On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Sixty-Three

Three Hundred And Sixty-Three

Kana, her face radiant now that she’d cleaned up her tears and reapplied a little makeup, was sitting next to me, holding my arm triumphantly. It was a strange feeling, but it didn’t feel bad, and I cast my mind back to my earlier conversation with Eri, who was rolling her eyes at us, though her expression wasn’t critical, merely a little exasperated. Yeah, if things had been different, and Ortlinde never came to me… I’d have stayed away from home forever barring the rare visit, and I wouldn’t have ever had the courage to admit to myself that I liked Shiro, figuring I could never have done anything for her. So, maybe meeting a girl like Kana, pretty, fun, low-pressure… huh, come to think of it, she does remind me of my sis a bit, she has the same appetite for life and doing her own thing. Well, not that she’d have given me a second glance in an ordinary world, but maybe… maybe I could have seen myself dating her.

“What’re you thinking about, Akio?” she asked me, and the tone in which she said my name was different, the end rising cheekily. My curiosity must have shown on my face, as she flushed a little, letting out a small giggle. “Well, Shiro calls you Aki very familiarly, right? I like that, so I want my own way of calling you. You… you are my boyfriend now, right?”

“That I am.” I agreed, stroking her hair softly. “As for what I was thinking, something stupid. Just what-if’s. But what-if’s don’t matter. We care about what is.”

“Yes, we do.” Kana turned to look at the other three girls, while her mother and father sat opposite us, looking on with different expressions. Nagi-san was smiling gently, a warm look in her eyes as she observed her happy daughter, whereas Daichi-san looked a little troubled. There was a third person with them, Shirohebi in their androgenous human form looking on with keen interest.

“Speaking of… damn, I get a boyfriend and he’s going away for the weekend with another woman. Poor me.” She laughed, and I felt a twinge of guilt, before she shook her head. “That was a joke. I’m not Eri-chan, I’m not such a heavy woman.”

“I think you’ll find I’m perfectly accepting, Kana-chan.” Eri narrowed her eyes, and Kana laughed anew.

“That was another joke, Eri-chan. I admit, we didn’t exactly hit it off, but you’ve grown on me. Besides, I have to thank you for your help.” She took a deep breath. “Mom, dad, I know really it’s not your business who, if anyone, I choose to date, but Akio has asked me out. I like him. I have for a while. Perhaps it’s just that he treats me like an adult, or that… ah, it doesn’t matter why. That’s for us to talk about.” She winked at me happily. “Well, I decided he’s worthy enough for a catch like me. And I am a catch, right?”

“Sure are.” I promised, enjoying the relaxed banter, quite unlike the feeling I had talking to Eri’s parents.

“So, yeah, I’m his girlfriend. It’s not a normal situation, being as I’m one of many, and in the past I’d have called him a cheating scumbag, but…” she shrugged. “… well, forget normal, right? None of us are normal. Besides…” she twisted her hair with one hand, as if revealing something troubling. “… I’m not a fool. Any rich guy I wrapped round my fingers and married would probably just have cheated on me anyway. I wasn’t so much looking for love as security. Sorry Akio, but you know I’m pretty shallow, right?”

“I don’t think that’s true. Driven, I’d say. And you still are. Just… what you want has changed. Really, I respect, I like hard workers, and you’ve thrown yourself into work at the shrine and as a Chosen wholeheartedly, and without you we wouldn’t have the successes with the trainees. It isn’t wrong to want a comfortable, easy life. Well, we certainly won’t have an easy life, not with the world in danger, but… comfortable. That I can promise.”

“He’s not wrong. He showers us all with gifts. It even got him into trouble back when he hadn’t told our parents anything. They wondered where he got all the money from.” Eri paused meaningfully, exchanging a look with Kana. “He’s not so good at remembering though, considering.” Eri looked at Kana’s hair, and I realised she was wearing the hairclip I brought her back from Las Vegas, and she had been wearing it almost constantly.

“He’s noticed now though.” Eri finished.

“This was the first gift you bought me.” Kana touched it gently. “I was pretty flattered. I wasn’t into you then, honestly, but I was interested in you and your life. It was so important, interesting compared to my boring life in the shrine. But then my boring life changed, and before I knew it, interest had changed to liking you. But… well, why talk about that? It’s been annoying, but that’s over. A few months of waiting, I can live with it. I did. So yeah, mom, dad, I’m not asking permission or anything, we like each other. We like each other.” She repeated it happily. “But since Akio is such a benefactor of the shrine and technically we all work for him, I thought I’d make it clear, prevent awkwardness. Okay?”

