On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Thirty-Six

Three Hundred And Thirty-Six

On returning to my home at the shrine, I found my sis eating a late breakfast, accompanied by Yae and Rika-san. On seeing me she waved cheerily. “Hey bro, back from your meeting? How’d it go?” Last night reminded me that I’d been on my first ever date with Yae, technically, and I’d promised to drop the honorifics. It’s hard though. The only girls I don’t use honorifics for are my fiancées… and Kana, I guess?

As I sat down beside them, I shrugged. “It was long and talky, but I guess a lot of important matters were decided.” I narrowed my eyes then, remembering last night. “Well, aren’t you surprisingly chipper this morning, sis? I remember you drinking rather a lot, I’d say even with your boosted stats and Ether Healing you should feel like crap.”

As Rika-san and Yae giggled at that, my sis winked at me, tilting her head cutely. “Wow, so you saw all that? Well, it was justified, right Rika-chan, Yae-chan? You were drinking too, Rika-chan!”

“Well, the atmosphere was pretty tense, Ai-chan.” She said, and Yae nodded at that too. “Besides, some of the other girls were drinking too. When else are we going to get the chance to act like grown-up adults in such a fancy place?”

“Then the party got pretty festive. I’m still a bit mad though.” Yae grimaced. “At least it isn’t just me. That girl Kana-chan was super annoyed with you, Aki.”

My sis was the one grimacing now at the nickname Yae used, but she took over the conversation. “So yeah… putting that aside. Daiyu-chan… no, that won’t work… screw it, I’ll just call her Daiyu, she’s going to be my sister-in-law anyway, she’s pretty cute bro. Though having to have Shaeula translate for her is a pain… anyway, Shaeula had a lot of Ether Healing to do this morning, but she did it without grumbling. She’s such a good girl.” She laughed a little at that.

“I see. Well, it’s a waste of aether, but now that we have Shiro’s buffing, we can push our generation through the roof.” I took a bottle of cold milk tea from the fridge and chugged it, feeling refreshed. “So, you girls are heading back tonight, Rika-san, Yae?”

As I remembered to call her without an honorific Yae smiled happily, which made me feel a bit guilty, but I had promised. My sis nodded, answering for them. “Yep, our parents won’t let us miss any more school. You know what dad’s like, bro. So we’re flying back by helicopter again tonight.”

“So…” Yae said cheerfully. “Before we go, surely Rika and I have to see this magical world you’re all involved with.”

“Well, I don’t mind, but…” I looked at them seriously. “What about the dangers? Last night… you saw what can happen. You heard people died. Aren’t you scared?”

Rika-san and Yae exchanged glances, before Rika-san shrugged. “It was all a bit too much to take in, Akio-kun. It hardly seemed real, but we know it is. We may be gals, but we’re not idiots though, even if our grades kind of suck.” She snickered. “Though I do feel smarter now! No, this is your place, right? There shouldn’t be any danger there, we heard that much.” Yae nodded behind her, and my sis chimed in again.

“See bro, that’s just how it is. I’d feel bad for them if they didn’t get the works. I don’t want to take them to Nishimorioka Boundary, there’s no point, nothing to see, and it’s not like they can gain any levels. So… might as well give them some happy memories, before Yae-chan here has to give up on you bro. No way she can compete with any of your other girls.”

“That’s so rude Ai-chan!” Yae pouted, and there was more laughter.

“Fine. You’re right in that my Territory is about as safe as the Boundary can be. But it won’t be sightseeing for you, sis. I want to assess your growth and set you a training regimen before you go home.”

“Fine.” She sighed. “Well, I was envious of Eri and the others, so I suppose I can’t complain now. Wow, I’ve really become a workaholic, what with study and training. Well, I’ve always enjoyed practising, seeing my skills in volleyball, kyudo and athletics grow, so bring it on!” As she pumped her fist, I drank another bottle of tea, before starting to cook up some breakfast. The girls, seeing that, seemed excited, and so I was forced to make them some too, despite the fact they’d already eaten. Just where do they put it all?


“Sorry instructor.” The Special Forces soldier said respectfully, as I inspected his wounds. I let out a dull whistle, amazed he had survived. There was a terribly deep gash along his abdomen, bone and even internal organs visible below, and even with his hardy physique and the Chirurgery boosting his base stats, it must be agony to endure. “Guess I screwed up.” He managed to finish, sweat beading his brow, eyes dull.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Major Sasaki sighed. He too was fairly bashed up, and had a lot of new wounds that would likely scar, even if they weren’t life-threatening. “Even Lieutenant Nakano and I were helpless, the best we could do was fight him off.”

“Even so, I…” he began, only to gasp in shock as my aether poured into him. With Shiro having refreshed my buffs this morning, currently on my Chakra Network, my aether regeneration is stellar, and since Ether Healing has Ranked up… I can do this easily enough…

“Just be glad you survived. There’s always a next time. Well, not for the guy who wounded you. He’s dead, I’m afraid.” I said, watching as the flesh knitted at a speed visible to the naked eye. Guess the increased replacement of material flesh really does work. With this… well, today, I want Shiro’s eye back.

“So the reports say.” The Major grimaced. “I appreciate that you’re strong, Akio-san, and that’s a good thing, strong allies are a soldier’s best friend, but it does sting my pride. Really it was the Lieutenant who drove him off, with desperate wide-area attacks with his flames. I was pretty useless.”

“Well, we each have our specialities.” I put half my Split Thoughts into the healing, while conversing with the Major. “Really though, in terms of one-on-one battles, it’s hax that will decide most fights going forwards I think. Raw power is for fighting armies.”

