On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Fifty-Three

Two Hundred And Fifty-Three

“How do you know Shaeula?” I growled. “And I told you, calm down with the fucking fire hair, Tan. I’m running out of patience with you rapidly.” I looked around, but luckily the quiet booth we were at was in one corner, and no tables near us were full at this hour, so nobody had seen us yet.

“I do not have to entertain your…” Tan began, before her eyes turned black again, the flames dying down as her hair turned silver once more. Those fires must be spiritual, as otherwise that jumper should have burst into flames…

“Aki. Sorry.” Her face looked dreadful, ashen and pale, and her eyes were tearing up. She bit on her lip nervously, as if to prevent the words she would have to say next. “I need you to be honest with me. Do you know someone who calls himself the Raven Knight?”

My eyes went wide with shock, but I quickly composed myself. Yeah, that’s one explanation. Not the one I expected, but… “I’m always honest with you, Shiro. Yes, I know the bastard. He nearly killed me back when I was just starting out.” I remembered the Jaws of the Questing Beast and how it was a near-miracle I dodged that. “He and his spider friend killed some of my allies too.” I remembered the trolls and white snakes that died. Unlike the weaselkin, they weren’t brought back by Kin Restoration, so their deaths were a true and permanent tragedy.

“It’s true then… you’re the one.” Shiro said, before bursting into tears, great heaving sobs. As she wailed, it drew the attention of the other patrons, though being Japanese they quickly started minding their own business, except for a waitress who came over, looking concerned, especially when she saw Shiro bawling. Fixing me with a stern glare, which was a bit incongruous when coming from a maid dressed as a cat-girl, she asked if everything was all right.

“No, not really.” I said, unwilling to lie, puzzled by her sudden outpouring of emotion. “We were celebrating an important occasion when Shiro got some very bad news. She’s pretty distraught. Can you give us some privacy for a while? I’ll of course pay extra for the disturbance.” I pulled out some money and handed it over. “Get everyone here a drink, with my apologies.”

As she took the money she asked Shiro again if she was all right., and she nodded, wiping her nose on one of the napkins. “Yeah… it’s just… today was the best, and now… I’m sorry for causing a fuss.” She apologised. “Just… leave us alone… a while. Okay?”

With one last look the waitress departed, starting to ask the other patrons for what drink they wanted and to advise them to give us space. I reached over to console Shiro but she pulled away from me, her face stricken.

“So, what’s this about? Why the tears?” I asked, having a bad feeling. I’m the one? The one what?

“I… he never said the name of the person who was working with Shaeula. Either he didn’t know it or care to remember.” Shiro managed after a moment to compose herself, her tears bright on her cheeks. “But apparently you worked with an evil Faerie to steal a Tree from him and nearly killed him, Aki.”

“Bullshit.” I growled, remembering. “And you know me, Shiro. Would I be doing the bidding of some evil Fae? Shaeula is far from evil. If anything, it’s that bastard Raven Knight who is vile. The things he said to her…” I shook my head to clear those painful memories. “Anyway, you know that bastard? Wait… if you are close enough to exchange stories… is he one of your allies?” I asked, and as Shiro nodded, numb, I felt a ball of dread in the pit of my stomach.

“Fuck. This is what we get for letting him escape last time. Although he outclassed us then, it’s true. You don’t… have a contract with him as well, do you?”

Another pained nod. Shiro was shaking, trembling life a leaf in the wind. “We… we do. And the terms…”

“If the fucker wants his Tree back, well, we can sort something out.” I grated. “A Tree like that, it’s nothing, compared to getting you free from that bastard.” It’d be a shame to lose the Darkness element the Tree puts out, but in terms of Ether generation, it’s gone from a big part of our gains to only a fraction.

I thought that would cheer Shiro up, but she only bit down harder, as if to stop herself crying out. I reached for her again, but once more she shrank away. I started to feel my own eyes feeling hot, my chest hurting. Why? Why is she backing off? Surely she wouldn’t believe that bastard over me?

I was soon answered, as she spoke, voice hoarse. “Yes, we made a contract to get back his Tree. But also… to help him kill Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, his enemy, and also… the mortal that helped her.” She flailed out with one fist, catching me on the arm, heedless of the pain of striking my tough body. Again and again she struck me, gentle as a whisper, but her hands started to bruise, her fingers swollen. As she cried I finally managed to grab her resisting body, pulling her head into my chest.

“Aki… what do I do? What…” her wails were heartrending, and I could feel us drawing more and more attention.

“It’s all right.” I whispered, stroking her head gently, using Ether Healing to heal her battered hands. Tan stirred at that, but remained quiescent, perhaps Shiro keeping her at bay, or perhaps… waiting. “It’ll be all right. I promised I’d help you carry your burdens. This is just one more.” I whispered in her ear, and she gasped miserably, stifling her cries.

“That stupid crow bastard. Obviously I can’t let him kill me or Shaeula. But for a punch in the fucking face and a promise to never bother her again, I can give him the Tree.” I decided to be bold. “Then he can fuck off. You don’t need allies like him.” I assured her. “Shaeula and I are far more worthy.”

