On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Thirty-Four – Mori Eri

Side Thirty-Four – Mori Eri

The scene in front of me was incredible. It was one thing when I was taken by Akio to this strange place when we were in Las Vegas, but then there was only the deserts and nasty giant scorpions. Here there was… well… how could I even explain it?

“Come forth, spirits of water who serve the King of all the Seelie, Monarch of the Fae!” the strange white-furred … person… Selensha, I think it was… was chanting rhythmically, voice pitched with strange cadences. Swirls of orange light were circling around Shaeula, who was standing proudly at the centre of the surrounding crowd. Next to her was a very intimidating opponent, who was well-armed and muscular. He’s like a badger. Quite often they could be seen in the mountains, though I had always stayed away from them, as they could be aggressive. Aiko had a picture book with talking animals in it, her mother had given it her as a child. And the badger in that looked a lot like this one, though… Far less terrifying. His armour is glittering gold under the light, and he has a lot of weapons…I swallowed nervously, my hands sweaty.

“Swear to the spirits, that you shall accept their benevolence, that you may battle in the dream of the mist under the moon…” Selensha continued, her husband, Shaeula’s brother, looking on pridefully.

Shaeula wasn’t lying when she said her family had multiple wives… Still, that wasn’t important, what did matter was that he was really scary. Not his appearance, as that was more strange, maybe even a little comical, but his… his intensity, his anger. When his glare had caught her, his green eyes piercing, she had cowered, hating herself a little for it. But Akio… he had met him head-on, not backing down an inch. Shaeula too.

As Shaeula and the badger Ulfuric both said their vows, the orange lights intensified, and a great billow of mist blew down from the skies above, blanketing the field momentarily. I shivered again, from the cloying damp sensation as well as fear of this unknown situation and the aggression directed at us I was hardly used to. It was then I felt the warm touch of a hand in mine. I turned, to see Akio looking at me, concern in his gaze.

“Don’t worry, I’m here with you. Whatever happens, you’ll be safe. Besides, Shaeula taught you how to expel your aether in a flash, right?” He said, his smile kind, and my heart skipped a beat, as it seemed to be doing more often as I spent longer with him.

“I know.” I said slowly. “But… I don’t understand. Why does Shaeula, do you…” the thought of Akio having to grovel before that unpleasant brute that was Shaeula’s rude brother made me mad, my stomach aching fiercely. But even worse was the thought of them getting hurt. I didn’t have many friends, but I couldn’t lie to myself. Shaeula was one, and a better friend than I deserved. If only she didn’t love Akio too… “… have to fight? Don’t you want to stop this?” All the talk of Territory and other strange matters went over my head, it was a world apart from what I knew. I did want to know, to be a part of every aspect of Akio’s life from now on, but if at every turn was danger… “I worry Shaeula is going to get hurt or worse. I mean, look at him!”

His hand tightened on mine, and I followed his line of sight, to Shaeula, who was exchanging words with Selensha and Ulfuric, her expression relaxed. Though I know her better than that I think. Her posture was stiff, betraying her nerves. My own vision strayed back to Akio, and at the complicated mixture of anxiety, pride and other emotions, I couldn’t help but lean in close to share my own meagre warmth in return.

“Oh, of course I don’t want Shaeula to fight. But this is something she believes in. I didn’t want you to come to the Boundary today either, did I? But didn’t you tell me that while you loved me, that didn’t mean you had to do everything I say?” he forced a smile, but underneath it was pain. “You were right of course, if you care about someone, you have to let them do what is important to them. Though if this was truly dangerous, I would have stopped her. This Moonlight Mist Realm means that they shouldn’t suffer permanent injuries, and Shaeraggo… well, no matter what I think of him, he does love his sister so wouldn’t do her harm. I’m sure of it…”

Indeed, the black-furred weaselkin was approaching Shaeula, and I was again struck at just how adorable she looked in her true form. If she stayed like that all the time I wouldn’t be threatened by her. But as a girl she’s gorgeous, so pale and doll-like, with unique eyes…

“It is not too-too late, my little sister. Your insolence has no doubt been caused by this lowly thief of a mortal. When you are separated from him, you shall see the error of your ways.”

