On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Nineteen

Three Hundred And Nineteen

Aimi-chan was the first to move, racing over towards us. Reaching out she reached for Shiro’s hand, only to realise her arm was dangling limp, covered by the sleeve of her jumper. Left hanging, frozen, Shiro gave her a gentle smile, reaching out with her good hand and taking Aimi-chan’s. “Glad you could make it.” Shiro said, her smile disguising her pain.

Aimi-chan’s mouth flapped silently, as she struggled to speak. Next up was Hayato-san, who was trying to calm things down and lead as usual. “Aimi-chan, please calm down. I get why you’re upset, and… well, it does look worse than you’d said…” he looked over Shiro, shaking his head. “… but Shiro seems all right?”

“Trust you to get to the heart of things, Hayato.” Shiro praised him. “Come on Aimi, there’s no need for this. I get it’s shocking, but like Hayato says, I’m alive, I’m happy. No big deal, right?” she smirked, before turning to me. “Aki, say something. This is where you step up, right? A princess needs her loyal knight in these circumstances.”

Shaeula snorted loudly in amusement, and that broke the stillness. Yasu-san was next to speak, looking flabbergasted. “What the hell’s going on, Akio-kun? First I get a tearful call from Aimi-chan, saying something bad happened to Shiro. I tried getting more details, but she was totally hysterical. Then Hayato calls, calming the situation, saying we needed to free up our schedules for Saturday.” He shrugged, clearly irritated. “Then I get a call from somebody I’ve never met, saying that transportation and the venue for Saturday has been arranged…” he mimicked a snooty voice, and I could see Hinata was smiling broadly, as amused as Shaeula. “… and then what pulls up but a damn swanky limousine! And this restaurant… it’s top class, right? And why is there nobody here but a load of pretty girls?” he paused. “Well, pretty girls and you!”

“Aimi, take a seat. You can sit next to me.” Shiro pulled her down to an open seat on her other side. “Hina, you can sit there.” She nodded towards a pair of open seats, next to Motoko.

“Shiro… are you… really all right?” Hina-chan managed. Aimi-chan had sat down, overwhelmed, still looking at Shiro with teary eyes.

“Look, that’s why we are here. To talk.” Hayato-san said reasonably, guiding Hina-chan to the seat. Shugo-san had sat down at another open seat silently, face pensive, but Yasu-san was still standing there, pressing us for answers.

“What the hell happened, and why are you here with Akio-kun, Shiro? And who are all these girls?” he continued. As he looked around, he noticed Eri in her wheelchair, and paused for a moment. “She looks familiar. Wait, isn’t she the girl from the pictures you always show us when drunk? Eri-chan, right?”

There was a sudden scraping of a chair against the floor, and suddenly one of the girls over on my sister’s table stood up. “Stop embarrassing me, cousin Yasu!” a voice dripping with shame said, and we all looked over to see Takagi-san standing up, face flushed. “Why don’t you sit down and listen, rather than running your mouth for once!”

“I thought I recognised you over there, Hisano-chan, but I thought I was mistaken. Why would you be in such a place?” Yasu-san replied, his momentum derailed. “It’s not like you have any money. My uncle is poor as dirt.” He froze for a moment, brain working. Taking a look around at all the young girls, his eyes went wide. “No way, are you doing compensated dating, Hisano-chan? You’ll break uncle’s heart if he finds out.”

Takagi-san in dress

“What?” she exclaimed, stunned. There were some giggles from the girls around her, and Kana barely gasped out a comment in-between laughs.

“Takagi-san, doing that? That’s so hilarious…” she doubled over, grinning.

Takagi-san shot her a somewhat annoyed look, before turning back to Yasu-san. I suppose at least it’s distracted everyone from Shiro for a moment. “Seriously? You think I’m doing that sort of stuff? Here? Are you an idiot, Yasu-san?” she seemed incredulous.

“Well, what the hell are you doing here? Why is it all just girls?” he persisted. “It seems suspicious to me. Does uncle and auntie know you’re here?”

“Of course they do. As for why I’m here, weren’t you supposed to be asking her and Oshiro-san?” she gestured towards me. “Maybe if you actually listened for a change you’d find out. It’s a team-building outing, or some such. I didn’t really get it, but it’s not very often I get to wear a nice dress and eat expensive food.”

“Team building?” Yasu-san paused. “So, you’ve got a job? And it’s not something dirty? Hang on, Oshiro-san…?” realising she had addressed me by name, he turned his head mechanically to us. Shiro couldn’t help herself and burst out laughing, surprising the upset Aimi-chan and Hina-chan.

