On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Eighty-Five

Three Hundred And Eighty-Five

“Damn, Aki, you’ve grown.” Shiro remarked, surprised. “That’s cool, I always wanted a taller boyfriend, I’m not a short girl.” Her smile was wicked.

You’re right. I was easily two inches taller, now just a little under six feet tall. That wasn’t the only change either. While the high stats had fixed imperfections such as skin blemishes and moles before this, now my face and body had undergone slight changes. It wouldn’t be noticeable unless you knew me well, but my facial features and muscle structures had shifted a little, becoming more symmetrical and regular. And my hair… my black hair was now filled with subtle violet highlights. They weren’t vivid, but they still stood out, and Hyacinth was capering, pleased, despite her injuries, still squirming in Shiro’s grip, saying that we now matched.

Akio admiring himself while wearing Seven League Boots

I let the mirror disappear, just as a number of people came running, Shaeula at the head of the group, pulling Eri along, my childhood friend stumbling as she was dragged, her black tail swishing. Oh, Shaeranna and Shaeraggo are with her too…

“I felt something happen, so I rushed-rushed over here, and…” Shaeula trailed off, looking up at me a little further than was normal for her. Her amber eyes widened, and she licked her lips seductively. “Akio, what-what has happened? You… you do not-not seem mortal?”

“You’re taller. Is that just here?” Eri asked, equally stunned. Behind her, Motoko and Natsumi were admiring me, while Daiyu, Kana and Hinata were closing in.

“Akiooo has become Fae.” Hyacinth giggled. “No, like Hyacinth, he is neither ooone thing nooor the other. Fae, Human, mooore. I want to hooold him!”

“Down girl! I get it, he’s hot. But your reaction seems excessive….” Shiro protested. Her eyes were flickering with ruby light, as she was forced to let Tan incarnate a little to hold the stronger girl.

“Excessive?” Shaeula grinned brightly. “I do not-not think so.” She purred, leading Eri towards me. “No, my lunar chakra hums when I see-see you.” She said to me, her face red, breath coming fast. She turned to Eri and grinned triumphantly. “See? Akio has shed-shed his mortal frame. Now he is both Fae and something more-more than mortal, much as I am both Fae and Yokai. I told you, did I not-not, that day? We will have a long-long life together, so sparing some time for each other is trivial.”

Eri nodded. “I remember, but that’s all very well for you and Hyacinth, but most of us are still only human.”

Hmm… a thought echoed through my mind, clearer than normal. Usually, I could only sense strong emotions from the spirit lights, such as amusement, annoyance or anger, but now I could almost pick out strongly-voiced thoughts, at least from Ginneka, who was closest to being reborn. I see. Thanks, I guess.

“Eri, I think I understand just what’s wrong with your body.” I said, and her onyx eyes widened, a trace of hope on her face.

“Can you fix it?” she asked, and I wavered, before shaking my head a little.

“Sorry, not completely. But I think I can certainly make improvements and shorten your rehabilitation time.” I promised. Shaeula pushed Eri forwards, and below me a chair of vines and a small bed were created, Asha smiling at me thoughtfully. I put Eri on the bed and asked for some privacy. Asha then conjured a vine curtain. Seeing the look of hope on Eri’s face, I steeled myself to do my best, Eye glowing, seeing her squirming tangle of a Chakra network clearly.

“If I may, I would like to observe.” Daiyu said from outside the curtain, and I looked at Eri, who gave a slight shrug.

“All right.” I said, and she entered, bowing to Eri in Cultivator fashion.

“I am most grateful for your consideration. I think it would be educational for me. Besides, I am most curious…” she looked me up and down, surprised. “I am not certain, for such Cultivators are long lost to us, but your new form seems rather similar to reaching the Saint Realm, so the records our Sect had recounted. Though they were described as mightier than you.” Her smile was wry. “Perhaps that was all exaggeration…”

“Or maybe Akio hasn’t shown everything he can do yet!” Eri defended me stoutly, and I stroked her hair and flickering cat ears warmly.

“It’s fine. Daiyu isn’t criticising me. She’s just curious. I’m interested too…”

Outside I could hear the others talking, asking Hyacinth, Haru-san and Arisu-san what had happened. Ixitt was exclaiming loudly his excitement over seeing the moment a human became a spiritual being, something that had only happened a scant few times in the history of the Seelie. Easily able to parse that and my actions here with Split Thoughts, I nodded, the thoughts transmitted to me correct. “The ability you received that was torn from Ginneka isn’t one a mortal is suited to wield. It involves too much change to both the spiritual and physical bodies. That’s why you’re wrecked.”