“Hax? I don’t recognise the term.”

“Sorry.” I shrugged, aether scanning the insides of the healed soldier, checking there was no internal damage or infection remaining. Though Ether Healing is fantastic at removing bacteria and other contaminants, ever since I went through the mad training with Shaeula and Hyacinth to become immune to the Myconid Spores. “It’s a gaming term. It basically means cheats. That guy was able to bring down a mist that made him almost impossible to perceive. That’s the ideal assassination tool. Unlucky for him, I have my Eye, and my mental stats are pretty damn high.”

“I see. That does make sense. It doesn’t matter if I could conjure up an entire fortress of guns, if I can’t see him coming, then I’ll still be killed.” He mused. “The top brass should be planning on how to deal with various scenarios, but…”

“Indeed.” I agreed, before slapping the surprised Special Forces soldier on the shoulder. “Okay, you’re all good. Back to training with you.”

As the surprised man gave me his gratitude, another was hobbling in, broken arm and numerous slashes on his face and shoulders bandaged up. As I got to work on him, ignoring the same apologies I had received from the other soldier, I sighed. “It’s a shame so many Candidates had to die, but I suppose better them than us.” I kept the knowledge to myself that we had liberated some Favours. The two of them were still slowly burning my adherence, but luckily with what I had gathered from the fallen clone, I could still transfer one. And I can get the rest from Shiro’s tainted injuries, I think.

“That’s right.” The Major agreed. “We were defending ourselves and our own soil, just as the JSDF was designed for. I think you’re an honorary soldier today, Akio-san.”

“My father would be so unhappy. He doesn’t believe in violence or military force. He’s old school.” I shrugged. “But I’m not going to roll over and let our enemies have it all their own way.”

As I worked on more of the soldiers, chatting with the Major, his perspective on the battle helped me process what I had been through. It’s not that I haven’t accepted the battles, even the killing. But it definitely helps hearing how professionals compartmentalise it. It was then, as I dismissed the next healed soldier, that a man came in, hopping on crutches, one leg missing entirely below the knee. My eyes widened, and on seeing my expression, the soldier sighed.

“Sorry, instructor. I would salute, but my hands are tied up. The bastard took my leg, I knew it was too much to hope for any recovery. Guess I’ll be pensioned out…”

“No, I was just caught off-guard.” I shook my head in denial. “If you’d have asked me yesterday, I’d have said I’d struggle, but… well, that was yesterday. Down on the bed please.”

Hope warring with fear of disappointment in his eyes, I started to work. “Okay, yeah, it’s tough, definitely, but I can do it.” As the flesh started to regrow the man winced, and as bone, muscle and nerves spread, he broke out in a sweat, before starting to scream. As the Major looked concerned, I realised that the feeling of regeneration must have been agonising, so I used Ether Healing to isolate the regrowing leg. As he quietened down, I exchanged a wry look with the Major, before continuing my work…


“I can’t apologise enough for the shameful failures of the Susanoo faction… well, there is no faction anymore, not really, not now Uchida-sama and his son are… indisposed, and the majority have fallen in behind you.” Hikawa-san was looking exceptionally downcast. His son, Ren-san, was beside him, as were the twins. Beside me, was Haru-san on one side, and Karen-chan on my other, both with laptops and copious notes, Karen-chan shooting Haru-san a sympathetic look. Well, it makes sense. I’ve been working Haru-san constantly since the battles yesterday. But then, I’ve been working non-stop too, so I’m not asking her to do what I wouldn’t!

At that, Haru-san winked at me, having obviously used Telepathy to read my thoughts. Feeling rather embarrassed, I continued listening to Hikawa-san’s apologies. “I never believed that Chion-in and other longstanding Susanoo shrines and temples would betray the secrecy we’ve kept for fifteen hundred years, out of misplaced spite. Rest assured, Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine now firmly stands behind you. After all… you saved my precious girls. That goes beyond politics.”

The twins looked embarrassed by their father, which made me smile. “Don’t worry, I’d do it again if they were in danger. Ren-san too of course.” I affirmed. “We all hate the way things turned out, and every time I look at Eri in her wheelchair, I get pissed off… but at least some of the blame for that is mine. So we need to draw a line under it. More importantly, there’s no need for worry. The faith agreed to enter the Ministry and offer full support, though Saionji-san, the representative, he’s still hashing out the details on what the faith needs in return, with help from Kudou-san.” I left it unsaid that the plan was still for Tsukiko-san to enter the Ministry as an advisor equal in rank to myself, though that was only if she wanted to, when she returned. Having the spirit light there is calming. I feel stirrings from Ginneka, occasional flashes of amusement, but from Tsukiko-san, merely a relieved quiet. But she should be able to decide her own path, in her next life. Live how she wants, finally, as Tsukiko, not the Diviner.

“I never thought I’d see the day when I was relieved that Saionji-sama, our greatest rival, was in charge. But in winning your favour, and keeping a clearer head and firm hand on his faction, he proved the wisest choice.” Hikawa-san bowed in defeat.

“Don’t worry. I have to admit, I was very disappointed in all of you Susanoo shrines, other than Chairoakitara and Shirohebizumi, of course, that you forgot gratitude…” he winced at that, having no excuse, and I continued. “But there’s no point holding grudges. The shrines that lost their apprentices and shrine maidens, they’ve suffered enough, and as for Hikawa-Kawagoe, Ren-san, Chiaki-san and Chiasa-san have more that aided me enough to pay those debts, and I hope all three of them will continue to do so.”

