On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Forty

Two Hundred And Forty

There was a brief panic when Eri and Aiko rushed in, Eri leaking a little disgusting black ooze, as I had told her to expect, but the volume was small compared to what I had exuded, so after taking Eri to the bath to clean her off (and have some fun, of course), the girls decided to take a nap for a couple of hours. With their stats that should be enough to refresh them, and then they could spend a few hours enjoying Tokyo with the money I had given them previously, before returning for the evening training session. As for me…

Yeah, perfect. I had dressed in one of the armoured cloth suits I had commissioned, and paired with the relevant accessories, such as an expensive watch, cufflinks and some gentleman’s jewellery, as well as a change to my usual hairstyle, I was looking pretty sharp, I felt. Today was going to be rather trying, but it was necessary. Not just for Haru-san, but for my ambitions as well. With Fujiwara-san and the Prime Minister in attendance, I anticipated some business being discussed, and I had a few ideas I wanted to get out there for consideration.

Leaving my room I headed down to the room Haru-san was occupying, and knocked gently. A few moments later the door opened, revealing her in her mourning dress and black veil. I could see her eyes through it, and they looked scared, yet filled with yearning. On seeing that my own worries were washed away. Yeah, this meeting is going to be tough, but for Haru-san it’s worse. I need to step up. As my vassal, she is owed my full support.

“Oh, Akio-san, good afternoon.” She said timidly. “I’ve… I’ve been waiting.”

“Yeah, sorry, last night ran long, but we’ll still be on time. Fukumoto-san is sending over a car for us, I guess that’s one perk of being engaged to his precious granddaughter. Besides, we are meeting at the Ministry of Finance in Kasumigaseki, we can’t turn up in a taxi.” I smiled gently. “So, how was it? Did you have fun?”

Haru-san nodded, eyes tearing up. “I did. It was a bit strange by myself, a bit scary, but I remembered that I was stronger than anyone else there now, and as a ghost I’m hard to hurt…” she laughed, a touch shrilly, but even so, it was progress. “The voices came and went, but when I really concentrated, I could shut them out. It’s tiring, but still progress, right?”

“Yes, it is. Good job.” I praised her, and she sniffed, trying to regain her poise.

“You’re my age, aren’t you, Akio-san? You don’t need to treat me like I’m a child. Still. Thanks for worrying, I guess. So I went and sat in a diner, I ordered a meal and a dessert. Eating again was such a joy it made me cry. What the people around must have thought of me…” she laughed again, this one more natural. “I went to karaoke then, by myself of course. It was lonely, but… I used to go with my friends all the time. I came so close to breaking down and messaging them. But they went to my funeral. What would I say? I can’t see them again…”

“Not yet, true.” I shrugged. “But there’s hope. Eventually knowledge of the powers we wield will come out, and then you’ll be able to step out of the shadows, back into the light. So just bear with it for now, okay.”

“I told you I’m not a younger girl like you seem to be into.” She shook her head, though her wan smile showed she was only teasing me. “Look… I know. My mind feels clearer now I have more of that Resilience, as you called it. Still, it was a shock to me. After karaoke I just wandered about, taking in Tokyo again, the lights, the people, the sounds. And then I knew I was back. I… I can’t thank you enough. I get so see daddy… err, my father again.”

“No need to change the way you speak for my sake.” I grinned, pleased that she seemed okay. “I get you love your father. Just speak as you always have.”

“Jerk.” She said, though again without any true annoyance. “Still, I am grateful.”

“Well, Kiku may have been evil, but we have her to thank too. I hope wherever she ended up, she can rest in peace.” I clapped my hands together in a brief prayer, and Haru-san nodded.

“You’re right. She was clearly insane, but in her own way she did care for the women Kondou… killed.” She swallowed, gathering her courage. “So, shall we go?”

“Yeah. It’s time.” I nodded, leading her out of the building, towards the expensive foreign car that was waiting for us…


“So, here we are.” I said, as we sat in the plush waiting room at the Ministry of Finance. Haru-san had attracted odd looks from security in her mourning dress, but we were allowed passage unquestioned as it had been arranged for us. “Are you ready? Don’t worry, I’m here, and I’ll protect you.”