Shaeula merely scoffed at him, not deigning to answer. Shaeraggo was annoyed, continuing to browbeat her. “Once a Trial of Three has been agreed there can be no-no withdrawal, that is true. But you can still concede your challenges, and allow me the victory. I shall rid you of your-your corruption and we can go back to how things were. Do you not miss us, your siblings? Why stay here away from the glories of the Court?”

Uhh, I think Shaeula’s brother is a bit dumb. I’ve heard the stories from Shaeula and even here. She can’t go back yet, that’s the point. I bet Aiko is glad Akio isn’t that way…

Shaeula seemed to feel the same, as she yawned ostentatiously, and I had to stifle a laugh behind my free hand.

“Oh please, brother.” Shaeula said when she was done taunting him. “Do not-not look so foolish in front of your new wife, it shall sour her opinion of you-you, and she seems too talented to upset.” At her praise Selensha puffed herself up taller, and Shaeula spared her a smile. “I shall never concede, not-not even if my body is broken and my soul is shattered.” She turned away, back to us. “Akio, have faith in me. I know-know you had little wish for me to endanger myself, but this is the path I, no we, have chosen. We can not-not shy away from trials, not-not if we are to honour our Oaths and Pledges. But rest assured, I shall take as a few risks as I can.”

Akio nodded, clearly choked with emotion, worry writ plain on his face, easy for me to see, as I had been watching him all these years. As he replied with words of encouragement, as much for himself and me as Shaeula, her gaze strayed to me, and her placid amber orbs seemed to peer into my very soul. She smiled, mischievously and also with trust, and I was forced to remember the words we had shared only a short while ago, hidden from Akio, and I felt my fears return, face paling, body shaking. At that Shaeula merely shook her head, signalling me to be strong.

“Are you really sure about this?” I had asked. “I don’t want it to end this way, not… not and lose you. Akio, he couldn’t bear it either…” Shaeula merely patted me on the shoulder, her touch kind. Her words had then rocked me, shaking loose tears of guilt and fear. “You do care greatly for Akio, you truly deserve to stand by his side. But I am just as pleased you do not-not wish me gone. I feel I now have a place in your heart as well-well.”

“Of course I’ll never wish you gone! It would wound Akio for ever. I’ll comfort him as best I can, I love him, but if you are gone… it’ll make him sad. To him… it isn’t just me who is important!” After our talk on the plane I could say it. My jealously and insecurity wasn’t gone, far from it, like she said, it would take time to heal slowly, but I could accept that Akio cared for others. His family, Aiko… Shaeula. And if she was to be stripped from us, then Akio would grieve. I would do my best to heal him, but compared to not suffering the pain at all, I know what I wanted for him… I had angrily dashed away my tears of weakness trying to gather my strength.

She had nodded her approval, which somehow made me angry. “Fine then. I’ll forgive you if only you just win! I don’t want regrets!”

At that she had smiled so beautifully, so full of surprise and joy. And for a moment I felt it might be all right to walk along side her, me on Akio’s right, her on the left. Then the moment was gone as she turned away and I remembered something her brother had said, something disquieting. I had grabbed her yukata and brought her close, my jealously surging up as if it was rebelling against my previous wishes.

“So, do tell me, what is this about being defiled and corrupted? Have you been doing indecent things with Akio, betraying my trust and cheating on me? Well, tell me?” At the thought of what I had said I flushed shamefully. I was so low, getting worked up at such a crucial time, even when Shaeula had defended me when Akio had tried to refuse my request to train here. But some things were important…

“Pay that no-no mind.” Shaeula had said, without a trace of guilt. “Yes, we shared our essences, which is considered something one would only do with those they truly trust and admire, but-but…” she had locked eyes with me and I could see no falsehoods, only deadly seriousness. “Akio did that but-but to save my life. The flames were consuming my very being, and he poured himself within to stabilise me-me. He saved my life, and had no thoughts of intimacy. I swear on my very pride this is true.”