“Of course we will, Akio-sama. After all, how can we not aid the one who saved our lives?”

“Indeed we will, Akio-sama. After all, you have the favour of many kami, and the Lady Diviner, and the Priestess of Ise.” The twins chimed in.

“Yeah, me too, I suppose.” Ren-san said, embarrassed. “I’m grateful that my sisters were saved, and I know… if I’m going to be strong enough to protect them, I can’t get that strength without your help. I’m not doing it for you though, but for my sisters, and my shrine.” He looked away, a touch red, and beside me Haru-san nudged my leg, amused.

Yeah, I get it. damn, Ren-san, male tsundere just aren’t popular, you want to watch that one. “Well, now that we have that out of the way, I’ve called you here to put you to work, Hikawa-san. Your children too, but theirs is more standard.” I nodded to Karen-chan, who brought up the list of shrine maidens and priests and even family members of the various shrines around Japan who had eagerly volunteered for Chirurgery to enhance their ancestral skills.

“I went through the list, narrowing them down.” Haru-san said, faking a yawn. “I’m dead tired right now.” She joked. “Luckily, Onryo don’t need sleep. My overtime pay must be shocking though. It’s good fortune that the Ministry is paying, or you’d be out of pocket, Akio-san.”

“Yeah, whatever. I know you’re worth the money.” I retorted. “Anyway, these are the ones we think might be potentially compatible. I’m trusting you with this, Hikawa-san, considering our past relationship. Secrecy is not just paramount, but governmentally enforced.”

“I understand. I have made my mistakes. I won’t again.” He looked at his children. “Your father was a fool, too blinded by political gain. Now, the future of the shrine rests on your shoulders. Work hard son, girls. Your father will do the same.” He studied the documents. “So, you managed to get hold of a blessing from the Gods, a Divine Favour, of this Laverna?”

“Yeah. And we need to find someone who can use it. There are potentially two others as well, and we are in the process of identifying candidates.”

“Please note…” Karen-chan pointed to the contract documents. “… that the recipient must sign both a Japanese Governmental Contract, clearly stating terms and conditions of employment, as well as a Vassal Contract with Akio-kun here. Breaking the terms of either would lead to swift and ruthless penalties.”

“I understand. What with the news…” he grimaced. I hadn’t had time to check it myself, but my parents had called earlier, shocked, and the newspapers and TV stations were constantly reporting on Kyoto.

“So, can we leave the faith representatives to you? I want to you contact them all and arrange travel to Shirohebizumi shrine so I can check their compatibility. Assuming they agree to the terms, of course. They would have to move to Tokyo if not already resident, as we need Laverna’s ability for other projects.”

“Trust me, I won’t make the same mistakes again.” he promised, relieved to have another chance.

“In that case, Karen-chan, can you and the guys handle supporting him? I need Haru-san for our training.

“Sure, leave it to us. We’ll be expecting a few nice bottles left on our desks later though.” She joked, and I made up my mind to deliver a whole case of decent whiskey.

“Well, sorry you three couldn’t make the party last night.” I said to the kids as we moved towards the training hall. “Up until the chaos in Kyoto, everyone was having fun.”

“No thanks. There were way too many girls there. And too many of them interested in you.” Ren-san said, embarrassed, and I held in a laugh, supporting his pride. I’ve really warmed to him after he gave everything to reach us to save his sisters and the others. He’s less arrogant too now. A good result. I can even forgive him for ogling Shaeula that time. Well, he is at that age where he likes girls, but finds it shameful to admit. I understand, we all go through that.

“Yeah, there sure were a lot, but my old Uni friends were there too. I get it though, sometimes guys need guy company… well, anyway, go to your rooms and dive in, we have training to do!”


“This is amazing. I can’t believe you kept this from us, Aki, Ri-Ri, Ai-chan.” Yae was saying, as she sipped on a drink made from orchard fruits and Mirror Bee honey. Beside her, Rika-san was equally awestruck, but what had amused her more was the appearance of Eri, who in the Boundary was still sporting cat ears and tail. Apparently before my arrival, Eri had nearly lost her patience to the teasing and requests to stroke her tail and ears, and a laughing Shaeula had to wrest her axe from her.

“Well, I’m sure you can see why.” I said, and Yae nodded.

“I don’t like it, but yeah. Well, Ai-chan tells us you weren’t even going to tell them until the secret came out, so I guess we can’t feel too bad about it. This has been the most amazing trip ever.”

“Yeah, seeing a little of Tokyo was crazy enough, but this too…” Rika-san agreed, her gaze once more going to Eri’s fidgeting tail.

“Well, sorry that you won’t have time to go shopping for souvenirs like you no doubt planned.” I apologised. “But I need to make sure my sis is up to the task before I send her back to Nishimorioka. As her brother, I do worry.”

“Damn bro, way to make me feel bad. I’m being careful, promise.”

“Oh really? I happen to remember you said something about ‘grinding every…’” my sis clamped a hand over Rika-san’s mouth while Yae laughed.

“Ignore her bro, wow, I wouldn’t be so careless, not after everything we’ve been through…”

“Really? What do you two think?” I asked Shaeula and Shiro.

“No way, she’s guilty as sin Aki.” Shiro piped up, and Shaeula echoed her.

“Indeed. Aiko is most-most likely pushing herself to the limit. I do not-not hate that, not-not at all, but… safety first!”