“From what?” she said wryly, though my words did at least distract her from the rising tension and fear she was feeling. “Save those words for your fiancées. I… my daddy is here, he’ll… he’ll be overjoyed to see me. He will." She said that as if reassuring herself, and I understood. This is make-or-break for her. If her father shows any reluctance to believe she’s herself, it’ll crush her. Still, I don’t think that’s too likely from what I know of him.

“Sorry, force of habit. But am I not allowed to offer protection to my vassal?” I winked, and she looked away.

“Seriously. Stop that. You must be doing it on purpose. I’m sure your fiancées are going to have a hell of a time worrying about you every time you are out, imagining you bringing back yet another girl. I don’t envy them!”

“Hey, I’m not that bad!” I protested, but then I did have a habit of making flippant comments. It wasn’t as if I didn’t mean them, though. I did see Haru-san as someone to be protected. Still, I was saved from having to make further excuses by the door opening, and the secretary to the Prime Minister entered.

We both stood, and he spoke, bidding us enter.

“Well, here goes. Deep breaths, okay?” I said, and she nodded, face pale under her veil.

Once inside the spacious room, I could see a pair of chairs set in the centre. Around the edges were the Prime Minister, Fujiwara-san, Tsumura-san, surprisingly enough, Hinata’s grandfather was there too, which I didn’t expect, as well as two old men who I didn’t recognise. There was also Haru-san’s father, who was looking sick, ill and tired, his dark eyes looking our way with an incomprehensible expression. Lastly there was also an old man wearing a somewhat stylised suit, the cut and colour, grey and dark crimson, reminding me a little of shrine maiden garb. There were also a dozen members of Fujiwara security, as well as several other bodyguards I didn’t recognise, as well as a half-dozen soldiers, two of which I remember training with that time we were taken to the Ministry of Defence, and one gave me a reassuring nod, which I returned. Yeah, this is a big deal. More than I thought. Still, more important people means more chance of getting what I want.

The Secretary cleared his throat. “I shall do the introductions. Fujiwara Shige-sama, head of Fujiwara house.” The old man nodded at me, expression stern. No surprise. It’s only recently I vassalized his precious granddaughter out of the blue. “Then we have Ichijou Kira-sama, head of Ichijou house.”

“Well, to put a face to a name that’s been on many lips recently is worth the trip. So this is your ally then, Shige? Interesting. He does look strong. Though I suppose little Miyu-chan is in play now. Shocking. I’m glad my Mayumi is well out of this.” Ichijou-san said, his eyes piercing, like a bird of prey, his bald head still largely free of wrinkles, despite his advanced age.

Fujiwara-san snorted, a touch unhappy. “Well, I can’t say I expected this outcome, that my Miyu would hide such a secret from us, from me. But the outcome could have been far worse. A bad man could have done terrible things to her, and I would not have known. Still, it is a… complicated feeling.”

As Ichijou-san laughed at his friends’ discomfort, the next of the three old men who were likely the heads of the Three Great Houses, spoke up, after a bout of hacking, phlegm-filled coughs. Damn, he looks ill. His hair is lank and yellow, and his face is hollow. There’s blood in that too. My keen eyes spotted red on his handkerchief. “Now, we can discuss that later, can we not? Please continue.” He addressed the secretary, who was thankful, unwilling to interrupt the powerful men who ruled Japan from the shadows.

“Thank you, Takatsukasa-sama.” The Secretary said, relieved. “Takatsukasa Itsuki-sama, head of his house.” Hinata’s other grandfather, I see. Well, he seems to be casting glances at Fukumoto-san, so…

“Then we have The Prime Minister, I am sure you know him, Abe Riku-sama.”

“We meet again, under hopefully happier circumstances.” He said, casting his gaze at the uncomfortable Haru-san, who had instinctively moved her chair closer to mine, shrinking under their regard, her eyes darting towards and away from her father constantly.

I nodded. “Yes. I came to fulfil my promise. Amongst other matters.”

“Then, Tsumura Katsuro-sama, Minister of Defence and Head of the Armed Forces of Japan.” We exchanged respectful nods. After all, he’s my grandfather now.