“It’s… not that simple.” Shiro sniffled. “We have a contract. We have to follow through. Or else we have to pay the compensation, or die!” she was trembling in my arms, and I felt my rage towards the Raven Knight growing rapidly. “I’m skirting the terms just being with you now I that I know your identity! It’s making my body ache, Aki!” she cried. “It’s only because Tan can’t fully manifest here, and I know I can’t kill you, that I’m not in violation of the contact!”

Shit, shit, shit! This is the worst case scenario! I need to think. “Okay, well… what’s the compensation? I might be able to pay it for you to free you. That could work.” Shiro hadn’t done more than touch on the issue of compensation before, so I was reaching, but…

“No, that wouldn’t work, Aki.” She said, dashing my hopes. “We… well, Tan set it up so that either way, she’d get access to the Fae realm. And I agreed. After all…” she chuckled bitterly. “I’d rather she gains strength from draining non-humans dry than people. Though knowing the Raven Knight and his Jorogumo, I know they are sentient beings too, with hopes, dreams and fears…” her hands were bleeding, her nails shredding her palm, and as droplets of blood ran down her pale flesh and stained my suit, I continually eased her wounds with Ether Healing, soothing her.

“… but I’m not a monster, Aki, I’m not! I’m selfish yes, but… we won’t win without sacrifice! You must know that, right?”

“Yes, I do.” I whispered to her. “I’ve killed Fae creatures, Wild Hunt, Unseelie. Yes. It’s the same as killing people. I hate to do it. But if it’s to save those I love from suffering, or to save more lives…” I hesitated, before making up my mind.

“If… if I kill the Raven Knight, wouldn’t that void…” I suddenly felt pain as flames licked over the whole of Shiro’s body. It was as if something was taking bites out of my flesh, sucking at my blood. But the physical pain was nothing compared to the feeling of agony I was enduring watching Shiro suffer, the elation of finally finding someone to understand her, to love her, come crashing down in the cruellest of ways. My chakra network responded, cooling spirit water pulsing through me, dampening the injuries, and my Ether Healing started on the burns to my Astral body.

“You utter fool.” Tan snapped, one eye a brilliant crimson. “To say such, it is almost as if you wish to make us forfeit the terms of our contact.” She let out an angry hiss. “Do not say such foolishness to us! Besides…”

“We have contracts with all the others, well, except for that spider-woman, she’s with the Raven Knight. If we break faith with any, how will the others ever trust us again, Aki?” Shiro chimed in. “Besides, you may hate him, and I agree he seems unpleasant, but… he has his pain too.” She pursed her lips. “Apparently his mother and father were betrayed by his aunt, a powerful sorceress. He seeks revenge on her. Wouldn’t you, Aki? If… if someone betrayed me, you’d want justice, right?”

“I would. Well… look, calm the flames, Tan, they bloody hurt! I’ll be careful about what I say.” I promised. “I want the best outcome for everyone, but… well, a contract can surely be nullified if both parties agree, right?” I suggested. “I can return his Tree, and even offer to help him with his aunt. Then he can go on his way, happy and satisfied. Surely standing by my side would benefit you more. He may have been stronger than me before, but he was still the one to lose. Now… he’s not my match.”

“I see. Yes, that might…” Shiro paused, eye looking into the distance, before Tan took over.

“This is not the place to hold such… discussions.” Tan said, pointing to a stairwell at the back of the café. “We cannot speak freely here, and I have no wish to incur the consequences of your idiocy without recourse.” She licked her parched lips. “Such would not please me.”

“Fine.” Slipping out, the drained Shiro in my arms, I left money on the table to cover our bill, before heading for the exit, but instead of taking the stairs down we headed up, to the roof. The door was locked, but a whisper of wind wriggling in the keyhole had it open quickly, and we stepped out, the view and bustle of Akihabara around us normally enough to bring joy, but now it was only background noise.

“You could be a master thief too, Aki.” She muttered, as I locked the door behind us, setting her down gently. “This… definitely wasn’t how I saw today going, you know? It seems a bit of a cruel joke.”

“I know. To be honest, I thought today would go very differently as well. Look, Tan… I want the outcome that Shiro, Shaeula and I are all happy. Anything else here I’m prepared to compromise on. Can we make something work?” Paying compensation, having the contract withdrawn by mutual consent, killing the Raven Knight. Killing Tan, maybe… There were options, but I didn’t know the ramifications of many of them.

“I don’t know about this Shaeula, but… I can’t let Aki… ugh…” she clutched her chest, expression terribly pained, and her eyes turned crimson.

“Foolish girl. Do not deny the contract, lest it ensnare you. Do you wish to be his servant until he takes revenge on his aunt? Or you die? I shall lose too, if that happens. That would not taste sweet at all.” Tan growled.

His servant? Damn, no way I’ll let Shiro do that. Although… if she voided the contract, then started serving him, I could kill him quickly then before he did anything unpleasant, but… fuck. There’s too much I don’t know about the details. If I did that and she then died with him… why the hell would a god decide to hand down such troublesome powers?