She was no liar. I knew that. She might enjoy teasing and playing tricks, but she would not have lied to my face. I believed I meant more to her than that. She meant more to me!

“I trust you, I do, though the thought still doesn’t make me happy, but I guess it might be like CPR? I’m a little upset, but Akio, Aiko and I, we would never want you to die, so I forgive you both. You owe me though, all right?”

She had clasped me in a warm hug then, and whispered something into my ear. “I shall spend my whole life making it up to you and Akio. So have faith in me-me, and look on with eyes unclouded and see that I am worthy to stand by your side… and if not…”

Even after her words I had struggled to believe, but seeing that Akio was torn as well, desperate to protect her from harm yet unwilling to trample her autonomy, and that he had learned to do that from me… there was no more time for tears. I would watch and engrave it into my heart, the bravery and pride of the woman who was my rival, but wanted to be my friend. She had said something else then too, words too painful for me to even recall right now. No, they won’t come true. They can’t…

“Ulfuric, you can teach my foolish little sister a hard lesson.” Shaeraggo was finally tired of her taunts. “Do not kill her of course, or leave her scarred. She is too beautiful to be any further marred. Still, only when one is burned will they truly have appropriate fear-fear of the flame it seems.”

“As you wish, my prince.” Ulfuric turned to Shaeula, bowing to her gracefully, despite his bulk. “Well little princess. I remember you watching your sister and brothers spar with me in the courtyard of your father’s castle. You had quite the attitude even then. It is both a relief and a shame to see you have changed little due to your hardships.”

Ulfuric, ready for battle

“Oh, I have changed much-much.” She disagreed. “But I remember those times fondly, Master Ulfuric. You looked very dashing in your armour of gold-gold, wielding many weapons with ease. You used to carry me on your shoulders when I asked and none of my maids-maids were looking, as I recall. Fond memories. Alas now, I have precious memories I treasure far more. So I shall show you just what changes these hardships have brought to me-me.”

“Very well. I applaud your courage. It truly befits the daughter of Prince Shaetanao, and your noble mother too. Still, I fear you do not understand that bravery does not trump power. Forgive me, little princess, for this lesson is liable to hurt.” The giant badger unstrapped his spear, carrying the cruel, bronze-tipped shaft of ash in his massive hands.

“True, and power is what I shall display.” Shaeula withdrew her own weapons, the strange festival-toy windcatchers I had seen her with, attached to long metal strings. “Sister-in-law, if you could do the honours?”

Selensha looked at both her husband and Akio, and at their nods (Akio clutching my hand tighter as he gestured) she raised one hand, before letting it fall, a surge of orange energy cascading upwards. “Begin the first Trial of Three. May the gaze of the King and Queen fall beneficently on the victor, and mercifully on the loser!”

“I shall start then!” Shaeula shouted, and dazzling jade blades of wind slashed out from her across various angles, whistling through the air.

“Hmm, not bad, you have improved a touch, little princess.” Ulfuric observed, looking unruffled. Using speed belying his frame he dodged many of the attacks, the cleaving blows tearing up the ground. Several others he deflected with his armguards and greaves, the blows rocking him a little but doing no damage. “But you need more than this to challenge me!”

Ulfuric darted forwards, his spear making probing thrusts, the point moving quickly, my eyes struggling to keep up. Still, Shaeula was dodging, hopping backwards gracefully, not letting up with the torrent of jade light.

“Is… is she going to be able to hold him off? Her attacks aren’t hurting him.” I asked, and Akio nodded.

“Shaeula is keeping it cagey to start. She’s showing off more power than she used to have, but it’s a far cry from what she can do now. Besides, she hasn’t even used her pinwheels yet.”

Ulfuric must have agreed, as his spear was accelerating, pressuring her. “You need to use your strange weapons soon, little princess. You cannot hope for your wind to check me, with this little power.”

