On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Sixty – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

Side Sixty – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

“Stop grinning at me like that, Shaeula. It’s really annoying. Wow, what did I do to deserve this?” I had woken up this morning with an aching head, dry mouth and sick feeling in my stomach. I recognised it, it was clearly a hangover. I hadn’t planned to drink so much, but the sleepover got heated and… I blushed at the memory of my embarrassment, talking about when Eri and my bro… No, no use thinking about that now. That isn’t even the worst part! I had instinctively called out for my bro, since he had fixed my hangovers before, but of course he wasn’t there. Luckily only Shaeula, was awake, and the girls from Tokyo were still in big bro’s room, so none of my classmates or fellow students at school got to hear my shameful cries of “Bro, bro, fix me, I feel shitty!”

As she looked at me with eyes full of amusement, she had shrugged and told me that my bro hadn’t come back yet, but that she could fix me, having seen how he did it previously. At least then she had healed my aching head and upset stomach, though her cackling at me in wry amusement was the price I had to pay for it. After that, it was just a case of waiting for the other girls to wake up, and then have breakfast.

Hinata-san and Kazumi-san were seated elegantly in the kitchen, talking to my mom, who had returned a short while ago, after her own night of heavy drinking, but she looked radiant, apparently big bro had helped with her hangover, which was favouritism, if you asked me. She was preparing breakfast, but oddly enough, Natsumi-san and Motoko-san were helping out, wearing spare aprons that were meant for me or Eri when we were cooking. Their movements were graceful and precise, and as Motoko-san asked my mother a polite question, getting a warm smile in return, I couldn’t help but shake my head. Seriously? A girl like that is interested in my bro? Somehow that’s even more surprising to me than Shaeula. Wow, I guess I’m getting used to all these crazy things. Still, if you ignored the elephant in the room which was that my bro was already engaged to Eri and Shaeula, then Motoko-san… well, I’d only spent a handful of hours with her, but she was a strong-willed, beautiful and calming girl. I’d have no complaints if she was my bro’s girlfriend he’d brought back from Tokyo. But Eri… Shaeula doesn’t mind, but Eri is jealous and possessive. Still, from what she was saying… I don’t know…

We had enjoyed breakfast, which was fancier than normal, although Hinata-san observed it was rather plain compared to her usual morning meal, which apparently her housemaid prepared for her. Maids, seriously? The world of the rich is something else! Though… I bet we could afford a maid now, if big bro put his hand in his pocket… The girls from school had especially enjoyed the experience. Akari-san and the volleyball girls had offered to simply go home rather than impose, but my mom wouldn’t hear of that, and had cajoled them into staying for breakfast at least. When that was done, those girls had left, and eventually, after I put my foot down, Rika-chan and Yae-chan also went home, after complaining that there was little point staying as my bro would be spending the whole day with Eri anyway. Wow, so rude. Still… and that brought us to this present, rather uncomfortable, situation.

 We were all crowded into our living room, and by we, I meant the noble girls and their bodyguards, me, Shaeula, mom, dad, uncle and auntie. Mom and auntie Hana looked fine and refreshed, but dad and uncle Junpei… wow, they look like crap. They must have really hit the booze with my bro last night, with bags like that under their eyes and the pale, dead faces of zombies… ugh, drinking is fun, but I need to remember the morning after. I hear there’s lots of partying at Uni, I’d best be careful. Damn, I need to pick one soon if I’m going to apply for the entrance exams… wow, no escaping into my thoughts, I have to face this.

“So, Akio has finally-finally told you everything, has he?” Shaeula was sitting down on some cushions, sipping at some tea Motoko-san had prepared for her. “That is certainly good news. I understand why he wishes to keep-keep matters quiet, as our indiscretions prior to this has led to… troubles.” She placed down her cup gently, her amber eyes taking in everyone. “… still. Keeping secrets from you all has been hard-hard for him. And he did it to keep you safe.”

“I understand that.” Dad grated, his throat hoarse. “I didn’t raise a fool, which is a good thing.”

“Darling, don’t be so standoffish.” My mom chided him, and he paused, thinking, before nodding briefly. “Shaeula, dear. Or maybe I should call you daughter?” at that, auntie winced, though she quickly smoothed out her expression to neutral, though I could tell it took an effort, as her hands were white as she clutched at the hem of her shirt.