“You traitors!” she howled, and we all enjoyed the calm before the training. Hyacinth was preparing the area up by the gushing streams of earth element by the shrine, the twins and Haru-san already practising their telepathic skills together, while I was letting Ren-san train with the mirror again.

“Before that though…” I headed towards the Treasury and Warehouse, where Daiyu was sorting through the loot we had collected from the Cultivators who surrendered. The Formation Plate was there, as well as several talismans and a number of bells carved from jade of various colours. They seemed to be a common item, and Daiyu had explained that bells were favoured in Kunlun, or so the teachings of her Sect had said.

On seeing me arrive, Daiyu turned pink, looking away, before steeling herself. “Akio, welcome. These are the treasures we have obtained.” The bells she had liberated from the Cultivators before, the yellow earth bells, was now accompanied by another set, these ones smaller and carved from a reddish-purple jade, and apparently their element was fire.

“Great. Well, I don’t understand how they all work, but having you here to teach us will be reassuring.”

Her flush deepened, and behind me Rika-san was whispering theatrically that I was being smooth, judging by her reactions. No, it is reassuring. I’m pretty eager to start on Cultivation, really. We need to use every tool we can. If beings like Tan and the golden-eyed devourer have already reached us, what others lurk here or are coming? The newbie protection Ortlinde alluded to is pretty crappy, we are already seeing high-level PvPers coming to take us out…

“Even as Matriarch of the Incorruptible Jade, I am inexperienced. But I shall do my best… my Companion.”

Shaeula snickered, clearly loving this, so I decided to change the subject. “While we are here, it’s a good time to take stock of our assets.” Opening up the vault, I started bringing out our treasures. When Daiyu saw the seemingly useless vestment that we had hoarded, saved from the fallen kami in Inuyama, her eyes widened.

“What is it?” I asked, and she reached out, grasping the fabric.

“This… well, this is a robe that has significance to Cultivators. We no longer practise such, but…” she stroked the cloth. “In the times of old, before Kunlun deserted us, this would be a robe signifying one had started to Perfect the Self. After all, one must become pure, white, perfect, to then be dyed in gold and other colours, and choose the true path to the Dao.”

“I see. Well, I knew there was something to it then, but Bjarki and I couldn’t work out what. Do you want it?” I asked, and she hesitated for a moment, before shaking her head. “No. I am not ready. Far from Perfection, I have not even reached Accumulation. But…” she eyed me calmly, a small smile on her placid face. “… soon. The Spiritually Pure Body, and more plentiful yang energy… surely I can reach it.”

“Fine. Well, at least we know what it is now. We also have this…” the Petrified Ritual Flute, we still couldn’t find a use for. It was light, earth and darkness elements, all jumbled together. I had all three, but had never been particularly musical. We also had the… wait, Foresight is buzzing. As my hand closed on the Obsidian Amulet of Sacred Fuji, I felt a stirring. My Eye shining, I read the description again.

Obsidian Amulet of Sacred Fuji- Item Class: [Powerful] Item Type: [Rule]

An amulet carved from volcanic glass from one of the most spiritually pure sites in Japan, this amulet wards off misfortune, and will warn Yokai that the bearer is an important figure, not to be touched carelessly, lest they invoke the anger of powerful people.

Well, the Night Parade, at least the ones we met, weren’t the sort to care about upsetting important people. But other Yokai… hmm… “Shaeula, can you give me the fortunate winds again?” I asked, and she nodded. As they blew around me, I tried to divine the threads of Foresight, also pulling on the gift I had received from Tsukuyomi. The winds immediately died down, but I had the faintest flicker of a concrete inkling. Stepping to my sister, I draped the amulet around her neck.

“Uh, wow, thanks bro. it’s kind of ugly, but… well, a gift’s a gift. But why now?”

“I just felt it’s meant for you. No other reason. Just be damn careful, all right?” I emphasised again. She opened her mouth to retort, but on seeing my determined expression, she swallowed what she was about to say.

“I will do, Akio.” She used my name, showing she was serious. “I want to be a sister you can rely on. Not just you, but Eri, Shaeula, all the other sisters-in-law too.”

“That’s a good ambition.” Shiro laughed, and Eri muttered that Aiko had always been eager to please.

“Well, we also have a pile of precious metals and gems from the mines. Now the Dwarven Mines are running too, we have… cool, is this supposed to be mithril? Well, it’s called Dwarven Silver, according to my Eye, but it seems to be it. It’s light. And this one is heavy. Dwarven Lead? Not an inspiring name, but the greenish colour is cool.” There were other metals too.

“Then there’s the book. I still need that ancient language teacher. One for ancient Chinese too…” I pulled out the Seal, and Daiyu gasped, her eyes going wide. Trembling, she reached for it, her fingers stopping just before it, spasming, clutching at air.

“An Heirloom Seal…” she seemed shocked. “… how did you get this? Surely no Cultivator at Perfection would be carrying such, unless… no, it makes no sense. A deserter perhaps, a disgruntled thief, but how….”

“Just what is this?” I asked, and after a moment she collected her thoughts, beginning to speak.

“Our Halls have few defences left, time and the ever-dwindling talents of our Cultivators has left the Formations to decay and crumble, starved of Qi. But it is tradition to unlock the defences by using Heirloom Seals, allowing entry. That one… it is old. I am unable to read all the characters, but… if it is not from a mighty Sect from Kunlun itself, I would be shocked. That… that is a great treasure, but were the wrong people to discover you possess it… well, it is perhaps good Kunlun has retreated. A lost Heirloom Seal, any Sect would mobilise their greatest disciples to retrieve it. Otherwise the Formations would have to be retuned, and old Seals scrapped…”

It's a bigger deal than I thought, huh? Putting away the items, while Shiro translated for the others, via Tan, listening to the girls from Nishimorioka saying what a big deal we were, Shaeula suddenly perked up.