“I’m happy for you, Kana my dear.” Nagi-san said softly. “Like you, I never imagined this sort of thing for you, but… well, I expected you’d do well in life. Us Izumi women have very good looks.” She laughed. “But as I’ve watched over these last months, I can say I trust Akio-kun with you. Even if as a mother it makes me feel very conflicted.”

“You should get together with my mother.” Eri snorted. “In fact, you could form a support group. Don’t invite mother-in-law Emily though, she’s totally on board with Akio gathering all the beautiful women of the world. She wants enough daughters-in-law for a sports team. I think she’s asking for a Rugby team now, as baseball doesn’t satisfy her anymore.”

“Which code?” I asked, not knowing much about Rugby, but remembering a few mentions of it from mom in the past.

“Union of course.” Eri sighed. “That’s got the most, right?”

My mother sure does resemble my sis sometimes. No, wait, it’d be the other way around, right? “Of course it would be that. Well, putting my mother aside…” I nodded to Kana’s parents. “… I like Kana. And it may be selfish, and I am grateful to Eri and Shiro, Daiyu too, for accepting my selfishness, but… I want to date your daughter. So I will. My best regards.”

“So, when will the engagement be?” Daichi-san asked, looking pointedly at the rings on Eri’s and Shiro’s fingers, only for Kana to hiss, puffing out her red cheeks, irritated.

“Dad, don’t be an idiot. We’re dating, not getting married. We haven’t even been dating an hour. I want to go on fun dates, hang out, snuggle together. I guess working and fighting battles together too. Never saw that coming.” She let out a little giggle. “Marriage? I’m not so insecure that I need to be engaged.” She looked at me, eyes sparkling. “And I’ve heard from Eri how poorly you asked her. If you do that to me, I’ll kick you, I swear! Seriously… dating, romance, it’s supposed to be fun, heart racing, breath coming fast.” She grinned. “Well, I’m feeling it now, so I hope you are too. But dad… if I still like Akio, I’m confident he’ll never get bored of me, so it’ll happen. Naturally. No need to force things. So until then, just be happy for us.” She looked at the other girls then.

“Eri-chan, Shiro, Daiyu… uh, she can’t understand me, can she? Oh, you’re translating?” Shiro nodded. “Well then. This goes for the others too. But I’ll tell them myself. I think we have it hard. But feeling sorry for our hardships is stupid. Let’s be honest. What do you look for in a guy? I looked for…” she checked her fingers. “Handsome. Rich. Kind. I think we win. But now, I also look for likes me for me, who I am. And I don’t need it, but it sure is good that he’s powerful.” She closed her fifth finger. “Royal flush, right? So if we complain, less fortunate girls have the right to hate us. I don’t want to be the sort of bitch…”

Her father frowned at her language but said nothing as she continued. “… I used to hate at school. I know what I’m signing up for. Only you didn’t, Eri-chan, so you have my sympathies, but…”

“… no. This is down to me. I know Akio would have been faithful. But… seeing him and Shaeula clearly pining for each other hurt. So I made my choice. Kana-chan, you’re right. And this is why Akio needs you. Look, he’s smiling.”

She’s right, I am. I was enjoying the banter, and the sense of fun Kana was exuding, allowing me to forget the pressure I was under for just a moment. Though when my gaze fell on Eri and the others, my heart felt warm too. Really, they are all too good for… no, that’s falling back in self-effacing, self-destructive thought patterns. Let me rethink that. They are all the best girls, and I’ll be damned if I’m not a man to match them. “Of course I’m smiling. I’m happy. I finally realised something important, thanks to you all. Kana, some ordinary dates sound fun. I know the other girls enjoy things like meals out.”

“Yeah, we’ll eat parfait, watch a movie, go to an arcade. Even sitting atop Asha’s terrace drinking juice is fun. And maybe we’ll even do some battle dates. Boys normally like playing video games, right? Well we get to do it for real.” Kana chortled. “And as for us…” she looked at Eri and the others. “… nights in, just us girls. Gossip and talk about fashion. Shopping! We have to do lots of shopping. We all have other friends too, we have to get together, get to know each other better. Really, I want to do everything an annoying in-love couple does, and everything friends do. Without being a bitch about it. We don’t need to show off, we just need to have fun!”