“Oh, really?” Shaeula scoffed, six serpentine coils of wind forming around her, swelling in size, weasel-heads that seemed to resemble her own face at the head of the winds. Ugh, not sure that’s a good attack, it looks a bit creepy…

Ulfuric grinned, his fur blowing in the sudden pressure. Readying his spear he parried as the half-dozen wind-weasels roared towards him. There was a series of loud explosions, debris hurled outwards, and Akio spun me around, shielding me with his body, warm in his arms. No, did that get him? Did Shaeula win?

“Emerald Wind Prison!” Shaeula intoned then, and as Akio released me from his shelter, I could see her standing proud, a crater of cracked rock and stone spreading crazily across the floor, and a… whirling dome of swirling winds, the very air seeming to be torn apart by their passing.

Selensha clapped her hands at the display of elemental ability, before looking guiltily at Shaeraggo, who was observing impassively. Shaking his head, he let out a sigh. “Stop playing around, Ulfuric. Such a weak ward cannot hold you-you.”

Ulfuric responded by simply shattering the defence, his spear flying through it, narrowly missing Shaeula, who was forced to deflect it by finally unleashing her pinwheels. One swung at the spear, knocking it aside, while the other darted in at Ulfuric, accompanied by a volley of descending drills of air she had prepared for his escape.

“Not bad, not bad at all.” Ulfuric said, some of his fur a little ragged. Swinging one arm he deflected the incoming pinwheel, the wire whining against his golden vambrace and throwing off sparks, before he struck it away. One drill of wind had caught his unarmoured shoulder, and faint droplets of blood were blowing in the breeze. “But still…”

His words were suddenly drowned out as the ground under him exploded, the drills of Shaeula having dug into the ground after falling and then bursting. Once more Akio shielded me, but I stood on my tiptoes, looking over his shoulder, unable to look away. The battle was frightening, and I worried for Shaeula, but it was also somehow epic, noble…

“That won’t be enough…” Akio said mournfully, and he was quickly proved right as a ruby light flared, and the ground collapsed, the explosions stopping as rock and dirt melted like clay, forming a solid underfooting. Ulfuric was there, dirty but unharmed, and in his hands he now carried a massive, long-handled mace.

“I take it back, little princess. That was well done indeed. Where did you learn such fine control? Even your sister would be proud.”

“Naturally, I learned it from Akio.” She said proudly, taking a moment to talk to her opponent. “We studied together and after much hardship I mastered many-many arts. Is that not right, Akio?”

Beside me, he agreed. “Yeah, you sure did, Shaeula. You learned faster than me, for sure. I need to grow stronger to keep up.”

“In that case, it is disrespectful to treat you as I remember you. I shall step up my attacks a notch. Do not hate me for this, princess. Your kin suffered many bruises at my hands, so consider this just another lesson.”

Ulfuric swung his mace at Shaeula, but she leapt away, her feet seeming to step on the air for a moment before she changed direction. As she did so her two pinwheels came in from opposite directions, striking from impossible angles. Ulfuric punched one away, the other trying to take his legs, but rock rose and met it, though it was only a barrier for a brief second before it was severed, and he leapt over it. Even so, the two wires came back on him, constantly keeping him on the defensive.

“Intriguing, I have never seen such weapons, not in the Court, nor in the lands of the mortals.” Ulfuric said, striding through a shower of sparks, the shaft of his mace used to deflect the whining wires before they could injure his flesh.

“Nor should you have-have.” Shaeula did not let up her assault as she spoke, also firing off more jets and blasts of wind at any openings. The shrine grounds were looking disastrous now. “These are a gift from Akio, for me and me alone, made by his own hands. You shall not-not see their like again.”

At that I found myself pouting, unworthy jealousy burning up my throat. I didn’t want weapons as a present, did I? Besides, Akio has given me plenty… my hand went to my bare finger, the engagement ring not reflected here in this strange world. It was then I could see Shaeraggo, who was also seething in jealously, glaring daggers at Akio, and my unworthy thoughts vanished, replaced with a hollow, sick feeling. I’m… I’m not as bad as him, am I? If so, I could never face Akio or Shaeula again…

“I see. You do seem to care for the mortal, little princess. A shame. Even with all your toys…” he suddenly stepped forwards, his speed increasing. “… it will all be in vain!”