“Well, I didn’t know you had a young cousin.” I said, surprised. “Weren’t you always complaining it wasn’t fair I had a cute sister? You’ve kept that hidden.”

“Well, yes, but…” Yasu-san began.

“He probably doesn’t think I’m cute.” Takagi-san said softly. “I mean, I’m not, just look around us.”

Oh yeah, this again. “Well, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you’re plenty cute enough, Takagi-san. I know it can be hard to have confidence, especially when you’re surrounded by very beautiful girls, but… have a little faith in yourself, all right?”

She let out a faint sigh, pushing her glasses up her nose to hide her embarrassment. “Well, I don’t know, but…”

“Hang on. Akio-kun, are you hitting on my cousin, here in front of me?” Yasu-san seemed annoyed. “She’s way too young for you. Besides, don’t you have a fiancée?”

“I think we all need to take a breath and relax…” Hayato-san began, trying to calm the situation as he always did. Yasu-san had heated up though, and wasn’t listening.

“Hey, shut up. This is family we’re talking about here!” he complained. “I still want a good explanation about all this…”

“I don’t owe you an explanation. And if you want one, Oshiro-san will give you one. Like he’s been trying to!” Takagi-san retorted. “Besides, aren’t you here about your friend?”

“Yes, but…” Yasu-san was scowling at me, an unusual experience. “Hey, Akio-kun. You wouldn’t like it if I was messing with your sister, would you? it’s not cool, man! Besides, you’re already engaged!”

Yeah, this is getting tiresome. I started gathering my Charm and Majesty, but my sis spoke up first. “Well, you’re more than welcome to try… Yasu-san, was it?” she said, drawing his attention. “But I don’t think you’re my type. And look around. There’s a whole room full of girls you aren’t impressing. Damn, I remember when bro was this much of a loser with women. Such nostalgic days.” She smiled wryly. Yasu-san was thrown off his step by that, and Takagi-san threw the final nail in his coffin with her next words.

“You truly are a bother, cousin.” She sniffed. “You really think Oshiro-san would spare me a second glance when he’s so popular?” she gestured to the table. “Get a grip, please.”

“All right, I think we’ve heard enough about this.” I said, and my voice drew all eyes to me, though Shaeula was able to resist my Charm, merely grinning sardonically. “Yasu-san, take a seat.”

“Uh… okay.” He managed, dropping down into the remaining empty seat, next to Hyacinth. “Uh… is that a maid from Akiba? Why?” he said, distracted, only for me to clap my hands together, silencing him.

“Look, I know there’s a lot going on. But that’s why Shiro and I called you here.” I met the gazes of my friends one after another. Yasu-san was a bit dazed after my concentrated Majesty, but his expression was sour. Shugo-san was composed and sympathetic, while Aimi-chan and Hinata-chan were worried and tearful. Lastly, I looked at Hayato-san, who nodded reassuringly, smiling at me. “So why don’t we all order some decent food, and we’ll talk. There’s already plenty of good wine here, but if you want anything else just ask. Then when we have some privacy, we’ll start…”


A couple of minutes later, after taking all our orders, the waiting staff left, ready to be summoned again if we needed them, affording us the privacy we needed.

“All right then. First things first, I guess…” Shiro began. “Aimi already knows this, but… yeah, I’ve had a bit of an accident.” She tapped her eyepatch. “It looks worse than it is, really. So don’t get all distressed about it.”

“From what I can see, it looks dreadful.” Hayato-san commented. “Look, Aimi-chan called me, she was very upset. We were worried when we hadn’t heard from you in a while, Shiro. All Uni would tell us was that you were on a leave of absence. I tried asking some of the students in your special dorm, but all they’d say was that you’d eloped with a guy. That didn’t seem likely, so we were even more worried…” he looked at me then. “But Aimi-chan says otherwise.”

“Don’t leave us hanging, man!” Yasu-san had perked up after starting to drink the luxurious wine. “I mean, shit, it’s a tragedy that a face like yours got ruined, Shiro, but at least you still have a smoking hot body…”

“Aki, you want to hit him, or shall I?” Shiro quipped. “I know I’m gorgeous, but I can’t let you make those sort of jokes anymore, Yasu. I’m a taken girl now.” She looked down with her one eye, to the ring I’d crafted out of that silver spoon.

“Seriously?” he said. “Even with that face… ouch.” Shugo-san had kicked him under the table.

