On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Twenty-Seven – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

Side Twenty-Seven – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

“That looks very nice, Ai dear. Did your brother get you that?” my mom asked as I was unpacking my new bow and all the related gear, spreading it out on my bed. I nodded, remembering how excited I was when I saw it.

“He sure did, you know big bro is always eager to please me and Eri.”

“Eri, huh? That’s strange, what happened to Eri-chan? Did you get closer on your trip? Or…” as my mom seized on a point I didn’t want to talk about I wondered what to say. Luckily she rapidly changed the subject, as mercurial as ever. “... so, how much did all that cost? Taichi has been working out just how much that whiskey you brought back is worth, and well…  Aki has been spending rather too much, hasn’t he? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love the perfume and make-up, but when you add it together…” she leaned in close, whispering in my ear.

“You can tell me, Ai. I promise not to get mad, and I’ll listen to what you have to say with an open mind. Best you tell me, before Taichi finds out. Has… has our Aki got involved in something… criminal? It’s not drugs is it? Please tell me he isn’t smuggling drugs…”

At her words my mind went blank, quickly filled with the fire of angry rage. I’m not going to listen to that, not even from you, mom!

Jerking back away from her I glared at her, our blue eyes reflecting each other. “No way! How could you accuse big bro of something like that? I’m disappointed in you, mom.” I could feel tears welling up, and they started running down my face, a mix of frustration and anger. “He’s been working hard, real hard, all these years, and now his effort has finally paid off, and this is what you think? I thought you were better than that, mom!”

“Come on, Aiko, don’t be like that. You know I believe in both of my children.”

When she called me by my full name, it was always a sign she was serious. Still, crying and angry, I wasn’t going to back down, not on this, no way, no how! “I get it, I do. I was shocked myself when big bro came back looking all hot and with Shaeula on his arm. For a moment I thought ‘where did big bro go, who is that?’. But still, no matter how much he’s changed, and will change in the future, I know one thing. He’d never betray his family or Eri by doing something so wrong!”

As I tried to evade my mother, scuttling across my bed, I was too slow, and she grabbed me in a hug, and started ruffling my hair, like big bro used to. “Shush now, shush my Ai. Stop crying. I believe you, I do! My Aki is a good boy, you know that better than anyone, don’t you? After all, you and Eri-chan always used to hide in his shadow.”

“I know, we did. We still do.” I wiped away the tears, unable to squirm free. My mom had quite the grip. “But I realised… we never did anything but take from him. No wonder he left. Still, Eri, Shaeula… they showed me it isn’t too late to do better. Come on, let me go!”

“No, I don’t think I will, Ai dear. I missed you while you were gone, and worried, since it was your first time abroad.” She pressed my head into her ample chest, and for a moment I wondered stupid thoughts like whether I would get so big, before squawking indignantly.

“I said get off, let go. Damn, mom, you are smothering me! This isn’t how I wanted to go, at least not to my moms’ big chest!” As I managed to break free, face red, I decided to get serious. Big bro you idiot, now I’m having to cover for you! Shaeula too, you may be a princess and probably used to lavish wealth, but we aren’t! We got carried away, no wonder mom and dad are suspicious!

“Okay, firstly, there was no need to worry. We all speak English, don’t we? Besides, with big bro about, there was never any danger. That’s one thing that’s never changed. Eri and I were perfectly safe all the time, and we had more fun that I dreamed possible. So lay off my big bro! Secondly…”

Okay, okay, we’ve had some good talks, like on the plane, and I am NOT as stupid as I always tell myself I am. So I can think of a way to handle this… “… yeah, secondly, I can’t really talk about it too much, since it’s big bro and Shaeula’s business, confidentiality and all that, but I was feeling a little… off-colour…”

At that my mother tittered a little, amused, probably guessing I was hungover, since I had been when bro and Shaeula had visited us before. Ignoring her, I continued.

“… I was in our hotel when his banker visited. So it’s all legal, and he’s earning decent money. As for how it all works, you’d need to ask him, but just… stop doubting him, please!”

“All right, I believe you” she tried to snuggle me again, but I leapt from my bed and raced over to the other side of the room. She pouted, but didn’t follow, instead looking down at the Olympic-style bow I had received. “This is a very nice bow isn’t it? Your brother still loves you a lot. Isn’t that nice. So if you got this, what did Eri-chan get? Oh wait, should I be calling her Eri too now?” she grinned wickedly, bringing up the point I had hoped she had forgotten.