“Either is fine-fine, mother-in-law.” At that, my mom let out a squeal of joy. Wow, mom is so embarrassing! Especially in front of these classy, rich girls from Tokyo! Still, I could understand. Having Shaeula as a sister was a dream come true for me. She was cute, funny, if a little, no, a lot troublesome, and she loved my bro a ton, as well as taking a liking to me and Eri. So mom being able to show her off as a daughter-in-law must have been a dream for her. Though I’m surprised she’s taking my bro’s potential bigamy so well… my mom considers Eri her own daughter too…

Shaeula then turned to auntie Hana. “You are also my mother-in-law, it seems. Please-please do take care of me.” She bowed politely, still sitting. “Eri is my dear friend, and together we shall serve Akio as his wives. We are both-both resolved, as she will no doubt tell you herself, and happy too.”

“I see.” Auntie was troubled, but she still smiled, a touch wryly. “I have complicated feelings about this. I should be angry, ready to strike out at you, and give little Aki the rough side of my tongue, but… my little girl, she’s so happy now. In fact, she might be too happy. When I looked in on her and Aki earlier…” she blushed, her hands now going to her cheeks. “… they were having an awful lot of adult fun.”

“Well, it is Eri’s birthday.” Shaeula allowed, grinning. “Today Akio will grant all of her wishes. No, not-not just today. Today, tomorrow, the day-day after, a year from now, ten, a hundred, a thousand, more…”

“You have a lot of faith in Akio, don’t you?” uncle asked, looking somehow even more worse-for-wear than my father.

“Of course, how could I not-not?” she puffed out her modest chest proudly, as if it was her achievements she was boasting about. “He defeated me and made-made me his ally, he crushed that fool Grulgor and bound him-him to us. The Raven Knight was driven off like the cowardly cur he is. He even forced my brother to back down, through naught but force-force of arms, despite the risk to himself. If Akio sets his mind to something, he can-can and will achieve it!”

“My son… fighting. I find that more amazing than anything else. He always was rather timid.. no, wait…” dad corrected himself. “When the stakes are high and someone he cares about is in danger, he can and will act decisively. You should know that too, Junpei, Hana.”

“Of course! The dog!” auntie exclaimed. “I can see why he would fight your brother for you, Shaeula. Little Aki never knew how to back down when those he loves need help. Still…” she laughed, lightening the mood, and I felt myself relaxing a bit. The issue with Shaeula and Eri was the one I was most worried about resolving. “… a thousand years is asking a bit much, probably even a hundred. I’d settle for Eri being happy until she dies, surrounded by her children and grandchildren.” She looked at Shaeula then, her gaze strangely intense, not at all like the auntie Hana I knew. “… can you promise me that you being with Aki will not trample on Eri’s joy?”

“I can, I swear it upon the moon, that always watches over the lands of the Fae. I swear it upon the King and Queen, may they strike-strike me down if I am lying.” Shaeula vowed solemnly, and I remembered she had often said promises were sacred to the Fae, not something to break. Then the mood changed, as her smile returned. “… as for a hundred years or more, do not-not be so quick to deny your daughter that. After all, I am of the Fae, my lifespan is indeterminate, and Akio, he too-too is becoming more like us. I have no doubts, none-none at all, that Akio will find a way to share this grace with Eri, Aiko and all-all others he holds dear. Besides…” she looked at me then. “… I believe even the mere act of gaining these levels and statistics will strengthen the body and slow-slow the ravages of age.”

“Seriously?” Hinata-san piped up, shocked. “The one thing, the only thing, money can’t buy is more time! And you say that Akio-kun can change that? If…” she chewed on her lip, thinking hard, a dangerous expression on her features. Damn, if this was a stupid dating sim like the two idiots from our class play on their handheld consoles during homeroom when they think our teacher isn’t looking, I’d guess I just saw a giant ‘favourability goes UP!’ light shine in her eyes.

“… if that was true, then my grandfather… no, Fujiwara-sama, Ichijou-sama and grandfather Itsuki… they would desire that above anything else, as they worry what will happen to Japan and the nobility when they inevitably pass on to the next life… ugh… this changes everything…”

Leaving Hinata-san to her ruminations, we pondered Shaeula’s heavy pronouncement, before mom spoke up.