“If I may, seniors?” Eri spoke up politely. At Hayato-san’s reassuring nod, she continued. “I am Mori Eri, Akio’s childhood friend and fiancée. I apologise for not getting up to greet you, but… I’m a little indisposed.” She gestured to her wheelchair, eliciting looks of sympathy. “I think it’s obvious, and some of you know…” she looked at Aimi-chan, who frowned, her expression stricken. “… but Akio is actually engaged to more than one woman.”

“No way, that’s like, totally illegal!” Yasu-san protested.

“Not for much longer.” Shiro laughed. “If you want to try and build your own harem, Yasu, now’s the time. Didn’t you always used to joke around with Shugo and Aki about it? I remember you used to enjoy a good reverse harem as well, Aimi.”

“Yes, but… that’s just fantasy, fun. You…” she managed, struggling to maintain her emotions.

“Excuse me. I haven’t introduced myself. I am Fukumoto Hinata.” Hinata said, a sly smile on her face. “I am the one who arranged for this tonight. I thought that if Akio was to win over his old friends, we would have to be dynamic. And…” she nodded to the other tables. “… a morale-boosting gathering for those who were shocked by the tragic events in Kyoto seemed in order.”

“Yes, I do-do believe introductions are in order.” Shaeula agreed. At her voice, Aimi-chan was startled.

“You! You were on the call as well!” she said, her tone strident and stressed.

“Of course I was. After all, am I not-not one of Akio’s fiancées as well?” she flourished her own ring.

“In case you hadn’t guessed, which means you, Yasu, the others probably worked it out already…” Shiro giggled. “This table is Aki’s harem. He’s living your dream.” Her smile was wicked. “He’s got princesses, nobles, rich girls, childhood friends…”

“No way. This… this is all some sort of hidden-camera show, right?” Yasu-san protested. “The fact that Hisano-chan is here too, yeah, that’s it. I mean, come on! Shiro, you said there’s no way you’d ever date any of us, but if you had to, you’d consider Hayato-kun! Akio-kun, he’s engaged, he’s… shit, well, he’s Akio-kun, there’s just no way!”

“Do you think so?” Motoko asked, puzzled. “From my perspective, Akio is the perfect husband. I will be allowed to continue the Tsumura arts without shaming my family, grow stronger and fight beside him, and never be separated from Natsumi.” She smiled gently, and Natsumi mirrored it. The cute atmosphere was causing Shugo-san embarrassment, and I chuckled gently at his expression.

“Look, we’ll never get anywhere like this.” I leant over and kissed Shiro in front of them. I intended to only take her lips, but with her good arm she pulled me in tight, her tongue swirling with mine. Aimi-chan looked on, shocked, while Hayato-san had a knowing expression on his face. Hina-san was looking away, shy, face flushed, while Yasu-san and Shugo-san were staring, eyes wide with surprise, shocked expressions on their faces. After a long moment we pulled free, and Shiro grinned, her scars pale against her flushed face. Licking her lips, she giggled.

“Shit, I still can’t believe how much I enjoy kissing. It surprises me. Happy now, guys? Have I proved my point? Though my word should be enough. I’m Shirohime, I never tell lies.”

I felt a tug on my sleeve, and it was Eri, her eyes telling me what I needed to do. I exchanged a wet kiss with her, and Eri was even bolder, forcing my hand into her chest, so I gave her a little squeeze. When we separated, her eyes and mouth moist, Shaeula dropped onto my lap, arms around me, and I was kissed a third time, her technique different to Shiro and Eri, but equally sexy. Behind her I could see Hyacinth getting to her feet, giggling lasciviously, and as my gaze wandered, Hinata was already blushing. I see. Yeah, this is one way to prove a point…


Yasu-san was sitting back in his chair, tipsy and lifeless, while Shugo-san was also drunk, too shocked to comment. The display of kissing all seven of my fiancées, even Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi doing their best to give me a passionate embrace, had completely shattered their preconceptions. All except Hayato-san, oddly enough.

“Well, Aimi-chan called me in tears, saying that you claimed you’d been really badly hurt… how did she put it, oh yeah, you were a gender-swapped Nagumo Hajime.” He smiled reassuringly. “To be honest, I thought you were exaggerating. But then she said you were living with Akio-kun here. The funny thing is… you know, I’ve always thought the two of you would be good together.”

“Really?” Shiro asked, surprised. “That surprises me.”

“It shouldn’t.” He ran a hand through his blonde locks, looking handsome while doing it. Though I suppose I have no reason to be jealous now do I? “You’ve always looked out for Shiro more than anyone, Akio-kun, even if you never made a big deal out of it, or drawn any attention to yourself. I mean, just how much help did you give her on her game?”

“Yeah, Aki’s always been a sucker… err, a kind person.” Shiro laughed, and Eri chimed in, agreeing.

