On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Thirty Four

Three Hundred And Thirty Four

Entering the hotel restaurant, the brilliant lights of the Tokyo night shining trough the windows like a million neon fireflies, we were greeted by everyone, anxiety on their faces.

“Akio, is everyone all right?” Eri asked, managing to turn her head, despite the discomfort. She was echoed by many of the other girls, and it was Aimi-san who first noticed who was absent. Her face cramped, going pale.

“Wait, Akio-kun, where’s Shiro? She’s not hurt is she?”

I shook my head as Shaeula and Daiyu followed me into the room, shutting the door behind us. “Don’t worry, Shiro’s fine. Well, she overdid it terribly and reopened her scars, but Hyacinth stayed behind to look after her.”

“Is she going to be all right?” Hayato-san asked, and I noticed a laptop beside him playing footage from Kyoto. Damn, it’s just like the messages I had on my phone when I returned to the Material. “That sounds pretty awful.” He finished, concerned, and beside him, Hina-san looked as if she was going to cry.

“She’ll be better than all right, I promise.” I declared boldly. “But she’ll be pleased that you’re concerned.” I then glanced at Yasu-san, who gave me a puzzled look. Yeah, I think I get whey Shiro has been picking on Yasu-san tonight. It’s to take my mind off the failures. But… The thought of the people that died, Engetsu, the civilians, our Fae, that still hurt, but this was a war. The first stages of it, most likely, but a war still. And saving those that mattered to me, winning, that had to be my aim. I was strong, and getting stronger every day, but I wasn’t a God. I could only do what I could do. Besides, this time we prepared and did the best we could to not get blindsided. Sure, not everything worked as planned, but plans only last until the battle is joined, right?

“She was thinking of you, Yasu-san.” I said, smiling, and he looked puzzled.

“Whoa, that’s unusual. So, what did she say?”

I glanced at Eri, then at Daiyu, who was looking rather nervous behind me, though perhaps not everyone could tell, as her expressions were fairly muted on her face. Eri paused, raising one eyebrow, a complicated expression on her face.

“She said that she wishes she was here to … uh… well, never mind, you’ll get it.”

“What the hell’s that, way to leave a bro hanging.” He sighed, before he and Shugo-san came over and slapped me heartily on the back, wincing a little as their hands stung. “Glad you’re okay though. It must have been pretty bad.”

“So, Shiro, please clarify her situation.” Hayato-san took charge like usual, and as I sat down, gripping a half-drunk bottle of sake and pouring myself a cup, I smiled.

“Like I said, she pushed herself way too hard, but she was dong it all for the right reasons. Well, Tan was largely doing the legwork. She had her other friends with her too. I suppose we’ll all have to meet up at some point. Though I worry Yasu-san will get squished like a bug by Arisu-san.” As he protested at that, I continued. “Shiro actually managed to become a true Candidate, like me and my sis.”

“She did? Wow, that’s crazy. But awesome!” Aiko giggled, looking at Daiyu and Shaeula, the latter of which gave my sis a thumbs-up and winked. “So, that’s not all that happened, is it? So, did you save the girl bro? Isn’t that the point of this?”

Shaeula and I exchanged looks as she led Daiyu back to the group of girls. “Well, not like I’d hoped. But…” I gestured to the spirit light I could feel but nobody else could see… except surprisingly, Kana, who gasped.

“I see them!” her eyes were glittering with aether, and with my own heightened senses I could see a shimmering rainbow in her dark irises. “So many glowing lights. Wait, I can… is that the Lady Diviner?” she asked, awed, and I nodded.

“Well done Kana.” I praised her, to giggles from her friends. “You’ve come a long way with your eyes if you can see the souls resting in Kin Bonding. Yes, sadly she was right, as she so gleefully pointed out to me as she died…”

“Hang on.” Shugo-san said, confused. “If she’s dead, why are you taking it so calmly? That doesn’t seem like you at all, Akio-kun, are you… are you all right?”

Shaeula laughed loudly, trying to drown her own grief at the loss of some of her kin, as she poured herself some strong alcohol. “Well, because in the end, for some, death is not the end of all things-things.” She filled another glass, giving it to Aiko. I frowned as it was strong whiskey, but she merely looked at me. I see. She needs this. Her bonds go deep, to lose any of them hurt her. The golden-eyed devourer is going to pay for this, and it can’t afford the bill. She then handed glasses to Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi, who took them gingerly, used to drinking a little, but never strong spirits. “Here.” she tossed me a pair of filled glasses, while handing one to Daiyu. At that Hinata suddenly narrowed her eyes, realising.