“Fukumoto Kenji, head and founder of Nichibotsu Technology.” No -sama for him, I note, but again, he’s my grandfather now and worthy of my respect, even if politicians don’t. “Grandfather.” I said cheerfully, and he laughed.

“Well, doesn’t that warm the heart of this old man. You should try it, Itsuki-san.” He turned to the sickly noble. “After all, my Hinata is your granddaughter too.”

Before that discussion could get out of hand, the secretary continued. “Then we have Takakura Sasuke-sama.” As the man in the strangely coloured suit nodded at me, his eyes searching me out thoroughly, I pondered that. Takakura huh? A coincidence? No, I’m with the Detective on this one.

“And finally…” the secretary paused, before speaking. “Suzuki Akimitsu-sama. Minister of Finance.”

Haru-san jumped, even though she knew he was there, as she had been staring at him constantly. Hearing the name must have made it more real to her. I reached out a hand behind my back, and she gripped it, her skin cold even through her long black gloves.

“I… well…” he began to speak, but the secretary nodded to me, so I began our introductions.

“Well, I know a lot of you. After all, I’m engaged to several of your granddaughters.” I nodded politely at the relevant old men, getting smiles in return from Tsumura-san and Fukumoto-san, and a tired look and more coughing from Takatsukasa-san. “I am Oshiro Moonstone Akio, and I’m the Chosen of Tyr, He Who Sacrificed To Trap The Wolf.” I said grandly. There’s potentially a small risk of this information being made public, but I can’t see what right now, and it’s worth the grand title to make myself look more important. I need to radiate power and authority. I’m negotiating for matters that might decide the fate of me and my family, no point holding anything back. At my impressive introduction, where I concentrated on displaying all the Charm and Majesty I could, showing my League, everyone looked taken aback.

“Quite the grand title.” Takakura-san muttered. “Not Japanese though. Curious.”

Curious how? Anyway… “And this is… Suzuki Haru-san.” At her name, she released my reassuring hand and stood, blinking nervously, her eyes on her father. Her lips parted, and she spoke quietly into the sudden silence. “Daddy. I’m… I’m sorry I died…”

And with that she lifted her veil, showing her tear-streaked face. “Daddy… I’ve come home…”

Haru meeting her father

“Haru, it’s… it’s you!” he cried, his own eyes dripping. He stood, his chair falling from the haste, and rushed over to his daughter, grabbing her in his arms, pulling her close. “I’m… I’m sorry too. If I hadn’t pushed you to socialise, when you were ill… but it’s all right now. It’s surely all right.” He sobbed. “You’re alive! It’s a miracle!”

I knew she had nothing to worry about. It was obvious her father would only be overjoyed to have her back. Even so it warmed my heart to see it, and despite the puzzled and awed faces around us, everyone seemed to be thinking the same, and the Prime Minister even winked at me, giving me a respectful nod.

“Sorry, I’m not alive. I’m dead.” Haru-san said, and her father shook his head.

“What nonsense is that, Haru? You are here, my little girl! I… I kept your watch. You can… can have it back.”

“I’d like that.” She whispered, before steeling herself. “But you have to accept it, daddy. I’m dead. I’m an Onryo, a ghost. It’s only thanks to Akio-san and a miracle I can come back.”

“A ghost? But I can touch you, you feel warm… well, a little cold, but that makes sense. You’re sick and scared, no wonder you are cold!” He denied it, shaking his head furiously.

She shuddered, and suddenly he passed through her, before she became solid again and embraced him once more. At his shock, she smiled sadly, her face pale. “See? I chose to become Akio-san’s vassal, and he had the power to make this body for me. It’s a good one. I think… I think even though I’m dead, I can do anything I could before.”

At the term vassal he glared at me, but there was some light laughter from Ichijou-san, as Fujiwara-san was looking at bit sheepish. Before I could answer though, Haru-san surprised me.

“Daddy, don’t be rude! Without him, I’d be gone forever, or a slave even in death. It’s only natural I’d help him out for that. Besides, he’s helping me with… with my mental problems too. They aren’t psychosis, you must know that now. It’s telepathy. But… I’m getting better.”