“Damn, my son was going to let his beautiful mother grow old and haggard, her beauty flying away?” she joked, and as Shaeula and I assured her that of course my bro wouldn’t do that, he was just waiting for the right time, she giggled suddenly, sticking out her tongue mischievously. “Got you! I know… it must be tough for Aki, having to manage this, being part of a crazy new world that doesn’t make sense. I’m proud he’s managed so much, you are too, right darling?”

At that my dad agreed, nodding gruffly, and my mom continued. “Still, Shaeula, all this talk of the lands of the Fae, it’s just like the fairy tales I used to hear back in England as a child. The Lady in the Lake, leprechauns, brownies, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table…” at the word brownie, Shaeula winced, but I don’t think anyone but I noticed.

“Well, that is understandable.” Shaeula conceded. “The isles where you dwelt as a child are the wellspring of the Fae lands, though they and the Seelie Court do travel with-with the moon, traversing the lower Astral and alighting wherever they please-please.” She shrugged. “As-as for leprechauns, the Seelie Court has many, brownies too. The Lady in the Lake… I have never met-met her, of course, but the Queen counts her as a friend.”

“I’m… well, I’m shocked. To think that there was so much truth in my old children’s stories. I told so many of them to Aki and Ai, didn’t I?” she grinned at me. “Maybe I can take the credit for preparing my boy?” as she basked in her self-given praise, she suddenly leapt up, as if a thought occurred to her. “So, Shaeula, which type of Fae are you? Now I’m super curious!”

“Yes, I would like to know as well.” Motoko-san agreed.

“I too am curious. You are so pretty, it must be a cute one!” Natsumi-san agreed. Even Kazumi-san, who was the most wary of us all, nodded. Hinata-san was still lost in thought, mumbling about anti-aging medicine and the price it would fetch and other similar ideas.

“Behold, I am one of the proud beastfolk, weaselkin. Once of wind, now of both wind and flame, I stand-stand before you as Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, noble princess of the Seelie Court, daughter of Prince Shaetanao Gar Shae Dannan!”

As we all applauded her regal performance, my mom asked a question. “Weaselkin huh? Like… animal-folk?” at Shaeula’s confirming nod she giggled. “Really? I’ve always heard weasels were tricksy and treacherous. In a lot of the old fairy tales and also childrens’ stories back in the UK, weasels are often the villains!”

“Hmph, that is quite-quite rude!” Shaeula pouted adorably. “The weaselkin nearly all sided with the Seelie Court during the war-war, we are not like the giants or trolls who treacherously joined the Unseelie!”

Seeing she had touched a nerve, I apologised for my mom. “Sorry Shaeula, she didn’t mean to cause offense. She knows you are a good girl!”

“Hmph.” She nodded slowly. “Well, since you are to be my mother-in-law, I shall-shall forgive you!”

“How gracious!” auntie Hana chuckled.

“So… can you show us your true form? I bet it’s cute!” my mom asked, and Shaeula frowned, thinking.

“I could-could I believe. The ether density is paltry here, so were I to shed-shed this constructed form and descend to the Material in my true-true form, I would barely be able to manage a few minutes. Still, that will not-not be happening today.”

“Aww, are you still mad?” my mom asked, but she shook her head.

“No, I am not-not. I simply have to use my aether more productively. For I must-must perform Chirurgery on you all, must I not-not?” her expression was unreadable, but I could tell she was a bit displeased.

“Oh yeah, Aki said we would need that.” mom remembered.

“Very well. Then, father-in-law, you are first. I shall cleanse your hangover while-while I work.” She stood and padded over to dad, placing a hand on his chest, and her facial expression changed a little again, causing me to remember.

“Hang on, didn’t you say this was pretty intimate to a Fae, kind of like … well… making love?”

At that my dad flinched back, but Shaeula shook her head, her amber hair cascading. “While it is true-true Fae pair off by sharing their aether and elemental essences through our lunar chakras, this is not-not what I am doing. It is still… intimate… as you call it, but no more than a hug would be. Still, I do not-not care for hugging other males. Even if it is not shameful, I only wish to do it with Akio. Still, for father-in.. no, my two fathers-in-law, I shall make an exception.”

At that Hinata-san was snapped out of her musings. “So that’s why you looked so grumpy working on my brother. I think he’d have preferred a real hug though.”

“Well, he will remain forever disappointed.” Shaeula complained, her amber eyes flashing. She them started her workings, and my father groaned. Oh yeah, I remember the discomfort. Oh well, stay strong, everyone!