“I see.” Eri said. “I guess that makes sense.”

“Can you allow me to sense this?” Daiyu asked, extending her Qi, and Eri nodded once more. She shivered as the intrusive energy entered her, and Daiyu nodded. “Yes, your structure is indeed in flux. The Qi within you… or aether, as you call it, is rampant and shifts constantly. The body can not keep up. I am amazed you are still alive and whole.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if all the hard work Eri had put in before saved her. Now, this might ache a bit…” I warned Eri, before continuing. “She’d levelled up as much as she could, despite having no Favour, and that boosted her stats. Really, everything about the mess Yamato-san caused was on the edge. Not everyone made it, but…” I looked at Eri tenderly. “I’m glad you did. If you died, I don’t know what I’d do…”

“Oh Akio…” Eri breathed, despite the discomfort, touched. “I feel the same way. So try not to do dangerous things as much as you can, all right?”

“I am feeling rather left out.” Daiyu said sadly. “I would that you would look at me like that, my fated Dao Companion.”

“He will. Akio is very simple. Sometimes it’s a pain, but… Shaeula was right.” Eri reassured her. “Ouch, be gentler with me!” She winced as my Chirurgery started poking at her body.

“I am still fascinated by your ability to mould the body and spirit.” Daiyu released her Qi, my body was effortlessly repelling it, but I forcibly lowered my guard, allowing her probing in. “Yes, very Saint-like, I would imagine. A target to aim at.” She smiled. “I do wonder if my Foundation techniques will be of any use to you now, but…”

“We can adapt them if we have to.” I said as I concentrated, no longer trying to cut out or stabilise the chakra network of Eri, merely combining it where possible. “I think a systematic set of techniques is a wonderful thing. Speaking of…” I used a bit of aether to expand my vision, peering into her as well. “.. how is it going with Spiritually Pure Physique?”

Her expressionless face brightened a little, and she became animated, waving one hand excitedly. Which I have to admit is pretty damn cute. “It is quite the challenge, but I can feel my comprehension growing. I would expect no less from a fabled treasure such as Spirit Water. No, your Spirit Water seems more potent than I had been led to believe.” She paused, thinking for a moment. While I continued to work on Eri, who was watching with a smile, while outside the makeshift operating theatre there was still the excitement and bustle of the group discussing my changes, Daiyu considered her words thoughtfully.

“My previous Foundation technique, the Invincible Jade Yang Foundation, is being washed away, the earth element absorbed into the water. Though the Yang energy I am still preserving. It was difficult for me to acquire it, not being a male. It would be a lot easier to raise it with Dual Cultivation, or so the jade tags recording the Techniques say.” Her face was slightly red. “I wonder what the Patriarch, my father would have said, could he see me now, soliciting a man…”

“I’m sure… ouch, damn that hurts… he would be happy for you. That you’re safe, and carrying on his legacy. I know my parents were happy for me when I finally found love. They are even still happy for me now, though… ugh, I told you to be gentle… I am not living the life I thought I would be. As long as I’m happy, my parents can accept it. Your father would be the same, I’m sure.” She smiled, despite her pain. “As for Dual Cultivation, I don’t get it, but I did some searches online. You know, I really don’t approve of lovemaking for gain. I feel bad I called Shaeula a whore back in Las Vegas, I know she’s forgiven me, but I can’t quite forgive myself, but I still firmly believe that we shouldn’t put gain before love. But… I also looked up Dao Companions. You do like him, don’t you?”

“I do. It was clearly the will of the Heavens, our meeting was preordained, I am certain of it. And I am not one to fight fate. No, one must not try and fight the river, but guide the flows. My thoughts have changed. I crave power, yes, knowledge also. But… such things alone are ultimately empty. What is an eternity in solitude, no companionship, no love?”

“Well said.” I approved, finishing my work on Eri, who shuddered, her flesh rippling, which she described as a wildly uncomfortable sensation, like a whole-body sneeze. As she flexed her body, expression pleased, I addressed Daiyu. “Don’t worry. I may have had my little wobble, old habits die hard, after all. But I guess I agree… it does seem meant to be. And everyone else approves of you, so… soon. I promise. When you master your Spiritually Pure Physique. Let that motivate you!”

“You’ve really become crazy about levelling up, Ranking up skills and growing stronger.” Eri said, standing, moving her body, her expression happy. “I get it though. Boys do like their games. At least yours aren’t perverted like those two idiots back in Nishimorioka. Or are they?” she looked at me, shaking her head. “Seeing you taller is confusing me. I’m used to looking up a certain way. I’ll get used to it though. You’re still Akio.”