Catching the two glasses gracefully, not spilling a drop, I handed one to Eri.

“A toast then.” I declared, ignoring whispers from Mio-san that Kana should take a glass too. Kana. Her eyes were still shining, and I had a strange feeling. Moments later I was surprised, but also excited. So that’s how it is. I never thought of that, but I should have. It opens… possibilities. “To the fallen, who fought bravely to save others and protect Kyoto.”

“To the fallen!” my girls echoed, as did the others, swept up in the mood, Hayato-san looking pensive and thoughtful, the girls toasting with juice, or in some cases sake. Man, father would be pissed off if he could see all these underage girls drinking…

“My kin who shall-shall return will earn my praise, and those that foul monster devoured, lost forever… they shall be avenged, and not-not forgotten!” Shaeula shouted.

“Yeah, we’ll build a monument. No, two. One in Kyoto, and one in the Spring.” I promised. “Tsukiko-san too. She gave her life for what she believed in… so, I’m glad…” I was surprised to feel warmth in my eyes, dampness. I think… it’s finally hitting me, we won, and while it wasn’t a perfect victory, those I love all survived, and Tsukiko-san, she’ll have a chance at freedom in the future… “… that one day soon, she’ll walk again. If Haru-san can be happy, Tsukiko-san can too.”

“I’m glad too.” Eri said softly, making a face at the strong alcohol, but drinking it dutifully. “She was a pitiful woman. Beautiful, so ungodly beautiful, but tragic. Well done Akio, you freed her.” Eri understood how Kin Restoration worked, so she knew that Tsukiko-san was safe now.

“Beautiful?” Yasu-san perked up at that, and I nodded, feeling the warmth of the whiskey within, holding down my Ether Healing so it would affect me.

“She sure is. She’s as beautiful as Shiro, hard as that is to believe. She’s older, though she doesn’t look it. But she lived a life of always covering her face, so nobody ever saw her, understood her. It was a life of sacrifice, of service, so… I want her next life to be one she chooses for herself.”

“Akio was the first to ever see her face.” Shaeula laughed, putting aside her grief again, drawing strength from my presence, and that of her sisters, and for a moment I realised anew why Shaeula was so eager to push other girls onto me. Not being human and worrying about concepts such as monogamy, she saw it as a way to forge bonds. Make kin. And she drew her strength from that. Proud of her unwavering dedication to getting what she wanted, I then nearly spat out my drink as she continued. “In her last-last moments, she boldly laid down her intentions.” Her smile was wicked. “Even as her Astral body crumbled to transparent dust, she did lean up and…” she made a kissing gesture with her lips, to much consternation in the room.

“… no way. There’s no way another girl as hot as Shiro exists.” Shugo-san said, and Hina-san replied that if his girlfriend knew he thought that he’d be in trouble. Yasu-san had a different, equally stupid reaction.

“That’s not the issue! Akio-kun doesn’t get to have two goddesses! Life isn’t that cruel! Spare a brother some mercy, man!” He reached out to shake me, and I chuckled, casually slapping him away, only for Eri to speak up from her wheelchair.

“So, what are we then?” she sniffed, irritated, and there was laughter as Yasu-san stammered to explain himself, insisting that she was definitely cute as well.

“Seriously though.” I gathered everyone’s attention. “The battle was hard, and people died.” I looked at the laptop. “And it’s only going to get worse. But the dead would want us to keep on fighting for what’s right, and those who live have to get stronger.” I raised my glass again, and this toast was to “Growing strong!”

“Speaking of…” Shaeula said, walking over and fetching Eri, wheeling her over. “… Shiro and Hyacinth should be here, but-but… they know.”

No, I’m not going to be pathetic about this. Shiro was right. I’m past the point where I can claim to be concerned with feeling bad about my shamelessness. Daiyu is earnest, loyal, decisive… I can tell that just from the little time we’ve spent together, and she’s also hurting, lonely, lost. And I want to help her. I can’t save every sad, helpless girl in the world, but what comes into my sight… besides, it’s not just a matter of sympathy. Cultivation. If we could learn that, add it to our strength… I finished my whiskey, gesturing to Kana, who was looking particularly sour, as Shaeula gleefully translated for Daiyu, who was admitting to asking for me to be her Dao Companion. When that was said, some of the girls were quite confused, until she explained.