“Yeah, she’s a smart girl, Aki.” Shiro approved. “If we’re constantly buried in the abnormal, we’ll break, no matter how strong we think we are.” Shiro gave her a thumbs up. “Welcome aboard!”

“So see, dad, mom. It’s all good. You don’t need to treat Akio any differently. We’re just a boy and a girl dating, being in love.” She smiled.

“With thisss, the ssshrine hasss a sssecure future.” Shirohebi said suddenly, drawing all eyes. “What isss wrong?” it asked, puzzled. “The heir to the ssshrine ssshall be born from the union of my favoured ssshrine maiden and the benefactor who protectsss usss. Isss thisss not a cause for joy?”

Kana was red as a tomato now, Nagi-san with a hand over her mouth muttering “oh my”, and Daichi-san looked a bit shocked at that. Eri was also flushing, while Shiro was laughing uproariously, Daiyu looking on uncomprehending.

“No way!” Kana managed at last. “Talk of stuff like babies is totally premature. We have to enjoy dating first, all the fun things couples do! Sure, I’m not entering this relationship lightly. If we stay together, some day it’ll happen. But not until we’re older!”

“I agree.” I stroked her hair some more, gently brushing it. “But even if we wanted to, now isn’t a good time. Until we’ve headed off at least the disasters Tsukiko-san foretold, and we have power enough to be secure here in Japan and my Territory, that’d be foolish.”

“So shut up, Shirohebi, or I’ll turn this shrine into one for Kṣitigarbha! She’s done more for me than you!” Kana said, half in jest, and there was laughter…


Kana had left for school, her parents giving her a note explaining her lateness. One good thing about her school being a specialist shrine school was that the teachers were a little flexible about religious matters. With that done, I headed back to the Territory, taking Shiro to refresh her buffs, while Eri was doing her schooling, and Daiyu was studying her Cultivation, and also learning Japanese from my old Chinese teacher.

I collected my upgraded gear from master Bjarki, who had bloodshot eyes and was pale and covered in burns. Even so, when he saw Shiro, his gaze narrowed like a bloodhound, and so more buffs were applied to him. My spear had been improved a little, becoming stronger and lighter, as well as having a hidden gimmick using some of the materials we had gathered during our battles. In addition, Hyacinth had received some weapons, though she wouldn’t show me what, merely giggling to herself saying it was a surprise, and Shaeula’s Pinwheels had been reinforced to better handle lightning element.

In addition to that, Hyacinth was wearing her new armour, though she had it under her customary maid outfit. There was a set for Shaeula as well, and a set for me, which I put on, feeling more relaxed to have extra protection. Now that I had my sword and spear, as well as armour, I was ready for anything.

Twilight Brigandine – Item Class: [Noble] Item Type: [Rule]

This armour is crafted from a combination of metallic Twilight Cloth, creating a double-layered design, black with white inner fabric, and further fortified by small plates of dwarven steel in key areas. The armour increase the stealth of the wearer and offers improved healing of injuries and a slight boost to recovery of aether, in addition to having very high defence, and the material can be somewhat repaired by the release of light or darkness energies as appropriate, stimulating the remnants of the Myconid Duke inside. However, full restoration is not possible and maintenance from a skilled master of Dvergr Arts is advised.

A further addition is that as part of the protective plates, small bluesteel batteries are embedded, which can store and release elemental energies, with the additional ability to infuse relevant elements into the armour directly.

I was very impressed by the armour, it was far better than I could have made. I’d love to dig into crafting when I get a bit more leisure time. Ixitt and Bjarki are having a lot of fun coming up with new stuff, it seems. Well, Bjarki might not be having ‘fun’ I suppose… He had worked himself to the bone to get the gear ready for me and Hyacinth, as well as Shaeula, as she too would be a priority of his. Obviously we needed more, but at least with Hyacinth away for the weekend, he’d have to work from his stocks of cloth, unable to regrow the remains of Duke Myrcolaxriath. So he can take his time on the next few sets of armour…

After that I checked my build queues, though nothing of note had changed, as we were still using Ixitt’s Ether Silos to transport all my ether over to Kyoto. Another Spire had just been raised to Rank 3, so despite the vast sums we were consuming, overall the benefits were well worth it. I then had a quick meeting with the denizens of my Territory and Treyvon and Aliyah, who had most of the Black Wolf Company, except those on guard duty in the Material, training hard, to set the defences while I was gone. After putting up with Aliyah’s sarcasm, I left, and headed into Tokyo proper, to meet Tsumura-san regarding my new proposals.

