ll hear ya out.”

“I know.” Konoe-san pulled the ring-pull on the can and took a sip, dry throat working. “I remember she brought my purse back after Oshiro-san saved me that time. It’s… it’s good to see a familiar face. But where is Shaeula and Oshiro-san? I feel awful, but I had nowhere else to turn…”

“It seems Akio-kun likes meddling with girls in trouble. Shaeula too.” Karen said, troubled. “But they are on a business trip, with no return date.” At that, Konoe-san’s face fell. “Don’t worry though.” Karen said hurriedly, unwilling to see more tears. “We can get in touch in an emergency.”

“Is it though?” Hashimoto-san asked, only to be rebuked by his daughter. “Well, I’m just asking.” He said defensively. “If what they are doing is important, should we interrupt it, as their employees?”

True, but if I know Akio-kun and Shaeula, they are going to want to know about this. Still… Picking up her phone she dialled the training hall. After a moment someone picked up. “Hi, can you put Hinata-san on please?” she asked politely, and moments later her crisp, proud voice was heard.

“Hello, Karen-san. What is it? We are hard at work here.”

“Sorry, but we have a bit of a problem that might require us to contact Akio-kun and Shaeula. I thought as you are his fiancée, you should be able to decide, as we don’t want to bother him during important work if we don’t have to.”

“Very well. Kana-san and I shall be right over.” And with that she hung up.

“Whoa, his other fiancée is here then? Neat, I’d totes like to meet her.” Sana-chan misunderstood, and Konoe-san looked confused.

“Not exactly. Turns out he has three now. Hinata-san is his newest, and she’s kind of taking over here. She’s a forceful girl indeed. You know Nichibotsu, that big company? She’s the granddaughter of the president.”

“No way, a third and she’s rich too?” Sana-chan was oddly impressed, but Konoe-san was indignant.

“He’s cheating on Shaeula? How… how could he? She’s so nice and pretty.” She sniffled, momentarily forgetting her own sorrows.

“No, not cheating. Apparently it’s all arranged between them, but that hardly matters right now. Worry about your own situation!”

“No, it does not.” Hinata-san agreed, entering, followed by Izumi-san, both of them in their red and white. “By the way, who are these two? I do believe I’ve been very clear on security. This is not a joke.”

“Whoa, you’re pretty intense!” Sana-chan said, impressed despite the cold gaze Hinata-san was shooting her. “You really are a classy rich girl, ain’t ya? My bitch of a step-sis just wishes she was like you. I’m Hashimoto Sana, nice to meet ya! I’m just here to see my dad, no worries, I haven’t heard anything I shouldn’t.”

“I see.” Hinata-san eyed her a moment longer before turning to her father. “Well, I hope you understand the responsibility you’ll be taking if something goes wrong. Shaeula has told me about her befuddling winds. I wonder… no, I probably couldn’t get away with using that to enforce contracts.” Her last few words were nearly inaudible, but they still chilled Karen to the bone for some reason.

“Scary.” Sana-chan laughed at her stern expression.

“And as for you, who might you be?” She looked hard at Konoe-san, who was still somewhat aggrieved by the newcomer who claimed to be going out with her friends’ boyfriend.

“I’m Konoe Ichika. I’m a friend of Shaeula. I… well, she and Oshiro-san were helping me out with a problem, and I had nowhere else to turn.”

“I see. A friend of Shaeula.” Hinata-san nodded. Turning back to Izumi-san she gave her instructions. “I’ll need to hear her out first, but I wanted to tell Akio about the invite for next weekend anyway, as well as the success my grandfather has had securing a place that meets his criteria. Can you go wake up Azuki while I speak to this Konoe girl and find out whether it’s something they would care about?”

“No problem. But knowing those two, they won’t want to leave a friend in trouble.” Izumi-san warned, before heading back to the shrine.

“Hey, who’s this Azuki? Cute name, but not another one of his girls? All three of you look like high-schoolers, I’d better watch myself in case he gets his claws in me too!” Sana-chan said.