“Yes, Akio’s always been weak to girls in trouble. Oh, excuse me for interrupting.” She looked embarrassed to have spoken ahead of her seniors.

“Don’t worry about it.” Hina-chan said sympathetically. “I feel like I know you already, considering how much Akio-san used to mention you when we were out drinking. But…” her gaze went to the wheelchair.

“Yes, well, putting aside my love life, the main thing to talk about is how Shiro got hurt. Eri too, I guess, and what that means.” This is hard to broach, but strangely enough, the stupid interruption when we found out Yasu-san was related to Takagi-san helped diffuse a little tension. It really is a small world.

“It should be obvious. I mean, come on.” Shiro sighed. “Look around. What does this remind you of?”

“It’s a harem life, the sort we’ve always dreamed of, you bastard!” Yasu-san complained. “I still can’t believe our ice queen Shiro is dating! Fuck, Akio-kun, I’m so jealous! Here’s me, the only single guy here, and you’ve got…”

“Missing the point a bit, Yasu.” Shiro interrupted him. “I mean, you’re not wrong, but…”

“It’s not normal.” Shugo-san said, and Aimi-chan agreed.

“Your injuries. Eri-chan’s too…” Aimi-chan was as forthright and forward as ever, immediately calling all the girls at the table by -chan after their introductions, but I could tell she was doing it mostly to avoid thinking about Shiro’s scars. “… it seems like something out of a light novel. Next you’ll be telling us there’s some sort of secret world we don’t know about, and you’re some sort of…” she trailed off at the amused, knowing looks from my girls.

“I think that’s exactly what they are saying.” Hayato-san observed. “Akio-kun, Shiro didn’t get those injuries from an accident. I’m no doctor, but I have a keen eye. They’re not natural.”

“Your childhood friend too.” Hina-chan agreed. “The incident in Kyoto, to get caught up in that. It seems like the sort of plot from a game.”

“This restaurant is one Mayumi recommended to me. They are extremely discreet, dealing with nobility.” Hinata said suddenly. “The cameras are off, the only connection is the service bell. So if you want to give a demonstration…”

“Yeah, probably for the best, Aki.” Shiro grinned. “You guys are in for a real treat.”

“I still think this is a prank.” Yasu-san said, pouring another full glass of wine. “But would Shiro stoop to snogging Akio-kun for a joke? These girls too…”

“You know I damn well wouldn’t, Yasu, you prick.” Shiro cursed him. “I’ve only ever given my lips to one person. And that’s how it’ll always be. Princesses can’t be promiscuous, right Shaeula?”

“That is quite-quite correct.” She grinned. “Akio shall be my one-one and only as well.”

“Fuck, I’m so damn jealous.” Yasu-san looked close to tears. “This has to be a dream…”

Shugo-san patted him on the back consolingly. “Afraid not, Yasu-kun. On the bright side, at least the booze is good, right? And it’s not us who is paying!”

“Fucking hell, that’s right.” He complained, downing his glass, burping noisily, before pouring another glass of vintage red. “I can punish Akio-kun by bankrupting him!”

“Not much chance of that.” Shiro sniffed. “He’s got deep pockets now. It’s good to marry into money!” she pulled my arm into her cleavage, further incensing Yasu-san.

“Sorry. Sorry.” Aimi-chan said suddenly, her voice cracking, smiling tremulously. “I… I’m glad everyone is having fun, but… Shiro, your face, your arm! What…”

“Hush now, it’ll be all right.” Hayato-san calmed her. “Does Shiro look worried? But more importantly, Akio-kun looks composed. And we know Akio-kun, don’t we? If things were bad, he’d not be able to hide it. After all, he’s always looked out for Shiro. I noticed.”

“I did too.” Shiro agreed. “Though he had the opposite approach to you, Hayato. Seriously, he was such a pushover before, it was a real shock when he got all pushy and proposed to me, even prepared to… well, seeing is believing, I guess.” she and I exchanged glances, and I nodded. Showing her transformation into Tan would be convincing.

“Hey, I’ve been listening.” My sis said suddenly, standing and walking over to us. “It’s good to meet you all. Friends of my bro are friends of mine. I’m Oshiro Sapphire Aiko, but you can call me Aiko, I don’t stand on ceremony.”

“So, the middle name is real. I always wondered.” Hina-chan murmured, bringing a smile from Hayato-san.

“Damn, you really are as cute as the pictures. No way, you’re cuter!” Yasu-san complained, having already forgotten her put-down from earlier.