I let out a gasp, and beside me Akio was biting his lip, and I could see blood, red and silver. Shaeula was wielding her wires more ferociously, whipping Ulfuric, but she was being pressed, her speed not able to keep up.

The air rang with a sickening crack, followed by a groan of pain. Bright blood blossomed, and several drops even flew far enough to strike my face. My eyes were wide, and I could see Shaeula hunched up, the sound of metal striking the ground as one of her pinwheels hit the stone below.

“Shaeula, no, be careful!” Akio cried beside me, and the concern in his voice, the anguish at her hurts, the sheer painall I can do here is support you both. I took his hand, and he was surprised by the sudden contact, having momentarily forgotten I was there. As I met his gaze I whispered a few words. “You told me to believe in her. You do it too, Akio. She wants no-one to have faith in her more than you.”

He was surprised, I think, before he favoured me with a smile, masking his pain, yet there was genuine warmth there. Turning back to the fight, we both watched what would happen next, but at the words of Ulfuric, who was standing tall over Shaeula, whose back looked so small, so fragile in comparison, I was rocked to the core…

“You are just too slow, little princess. If you were faster you might have dodged that, and your weapon could have won you the victory were you a little stronger…” one wrist was against his throat, the golden armour starting to shred against the cutting force of the vibrating wires of the one pinwheel Shaeula still held in a trembling hand.

If she was faster, stronger? My thoughts went back to the happiest night of my life, in Las Vegas.

“That skill, Lovers’ Link. I have been stuck at level five-five for quite some time. I believe if I was to acquire this skill, the extra…” Shaeula had begun, after discovering a strange skill that somehow had the potential to make me strong. I still didn’t fully get it, but I was studying. But it seemed that it needed… intimacy of the greatest kind… no, call it what it was, sex, making love with my Akio, to work. Why did he have to get such a strange, unfair skill? Though thanks to it I am standing here, watching, supporting…

Aiko had warned her off, of course, but Shaeula had been undaunted, saying she felt that I would agree, as it was to her benefit. I couldn’t understand such thoughts at the time. Who in their right mind would allow someone to sleep with their love just for some power? My answer…

“Akio is my boyfriend, not yours, and if you do sex purely for gain, it is nothing but prostitution. A princess shouldn’t be a whore now, should she?” At the time I was angry and cold, and even now I thought it was wrong to have sex for gain, but… I called her a prostitute and a whore. Shaeula, the girl who encouraged me and Akio to be together just as much, perhaps more, than anyone. When I calmed down that morning I felt dreadful, guilty, but I was too weak, too scared, too prideful, to apologise.

Seeing Shaeula, fragile, beaten, so unlike the strong presence I was used to, I finally confronted my feelings. She had even said it, after. It wasn’t just for gain, it was because she loved Akio, and even though I did too, she saw no issue with it, able to love me too, in her own way. If… if… I was able to hold down my jealousy then, even if it was just for that one time… would the extra strength have been enough for her… to avoid such injury, to win, for both her own and my Akio’s dream?

“Shaeula, don’t hold back! Don’t worry about the second Trial, just … just don’t lose! I don’t care about me, but what about your dream! Don’t let it end here!” Akio shouted, his voice raw with pain, as though he was gargling blood.

Her dream? The final grim words Shaeula had said to me finally pushed out from the dark corner of my mind I had shoved them in. I was smart, I understood what this Trial meant, what was at stake. If we lost… Shaeula would be gone, never to see us, to see Akio again. But that was not what she cared about, even though I knew she cared… no, loved… as much as I.

“And if not… If I should lose, despite all efforts, and be taken-taken from this place, back to the gilded cage my brother wishes for me… you must continue to grow stronger. Under price of Trial, Akio will be-be crippled spiritually. He will live once more as an ordinary mortal, fragile and weak. It will be left to you-you to grow stronger, to shield him from danger… to heal his heart. I can trust you on this, can I not, Eri, my friend, the one who understands and shares my love-love.”