“Yeah, you daughter is a Candidate too.” I said. “Still, the body she has now… it works like a human one. But she still retains her nature as an Onryo. But I think she could do anything a normal girl could. Maybe even start a family if she wanted.”

“A true miracle. When you healed my injuries I thought that was the most amazing thing, but this…” Fukumoto-san said, smiling happily. “It’s beyond expectations.”

“Well, again there were special circumstances, so it’s not easily replicable. So don’t go dying on us, grandfather. Hinata would cry.”

“She would, wouldn’t she? And considering how happy she is now, I don’t want that, not at all.” He was pleased at my words.

“Daddy… can you accept me, even though I’m dead?” she said, still worried about that, and he nodded, face still soaked with tears.

“I don’t care if you are dead, alive, a ghost or a demon. You’ve come back to me, my little girl, my Haru!”

“I think you two should catch up in another room.” The Prime Minister said. “I’m happy for you, Akimitsu-san. But we have business too.”

“It’ll be all right.” I told Haru-san, and with that the secretary led them to the next room, shutting the door, giving them some privacy for their reunion, before he took his position at a desk, ready to take minutes. Here we go then. Time for negotiations. I’m happy for Haru-san though. Power like this was granted for happy endings…

“Before we start…” Fukumoto-san spoke up, surprising everyone, as he was likely of the lowest status in the room. Though not with me. I gave him my attention, and he grinned, that smile that I knew meant he was ready to propose something interesting. He’s quite like Hinata in that regard. “Akio-kun, Itsuki-san is rather… unwell, as you can see.”

At that Takatsukasa-san glared at him, but Fukumoto-san ignored him. “He’s Hinata’s grandfather as well, even if they are rather… estranged. I don’t suppose you can do something about it? It’d go a long way to demonstrate your value. Though having seen my healing, and Suzuki-chan… well, consider it a favour to this old man.”

“Of course, grandfather. You’ve been good to me, and I want Hinata to smile. If you don’t mind of course, Takatsukasa-san?”

“Well, I don’t believe he would be foolish enough to do anything to harm us. we have a lot of security here, Itsuki.” Ichijou-san said. “Besides, I’d like to compare him to these Chosen we’ve gathered.”

Time to do this on my terms. “Oh please.” I said wryly. “You think I’m the man I was even a week ago? Do you even know about the lower Astral? I’ve been fighting whole civilisations of sentient spiritual beings there. And we won. If I wanted, everyone here would be dead before you could blink. But don’t think I’m making threats. Just an observation. After all, I have three grandfathers here, and the treasured family of my vassals. I just don’t want you underestimating me. Or possibly others like me.”

The guards and soldiers froze for a moment, reaching for their weapons, but my utter lack of tension despite my threats confused them, only for Takakura-san to speak.

“He is likely correct.” The old man said, rubbing at his grey beard idly, his eyes showing he was trying to assess me and my character, picking up on every nuance. “The most powerful of the Chosen of Kyoto, they are beyond conventional understanding.”

“That’s why we need to get control of matters.” The Prime Minister said, calming matters down. “Oshiro-san, enough with the threats. We’re not here to force you to do our bidding.”

“I know, but Hinata has told me I’m too easy-going. I just want to be clear. Now, I can certainly have a look, Takatsukasa-san, but I make no promises I can help. Though if I do…” my tone turned stern. “Hinata does seem so sad that she isn’t properly recognised as from the lineage of Takatsukasa, despite her mother being your daughter. You understand what I’m saying?”

“I do.” He coughed again, sourly. “Though it requires more than just my…” he cut off, more coughing scattering further dark blood into his handkerchief.

“Yeah, I get it. Preserving the nobility and the best of Japan is your goal. A worthy one, I suppose. But…” I said, going to his side. His bodyguard, a middle-aged man standing behind him, eyed me warily, but I knew he couldn’t do anything to me, so I ignored him. “…some change is inevitable. You need to decide what change you are prepared to accept, to save what you absolutely cannot give up on.” I started extending aether outwards, my Eye glowing, drawing gasps from those around us.