“Well, it isn’t like Hisano-chan doesn’t have her charms. Really, you’ll never get a girlfriend if you don’t learn to praise girls properly. Yasu-san, right? Even family appreciates compliments.” she smirked, and he slumped to the table, chastened.

“So, what does the mythical sister we’ve heard so much about want?” Hayato-san asked, speaking for everyone. “I’m sorry, but this is a serious talk, and as I’m sure you can understand, we’re all very worried about Shiro. Her injuries…”

“Pardon my interruption, but you think I don’t feel the same? Eri’s my best friend. To see her getting so hurt was horrible. So yeah, I get it. But… unless you see, you won’t understand. So…” she turned to me, smiling. “I’ve been practising bro, and now I can bring one out. It tires me out fast, but I think it’ll prove a point. Besides, I know you’re desperate to see how much your precious sister has grown, right?” she winked, puffing out her chest proudly. Don’t think I can’t see you looking, Yasu-san!

At that, Hayato-san paused, he glanced at the others, and then he spoke. “All right. It’s clear that there’s a lot going on. What do you want to show us?”

“This!” Aiko said, and there was a rainbow glow as aether condensed. Moments later a heavy golden statue appeared out of nowhere. Aimi-chan and Hina-chan gasped, open-mouthed, Shugo-san stumbled backwards from the table, shocked, Yasu-san gaped drunkenly, and Hayato-san was frozen, his mind working to process it. Over at my sister’s table, Yae and Rika-san were similarly shocked.

Aiko summoning

“What do you think?” my sis said proudly, as she patted the shoulder of the Golden Warrior as it brandished a heavy-looking battle-axe. “If you think this is some sort of prank show, how do you think this works?” she winked.

“CGI?” Yasu-san muttered, only for Aimi-chan to shoot him down, surprising herself.

“No way, they used that excuse in the School Festival Arc in Negima. You said it was stupid when we discussed it, right, that nobody in their right mind could ever believe that? No… this, it has…” she stood slowly, reaching out gingerly. Her hand paused, withdrawing, before she swallowed, eyes glittering with tears, and touched the statue, surprised to feel genuine metal. “It’s not CGI. It’s real. It’s real.”

“It sure is. Nice demonstration there, Ai.” Shiro approved. Moments later her hair was blazing red, flaming sparks scattering, her single orb burning crimson. “I can do cool stuff too.” Shiro grinned. “So, I’m kind of possessed by a God…”

All eyes went to me, and I nodded. “Well, I’m not going to show off, but obviously, me too.”

“No. Bloody. Way!” Yasu-san was saying, and Shugo-san was nodding, similarly poleaxed.

“It’s… Hina-chan, Hayato-kun, it’s real!” Aimi-chan was repeating that like a broken record. Gingerly, Hina-chan also reached out, grabbing the golden metal skirt, running her fingers over it. Hayato-san was merely frowning, thinking about something weighty.

“Hey, Aiko…” Eri said then, her tone… rather strange.

“Yes?” she answered, and her face was a touch red, her eyes swimming.

“Do tell me. Why the hell does this Golden Warrior look just like me?”

“Uh, well… it’s a tribute? To my best friend and the cutest girl in the whole wide world?” she offered.

“I do not-not think Eri finds it pleasing. I believe she is embarrassed, and that excuse will not-not suffice!” Shaeula laughed, and Shiro agreed, flaming hair swaying as she chuckled.

“No shit. I’ve not exactly known her long, but Eri’s got a yandere soul. Best hope she doesn’t take her own axe to you…”

Golden Sister Army huh? Well, it makes sense now. I wonder, just what do they all look like together? As my old friends were shocked by the revelation of mysterious powers, Shiro met my gaze and grinned. “Well, this turned out pretty much like I expected, Aki.” Turning to Aimi-chan, she reached out, her hand brushing her cheek, wiping away tears. “See? I told you. Leave it to Aki. He’s got the best healer in Japan working on me. This… this is just temporary.” She grinned. “But Aki and me, we’re forever now. So we might as well celebrate!”


“Damn, this is bloody good!” a drunken Yasu-san was saying, tucking into a roasted duck, complete with a series of authentic Chinese sauces, glazes and side dishes. “I still don’t forgive you though, Akio-kun! Shit, your own harem!”

“Don’t be creepy.” Takagi-san declared. She had joined us at our table, since her cousin was here, and in exchange Eri had joined Aiko at her table, after grilling her about the Golden Warrior. “I’m surprised you are acquainted with Oshiro-san. If you’re smart, you won’t do anything stupid and upset him.”