She… she isn’t confident, she fears she’ll lose, but even then she worries for Akio, for me. My mind is made up! I don’t want this anymore…

As soon as the desperate call of support from Akio died down, I raised my own voice, unafraid of all the eyes from both sides of this dispute I drew to me. I was a coward, but if I took small steps, I could be as brave as Akio, as Aiko, as Shaeula… one day.

“I remember your words, Shaeula. But you had better not think that I’ll obey you! If Akio is to be safe, you have to be here to see it. I can’t do it on my own. I’m weak, but you promised to make me stronger. That isn’t done yet, so fight, fight, get up and FUCKING fight!” At the end emotion boiled out of me, and I swore crudely, more like something Aiko would do if it was just the two of us in private and she was really, really mad.

Akio gasped, looking at me in shock, and so was Shaeraggo, his green gaze blazing, contempt written across his features. Oh damn, I’d promised Akio not to draw attention to myself…

“Strange little mortal is right.” suddenly a huge voice slobbered balefully. It was the huge troll in armour carrying a titanic mace. He had scared me when he started the fight and later stomped up to our corner, but now he was looking at me and Shaeula with his eyes filled with support. “Grul says you have nothing to fear from puny badger. Grul will prove it next Trial, but for now, little weasel, Grul says you should roar to the skies and break him. Have you no pride? Grul carries more weight with his mace. Remember that.”

Ulfuric had been watching the injured Shaeula as her shattered arm hung limp, blood pooling underneath her. Her second pinwheel had failed to penetrate, and was now buzzing in the air. Perhaps he had been waiting for her surrender, I didn’t know, but now he made to move under the gaze of his master. But as he did so, Shaeula began to laugh. Not a crazed laugh, or a laugh to mask her pain, but a bright one of good humour and irony.

“This is quite the unexpected treat. I had expected Akio to cheer for me, and your words give me strength. Of course-course I shall defend my, no, our dream. But to think even that idiot Grulgor is trying to encourage me-me… wonders shall never cease. And you too, Eri. I thank you for your warm support. Perhaps this is that tsundere thing I have heard so much-much about?”

Before I could respond she stood tall. “I tried-tried to save too many trump cards for the second Trial. Perhaps it was indeed too much pride-pride, but now… Akio, Grulgor, Eri, all those who support me… I have no wish to be separated from you.” She turned to her brother. “Watch carefully, dear brother Shaeraggo, at what your darling sister has learned, how she has grown.” She turned her gaze back to me one more time. “Watch me and know my resolve. When this is over… I hope we can speak once more-more.”

“Enough of this. End this farce, Ulfuric. My sister grows ever more delusional. We must-must take her from this place!”

“Stand down!” Shaeula shouted suddenly, a roar of green leaving her. For a brief moment, Ulfuric halted, and she used that time to grasp her second pinwheel, holding both handles in one small hand. They burst to life again, moving towards him, and his mace was tangled, snatched free from his grasp. She swung it, and he parried it, sending it scattering across the devastated arena.

“Taste the fruits of my efforts, the proof of my love!” Shaeula shouted into the sudden stillness, every spectator watching, rapt, hearts hammering. Mine felt it was going to burst out of my chest. She isn’t even making any effort to hide how she loves him in front of me. But… now, in this moment… she’s shining, beautiful, her heart bare for all to see…

Ulfuric rushed forwards like a speeding truck, grabbing another of his weapons, this time a fierce battle-axe, the head silver. Around him the weasel-snakes from before were forming again, more of them, larger and fiercer.

“The same trick just larger does not work, little princess.” He warned, swinging his axe, aiming to finish the fight in one blow.

“Oh I know indeed-indeed.” She chortled, and suddenly within the verdant light yellow flames blossomed, like the rising of the sun at dawn. Ulfuric’s swing went wild, surprise robbing his moves of grace, and Shaeula deflected with her pinwheels, moments before the fiery weasels descended, drowning the place in flame, gleaming citrine explosions echoing through the stunned stillness.