There, I hashed out an agreement to start training the Special Forces in earth element and get them their levels, but that it would be less intensive than now due to lack of suitable teachers and time constraints, and that in exchange I would require them to work for me in their spare time, which would also double as training. Tsumura-san had agreed in the end, and would send the details to Kana, who was going to take her first steps as someone who could take over the minutia of the training school for me. I’m damn proud of her. She’s come such a long way. Pride wasn’t all that I was feeling though. I could now admit to myself I’d been attracted to Kana for a while, her flirty, easy-going nature soothing.

After that, I blasted through another couple of score of fighter pilots with Chirurgery. I was unlikely to need much aether for tonight’s party, so I bled my reserves dry using Split Thoughts and finished as many as I could quickly, reducing the number I’d have to deal with on my return from the UK. Once I was ready to leave, my tasks here done, Tsumura-san pulled me aside and said that Motoko and Natsumi would be at the party tonight, as despite having to get ready for our trip early tomorrow, they hadn’t wanted to miss out.

I assured Tsumura-san I wouldn’t keep them out late, before heading back to Shirohebizumi shrine…


The party at the training school was in full swing. As an expense, I had of course provided refreshments, including decent alcohol for the adults there, but compared to what I’d earned with Hinata’s help this week, it was merely pocket change. In fact, I’m still getting paid per person I do Chirurgery on by the JSDF budget. It isn’t lavish, but it more than covers all our incidental expenses. The hall was full of young men and women, as well as some unexpected faces.

“So, what brings you here?” I asked Fukumoto Hiroto-san, Hinata’s older brother, who was holding a glass of brandy in one hand, wearing a casual suit. Hinata was behind him, grinning savagely, and he rolled his eyes, irritated.

“Well, it seems Hinata has mastered her first element. She won’t stop bragging about it, and says I’m letting her down. Look, I know I skip out on training most of the time, but it’s not just to play around. Fukumoto house has a lot going on, thanks to the pair of you.”

“Not just playing around then?” Hinata laughed derisively. “So you admit you were playing around sometimes, instead of being here?” She picked up an ordinary clag mug from a table and with a faint hint of red energy, a chunk of it shattered and pelted her brother with tiny, annoying shrapnel.

“Stop that!” he said, brushing it aside.

“You should be able to do this too, Hiroto! Those that don’t stay abreast of the changing times will be left behind!” she chided him.

“I know. I get it. Word is more noble sons and daughters will be joining you here. Clever. They think they are getting a good deal, but really…” he looked around at the gathering. Kana was at the centre of a large group of girls, giggling and laughing, and they were casting occasional glances at me. It was good to see Chiyo-san’s granddaughters and the other missing neutral faction trainees here, mingling again. “… everyone here is going to end up loyal to you and yours. I’m not saying they’ll go against their houses or heaven forbid, someone like Fujiwara-sama for you, but just like we respect the teachers at school who influenced our lives, if you need a favour, I’m sure most will answer. Perhaps more so. After all, this is training only you can do, right?”

“For now.” I agreed. Though sooner or later that will change and others will reveal they’ve been doing similar. That’s why Hiroto-san is right, Yes, there are a lot of inconveniences involved, but Kana is willing to coordinate the efforts, and even if only some are grateful, our influence remains solid. As I talked to Hinata and her brother, or was he her cousin now… No, noble traditions or not, a brother is always a brother to his little sister. That’s a fact. … I noticed another of the strange guests. Yasu-san was here, following around Hisano-san, who was trying to fend him off, ushering away Hotene-san and Keomi-chan.

“Excuse me, I’m just going to see what’s up.” I said, and Hinata shrugged.

“Fine. Well, I don’t mind a bit of entertainment. Your friend is funny.” She laughed, a cute little giggle.