“Maybe he’s asking for you too, Kana-chan!” Mio-san whispered, and Asami-san agreed. She was one of the one’s who had been drinking, so was flushed and swaying.

“Yeah, you go girl, make your move…”

“Oh, shut it.” Kana said, before coming over to me, her eyes straying to the spirit lights. “Well, what do you want? It better not be to make me feel bad. You know, that first day I saw you and Shaeula, I thought you were a pervert playing with a young girl. Well, I was half right, you lecher!”

Wait, has Kana been drinking too? No, I don’t think that’s it. She’s irritated. Well, she did say she wanted me to ask her out, so I guess seeing Daiyu come in can’t be fun for her. But there’s a difference between the two of them. Kana has options, Daiyu doesn’t. But then, isn’t that unfair to Kana? Shouldn’t like or dislike be the foundation…? Well, I’ll think about it. “I suppose I deserve that.” I admitted. “Well, if the situation gets any worse, I might need to invade Kunlun and see if they have any Shadow Clone techniques I can borrow to split myself into ten or so…” at her puzzled look I waved a hand, dismissing my attempt at humour.

“Yeah, I knew it.” My sis was saying drunkenly, as I took Kana to the corner of the room. “So, spill, what do you like about my bro? Be honest… you can tell your new sis anything!”

“Oh, do be quiet Aiko.” Eri was trying to control her. “This is serious!”

“I am serious! I want to know what about my bro caught her eye! I need to make sure she’s good to go!”

Yeah… that one’s a tough one. Sitting down, being shamed by the conversation I was listening to, I offered Kana a seat. She took it, and sighed. “So, what did you want to talk about?”

“I have a question. And it’s a serious one.” At my solemn expression, she put aside her own irritation, another thing I respected about her. She knows what she wants out of life, and is always composed. Eri called it fake, but I’d say it’s being an adult. I think she’ll succeed wherever she ends up in life. “You’ve heard it. People have died. And it’s only going to get more dangerous. But… if you could be like me, like Shiro, like my sis… would you want to be?”

She swallowed, her throat working. She brushed a hand through her dark hair, thinking about it seriously. “You mean… a Chosen of the Gods, like you? Well, I’m not sure what Shirohebi would think…”

“Put them aside. I’m sure they’d be happy that one of their shrine maidens was so blessed, and it would help spread their fame. But what they think doesn’t matter. What do you think?”

“If this is some cruel prank, I think I’ll hate you.” She sighed. “While you were gone, I spent several hours training with your sister. Aiko-chan is super fun, and despite being older, she doesn’t lord it over me like a senpai, she’s like someone the same age. She helped me a lot. I decided… I’m going all in. I want to be helpful. I can see your struggles. Those.” She pointed to the spirit lights only we and Shaeula could see. “Shaeula too. I can see that she’s putting on a brave front… no, she’s genuinely happy right now, bringing in that new girl…” Shaeula’s translations were becoming more rapid, and Daiyu was shrinking under a barrage of questions. Yeah, I didn’t need to hear that Daiyu finds my eyes attractive. That’s something guys say to girls…

“… I don’t want to fight, but sometimes the fight comes to us, right? like those Yakuza. Or Kyoto. But I will be a help, my pride as a shrine maiden, which I never had before, my pride as a woman, which I’ve always had too much of, and my pride… my pride as a person, which I’ve always had too little of, all demands it. So, if I had the chance, I’d take it. So, ready to level with me? Are you going to…”

“No.” I said, and she immediately looked at me in surprise, before starting to tear up, trembling. Oh shit! “Wait, wait, let me finish!” I said, starting to pat her shoulder reassuringly as she started to cry.

“Now that’s more like Akio-kun!” Yasu-san smirked as I panicked. “Good to see some things never… ouch!” Aimi-san hit him around the shoulders, exasperated.

“I said… I’d be mad… if it was giving me false… hope.” She blew her nose, getting snot on my expensive clothes, but I didn’t care.

“I’m not, I promise!” I said hurriedly. “Just who do you think I am?”

“Someone who toys with the hearts of girls.” She sniffled, rubbing at her eyes. “Damn, now my makeup is ruined, I must look ugly.”