“Ah, the Thunderbird blood. I knew-knew there was a reason I made sure to secure it.” she licked her lips, seductive and flushed. “I can taste-taste the lightning element within. I think… well, it can surely only strengthen me, and perhaps…” she took out the sack. “Akio, can I have this?”

“Of course. If you think it can help. Damn, lightning sure is flashy, I wish I could learn it.”

“Well, in time, perhaps.” She grinned. “it is not-not a bad feeling to be ahead of you in something again.” She removed the congealed blood chunks, and began to channel her lightning element, and slowly the blood separated into a reddish, glittering substance, as well as a liquid charged with energies, which Shaeula began to absorb.

"Well, we’ve taken stock.” I said, pleased at all we had gathered. “Now, I need to speak to master Bjarki.” And take a beating, no doubt. My poor Cutting Twilight. It was truly awesome, but then, taking on that clone was unexpected. No weapon would survive such a hungry spatial element, no matter how good. Right? Right?

As Shaeula shot me a sympathetic look, before returning to her refining of the blood, I prepared myself for the inevitable scolding…


“Ye damn bastard, ye broke t’damn sword again, after’n a mere few days?” Bjarki was indeed enraged.

“Now, do not be like that, Bjarki.” Ixitt laughed, lashing his tail in amusement at my chagrin. “The opponent he faced was terrible indeed. Spatial element is the enemy of all physical weapons, is it not?”

“That’n be true, but, ye ken what I mean, Ixitt. Havin’ ye masterpieces be destroyed, it’n be heartbreakin’, no?” He had taken Cutting Twilight from me, and was examining it carefully, tapping it gently with his tools. “Tch, the steel, it’n be tainted by a foul spatial mess. Most of it be not salvageable, ye get it?”

“I do. But if you can make me a new weapon, no, several, I’d appreciate it. To that end…” I turned to Shiro, who was gloating at my lecture, in her usual teasing yet charming manner.

“Shiro, can you give Bjarki the buff buffet? For his specific skill, Dvergr Techniques should be best, I think. That way he can really exceed his limits!”

“Seriously?” she pouted. “I’m tired, Aki. I’ve been handing them out like candy. You, Shaeula, Bintara, Kana… Tan has had to help me out with aether, and she’s not happy about it. Give me a break, Aki!” Despite her complaints, she stretched out her hands towards the puzzled dwarf, summoning her abilities.

“Well, that just goes to show you need more levels and stats.” I said, and she shot me a cute one-eyed glare as she powered up the dwarf, who gasped in amazement as he felt his abilities suddenly spike.

“Shit, Aki, are you trying to work me to death?” She sighed, face pale, scars standing out even more because of that.

“Don’t worry, we can grind together today!” my sis cheered. “I’m looking forward to it!”

“Oh joy. I like grinding in games. But it’s so damn tiring when I have to do it for real.” Shiro protested.

“Well, no need to worry just yet. First… I’ll get Bintara, and then we get to start healing you, Shiro. I’m feeling confident I won’t even need to have you change your buff to Chirurgery.” At the look of hope in her eye, I smiled, pleased I could inspire such feelings within the cheeky, beautiful junior I had yearned for, even if I didn’t know it myself at the time. No, I knew it. I was just too much of a coward to admit it, even to myself.

“First, if I may…” Ixitt spoke up, his expression amused. “… can I be buffed as well? My Mortal Engineering please.”

“No way, I’m exhausted!” Shiro protested. “And why do you need it anyway? Your dwarf over there has to make Aki a weapon the idiot won’t break, but you…”

“Aha, I am so very pleased you asked!” Ixitt grinned in triumph, producing some blueprints. “Now that the princess has access to lightning element, I believe it is time to make my two-way converter. Electricity to aether, aether to electricity.” I looked at the complicated device that looked a bit like some sort of turbine, just with additional spires placed in complicated fashion around the inner workings and outside.

“Shouldn’t you be pushing for Artificial Ether Spires to stabilise Kyoto?” I asked, and he laughed.

“Well, my Apprentices and fellow Mortal Engineers are doing most of the work on that, I merely need my expertise for the finishing touches. This however… this is what we need, do we not? For the plans on the Material.”

Grumbling, Shiro was forcing herself to output more aether, having realised that it was something I wanted. I smiled in thanks, determined to reward her. At minimum, today the eye… with Shaeula refining the blood, Bjarki gathering materials, his sight cast on the glittering by-product of her work, and Ixitt excitedly exclaiming how powerful he felt, I raced off to find Bintara…


Hinata, accompanied by Kazumi-san, had arrived, and had joined the watching crowd, as Bintara, still missing one horn, and I, were surveying the nervous Shiro. I had asked where Motoko and Natsumi were, and Hinata had only smiled, saying they were busy, but would see me later, when I returned to the Material to see my sister off. I guess… a girl wants to look her best for her first time? Putting that simultaneously happy and frightening thought aside, I exchanged a glance with Bintara, who nodded.

“I believe we can. I would be most grateful to finish this as soon as possible, and return to Lord Nurarihyon.”

“Hey, not so fast. I was hoping we could use her for healing some more serious cases, make some profit.” Hinata protested, only to flush as I stroked her head, and she leaned into me, giggling, casting a sly glance at Daiyu, who was watching us.