“You hear that?” Yasu-san complained. “if only Hisano-chan was as cute and affectionate as your sister. When she was younger, she wasn’t so nagging. But when she started middle school, she changed. Must be at that age.”

“No, I think that’s just you being a disappointment, Yasu.” Shiro chuckled. Aimi-chan was clinging on to her, as if not wanting to let her get away, and I exchanged a knowing look with Shugo-san. Yeah, seeing two girls who are so hot clinging to each other is quite a sight. Though it hits different for me seeing as Shiro’s my woman now. Her hair was back to silver, and she was enjoying banter with the girls.

“Takagi-san’s a nice girl, she looks after her friends. Don’t be such a jerk.” I chided him, and he sniffed, annoyed.

“Oh come on, since when did you get to lecture me… oh, well shit.” He looked around at the girls.

“Yeah, he’s got you beat. So, uh, is that maid outfit like an affectation, or…?” Shugo-san was fascinated by Hyacinth.

“Nooo, I live tooo serve Akio, and the other mistresses. It is what I dooo.” She explained again. “Nothing brings Hyacinth greater joooy!”

“Yes, she is a brownie, or at least-least she was. It is close enough.” Shaeula observed, drinking wine with great gusto, in-between bites of food. “So, as Akio was saying, this healer, she is most powerful. It shall be but-but a matter of time before her wounds are healed.” She grinned. “I do not-not wish you to think that we all love and cherish Akio for base, feeble reasons.”

“I want to know how it happened. I mean…”  Hina-chan looked embarrassed as she glanced at Hayato-san. He’s been awfully quiet since the reveal. I wonder what he’s thinking. Hayato-san smiled back at Hina-chan, so she continued. “… when Hayato asked me out, I was shocked. I never thought a plain girl like me would catch the attention of Hayato. He was always popular. But the more time I spent with him, the more I liked him.” She was blushing, and it was pretty cute. “So, how was it for you? I mean, you always said you wouldn’t go for anyone that doesn’t have a billion in the bank, and… oh.”

Shiro had the grace to blush. “Well, shit. That’s a low blow Hina. When did you get so bold? Everyone’s changing so fast. Well, not Yasu, he’s still the same old screwup. Now even his younger cousin is putting him down.” Takagi-san looked embarrassed at that. “Anyway…” she continued. “… yeah, I have a good reason to want a rich husband. My hospital bills and healthcare needs drove my parents to pretty much cut me off. I still feel bitter about that, even if I understand it.” I reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. At that, Aimi-chan raised an eyebrow, making a quip about how smooth I was being.

“Of course he’s smooth. Aki’s been grinding those stats like a madman.” Shiro chuckled.

“Why do I get the feeling you mean that literally?” Hina-chan giggled.

“I guess I do. Anyway, I guess Aki’s always carried a torch for me, but I think he always thought I was out of his league. Well, I definitely score ten out of ten for looks and personality…”

“Uh, looks, definitely.” I said, and she giggled.

“Don’t lie, you love my personality too. Well, Hina, Aimi, Aki’s the sort who likes to look after girls, right? All his stories about his sister Ai, and Eri, they show that, don’t they? Well, I can’t say I enjoy being treated like a burden, I had enough of that when I was younger. It’s why I decided to go to University, even if it might have shortened my life. I wanted to live for once.” She let out a long sigh. “Well, I met you guys, and I found Uni was actually more fun that I thought. I was still bitter though. Why was I the one suffering like this? So then… well, I made a deal with a God…” she smiled, loving the way her friends were listening to her with rapt attention. “… and everything seemed to be all right. But then, in comes Aki, having already mastered the path of a harem protagonist. Once he started two-timing Eri with Shaeula, well, the third is easier, and the fourth easier still, right?”

“I resent that remark.” I complained jokingly, but it was true. Well, I don’t regret it. Who could? But… I just have to make sure I always have enough time, put in enough effort, to make sure they are all happy. If I do that, then nobody, not even myself, can complain. And I can’t say it won’t be fun. Even talking about such heavy subject matters, dinner with my girls and my friends was fun.

“Still true though, right?” she blinked at me slyly. “Well, Aki took me out on a very nice date. I was going to turn him down gently as thanks for everything, but he won me over by being… well, surprisingly bold, and earnest. One thing Aki isn’t is a liar, right?” at their agreement, she finished. “… so when he proposed, making an engagement ring on the spot out of a spoon…” she showed if off, smirking. “… you know, I thought… what the hell am I hesitating for? I realised that Aki had been one of my only friends, and he’d always been thinking of me. Besides, he’s hot and rich now. It helps. Sharing… well, it’s not so bad. Beats being lonely, right? Anyway, after that, stuff happened, I got hurt… but it’s in hand. So no more tears, unless they are tears of joy. Be happy for me, for us, okay?”