“No. Shiro. Best think that you are going to kill me right now.” I said, with a heavy heart.

“But Aki…” she glanced at her ring sadly, one eye black again. “… I don’t know…”

I know. I’ll be damned if I let you die or be the servant of that bastard for god knows how long. Shit, Tan, did you have to make such stupid deals? What moronic pacts did you make with the others?”

“It was hardly foolish. I do not approve of your insolent tone.” Tan grated, licking her parched lips. “We secured the services of the Raven Knight, opening potential new grounds for us to exploit. The others are bound to us as well, able to protect us, expand our influence and are there for if… well, I do not see why I am explaining this to you.”

“Tan, please.” Shiro pleaded. “You’re smart and powerful, you must be able to do something about all this?”

With one dark eye peering at me with pain and sorrow, the other a crimson orb of indifference and unpleasantness, I found myself torn. What to do? I’m leaning towards just trying to kill Tan here and now, then rely on Chirurgery and Ether healing. But if Shiro dies… I don’t know if I can forgive myself. As my muscles clenched, responding to my desire to fight, to beat down this unreasonable situation, half of Shiro’s face quirked into a grin.

“I believe we should continue this discussion in a more… appropriate… location.” Tan said. “The spiritual realm, the Boundary that surrounds your world.”

“Wait, Tan, if you go there, won’t you and Aki…” Shiro began, but she was silenced by Tan placing a finger to her own lips.

“Hush, little princess. This is a matter of victory is it not? You should not interfere.”

“But…” Shiro managed, before Tan spoke over her, her whole body now under her control, her crimson, flaming hair fluttering in the breeze, her ruby eyes matching the lights of Tokyo around us for intensity. It looked somewhat strange, seeing a girl in fashionable blue skirt and rich purple jumper looking so… unnatural, but having experience with Shaeula and Hyacinth I could put that aside.

“You say you care for her, man. Well, prove it.” she smiled coldly, utterly lacking in humour. “Else I cannot permit you to stand by her side.”

“Shouldn’t that be her choice?” I observed. “After all, you aren’t to interfere in her daily life, are you?”

“If your presence would destroy her, it violates many of the tenets of the contract.” She shook her head, fiery locks flowing. “I am to protect her safety, after all. You should want this, no?” she persisted.

“Fine. You make a good point.” I grated. “But, let me be clear. I only want Shiro’s safety. I’m liking you less and less the more I learn of you. And I have no trust for you.”

“How unkind.” Tan chuckled. “Why, do you worry I shall return while you are within the Boundary and devour your mortal body, drinking deep of you? So untrusting.” She giggled. “I should fear you will do the same to me, should I not?”

“Don’t be a fucking idiot. You know I can’t risk hurting Shiro. I’m the one at risk, after all, I’m the target of your dumbass contract.” I looked into her eyes. “I know you can hear me, Shiro. Next time, let Tan take all the risks in a contract. And if she tries to bullshit you saying ‘she needs to put you at risk to win’ then you know she’s no good, all right?”

Her eyes darkened a moment, and she looked down, and I knew my message was received, before Tan was back in control. “No good? I could have merely handed her the divine favour, and she would be dead, killed by the wolves that roam the Boundary. Such as you. Or I could have left her alone, and her death would surely be soon, her spiritual body failing her. For such beauty to waste away, it is far too sad. Instead, I offered a fair trade.”

“Fair my ass. But I’m never going to convince you… so, how about a contract?”

At that, Tan drew in a long breath. “Bold. Very… very bold. A shame. I can see you are a man who can match her. Such a pity.” She shook her head. “Very well. What terms do you require? Bear in mind should you try to bind us too tightly, we will void our contract with the Raven Knight, and face the consequences. For a being such as I, that would be tiresome, but for her it would be tragic.”

“Tell me something I don’t know. No, I simply wish assurances that neither of us will attempt to harm each other’s Material bodies. Say for the next twelve hours.” I don’t want a long contract in case it triggers Shiro’s, and I can’t be too restrictive. Besides, I want the contract done quickly. I also had another purpose in asking for a contract. It was a risk, but I trusted Shiro to have told me the truth about what it entailed, so…

“I see. Cautious, yet as we likely cannot kill you here with her weak body, not in violation of our prior contract. Very well.”

“Aki, you don’t have to do this… run away. Go far away. If we can’t find you we can’t…” she groaned again, pain flaring as the contract tightened a noose on her spiritual body, which was already achingly fragile and atrophied.

“Shiro, please. Stop it.” I said, anguished. At the look on my face she allowed Tan back in control. “I’ll figure something out. Until then, just… I don’t want you to suffer. I promised I’d bring you joy and I meant it.”

“So… sweet.” Tan licked her lips. “Very well. I swear neither I, nor the body I occupy, will make any direct attempts to injure your form here on the Material. This will be in place for twelve hours, starting from when we swear.”

I see. Very specific wording there. I was hoping she’d fall for it and damage my Astral body, but she’s too smart for that. Damn.