“Well, she can’t walk the Material yet, can she? Besides, I think my skills have improved enough, that with Shiro’s buffs I can regrow limbs, heal great damage, the works. Though keeping that secret would be impossible.”

“I know.” She sighed. “Well, in that case, can I put wave two into motion? I don’t want Mayumi to snatch up any more rewards that should go to us!”

“Fine. Now… watch and see how far I’ve come!” I turned my attention back to Shiro. “You ready?”

She gulped, before nodding, her silver hair swaying. “I am. So… what’s first?”

“Shut your eye and see. Now, I need the adherence, so I’ll be carefully removing it.” Having learned from earlier, I numbed Shiro’s pain receptors, both physical and spiritual, before starting the Chirurgery. It was meticulous, difficult work, especially around the eye, which was very close to her third eye and crown chakras, the adherence threatening to leak into them, causing great harm. Damn, these scars, this eye, her arm, they must all have been paining her so, but she barely complained. I am so going to redo the night we got engaged after she’s healed, do it right, no sorrows. My Eye could see the threads, and also where Tan was connected. Careful to avoid damaging those links, Bintara following me up, keeping my damage to a minimum, I untangled the broken Chains of Sancus and the adherence left behind.

Wiping my silvery sweat from my brow and palms, I had passed the most difficult phase. Flushed with success, while everyone watched on, not even daring to speak, I started work on the scars around her eye. Bintara looked at me pointedly, and I nodded. If she’s going to see clearly again, I at least want her face to be pretty, like she remembers, like she deserves. Once the poisoned adherence was out, I moved to her cheeks, the wounds under her hair, and down her neck. After half an hour more of extreme concentration, which had left me totally wrung out, Bintara had cleaned up behind me, and her skin was pale, white and pure again.

Last step, regenerating the eye.

“Hey, that tickles, no, it itches… hey, it burns!” she protested, even my numbing of her senses not enough to stop the pain. “Shit, Aki, what the hell…”

“Just bear with it.” I said reassuringly, and though she cursed me out, she grit her teeth, grinding them audibly, and five minutes later, it was done. I took the drink one of the weaselkin maids handed me, Hyacinth assisting elsewhere, and took a long sip. “You can open your eyes now.” I said.

“Eyes?” she said, her gummed lids opening, wet with tears. “Wait, what… my field of vision…” closing her dominant eye, she realised she could see. With a smile, I created a mirror out of aether purely through imagination, wasteful as hell, but as my network was running effectively at Rank 7 due to the buffs, I could spare it, and as she saw the unblemished skin on her face, two dark eyes staring back at her reflection, she let out a wail, throwing herself at me. She tried to put both arms around me, but of course one was still a ruin, immobile. Even so, I let her cry out her emotions, everyone looking on warmly, even Eri, who had a sour look in her eyes.

After a while, Shiro, embarrassed, stepped away from me. “Uh, well, that surprised me. Uh, it’s fixed in the Material too?” she asked, and I nodded.

“Well, it might need a little touch-up on some of the scars, but that’s easy. The face that broke a thousand hearts at Uni is back.” I grinned.

“Aki, that’s a mean thing to say. But…” she sniffled. “I forgive you. Well I will, when you fix my arm!” she teased, clearly exultant at her face being restored.

“I’m happy for you. Seriously.” Eri said, and Shiro laughed.

“I’m sure you are. Jealous too, right? Aki can’t help you much, even with his skills.”

“Yes. You’re not wrong.” She admitted, and I forestalled her by stroking her ears, both sets.

“I know it’s frustrating. But you’ve been putting in the work. You’ll get there in the end. Be happy for Shiro, all right?”

“I am, I am…” she protested, and I made it up to her with a kiss.

“Aki, me too!” Shiro demanded, and then Hinata wanted one, impishly offering Daiyu the chance, but after translation, Daiyu shook her head, declining.

“Well then, we’ll take a break, and during that, you might as well do some hard levelling.”

“Shit Aki, I thought you’d forgot that.” Shiro said, to much more happy laughter.

“He never forgets to level up. My bro is a fiend!” My sis rejoindered, and Eri muttered her fervent agreement…


After setting Shiro and my sis up at the southern shore by the bay, along with some support, I marvelled as she pulled out a number of Golden Warriors, all of them resembling girls I knew. My sis, she sure has strange tastes. Oh well…

Returning to Shirohebizumi, the ten kilometre jog through my Territory only taking a few minutes, I admired the bustle, Mirror Bees flying about the place, kobolds, ratkin, weaselkin and more making various improvements to the Boundary. Really, It’s starting to look like a more cohesive, less fantastical mirror to Tokyo. Though it still has plenty of mythic elements for sure…

Once there I met up with Kana, Haru-san, Ren-san and the twins, supported by Hyacinth and the kami of the shrine, Shirohebi. In addition, Kana’s friends, as well as Marika-san, Keomi-chan and our other surviving trainees were there too, even Hotene-san, who was still extremely shellshocked by her experiences, but whenever Haru-san had any free time, she was using Mind-Healing Light on her. They were doing the telepathic linking again, all eagerly trying to learn earth element. Since none of my students had anything but light, which didn’t clash or interfere, it should be feasible, with their perfected networks. On seeing me, Kana brightened up.

“Hey Akio. How’s things been going? I hear you were going to have a go healing Shiro. Did it go well?”