Mom may act an airhead at times, but she’s sharp. Oh well, best get this over with. After taking a deep breath, I smiled as disarmingly as I could. “Yeah, of course he does. A big bro moonstone who doesn’t dote on his sister is clearly an imposter. As for Eri… well, I expect we should set the table for six tonight. Eri, Uncle and Auntie will be coming over I’d expect.”

“I see, so it’s like that is it? My Aki’s all finally grown up. Still, I don’t think Taichi is going to be happy. Especially not if Aki has finally succeeded in getting a career…”

A career? If only you knew. Damn, I hate keeping secrets. Big bro really needs to tell our parents the truth, but until then, not my problem… with a shrug of my shoulders I went back to sorting out my luggage, happy mom hadn’t seen my other presents…


The six of us were around our dinner table, a traditional meal laid out, bowls of rice, miso soup, grilled fish and more. Still, the atmosphere wasn’t the usual lively one, and I shared a commiserating glance with Eri, who looked nervous as hell. Still, when she reached for her soup I could see the lights of the room sparkling off her engagement ring, which she was still wearing. Pretty bold…

“So, my son was foolish it seems, despite my warnings. You have my apologies. Despite our long friendship…” my dad bent down in a low bow. Mom clicked her tongue in annoyance, and Uncle Mori rapidly tried to raise him up.

“Don’t be foolish, Taichi! There is no need to bow to us.”

“But my foolish son…” he began, only to be cut off by Auntie Mori, who was all smiles. As expected, they’ve wanted Eri and my bro to get married ever since we were kids. No way they would be too upset about this turn of events.

“What foolishness? You can’t expect two young people in love not to… fool around. Little Eri has shown me some of the pictures, and if they didn’t get romantic in such a lovely place, well I’d think they were not suited for each other after all. Besides…” she looked at her daughter fondly, and down at her engagement ring. “Little Aki is taking responsibility, so how can we complain? Oh, I can hardly wait for the wedding, we have to set a date…”

She rambled on for a bit, before my father spoke again, his mood still sour. “I have my worries. All of this money he has coming in, it seems suspicious and strange considering he was barely making ends meet only a few months ago.”

This is my time to interject… I opened my mouth to speak, only for Eri to beat me to it, her face displaying open annoyance, which was rare for her. Yep, the long talk we had on the plane… it’s done her good… even if she now has other things to worry about…

“Uncle Oshiro, you should have more faith in Akio.” Eri said, mirroring the words I said to my mother earlier, which brought a snort of amusement from her. “Do you really think he would be doing anything unworthy? I’m disappointed in you, I really am…”

At that I nearly spat out my miso soup. Everyone around the table was likewise looking at Eri in amazement, but she wasn’t done yet.

“Akio has always thought about what is best for me, for Aiko, for you, Uncle Oshiro, Emily-chan. He didn’t always get it right, but he always had our best interests at heart. He’s finally found a chance to look after his family, to provide for those he loves, and he’s taken it. It’s all very complicated, the adult world seems to be, but one thing it isn’t is wrong! Akio, Shaeula… they are fighting to provide for us! In what world could that be suspicious, or strange?”

“Well said, my little Eri!” Auntie Mori approved. “And all the better, if he has the means to support my darling little girl, then my last worries disappear.” She patted her daughter tenderly, and beside her Uncle Mori was nodding along too. “I was surprised at the speed of things, but… you aren’t unhappy, are you little Eri?”

“Of course not.” She said proudly, head held high, her timid nature brushed aside as she stroked her engagement ring. “I did it gladly, and I’ll do it again, whenever he wants…” at that she grew quiet, flushed with shame.

“Tell me you at least used protection. You have to think of your future.” Dad said, still clearly unhappy.

“I refused. I wanted my first time to be perfect, and if… if I was to be with child…” she was so red I expected steam to come out of her ears, but Eri steeled herself and continued, despite the tension building around the table. “… then it was meant to be, and I’ll raise it with love, beside Akio, forever.”

“Silly girl.” Dad was so mad his face had turned white. Still, he couldn’t take it out on Eri, so… “That son of mine, he is an adult, he should have refused you. If you get pregnant, there goes your future. No further education, no work, no…”

“Oh please.” Eri cut in, and I was shocked once more at just how… barbed… her tone was. “Do calm down, uncle. No, father-in-law. I understand it was foolish, but I also understand I’m a very weak person. I’ve learned this, and I want to change. Aiko too, right?”