“I can’t give up on my family and those I love, and I intend to see them happy and safe through what’s to come. So be warned. If the day ever comes that you feel I’m a threat to you, come against me, and I might even show you mercy when I win. If you go against my family or friends instead, then you’ll not even know peace in death.” Well, it’s not like I can do anything to them when they are dead, but considering Haru-san has returned, they don’t know that. I’m done being pushed around.

“I’d listen to him.” Fukumoto-san said, and surprisingly, Tsumura-san agreed.

“My granddaughter talks about you all the time, Akio-kun.” He said, smiling. “I haven’t had chance to speak to her yet today, but last night she was entering this strange world, the Boundary, you call it, right? Everything she tells me makes you an honourable man, one that would not act recklessly, unless it is to protect those you love. I find it reassuring, what grandfather doesn’t want his granddaughter to be protected and cherished? My Motoko was stifled by the nobility, despite being the very image of a noble girl. She could not give up her dreams. Perhaps a little change is a good thing.”

I nodded, finding several problems in Takatsukasa-san’s body. Failing heart and lungs, looks like several cancerous growths, as well as some old damage. I think I can fix it. “Look, Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi. They are all lovely girls, and I guess Miyu is as well.” There were some frowns at my lack of honorifics, but I was close enough to them all for various reasons not to need them. “But I do think you keep them prisoned too much, they need to be able to stretch their wings. But that’s a talk for another time. This is going to hurt a fair bit, Takatsukasa-san, so bear with it.”

“Wait, what…” he began, only to double over, coughing blood ferociously. His bodyguard and several soldiers moved, only for wind to gush from me, driving them back.

“Calm down, this is a medical procedure, and even if I let you shoot me, it’d barely break the skin.”

“Yes, I remember this. Stay strong, Itsuki-san.” Fukumoto-san chuckled, thinking back to his own healing. “I thought I was having a heart attack, but look at me now.” He stood and danced a jig.

“Yeah. Now this is tough, so let me concentrate…” Right, first, cut free the cancerous cells and regenerate them. Repair the other damage, but make sure no tumours or anomalies remain. Toughen the heart, clean the arteries… finally the lungs. Remove dead matter and regenerate it. And… done.

Takatsukasa-san shivered, coughing out more blood and foul matter, before wiping his mouth, face pale. He took a long, shuddering breath, before his eyes went wide at the lack of pain and shortness of breath. “What, I…” he began, breathing rapidly, without the wheezing and torment.

“Told you so.” Fukumoto-san slapped him on the back. “Akio-kun is a wonder, and he loves his family. And you’re his family, through Hinata. So be grateful.”

“That healing… I know of two Chosen who can heal. But Tyr… that is a Norse god, correct?” Takakura-san said, pensive. “One of battle, I believe. Healing shouldn’t be your portfolio.”

Now that piques my interest. “Well, that’s why I believe I have value. Value I intend to get a fair price for. I’m not so bound by what I was given, and I can help others realise their talents.”

“This training school. Yes.” Takakura-san said. “I have some news you will soon hear about, no doubt.” Takakura-san eyed me, waiting for my reaction. “The date of the Kyoto Conclave has been set. Too many have been injured or died in Kyoto. These… sentient spiritual beings, you mentioned earlier. After all, I believe you have brought some to this world with you, like you did with Suzuki-san, have you not? Well as the Spiritual Centre of Japan, the Night Parade walks Kyoto during the dark hours. The infighting has to stop, the Diviner has spoken. Else Kyoto and the Country itself will fall.”

“The Night Parade, huh? Yeah, they caused me trouble too. A pair of bakeneko. Well, they died like the fools they were, anyway.” I felt a shivering annoyance, pushing it down. “I can see why the full Night Parade would be dangerous though. I won’t say those cats were easy to take down, but I’m still standing, right?”

“I see. A proud boast. Well, the three factions, with some mediating from myself, have agreed to hold the Conclave on the weekend of the 18th. I trust you and your backers will be there?”