“You were his childhood friend, no?” Daiyu pointed out. “He would have changed a lot over that period of your life. This is no different.”

“True. But he never changed species.” Eri sighed. “Thanks Akio. I don’t feel perfect, but my body is more responsive, and I don’t ache as much inside. It’s definitely helped. Do you think… it’ll be like this in the Material as well?”

“There should be improvement, but you’ll still have a way to go.” I spoke reassuringly. I pushed aside the vines, to see the large group still waiting outside. On seeing me, Hyacinth flushed, but with watering eyes and great effort, she looked away.

“I will gooo and reform those useless mushrooooooms.” She declared. “The Ring Gate will ooopen to the isle of that annoying Selkie. And when it does, a reward… it is sheer insooolence for a servant to request of her master, but I am nooo mere servant, but a mistress, no?” she smiled, and I was happy to see her being more demanding.

“That’s right. I have a lot of rewards to give out, but you’ve earned yours, don’t worry.”

With a happy smile, she scurried off, and that left everyone else waiting their turn.

“So, brother.” Shaeula said to Shaeraggo, who looked troubled. “In less than three mortal moons, look-look what Akio and I have achieved. We can stand on our own, mighty and strong. I would say our Oath has been fulfilled, has it not-not?”

“I think even our father, the Prince, he can surely not withhold his blessing, deny your marriage, despite the bitter tears he will likely shed, weeping jealously.” Shaeranna said, her own expression complicated. “It feels strange to me, knowing that my adorable and cute, lovely and pretty, Ula is going to be a bride. But…” she looked at me, raising her spear. “… as long as the husband is strong and loyal, mighty and kind, I can not ask for more. But I must put you through your paces once more, yet again. Master Ulfuric, you girls…” she looked at Motoko and Natsumi. “… you must aid me. Unless you can wield sword or spear to my satisfaction, you are not suitable, not worthy to be at her side. The nobility of the Court treats such skills as a noble pursuit, worthy passion.”

“We have been waiting.” Motoko said, smiling. “Have we not, Natsumi? Though it seems that our wait was fruitful. Congratulations on growing stronger.” Her smile was warm and kind, and also proud, which made me happy.

“That’s right. It’s reassuring to have a strong husband, right? But now I’m eager to get started. Master Ulfuric has been greatly helpful in organising our Arts.”

“We must thank you too, Lord Shaeraggo, Lady Shaeranna. Your insights into bow and spear have been wonderful.” Motoko thanked them, and Shaeraggo looked wonderfully uncomfortable, Selensha smiling behind him, hiding her mouth behind one paw.

“Think nothing-nothing of it. I believe archery is the noblest of arts. I do appreciate all those who wish to master it, and I am never-never disappointed to learn new tricks. However…” he looked at Shaeula, who was grinning smugly, her arms crossed under her chest, and me, before he spoke, words that were almost dragged out of him. “… do not call me Lord. It seems… you will be fellow wives to my Shaeula.” He sighed, a long exhalation of breath. “Yes, little sister. I can not deny-deny your efforts and achievements. You are Duchess of the Spring of Clear Reflections, and my greatest concern, that he would wither away and die in time as mortals do by nature, has been resolved. I… give you my blessing. We… can not-not keep you to ourselves. Father… he wishes to meet you very soon.”

“I know.” I said. “And I’ll make time, I promise. Thanks, Shaeraggo, Shaeranna. It means a lot to me. I guess I need to meet your other brothers too, right? Shaetourach and… I don’t think I ever heard the name of the eldest, did I?”

“Brother Shaerixx. Though I have seldom seen him, and barely remember him, if I am to be-be honest.” Shaeula said.

“Indeed. Our eldest brother is quite the traveller, likes to wander.” Shaeranna agreed. “He is likely far beyond the borders of the Seelie Court, but one day he will come back, return unannounced. We are fortunate he was absent during this mess, this struggle, with you and your fate, dear Ula.”

“All is well-well that ends well, as the mortals do say, Anna.” Shaeula shrugged. “There is no need to rehash the grim-grim failures of our past. What matters is our long future.” She snuggled up to me happily. “I am in awe of your change. Now there is none-none who could keep you from the Court. And it is immeasurably pleasing to me. Why, I could-could easily push you down-down here and now…”

“All right, that’s enough.” Kana said, shaking her head. “Akio is our boyfriend too, right Hinata-chan? Let us have some time as well.”