“I agree the same conditions.” I said. “In terms of payment for breaking the contract, I want you to leave Shiro’s body behind, leaving her alive and well. If I violate the terms, then I am prepared to accept death.”

“Aki…” a whisper came from Shiro’s mouth, while her hands were held together, her finger rubbing her new engagement ring.

“I deem that tolerable.” Tan smiled knowingly. “I applaud your cunning. But alas, I have sworn to help this poor princess, this lonely girl. I cannot fail now. Nor can I fail your world, and the many worlds that drift in the highest Astral, beset by foes the likes you cannot even imagine.” She licked at her lips again. “I thirst for victory. I hunger for it. Yet my belly is empty of such treats. Now, by Sancus, ira Dei in perfido. Divine fury will smite those who break this pledge!”

A surge of power leapt from the body of Tan, surging into mine. My Eye responded, analysing it, and I caught a fleeting glimpse of a shining bracelet trailing ornate chains around the left arm of her body, before the chains plunged into my chest. The feeling was… uncomfortable… to say the least, a feeling of being unable to breathe.

You have been subjected to the Binding Chains Of Sancus, he who protects Contracts. Your oath is…

This oath will be fulfilled in 11 hours, 59 Minutes, 58 seconds…

As the messages blazed across my vision, and the suffocating sensation dissipated, I realised only two seconds had passed, despite it feeling like I had been gasping for breath for several minutes. Still, with my Eye I could see the binding chains had wound through my Chakra network, though I noticed they only coiled round three main chakras, the root, the heart and the crown. Even so, I’m pretty certain bad things would happen if the chains tightened on those three…

“Well then…” Tan said, a pained expression on her face, and I realised that Shiro would have felt this too. Annoyed with myself at putting her through such pain, I strode over and apologised, pulling her into a hug.

“Piss off a second Tan, give me some damn privacy. You know I can’t hurt her now, not that I ever would.”

As Shiro’s shining silver hair and dark eyes returned, I whispered to her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would hurt you, not when you weren’t the one making it. I should have known though.”

“Aki…” she whispered back, expression gloomy and downcast, barely able to fight back tears. “How did it come to this? I was so happy just a short while ago, and now…”

“I’ll fix this. I’m not sure how yet, but I will. Now, trust me. Please.” And with that I kissed her, a gentle one, more of reassurance than lust. Our lips pressed together. When we finally parted, I patted her head, before speaking to Tan.

“All right. In we go. Let’s talk this out.”


“What the hell…?” I asked confused, as in front of me was a figure wearing knock-off Kl Klux Klan-style robes and pointy hood. There was no badge or insignia, the robes were pure white, except for a very disturbing line of black triangles where the face would be, reminding me uncomfortably of Tan’s sharp teeth. “Shiro, is that you in the abomination?”

“Sorry…” I heard her weary voice mutter. “…I made sure it was white, but… other than that…” she said quietly.

“The poor girl, she struggles to function here.” Tan said, and she did sound sorry for her, her voice kind. “Though I am substituting for what she lacks, I am still not truly part of her. Rest now, princess, and it will soon be over.”

“No, wait, that sounds ominous. Don’t fight Aki, please Tan, he’s my friend. No, he’s more… than… that…”

“Sleep, my dear girl. May your dreams not be hungry or thirty.” Tan sighed to herself. “Well, now that she is sleeping, we should… converse. But first, that smell, it is exquisite, it makes me salivate. Do you really have a blessing from the World Tree? That Pantheon would surely never let such out of their grasp carelessly, no more than my father would… well, we shall not talk about him now. Do excuse the rudeness, but I simply must… see!”

Another surge of energy was emitted from Tan, a radiance bursting out from her in a bright nova. Even with my speed I was unable to dodge it, as it moved as light did. Still, as it passed through me I felt no pain, merely an uncomfortable sense of… intrusion… as though something was rummaging through me. Amber letters flared again, as my Eye once more reacted.

You have been subjected to the Searching Gaze Of Ichnaea. Your Eye has responded to deny access to your information, but only partially succeeded. Some information about you has been revealed. Your Mystic Eye Of The Tree Of Knowledge has been strengthened by absorbing some of the remnant energy of Ichnaea’s Gaze.

“Well that isn’t nice, is it?” I declared, having been forcefully appraised. So that’s how it feels. “I hope you at least got to see me naked?” I joked bitterly. “Though Shiro is the only girl here I want seeing me that way, I guess.”

“Such… rudeness.” Tan declared. “But I shall forgive you. Yes, yes I shall.” Her voice was soft, soothing. “You are quite special, are you not? Perhaps fortune smiled on me when I made the contract with that insolent Raven Knight. His attitude is rather awful, as you intimated before. She feels sorry for him, but she is a soft-hearted girl. Really, she is a miracle indeed. Born so fragile, yet somehow she lived this long. Her heart, it is so thirsty, so hungry for compassion, to be able to do what others take for granted.” Her voice was soft, soothing, and I found myself listening to her avidly, as she talked about Shiro, a girl I felt deep emotions for.