As she looked at me I nodded. “Yeah, we can’t stay weak forever.” Not here, or in that strange land even Eri has visited. Damn, I wish I had her luck…

“I needed reassurance, and it sounds wrong I know, potentially having a child for that reason. It is wrong. I get that. But I was too scared that if I didn’t tie him to me, he’d go away again. Still, as I said, I’ll raise the child together with Akio, and when its older we’ll tell him or her that she was conceived on a wonderful night where we shared everything. If it is not to be, well then, we’ll be using protection from now on, until the time is right.”

Hearing Eri use words like conceived and protection was plenty shocking, but she wasn’t done, having gathered a head of steam, she was pouring out everything in her heart, in defence of her feelings and also big bro.

“As for my future. What future? So I’m a good student, but even if we had the money for further education, which we don’t, we all know I’d never survive it. I’m terminally shy, it would be a living nightmare for me…”

“You don’t seem so shy now, daughter-in-law.” My mother said, interrupting. “But you aren’t wrong. Taichi, dear, hear her out, okay?”

“Thanks Emily-chan. Anyway…” Eri continued. “I would have to get a job here in town, something quiet and without many people. I might make a little money, but… I’d never start a family, have a boyfriend. I told myself I only wanted Akio, and that was true even during all the time he was gone.”

“Nonsense. Time would have changed things. Akio may be my son, but I’m not blind to his flaws. There are other good men out there.”

“Maybe so. I don’t know the future, but my heart says not. Still, even if you are right, what future is that for me? Modest, humble… empty. How is any of that comparable to being married to the one I love, caring for a child? Besides, I do know what I’m going to do with my life. I’ve never been surer of anything. Not only will I be his wife, but I’ll support Akio in his company. I’m smart, everyone says so, so I’ll learn, whatever it is he needs, and if that means I have to deal with other people, if it’s for him… no, for us, then I’ll face it. So please, father-in-law, never say what we’ve done is foolish. It is far from foolish, it’s the most right thing we’ve done in our entire lives!”

With her long speech finished she was exhausted, and slumped down embarrassed, only for her parents to hug her, crying. I found my eyes shedding tears too, and mother was biting on her handkerchief, sapphire eyes moist as well. Only father remained unmoved, yet even his anger had receded, his colour returning.

“That’s my little girl!” Auntie Mori sniffled. “I worried you were too quiet, that I’d raised you wrong. But if you can go for what you want like that, I’ve no concerns. Don’t worry, if you are pregnant, I’ll support you fully! And if not…” she whispered something in her ear, and Eri blushed a near fluorescent red, nodding. All I could catch was “… can’t leave it up to him, we’ll visit the pharmacy in Inuyama soon…”

“As for school, I’ll call them first thing in the morning.” Uncle Mori said jovially. “Don’t worry over anything, my daughter, I’ll tell them you have parental consent for the engagement, so there’ll be no disciplinary action. You might have to not wear your ring though…”

“Don’t worry, big bro has somehow learnt to be charming now!” I giggled. “He bought her a second ring, a plain band one, which isn’t against school rules. I think he just wanted to make sure everyone knew Eri was his now.”

“Aiko!” Eri protested, and we all laughed again, except for dad, who looked lost in thought.

“Oh, Taichi, can’t you see you’ve lost? You may have complaints, but they’ve both thought about this. We may not approve, but why not just celebrate it? He did buy you those bottles of the expensive whiskey you liked. Why not break it open so we can celebrate with the Mori’s? Our two families, joined at last!”

“Big bro said you could call him and he’d answer all your questions.” I piped up as he was thinking. “He hasn’t done this lightly. I always knew bro would do great things. This is just my faith in him being proved right. A sister is never wrong about her brother, right Eri?”

“Not one as brocon as you, anyway!” she laughed, causing me to protest back jovially. At the scene of everyone around him, my father let out a long, painful sigh. Turning to mom he nodded. “Very well, open a bottle. I shall call my errant son and see what he has to say. But you are right, done is done, and as a daughter-in-law, I have no complaints with you, Eri-san.”

“You should call me Eri now, you too, Emily-chan… no, mother-in-law.” Eri said, and with that the party started. I was stuck with juice of course, as was Eri, but even so, it was really nice…


“I can’t say I am satisfied by your explanations.” My father complained, on the phone to big bro, a near-empty glass of whiskey beside him. Mom was talking to Uncle and Auntie about wedding dresses and other things that was causing Eri no end of torment, leaving her twitching with embarrassment, but she deserved it for being all lovey-dovey with my bro.

“Well, school finishes early this week on Friday since it is the first week of term, and since there is a reduced class on Saturday she would miss little… so, we shall all be travelling to Tokyo to see you. What, yes, yes, you can make the arrangements for accommodation. It doesn’t need to be anything extravagant. It just needs to be clean, as your mother and the Mori girls will be there.”