“I can’t say I approve.” Aimi-chan spoke up. “I know we love manga and anime, harems and everything like that. But that’s fiction. I just worry you’ll end up getting hurt. I mean… look at you!”

“Aimi, I’m not a child. You might be my senior, but I can make my own decisions. And I decided I love Aki, and he loves me. If in the end, I get hurt, well, right now I’m enjoying being in love. I’ll love it more when my scars finally heal and I can finally…” she flushed, and Aimi-chan gasped. “Oh come on. You’ve got a boyfriend, don’t tell me you haven’t been teasing him with that sexy body of yours.” She pulled her hand free from mine and grabbed Aimi-chan’s chest, giving it a squeeze. She squealed, darting away.

“Well, that’s… not something to talk about in company.” She said primly.

“Well, I don’t mind talking about it. I know Aki’s been… fucking…” she said the word proudly, chest puffed out. “… Eri, Shaeula and Hyacinth. Sometimes all three at once, right?” she laughed like a dirty old man, and the old, familiar Shiro made my heart ache happily.

“It is quite-quite true. Nothing can beat combining both body and spirit, becoming one, and sharing that with sisters you love and trust…” Shaeula grinned wolfishly. “… well, I do indeed pity those who do not-not have such love in their lives. Shiro, I look forward to a long-long life, sharing joys and triumphs together.”

“I swear, this is the worst day of my life.” Yasu-san said, still determined to eat and drink as much as possible, while his exasperated cousin looked on. He turned to her. “So, why did you get mixed up in all this, you little minx? What does uncle and auntie know? Are you some sort of magician too? Or are you gunning for his harem? Ugh, no way! My little cousin, who used to be so innocent, making eyes at older men.”

“Come on Yasu-kun, there’s no need for that.” Shugo-san criticised him. “Jealously is an ugly thing. There’s no need to take it out on a relative.”

“Shut it! You have a hot teacher girlfriend, don’t think I’ve forgotten. Anyway, you didn’t answer me!” he pressed Takagi-san.

“Of course I’m not powerful.” She sighed. “In fact, I don’t really know why I’m involved. I’m not special like Izumi-san or Maiko-san. All I wanted to do was make sure that Maiko-san wasn’t bullied.”

“Well, I do not-not regret it.” Shaeula grinned. “I confess, I thought it rather-rather amusing to grab Kana’s friends, and you happened to be there, Hisano. It is a chance few-few will have, and it comes with many benefits. As for seeking Akio’s favour, I suspect you have no interest in that, but…” she grinned. “Should you ever change your mind, come seek-seek me out.”

“So it was you? Corrupting my cousin?” Yasu-san howled, and Shaeula merely laughed in his face.

“This is all very well.” Hayato-san said, breaking his long silence, drawing all eyes to him. “Akio-kun, Shiro. If you are happy with each other, then who are we to say your relationship is wrong? I’m sure as your friends we’ll support you, and if it does end badly, we’ll help pick up the pieces, right?” he looked around, and everyone nodded, even Yasu-san, who stopped arguing with Shaeula and his cousin for a moment.

“Thanks Hayato. I appreciate it. Aki and I, we were pretty worried you’d get upset and mad with us. We don’t want that.”

“Upset? Mad?” his voice was hard. “You’re damn right I’m mad. Aimi-chan too. I didn’t tell Hina what was going on, because I knew it’d be too upsetting for her. Sorry darling.” He said, and she nodded in understanding.

Ugh, I thought Hayato-san would understand. I’m a bit shocked. Still, I had no right to complain, and taking their anger and frustration was the least we could do.

“You never told us anything.” He declared, surprising me. Wait, it’s about that? “Money, power, women, fame, whatever. I get that you seem to be in a different world now, Akio-kun, Shiro. I’m not greedy, I don’t care about money so long as Hina and I have enough to get by. Power, we don’t need it. Women… well, sorry to say this, but my darling Hina is enough for me.”

Way to make me feel bad… “I see.” I managed.

“But… friendship. That matters.” He declared.

“It does.” I agreed. “And I value ours.”

“So excuse me if I feel aggrieved that you put yourselves in danger without asking for help. Are we so unreliable?” he looked at the girls chatting and enjoying the Chinese food, including Daiyu, who was feasting with quite some relish.

“Yes, I hate this!” Aimi-chan agreed. “Why didn’t you say something Shiro? Anything? You disappeared without saying anything at all! Don’t you know how worried we were?”