“There were others, of course. My father bade me bring someone a gift, a divine favour. You wonder why we do so, do you not?” she stepped closer to me, and I could smell a scent, rich and spicy. It smelt a little like Shiro, her sweat, her tears, but also like burnt sandalwood, amber, saffron and more. “We do so because we have great need of success.” She sighed. “The upper reaches of the Astral are beset by many foes, but worst of all are the… well, never mind. Suffice it to say, war rages always, and realms rise and fall, Pantheons lose Territory, and gradually we are all pushed back. So we spare a little power to suitable worlds, in the hopes that they will rise from the foam of the lower Astral, strong enough to aid us in our struggles.” She was next to me now, her faceless, toothy hood all I could see, her eyes hidden.

“Could we do more? Perhaps. But there are many realms we must protect, and many worlds of potential. And the Pantheons do not see eye to eye often.” She snorted bitterly. “The Throne, the Six Paths, World Mountain, your World Tree, The Land Of Endless Fog, The Dreamtime… all strive for their own dominance, even as we face ruin. To think they call my father evil.” She snorted bitterly. “If we let each act as they pleased, then all would trample over the many worlds below, shattering them beneath their feet as all struggled to gain them. Indeed, it has happened before. More lives lost than you can dream of, or comprehend.” She placed am arm on my shoulder, and even through the white glove she wore and my clothing and armour, it was hot, scalding.

“You said I could commit any atrocity under the guise of ‘it needing to be done’, did you not? Well, you are clever. I could indeed. After all, what are the lives of ten compared to a hundred, a million compared to a billion, a world compared to the wider Astral? But you wrong me.” She whispered into my ear, and I could feel her hot breath through her mask. “I may thirst for the power to turn back the tide of ruin, hunger for the ability to support my allies, my father. But I am not needlessly cruel. Though I am rather… pragmatic. The same as you, no? I see the death on you, the Searching Gaze revealing your… exploits. You told the princess as much, did you not? And can you honestly…” her gloved hand trailed down my face, tickling my sweat-drenched skin. “.. tell me that for this princess, for Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, for this Eri you mentioned, that you would not end a thousand lives, no, a world’s worth of lives, if they could smile?”

She’s… she’s right. For those within my heart, I could do it. I’ve always worried about that. Will the power blind me, make me evil, just doing as I please? That’s why… I let those I love anchor me. As long as they are smiling, living happily, I’m on the right path.

“See, I knew you would understand…” Tan let out a sigh. Her other hand was on my arm, and she started stroking it, gently. “… I too understand your desires. After all, I met her during my search for someone to bear the small hope my father entrusted to me. So fragile, so pure, so white. Yes, ephemeral, as you said before. And when I beheld her soul, I knew. She is a ghost, drifting from her ill-fated birth to a silent death. She knows this, resents it, hates it, and why should she not? The world has not been kind to her. Yet she has such a thirst, a hunger for that kindness, for the world to smile upon her. No, not the world. Someone.” I felt cloth on my cheek and lips, a searing heat of pain that was quickly forgotten as she continued to whisper to me, her hands roaming over me. “You did well. Like me, you wish to fill the void in her heart, do you not? Show her that her birth was no mistake? And it surely was not. No, Saṃsāra is surely at play. Otherwise why else would I have found her, this ghost who calls herself a princess, hungry for salvation. And I shall give her that. I promise you. She will be happy, and live long. Does that please you?”

Yes, it does. It pleases me a lot. I’ve wanted Shiro to be happy ever since I met her. I hate the unfairness of the world, that girls like her have to suffer. That’s why my strength is so important, strength I can use to make them smile…

“Yes, you can make her smile.” The voice was reverberating in my head, in my heart. Did I say that out loud? “You gave her the gift of love, but it is not enough to fill a white ghost. No, you need to give her another gift. After all, you would kill for her, do anything for her, right?”

I nodded slowly, mechanically. Of course. “Yes, I would.” My voice sounded strange to me. It was my voice, just… hotter, more passionate.

“Even die for her?” Tan whispered. For a moment my head ached, and amber letters blared on my vision, distorted and unreadable, as if shimmering in a heat haze. Blinking them aside, I answered Tan, who was pressed against me. Somehow the robe had opened, and I could see glimpses of soft, naked flesh beneath, skin I remembered. Shiro’s skin… I heated up more, remembering the image seared in my mind.

“Die for Shiro. I could, I would. But I need to live, so she doesn’t suffer, so they don’t suffer. Just dying solves nothing.” I managed, confused.

“But you have to die. I am afraid.” She said, and the white robe she was wearing was now a mere series of cloth strips, and every time she moved I caught glimpses of her body. Her bare hands were touching me, sliding inside my clothes, leaving burning handprints on my skin, pleasure thrumming through me. “There is no other way. The contract binds her.”

“I… I can solve it.” I declared. “I think we could….” I stopped as she put a finger to my lips, which then squirmed into my mouth, and I licked at it, tasting salt, lotus and sandalwood.

“No, even if that was to work, you still need to die.” She whispered. “For Shiro. I alone am all she needs. I will comfort her, wipe her tears. She is beautiful, as much as any of my sisters, and she is lacking what they lack, always seeking it. But for that to happen, I need to drink deep of your gifts.”