“Never.” I assured her gallantly. “I’ve thought you were pretty from the day I met you.”

“See, that’s toying with my heart.” She protested, but managed a weak smile. “I was so high-tension after resolving myself, and then you go and say I can be like you, and then that I can’t… if this is some trick to break my heart and make me vulnerable to your advances it’s clever, but it isn’t really necessary…” she flushed.

“It’s not that.” I shook my head. “Look, I don’t think that it’s fair to put young people through the sorts of things I faced tonight, well, my sis is a bit of a fearless airhead, so it’s a little different, but… look, ideally I’d like to find an adult, fully aware of the risks to take this on. But… Kana, I trust you.”

“You… trust me?” she blinked, face still damp.

“Of course. I made a stupid decision the first time I met you. I should have denied everything and just walked away. I was an open, careless fool back then. But it was all for the best. Really, the starts of everything were when Ortlinde first gave me this power, when I saved Shaeula, when I met you, and when I met Hinata. Those were the big turning points. If I’d have missed out on any, I wouldn’t be here now. So I owe you, in a way. That’s why…”

“I’ll do it!” She grabbed my hand. “I’d just made up my mind, I’d be a fool not to.” Her expression changed back to the more usual impish, teasing Kana. “It doesn’t change anything, if anything it makes my aspirations closer to reality. And we girls, we’ve talked a lot. If we were minding our own business and something like Kyoto happened, we’d have a chance, wouldn’t we? After all, we’re stronger than normal people.” She shook her head, determined. “I’m still going to master my eyes, I want to be a Chirurgeon, like your sister aspires to be. But I can be more, if I’m given the chance.” She released my hands, scrubbing at her eyes. “Damn, this is so uncool. It’s been a tough night.”

“No kidding.” I admitted.

“So, well, what God will I be receiving a Gift from?” she asked, and I once again had to uncomfortably backpedal.

“Look, well, right now, none.” Before she could get upset again, I rapidly continued. “You… well, it’s strange, but you are almost compatible with the blessing of Kṣitigarbha’s Earthen Womb.”

“Almost?” she tilted her head.

“Yeah, I never thought about trying to purposely change people so that they’d be compatible, but …” I laughed. “Shaeula’s fortunate winds blew when I was checking everyone out, and out of everyone here, only you have any compatibility with the two gifts I carry. Mathematically, that’s not that surprising. It’s not enough, but…”

“But…” she was leaning forwards, and I had to look away as her neckline gaped. Seeing that, her smile returned.

“…but, well it’s an earth element gift. Shirohebi is an earth shrine. You already have spiritual talents you’ve been growing, so I think, trusting in the winds… if you master earth element, you’d be compatible enough.”

“I see. Well, that was in my training plan anyway. I think if the twins and Haru-san help me, like we did with light element…” her expression changed, and the glow in her eyes was brilliant now. “Oh hey, I can grasp your emotions a bit. Damn, you do like me. And trust me too. That’s why this is so frustrating… but, well, for now I’ll settle with being the best ally I can be. So, I’ll be a vassal like Haru-san or Kikuchi-san’s father, right? That noble girl too. You’ll look after me the same way, right?”

“Of course, but… you’ll need to learn fast. If I find someone better before you…” she placed a finger over my lips.

“Don’t be a fool, Akio. I may be young, but I’m not much younger than Aiko-chan or Eri-san. Besides, Hinata is the youngest, and I bet you’d give her a compatible one in a heartbeat.” I had to agree with that, and she knew it. “Earth element huh. Well, I think Shaeula wanted to get that one too, right? Maybe we can help each other out…” she mused for a bit, before grasping my hand. “… you’re half-British, right? Well, let’s shake on it like they do. Best regards, I look forward to working with you. I’ll be Izumi Kana, Earth Goddess. Sounds awesome. Father and grandfather will be pleased too. You… you won’t regret giving me this chance. I promise. Now… I need to go interrogate that Chinese girl with the others. And I’m sure you have places to be.”

I nodded, my phone vibrating constantly. “I do. But I have to say bye to my friends first.”

“Well, get to it then. Us girls can handle ourselves. With Shaeula and Aiko-chan here, there’s nothing to fear. I think your new Chinese catch can handle herself as well.”

“Don’t say it like that. She’s a good girl at heart, I know.”