“So, these mental exercises will grow this chakra network, as you call it, strengthening every aspect of our bodies and minds? I find it hard to believe…” dad was saying. “… though with everything I’ve seen and heard, I guess this is not the most unbelievable thing this weekend.”

“Right, right!” mom was giggling, eyes shut as she tried to draw in ether and convert it, moving it around her body. “This is quite difficult.”

“It helps if you already have some sort of visualisation technique, such as for martial arts.” Motoko-san said kindly, helping mother work. Natsumi-san was also helping out, and was currently with uncle and auntie. Once more, I’m forced to realise they are very nice girls. Sad ones too! I’m still not sure if I want bro to marry them, that’d be unfair to Eri and Shaeula, but helping them? He’d better!

“Aiko-senpai… no, Aiko-san…” Motoko-san corrected herself, as I was tired of being called senpai by such a girl, it was stressing me out. “… her Kyudo techniques are advanced enough to become a skill, so they must prove a great benefit to her. I am quite envious.” As she smiled and Natsumi-san agreed, she finished. “… so perhaps if you have such, Oshiro-san, it would help?”

“Call me Emily.” My mom grinned back. “I don’t stand on ceremony, I’m not Japanese. Alas, the closest I’ve come to sport, unlike my Ai, is taking part in local fun-runs. Even then I usually flail in around last place. No, Ai got all the energy in our family! Though… talk of a skill intrigues me. I’ve played a few games, I get what they are, but you can have them in real life?”

“Yeah, it seems big bro has a skill of his own that can see the abilities of those he considers kin.” I chimed in, explaining. “I have skills with the bow and Kyudo, as well as the lowest level of an Eight Moons Chakra Network. Eri… well, she’s got less skills, but her stats are through the roof as she’s been levelling up. Lucky. I wish I could. I bet big bro is even getting her a few more today as a birthday present. It seems like something he’d do, overprotective as he is.”

“Jealous, Aiko?” Shaeula smirked annoyingly. “Well, there is always a way, is there not-not? Akio is reluctant, but I could convince…”

“La-La-La! I can’t hear you!” I pouted, putting my hands over my ears, though I could still hear her mirthful laughter as she poked fun at my expense.

“What’s that?” mom asked, puzzled, while auntie Hana had a different question. “Aren’t there only seven chakras? I know because I saw a chart at a jewellery store in Inuyama once, and they sold pieces with seven coloured stones.”

That shut off Shaeula’s laughter instantly, and it was my turn to grin, removing my hands. “That’s a funny story. Fae have an eighth chakra, it seems. Shaeula didn’t believe my bro when he said humans don’t have a lunar chakra, so she nearly killed him drilling one in!” as Shaeula paled at my betrayal, I stuck my tongue out at her in a tehe-pero, revelling in getting my own back on her for her relentless teasing about me and big bro. Okay, so I do love my big bro, he’s always looked out for me, but what little sister doesn’t love her supportive brother? It doesn’t mean anything else.

“Really, you put my Aki in danger?” mom was livid. “I think we need to talk about this, daughter-in-law!”

“No-no, there is no problem, and Akio is far-far stronger for it, Eri too…” Shaeula began, before auntie Hana joined in. “You put my little Eri at risk too?”

As Shaeula started to sweat under their inquisition, I started to feel a little bad for her, as she frantically explained that with her Chirurgery she could manage the risks, and that Eri’s lunar chakra was completely safe and stabilised, and mine was getting there now. She explained there was an ultimate failsafe in emergencies, though she glossed over what that was. Thank god. It only applies to girls too. The thought of my big bro having to perform with another man… some girls in class would be overjoyed, but it’s not for me…

“… so my Chirurgery continues to grow stronger, and with my eyes I can see issues, so…” Shaeula finished desperately. I was about to throw her a lifeline, having had my fun, when Motoko-san piped up. “So, these levels. They seem important. Why can you not get them, Aiko-san?”

“Good question.” I sighed. “It seems like only big bro can level up normally, but… he has a skill he can grant to other girls which allows them to get some levels. There might be other ways too?” I looked at Shaeula who nodded. “Still, levels are powerful, but rare.”

“So, why hasn’t he given you the skill, little Ai?” Auntie asked, and I could see my parents and uncle were curious too, the noble girls as well. I could feel my face heating up, and silently cursed. Damn you bro, making me explain all this while you are off having fun with Eri! You owe me!

“I’ll give you a clue. The skill is called Lovers’ Link. I sure do love big bro, but not that way.”