I could see her eyes, ruby red and alluring, they seemed to fill my vision. I opened my filled mouth to protest, and another finger pressed in, rubbing at my lips and tongue, a surprisingly erotic feeling. “You are not even using your divine favour. So wasteful. It is a powerful one, too. From the World Tree. Tyr. But Tyr, he knew how to sacrifice, did he not? He gave up his own hand for others. Can you not give up your life, not just for another, but for Shiro, the white princess, the one you love?” All around me heat was shimmering, reflecting images of Tan in a hundred ways, each more alluring than the last.

“I am not sure why, perhaps this was your destiny.” She smiled, and a hundred smiles mirrored it. “It seems I am not the only one to be tired of the status quo, the Throne endlessly triumphing, only to abandon the rest of us to the ever-hungry void. But to think seeds from a Fruit of the World Tree would be here, in you…” she licked her lips, dry flesh flaking off, as though she had not drank for days, or even weeks. “… if I drink deep, consume you, quench my thirst, with the power of Tyr and the seeds… well, surely I can guide her to victory, claim this world as Astral Empress, and she will live happy and safe in a higher domain, treated as the princess she hungers to be. That is the most desirable outcome, is it not? Her happy for centuries to come?”

Yes, I do want her to be happy for ever. I found myself nodding. But then… even so… “But I can’t. Even for Shiro. I have others I have to protect…” my head was clearing a little, but then Tan was there, only her crotch and breasts covered with waving white cloth, the rest of her bare and glowing with fiery sweat.

Tan alluring the Buddha

“Yes, I know. Your family, Eri, Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi. I heard, do not fear. I shall shelter them too, keep them happy. They may grieve for now, but surely… surely… it is a small price to pay for an eternity of joy for them.”

There was a buzzing voice like a mosquito, and for a moment I was confused, as the glorious, seductive red eyes of Tan turned black.

“Yes, that… does make sense.” I nodded dumbly, mesmerised by the naked flesh on display.

“No it… well not…”

“Then come to me, man, and give yourself to my thirsting flames, give all that you are for love, and I will ensure they remain happy for all eternity!”

“Aki… what the… you do this, Tan!”

More amber letters wavered across my vision, and they repeated the words I could barely hear, faint whispers through the steam…

“Aki, I’d rather die than have you die for me. Think of the others, think of Shaeula! If you die, I’ll have to kill her too!”

That’s right, Shaeula! Wait, what am I… I choked on the fingers in my mouth, gagging and spitting. Staggering back, I slapped myself in the face hard enough to break bone. Blood spurted from my nose, agony sparking. Forcing my Resilience, Determination and League to rise to their maximum, my head cleared, the smell of burning incense fading. In front of me was Tan, wearing Shiro’s body, only a few dangling strips of cloth on her gorgeous form. Her hair was half silver, half red, and one eye was the soothing black I remembered, the other a fiery crimson full of thirst.

“Oh thank all the gods.” Shiro said. “I wasn’t sure you’d wake up. Tan, you can’t do this! I won’t let you! I don’t want you brainwashing Aki!”

“Brainwashing? How… upsetting.” Tan actually sounded offended. “I do nothing of the sort. All I do is free the desires that one holds within. I allure, I inspire, I awaken. But to think you resisted, even with help. How vexing.” She sniffed, crossing her arms under her ample chest, which pushed one pert nipple into my view.

“Hey, don’t flash Aki my goods!” she protested.

Yeah, that’s… terrible. Shit, my mind is fogging again. With an effort I shut my eyes, and was greeted by numerous messages in amber letters that I had been ignoring before as I struggled against whatever it was Tan was doing.

Your Resilience has increased by one.

Your Resilience has increased by two.

Your Resilience has increased by one.

Your Resilience has increased by one.

Your Determination has increased by one.


Damn, I must have been fighting against it, even if I felt like I was giving in. Well done me. But now… I’m pissed off. I guess this must be what it’s like to be on the receiving end of the befuddling winds. Shit, it’s scary…

“You can look away from me, when I am exposing everything?” Tan sighed. “You have wounded my heart, brute. I have not been so mortified since the Buddha passed me by without succumbing.”

“Hey, that’s my everything! Aki, keep your eyes shut, no peeking, all right?” Shiro cried. “I don’t get it, Tan. This seems wrong. Aki is right. Maybe…”

“I am afraid this is not an issue for debate. I need his power if I am to triumph. I am sorry, but you should sleep. It will be over when you wake and I will comfort you. We will find his friends, his lovers, his family, and protect them too. You can ensure they are safe, princess. Let your love for this man and his sacrifice inspire you to find your own happiness.”

“I was happy!” Shiro howled. “I never thought I’d answer his love, but… I did! So bloody well stop, Tan, please!”

Flames wreathed her as she raised one hand, gathering her power. She winced, and I could hear shrill pain from Shiro mixed in with her own chants, which put me on edge. Ignoring the blood running down my face I readied myself for her next move.