“I’m sure she is. I know your type well enough by now, big bro.” she teased me. “Now get on with it. I’ll fill the others in.”

As I watched Kana head back to the group, Shaeula grinning at her and clapping her on the back, obviously having heard our whispered conversation, I headed back to the guys. “I’m going to have to go shortly. My phone is ringing off the hook. Well, there’s a lot to cover, and cover up.”

“It must be hard.” Hayato-san said consolingly, and beside him, the others nodded, Hina-san looking especially worried. I winked, surprising her.

“No need to worry, Hina-san. I’m just here to advise, I’ve done my part, winning the battles. It’ll be on the politicians to do the rest.”

“Just… just don’t get too used to killing and dying, all right?” Yasu-san said, surprising us all. “You’ve always been a soft guy, it must be hard. Just stay the way you’ve always been. After all, you have to, for their sakes, right?” he nodded towards the group of girls surrounding Daiyu and Shaeula. “If you become strange, they’ll worry.”

“Hey, they aren’t all mine, you know.” I joked, but he shook his head, still serious.

“Of course not, or else I’d spend all my savings on some yakuza to put a hit out on you.” He said, half-joking. “But… you are their mentor, right? That means you have a responsibility. Shiro too. If you do a worse job making her happy than I could have, I swear I’ll…”

“Oh Yasu-san…” Aimi-san laughed. “Jealousy is such an ugly look for you. Pretty usual though. What isn’t is… you were a little cool there. Don’t let it go to your head though. He’s right. We only saw flashes on our phones and the computer, but it looked bad. Remember all the shounen heroes we used to look up to? They value life, they protect others, but the best make hard choices when it counts. Can you be that guy?”

Can I? “I already am.” I had decided, ever since I pulled the Divine Favour from Yamato-san. “I’ll never treat killing as the first resort, I’ll always try and resolve matters in the most peaceful way possible, but some people…” Kondou Kazuo, the agents who shot the Detective, the more insane of the Chinese Candidates, drunk on vengeance and hatred. “… some beings…” That golden-eyed fuck, for one, Duke Myrcolaxriath and his deadly plan to make all existence himself… “… if I don’t stop them, even if it involves killing, then everyone pays the price. And… the more I shoulder, the more I have to protect, to love… the more determined I am to never let that happen.”

“Fine then.” Aimi-san sighed. “That sounded pretty heroic, I admit. Just… well, we’re your friends, right?”

“Yeah man.” Shugo-san chimed in. “We’ll keep you grounded, help you out.”

“That’s right.” Hina-san agreed. “I think now more than ever, you need your friends. Shiro too. By the way, you said she’d be better than all right, but never explained.”

“Trust you to notice, Hina-san, you’ve always been sharp.” I smiled. “Sure, she overworked herself, but she’s now pretty much the ultimate buffer…”

“I always imaged her as mad DPS…” Yasu-san interrupted, and I had to laugh.

“That’s what Shiro said. But anyway, she’s basically able to buff up all skills a bit, and one skill a lot. I Ranked up my healing skills, so coupled with her buffs and the healer the Night Parade sent us, who can be buffed too… I think a week should see her healed, back to the perfect Shirohime we know and love..”

“Seriously?” Aimi-san breathed.

“Why would I lie?” I countered. “When she’s fully healed, we’ll all go out for drinks. Then…”

“Don’t say it!” Yasu-san pleased. “The thought of our pure princess being defiled… ouch!” Ignoring the punch he took from Aimi-san, I turned to Hayato-san.

“If you still want to help, here’s my secretary’s number. I daresay I’ll be busy, but we can make time for Chirurgery, and then… we can sort out wages, what you’ll be doing, and all the other details. Don’t worry about the bill tonight, take taxis home, I’ll pay.”

“And what about them?” Hayato-san asked, ever the gentleman, nodding at the girls, Daiyu somehow looking small and weak, surrounded by eager questioners. Damn, okay, that is cute.

“Hinata will take care of it. Anyway, it’s been good to catch up, sorry Shiro and I had to dash out like that, and I have to head off again.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Hayato-san assured me. “You’ve got places to be, so we’ll speak to your secretary. Nothing has changed. Now I know we need to help you out more than ever.” As everyone agreed, I felt relief. Yeah, no more lies. My family is onside, now my friends. It’ll be reassuring to have them with me…

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