“That’s right, Kana. Oh, my heart. Somehow you’ve got even cooler.” Hinata gushed, eyes sparkling, before she turned serious. “But there’s time for that later. What matters is what we’ve gained, right?”

“Trust you to be so direct.” Kana giggled. “I admit, I’m curious too though. It’s obviously something big, right?”

“It sure is. Asha, can you take care of Arisu-san and the twins? They’ve worked hard. Besides, you already have an idea of what happened.”

“I shall do so. I hope…” she looked out towards the way Hyacinth departed. “… that soon, we will be ready for my task. Come, come.” She ushered the exhausted girls away.

“All right. Void Motion!” I declared, suddenly disappearing and reappearing a few hundred metres away. “Again!” I then reappeared in my original spot. Hmm, the drain is a lot less than False Void Motion, since it’s being fuelled by genuine spatial element now. It’s still thirsty, but I can perform it a number of times before running dry.

“That’s cool.” Kana clapped her hands, while Hinata was thinking of ways to use it profitably. “So, what else?”

“What else? Hmm, let me think… there were some new classes…” I checked the details. “Oh, I see Wielder Of Elements, Classic Western has maxed out. Nice. It seems to be superseded by the new version. Looks like it’s a twenty level class rather than ten.”

You have gained a class, Wielder Of Elements, Primal Seven. This class is gained by those that have mastered the classic all seven of the primary elements, not a trivial feat. Your ability to generate all elemental energies increases significantly. Your Aether also increases significantly, and unique elements increase in potency. Your affinity to all composite elements increases.

“Damn, combined with my lunar Chakra Ranking up, it’s no wonder I feel absolutely packed with elemental energies. I think my sustainability in long battles is going to be much better now. Plus I have more options with Prominence Dawn…”

You have gained a class, True Faeduine. As a being unbounded by the distinction of spiritual or material, of both the Fae and Human descent, master of the primary seven elements, you will continue to grow stronger, your physical strength, aether and elemental energies increasing as you mature.

Charm, Majesty, Fortune, Foresight and Fate will all increase as your nature as a True Faeduine grows stronger.

Your ability to absorb and utilise adherence has also increased. You have gained the strengths and weaknesses of a spiritual being, but the weaknesses have been mitigated by your physical grounding.

“Weaknesses? That’s concerning.” Hinata said, worried, and Kana nodded, as did Eri. I reassured them that wasn’t a big deal though.

“It seems to be a weakness to cold iron and a few similar things, but apparently most of that has been mitigated, so it looks like I came out way ahead. This is a thirty level class too, which means it’s definitely worth levelling up.”

“Indeed.” Tan took over Shiro for a moment. “When a being becomes unbounded by the physical or spiritual realms, there are many changes. It is far from necessary. As the Boundary here unravels, more and more the ether density will rise, and eventually this world will be washed in the lower Astral, spiritual beings freely able to come and go, as will you mortals. Alas, such times are both danger and opportunity. The realms above are similar, though those who have both aspects are many in number. I am one such being, after all.” Tan said, a touch proudly. “The Divine, standing at the pinnacle of both material and spiritual.”

“Excuse me, but can I speak?” Mayumi-san said suddenly. She had come along with Hinata due to the commotion, and had kept her silence, which was unlike her. “I think I understood, but are you saying… you’re immortal now, Akio-kun?” her gaze was surprisingly intense.

“Immortal? Hardly. Largely unageing, I suppose, but not even Fae live eternally, right?” I asked, and Shaeranna agreed.

“No, the spirit fades in time, nothing is eternal, there is no everlasting in this world. Though death through war or mischance is more likely.”

“I get that. Even so… how long are we talking? Centuries? Millenia?” Mayumi-san pressed. “It’s already impressive enough, your Chirurgery, but this…”

“It’s not something that can be easily replicated. However…” I looked at Daiyu, Kana, Motoko, Natsumi, Eri and Hinata. “… it’s simply not fair that Shaeula, Hyacinth and Asha will outlive you all, so I plan to do something about that, somehow.”

“Hey, Aki, forgetting someone, aren’t you? There’s Shirohime, standing right here!” Shiro pouted, jumping up and down, which definitely drew my eyes. Bouncy.

“I didn’t forget you, Shiro. How could I? How could anyone? I just think Tan will do something about it, even if I don’t. She had promised before, right?”

“True. You win this time, Aki!” Shiro conceded, while Mayumi-san was looking at us, her eyes spinning, muttering to herself that the one thing the rich couldn’t buy was longer life. Hinata moved to console her, while I had a sudden idea, one that might solve some of the problems I had been wrestling with.