“Well, I’m feeling a bit stifled by all these younger people, I’ll join you.” Hiroto-san agreed.

“Look, Hisano-chan, what would auntie and uncle say? You shouldn’t be…” he was saying to her, and he trailed off as I arrived, Hiroto-san and Hinata in tow.

“Hey, Yasu-san, what brings you here?” I asked, and he looked a bit uncomfortable.

“Well, I’d finished a load of work up, and needed a break. Then I heard Hisano-chan was coming to a party here, and…” he looked at me, frowning. “The hell, man? You’re going after Hisano-chan’s classmates now? That’s not cool.”

“I wish you’d shut up, Yasu-kun!” Hisano-san shot back, more annoyed than ever I’d seen her. “You shouldn’t talk about what you don’t know! Kana-chan’s liked Akio-san for ages, what’s so wrong with…”

Yasu-san looked about ready to explode, but I could see Keomi-chan and Hotene-san looking rather worried and nervous, so I put a hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t you relax, Yasu-san? Don’t shout at your cousin. She’s a good girl.”

He took a deep breath, visibly calming himself down. “So, it’s true, right? The other girls not enough for you? You take your pick from the girls you’re training here too now?”

Ouch. I winced, rather hurt by his accusation. “No, not at all. But Kana and I knew each other before we even started the training, and… hey, why am I justifying myself to you, Yasu-san? Come on, we’ve both dreamed of harems just like most otaku. It’s not all fun and games though. But rest assured, I’m not indiscriminate, it’s not like I’m going to go after your cousin here…”

“Yes, why would he?” Hisano-san said. “I’m not pretty and outgoing like Kana-chan or her friends.”

“Don’t be like that.” I assured her. “You have your own charms. And in the future, you can find happiness with someone.”

“You’re hitting on her right in front of me, man!” Yasu-san howled, and now people were looking at us askance. Kana winked at me, guessing what was going on, and I leaked a little chuckle, but surprisingly enough, it was Hinata who spoke.

“You remember me, I trust?” she asked him pointedly, and he nodded.

“I do. The rich girl, Hinata-chan, right?”

She shuddered theatrically. “Yes, I suppose so. Now look, Akio is simply reassuring her, when you are being quite forceful. I don’t approve. So, what seems to be the problem? That Kana has joined us? Anyone with working eyes could see that Kana was smitten with him.”

“Well, I’m a woman with good taste!” Kana said proudly at that, the group around her giggling and laughing. I noticed Ren-san sitting with that group, Asami-san beside him, very close, constantly invading his space cheekily, and I suppressed a grin. You go girl, shake him up a bit.

“Look, I get it.” Hiroto-san said, clapping him on the shoulder with his free hand. “Grab a drink man, and we’ll talk all about it. My little sister is even more of a handful now she’s with him…” he nodded at me. “… so I get why you’d worry. But… it’s not so bad. He takes care of them, right?”

“Takes care of? Brother, sometimes you can be so annoying.” Hinata sniffed. “Yasu-san, as one of Akio’s friends, you should give him more credit. Did any of us look unhappy, that night we met? I think not. Well, this is stupid. You three, come with me. We’ll leave the men to their squabble. Akio, don’t forget to spend some time with me later, since you are away over the weekend.” With that, she swept the three girls away, leaving us watching them as they joined a group with Motoko, Natsumi and some others.

“So, seriously, Yasu-san. I think it’s great that you worry about your cousin, but if you go at her like that, you’ll only upset her. Trust me, she’s a smart girl, Hisano-san. She’s a hard worker, and she’s becoming bolder, less introverted. She gets on much better with Kana and the other girls now, and her confidence is growing. I think if you support her, you’ll be happier. Also, you’ll be working for me soon, right, so stop being an ass.”

“Hisano-san, huh? Changed your way of address for her I see.” Yasu-san said, looking in my eyes, before sighing. “Sorry man.” He ran a hand through his messy hair, abashed, before grabbing a drink and downing it. “Ugh, that’s better. I’m just on edge, you know. And to be honest, jealous as hell. You’re the real life Negi Springfield now.”

“No way, I’d be a pervert if I was going after middle schoolers. I’ll stick to propriety.” I laughed it off. “I don’t have a class of thirty-one either. But Kana… yeah, no regrets.”