Even as the fires exploded, Shaeula was not done. Leaping into the air she vaulted over the roiling flames, and in her teeth was clutched a set of strange pink stone bells, making a pretty singing sound. Swinging her head, making them chime, she drew in a mass of wind energy, before raining it down in a series of gleaming green droplets.

Pretty… I was captivated by the sight, the brawl momentarily forgotten. But then Shaeula landed, and the jade precipitation flared, bursting into flames.

“I-I leaned this one from Akio…” Shaeula tried to explain to the watching Selensha, her mouth still full with the handle of the bell, muffling her words adorably. She had been watching the exchange of elemental battles with rapt interest, and I felt I could see respect for Shaeula growing within her. Not that I can blame her. She’s so impressive.

Not everyone was awed though. “You… you are a Fae of wind no longer! Wind and Flame, what madness is this, little sister? How, why?” Shaeraggo was using his mystic eyes to fully observe her, and was shocked by what he saw.

“You only now noticed, my brother?” Shaeula muttered, continuing the fiery rain over Ulfuric. “Perhaps you were too shocked by my bond with Akio to see-see deeply. I have grown, no longer a child. I would be pleased if you would see-see that. Flame is now also my power.” She forced down the grin that was building so that she wouldn’t drop her bells. “Perhaps one day soon-soon I shall master the lightning as well.”

At that Selensha and several others gasped. I didn’t get it, but it seemed a big thing. I looked at Akio, who whispered in my ear. “It seems that lightning is a rare element, one the Queen of the Seelie uses. I guess she’s making a bold claim here…”

“Do not let your pride blind you.” Ulfuric suddenly rumbled, crashing through the flames, axe held high. “You were doing so well up to now, little princess.” His fur was charred, one eye milky white and weeping hot pus, but he was also covered in a layer of stony dirt, giving off a dull red glow. “I truly never expected you to be one of the rare few who were capable of transcending their elemental limits, but alas… earth feeds upon the flame. Your luck has run out…”

I gasped, heart within my mouth as the axe neared her legs, ready to slice them apart. Beside me Akio was looking on, his hands balled into fists, blood leaking from where he was gouging his own flesh. As time seemed to slow down I wished, wished so hard, that my prayer would be answered. Come on, please. Shaeula, you have to win! You’ve fought so hard, you can’t lose now!

“I am blessed by fortune! My luck… never… runs out!” Shaeula’s back gave off a bright yellow glow, almost seeming to have wings as the glittering light shone behind her.

“Of course, the batteries…” Akio muttered.

“… now shine brightly. Lunar Flare!” she shouted triumphantly. Even as she did so she used strange footholds of air to boost her elevation a little.

Lunar flare? Uh, that naming sense is a bit… my thoughts were swallowed by the sudden light, bright enough to blind me, needles of pain stabbing into my eyes. All around I could hear other cries of protest, and also a gasp of pain from Shaeula, the sound of more breaking bone.

As the light died down, I could see Shaeula lying on the ground, looking up at the towering figure of Ulfuric above her. The bells had scattered free from her mouth, leaving her bloody, and her pinwheels were lying discarded, her one good hand outstretched in the air towards them. And her left leg…

No, it’s ruined! I choked back a sob as I saw the mangled state her leg was in. Even taking a hit from the flat of the axe had shattered it, bone visible under torn flesh. Still, somehow… she was smiling as she looked up at the colossal, looming presence above her.

The field was frozen, everyone motionless. Akio was watching, a dull look on his face, one I couldn’t identify.

“Ulfuric, you disappoint me-me!” Shaeraggo was shouting, dismayed at the state of his sister. “You went too easy on her and she has been injured to such-such a degree. I wanted her to learn a lesson, not be tortured! Finish it now, enough of this-this… nonsense!”

He stood there, silent, merely peering down at Shaeula below him. Seeing that he was not answering, Shaeraggo turned his attention to his sister. “Little sister. Shaeula. I admit you have done well, but know when you are beaten-beaten! And just think! With your element of flame, I can use it to persuade father’s enemies to relent and let you return! Just say you are defeated, and this can all end-end as it should!”