“It sure did.” I smiled. “She’s got her sight back, and her face is fixed. There’s still a ways to go, but we’ll get there soon.” At my words the dark-skinned girl Hotene-san touched her own face, remembering when her own eyes were lost. Seeing that, Haru-san gently released a little more light, careful to avoid sharing her pain across the telepathy.

“Speaking of how things are going, how’s the progress?” I asked.

“Slow going. Well, I’ve been trying to master earth element for a while. I want to impress my kami, after all.” She laughed. “I can’t believe how far I’ve come. My attitude right now so isn’t me.”

“Not true at all. You’ve always been earnest.” I declared, and her friends started ribbing her.

“I am trying tooo help.” Hyacinth said, pondering. “My nature element is ooof earth as well. It would be nice to master it myself. But it is tooo hard for me.”

“Yesss, well, I am offering my insssightsss where I can.” Shirohebi declared. “I too would wisssh for the faithful of my ssshrine to partake of the earth asss I do.” They went on to explain a bit more, and with a smile, I got Haru-san to add me to the link, as I had insight into mastering it myself.

After giving some pointers and letting Haru-san share my prior experiences with everyone, the memories vivid, I excused myself. Everyone was pumped up, especially Kana, so I didn’t want to distract them. Shaeula was still using the Thunderbird blood, though she had nearly absorbed all she could, and so I returned to the bay, where my sister, protected by her golden sister army, as she called them, was unleashing storms of flaming arrows and arrows of light from her bow, clearly loving every minute of it. My sis… have I raised a monster? Well, at least she’s enjoying herself, and strength won’t ever betray her…

Shiro was pretty exhausted, but she was using her own fire element, aided by Tan, and the seawater bubbled and occasionally fountained up in columns of explosive steam, the nigh-endless tide of sea-dwelling monsters being boiled alive or burned to ashes. The few that got up onto the beach were being carefully taken down by Eri, who was still trying to control her ragged, clumsy movements. I was a bit worried, but the others had assured me they would watch over her, and indeed Daiyu was beside her, using Shaeula’s dagger of light that she had borrowed, as well as the three sets of bells, though for now, she could only call upon destructive earth, though she believed that Shaeula’s pink jade bells should also be able to call wind element forth, as well as merely enhance it.

Watching them all, I sat down beside Rika-san and Yae, Hinata too, who I was surprised to see here, Kazumi-san watching on with a silent smile as usual. “I thought you’d be trying to learn earth element with the others.” I asked Hinata, and she shook her head, surprising me.

“No, I’ve decided. Fire first. Though for that, I’ll need you to fill a battery for me, the way Ixitt did it.” she chuckled. “We really need a source of fire element, right? We have air, earth and water, but fire is vital to our future development. I asked around, and the Seelie Court has plenty in the mountains around Duke Formor’s Territory, but that seems like something we shouldn’t be considering. How about Kyoto? We have a foothold there through Haru-san to investigate…”

I ruffled her hair affectionately, and she leaned into me. Shiro shouted out a curse at my flirting, but I merely waved and urged her to continue, which she did, grumbling to herself.

“You’re always looking for the ways to profit. I love that about you.” I kissed her forehead softly, and she giggled.

“Of course. That’s my role, and one I wanted.”

“Seeing this hurts my heart a bit, Rika.” Yae protested, and her friend laughed.

“I bet it does, Yae. I’m not really into Akio-kun, not that I’d probably say no if I was asked, having seem all this, and hearing from Hinata-chan here just how rich you are now…” Rika-san snorted wryly. “… but even so, when I’m single, seeing you so flirtatious really stings.”

“Well, that aside…” Yae was watching my sis and Eri. “… could we get to their level, one day? I mean, I can’t see the appeal of fighting…” she looked down at her perfectly manicured nails. “… I’d chip my nails, my hair would get messy, I’d sweat…”

“But…” Rika-san finished for her. “… Kyoto. It scared us, Akio-kun. I don’t want to be one of those nine hundred.”

“I don’t want that to be our friends back in Nishimorioka, our families either.” Yae looked at me, her flirtatious nature vanishing, her brown eyes serious. “I know Ai-chan felt bad keeping secrets from us. I’d like to even think Ri-Ri did too.”

“I didn’t! I’d never have told you!” Eri shouted back, having heard.

“She doesn’t mean it, I know. She’s a dark, gloomy little thing, but when she does like someone, she’s serious about it.” Yae countered.

“Shut up unless you want me to hit you with this!” Eri waved her axe, embarrassed, then almost falling, Daiyu having to steady her.

“Do you think Ai-chan can tell her friends in archery and volleyball?” Rika-san asked, and for now I had to decline.

“Not yet. The timing isn’t right, and we are struggling to keep matters secret as long as we can. When the truth is out though, I’ll pay Nishimorioka another visit, I promise. It was my home for a long time too. I have friends there as well.” I remembered Imai-san, and his new wife and child. “Don’t worry, it’s early days yet.” I reassured them, even if I wasn’t certain myself, things seemed to be moving a lot faster than Ortlinde had intimated they would. “As for reaching their level…” I watched as my sis put an arrow through the head of some shark-creature still hundreds of metres out at sea, a trick she had learned during her duel with Shaeraggo, no doubt. “… that might be a bit much. But stronger, mastering a trick or two… well, I don’t see why not. Do the exercises, and if you stick to Chairoakitara shrine for your trips in, you can probably pick up a skill or two. Then in time, maybe even master an element. We’re still working on a programme to help with that. You can test it out when we’re done.”

“That’s a promise then?” Yae asked, tilting her head, eyeing me strangely.