“Yes, we’re your friends, Shiro.” Hina-chan joined in. “We may have graduated, and so we don’t get to spend as much time together as we’d like, but… weren’t our nights out in Akihabara fun, even for the short time you managed to stay awake? Yasu-san would make a crude joke, Aimi-chan would see hot guys and fantasise about them together, Akio-san would say something witty…”

“Damn right.” Yasu-san agreed. “Ugh, sorry man. I know you wouldn’t do anything to Hisano-chan. I think.” He immediately backpedalled, to an amused laugh from Shaeula. “Well, I never would have thought you’d be able to cheat on your childhood friend, with our princess of all girls.” He said defensively. “So how can I be totally sure? Ugh, yeah I get it, I can read the mood just fine!” he said defensively under everyone’s glares. “Seriously, you’re like a brother to me. You and Shugo-kun and Hayato-kun. The girls are like sisters too. They have to be, they’re all taken now…” he sighed. “It hurts that the sort of world we used to dream of, you never let us know about.”

“Well, it’s not all fun and games. There’s danger everywhere, and…” I began, only for Shugo-san to interrupt.

“That would be more convincing if you didn’t bring us to a room full of schoolgirls. Come on, Akio-kun.” He shook his head, irritated. “If we were keeping secrets from you, wouldn’t you be pissed off?”

“They’ve got you there, Aki!” Shiro agreed, only to face the brunt of their anger next.

“Yeah, not this time Shiro.” Shugo-san declared. “I’m even more mad at you.”

“Me? Why?” She said, and Aimi-chan reached out, gripping her good arm with a tight death-grip.

Why, you ask? And here I was thinking you’re a genius, Shirohime.” The way she said it gave me chills. “Setting aside the injuries that make me want to cry just looking at them, since you both say it’ll be fine… it better be!” her grip tightened.

“Uh, Aimi, that is kind of uncomfortable…” Shiro protested, but she was ignored.

“Forgetting how much you’ve worried us, you didn’t even confide in Akio-kun, did you? You tried to carry this all alone. You. Our fragile little princess. How many times have we carried you home, unable to move?” Hina-chan was nodding too, expression surprisingly stern.

“And you think you can handle it all alone, not relying on your friends?” Aimi-chan persisted.

“Yes. That’s what is so frustrating. I’m no fool. Even if we consider your injuries an accident, as you said, what about your childhood friend?” Hayato-san homed in on the weakness in our argument. “If the so-called terror cult incident all over the news was related to you, then… did you idiots even think?”

“It wasn’t as if…” I began, and Shiro was trying to look innocent.

“I wasn’t there, don’t blame me!” she said, only to be silenced by the piercing looks from our friends.

“I suppose I should have expected this.” Hayato-san sighed. “Akio-kun, you don’t like to bother other people, and you tend to watch out for Shiro. And as for you…” he looked at Shiro, who actually shrank under his gaze. “… I get it. You hate being weak, and always relying on us. But Shiro, Akio-kun, that’s just insulting. Friends are meant to be relied on. So from now on… no more secrets. If you two are going through something hard, we want to help, right?”

“Right!” everyone agreed, and I could hear Shaeula expressing her appreciation for their sentiments.

“See, Akio?” She smirked. “Have I not-not been telling you that more allies is a good thing? Besides, your friends, you do not-not wish them to be a weakness for you, do you?”

I couldn’t argue with that, and neither could Shiro. We looked at each other, and then stood, bowing apologetically.

“Sorry guys. We should have been honest sooner. Though, at least cut us some slack, it’s pretty hard to talk about.”

“Yeah, there’s always the worry you would have thought we’d gone crazy.” Shiro sighed. “I’m not spending my remaining days locked up in an asylum, that’s not how the tale of this beautiful princess ends!”

“In that case, well, the night is still young, right?” Hayato-san took charge, just like old times. “You can fill us in on just what’s at stake, and what we can do. Well, the timing is bad at the moment, work was just taking off, but… friends come first, right darling?”

Hina-chan smiled back at him. “That’s right. After all, Shiro, Akio-san, I’d be sad if you suddenly disappeared.”

“Well, now that’s settled…” Yasu-san said, glass of wine in hand. “When do I get my harem? Hey, ouch… when did you get so strong, Hisano-chan? I think you broke my arm…” as her slap sent Yasu-san tumbling to the floor, rubbing his shoulder, laughter broke the tension for a moment. All right then. Yes, there’s a lot to discuss. But I do feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders… and looking at Shiro, who smiled sweetly at me, I knew she felt the same…

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