“Well, hearing him talk like that, I worry for my sister. But then, Hinata has a better fiancé now that she could have expected before. So… I live with it. You should too.” Hiroto-san advised.

“Fine.” Yasu-san said at last, getting another drink. “But there’s seriously nothing weird with you and Hisano-chan? You seem pretty close.”

“I’m just good at looking after young girls, like Eri and my sis. I know how to be supportive.” I assured him.

“All right then. Well, screw it. Hey man…” he addressed Hiroto-san. “So you’re Hinata-chan’s brother then? Must suck to be you, our wolf here taking her away. Well, how about us two loser guys have a few drinks and talk about love, or our lack of it.”

“I don’t want to rain on your parade, Yasu-san, but from what Hinata tells me, Hiroto-san here is very popular with the ladies.” As Yasu-san looked at him, he nodded, a touch proud. If Hinata could see that, she’d lecture him again…

“Ugh, seriously? Shit.” Yasu-san cursed. “Oh well, you can listen to me vent then. Shit. At least the girls here are cute to look at…”

As I left the two of them to it, marvelling over Yasu-san’s double standards, I headed over to Kana’s group. On seeing me coming over, she stood and grabbed me in a hug, showing off. “Hi there, Akio.”

“Ugh, she’s saying it like it’s a nickname for her boyfriend.” Mio-san laughed. “Well, I guess it is.”

“It definitely is.” She released me. “Right Akio?” she repeated charmingly.

“You little tease.” I laughed, pleased. “Anyway, how is everyone enjoying the party? You’ve all worked hard and shown great results, with hopefully more to come.” I looked at the trainees from the neutral shrines then. “Well, you all missed out, but I hear you were working hard in your own ways.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll whip them into shape. You’ll help, right?” She asked the twins, who were sitting on the other side of Ren-san to the not-so-subtly flirting Asami-san. They answered in the affirmative, finishing each other’s sentences, and Kana nodded, satisfied. “We’ll be having a lot of newcomers, a number of them soldiers and important people. I’m a bit nervous but…”

“Well, you have the authority from Oshiro-san now…” said one of the returning students, the young man from Akaiwashi shrine. “… it would be a fool who crosses you. And consolidating those skilled to you however necessary is a prudent plan.”

“I have to correct that misconception.” I said, idly stroking Kana’s hair, while she looked happy and triumphant. “Kana was already stepping up before this. She doesn’t need my authority to be a leader. She was already a key figure here, everyone looked to her guidance, right?”

As the others agreed, I continued. “Besides, I didn’t agree to date Kana because she’s useful. I did it because I like her.” I kissed her hair, and she flushed scarlet, before grabbing me and giving me a kiss on the lips in front of everyone. It wasn’t a deep one, but it was passionate, and her brown eyes were damp as we parted.

“Oh, so Kana-chan, when are you… you know?” Mio-san laughed vulgarly.

“I’m not. Kissing is all he gets for now. I’m not an easy woman. I’ll be wanting romantic dates and treating right before I put out. I have to keep him keen, after all.” She lectured them, her face red even to the tips of her ears. She then looked at me. “I’ll do my best. I know I can rely on others as well when I need to. Don’t worry about anything this weekend, we’ve got it all in hand. Though I hope…” she said shyly. “… when you come back, we can be… well, a little more like boyfriend and girlfriend?”

As some of the girls laughed and congratulated her, though to be honest a few did still look bemused by my casual polygamy, though most had become immune to it by the presence of my many women around the shrine and in their training sessions in the Boundary, I thought that Kana was simply adorable. “Yeah, well, I promised Eri a weekend away somewhere, just the two of us. What do you want?”

“I want to go into the heart of Tokyo. Go shopping in Harajuku, try on a lot of nice clothes that you like. Then a movie, dinner in a restaurant, maybe an aquarium, a theme park or the zoo… you know, date stuff. That would be enough.”

“That sounds nice. We’ll do that.” I promised, and I talked with them for a little longer, before heading to the last major group, Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi and Eri. Shiro had been with them for a while, but she was now talking to Yasu-san and Hiroto-san, and from the look on her face she was having a good time toying with them both. Especially Yasu-san. He’s like us all, Shiro is a force of nature we can’t help but love, but she’s always a handful.