Hey, what about me? No fair leaving me out. As I met dad’s gaze pleadingly, he sighed, listening. “Yes, you are correct. Your sister clearly wants to come too. Fine, fine. I shall allow it. Make the arrangements… wait, you want me to bring who? The Takeyabashi girl from the shrine? Why? Business-related? I’ll understand when I see your new workplace? You had better be convincing, I am full of misgivings…”

As the conversation continued, my dad giving my bro a real hard time, not that I expected anything else, I made up my own mind. This was as good a time as any to discuss my future. Eri, my bro and I, we were the three musketeers of Nishimorioka. And I didn’t want that to end any time soon. One day, maybe, but not yet. No, there’s still too much to see and do, more than I ever could have dreamed of a short few weeks ago. And I’ll be damned if I’m not there seeing it with them… and not just to be the perfect sister for Akio, the one I thought he wanted. No, because I want to, for me, for Eri and for him…

“Very well, I am trusting that you are not being foolish and can shoulder this. I admit, it will be nice to return to Tokyo, it has been quite a while, and the Mori’s could use a break. Very well. Yes. Yes that’s right. I’ll bring the shrine girl, once I have spoken to her grandfather. All right. I shall see you Friday then.”

Ending the call my dad looked tired. I decided to score some points before my own bombshell, so I topped up his glass from the bottle and handed it to him. “There you go dad, that sounded tough. About Takeyabashi-san though, we were there for some of it. Big bro has a lot of work with traditional shrines at the moment, so it’s legit, promise.”

“That makes no sense, how does his industry connect with…” before dad could get off track, I held up a hand.

“Hey, everyone. I’d like to discuss something myself, if I may?”

“Oh god, tell me you aren’t pregnant too, Ai! My heart couldn’t take the shock!” Damn, mom’s drunk. She never could handle her booze. And plus, we don’t know if Eri is pregnant yet. It usually takes more than one go, doesn’t it?

“Eww, gross, no way, I’m as pure as winter snow!” I protested. “No, I just have been giving my future some real thought. I think… no I know…” everyone was watching me, making me nervous, but the smile Eri was giving me, it was a knowing one. She mouthed something silently at me then.

“Do your best! I’ll… no we… will support you!”

Thanks. I guess we added a musketeer, just like in that film with D’Artagnan. Add Shaeula and there are four of us now…

“So, I’m going to try for a sports University in Tokyo. I’d like to get a scholarship if I can, since it’s expensive but… if not I can keep costs down living with my bro and Eri. You don’t mind, do you?”

Eri shook her head. “Not at all, we’d be happy to have you.”

“Before it was just a pipe-dream, I’ve seen his old apartment, and it’s really small. But now things are looking up… besides, I think I can do it. I’ve always loved sport, moving my body. I’m not so smart… hey, I know I’m no dummy, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve always been more of an action girl, right?”

My mom nodded, and the gaze of my dad was painful, yet he remained silent, judging my sincerity. “Even if I don’t make it to the top, which to be honest, I doubt I will, after all, I’ve not actually won any tournaments yet, even if I’ve been to some…” Though if I could just enter that world, that might change… big bro did…

“… well, there’s still sports coaching, dieticians, physical education teachers… there’s lots I could do, and I think I’d like.” More importantly, I can be of use. We’ll all stand together, having each other’s backs.

“… besides, what’s true for Eri is true for me too. After all, what future is in this town for the young, really? Getting married to one of the guys around here? Eww, no way. I want someone at least as good as Eri has bagged.” She winked. “For the sake of my love life I need to move to the big city anyway. Don’t get me wrong, there are things to like here, but now that I know what’s out there, I need to see it for myself!”

“I get that.” Uncle Mori nodded. “We weren’t all as lucky as your father, going abroad and finding a beautiful wife there. Not that I’m dissatisfied with you, my dear!”

Auntie Mori snorted. “I should think not. Still we get it. we want little Eri and you, little Aiko, to have lives better than we did. I think you are both doing very well towards that goal.”

My mom nodded reassuringly, and my dad was just looking at me. In the end he nodded, and I felt relief rush through me.

“It will be hard.” He said sternly, and I agreed.

“I know. I’m ready for that. So long as I’ve got Eri, and big bro, and you guys, and even Shaeula in my corner, I can do it!”

“In that case, I’ll support you. But just words are easy. I want to see actions. If I think you are not serious…”

“I get it, I do, I do!”

Wait for me, big bro, Shaeula. For Eri too. We’ll catch up, even if we have to work ourselves to the bone!

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