“Of course. Don’t I keep those too? I even had that date with you, right?”

“Yes. You did.” Her smile turned to one I recognised, impish and amused. “He blew it though.” She confided in Hinata, faking being scandalised. “Here I was, ready to totally go the distance, put out, and he was a perfect gentleman! Why, I was looking fantastic, and…”

As Hinata curiously asked what putting out was, which left Rika-san howling with laughter as Yae went crimson, and was forced to explain, I enjoyed the momentary peace, knowing I would be busy again soon, having to deal with the China situation and the potential fallout from that in the press…


“Thanks for everything, Hinata. Like I always say, having a rich sister-in-law is totally the best!” my sis gushed as she waited to board the helicopter, along with Yae and Rika-san.

“I know, I am great, aren’t I?” Hinata agreed impishly. “Seriously though, stay safe, Aiko. Akio would be crushed if you got hurt.”

“Don’t I know it? My bro’s the siscon King… no, the siscon Emperor!” she laughed. “I’ll tell mom you’re going to the UK on a business trip soon. She’ll probably want you to go see our grandparents, but do you think you’ll have time?”

I shook my head. “Probably not, but if I can make time I will.”

“I’m jealous.” Yae pouted. “Foreign travel is cool. First Las Vegas, now this?”

“Yeah, it’s totally unfair. I need to find myself a rich boyfriend, but in Nishimorioka, there’s no chance of that…” Rika-san agreed.

“Well, who knows what the future holds?” I said. “Try and do well in your final exams, even if you don’t aim for Uni, it’s not a bad thing to push yourselves. And well… the world is changing, isn’t it?”

“Wise words, bro. Now come on girls, we have to go!” my sis insisted.

“Don’t worry, I’m jealous too.” Hinata said suddenly, surprising them all. She raised an eyebrow at our surprise. “Why wouldn’t I be? Akio gets to go with Motoko and Natsumi, and he’ll even be going as Motoko’s fiancé. I’m very jealous. My turn will come, right?” She gave me a cute look, tilting her head back to look up at me innocently.

“It sure will. Well, the trip is hardly going to be all pleasure, you know that.”

“That doesn’t matter bro. You should be getting how girls think by now, being a harem bastard and all.” She giggled. “Wow, I can’t believe you don’t see what she means.”

“Oh, he does.” Hinata giggled. “But he knows I’m not really mad. After all…” she pulled me into a hug. “… I’m very excited about the prospect of Ixitt’s new invention. If it works…”

“Well, we then have to work out a way to get it to the Material World, but…” If we can find a suitable candidate for the Divine Favour of Laverna…

“Yes, our new business will be printing money!” Hinata declared, eyes sparkling.

“I think we should go.” My sis made gagging noises. “They are in their own world anyway.”

“Rude.” I snorted. “We’re listening. Anyway, Sis, Yae, Rika-san, I’ll see you again soon. So be careful, and sis, stay safe, and don’t get cocky! I don’t know why I felt the urge to give you that amulet, but… no, I trust you. Just call me if you need anything, okay?”

“Wow, you went from full lecture mode to cool bro mode in an instant. Be still my heart!” she laughed.

“It was good to see you, Akio-kun. A shame we didn’t get to do any shopping or see the sights, but.. next time, okay?” Rika-san said her goodbye.

“Yes, there has to be a next time. Otherwise I’ll live with this sense of defeat forever.” Yae complained.

“Well, when things settle down, we can have a proper break. I’ll show you around. Eri might even be out of her wheelchair by then, and Shaeula loves being in charge so… it’ll be fun.”

As we finished exchanging promises and small talk, they finally boarded, and as the sleek helicopter lifted off, blades thrumming, I turned back to Hinata. “Well, what now? It’s getting late, you have school tomorrow too, right?”

I do. Yes.” She said, the nuance confusing me.

“You do?” I asked, as I noticed an expensive foreign car on the hill ready to take her home.

“Yes, I do. I know two girls that don’t though. Go inside. Your night isn’t over.” She paused, her skin flushed. “I expect a full report, all right? After all… my time will come too. Anyway, I love you. Good night, Akio.” She kissed me on the cheek, before, after a moment of hesitation, moving to my lips. Our mouths touched, and then her tongue came into my mouth aggressively, surprising me. I responded, grasping her tightly into a hug, and then we separated, her gasping for breath.

There. At least I had my share. Well, good luck!” she declared, as her driver got out and opened the door for her. She stepped inside, waving, and after I watched her car leave, I entered my house, looking down to notice two pairs of shoes by the door. My nose picked up a sweet scent, and… so, it’s come to this. Well, from Hinata’s words earlier I knew.

Opening the door to my room, I was greeted by the sight of two young women, made up beautifully in furisode kimonos, hair and make-up impeccable, as if ready for a wedding. On seeing me enter, the two of them greeted me brightly, though their nervousness was clearly visible as well.

“Akio, my husband. Your wife is here to receive you.” Motoko said, followed by Natsumi.

“Akio, also my husband. I, Natsumi, am here to fulfil my wifely duties. I hope that we both satisfy you!”

I smiled gently, touched and happy. “No, I, Akio, your husband, am grateful to be receiving your care.” I said formally, since it fit the mood. “May this be the first of many days we spend together, from now until eternity…” Well, looks like Tsumura-san was serious. Not that I can complain now, can I? Thinking such inane thoughts, the situation making my heart race, despite my past experience with Eri, Shaeula and Hyacinth, I asked a question. “Would you like a drink or something, to loosen up?”

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