That’s true, she could go home, but… Out of the corner of my eye the expression of Akio’s face had changed, and it was now calm. I don’t think it’s resignation… it looks… pleased?

Shaeula turned her head, all she could muster the energy to move, towards her brother. Her amber gaze was still bright though, as it had been ever since I met her. “I would like to go home…” she began, and her brother brightened, but as she continued his face twisted into a scowl. “… but to visit, for this is where-where I belong now. As for Ulfuric…” her outstretched arm twitched, and suddenly I jumped as the head of his battle-axe slid off, striking the ground loudly, standing upright. “… He is indeed stronger than I, much stronger, but not-not only power…” she returned his words from earlier. “… matters, but wit and cunning too. And Akio is a master of that, and has taught me well.”

“Indeed, little Princess. I never expected this…” Ulfuric rumbled. “It is beyond my expectations.”

“My foolish brother hampered you.” She continued. “Had you treated it as a battle, rather than-than a mere tool of chastisement, I should have stood little chance.”

“I shall not make such a mistake next Trial then, little… no, princess.”

Shaeraggo was looking on, eyes glowing, his face shocked. I turned to Akio and asked him what was on my mind. “What… what happened? Shaeula and Ulfuric are talking… talking like Shaeula won?”

The sudden explosion of joy on his face warmed me. Akio looks so handsome when he’s happy… no, he always looks handsome… pushing down the useless thoughts I listened to his explanation.

“She has him wrapped in ultra-fine threads of wind, like he is trapped in a spiderweb. It’s a bit like her pinwheels, just more of them, so many he is totally trapped. If he moves or tries to use earth to counter… well, I’m not sure even Selensha could patch him up. She learnt it from me, you know!” he seemed proud, and … and so was I. My friend, Shaeula… she had done so much, fought so hard…

Making sure to sear the result of the fight into my eyes, I fancied I could see winking green lights glittering around his throat, arms and legs. Shaeula twitched her arms, and faint droplets of blood leaked from Ulfuric, the stony armour he had conjured already sheared through.

“Very well then, I yield. If I move, I shall fall.” He said. “Very well done princess. Your parents will be proud.”

“The first Trial is over. Winner, Oshiro Moonstone Akio, and Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan!” Selensha called, releasing the spell. Mist billowed, and the worst of the wounds faded, leaving them merely exhausted and battered. Shaeula was too drained to stand, but as Akio rushed over I followed, feeling hot wetness running down my face.

“Well then, Akio, Eri. I won, as I promised. Now give me-me a chance to rest and the second Tria…” before she could finish I flung myself on her, choking and sobbing. As I hugged her small body tight, she patted me on the head, like Akio did to us.

Eri sobbing

“I’m so … so glad you weren’t hurt worse. It’s my fault, if I’d have let you get that skill…” I couldn’t even feel embarrassed about soaking her yukata, though a tiny, dazed corner of my mind did wonder just why I was crying and snotty, here in a different body in another world…

“Don’t blame yourself. I understand.” Shaeula soothed me.

“That’s right.” Akio said, picking us both up in his arms and carrying us to the side, where Selensha was waiting to give healing, having already repaired Ulfuric with her water arts. “I’m sure Shaeula is just happy that you care so much about her. I know I’m happy. I care for you both, and think you should be friends forever.”

“We will be, right Eri?” and once more I remembered some of the words we had shared, this time during the journey back from Las Vegas.

“He loves you, Eri, and I would see you too stand at his side for a long life-life. So sparing some time for me and Akio… surely you can do this?” she had said, and I understood she meant well, in her own strange, fey way. So still weeping tears of confusion, guilt and joy, I smiled, bringing a gasp from Akio.

“Of course. Friends forever! So… so don’t scare me like that again, all right. and whatever you do… don’t lose and go away from us!”

“It is a promise then! I shall sweep our-our foes away, win these Trials, and grow ever stronger. Together!”

“I’d like that.” I whispered as my voice failed, and the warmth of the arms of Akio and Shaeula around me felt so comforting, driving away all my fears…

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