“We will. And I can show solid results. Speaking of…” I turned back to Takatsukasa-san. “How are you feeling? Ether Healing can be rough, but I think I’ve fixed your lungs and heart, as well as purged a few cancers. Feel free to get a doctor to check you out though.”

“I… well, thank you.” Takatsukasa-san remembered his manners, and as Ichijou-san congratulated him, Fujiwara-san shot me a stern look. “My Miyu. She is in danger, is she not?”

“Everyone is.” I wanted to talk about several matters, before getting down to what I could get for my aid and knowledge. “But I’ve taken precautions. She is going to fortify the Territory around your mansion. I gave her enough resources to set up defences enough to deter casual attackers, and I intend to send her reinforcements on rotation until she can stand on her own.”

“I see. If she is hurt…”

“I know. We’ve been through this.” I shrugged. “I look after my own. Now, as to danger. Takakura-san, are you in any way related to the Takakura Antiques in Inuyama?”

“A strange question.” He said, but he agreed. “Yes, they are a long-separated branch family of the Takakura family, but due to circumstances, I had to recall them.”

“I see, I thought so. That store was strange. I found a Zashiki-Warashi there, as well as several unique spiritual items. But that’s not the point. Is any government agency aware of the significantly higher rates of missing persons, suicides, death and other crimes in Inuyama?”

“I’ve seen the reports.” The Prime Minister said. “It isn’t the only area of concern. We naturally assumed those like you were involved. Several have caused… issues, and have had to be dealt with carefully.”

“I’ll need to hear about that later.” I declared. “Well, it could still be related to a Chosen Candidate, but I have my own theory.” I explained about the monster of ooze and eyes, and they were horrified, especially Takakura-san, who had a more spiritual background.

“That sounds… very much like a family myth, handed down through the years. Takakura house has a long history, matching the Three Great Houses, but even we lost much in the war, only the main house and the branch family from Inuyama survived.” He frowned, thinking. “Still, we remain influential with the faith of Japan and even abroad, and have much knowledge. Long ago, supposedly as the kami were departing, one by one, the yokai retreated too, the days of the Night Parade moving through the streets of Kyoto or Edo long forgotten. Even now, they do not show themselves physically.” He shrugged, recalling our talk moments ago. “Yet some few managed to survive, drawing strength from other sources than the diminishing spiritual plane.”

“And this mass of darkness was one such?” I asked, and he agreed, expression serious.

“If you believe the history of Takakura house, our strongest shrine maidens and priests sealed it, at the cost of many lives. It was once a kami, a god, yet in its efforts to stay in a spiritually bereft world, it became monstrous, living off pain and what spiritual energy it could suck from living beings and spiritual implements.”

I see. So that’s why so many treasures and Azuki were there. And now… “I see. Well, I can’t be certain, but I think it’s got out, and is preying on those who can touch the Boundary, be they Candidates or people with natural gifts. It’s probably been strengthened by the stronger Boundary and greater touch of the lower Astral.”

“The Antiques shop was built on the site of an old shrine, which was destroyed long ago by fire.” Takakura-san muttered. “It was related to our branch family, but…”

“So many problems.” The Prime Minister muttered. “My predecessors were fortunate all they had to deal with were lost decades and deflation. I’d say Chinese aggression too, but I have that in spades…” with that he sighed. “So, what can we do? We should seek aid from Kyoto. Could you moderate that, Takakura-san?”

“Well, why not let me handle it?” I said, making my pitch. I planned to do it anyway. Might as well get paid for it as well. “I’ll prove I can get a job done, and in exchange… well, firstly, I think you have something for me, from the US Government right?”

“We do, but… firstly?” the Prime Minister asked, the Three Grandfathers also waiting to hear what I wanted.

“Yes, firstly. Secondly… there’s some things I want. Most of them will be good for you all as well, so shouldn’t be a problem, I hope. Others… well, we here know the world has changed, and we have a Candidate, nobility, the military, faith, big business and political power. Surely between us all, we can agree a roadmap to prepare for the inevitable, when the world finds out about the changed paradigm?"

I need to get in on shaping these rules, as they have to work for me and those that depend on me. And if we get the laws ready before shit hits the fan, then we can avoid anarchy and chaos. Well, hopefully…

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