“I don’t look like, I am. As for Azuki, that’s confidential, so just keep quiet and ask no questions.” Hinata-san warned. “Besides, I think you aren’t Akio’s type. He likes modest-looking girls.” Hinata-san puffed out her chest proudly.

“Yeah sure, whatever. Guys always enjoy a bit of excitement. But I feel ya, I’m out of place. I’ll just chill over here with some snacks.” She dropped back onto the sofa, though Karen could tell she was still listening.

“I’m waiting.” Hinata-san addressed Konoe-san, and her powerful confidence overwhelmed her, so she looked down, beaten. She then told the full story, rather that the brief rundown she had given Karen, and it was quite the bad one, a tale of being tricked, taken advantage of, betrayed by friends she thought she could trust, and then being threatened by criminal gangs, with the promise of being forced into criminal, degrading work as the only way out.

It’s worse than I thought. Poor girl. I wonder if those thugs Akio-kun saved her from that time were also involved, or if she just has truly awful luck.

“I see.” Hinata-san said after she finished her tale. “Quite the predicament indeed. Still, trying to appease such scum is doomed to failure. When you give criminals an inch, they will take a mile. Weren’t you taught that at school?” She shook her head in disappointment. “Still, I think it’s undeniable you are indeed a friend of Shaeula, and as someone who has supported me, I couldn’t leave her friend in need. Though I’m not sure when they can return, even if we contact them.”

At that Konoe-san’s face fell. “But… if I go back to my dorm I’ll be found, and I don’t have any money left for a hotel.” Tears were welling up in the corner of her eyes again.

“Well, I suppose you can stay at the training school until Akio has decided what he wants to do. There are free rooms available, and Shirohebizumi shrine is under heavy surveillance. Even if these base scum work out you are here, they will be unable to do anything.”

“Really?” Konoe-san sniffled, and Hinata-san nodded.

“You will have to wait until after our training is concluded, for I am afraid that is quite confidential as well. But until then you can remain here. You can feel free to use the facilities. There is a gym, pool, sauna and more. I feel Akio would certainly not begrudge you that, at least.”

Before Konoe-san could say anything, Sana-chan spoke up from the sofa. “Whoa, really? Awesome. Hey dad, can’t I stay over here too? Your apartment is crappy and not fit for a cute girl like me. Besides, a sauna sounds totes awesome.”

“Sana, mind your manners, she’s the fiancée of the boss.” Hashimoto-san warned his daughter, still sounding shocked at the revelations about his erstwhile neighbour and his shocking love-life.

“Indeed I am.” Hinata-san stared at her hard. “Still, I suppose it does not matter. This time. But do try to run things more professionally. As I said before, I don’t want to be the sort of wife that makes decisions unilaterally, unless it is in Akio’s best interests, but having your daughter here isn’t wise.”

“Sorry, my bad. I got it.” Sana-chan knocked her head and stuck out her tongue. “I understand. I didn’t know what was going down here was so secret, but if a top-class girl like you is involved, it sure must be big. Crap, dad, that feeling of respect for you is creeping in again. It might even grow more when I’m in the sauna later!”

“In that case, I shall take my leave.” Hinata-san said. “I still want to maximise my training. Before I depart I shall send someone to fetch you both.” And with that she left the office, back straight and radiating authority, causing Karen to chuckle. Seriously, Shaeula is strong-willed enough, but with this Hinata-san too… Akio-kun is going to be one whipped husband if he isn’t careful, those girls are used to getting their own way. At least she didn’t chew us out too bad, but I get it. What we do is important. We can’t be lax. Turning to Konoe-san, she smiled. “Do you want me to put on some food? I don’t mind staying until you are settled in. A friend of Akio-kun and Shaeula is a friend of mine, after all, and we are acquainted, no matter how briefly.

At Konoe-san’s shy nod, Karen smiled. A bit of unpaid overtime won’t hurt too much. I’ve done way worse. Besides, I can’t leave her. And I have to wonder… just how is Akio-kun going to deal with the scum that are harassing her? The way he is now, and after what I heard about the yakuza… well, I won’t pity them, but I will expect them to suffer greatly…

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