At that, there was a horrified silence, though Motoko-san and Natsumi-san… they didn’t look phased. Although from our talk last night at the sleepover, they know nothing about what it means to be lovers, the poor girls.

“My son… I can see we need to talk again.” dad said, his expression scary. Uncle Junpei nodded.

“It is not-not his fault. He does not-not set out to be lewd.” Shaeula apologised for him. “The skill was birthed through his love-love for Eri, and she and I both benefit, so where is the harm?”

“I can see plenty of harm.” Mom said. “I don’t want my Aki to play around willy-nilly just to strengthen people. I wanted him to settle down and marry Eri, live a quiet, happy life. Now… well, seeing him with Shaeula on one arm, Eri on the other… it isn’t so bad, but…”

“Come on, give my bro some credit.” I sighed. “Last time you thought he was a drug kingpin, and now a man-whore? It’s Lovers’ Link. I bet it only works on those he loves, right?”

Shaeula nodded, relieved. “You should be thankful Akio is such a kind male. There are others who have gained this power and abuse it for their own cruel-cruel desires, such as Kondou Kazuo. I shall tell you a tale-tale of evil, and how Akio vanquished it.” she turned to the noble girls. “It is a tale of the vileness males perpetrate, so perhaps you should not-not…”

“Nonsense.” Hinata-san declared, ignoring the protests from Kazumi-san. “Father, mother and grandfather sent me here to listen and learn. I shall do so, I’m not a child!”

“Very well-well. I shall be as… circumspect… as possible.” Shaeula began her tale, starting with big bro’s assertion there would probably only be a few thousand like him in Japan. She then told us of Las Vegas, and the battle that defeated a rival there, which fascinated me, as I wasn’t aware my bro and Shaeula were doing such dangerous things while Eri and I were enjoying ourselves. Talk then turned to Tokyo, and of this Kondou bastard, who was a really scary piece of work. She glossed over the worst descriptions, but I got the point. Those poor girls!

“… so the priest of Hisuikomushi shrine was freed, and now he is under-under Akio’s protection, but alas, Haru… her spirit lingers. As for Kondou… I used my winds to force him to confess, and he now-now festers in prison, where Akio assures me he shall-shall eventually be put to death, which is a more merciful fate than he deserves. So, never-never doubt Akio. He uses his power wisely, to protect.”

As the story finished, both Kazumi-san and Hinata-san gasped, shocked. “It’s him! The pervert at the party who was looking at us with such evil eyes!” Hinata-san cried.

“Indeed.” Kazumi-san said, troubled. “This poor Haru girl, she must have been at the same party we were, and he followed her out and…” she looked sick. “It could have been us. I would have been confident I could defend you, except… now…” she looked troubled.

“Now you know-know what strength Kondou could muster? Yes-yes, he was annoyingly strong, with a wicked gift of pain.” Shaeula shuddered. “I felt the lash myself. Still, Akio prevented the spread of his evil. There are others, those within the shrines and temples of this land-land, and Akio hopes to bring them under his aegis as well-well, or at least secure an alliance.”

“I see.” dad mused. “That explains the shrines and why Takeyabashi-san stood up for my son. But to think he’s been running around, playing hero.”

“It is no mere-mere play. Lives are at stake.” Shaeula was serious now, addressing us all, especially the noble girls. “You may think that perhaps another might be able to support you, defend you. But few-few will be as forward-thinking as Akio. After all, with my help, has he not-not found a way to train others, those who have not been chosen?” she grinned. “I shall gift him the support of the Fae, in time. Kami, gods of this land, support him. They may be few-few in number now, but they shall flock to his banner in due time.” At her amber gaze the noble girls were pinned, like a rat under a snake. “So be grateful. You have chosen wisely. Akio shall-shall fulfil all your wishes, should you support him and never betray him. Do not-not let this chance escape you…”

As silence reigned, the heavy revelations, talks of cruelty and Shaeula’s proclamation all sinking in, my mom finally broke the spell, clapping her hands loudly. “All right, enough of that. Ai, why don’t you take Shaeula and our guests around the town? They’ll be going back to Tokyo tomorrow, right? They might as well see what Nishimorioka has to offer.”

I nodded. “Good idea. And while we are gone, don’t forget to practise, okay?” Yeah, I don’t like hearing about bro and Shaeula fighting such scary people. But if they have to… I get why Eri wants to be stronger. It sucks not being able to support them. But… how do I grow my strength? What can… what can I do?