“Where’s Daiyu?” I asked after our greetings were exchanged, and Eri told me that she had decided to return to the Boundary to work on her new ideas, after the Japanese lessons. “Oh I see.” I said, when she had explained. “A shame, I wanted to spend a little more time with her before I go. Well, if she’s busy, I get it. This is a party, not an obligation. Speaking of…” I looked at Natsumi and Motoko. “… are you ready for the trip? I spoke to Tsumura-san, and he didn’t want you back too late.”

“Grandfather worries rather too much.” Motoko said, though she didn’t look displeased. “Natsumi and I can manage on little sleep nowadays. But yes, it would not do to sleep on the plane. After all…” she looked at Natsumi, who finished the sentence, a bright expression on her face.

“… it’ll be our first journey abroad with you, Akio!”

“Ugh, I’m jealous, but… I’ve been to America, and…” Eri looked at me.

“Yeah, I promised, I know.” I rubbed her head, and she leaned as much as she could into it. When that was done, and due to the looks in their own eyes, I ended up giving all of them head pats too. Girls really seem to like them.

“So, do you think things will go well with Princess Eleanor?” Hinata asked. “We’ve all been looking up articles on her, haven’t we?” She smiled at the others. “It’s very fresh actually being able to use the internet and not be censored. It’s a privilege only we get amongst our classmates at Hanafubuki.” She said, and Motoko and Natsumi agreed.

“Well, don’t look up anything weird. The internet is a strange place. And watch out talking to strangers. People lie on the internet all the time.” Eri warned.

“You are really set on being in charge of us recently.” Hinata laughed. “Thanks for caring though, Eri. But no, I’m not interested in looking for knowledge I’ve been denied. Really… I don’t agree with us being kept so sheltered, but it isn’t all bad.”

“Indeed. There is much we have no need of knowing.” Motoko agreed. “But that aside, the Princess of Great Britain is rather famous, though perhaps not as much as her brothers. She tends to keep out of the public eye as much as she can.”

“Though being a Princess, that’s impossible.” Natsumi continued. “Well, I think we’ll do what we have to. It’s why we are going, after all. Not just to have fun. Though I am sure we will have a lot of fun.” She said happily.

“Well, what are you all doing at the weekend then?” I asked, and Hinata shrugged.

“Mayumi invited me over. We’re going to talk and strategise.”

“Well, don’t be giving away too much.” I said, and she snorted, amused.

“Just who do you think I am? I’m not too soft-hearted and giving like you, Akio! I’m a ruthless businesswoman! I’m going to make her jealous of our plans without giving the important details away. Of course, if she wants to invest in some of my ideas, she can, but I’ll maintain the controlling stake. Oh… that reminds me, I wanted to speak to your personal banker. You’re with Midas Gold, right?”

I nodded. “Here’s their card.” I took it out my wallet and handed it over. “But will they speak to you regarding my accounts?”

“Come on.” She said flatly. “I’m Takatsukasa Hinata, and those in high society know we’re together. The Japanese branch of the bankers for the rich and powerful would have to know all the latest moves in the world of the nobility.”

“All right, I was just asking.” I laughed, and she giggled.

“I know. For the average person, that’d be true. But the true upper class of Japan operates by different rules. I expect it’s the same in the UK, so be careful. Don’t offend royalty or the nobility or you’ll regret it.” She warned. “Motoko, Natsumi, keep an eye on him so he doesn’t do anything reckless, please!”

“Really? I’m only going to talk…” I said, a little affronted, and Eri sighed.

“I second that. When Akio has that expression on his face, it doesn’t fill me with confidence.”

“Hey!” I protested again, and we laughed, before the conversation turned to what Eri would be doing. It seemed Shiro was going to look after her, and that she was planning on inviting Hayato-san and the gang, as well as Arisu-san and the others, and having a night out in Tokyo.

“That’s quite the explosive combination…” I said, eyeing Yasu-san as he bent the ear of Hinata’s brother, who was too well-bred to shoo him away. “… I’d be more worried about that than the UK…” As we talked and the party started to wind down, I looked at my watch. “All right, it’s time for you two to head home. Hinata, you as well.” As we said our goodbyes, my thoughts turned to tomorrow, and the United Kingdom. Well, I’d better give mom and Aiko a call first thing in the morning before I head off. If I don’t then I’ll only regret it…

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