The class says I share all the strengths of a spiritual being, a Fae. So…

“Hey, Shiro. We’re engaged, right?” I asked, and she nodded.

“Sure we are. I remember I was going to shoot you down, but I didn’t have the heart to crush your dreams… so what’s this about?” she asked, puzzled.

“Just go with it. Shiro, I swear Three Oaths, to love you forever, to protect you to the best of my abilities, and to make your dreams come true. Can you return Three Boons to me?” Shaeula’s amber eyes went wide, while Shaeranna, Shaeraggo, Selensha and Ulfuric all reacted, stunned.

“Sure, I don’t see why not? You’ll have the boon of my wonderful company forever, you’ll have my faithful love, and you’ll have my support. Is that… huh?” She tilted her head, dark eyes going wide, as she felt something strange. My Eye blazed, and I nodded in satisfaction.

“It worked! You have the Fae-Bonded class now. It makes sense. Great, now I don’t have to worry about Kana, Hinata and Daiyu.”

“You don’t need to worry about me. I’m ready any time.” Hinata blushed, but she met my eyes without shame.

“As am I. We discussed this earlier.” Daiyu agreed. Only Kana held her silence, smiling a touch awkwardly. Yeah, she wants to take it slow, a normal sort of relationship. I don’t mind, it’s fun, but I’d hate her to be the only one missing out. Luckily now she doesn’t have to…

“All right then. Time to get swearing. It doesn’t even have to be a romantic thing, so Haru-san, don’t be shy…”

As the girls who were missing the class crowded around me eagerly, I ran a hand through my hair, marvelling at the softer, silky feel of it. This way I can buff up my sister too. Uh, I wonder what she’ll say when she sees I’ve grown taller?


“I’m exhausted. I’m not entirely sure why.” I said, after sharing a great deal of Oaths. The girls were very happy, laughing and giggling, and already the Charm from the class was noticeable to my eyes, making them even more alluring.

“You should not be so terribly reckless, hugely unwise.” Shaeranna shook her head when I was done. “Such a pact is a tie, a bond. It does not come for free. Eventually you will not be able to bear the weight, the strain of them all.”

“My sister is right.” Shaeraggo agreed. “You should keep it to your wives, do not-not be careless.”

“Too late.” I had already allowed Haru-san to benefit, and since Mayumi-san was there, we swore Oaths on our business dealings.

“It is not-not a worry.” Shaeula puffed out her chest, grasping my hand. “Just as Akio can hold the weight, so too-too can I. Hyacinth as well, and perhaps even Asha in due time. Oaths with Akio are surely Oaths bound-bound to us too. So have no fear! Boons Akio must pay are Boons we shall-shall shoulder.”

“I see.” I pulled her into a hug, ruffling her hair. As she giggled, I looked at the group. “Well, for now Hyacinth is working on the Ring Gate. I’m not sure how long it’ll take, but… while we wait, it’s time to learn Tsumura Arts.”

“We have been waiting eagerly for this.” Motoko declared, while Natsumi made a cute fist-bump gesture.

“Very well. I too shall accompany you.” Shaeula said, and as I looked at her, surprised, she grinned, flourishing the Mortal Fragarach. “I need to learn too, do I not-not? And if so, I would learn from Master Ulfuric, as well as the arts so-so precious to Natsumi and Motoko.”

As the two girls looked at us with eyes shimmering with happy tears, I nodded. “All right. Kana, how’s the pilgrimage plan coming along?”

“It’s coming. My father is going back and forth, and we’ve been talking to Prince Shōtoku. We can make it happen, leave it to me.” She preened.

“Great. Keep me informed. But for now…” surrounded by the girls, I shrugged. “… it’s time to train some more. Oh, Daiyu…”

“Yes?” she asked.

“As I recover elemental energy, I’ll keep producing more High Spirit Water for you. So do your best.”

“Of course.” She agreed happily. “And you will not forget your promise, right? Nor the Oaths and Boons we have just sworn?”

Of course not, how could I? As I shook my head, receiving a slight, sweet grin in return, I turned my attention to Motoko and Natsumi. It was fun spending time with them in London. They are definitely the most modest and quiet of the girls, seldom asserting themselves. That’s why… I want to learn from them. A family that fights together, stays together… Thinking such amusing thoughts, we stepped onto the prepared arena, my whole body brimming with new strength. All right then. Ulfuric, David, you say I have no style? Well, I’ll make one. One that’ll impress both of you…

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