“I can’t believe I’m in school again without permission.” I sighed. Still, being as it wasn’t the summer holidays anymore, there were other students about, a small number anyway, practising track-and-field or other sports. “And bringing in you girls…”

“I am grateful you would allow us to see your archery dojo.” Motoko-san said, eyeing the area with some excitement. Natsumi-san echoed her. Kazumi-san and Hinata-san were less interested, but they had no wish to be left out. That just left Shaeula, who was chaperoning us all, not having anything else fun to do.

“It’s hardly a dojo. Just the place where our small Kyudo club practises. And speaking of…” I had dressed myself in my kyudo clothing, and my red bow, my trusty friend of many years, felt comfortable in my hands. Sure, I like the Olympic recurve that my bro bought me, and the faerie bow… that’s going to be my companion in life-or-death battles down the line… but there’s something special about this bow. I have a lot of memories with it, after all. I slowed my breathing, drawing an arrow and placing it to my bow. Sinking into the mediative state of concentration, I felt my forehead growing hot, and bubbling energy was pooling in my lower body and spreading upwards. It was faint, but ever since I had succeeded in forming my Eight Moons Chakra Network, I had noticed my energy growing steadily, at a far faster rate than before.

“Your form is quite good.” Natsumi-san observed quietly, but I barely heard her, deep in concentration. Moving through the stages of shooting, I could hear my own breath, steady and quiet. The faint trembling of my muscles felt good, the extra strength, precision and perception I had gained all combining to push me further towards mastery of the bow. A stray thought tried to enter the emptiness I was cultivating, that somehow I was cheating, using power I had gained to improve my technique, but I squashed it ruthlessly. I didn’t cheat. I gained this through hard work. Sure, Shaeula helped, but… I put in the effort. And hard work is one thing that never betrays anyone!

The arrow left my hand, the bowstring giving off a gentle twang. Following the arrow with my mind, trying to make myself part of it, my insides bubbled with heat. There was silence, and then the hoshi mato, the target, was pierced, the arrow striking nearly dead centre and cleaving deep into the material. Letting out a long breath, I was pleased. Yeah, that’s definitely Kanteki. The arrow pierces the target. But Zaiteki still eludes me. Although our seniors and instructors did say that reaching ‘the arrow exists in the target’ is something that many never master…

Lowering my bow I concluded the Kyudo ritual, only to find Motoko-san and Natsumi-san lightly applauding, while Shaeula was grinning at me, eyes aglow.

“That was quite splendid, Aiko-san.” Motoko-san approved. “Your form is quite lovely. I can see some similarities between your archery and ours indeed, though Kyudo is more for enlightenment than combat. Though perhaps…” she exchanged a look with Natsumi-san, who nodded reassuringly. “…perhaps enlightenment is more important than I believed, having heard what Shaeula-sensei told us earlier?”

“Maybe so.” I agreed. “But I think combat seems plenty important too.”

“True.” Motoko-san said. “I… and do excuse me if this is an uncouth request, but… I was wondering if Natsumi and I could release a few arrows at the target? I know it is often inexcusably rude to try and impose on a fellow martial artist and their training grounds, but…”

I shrugged. “Well, this is just a school Kyudo range. It’s nothing so grand as that. I might get in trouble if any teacher comes by, but on a late Sunday afternoon I think that’s unlikely. Besides…” I looked at her bow, the hebihikoukiba, as she had called it before. “… I’m pretty curious about your techniques myself.”

“I thank you.” Motoko-san bowed to me, her motions crisp. As she limbered up, Hinata-san approached me, Kazumi-san following her.

“You know, Motoko-san has a lot of fans at our school. Some of the Three-Hundred look up to her, as she’s approachable despite her high status, and struggles with a similar sort of unfairness. She always tries to make the best of things, but I think she’s hurting inside. Still… she seems really happy today.”

 “Happy, huh?” as I watched her take a stance, it was different to Kyudo, narrower, the bow held differently, which made sense as it was far more compact. She borrowed one of my arrows and nocked it to her bow elegantly, yet swiftly. With a cry she fired, before taking a second arrow quickly and then a third. They whistled through the air, slamming into the target, two quivering next to the arrow I had placed, the third striking a few centimetres away, by the edge. That’s kind of cool… if that was a charging enemy, she’d have riddled him with arrows before I even got one off…

“Natsumi, your turn. A three-arrow burst.” Taking the bow from Motoko-san, she replicated her feat, the movements a little less polished, the arrows striking the target in three different places, but it was still quite the achievement, getting three to land after releasing them so rapidly.