“Flames of Thirst and Famine!” Tan declared, her long, blazing hair transforming into a boiling tide that rushed at me. The flames were a sooty, dark red, matching her eyes, and I could see adherence within it, shaping the elemental energies. Still, I was not without a counter.

“Foehn, devour!” I called. As the yellow napalm exploded outwards and collided with the flames Tan hurled at me, there was a large explosion, and a fountain of flames boiled up into the sky.

“See, I have hungry fires too… oh fuck!” Fire was raining down, and Tan was in Shiro’s body, right below some burning droplets of Foehn. Dashing forwards, I grabbed the nearly naked girl in my arms, rolling clear of the deluge. Shiro screamed, while Tan grimaced, the two different sides of her face clashing wildly.

We landed heavily, me on my back to protect Shiro, and I winced, realising I was covered in numerous painful burns. My lips were scorched, and my body was covered in burning hand-prints. Starting to work Ether Healing, I was about to check if Shiro was all right when hot agony flared in my body, as a flame-wreathed hand had pierced my side. Silver blood splashed and turned into scalding steam, and I could see Tan grinning, saliva and blood dripping down her chin.

“Do not resist, man. I had no wish to make your death painful. She cares for you, and I am not heartless. Merely… thirsty. I shall put your gifts to better…” she reared back as I made to headbutt her, only to stop a fraction before impact, realising that it would be Shiro who was injured too. Fuck, I’m so much at a disadvantage here.

Rearing backwards, I pulled free from her burning penetration, the pain focusing my mind. And what I saw was several of Shiro’s fingers were broken, bending in unnatural angles, even with Tan’s additional power, her body was too fragile to battle me. “Fuck, Shiro…” I growled, my rage growing ever-more volcanic, which I felt impossible before. “… Tan, you stupid bitch. That’s Shiro’s body you are breaking!”

“A necessary evil.” Tan shook her head, silver and red locks flowing out behind her as she summoned more flames, a maelstrom of them spinning in the air above us. The Boundary Tokyo stretched out beyond the rooftop, and several groups of winged scavengers were drawing closer, only to suddenly flee as they felt the power being marshalled. “Do you not see? While you struggle and squirm, trying to steal trinkets from the other little fishes, I am best able to use that power wisely. I can drink them down, bend them to my will. I will bring peace. To be ruled is to be happy, man.”

“Only if… the ruler is benevolent.” Shiro said from within her. “I thought… you were good, Tan… that you cared.”

“I do care for you, my white ghost of a princess.” Tan answered, the flames growing in size and intensity, hot enough that my slowly-healing skin was starting to burn again. “But to achieve victory, we must all sacrifice. After all, my father tasked me long ago to allure a great man, and to do so I was prepared to suffer any indignity. Yet it was all for naught. Those free of craving and passion… they may as well be dead. Existence is craving, thirst for happiness, pleasure, joy. That is why I love you, for you thirst so deeply for what the Saṃsāra has denied you. This man too. He also deeply thirsts, but also… he wishes to pour out his water of happiness, to quench the thirsts of those around him.” She grinned then, and it seemed almost… honest. “Were you the great man my father wished to turn from his path, perhaps we could have shared much joy together. For you are naught but craving and passion. But alas, such was not to be. Give me everything within you, and know that as I drink deep of you, so does Shiro. You shall live on inside her, inside me, forever!”

Water of happiness, huh? Maybe that…

“Once more, Flames of Thirst and Famine! Do not hate me for this, girl! In time, you will see the necessity of…” The fiery nova erupted into dozens of flaming tiger-heads, each maw open and roaring, trying to devour me. Shiro was screaming, Tan staggered, her words interrupted, and as the flaming death descended I made my move. Water boiled from me, the powerful spiritual water, suffused with the light of the moon, forming a softly-glowing dome. Buildings around us exploded, flames towering dozens of metres into the sky, and the roof around us ignited. Hot.

Even so, as the fires died down, the dome of water surrounding me still stood strong, though the volume was much reduced, and it was bubbling and steaming. Tan was lying on the ground, clutching at her heart, face pale, and as she wobbled, her eyes went dark again, meeting mine.

“Hey, Aki…” she managed, coughing up blood, her broken fingers dangling uselessly. “Sorry.”

“For what?” I asked, dismissing the dome, water scattering, sizzling as it fell on the burning roof around us, putting out the flames. “You made a mistake, sure, but…”

“I’m not sorry for Tan. Well, I am, but… No, I’m sorry. I can’t marry you.”

“Why?” I asked, kneeling beside her, taking her hand, trying to heal the fingers. “If it’s because…”

“No, silly. It’s because I’m going to die here. It’s the only way. I… see that now.” Tears were squeezed from her eyes as she looked at me, suddenly calm, though red flames were flickering fitfully within her gaze, Tan trying to reassert herself. “I’ve no idea how I’m managing to supress her, but… it won’t last long.” She coughed up more blood, and as my Eye blazed, I could see it clearly. Her fragile, pathetic chakra network, so withered and atrophied, was almost entirely disconnected from her chakras, and the brilliantly blazing, non-human form of Tan’s was overlaid on it, and should have been in control, yet somehow Shiro was burning her life to seize back authority, pulling on the numerous chains that were looped around her root, heart and crown chakras, nearly a dozen, glittering dully and yet twisting and tightening, causing more and more damage.