“Well, now I feel less impressed with myself.” I clapped wryly. Seriously, they are both excellent. I can see how much effort, how much training they’ve put in. They both love it. Yet to have to give that up, just to get married…

“Well, your skills are nothing to be ashamed of.” Motoko-san denied my self-deprecating talk. “I find your classical form beautiful. Our arts simply focus on different things. Speaking of, would you like to see how we handle a sword and spear? We can step outside, so as not to dishonour this place.”

“Well, to be honest, yes, I’m a bit curious. After all, I’ve seen a little of how my bro fights, and he uses a spear and sometimes some swords.” Not that I got to see much during my one brief sojourn. Though I guess he did fight Eri with a different kind of sword…

“Oh, now I would love to see that. His form and techniques are lacking, but his speed and power… they compensate brilliantly. I would not be able to defeat him, even with my greater skills. Likely even if Natsumi joined in, he would defeat us both.”

“I see. Well, seems like my bro has been through some fierce battles, right Shaeula?”

“Indeed he has. With many-many more to come. Still, he eagerly tries to learn, he has been watching videos on the internet, since he knows little-little of combat himself, and suffering regular chastisement from Master Ulfuric, one of my brothers’ most trusted warriors. I dare say he would be delighted to have the two of you as his teachers, Motoko, Natsumi. After all, what male would not-not want his instructors to be beautiful and gentle females?”

At that they both blushed, their ears turning pink. That reaction is bad. I can practically see the heart-shapes in their eyes. I guess someone having respect for what you love doing is bound to make a good impression.

“We would not presume to teach Akio-sensei, we came to learn ourselves…” she began, but Shaeula cut her off.

“Such thinking is foolish. Learn all you can-can, teach all you can, then together grow stronger, so that we may save the world and prosper. That-that is Akio’s wish, and I support it. It was no-no different for me, back when I taught him how to master the wind.”

“I see, my thinking has been foolish. It is hard to step out of the bounds of our common sense, our reliance on status. I shall take your words to heart.” Motoko-san said, and Natsumi-san echoed her. “Very well then, Natsumi, take up gurenyari. I shall wield the sword, utsoroihebi. We shall run through the fourth through seventh forms. Understand?”

Motoko with sword

What followed next was surprisingly thrilling. Out on the grass, the two beautiful girls duelled, looking noble in their combat-wear, the hakama. Natsumi-san initially seemed to have the advantage, the length of the crimson spear keeping Motoko-san at bay, but as the battle progressed Motoko-san was cornering her, deflecting the spear-tip with slight parries, before her blade finally came to rest just below Natsumi-san’s ribs, touching but not cutting. Wow, a fight with live weapons is something else. My heart is racing!

“Good work, Natsumi. You are growing ever-stronger.”

“I still can’t beat you with weapon in hand.” She pouted, returning gurenyari to its wrappings. “You still outmatch me, Motoko-san.”

Natsumi with spear

“For now.” She smiled, wiping the sweat from her brow. “Though who can say how we will develop, under the care of Akio-sensei?”

“Very good-good.” Shaeula clapped, drawing everyone’s attention. “I am most impressed. You shall shine brightly when polished, the both of you. as for Hinata and Kazumi…” her gaze flickered over to the two who watched the bout in silence. “… I am sure-sure you can contribute in other ways.”

“Hmph. I haven’t decided if I want to yet.” Hinata-san looked away. Kazumi-san remained silent, something she had done for most of the weekend. I think Hinata-san is a bit tsundere… cute, but annoying.

“Well, it’s starting to get dark, so we might as well cut short our fun. We don’t want anyone to get injured fighting in poor light…”

“Indeed, and a bath would be welcome. I have not-not fought, but it must be unpleasant, sweating so.”

“Yeah, let’s go back to my place.” I agreed. “I guess we can have a bath, have some dinner and maybe put some effort into improving our chakra networks? We might as well make use of Shaeula while we have her, she’s got really good eyes.”

“That sounds perfect.” Motoko-san said, and with that we packed up, leaving the now-deserted school behind. Eri, bro, I hope you have fun. Happy birthday Eri, you’ve earned this…

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