“Contracts are…” she coughed weakly, and I started stroking her hair, pouring in aether into her, trying to heal the damage, but it was escalating rapidly. “… important, right? Well, I learned… when I found out… you were the one I had to kill.” More coughing, an expression of pain crossing her beautiful features, yet she was deathly calm. “… if I have no intention of honouring the contract… then I… have to pay the compensation. And if I don’t… I die, right Aki? So even if Tan tries to stop me, and can … control me… she can’t control my will. So… I can die, just… by wishing for it.” More blood was splattering on me as she spoke. My aether was being sucked in, but it was like trying to fill a bucket full of holes, it was achieving little.

“No, don’t die! Please Shiro! Contracts are important, and we made one! We are going to get married!” I was crying, the tears feeling hotter than even the flames I endured. “You even sent a picture of the ring to Eri! There’s no backing out now…” I was silenced as through herculean effort Shiro stretched upright and kissed me, just a fleeting touch, but heartfelt.

“Well, I’m breaking multiple… contracts here, already. What’s… one more? Though… it does feel… pretty cruel.” She breathed, choking. “Shit, Aki. To think… I found love… in the end. I guess… I’m glad I got to get engaged before I died. But… you won’t ever be able to tell Hayato or the others… you bagged a princess. Unlucky, Aki… unlucky… in… deed…”

Her eyes started to slide closed, and I howled in rage. Aether flowed from me, and I desperately started working Chirurgery, trying to untangle or sever the chains, but they were made of shining adherence, and resisted my modest skills. Fuck, no, fuck no, no, NO! I am not letting it end like this… no!

An eye turned red, looking at me weakly. “It is no use, man. She is dying through her own repudiation of the contracts. An act of defiance, and one… I could never have expected. But perhaps I should have. After all, the deep thirst that drew me to her…” she shook her head weakly. “… she now thirsts for you to survive. Perhaps the contract was an error, but… I gained the power, and I thought I could prevent her blank, white heart from breaking, if I made it all… my own responsibility.” Tan looked at me, her own Astral body, linked to Shiro, starting to fragment. A few of my tears fell on her face and trickled down, steaming.

“Tan. If you really care about her like you say… listen to me!” I breathed, desperate. “Shiro, can you hear me? Stop! Neither Tan not I want you to die! That’s a bad ending, and I am not going to sacrifice you for this! Stop being a fucking martyr, Shiro, it doesn’t suit you! I want your selfish, high-handed, prideful yet always funny presence in my life!”

“Too… late now. I think… something broke, Aki…” Shiro muttered. “… starting to get… dizzy, everything… fading to… black. Shit. I’m going to be… only one in the group… die a virgin. Oh wait, no… there’s Yasu. I’m so…. relieved…” her smile was self-satisfied, smug, and somehow haunting.

No, no, no! “Tan, tell Shiro you’ll cancel your contract with her. Then you’ll make one with me. You made Shiro carry all the other contracts, right, so I have an idea. Shiro, Shiro listen to me! Don’t you dare die on me now! I’m just an Aki, remember? You know I won’t be able to take it.”

I reached out and put one of her hands upon her other, clasping her fingers around the engagement ring. “Feel this. It’s our promise, right? Don’t… don’t throw that away. Fuck, Tan, TAN! If you don’t get the fuck out here right now and do this I swear I’m going to find out which Pantheon you belong to, and one day raze it all to the fucking ground! You said it yourself, I could kill endlessly for those I love! Don’t test me!”

“So… noisy. So… passionate.” Tan licked her dry lips. “I hear you, fool. But this is surprisingly more painful… than I had anticipated. Perhaps… I entwined myself… more deeply than I planned. I wish… I could devour you. Your passions, rages, joys and sorrows. I wish… well, perhaps you could have… died in my sweet embrace. It would have been… divine.” She coughed, and her blood was fiery and golden, reeking of adherence.

Her eye slid shut, and for a moment my heart clenched, fearing they had died, before my Eye noticed one of the binding chains shattering, turning to mist.

“It is done.” Tan croaked, her eyes still shut, more fiery blood trickling out. “And she has stopped fighting the other… contracts. But… I fear it is… too late. Such… a waste. Father will… scold me, I am sure…”

“No, you did good. And I won’t forget that when it comes time to remember what your fate should be.” I said urgently. “Now, here’s what I need you to do next…”

Praying to every god, kami, mythical being and other deity I could think of, I poured power into my Eye, taking out a precious blue Etherite and shattering it, sucking in all the ether to restore my depleted stocks. Fuck, why is it my girls have to worry me so? I thought Shaeula caused me enough trouble, but compared to Shiro, that was nothing. I’m going to punish you when you wake up from this, I am, I am! Tears dripped from my face unnoticed onto the dying Shiro below as I desperately gathered my composure, Resilience starting to kick in…

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